For old times sake, WHERE DID THEY CRASH Yea Forums?
Symphogear XV
Other urls found in this thread:
>crashfag and bluescreenfag are the same person
well color me surprised
Why can't you guys just have some fun instead of complaining?
same IP and cringe bluescreen nigger
>Not the first post from this IP
Because you're a fag, OP, that's why.
shit taste
>school shooting
Why can't you not be a colossal faggot?
Symphogear is censored in Korea.
Adam too spicy for the gooks
Thanks, Chris.
cabbage cut in half
What about China
Shirabe's pretty cute, and can occasionally look handsome, but all of her solo songs, except Draft folder, have been pretty forgettable. However her XV songs are BOTH fucking great
>Buttagiri is so dorky with cabbage/garbage and doing homework. They also have impeccable timing in the anime whenever she says, "Ready go."
>Kimi ga Nakanai Sekai ni shows that she's cognizant of Kirika's issues. This is also the only Jii song that made me tear up.
They animate their own bootleg version of Symphogear in their Chinese anime sweatshops.
It's pretty much the same, but Hibiki and Miku are cousins.
everything is censored in korea
except maybe the 3DPD pop girls, old politicians like those
>Chinese singing
I'm usually more open-minded to this kind of thing than most of Yea Forums, but this idea horrifies even me. Chinese spoken aloud sounds horrible, I'd hate to hear it sung aloud.
Any suggestions (placements, names, etc)?
Who is the luckier one for having the other as a gf?
>He doesn't listen XIAO MEI MEI religiously every day
>Noble Red were revived
They had their chance to kill them off. I'm disappointed in them.
Definitely Kirika. Shirabe would be alright if she didn't have Kirika, but the opposite is not true.
Kirika's depressed and suicidal. It's a good thing she has a supportive waifu.
>you will never have a waifu that doesn't mind you being low IQ
They are both doomed
Elfnein's stinky pussy
what kind of friendship with Hibiki does she have in mind?
I'd rather get ear cancer than listening to Chinese singing.
Do not fist android girls
Always knew Vanessa had a couple of screws loose.
I don't know what to say about your IQ if you watched 60 episodes of Symphogear and was impressed they came back.
Shirabe makes Kirika do all kind of kinky stuffs
>Miku Hipoteticamente
>Tachibana Sonar
>Las Chicas de ZABABA
>Kanade Carbón
>Padre Superior
Great names
They did kill them, Shem-Ha just revived them as golems.
I was neither impressed nor surprised, just disappointed.
This was kinda obvious last week since it would be a bit of an anti-climax to kill them off so suddenly, but I would've liked it.
I like how with all these updates Carol "7 billion superb songs" Malus Dienheim is still a tier below individual symphogears
Didn't you hear anything from the lyrics of the show?
Didn't Hibiki and Genjurou sing in Cantonese in G?
Nips singing Chink shit is different
I would make anime-chan's life like a hentai character's.
I would break Nobleza Roja (Completo) in their individual forms if they all have transformations.
It's also the Police Story theme, can't go wrong with that.
Can somebody explain some of these names to me?
>Tachibana Sonar
Is the joke here just Sonar=Sound=Hibiki?
>Carol Navidad
ik about "Feliz Navidad" but I'm missing the pun here.
>Nieve Chris
Nieve=Snow=Yukine. Did I get this right?
Also shouldn't loli Daur Da Bla Carol be less powerful than cake Carol?
The powerlevels are completely bonkers on that chart, but who cares?
Come on now. Draft Folder is by and far the best one, but that doesn't make the others forgettable. I don't normally like her genre at all but Shirabe's songs are gr8.
Maybe I'm biased because I'm a total Dessgenerate.
Yesyes memes and all that but X-drive below Amalgam or Fudo is bullshit.
>Jackie Chan song by Symphogear voice actors
Can't believe this happened
Symphogear is special
>ik about "Feliz Navidad" but I'm missing the pun here.
Christmas Carol was a nickname for Carol's Faust Robe form because of the multicolored lights.
I do
No, it's because she turned into a christmas cake you fucking retard
make one with this now
You can't stop me from memeing my version into truth.
Too bad Jackie Chan is a piece of shit sockpuppet for the chink government.
I can't believe they stopped referencing Jackie Chan movies after G. It's not as if there's not enough material to reference. Or maybe I'm just a pleb and missed the references that were there.
>no spinzaku edit
One fucking job
>I'm a total Dessgenerate
We know, Kirika.
Post the transparent
Check archives
So mythologically, Yggdrasil is guarded by three women, and Odin hangs himself upside-down while impaling himself with Gungnir for nine days to learn the runes, from which discovers eighteen secret magical songs.
Just saying.
>not making it with Chris adjusting her aim
If you're going to do the job at least to it right.
I want to lick Hibiki's pussy. I bet it reeks of piss. After licking it clean, I want to stick my tongue inside and remove all the vag cheese. Then, lots of butt stuffs.
gimp is free user
I will post this every thread until they dock.
Not gonna lie, I'm a little sad that Kirika didn't get her own episode after all this seasons
Part of the charm of Symphogear is its crazy pacing, but sometimes the writers should slow down a little the plot and give some spotlight to the DMJii
I know, but i really really suck at it.Thanks for the edit.
What happens after the series ends?
Does it work for mobile?
Don't worry, after Symphogear ends we'll get a wacky DMJii spy mission spin-off series.
Joke's on you. That only turns me on.
Can't beat this sakuga
fukken kek
Where is nobleza roja but not mostruo completo?
I like all her songs a lot but Draft Folder is the sweetest thing on the planet.
Look at the end of D, user.
That's unfair on Vanessa, oil is oil.
Edgy mode should be "modo negro"
No one cares about Kirika.
Fuck you, Kirika is best girl
I do, fag.
Kirika > Tsubasa
An uggo like Kirika for scoring out of her league
Kirika's breasts > Tsubasa's breasts
That isn't fair men don't have breasts
Kirika's breasts > Tsubasa
Tsubasa's virgin pussy > Kirika's used pussy
Kirika is a bimbo
That's a good thing.
Kirika is best girl
Imagine liking Tsubasa after S1.
Tsubasa x Shirabe
Blondes being bimbos is a jewish meme
Imagine not
Reminder that Tsubasa,Maria, and all other idols are dirty whores for the producers
>these are your piccies for next week
t. blonde bimbo
>Shirabe can have this whenever she wants
Imagine liking Shitbasa at all
I would honestly laugh if every piccie was just her
Except the one of them that shakes
It's not fair
Did she fuck Shirabe?
Will we see another combo from them this season?
Onsen episode where all the girls spoil Tsubasa silly when?
>all the girls acting like her maids, massages whenever she asks for it, they bring her all the food and drinks she wants, wash her back and everything
>At the end of the day everyone cuddles her in a pile and don't let her escape
I just want someone who's not a ghost to hug her already
I'm okay with that.
That's not Kirika...
All this Gold shit is pretty ugly.
I still think the autoscorers should be above berserk Bikki. Also, Tsubasa in her Amalgam should be Espada (Alas) Dorado
Calm down Miku
>consider the following
Would you forgive Millarc if she crying, begging, and is in a dogeza?
Literally open into new layer, resize to fit, and that's it.
Only if she puts Tsubasa out of her misery first
>she probably can do more pushups than me
Forgive her for what? She did nothing wrong.
DMJii only lick and scissor, the insides are pristine.
I'd be on my guard since she would probably try to jump me at any second
forgive her for what? they seem fine to me
If she is a complete vampire now, does her bite turn humans into vampires (and thus monsters) now? Is this their plan?
They use giant dildos
When you overthink it it stops being funny. Run another meme into the ground why don't you.
>The bullying doesn't stop
>Oh my...
>So you're the type that looks slimmer in clothes, huh.
>That's right!!
>Numerically, Tsubasa-san has plenty!!
>The animators are removing her breasts!!
Are there any translated dork-ha comics that needs typesetting?
There may be soon if you post some untranslated ones.
>Let my guard down
>They killed her (bro)dad, the mind flay was removed, she fought her grandfather. It can't get worse from here, it should be the healing upswing now
>Hah hah. nope. she feels worse than ever and nearly ran off alone on a suicide rush.
Metanoia hurts
Alright then I'll post a couple I have
Her slavic lioness girlfriend will protect her ass.
The fuck? Is this a Shem-Ha'd Hibiki?
Only Miku and Bikki do that.
We said that last time
Maria needs to tie her down in her bedroom and love her so hard until she realizes she isn't allowed to kill herself.
I hope Tsubasa will be alone and far away from the others on the Moon, she might take the opportunity to heal herself and take a long, long sleep.
Thread fucking sucks. When is Saturday coming?
And then Miku was the final boss.
Heard it's next week.
No way, Ogawa just brought them hotel catering
>A heartbeat, the sound of life...
>Aah... I don't want to let go of her.
>Miku is mine...
But she saved Tsubasa.
>Damn it! Why!?
>There's no way I wouldn't be able to do something a lowly alchemist can!
That is not okay.
My fucking heart can't handle this.
She needs to do it again!
Her hair looks greasy. When was the last time she took a shower?
She and her stupid tomatoes made it worse.
Worse... or better?
They're the lyrics to ALL LOVES BLAZING.
I'll use YamatoTomato's translation even though I'm not too happy with it, and obviously it doesn't map one-to-one to the text in the bubbles.
>When you've... overcome
>so much...
>You.. should...
5,000 years ago
>Shem-Ha's next transformation is going to skip directly to the ignite version
>the last Iguchi song will be wubwub
According to another user, it's a reference to an 18+ game show where they sing while getting jerked off.
>It's the "JOUZAI SENJOU" girl!!
>Hey!! You!!
>*blow blow...*
>Oh, Tsubasa-san.
>ha ha ha
>Wanna drink?
>This time it has to be DECLUTTERING!!
Maria is boring, she ruined the whole show!
Am I the only one that liked Melodious Moonlight
You're wrong, my dude. She's the only one who generates any tension during battles because we know she's vulnerable unlike invincibles deities like Hibiki or Chris.
Dat miko outfit tho
live by the sword, die by the sword
>S Rank
Prelati, Carol, Miku/Shem-Ha
>A Rank
Millaarc, Garie, Mika, Cagliostro, Elza, Fudo
>B Rank
Saint Germain, Fine, Leiur, Phara, Vanessa, Adam
>C Rank
Add Ogawa to A+ tier and we're good.
>Hey, Shem-Ha.
>You're heavy, and also could you let go of my hands? Why are you always gripping them?
>Don't wanna de aru
>I shan't move even if I die, and since I've shunk I can't be that heavy!
>Fudou over Adam
>Prelati that high
>Germain that low
You are wing!
When was Ogawa a villain
>Prelati above Cag
But what the hell does not pikorin mean?
>Maria gets bopped and takes a seat while someone else steps in
Im on the edge of my seat.
Oh huh, seems I can't read. Disregard me dess.
You should. The moments where Maria shines are showstoppers for a reason.
I really like METANOIA.
I prefer AINOTAME myself
I like all Shirabe A-sides. Melodious Moonlight is very cool and cute.
(bottom right corner, almost missed it)
>I'll kill you...
>Hey don't fuck with me you vessel.
>Isn't that too different from your attitude towards me?
>That's blasphemy!
I really like MARIA.
How is the 5th season being received? Is it time for me to watch the 4th?
Don't lose, Maria! Shine brightly, Maria!
>How is the 5th season being received?
Trainwreck all but confirmed.
>Leiur that low
literally best doll, you cocksmoker
What's the best part about muh familia?
Millaarc's sinful body.
The irony.
>B tier
imagine being this wrong
Watching them getting injured. I hope someone puts Elsa inside a tied up bag and throws her into a river.
It's a lot like G in my opinion, which is a good thing.
Better than the past two seasons
>That startled me...
>Are you two alright?
>This one time being monsters saved us ze.
>I really thought we would die de arimasu...
>Wait, you can't survive.
Fudo still being alive leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Noble Red -> Noble Dead -> Noble Redemption
XV is very good apart from the last episode
Pergaps, but lool at that plate! That sure looks like a nutritious and balanced meal! Eating healthy with Maria!
The most recent fight just felt so absolutely token. I know we're an action show and need some conflict and to get DMJii Amalgam'd but I was much more engaged in Tsubasa's fall out and whatever the hell Shemp was doing
>So you don't want to hurt this body?
>No, wait, why is she raising the "She won't hit me because I have Kohinata Miku's face, so if I didn't have that face she'd hit me" flag?
What is your favorite OST?
needs to have the sideways movement, not up and down.
I learned something, but I am only more confused now.
Only if i get to shove a katana through her back when she gets up; and turns away.
It has grown on me, I'd rank it 2nd best to Synchrogazer at this point.
They're actually good villains because you hate them and want the main cast to beat them.
>I wanna eat a hamburger...
>Oh no no no...
>Next time I'll kill you!
The triangle has Hi, Mi and Sh.
I don't see the problem here.
That is indeed correct.
>They're actually good villains because you hate them and want the main cast to beat them
Close. I just want them to stop getting screen time. I don't care how or who.
Exterminate was better.
>supposed to be weaker than the geahs
>Hibiki 1v3 stomps them with Amalgram
>they somehow "win" even when they're losing the entire time
>captured Elf9 and Miku
>activated Chatteu
>summoned Shem-Ha
>died and resurrected bigger and stronger
I unironically like Noble Plot Armor. I hope they get a ton of doujins.
I don't wholly get the impression that was intentional is the thing.
The dog who goes AWOOO
*pikorin* is the sound of sent mail on a phone.
Elsa's character development
Fucking Japanese and their nonsensical onomatopoeia. Thanks.
Your right that deluded fool was clearly Ver tier. Only he actually managed to do something useful.
How the fuck is Draft Folder so good? I don't usually listen to B-sides but it's so dorky and sweet. I also like how it's the most techno of Shirabe's songs.
Too many good tracks too choose so I just picked the first three that came to my mind.
I love also the part at 0:55, reminds me of when Hibiki gets fucking angry at the Noise for the first time in S1
he's in the retirement home now, that's basically the same as death for old people
What's next?
Bark at the moon.
Chris is the only Gear character who ever made me cry, though the second time it was because I was so happy for her.
Noble Redemption
you know it's coming
Basically, they're faggots.
Last episode was filler.
Noble Heroes
They will help the gears voluntarily
Prelati is a tranny and has a stinky pussy
I don't care if they don't stablish their reasons.
Noble reddead redemption.
Don't use words when you don't know what they mean.
Do you seriously think the only important bit of the episode was the rocket?
It really did feel like filler but there was also important stuff we should have been seeing.
>Hey should we show Yatsuhiro's funeral and maybe expand on Tsubasa's guilt.
>Nah the babies need to show their Amalgam form
It was the part that ate up the most time
Noble Redress
Noble Dead Again
Noble Shit
Reminder that Hibiki is getting tired of Miku's ass and get tempted by brown cyborg's ass now
Noway. She loves it when it's stinky
Thank you Chris.
Just change some placements. Nobleza Roja [Monstruo Completo] should be SSS tier, Manejo Valquiria should be SSSSS tier. Genjuro [ver.Training Day] should be SSS tier.
Clearly they should give Chris a brake and invite Vanessa instead.
It was part of what consumed time, but, it also had other effects. Just during the battle:
>Vanessa mentioned Shem-Ha will turn everyone into monsters
>Establishes the mental state of post rebirth Jobber Red, with Vanessa now being more bonkers than Millaarc while Elsa has wavering feelings (she was crying while she was still beating DMJii in the battle.)
>DMJii performing some befriending-fuu on the dog (we don't know if this will influence the dog's actions yet)
>Tsubasa being suicidal-reckless again
Not counting plots out of the battle scene (Yggdrasil, Shem-Ha characterization and objectives)
So it will be next episode and if these things have an effect on the story that will set up the importance of this episode.
Genjuro is a tier below Fudo
When he had defenseless Shirabe in his hands and running over water, there was a slight chance he could have ran away to the mountains to live with his newly acquired little girl.
s2ca tribursto
Post cute geah feet
>I'm going to read a book~
>It's hot so I tied my hair.
>Hey youuu
>Let's watch this DVD!
There's a part two where she bites her, isn't there?
Since became Shem-ha, Miku's ass is clean and comfortable suited for gentle caressing. Not Hibiki's taste
Chris is looking a bit different today.
Genjuro is stronger, he was defeated because he wavered just before he hits his oyaji
>What do you want for dinner?
>I'll kill her...
>I've got you!
You are missing on a nice boss battle on the Moon
Funny how the Cures are getting teleported to the Moon instead of using their space rocket, just like in Symphogear this week
Big Tiddy > Flatties
Cag has a cuter voice too.
I want Shem salvation she doesn't seem like that bad a girl
>Cag has a cuter voice too.
Basically you're a faggot and you need to explode.
>It hurts... DE ARU!??!
>Next time I'll kill you.
>It hurts...
>I'm bleeding!
>Well me too!
Would you eat Hibiki's ass? After a big fight, no shower
That's one ugly precure.
Genjuro is just as strong, Fudo stated himself that he would have won if he actually had tried to kill him.
I'd rather Maria's.
Wow rude
Well that's just going to be sweaty, so sure.
Weird, I remember them, aside kirika, wearing regular socks.
It could have been executed much better.
Fuck you, Cure Star is great
Tsubasa has swapped between toeless and stockings depending on the season
>eating ass
>no shower
>when they had a fight they probably almost shat themselves
That was just Maria using teeth.
On her toes?
>Not stirrups
They're shit.
>when they had a fight they probably almost shat themselves
Not everyone is so incontinent.
hibiki hibiki hibiki Hibiki Hibiki Hibiki HIBIKIHIBIKIHIBIKI HIBIKIIIIII
Nevermind then.
plot twist Noble masterminds they were using fudo, shem ha and the symphogear for their own benefits while also pretending to be weak and incompetent
>caring about Noble Undead
>setup for muh redemption
Sword niblets
Getting beaten up doesn't help
>just pretendign to be retarded!!
You know she pooped a little
With all the Tsubasa bullying this season, I'm surprised she didn't stab any of her friends because of the mind-control
You can tell Noble Red is still a bunch of jobbers because they couldn't even kill the designated good jobber with a 3v1 sneak attack.
t. Seething Hong Kong nigger.
If you deserve redemption, you don't need it.
They just wanted to bully Maria without killing her
Her weakness is her strength, the harder she jobs and the more she should've died, the less damage she takes.
The truth is that Maria has Nana's protection blessing because she doesn't want her mom to die
>combined sneak attack at full power barley fazed Maria
Noble Red are pathetic.
I like how Shem was kind enough to include none combat functionality into Vanessa, its nice to think that she'll be able to live a quite life in Pax Custioda
Then who is Nana's little sister?
Dropped it four minutes into the episode when Noble Red came back to life. I'll pick it back up in twenty minutes, but still. Casually killing off the
villains like nothing was the coolest thing this series has done since G. So of course they had to immediately run it back.
Don't you have a bunch of edgy magical girl series to like? Symphogear was always violent but never edgy, if you want to see girls dying left and right just pick up one of those rejected series nobody liked enough for a S2.
>the absolute state of edgefags
>shit tier villains getting exactly what they deserve is edgy
>70k civilians getting massacred for the lulz is not
>Symphogear was always violent but never edgy
Someone skipped S1.
>gooks can't handle Adam's man meat
Honestly, he skyrocketed to the top of my villain tier list just by constantly showing the girls his dong. What a chad.
>final season villain trio is a bunch of jobbers who in universe admit to being jobbers
What went wrong?
>Miku is wea-
They aren't actual characters, so how is this relevant? Edginess has nothing to do with literal body count.
He doesn't have a dong
S1 has been in my backlog since it aired should I move it to the front of the list?
No we dont need more people in the threads.
Most 'edgy shit' happens to literal non-character, a character having a name and a backstory is not a requirement for edgy shit.
I actually wanted them to become human through the use of divine power. I wanted them to see the error of their ways. I wanted them to find out the hard way, by regaining the bodies they had once lost, they had become true monsters in the process. Despite the fact they had regained their human bodies once again, they are rejected and hated for the atrocities they committed. Not because of their monstrous appearance, but because of their lack of humanity.
Is this the epitome of a GX fag?
>it's only edgy if I like the character that gets butchered
Okay, retard.
I want to give miku an enema and make Bikki drink the outcome.
>Yea Forums is black
>watch episode
>three stooges are back from hell
>robot cunt is now a walking swiss army knife
>attacks Hibiki with measuring tape
>Hibiki embarrassed
This show is something else I love it
>What went wrong?
Alchemists were objectively the worst thing to happen to this series.
Remember these bad boys?
That's how the term is actually used, yeah, sorry. Feel free to argue that's dumb all you want, though.
Have fun.
You can be edgy towards edgy characters, you know? Again, its something those shows specialize in, create absolute edgelords and have IRL edgelords cheer when they die.
Swiss army knife, measuring tape, and dog robot was cool. The extra bat wings look dumb and tacky though.
Dumb question, can I do this with regular paper or do I need special card board paper?
What is the yu-gi-oh season which shares staff with this again?
Tsubasa is so ugly, no matter the format
I remember there was a Japanese name to describe these things. Anyone remembers?
Maria looks better this way
Neonatal paper is too flimsy
Normal card will do.
Will I like Symphogear if I'm not a yurinigger?
>That's how the term is actually used
No, it isn't. Most of the 'edgy shit' in Berserk happens to randoms, most of whom will only have a 'name' in the sense of
>One panel before edgy shit
>Oh boy Claire, I hope you don't get raped, dismembered and eaten in the next five seconds
>Proceed to Wyald Ride
Or most of Akame ga Kill, etc..
Having a name is not a requirement for something being edgy, sorry you're retarded and never figured out what the word means.
What happened to her skull?
Former yurinigger here (lost interest), yes you might
If you really despise yuri stay away.
Will Saint germain be relevant again?
You may like it if you're a footchad and smellchad
If you like dumb action you should enjoy it.
Would you say that Hitchhikers guide is edgy? After all, 7 fucking billion people die right off the bat. No? Why not? Is it because perhaps the story established no emotional connection to them?
I'm not a yurinigger an dI like Symphogear. But I open Yea Forums and shitpost during Hibiki/Miku scenes because their interactions are boring and repetitive and they repeat the same character drama every season.
Yes. I don't give a rat ass about who scissors with who but I love the characters and the ridiculous action. Plus the songs are dope.
Fuck off tripfag.
It's not because they don't have names idiot, it's because of the context of how it's presented. It's done off-handedly in Hitchhikers to try and showcase the Earth as completely irrelevant. Arthur is bothered by it a bit but the other characters gloss over it and hurry it along because they don't care. If the entire first half of hitchhicker's was graphic descriptions of children being atomized and burning to death and being raped or eaten, etc... then it would be edgy. The framing and content is what makes something edgy, not that 'a bad thing happened to a character with a name'
Is she okay?
Millaarc's act was edgy though, it was on screen, and especially the killing of the fan was extra edgy.
That said wanting NR to be tortured or being outraged the show isn't doing uncharacteristic things to them is also edgy.
Pepakura (papercraft).
This season is honestly almost as bad as GX. Nothing that actually matters happens, most of the screentime is wasted on pointless formulaic powerups and action that leads nowhere, and absolute retardation of every character. I don't know why I had hope after AXZ but it was clearly misplaced.
she turned into a Code Geass character
And how many of those 7 billion were shown being brutally ripped apart while a whore laughs about it?
Thanks based, user.
You are literally the only one who brought this name shit. You can contextualize it all you want, the emotional connection is what matters most, if you graphically showcase someone dying people will still empathize because we can all empathize with suffering, even if you don't know their 'name and backstory'. You can frame it as nicely as you want, and have as many other characters brush it off, but if the audience had an emotional connection to them they'll still be upset, no matter how you frame it.
Hitchhikers is meant to be a comedy. Symphogear is not, or at least not intentionally.
>Symphogear was always violent but never edgy
>The first scene of S1 is Miku getting on a bus with injured people to go cry over Hibiki's grave
>Immediately followed by a concert that ends with several people being vaporized on screen including someone who had been given as much exposure as a main character in the promo art
>More people get vaporized later in the episode
>Hibiki's first transformation is a grotesque display of tech being shoved into her body as she howls in pain and thorny tendrils surge through her changing her cells
That's just the first episode
S1 was edgy as fuck
Describe Maria's breath.
Like sword pussy.
Don't worry user. All of these faggots complaining about the show being edgy are bandwagoners who hopped on during GX.
And its literally just the first episode.
where the fuck is the non bluescreen gaijin 4koma?
Smells like Nippon steel, folded 10000 times.
People are complaining the show isn't edgy though. Most of the whining is that NR wasn't butchered.
Symphogay is the edgiest, cheasiest, asspull garbage.
What about Chris and Hibiki's?
And it's a masterpiece.
Which is literally the opposite of what you claimed. You said 70k deaths is meaningless and not edgy and that a loli getting donutted is fine because they were 'literal non-characters' your words, not mine. Since the only thing to distinguish a character as a character as a name your position is defacto that the only thing of relevance about what happens to a character is that they have a name and literally anything that happens to anybody on-screen is only edgy if that character had a name. Now you're trying to walk that back because you're wrong and a total putz with a stupid definition of what edgy is.
You argued that a character being cut in half, on-screen isn't edgy because they're irrelevant. You argued that it can only be edgy if it happens to a character you personally like. Your definition is fucking retarded but I'm glad you seemed to have actually bothered to a google a new workable one.
Try that first next time and save us all the trouble of your retardation.
This hurts less than Tsubasa getting her life absolutely fucked in XV, starting with the 70k
Its basically the ultimate form of fast food anime.
I literally have no idea what you're arguing against at this point, since you keep harping on this 'name' point that you invented.
My saliva.
Rotten eggs because Topdad is too cheap to buy her a toothbrush.
Agreed. There wasn't any good reason to bring them back.
People don't spend every waking hour of every week of every other summer discussing fast food.
Thank you for overstretching the metaphor.
This post is actual autism.
Any time bro.
Maria seems more relevant than Hibiki with the whole being part Custodian and what Airgetlam really is stuff. Imagine if Shem-Ha was Serena instead of Miku.
It's sad that waifufags and edgefags will never truly enjoy what Symphogear offers.
I hope this at least allows her to accompany Hibiki in the "let's save the world" montage.
That your definition of edgy is that you need everything explained to you about a character for it to be edgy. You said the concert scene was not edgy, because the 'people' involved aren't characters therefore no matter how brutally they are killed on-screen it isn't edgy.
You specifically said this screenshot isn't edgy, and in addition the entire concert scene as a whole.
You followed with that only 'characters you like' can have edgy things done to them
And since you don't consider any background characters, no matter how brutally killed on-screen as character, this means you only consider characters with names and backstories as characters, and anyone else could get raped to death on screen and you wouldn't give a fuck and consider it 'not edgy'
Then after enough of this stupidity you finally googled a workable definition which you present here
And we're back to 'Symphogear has edgy things in it and always has and the concert scene was edgy'
Have you never been to /ck/?
This post is unamerican
You know it won't
The waifufags and edgefags are just two sides of the same coin. Every one of us enjoys this series for a different reason. One isn't any more valid than the other.
If Serena was still alive and on the gear's side, then they would have had far, far less problems. If Serena was on the custodians' side, then the gears would be long dead and we'd get cute Custodian SoL for the rest of the season instead.
>One isn't any more valid than the other.
How wet was she during this very moment?
This is why I don't like Symphogear threads anymore.
They went to shit during GX
Just like the show itself :^^^^^^^^)
I discuss fast food on every season, not only summer.
How wet is a Polyfilm Scissor Love Dream?
Maria will put a Custodian baby inside Tsubasa!
She's gonna fuck Shirabe on the moon, that's how wet.
>muffled "DO THAT ON EARTH" on the background
>one relatively bad episode without much to discuss or theorize
>people are stressed because Saturday and the new EP are too far away
>everything is tumbling down, tumbling down, tumbling down
just wait for piccies day or Saturday bro
Wow I wish we could go to outer space!
Also Chris was a sex slave before being rescued and becoming a minion to a sadistic lesbian goddess who punished her failures with whips and bondage.
So yeah S1 had alot of edge.
There isn't much to discuss. Come back on Friday or Saturday when we have something to actually discuss.
Having to wait 1 week after a bad episode is really frustrating because you don't know if it's going to be the show standard from now on or if it's just a misstep, especially with Symphogear
>one relatively bad episode
This is why people who joined after season 1 should be banned.
This mound of sediment was created by a tsunami at least 600 ft in height. About that amount of wetness.
The episode was bad user. Don't try to deny it.
But in space, no one can hear you gay it up
Sub-70 IQ detected.
>ITT: People who skipped the first 4 seasons of Symphogear
Because Hibiki is not relevant. She was supposed to die in S1, but they retconned that and so she just hangs around without much purpose or connection to the events going on. She is still at her core a civilian who stumbled into the gear life. Which is why her drama involves mundane shit like moping about Miku and her deadbeat dad. She still beats the final boss every season because she is technically still the main character and that's what main characters do, but you could remove her from the plot and very little would actually change.
They just scolded her. They didn't rape her.
Well, at the very least we can expect some moon shenanigans in the next episode.
It's literally a bunch of faggots from discord, just ignore them
I would have dropped Symphogear long ago without Hibiki, like a care about garbage characters like Tsubasa or Maria.
Still waiting for proof that any gear other than Kanade was ever meant to actually die in season 1.
What a nice bunch of South American mercenaries.
>gets resurrected and receives divine power from a literal god
>still loses to DMJii
I dont see how you could make it through MUH DAD while calling other characters bad
Enlighten us user. Explain to us why this episode wasn't one of the worst of the season. I'm waiting for your reply.
You can't beat the power of raw lesbianism.
I don't like idolshit or /u/ but I love Symphogear,
Still better than Jobma and Edgebasa
>what if we took an anime about singing, and then made the worst singer the MC?
Imagine having this much shit taste
Aoi Yuuki shit on all the singers of this show though
Yeah they were very nice pimps to her.
>should've known about Amalgam for a while
It's even funnier since she also pulled out a new form.
Nana Mizuki fans are unbearable.
daily reminder SCP discordfags spammed this shitty forced meme across the entire site
autisticreconcommander their fag leader born in 2000
Duke nukem the avatarfag
scp discordfag jack
twitter com/merapsco
She got hard countered with a bear trap, it was just a bad match up. Any other pair of geahs would have lost to extreme speed/quick attack/agility/dig Elsa and DMJii wouldn't be able to defeat either of the other monsters.
Can't wait to see everyone sucking the show's dick AGAIN after a sakuga episode full of plotwists
How did commie translate Polyfilm Scissor Love Dreams?
Looks like Operation 'Make Symphogear Threads Not Fun' is underway
Good job faggots
Forgot to mention she literally came back from the dead.
The literal god is only at 1 / 10000 of her power tho
Would Shem-Miku sit on my face and allow me to inhale deeply if I asked her nicely?
It's been like this for me since midway though G's airing. I can't fucking stand sme of the posters in these threads.
I can't wait to see the samefagging retards posting the same shit regardless of episode quality.
I miss fun S1 Symphogear.
Where threads would barely hit the bump limit.
She'll even fart for you if you ask her nicely
Kanade is an apex sexual predator.
Not hitting bump limit is a euphemism.
We had threads which just instantly died.
What the fuck are you faggots even complaining about?
You know how wrestlers have those techniques to not get hurt? Maria is kind of like that, she's so used to jobbing that she's very skilled at not taking real damage from anything.
What would she smell like?
Back when people were laughing at the animation and when Yea Forums sounds was still a thing.
Don't respond to yourself.
Go back to your echo-chamber
Ironic coming from you.
God I miss 2012 Yea Forums
Could be worse. Shirabe was the wrost songs
I wan't Itaba to be relevant again.
But 2012 Yea Forums was already on the path to being irredeemable.
One simple click of the hide button and all is mended.
It was the last year that I truly enjoyed Yea Forums.
She recreates what you want the most
>Hibiki's birthday is right before episode 11
Wouldn't it be funny if she fucks up big time next episode?
Eh wasnt 2012 Constanza year where every second post was just
>i seriously hope you guys dont do this
It comes and goes in waves. The threads are good when they're not active.
>when Yea Forums sounds was still a thing.
A fun time.
>muh 7 gorillion zesshou
>muh 1/trillion of my power
Villains were a mistake
>getting the year of costanza wrong
shiggity diggity dess
Remember when we allhated Tsubasa after she was a bitch in S1? I member.
Who is the stronger canon lesbian couple? NanoFate or Hibki x Miku?
This season was the best on Yea Forums. Right after Penguindrum endedand during when Yea Forums loved KS for those 3 weeks.
Don't make a new thread. Obviously don't need one.
To be fair, Gears had to use Amalgam to beat her. And Nobel Red didn't know before that someone else beside Hibiki can use it.
Kirika x Shirabe
I think this is the reason Symphogear threads when to shit when G was airing. For some reason someone decided that we needed a thread up at all times.
The threads are only good during, and right after a new episode airs.
They all went into Amalgam mode during Hanasaku Yuuki (Sanjeruman version). It's just that Hibiki alone could tear all three of them a new asshole by herself.
I love how the plot of this show with little irony focuses on the Illuminati and ancient aliens. When they teleported to the moon I was half expecting there to be swastikas in the foreground.
Reminder that Hitler was potentially an incarnation of Fine.
where is fine
Well at least Aoi wasn't molested like Nana.
False, but you don't have to hang around at other times if you don't like it.
I know the cane responds her wish and all but that was still a superman tier throw and she can represent Japan in olympics for that.
It was actually a nice amount of progression.
>Elsa gets bodied by the gaybies in their normal forms early in the show
>who then also wreck and cripple Millaarc with a combo attack in the following episode
>some time later, Elsa comes back with a complete form powerup and wrecks them back
>but too bad, time for the season's new form to kick in and she's defeated
I liked it.
New threads are never needed. People make them because they want to keep talking about something.
Yeah, she just had to fuck producers and executives to get the lead role.
You're not the boss of me.
Which is better than being molested by your music teacher.
>mfw I realize this episode pretty much confirms we'll get Tsubasa vs. Millaarc
Hopefully Millaarc kills her. We don't need Nana anymore because it's the final season.
>you'll never be one of the producers and executives who imagined her
And Maria!
Tsubasa deserves to kill her.
god I hope tsubasa kills her
would make their revival so good if it lets us have them dying twice
>Tsubasa will stop the blade before it hit Millaarc and say my sword is not for killing.
What's the point of hoping for things you know won't happen? Do you enjoy disappointment?
>in the fucking moon
i feel like it has a chance of happening. a small chance, but a chance.
They won't kill the dog, if she dies it will be saving a gear.
Keep hanging onto that thread. The longer you take to give up, the harder the fall will be.
You're part of the problem. What's there left to discuss? Let the thread die, or find something actually worthwhile to discuss.
The creases on Kirika's cute butthole.
im talking about millaarc not elsa
you're getting a little worked up over nothing. im not getting my hopes up id just like for it to happen, just like a ver return
>implying Milaarc is bad
Shirabe no
Can we talk about the creases on Shirabe's cute butthole instead?
One couple is literally married and the other is a shitty pairing with no synergy that actually got LESS gay moments as the story progressed and has the generic "dense harem MC" cliche who just wants friends.
>please stop having fun, this is a serious website
We could talk about how attractive Hibiki's fists are and how it would feel to be punched by them.
Nanofate is yuribait.
Let's talk about the smell of Shem-Miku's butt!
Oh god the Nanohafag is here.
Let's talk about Shem-Ha's cute dick.
Let's talk about anal fisting.
So many things left to talk about, I think we deserve a new thread.
>mfw METANOIA will play as Tsubasa kills vamp
I thought most Symphofags were also Nanohafags.
Let's talk about dork-ha