Why do people watch anime adaptions when the source manga are almost always better artistically? I've never understood this.
It makes even less sense with most anime's piss-poor budgets nowadays.
Why do people watch anime adaptions when the source manga are almost always better artistically...
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Too many ADHD riddled faggots on this board
Attack on Titan
If this is an exception (haven't watched or read it), of course there's fucking exceptions. I'm speaking generally, since people still watch inferior adaptions, which make up the bulk of them.
Some anime adaptations are legitimate improvements in every way over the source material.
For the lesser adaptations there's still the advantage of voice and soundtrack.
>Inb4 e-celeb
>Stop shilling your own channel
I know alot of americans don't read books including myself. I think I've only read a book in full once in my life and it was in gradeschool. Book was Santa Paws.
You know people can do both right
Anime to manga is what manga to an idea in your head.
>anime move at a slower pace than manga and require subtitles if you're not a faggot
>anime watchers get accused of having ADHD and being unable to read
I don't even understand why this is a point of contention. Do both, you idiot. Anime offers a different take of the same experience. If it sucks, then just drop it and stick with the manga.
Why do people listen to music instead of reading the sheets?
For the average Joe, yes. But artists are especially good at expressing themselves.
You can inb4 that shit all you want, everyone's still thinking it, and nobody's going to watch that shit. If you agree with what the dude said, say it yourself.
Sure, but the question is why they'd bother with the anime at all for lesser adaptions. Granted, soundtrack is a decent reason, as said.
That's kind of a dumb point. The neurological mechanisms behind each are completely different, and one comes extraordinarily easier than the other.
It’s funny that Tokyo Ghoul is very rarely brought up anymore.
No it's not.
Anime just fills the gaps between panels for you an makes you not have to read. All the intricacies and appeals are already there. Anime isn't even to manga what manga is to a book.
I like the voice acting
Don't talk about yourself in third person
If something doesn't look good don't watch it. There's enough good anime for a lifetime.
Well yeah the series is finished...
This only applies to season 2 , the rest is better in the manga
Because I dont care for the medium, when I want to read something I prefer to pick up a book. I do have an appreciation for good artwork though.
Nah, only EHcucks like the manga because "muh WIT cut the verry imuporatnt EH scenes".
because it ended over a year ago, user. plus the last two arcs pissed people off, probably is why
What does this even mean? I don't watch anime for manga unless the original manga had bad art/flow/etc. And you're not even mentioning manga. I'm having a hard time understanding what you're saying.
Goddamnint the art in this was awesome. It was so good at conveying distress.
Are you saying that reading a manga feels as effortful to you as reading a book? Or that you only watch anime to ste your wanting to see something in motion, more or less?
That's not what this thread is about at all.
I'm not a shipper subhuman so i don't care about that shit , the uprising arc was completely butchered in s3 part 1 and they cut out too much important dialogue in grisha's flashback. Only the clash of the titans arc was done better in the anime
>implying any studio could capture ishida's art
his style is too expressive which almost looks too sketchy at times, it's hard to replicate it in anime since you'd have to draw many thin, subtle lines but anime almost always uses thicker linework
You're right but they sure as hell can make it look way better than this.
It's sometimes hard to work out what will be a lesser adaption before you watch it.
Someone will always complain about an adaption no matter how good it is anyway, sometimes months before it airs, so it's hard to take anyone seriously about it.
>The neurological mechanisms behind each are completely different, and one comes extraordinarily easier than the other.
The "drawn pictures" and "moving animated colored drawn pictures with music and voices" is not the same thing too.
I'm a huge mangafag and always prefer the original, but I kinda understand the reasons:
1) watching shit is easier than reading
2) watching shit is more popular than reading
3) sometimes it's hard to figure what the fuck is even going on in the drawing (uncolored jojo/some other clusterfucky shounen)
4) soundtrack/seiyuu/good studio
5) Latest Release(s) v.1 c.5 by WhoCaresFaggots over 15 years ago; Status in Country of Origin: 18 Volumes (Complete)
I pity animeonlys though
I just enjoy animation as a medium in general.
>muh art
anime varies much more in quality than manga does. a great adaptation, however uncommon they may be, will always reached higher emotional heights than its source could. anime also gets a hell of a lot more discussion and is always accessible rather than manga of which few are translated and even fewer are followed by a community outside of a single niche
Literally because they don't want to read. Same thing with why people watch dubs because they admit they can't read and watch at the same time.
I like OSTs and inventive animation.
But yeah in general I agree, I try to stick to anime originals or stuff where the adaptation greatly improved it.
A lot of the regions involved are indeed the same. My knowledge on the subject doesn't run deep enough to get into specific areas, but with both you parse it into humanly significant elements, which are going to be the same for both. The only difference should be how visually engaged you have to be (manga also has "movement", although it's partially inferred, as if looking at something moving so fast you can't see the in-between), and the fact that you have to actively control pacing with manga.
Music's another animal altogether. I don't know almost anything about that, but I know a lot of it is that music sort of hijacks something or another in the brain automatically, unlike anime, manga, or sheet music, which have to be consciously given attention.
Do you not like art?
And even if you're just meh about it, trading off for low-budget animation (most animation) wouldn't be worth it, I'd think.
Im saying I just prefer reading books.
>anime also gets a hell of a lot more discussion
>will always reached higher emotional heights than its source could
This seems to vary from person to person. For me, being able to control the pacing improves the impact of emotional panels, because they let you bluescreen or wtf without the scene moving on without you. Of course, you can pause anime, but that feels less jarring in a medium where that's anticipated.
>sometimes it's hard to figure what the fuck is even going on in the drawing (uncolored jojo/some other clusterfucky shounen)
Yeah this one is a pain to read. The "clusterfucky" part is true for me. A recent example is when I read some serious action-focused chapters of BnHA, I had no idea how to visualize the sequence of actions took place cuz of bold and thickly-drawn(?) lines.
Atmospheric, SoL setting is good for anime adaptations but it depends on whether they can make them not too boring, too slow-paced or visually appealing enough.
Faggots bring this up anytime manga is brought up as if it's not a non sequitur. We're talking about anime vs manga not anime vs books.
To anime?
Because clearly you like [anime/manga] enough to consume it. What does also liking books have to do with the decision?
Ah, I didn't consider that you can only make up so much atmospheric noise in your head while reading a manga, that's a a good point. It's hard to picture cicadas crying and a stream's sloshing throughout a chapter while reading all the dialogue.
Yeah, I have a thing for these sounds. Utilizing them can help elevating the whole experience, to the point you feel like living inside the scenes/settings being depicted, or generating hype. I can try making up some sounds/music while reading but obviously it's not comparable to watching a great adaptation.
K I N O chapter
Very true, I also like reading manga because you can pace it yourself to figure out wtf is going on and dialouge has more impact imo
this. i accept that the one piece anime is trash, but the voices are just ingrained into me and i love what they did with the musicals in WCI.
>Reading or watching TG at all
it's easier to pay attention to manga than anime though
t. adhd riddled faggot
people like seeing drawings animated; things can still be enjoyable regardless of relative quality
It's very easy OP
audio sound effects > text sound effects
Are those actual people's hands sticking out of it ?
Seems to vary from person to person. Even if you think this there are plenty of people that are unable to pay attention to manga because things aren't moving and there's no color or sound. There may be some people that think books are easier to pay attention to than movies but I'd imagine the general consensus is the opposite.
Thought Anime Kaneki was holding up a positive pregnancy test.
Why are you so touchy about this? Op posed a question and I gave my answer. Id understand it if I was shitting on manga in the process but Im not, I said that I recognize and respect good artwork.
I literally cannot watch anime because that shit takes way too long to get to the point.
Because saying "Oh, manga? No, I read actual books!" when nobody is talking about books makes you seem like a fag. Animation, comics, and books are all different things and this thread is about the first two, not the last one.
Not only is the art in manga usually better (why the fuck would anyone watch OPM when they have the manga?), there's also other problems like pacing. So many anime were fucked because of time constraints. They have to fit the source material into formats that it was never intended for, like seasons with a specific amounts of episodes that each have only 20 min.
It's even funnier when people say that manga is just storyboards for the anime when like you're saying, the pacing of manga and anime is generally different because manga chapters can range anywhere from 15 (or sometimes less) to 60+ pages but with an adaptation they try and fit a specific portion of content into the stricter anime length, typically 13 or 26 episodes. Have too much or not enough content? Then the pacing is going to have to suffer at some point because your adaptation can't generally vary by a few episodes here and there if you're in a TV slot.
god damn this panel was good
Because watching anime is faster, most of times. That's also why I watch almost no anime.
Should I laugh here? Moe Mikasa with sparkly lips and eyes? Please.
because it moves
watching provides you better experience. it just works better on your mind, enhances your emotional response better than reading
but i know that some mangas are much better than the adaptations, tokyo ghoul is a good example. the art in later Re arcs was outstanding
post more anime vs manga
shit is hilarious
oh god i hate this smug bitch so much. i had to drop the anime.
If more anime can be as fun to watch as PTE I will consider anime as a whole is better than manga.
even though you can go through a manga faster than an anime it sill requires more brain power than to literally just sit and watch something from afar. also simple minded like bright colors and sound compared to silent black and white images.
so tl;dr watching anime is less effort so therefore more people watch anime than read at least in the west
They're both hideous but I'd take the manga since it's ugly in a more endearing way while the anime is a hideous shiny abomination.
>some mangas are much better than the adaptations
Most. "watching provides you a better experience" isn't a universal thing either. Especially with adaptations.
I've read a lot of manga that feel more animated than their anime adaptations. Like Jojo
>anime also gets a hell of a lot more discussion and is always accessible rather than manga of which few are translated and even fewer are followed by a community outside of a single niche
Another win for manga then
What are some anime that truly are better than their source manga? I can only think of Mushishi, but the manga's still damn good.
You'll get different answers every time you ask. Some people just like anime and don't like manga or don't like anime and just like manga and those people are going to like the version in their preferred medium. People praise adaptations I think are shit and shit on adaptations I think are fine or even good.