Shimeji Simulation

What the heck could they be building?

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A suicide device.

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anal deflorator

Whatever it is it needs lots of cooling

A machine to break the Simulation

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The giant fan creates suction and it sucks insouls from other worlds, that's how the taters got there. It's one use only, that's why sis had to rebuild it after she saved the taters from their SSR doom.

I don’t know but I hope the story coalesces into something cogent soon. I’m as much a tkmiz stan as anyone here, and I usually love plotless affairs, but even this is proving too much for me. Am I just a brainlet?

I like it so far but it's definitely not as good as SSR, and I would like a bit more of an actual plot since the "feel" of it seems like it'd lend to that quite well.

You're not a brainlet user, either SS will prove to be an abstract story without any plot or (as I hope) it's just taking it's time setting everything up and maybe some foreshadowing so that when shit hits the fan it will really hit hard.
Maybe it'll be like Steins Gate, first half SOL getting to know the characters and then the real story starts in the latter half.
I don't mind the lack of plot so far but if it never goes anywhere that would be a disappointment and would probably turn most people off.

>it's just taking it's time setting everything up
This. We're only 80 pages into the story, and we're already gotten lots of hints about the nature of the setting and a couple of plot hooks that will probably be developed, like Shimeji-nee's machine, the "fishing for souls" angle, the dream sequence, the potatoes cameo and the corrector girl and her similarities with AI-chan.

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>H Y
>A O
>N U
What did tkmiz mean by this?

no bully, she has autism

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At least post a template.


Here you go. I couldn't really think of anything funny, maybe you're more creative.

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This reminds me of that trippy sequence from 2001 a space odyssey, I like it!

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Looks like you broke the simulation user.

Egg is just making contact

okay, now this is epic

How is tkmiz so good at knowing exactly how I feel?

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Voice of a generation.

>tfw you will never be cute trash

You're cute trash to me, user.

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Because nobody is unique. there is only a small amount of types of people (with minor variations). Also the media you choose to consume is determined by your personality, so you probably seek out tkmiz's work precisely because it evokes those feelings.

>you will never pass out on the floor after getting wasted with your big sis
why live bros

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Because in 18 days we'll get another chapter of SS.

>wake up with a fucking horrible hangover to your sheets and underwear being covered in wine stains you can't get out
>won't even remember the incestual romp you had last night
I dunno user...

Y-You too!

It's an Nvidia.

>the simulation is mining bitcoins
It all makes sense now.

But the story as already gotten going user, it's all about Shimeji going to highschool and making friends and not being a NEET hikki anymore.

Nee-chan's promises about saving the world and incoherent research sure do sound like cryptofag garbage.

Sounds good enough

>wake up with a fucking horrible hangover to your sheets and underwear being covered in wine stains you can't get out
It's not a proper night of debauchery until you can't tell whether they're wine stains or blood stains.
>won't even remember the incestual romp you had last night
Imagine experiencing your first time over and over again.

I want to kill myself.

Please don't!

>>won't even remember the incestual romp you had last night
I don't know, waking up next to your sister both naked would be a pretty big hint.

It's too early for off topic zetsubouposting user, come back if/when the thread hits the bump limit so the jannies don't come down on us.

but is it really off topic when it's tkmiz thread?


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Yeah but you won't remember the pleasure, only the fact you boned

I'm afraid I can't let you do that user.
Tell that to the jannies.

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Unfortunately yes, I wish there was an actual good place to talk about problems on Yea Forums that would also be on topic but there isn't.

Some sort of mix between original /g/ and not-shit /adv/.

We can make it on-topic then

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That's what I try to do.

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My God, it's full of stars.

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Can I grow a Nuko?

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Sure user, just come with me to my van and I'll show you how to grow a Nuko.

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M-mommy told me not to follow strangers, but if it means I can have a Nuko, then okay...

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I want to do lewd things with Shimeji.

And here it is, it's a special cool-Nuko, just for you user-kun!

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Egg stop posting on Yea Forums.

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Wow, thanks mister! I'll feed it and take care of it and love it for ever and ever!

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Who is cuter Egg or Shimeji and why is it Egg?

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For me, it's Oneechan, but Egg is my #2.

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me on the left

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You look very cute user!

thanks friend

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I hope we get to see Shimeji and Egg do that!

>tfw no friends to do lewd things with
>tfw no friends

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Stop posting pictures of me and my wife.

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Why are there so many lewd pictures of you and your wife out on the internet?

You can do lewd things with strangers too user.

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What does this even mean? Is it a euphemism for something?


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Its an absurd reference of the kind that used to show up in Monty Python sketches.

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Me in the pink!

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how's your anus doing after trying it?

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It means yet another man couldn't handle Sis

i love you angel waitress

user, I'm working, now's not the time.

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mindbroken majime
scrambled egg

Shimejis growing out of a dirty egg!


She can smell onee-chan's "research".