Hello, my fellow 7 anons that watch this, episode 7 is out now.
Aren't there like 14 or so anons?
You might think that, but can you see them here?
Reporting in. Only watching it for the red haired semen demon though.
Aren't we all?
Dunno why I'ms till watching it.
is there going to be an original ending to this? all that setup surely can't be a hook for a 2nd cour that won't be happening?
I like how rapresent gotham city.
i swear to fucking christ they better not pull a FMA on me again
> chimera
> those dogs in the beginning
> that little girl + friends who follow belo around
> pic related
ah fuck
and they did, rip Dave
This show is very dumb
Was this a quirky meta commentary on the show itself by the studio?
they're like dolls
does this mean we can't fuck bela because she has no pussy?
Same, bro. But today's episode was good enough.
so belo has a secondary form as well
i wonder what bem's looks like
He did nothing wrong
what a copout, they actually had me thinking he died
the very next line mentioned bunny girls actually
fuggg this download is taking forever
I almost thought he turned dave into a cute girl
BEM Hem City
This week on Bem
I consider this version to be more impactful that the BEM version because shou tucker did it to his OWN DAUGHTER. How fucked in the head did you have to be to do that?
this fucking city
This kid is definitely gonna make it in politics
and then he'll die like his dad for plotting against the Inner Party
There are people that smuggle large predators, or keep them as "pets" IRL, then you have the occasional animal escaping a zoo... those would be their first hypotheses for a large animal attack not involving monsters
He's smarter than a certain female cop, for sure
welp nevermind
more like he's better at tracking our protagonists
>dog Dave wearing overalls
>human Dave still wearing his overalls
That doesn't make sense. You telling me this fucker went out and bought a pair of overalls for his hybrid dog monster?
But they just ate human flesh, they're maneaters now
>goblin like monster doesn’t have dick
No wonder he’s miserable, truly evil experiment.
Lots of naked Belo in this episode huh
Also I’m fucking confused about the copout at the end, why did they even do that
How many episodes is this show going to have, anyways?
I’m guessing it’ll be one cour
They shouldn't have made him stay alive.
Belo has had enough suffering already
How this one not affected the the typhoon? Anyway, its good. Something to watch.
I want more of the red head and the geek
It does look like we're getting more next episode.
They are evolving.
Cool! This show gives me kekkai sensen vibes so I'm drawn to it. Turns out there was a previous show on it back in the 1950's or something. I was surprised.
>self inserts
Belo's and Bela's stories are better than Bem's, honestly. I think it's because we get them from their perspectives, unlike Bem who we know little to nothing about personality-wise.
>take her to see a circus
>take her to a musical
He's trying his hardest. perhaps a bit too hard, what strange deitohs to invite a completely normal highschool girl out to.
Almost thought its the berserk rape horse.
Nothin' personnel Dave.
This guy.
At least he's shooting his shot. Gotta respect that. The girl's friends are massive bitches though. Fuck them!
Belo doesn’t deserve this.
This got me
Now, I remember whats his normal looked like, he looked like those Cell jr, and now nigga is Frieza 2nd stage, almost.
The bunny looks jacked.
I'm glad they didnt go full edge, belo needs friends.
Damn Mutta throwing Apo away.The OST is also out,pretty dope.
That means that some other random innocent kid in overalls got chimera’d though
He’s gonna need friends when Daryl comes back and brings the Unseen Council with him to capture him
now that's a hi-cap mag.
Oh yeah. I just thought he was using their dna instead rather than the FMA fusing method.Guess thats why he kept them in cages for rather than just take vial of blood or hair or something.
Kid is investigating the wrong angle. I hope he realise that soon.
this is killing bites
The lady cop is pretty cute.
i like it!
he likes it!