Preview will be out in a few hours.
And why are the girls of this manga so beautiful and strong at the same time without them being irritating?
Black Clover
Other urls found in this thread:
Because Tabata could write good female characters without turning them into fanservice characters. Also, Mereoleona is the most badass female character in ainme right now.
Mimosa is such a cute pure girl.
Isn't Rades technically immortal now?
No? I'm not really sure how his new spell works butI think that there is a time limit to it.
But if his own soul leaves his body, why wouldn't he be able to retrieve it in time whenever it leaves?
Well, his spell could recall the souls of the dead of the people who are close to him in a specific time with certain conditions. But I don't think that he could use it on himself again.
I depends on what you consider strong.
Not sure I would qualify mimosa as strong combativly
Out of mana?
She might not be strong in physical combats but I deem her character strong because of her will and refusal to let other people walk through her and her companions. For example when she talked back to her her brother and defended Asta from him.
I didnt really need an argument.
I said it depends on ur definition of strong.
Oh, okey. I thought you were asking me why I consider her strong.
>Asta will fuck both
lucky guy
Calling it now Mimosa will have at minimum 5 children. She needs to be breed.
And how many children Noelle will have?
Why does she looks cuter as an elf?
Noelle is breedable too, but for some reason I don't think she will have any where near as many kids. 2 at minimum 4 at most.
How many kids Asta will have in the end?
Mimosa 5
Noelle 3
Secre 1
Rebecca ?
Sally ?
Mariella ?
Not if Nozel has any say in that.
Asta's semen is reserved specifically for Sister Lily. Asta will not accept having kids with anyone, but her.
Rebecca has many siblings ans she takes care of all of them by herserlf so I bet that she will miss them when they are finally grown up so she must ask for three to five children at minimum. I'm not sure about Mariella but do you really want Sally to have any children? Bet that if she tried taking care on them she would just conduct experiments on the poor babies.
She's always qt
But the elven markings making a tiara are quite intriguing - since in a few of the cases they hint at something about the character (Owen having the doctor's serpent, luck having lighting, etc)
Yes, I found her cute before but after she got possessed by an elf she became cuter. It is because of her ears since they're tiny unlike Kivn's and Charla's in the anime, which are huges.
i don't have any idea on her mark. Do you have some thoughts on what they symbolized?
i actually don't mind charla's huge ears - those sort of remind me of the ways elves were drawn in really old school anime
Fragil's markings for me are reminiscent of the LOTR elvish language. What that could mean in the context of Black Clover is a mystery - since we already know she got elf'd. But surely there must be more to it than that
He's coming back
Noelle needs to surpass her mother
It's too early to tell
Finral is the most obvious case:
>at least 1 son with Finesse, 1 son with Vanessa
>unlike his case, he treats the kids with equal love and has a healthy family life
I miss him, bro. I know that there is a very high chance that the next arc will be in Spade Kingdom but I really hope that it would be on Diamond. Mars really need to be saved from being assraped in jail.
But user, Finesse wants to have children. So I think she will choose to give birth to three before her health comoletely fails her. Let her be happy.
Isn't he trying to become their king's right hand man or something so he can manipulate him?
Spade invades the Diamond Kingdom. Two birds with one stone.
>but why wouldn't they invade the Clover
They could do that too, launching a dual assault. Their military could be that huge. Then you have Fuegoleon/Nozel win a big heroic victory pushing them back (this being the justification for one of them being the next WK)
Hes down right brainwashing him with a vial of the witch queens magic.
Can anyone here translate this? Anime news.
That's his plan. But it is still very risky and has a very high chance on backforong on him. It might even land him in a jail, killed or brainwashed again by Morris.
Yeah, that's part of why I wrote "at least"
Don't worry, user. She's a bull, she will surely surprass her limits.
Togashi san read the BC manga during hiatus and was inspired to work alongside Tabata. Furthermore he has finally completely beaten DQ11 and HxH's hiatus will end sometime in the coming months
Seriously? No bs? Togashi? Going to work again? I'm sorry, user, but seriously?!
Not gonna lie, Damnatio's design is cool but why do he looks like he's depressed all the time?
He's bullshitting, there's no new chapters this year.
Thank god I didn't completely believed what he said.
He's had to sort through a thousand cases of elfed knights and hooligans in just a few days. Jailing Asta was his one and only chance at a vacation.
I imagine even being a magic Judge is a tiring job.
Damn slippery devils and damn adorable shotas who could see into the future.
I cant read it but we can simple assume its year 3 considering we already have that confirmed
I want to bully shota Julius until he starts crying!
Mereo pls
He needs a wife. Augustus should start matchmaking right after the Bulls leave the kingdom.
So, how is he going to pretend to be still brainwashed to Morris when his gem was already broken?
But a fake on there?
Probably does have a wife, but can't spend enough enough time with her because of the job. And when he isn't working he probably doesn't have enough energy to give her the attention she wants.
He could, if he and Mars have some money to buy one. The question is of Morris wouldn'y notice that it is diffirent gem or if Ladros could act good enough not to be caught by him or by the other Shining Generals.
I prefer Asta's spell be called Causality break or even Karmic release over Fate release.
So its not confirmed which Kingdom they're going to, just that they're going to look for leads on devils
i like both karmic release and causality break
The spell Patri used to kill him seemed like it should've drained his mana
You forgot best girl Marie
Seemed is not really a good argument
Asta would be too tired and spent with his five wives to take another wife when Marie finally comes of age. Unless Gauche actively cockblocks him from spending intimate times with thhem because for him Marie's happiness is the most important thing in the world.
>Fate release
Now that it's cleared up, it's Diamond time
Too many details pointing in that direction
I like Fate there since Vanessa's introducing the spell
These are the results from last thread's poll.
Totally fine with fight filler. We need more of that.
>Marie finally comes of age
He's implying Marie will sex Asta when clearly she'll come to realize how great of a big brother she has and be Gauche's second wife, his first being Gray, and they will restore the Adlai House
When she's old enough to have sex and babies.
How old is she?
She's 10.
Play Quarter Knights
The roster seems a bit limited
premise seems cool though. i'd like a game like the Royal Knights crystal battles
I'd buy it but the main draw seems to be online play, and that's pretty much dead. I think the problem was that the game wasn't properly advertised, right?
So how long until Sol and Magna get drunk at a celebration party and end up sleeping together?
Magna is for Luck
Magna is a bottom and both them can take turns fucking him.
Sol has a dick?
Magic user. Girls in BC can probably conjure up an dick of their magic type whenever they want. Magna will just have to take a pounding from her earth cock.
Dont ruin the bromance.
preview images when
3 hours
It's the old year 2 interview. Mostly pleasantries and the such.
>Isn't 100 quite a lot for a show today?
>Tabata: It's still not enough.
>Yoshihara: MADA DA!
>Tabata: It's still not enough.
>Yoshihara: MADA DA!
Tabata and yoshi ate like a match made in heaven
Correct. Why make a game if you are going to fuck it up with no exposure, that's EA way.
That's pretty based
They seem like like minded gentlemen
Why is my wife looking at me like that?
Ad costs will be immense so they hoped that the wsj name and anime exposure would sell.
It turned out alright with almost 30k sold in 3 months, the player base is dead but sales are sales.
A noelle a day to pray for pierrot to bless valkarie dress with great animation.
Uno Kingdom when?
Who ever the user i debated with, i was right. Someone is tagging along with the bulls and keep surveillance with them
Preview images
Stupid cute Papa Tabata.
All I see is one
Man if pierrot had the capability to make tried and true seasonal anime it would be kino
what happened to the guys who made TG season 1?
Last One
TG season 1 still was pretty crappy.
Not to mention just because it was seasonal it didnt have a seasonal schedule.
Looks like a bloody movie quality wtf?
You must have forgotteten what happened to TG season 2 and TG :re.
I never forgot.
They were even worse.
Looks like kino is on the menu boys
When are these?
could be added parts since Pierrot loves to extend big fights
Fight filler user.
Why would they add him dying?
I dont see dying.
But regardless why the fuck would I know?
From here on out the BC anime will split off from the manga and realize a timeline where Punished Yuno becomes the new MC and Clover loses to the elves
It's probably after Licht btfo him and Yuno into the water.
That unironically sounds like some stupid anons here from time to time kek
Sol is for Kirsch.
Also this.
So what's Yami's deal? Was he a samurai that get isekai'd or what?
Kirsch is for himself.
Kirsch is for dorothy faggot.
Sol is for magna
Shes a ship wrecked Fisher kid
Dorothy is for Rill you faggot
Rill is for me
Rill is for his art nigger
Wow, you're a real faggot. How about we have Rill draw you a giant dildo to suck on?
I want Mereoleona to yell at me and threaten to physically beat me if I don't perform sexually to her expectations!
He can draw his own dildo of perfect size for himself
Shut up, Rhya. Go back to babysitting your ressurected baby companions.
Wait, Asta is the only friend that Rill has, right? How do you think he is feeling after finding out that a filthy elf used his body to attack and tried to kill his only friend?
Walter and Yuno are his friends
I’m sure there are some people on the Azure Deer who got past Rills eccentricity and genuinely like him. But I’m sure he wasn’t too happy about almost killing Asta, or Mereoleona for that matter.
>implying Asta would waste his time with those impure sluts
Really? I'm so glad. My fluffy boy needs more friends in his life.
This. Asta dick is for Sister Lily only.
What if Asta had imagine breaker instead of the five leaf grimoire?
He would still be the overpowered mc
He dies at vetto
Predict who's coming with the bulls from getting exile
Probably Kid Julius. He can no longer be WK, but he's still a trusted Magic Knight who would "keep watch" over the Bulls.
So, if that really happens, how high Yami's stress level would be?
Why would it be high? Julius would just goof oof with them
He buys some magitech gear so he doesn't get killed.
>implying shota Julius wouldn't run everywhere looking for unique magic to admire and disappear when Yami or one of the Bulls aren't looking.
He already died once. I'm sure that despite being a big ball of tsun, Yami would make it sure that he wouldn't be in any harm's way if he really went with them.
Because Julius is weak now and the last thing Yami wants is his dad dying on him for real this time.
What if Asta had seven swords?
I just hope that Yami wouldn't become extremely paranoid about shota Julius
>your dad is now your kid
Thinking about it again, Asta might find another sword outside of the kingdom and this is the reason why Tabata wrote an exil arc for him and the Bulls. I'm all for more dungeon diving.
Eh. I dont want asta to have sword bloat desu
He's gonna be Noctis and you're gonna like it
Who will be acting as a mommy? Since some people is tagging along with them, I can see Mereo or Char to at least babysit for Shotalius since Yami is already stress enough with the bulls together
I'm not and dont want it
I could see Mereo tagging along because Fuegoleon is already awake and kicking while Char still has her captain duties to attend to. Though I couldn't really see her as a mommy-material. She tried to throw baby Leopold down a chasm before anyway. Fuego is more of a mommy to Leo than her.
He's going to have atleast 6 for when he goes demon mode with 6 arms.
How many swords do you think would be appropiate? Having only these three swords until the end could get a little stale, so I'm thinking five, assuming he has to master some gimmick within them.
Gauche, who else?
Seven is actually a good number. But as long as they have very different powers and can be used creatively I don't care how many Tabata is planning to give Asta until the last arc.
I don't expect more than one person to be sent since the Kingdom needs all the Magic Knights they can get right now
5 leads
5 swords.
He should not be getting another sword for a long time though.
Hes still making new abilites for the first sword even.
It was said in the official translation that some people will coming too. But don't expect a ton of them.
2 or 3 would be a good number since Sekre has just officially joined the Bulls and there are many of them already. I don't want the cast for the next arc to be too bloated since I'm sure Tabat will introduce new characters from outside the Clover Kingdom and not to mention whoever the villain of the next arc would be.
Julius, Yuno, and Leona
Xerx, Sekke and Walter.
Only if Rill goes too
They're going world building, massive cast is pretty much involve here. And it was said that those who's tagging along with the bulls are possibly the possessed magic knights
>And it was said that those who's tagging along with the bulls are possibly the possessed magic knights
Three possessed Magic Knights are good enough. And wouldn't it be better for worldbuilding to introduce new characters that would give more informations about the places outside the Clover Kingdom? We could even find a smaller kingdom or tribe like the Underwater Temple people or the witches in the Witch Forest.
There's no implication of it being the possessed knights
This means someone is keeping watch on all of them likely spies or scouts so they'll stay far.
Connect that one to what Nozel saying
Forgot the image and additionally Damnatio's inner dialogue about the others getting exile
Klaus is best boy and my husband.
So Fana Raia and vetto?
>implying those three are not being used as cumdumps in prisons
Patri too, Asta and Julius wont let him be executed
Last, yes., But why would Julius care whatever happens to Patri? He only didn't try to kill him during their fight because back then Patri was using William's body but now that he has his own body I doubt that Julius would care whether Patri lives or not.
*I mean Asta would care. Autocorrect turned Asta into last
Why is Damnatio so hot?
Because he's a royal and all royals(except Augustus) are hot? Kidding aside he looks like Superman. A sad Superman after Lois Lane died.
Do Asta or the other Black Bulls get any cool powerups?
Your desire for justice is awakening.
And that's not a bad thing.
He has that german square face.
Someone who has a boner for justice is always hot.
>no shirtless asta
Only diamond chads get to see those pecs or what?
That Asta looks tall. What as the artist thinking?
Why can't every episode be like this instead of being potato for episodes at a time. Like the scenes with Noelle and the ice/stone guy before Yuno fighting Rill in the exam were amazing. I can only wish
>Yami's nose
Because it's weekly anime and not seasonal, and even if it was seasonal the studio would still be Pierrot.
this episode probably took at least 3 weeks to make
His mole.
Because Fuegoleon is currently burning him.
Shota Julius is the cutest legal shota in existence. Made for warm fugs.
I love Noelle!
Reminder that elves did nothing wrong.
Fana is qt.
>there are many of them already
To be fair, after this arc Henry will probably go back to doing nearly nothing and I don't see Grey or Gordon doing much more than they already do at any point soon either.
Well, they're going outside the kingdom. There should be more dangerous villains out there to fight. Who knows, Gordon's Poison Magic might be useful against one of the villains. And if Tabata isn't really planning on using them, why not send them too? He could have just sent the ones that he would use in the next arc, along with those who will supervise them.
Does Asta fuck this bird?
When he stops lusting for a nun's milkies.
That's the 14y/o yami from the game
So, 14-year-old Yami was a midget?
Cute grandma babysitting a dumb midget.
Daily reminder that Nozel is made for breeding!
Why is Noelle the only attractive sibling?
Because of Acier's looks that Noelle inherited from her. But Nozel is still the prettier sibling.
Cute and canon.
Untrue. Nebra and her big dick are know for their beauty in the Clover kingdom.
14 year old tami was a full head taller than asta
>3 weeks
You mean months?
Have you simply never heard of a long running?
Having fun with my wife~
You cant just post this on a north Korean basket weaving fourm without a source
What a filthy slut. Nozel was right into putting her in Black Bull Squad as not to tarnish the honor of the Silver Eagles.
user your mom had sex lots n lots
Uggh, don't remind me. But Noelle is still a filthy slut.
Just search around rule 34 website, sweaty
The Clover Kingdom's princesses are cute. Best waifus.
This arc was utter garbage, the whole fucking writing couldn't be worse.
Who the hell would believe that commoner with zero magic have ability to corrupt magic knights?
If it's obvious that treason occurred, how exactly would shifting the blame solve anything? Maybe it's better to find and punish real traitors who threatened kingdom's existence? How can you possibly downplay that two captains willingly decided to side with the enemy? Sure, you could say they were "corrupted", but this will require their reestablishment in ranks.
How exactly Clover kingdom was weakened if literally nobody among big fries perished? I'd say the whole gang, in fact, got stronger. Yet every fucking neighbour is ready to strike? Bullshit!
You don't need to reply to this post.
It's started, anons. Animators posting on twitter hyping up episode 100.
Wow. Now I'm getting hyped for the episode tomorrow.
No current t captain is an army buster.
MANY magic knight died.
The military power has been weakened.
And nobody can afford to trial and get rid of more magic knights scape boating asta is simply a easy solution that both eases the public mind that a tangible culprit has been caught with also proof that such threats that devils exist.
Don't bother to explain to that user. The whole matter of making Asta the scapegoat and the one behind the elf war have been explained thouroughly throughout the whole courtroom mini-arc. If that user didn't get it, then it's his own fault. Some of us manga readers don't need to be spoonfed with what is happening in the manga for us to understand what is happening.
>Asta will get to fuck these two young virgin goddesses
What a lucky chad.
I'm not trying to compare things with how they are irl, but in shounen story, which typically focuses on a bunch of hardcore fellas, we find that nameless fighting drones can't change outcome in the slightest. They appear just to be slaughtered by relevant characters, and it's safe to say these drones never existed in the first place. I'm not asking authors to shoot stuff. Still, they did terrible job convincing me that "a huge damage has been dealt", when, in fact, there was no damage at all.
My wife is so cute.
That sounds like a you problem.
Tabata wants to use a military for plot he has to respect that numbers are important.
>numbers are important
t. Kubo
I didnt even read bleach
Yeah, we know.
Friendly reminder that she will become Asta's ONLY wife at the end of the manga.
Lily is for patri
But Patri is gay and only after Licht's plump ass which belongs to Tetia.
Patri has found new love with his husband William
additional previews
user,William is not a fag. He dreams of a WOMAN who will accept him as he is, not a man. Especially the man that killed his adorable dad.
God, my dick can't wait for tomorrow's episode.
Patri has long hair. William can pretend he's a woman with a hug warmer than his light magic!
Because you're biased against it, infrastructure was destroyed and many towns serving as a buffer zone against invasions are rekt.
Kiten arc wasn't an easy win either, william would have been captured with the bulls going there, massive loss of life since patri would be killing clover's own people as collateral and the invaders still had people left over even after the tree magic.
user, Patri is flat. William deserves a pair of nice fat boobies after alltheshitshe went through. Also I'm pretty sure that Patri and his gang of knife-eared jews are being gangbanged in prison right now.
Why is this 517-year-old grandma so cute?
But you posted the none Oba version
Damn looks like ury didnt know how to approach valkarie dress very well.
Whoever did that coloring is awesome. That looks beautiful.
Nah, Ury's style is just more similar to the anime
Other than noelles water is a way deeper blue than that.
The Oba version is cuter.
Nah the details are too blurry
Guys, I think that I'm in love.
>official release on Friday
Thank you Japanese holiday
Care to elaborate, user?
Gives me MAR Dorothy vibes. This bitch wanted to look good for the MC like a goody two shoes princess but when the MC wasn't there, smoked a ton and killed her opponents no mercy.
That's hot, user. Please tell me that she ends up with the MC.
September 16th is a holiday I forgot the name of something respecting the aged so WSJ comes out on Saturday instead of Monday this week
It's an olden day isekai story.
But the main character actually fucks off to his own world at the end
PSA: Episode 102 is a recap
I really should have expected this.
By worshipping Noelle or shota Julius
The chapter?
Aren't magic knights just fly/teleport wherever they need to?
She's cute and I really like her magic. Do you anons think that she will be relevant again in the upcoming arcs?
user spacial magic is rare as fuck.
how long until a dual attribute user with time and space?
Those tits are way to big
But not saggy. Taut and smooth enough for her age.
>needing dual attibute.
Vanessa and finrals kid will have reality magic
When will she wake up?
When Yami finally gives her a true love's kiss.
>wanting Black Clover: Next Generation
>Not wanting DILF Finral, Asta, Yuno and Gauche and MILF Vanessa, Noelle, Mimosa and Fragil
I dont want a next generation.
I would rather a spin off with an older marco as the main character with marie as the female lead.
I'd prefer a sassy Nash as the MC actually. And doesn't Marco have a shit mana pool?
Are you implying Nash wouldn't?
Marco does have a shit mana pool.
Witch is why I'd like to see how he works with it.
Nash can be the rival
I don't know. Nash and Marco could be rivals just like Asta and Yuno but more intense and competitive because they don't have the same brotherly comaderie that Asta/Yuno have.
what about the kid from Magna's village
I have to admit that I already forgotten about them. Do you think that they're ditto become Magic Knights when they turn fifteen?
I can't read Nippon but I get that he is one of the animators who worked in episode 100, right?
Yup, he also worked on 84
Does he even have a name?
She doesn't. Like the other user said it's an old time isekai shounen.
I can't wait for more CUTE adventures with these two!
What if instead of anti-magic swords, Asta had anti-magic guns?
I ship these two. So cute and adorable.
Non colored in version always looks so much better, I want an anime in this style.
The only thing that matters is if it's a high quality recap.
Implying there was any to begin with.
how do you know he wont get some?
Are there even guns in their world?
Yes there is.
We at least seen the concept at the festival
Solid has a literal water bullet, so maybe.
Whoever invented guns in their world has progressed far enough that bolt action rifles can be used in festival stall games
They still required magic
True but guns might be a great tool to "militarize" people with minimal magic amounts.
Sure but it's probably ment for places like diamond
I'm so glad the anime is starting to look more akin to the manga, character designer-chan's model was weird
What is Noelle doing waving that gun around?
She became a school shooter
Some older kids bullied her for years so now she's mad and wants to get back by shooting her house up
Or Spade
It might actually be more of Spade's thing
I guess but it sounds like the got devils powers backing them so I donno
Tabata says thanks
Won't do anything since mana skin is always up even for jobbers albeit a lesser version of it.
Yuno needs to cut that shit off the top of his head
It would be cool if Spade were a country with weak magic but makes up for it with superior technology like in shinju no nectar
He needs his signature Yogurt look.
The hells a yougurt look
Don't look anything like yuno
They look exactly alike.
Umm...Where's Kirsch
I need a romance arc.
You won't find that in this series.
six leaf clover when?
I dont get it. How is that related to Jews?
Hexagram has 6 sides unlike the 5 sided pentagon, the 5 representing the number of humanity.
6 representing the 666 number of the antichrist.
Grimoire having 5 leaves might mean they aren’t evil either but just overtly selfish, maybe devil’s are former spirits or angels.
Nice, I love Asta eyes filled with so much life.
>The most leaves on a clover stem (Trifolium repens L.) is 56 and was discovered by Shigeo Obara of Hanamaki City, Iwate, Japan, on 10 May 2009
The first grimoire owner will have this many clovers.
Bird Kingdom
I hope Tabata picks a good winner for the contest he'll be judging.
I hope whoever he picks doesn't take 5 fucking years to serialize something
He got kicked out because he's too flamboyant.
What is this heresy?
Tell the rest of them to step up.
would Uzui and Kirsch be friends?
Which BC girl gives the best foot job?
Rate my grimoire
I wish it was mine/10
The Silva sisters, of course.
Lampshade Magic?
Artillerie Magic
>not counterclockwise
Yes, they will. Though Uzui is not as flamboyant as Kirsch, he's still beautiful.
God, I really want to do vile and degerate things with him and all of his cousins. Imagine sullying the blood of the royals by fucking them and making them all pregnant, males included, is making my blood heat up.
i'd think about it this way: guns are already made
but whats the point when you can magic the shit out of your opponent?
I quite like how each character has a unique grimoire design
Jewish Cremation Magic
No that's Lucky Turkey magic.
Jew Binding Magic: Concentration Camp
>not wanting to impregnate Kirsch and his male cousins
Pleb taste, user.
I want to make a n*zi joke but my conscience had me in a chokehold before I could utter the first word.
rate mine
nigga thats a flag
Yuck, whoever created this deserves to burn in hell.
Lily is better
Then why didn't he stick to Noelle's body type? Can't really draw her at all so he butchered her with the body of a fat and poorly-drawn female?
I feel like you are that autistic boob user
You called me autustic but you showed a Noelle with a loli body. No thanks, I love Noelle as Tabata had drawn her.
I want her to peg me
user, she will only peg Yami. I'm sorry.
Goddamn she is overrated.
>not Mareoleona
How is she overrated, user?
>implying im rhya or vetto
Because the art is decent??????? Comparing to some fatdrawfags
What does it has anything to do with being overrated? It only means that those who decent her fan arts are decent artists.
*drew her fan arts
Because most of professional artists are attention whore they only jump to what is famous. They're not really a fan or anything
And how did you know that? You know those artists personally? What if that artist is just a fan of Charlotte and wants to be as faithful to her design as possible?
And I looked at loxiv and there's really a few of Charlotte fanarts in there, so I can't really understand your point on her being popular enough to garner more fanarts for attention.
Didnt hear a no.
Not him but almost all modern day interweb "fan"artists are attention whores.
user, I'm not that boob user. I just said that I prefer how Tabata.drew her body because it's hot and sexy while still looking like a sixteen-year-old female body. Tbh I'm more of an ass person myself. I'm still waiting for the day that Tabata bless me and the other ass anons with a shot of Fuego's glorious ass.
Well user fan artists are not tabata.
Why are you looking only at pixiv? Twitter is existing for most BC fanarts, user. Speaking of that Charlotte lingerie art, nothing exist for both sites even if you convert her name into japanese
From what iv come to notice there is very little solo Charlotte fan art.
It's mostly the same stuff posted here. Most new char art is always shipping art.
Most of Char's art that I saw have Yami in it so I believe that they're most shipperfags or Yamifags who ships him with Char.
Probably most of Charlotte fans are shippers.
This is probably the only decent solo Charlotte art i found
I'm pretty sure sanii has 80% of the solo char art
Fags who hate Yami exist? bc would lost half its soul without him.
Didn't he also drew fan arts of Nozel and Fuego? I love his style and coloring.
I'm not sure about hate but I found some in other sites who feel indifferent towards him.
This too
Noll too
>going to sleep and waking up to KINO
I want her to step on me
Two beauties who deserve such beautiful and glorious fanarts. I really love this artist.
Best feel
I just hope that they will adapt this in a filler episode. I need to see drunk Nozel.
>calls him a foreigner
>threatens to kill him even when in the middle of saving his life
>let the filthy foreigner swung his arm around your shoulder
I swear if Nozel didn't yeet Yami to another dimension after this I'm calling him the biggest and filthiest tsun in BC.
>going to sleep and waking up
oh no no no fuck please not another day
Jack almost getting strike by a cardiac arrest is what i want to see
I understand Char and Jack but why is Yami also sweating in this scene?
cuz she's being dere dere here
God, I want to do sinful things with her.
That heart-shaped ahoge is making me want to sexually bully her.
>Watched last episode yesterday
>The soulless ginger woman throws away Ari Aster and Ideally Sore so that she can fight around elves watch yourselves 1v5
Definitely an asspull if she survives. Rhya alone could easily wipe her out in her forma blanco.
Both of these girls will lose
In an alternate universe when Tabata is not a lover of tsuns.
Grey would never
Soon to be filled with despair again
make a new thread.
Holy fucking shit, this episode.
Well, the next 10eps are going to look like shit because fuck man
goodmf episode! I guess the next big ep is nolls?
I thought this ep and the next were Yoshihara eps?
I love Black Clover
Lufuru probably
Man that was some kino
Next episode is a mouse episode and the episode after that is a Yoshihara episode.
Heard 102 was filler but it's Yoshihara?
What kind of filler will it be then? Fight filler?
Recap like the Gordon ones
You think there will be a sakuga for Lululu fight after a Yoshi ep? Nah, bro
The episode was among the best ones so far but I have to say I didn't like some of the changes they made. In the manga the fight took place inside one of the rooms in the base but in the anime the final bit took place high up in the sky instead which made it look like some sort of a DBZ or a Bleach fight. It's not the first time this has happened but it felt particularly odd here since Rhya was still commenting on things while looking straight ahead even though Licht and Yuno were at least a mile above him at that point. I can overlook it since the quality was great but I hope they stick more closely to the source material in the future.
Man, this episode is awesome. From the Yuno and Asta vs Elf Klaus and Elf Hamon to Asta and Yuno vs Licht. And that Hakura Mirai at the climax of the fight! God, the animators really gave their all in this episode. Best episode to date!
Though I got to wonder, why didn't Asta sense Licht is different from Patri whom he faced before?
Worthy of being the 100th episode
>but it felt particularly odd here since Rhya was still commenting on things while looking straight ahead even though Licht and Yuno were at least a mile above him at that point.
Rhya's had good mana sense, I'm sure whatever fight a mile away from him he could commentate on. Especially when two of the fighters were throwing huge amounts of mana around.
God I wish that were me
>flying in a cave
>flying in the sky
Nah, the whole fight in the sky is my favorite part of the episode. It doesn't really look like DBZ fights at all and I watched a lot of DBZ when I was young.
Yes I do think the rufel fight will.
Expecily if we are getting a recap episode
There's a difference between characters flying around a small room and zooming around the sky like fighter jets. It's like comparing Asta cleaving through a boulder and slicing an entire mountain in two. Only one of those is canon and makes sense in an adaptation.
So jet plains in a cave is fine but jet plains in the air aint.
Where was your bitching during episode 84?
Episode was fucking amazing. Stop bitching lmao
Best girls
There's a difference in scale between flying across a room and flying across multiple football fields. Tabata decided to draw the fight so that it took place inside of a room instead of in the sky and I would have preferred if the animators had respected that decision since it makes everyone look way stronger in the anime compared to the manga.
I explicitly mentioned it has been done before and I also explained why this instance bugged me.
Not any of those anons but this actually shows their powerlevel much better than the manga.
The manga undersells the fights.
>multiple football fields
I'm sorry is there a scale of the hideout I missed or something.
That doesn't really make sense considering he eventually did turn to look once things got hairy, even though the others were so high up in the sky that he wouldn't have even been able to see them. I mean look at how far Licht is from the base.
You explanation is inconsistent
Does it even require a big difference in mana skills? If you can fly like that, I am pretty sure you can do it no matter how low or high.
So what if he looked to that direction
Yami did it to when julius and patri faught far from him
Pierrot has always extended fights and made them way bigger than they were in the manga. Perfect example is Naruto vs Pain. They just like doing that.
>he eventually did turn to look once
I didn't know sentient beings could look surprised and act like it
What a revelation
>Yoshihisa Iida
>Director and SB`er
Bro, expect the same treatment of ep 98
I'll expect 90
Nope. They won't give notable CADs under Yoshihisa's direction
amazing episode
>we finally had a kino episode that gives the manga justice
>someone is still bitching because of the padding to extend the Licht fight
Holy Fuck man that was too good. I wish I could forget it right now and rewatch this episode. Fuck this is too much excitement for the morning.
Great Episode.
Thanks user
>The manga undersells the fights
Are you an animeonly or something? The manga is the canon source material, by definition it can't undersell anything outside of some sort of a mistake that gets fixed in the volume release.
See the post directly under yours. The distance between Licht and the base is multiple times the diameter of the entire base. You see the same thing when Asta flies to attack Licht and when Licht blows Yuno and Asta through the base. If anything, multiple football fields is an understatement.
Yeah I get that, which is why I mentioned it has been done before. I just would have preferred if they had been more faithful to the manga.
>someone writes 2 or 3 sentences about a small issue in an episode he otherwise mentioned was great, on an anonymous far-right basket weaving forum
>"waah please stop bitching"
Is this your first day on Yea Forums?
>Really close to 100
Guess I'll make a new thread.
> peak anime was vetto fight
Kek that was only the first peak.
No. It had many animation issues and went too long. I found myself impatiently waiting for it to end.
The team still hadn't gotten their shit together back then. Julius' fight was better.
It was only 7 mins or are you including the Yami part too?
I'm talking about the fight as a whole. Including the Kahono amd Kiato moments.
Do you think the anime will extend the Mereo & Vetto rape scene?
ah okay.
continuing in new thread
They could. The Fuego vs Elf Kaiser, too.
As an anime only this was the best episode yet. Dont know what yall are complaining about. The whole fight was hype