I just started reading this manga
So what is the point of goblins raping human stuff?
They don't have goblin females?
I'm sure human females look disgusting to them
Goblin slayer
>I just started reading this manga
Start again then.
Yep, look like they have no females.
How would the author or the audience jack off without the goblin rape?
Orc rape?
Bandit rape?
Demon rape?
and in the GS universe all female at hot
The girls having sex with GS?
Fuck off you self insert faggot
Because edginess, user
t. disgusting goblin
>I'm sure human females look disgusting to them
Explain furries then.
Goblin Slayer could be good, but all the characters aside from GS are mentally retarded, even GS party who don't wear armour especially helmets (not normally an issue in fantasy but the story specifically points out how important helmets are), and the harem shit is insanely unbelievable considering GS is legit autistic and asexual as fuck.
Unfortunately this
>They don't have goblin females?
No they don't. It's literally stated.
>I'm sure human females look disgusting to them
If that would be true why would they rape the females then? And no, it's not true.
>I'm sure human females look disgusting to them
Why would you think that?
I'm pretty sure humans look sexy as hell to most animals. Mammals, anyway.
wats dis?
>Some group of noobs die cause they wanted to look cool like the heroes of a shonenshit manga
>Everyone is retarded
The majority of characters are experiensed adventurer that know exactly what they do and when to do it.
the rest are not done yet
also you have to read these from left to right
there are no female goblins
human and elf females are attractive to them
but they can breed with basically any female mammal
It's just the same ol' bait, user.
People who actually read it knows the post isn't true.
People who haven't read it probably gonna try reading it first before making any conclusions if they're interested.
People who easily believes that post always intended to shit on it in the first place and have no intention of giving it a try.
Easy as that.
I want to believe it. But there is seriously people so much into their mary sue hunting that the moment they see a character do properly even something he is supposed to do properly, cause it is his fucking specialization he trained and practiced all life to do it, they start ranting about it immediately.
>but they can breed with basically any female mammal
shit, really? I didn't know this
is it full xenomorph rules?
like do they make a runner goblin if they fuck a horse, or a predoblin if they rape a yautja?
>if they rape a yautja
This is something I would like to masturbate to!
There is no need to overthink it.
GS make fun of JRPG tropes. Goblin and orcs rapist are a tipical trope.
That is all.
look like it became great again , what chapter is pic related ?
I'm under no impression they derive sexual pleasure from the act. The pleasure is more to do with performing their intended role of committing evil, but also a deep jealousy of other beings. It is not just humans (or humanoids) they'll rape to make more of their own, either. Humiliation, torture, etc. are just as fun. Also, devouring those no longer able to reproduce (though if numbers are high, they don't need to bother). Sometimes they are too irritated with female adventurers to bother with rape (aside from those too high of a threat to play with). Having orders contrary to this fairly routine practice would also prevent them from having a go.
It is not like that. No matter what they rape, it is always just another goblin with nothing special about it.
You should get past that silly rape thing. This is a deep mature manga with deep mature elements like D&D mechanics. Big brain stuff.