ITT: time flops that only got popular through astroturfing
ITT: time flops that only got popular through astroturfing
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Fuck off, CR shill.
Yes, everyone who finds your shitposting to be annoying is totally a shill.
Crunchyroll always funds the worst shows. Add shieldshit.
I finally just learned about the term "time flop" but what does astroturfing mean? As much as I enjoy sora yori, I have already forgotten about it.
the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or public relations campaign in the guise of unsolicited comments from members of the public.
Whyd you have to add magnus bride to your shitpost?
Why does Yea Forums hate Crunchyroll so much?
this meme
Now this is shitposting.
idk, i like it cus i can watch anime on pc and phone
This might actually be the single most autistic post I've ever seen. You do realize you're literally just as bad as Yea Forums at this point right? You just spout retarded buzzwords that barely mean anything and talk about sales, ratings, and merch rather than actual content. Nobody is here to talk about fucking marketing and popularity among normalfags. Take that shit to r*ddit, nigger
How much is CR paying you?
if u dont like CR then dont use it but CR for me is best option to watch anime and i support studios
Is it a watched-expected-got post?
Is this bait?
No wonder that shit was inexplicably popular in the west despite being pretty bad and generic isekai. I wouldn't mind Crunnchyroll as much if it werent for the blatant stealth marketing, "featured show" and basically contributing to a lot of things that have shit up the online fandom for anime in recent years. Western anime fandom now basically just means whatever is current and on Crunchyroll and theyre all so fucking ignorant of everything.
>Sora Yori
It won second place in Japan for anime of the year 2018, right behind Zombie Land Saga. Clearly it was very popular to the only demographic that actually matter to begin with.
>Keeps Yorimoi alive in collective consciousness under the guise of shitting on it.
Based astroturfer-kun.
It's a time flop, which is different from a regular flop.
A time flop is a work of fiction that was popular at the time of the work's original publication but is not very well-remembered at present time.
>people still falling for this retarded forced meme bait
>magus's bride
Last thing I remember people were mass dropping it because it had a great premise and really good visuals and start but started stagnating massively.
Can't people just call it forgettable?
You spent a whole year trying to push your shitty meme and still have to explain it every time. It's clearly not catching on, give up already you fucking retard.
Crunchyroll made the western anime fandom (which was already cancer to begin with) even more unbearable.
Reminder that Eva has been only kept alive for the past 15 years by 95% waifs shitposting and 5% shot posting of the terrible new movies. It’s a time flop.
Your dick is one
darling in the flops
But it clearly still makes you mad.
I'm mad because the fucking newfag mods allow these posts to stay up while sakurafish is banned
Did you invent this term specifically to describe Violet Evergarden?
I hope it gets a season 2. The wizard college arc is setting up a ton of betrayal. And I love Alice.
Violet Evergarden is a timeless success, not a time flop.
The word "time flop".
But wouldn't that be pretty much every post 2010 anime ever? Seriously, unless they have another source of media behind it to continue the story in some way, all conversations about them tend to disappear after 6 months or so. I still remember Sora Yori fondly and I still listen to the ost often, but I won't go out of my way to make threads about it when there's nothing new to discuss.
Stop trying to make time flop happen
No. Non-time flops like Madoka and Girls und Panzer get sequels.
>I still remember Sora Yori fondly
That's because Crunchyroll is paying you to remember it. I find it difficult to believe people who like Yorimoi aren't shills or victims of shilling. No one with actual taste would praise that show.
Anything that sells decently will get some kind of sequel. Princess Principal for example is getting a sequel movie.
I'm sure Magus will get a sequel too. It's just right now there isn't enough source material for a second season.
It really did feel like it lost focus and started aimlessly meandering after having such a promising premise. Revealing that her daddymagus was in fact just an autistic attention-hungry child/abomination sort of ruined his mystique; yumes got bait & switched.
Face it. They're not gonna pass on a Magus sequel since they they shill the wizard college arc as Harry Potter meets Game of Thrones.
>defending a timeflop
>Sora Yori's story ended perfectly without any need for a sequel
>T-that just mean it's a [Insert retarded term I despairingly trying to push here]!
You're such a fucking mongoloid holy shit.
>That's because Crunchyroll is paying you to remember it
Man, I fucking wish I was getting paid to respond to dumb nigger like you, I would be beyond fucking rich by now.
You shouldn't get so riled up over your job, user.
Even if you do it for free.
The term "time flop" stops making sense if you think about it for more than nine seconds. The so-called popularity spikes they go through when airing are either a result of corporate shilling or from legitimate extreme popularity in a niche setting, which isn't genuine mainstream popularity in the first place. Your latter two posts are the former and the first is the latter, keep seething shounentard
>Sora Yori's story ended perfectly without any need for a sequel
So did Madoka and GuP.
You're trying too hard
Here's a pity (you)
MMO junkie was so badly overhyped, The female was a cute NEET MMO player but that's all it had going for it.
Magus Bride was pretty good stuff for the first 12 episodes then it kind of faded into a boring show with how they went with the story.
You can add megalobox into there confidently.
>CR shills calling anyone else a shounentard
Ironic. Yorimoi was shilled. There's no denying it.
>Time flop
>Native isekai
What other retarded terms are there?