ITT: Kino Panelling

ITT: Kino Panelling

Attached: Witch Hat Atelier - Vol.1 Ch.5 - 10.png (2236x1712, 3.26M)

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I read this series for the art.

Attached: Kino Punch.jpg (1672x4038, 1.41M)

Kino hat atelier always delivers

Attached: Atelier_ch3_p30.png (1262x1800, 507K)


Togashi frames conversations so well. Every single panel has a flourish that keeps the momentum going. Pic related, Kurapika and Melody leaning on and over the panel border as if it were a rooftop wall for example.

Attached: 1561391169055.jpg (818x1200, 208K)

looks shit

Based and kinopilled.

Thread ruined

Hunterchad thread?

>Left: Natural disasters
>Right: Human disasters
>Morena at the center trying to find a balance.
Kino. It references her mental instability, implies something inhuman about her hatred, and the divider's ALSO really two parallel lines, reminding us of the disfiguring scar she received as a royal bastard. Really damn good composition.


Attached: morena-ideal.png (659x677, 446K)