Chapter 164:
If you want chapters 163 and 162 in the same format:
Chapter 163:
Chapter 162:
Chapter 164:
If you want chapters 163 and 162 in the same format:
Chapter 163:
Chapter 162:
p. 02
p. 03
p. 04
p. 05
p. 06
p. 07
p. 08
p. 09
p. 10
p. 11
p. 12
p. 13-14
His armor looks so shitty
p. 15
p. 16
p. 17
p. 18
p. 19
p. 20
p. 21
So they want to kill all superhumans to make a perfect world?
p. 22
p. 23
p. 24
p. 25
p. 26
p. 27
p. 28
p. 29
p. 30
p. 31
p. 32
I have nothing but love for that bottom panel.
About time for Eva to appear
p. 33-34
p. 35
p. 36
p. 37-38
p. 39
p. 40
p. 41 end.
Adult Eva never fails to be disappointing looking
I like how they manage to instantly get themselves clothed out of nowhere the moment they have the chance.
>Grab hold of the world with your toes...
>Hang on, let me get out my hula-hoop
For crying out loud
Apparently the good guys think killing everyone who's put thought into ideology & sustainability and came to the conclusion "tailored Heavens while sleeping" are evil and have to die.
But then have no answer, themselves. But the "bad guys" are dead, so whatever!
>No. 2 Jinbei - "I ate mermaid flesh so I don't age it basically has zero other effects, but also I can stop time (not really, they just move really slowly!!!! slow enough that time has stopped, I guess) and reposition things. I'm 1,400-years-old so I'm Jakan Rakan levels of strength and my swordsmanship is better than basically every super human everywhere. Again, my strength is literally agelessness because I ate a mermaid once. Magic lol."
>No. 6 Gengoro - "I have stock lives, like a video game. If I die, I come back invincible for 3 seconds. I just shoot things otherwise. I'm strong because magic lol."
>No. 1 Eva - "I'm LIKE a pureblood vampire, but not really. I'm super freaking strong because magic lol, but also I'm suuuuuper mopey in UQ Holder because I think I don't deserve happiness."
>No. 9 Kirie - "I'm 10 but actually 20 but actually older but actually it doesn't matter because I live in time loops with a save point. I have zero strength otherwise except magic lol. I can stop time if I kiss my boyfriend, it's a totally unique ability except for, like, half a dozen other people who can do it or are unaffected by it."
>No. 4 Karin - "Hi, I'm a teen Asian? girl but actually from Jerusalem and my name is Judas Iscariot, I'm more than 2,000 years old I loooooove Yukihime! I can't be harmed except when I can I guess. I have Holy Magic from Abrahamic God!"
>No. 10 Ikku - "Hi I'm a robot. My real body is in a coma in a hospital somewhere. I'm immortal, I guess? Science is my magic lol."
>No. 12 Santa - "There's a more accurate term for me, but I'm a ghost. I'm also telekinetic because why not? It's not magic so maybe it is stronger when I want it to be."
>No. 7 Tota - "I'm a Springfield which means everyone loves being around me. I use Magia Erebea despite every single interation of everyone everywhere stating I don't have a personality that can use Magia Erebea because it's completely incompatible with me. I'm also Ostian Royalty. And whatever Arika royalty is. I'm basically everything, but who cares I love Yukihime! Yay! I'm gonna stop these bad guys trying to give everyone happiness because they are totally bad. I don't know why I'm acting like this, but I am, so deal with it! What? A plan? Repercussions for acting like this? WHO CARES!?"
>No. 11 Kuromaru - "It was fun to have internal monologues about my relationship as Tota's partner based on my undefined sex...the first couple times. Now it's my defining characteristic: the non-sex-defined Setsuna from Negima. My immortality isn't really that I can't die, I just regenerate and heal really fast. Is 3 minutes really fast? Oh? It's faster now? But, like, I can still die, but super super super super super being haven't yet, how lucky!"
>No. 5 Juzo - "Because I'm a samurai, I can cut through absolutely anything. I got this good because I swung a sword for 800 years. That's it. Did I mention I can cut through absolutely anything? Because I can. Even, like, concepts and other people's invincible immortality. Except Jinbei when he uses Kung Fu, then it's just little nicks. Can't cut that, nope. God? Yup! Kung Fu Jinbei? Nope!
what does UQ stands for?
I think it sounds like a name in Japanese which means immortal.
>No. 3 Sept - "I'm a light spirit. I'm created by Baal. People claim the lightning spirits and Negi with his thunder magic were, like, insta-fast? Well, I'm LIGHT. But people can still keep up because this is a battle manga and I'm not allowed to win."
>Dana the Witch of the Rift - "I'm an Akasha. I can control time and space. All of it. Instantly. I'm basically omnipotent. I cannot be killed or trapped. I haven't beaten my enemies yet because haha!"
>Baal the Wizard of Darkness - "I'm an Akasha. I can infect and control anything. Anything. Instantly. I'm basically omnipotent. I cannot be killed or trapped except I have except I'm not anymore. I haven't beaten my enemies yet because lol!"
>No. 8 Nikitis - "I'm an Akasha. My extreme omnipotence hasn't been given a characteristic trait, yet, but don't worry, I'm just like the other Akasha introduced who we've all been told should be doing anything because the Akasah are supposed to be completely uninterested in the living because they don't give a fuck they're omnipotent and ancient. But yeah, here I am! I apparently got beat by Tota a few minutes ago, but now I'm back and winning again, in perfect shape. Did I mention I'm omnipotent like the the others? Because I am. We're losing right now, though. Magic is crazy, right?"
Humankind doesn't need you, Tota Konoe.
I don't know. But how about I kill you, the unknowing idiot that I am?
that magic is brutal
Straight out of Hunter X Hunter
What is he now? An alien Xenomorph?
>it's not loli Eva
I sleep.
nice page
A Vampire dude.
that manga that got canceled a year ago?
The manga that UQ will never even remotely get close to top
He's wearing armor because that makes him a better fighter, apparently.
What I'm still completely baffled by is
...what was the point of Dana teaching him how to separate his White and Black energy inside him?
They make it seem super important. Super important he has it, super important he's able to separate it. Like, he's nothing if he can't. But, he can't do it unless he's using a hula-hoop and also that doesn't seem to matter either because he'll be exactly as powerful as he needs to by anyway. It seems like when he's successfully spinning his white/black a portal opens up to Venus?'s always open? Just not as big?
Why? And wouldn't Negi and Eva have that portal, too? It clearly has nothing to do with his dual natures, then...
And didn't they talk about how it's not like Venus is infinite energy, either. Tota is draining the life of the planet with how much he keeps using. It's hurting all the others that rely on that energy, too.
It's really, really frustrating to read this manga when Tota is behaving however the fuck he wants even after being told he's hurting people but it's okay because his enemies look mean.
>it's not loli Eva in her true form
says the guy reading UQ because HxH writer ran out of fuel with asspulls and canceled his manga a year ago.
What makes you think I'm reading UQ?
Calm down and reread some chapters.
I actually finished re-reading all of them yesterday. Tota is using power with reasons of "just because, stop thinking about it." It just works.
It was fun when Jack Rakan did it, because it was unique to Jack Rakan and Jack Rakan was awesome.
It was also kind of fun when Dana was doing it because she was introduced as the single most powerful being ever introduced in the Negima universe as a TRUE High Daylight Walker Vampire "Akasha" "Noble." She's basically rule-breaking omnipotent, and we have never seen other Nobles because they're also so omnipotent and old they just don't care about mortals anymore. Except Dana, she still enjoys just messing with mortals. She's uninvolved with events, but at least she's benevolent when playing. But now? Nobles being uninvolved is apparently a lie because new ones are popping up all the time and their omnipotence (once limited by Dana's benevolence) doesn't seem to mean shit since they aren't instantly winning.
No matter how much "thought" people put into something, if the result is put the entire world into a dreamworld against their will, then yeah, fuck them.
I dunno, man. What is Heaven?
You'll die after about 80 years, right? Is there Heaven after that? you WANT Heaven after that?
Give it some thought. You either exist or you don't exist. Immortal or mortal. Is it nihilistic to not want to exist...when you've existed for 79 billion years? Does re-incarnation count as immortality if your memories aren't coming with you? What's immortal Hell? What's immortal Heaven? Is living good in the first place?
You (and I) mention "free will" because that seems to be key. What is existence without free will? Are billions of humans, with free will, going to pick the "right" choice to make? Are they even allowed to make a free-will-choice of something that they want...if it's not the best choice to make? Who decides? Other humans (society)? A supreme God? A single other human? Your mom?
Does it change with circumstances or is it immutable? Like, can you make fun of someone, but it's okay because they're your friend, but it's not okay when they're not your friend? Who decides what's "okay?" In this case, who decides who's a "friend?" When?
You HAVE to think about things. Having humans enter a completely pure Heaven against their will (technically, NOT against their will, just without their knowledge it occurred) the wrong choice? Did they really lose free will in this tailored Heaven that's absolutely everything they want it to be, exclusively and perfectly for them alone? And this applies to everyone?
Understand this:
...are you considering? Listen carefully:
You, as well as Nagi and Negi and Tota saying "fuck them" are IDENTICAL to Ialda anyway.
YOU as well as Nagi and Negi and Tota made the decision of "no, humankind doesn't get Heaven" FOR humankind, AGAINST THEIR WILL.
You understand? Ialda decision ends with eternal Heaven. Your decision ends with continued misery. And you must make a decision.
Links aren't working.
thank you
It's a pun on yuukyuu, which means eternity.
Whether or not people can make a "right choice" is immaterial. What's important is that they be allowed to choose. And yes, being put somewhere by someone else without my knowledge or consent is against my free will.
Saying that Ialda and Ba'al are indentical to Nagi, Negi and Touta is a complete fallacy, because, juvenile as it may sound, Ialda and Ba'al were the ones who decided to violate people's free will by dragging them someone without their permission first. If they had given people a choice to stay on Earth or to go to Heaven, I'd be all for it, 100 %. But they didn't. Nagi, Negi and Touta chose to defend people's rights to choose what happens to them, which is the opposite of what Ialda and Ba'al want.
So what happens when someone like Vogons come and just nuke the Solar system cause all those "omnipotent" guys are still just a speck on even galactic scale.