How many episodes of anime has Yea Forums seen? I watched 7.5k episodes
How many episodes of anime has Yea Forums seen? I watched 7.5k episodes
Less than 500 probably desu
10.5k mofo
about tree fiddy
between 1-3 thousand... probably
But that number also accounts for movies, which are way better. Unfortauntely I was dumb enough to force myself to finish shows when I first started watching anime daily. Hadn't I been too much of a faggot to drop shows back then, I doubt it'd be half of that.
I don't watch all that mich anime anymore.
I just stick to manga mostly nowadays
Recently, I've mostly been reading LNs and VNs instead.
Shit thread, OP.
It doesn't matter how much you seen overall. What's important is how much you rewatch. Because that is your own personal shit filter. Everything that you decide for yourself is not worth rewatching shouldn't be counted for anything and declared shit.
Only 100 or so in total, but they're all series that were recommended to me from a top 100 list, so I probably watched at least 90% of the relevant/iconic ones not gonna bother with seasonal trash. Manga is a better medium anyway
>makes the most casual statement imaginable, proving he utterly refuses to leave his own comfortzone
>calls other people casuals by posting an edited image of a terribly melodramatic manga written for 12 year olds
All the Dragon Ball, Digimon, Pokemon, Detective Conan and One Piece episodes I've seen when I was a kid are probably like 1000 already. I've seen 3 seasons of Precure as well, that alone is almost 150
Oh only now realized you were talking about "episodes", my bad. So probably like 2400 episodes?
I don't count episodes but I've been watching anime since I was 6, so I have well over 1,000 full series under my belt.
Stopped counting at ~700 shows (not episodes). That was years ago. I realized nobody will give you a medal for wasting your life on anime. Now I try to enjoy what a watch, instead of trying to watch as much as possible, or following completion OCD.
Something sucks? I'll drop it, even if it's 2 episodes before the show ends.
19,360, but I'm just reading off my MAL so that counts movies and the few episodes of the few korean cartoons I've watched that get added to there.
One Piece alone is 900+ :^)
I agree that this thread is shit, though. Everyone knows that Yea Forums doesn't watch anime.
>Keeping count of episodes watched
For real?
It's called technology.
Exactly, anyone that counts episodes hasn't been watching enough anime. Once you reach max level, you stop caring about quantity. You transcend fandom.
What's wrong user, not enough fingers?
what this guy said
manga > anime
Indeed. You eventually reach a point where your elitism transcends counting, and then you're be able to brag about how you've stopped caring so much about those insignificant numbers. Not only does it let people know that you've seen a huge amount, but the aloof demeanor expresses maturity over others. It's truly great.
Do re-watched episodes count?
Less than 200
You got me. My superior chromosome count only allows me to count up to 21.
>Not only does it let people know that you've seen a huge amount, but the aloof demeanor expresses maturity over others. It's truly great.
Factually false, refer to . Most of you people haven't seen shit and refusing to track only helps you diverting attention from that very fact. You only "choose to not care" because you have nothing to show in the first place.
>chad meme
Kill yourself, cancer.
Fits too well for this board's userbase. Don't blame me. Blame yourself.
I'm glad you backed up those facts with a meme or I'd have to sue you for libel.
It's fine to admit your short comings and inexperience. Look at this thread. Many people are willing to embrace it. Stop being an elitist faggot, pretending to be better than them.
" TV: 264, OVA: 23, Movies: 59, Spcl.: 26, Eps: 5845, Days: 97.61"
3236 episodes including movies, 3162 excluding them. Longest anime I've seen is original Naruto, behind it is original Dragon Ball. But Detective Conan will overtake it in 100 episodes as I've started it recently.
In total I've read 5318 chapters of manga and 518 volumes. 56 of them are completed and I am currently reading 16 manga. The longest manga I've read is Hunter x Hunter, the longest manga I've finished is Ashita no Joe.
>he still can't recognize the thick satire
I thought there was some hope for you user, but I may have been mistaken.
More than I expected but sad that I'm nowhere near the biggest posted here
Oh yes, I am sure you didn't mean it. We all are.
>Having a mal account
Do people really do this? I just download series and leave them to rot in my anime folder once IM done
Between 750 and 1000 episodes. I don't attempt to track anymore.
Not much, 1,220
fell off of anime around 2014 because nothing interested me, came back around 2017.
It helps me out to keep track of anime and manga. If it wasn't for MAL I wouldn't be able to read nearly as much currently published manga as I do, sometimes I am just unable to read it once it comes out, sometimes I just prefer to read series in bulk. And don't get me started when series is on hiatus, I would've probably dropped Tomo chan if I wasn't keeping track of which chapter I am on.
MAL is good if you use it as a tracker
Absolutely. Manga is a faster way to consume media.
May I ask how many space you have? Because I have 12TB and that's not even remotely enough for your appraoch.
Keeping track of things is nice and I'm not autistic enough to make an Excel sheet for anime and manga.
Didn't even know there was a forum aspect to it until a year ago or so.
>tfw actually made forum post
I am too afraid to look it up, I might've been drunk when I made it.
6,6k apparently
>he's so much of a drone he still believes doing X is bad because he's been told so by casuals on Yea Forums
How do you people do it? Even with all its flaws...
It doesn't matter. What matters is that you understand them. Instead of keeping count, I keep a spreadsheet of symbolic themes, animation techniques, design choices, et cetera. That way I can go back to rewatch those specific parts when I need references for my work. Counting the episodes of cartoons you're watched is like wanting to have a bookshelf full of books you've never read; literally basic bitch level.
>Counting the episodes of cartoons you're watched
>is like wanting to have a bookshelf full of books you've never read
Face your fears, Anonymous.
>I keep a spreadsheet of symbolic themes, animation techniques, design choices, et cetera.
Kek. Screencap NOW
Show me your catalogue of symbolic themes in Evangelion. It better not have Christianity in it.
I haven't completed an anime in months
>when I need references for my work
So you don't actually like anime. You merely pretend to and watched a maximum of 50 or specifically watched individual episodes based on staff pages. Am I getting this right?
>there are retards who don't know how to use spreadsheets on this board
>there are retards who think a spreadsheet is better than a database that is constantly being fed by thousands of people who tag shit, add staff members and studio associations
To be fair, I am just lazy.
To be fair, MAL is actually kind of shit at that. ANN is much better and much more informative in that regard, sometimes straight up accredited episodes to various episode directors and even studios anime outsourced to.
>there are retards who think a database being constantly fed by thousands of retards with shit taste is better than a spreadsheet
>there are retards who get uppity about what they use to remember which episode of which series they're at
user, a database is made of facts, not opinions. The only opinion you see is the rating. The other five thousand sets of data are factual.
Why are you retards arguing over something so trivial again
Newfags pretending isn't spot on. They are coping hard, that's really all there is to it.
6400 episodes
It already feels like too much.
6.5k according to MAL, but it's not up to date
>when newfags near you think having seen ~100 shows is a lot
It's more than you need to see, that's for sure.
Not enough.
My backlog is still enormous, too. I've got a long way to go.
Only a retarded newfag would think this. Probably watched all the "popular" shit.
>being proud of watching anime
>not reading a shit ton of manga instead because there's probably less than 40 anime exclusive series worth consuming
anime is not vidya, you can't make something really niche because even for lowest quality anime you'll need some budget, id est pretending that there is tons of obscure good anime is retarded.
You're just fucking retarded. There are tons of shows I enjoyed the shit out of, but Yea Forums never talks about them. On the other hand, Yea Forums constantly talks about garbage anime.
Part of this is because Yea Forums talks only about ongoing shows (with some exceptions of exceedingly popular/known shows like Evangelion). Popularity polls (like MAL) are mostly terrible too. There's no other way than to dig in the shit by watching tons of shows.
>There are tons of shows I enjoyed the shit out of, but Yea Forums never talks about them.
Maybe you just have shit taste? There's a lot of good obscure manga, but anime will always be 99% shit.
>On the other hand, Yea Forums constantly talks about garbage anime.
I wonder why.
>mal to track anime
>not using notepad
Only days matter.
Not mine.
Mangafag containment board when
>not using MAL, Anilist, and a local database (Excel, Word, Notepad, etc.) and keeping them all up to date regularly
>3000 completed
>36 dropped
Mental illness. Seek help.
I'm just describing reality. If you just want to spout memes about anime being shit I don't need to talk to you.
Of course, over 90% of anything is shit. It's called Sturgeon's laws and applies to any medium. Currently airing anime has a low chance of being truly good.
>over 90% of anything is shit.
That's why i said 99%
Other mediums have only 90~% shit because most of those 10% that left are niche titles that was made without any budget, can't do that shit in anime.
>Currently airing anime has a low chance of being truly good.
Yoooo ironic weeb boomers ww@???
fellow notechad
>MALfag calling others newfags
>Not mine.
Then it shouldn't be a problem to lionk the profile. I wanna see what this guy has actually seen. Every time I come across one of these people while searching for stuff to watch their favourites are Steins Gate, Legend of the Galactic Cucks or Berserk and they've barely watched any movies or shorts.
>ever considering using anything other than a spreadsheet or notepad
You don't suddenly stop being a newfag by browsing the board, newfag. If you've been here for 15 years and have seen less than 3000 anime, consisting of a variety of titles from the 40s all the way to the 10s, then you are a newfag, no questions asked. Just so happens that there are more people on MAL who aren't complete newfags than there are here. Shocking, I know, but that's the nightmare we've found outselves in.
>thinly veiled MAL thread
>MALfags calling others newfags for not using their pleb site
Absolute state of nu-Yea Forums
Stop shitposting and go watch some anime for once, newfag.
>not having information spread out in various places in case of incident
You just don't learn do you, Kyoani?
The one guy who starts forum discussion for almost every ongoing series.
I don't know I started watching anime at around 4, that was like 25 years ago, 25x1000, i'm just going to go and say over 25k by now, but that includes movies and shit too.
alot. There is a loooong time i don't count anymore.
You first plebbitor
I'd laugh, but who am I to judge? I probably don;t wanna know how many posts I've made on this website.
probably less than 500.
If you're under 500 you need to kill yourself off this board you casual piece of shit.
11044 according to Taiga.
>Episodes 6,703
According to my MAL. No idea if it counts rewatched episodes too, since I regularly rewatch my favorites.
Pre-crunchyroll era, I watched almost everything that was fansubbed since Chobits was airing. Now that almost everything gets subbed and I'm a lazy piece of shit, I watch 4-10 things per season. So a lot, I guess.
At least they're easy to identify.
That's the problem with "guessers". You always get exposed for not having watched shit at some point.
Approx. 8000.
almost 6k but i watch only good stuff
about 1,500
I'm only watching the top-rated anime on MAL
>I'm only watching the top-rated anime on MAL
poor you
That's not the case for me. Tracking seems like a pain in the ass, but I'm sure I've seen more anime just from little girl anime than most of Yea Forums has seen from all anime in general. There's over 1500 episodes just from Precure/Pripara/Pretty Rhythm/Aikatsu, and thats barely scratching the surface of little girl anime.
9,606 so far, over 5 months worth
Why do people keep track of how much anime they watch, to the point of autism? Why do you feel the need to compete with someone else, does your self esteem scale with number of hours watched or something?
6.5K at 200-300 episodes a week, being a NEET is g-great
This user should not being scolded for the lack of bad taste because he has no taste.
>unable to understand why others like lists
>unable to understand why they want to put their thoughts into writing by taking notes
>calls others autistic
user I...
Easy +100 in 3.5 hrs
>want to pad list
>lets watch Tekyuu
>watch the first 5 episodes
>nope, fuck that
Not even worse the 3 hours.
For years I have kept a list of all the movies I have seen, all the albums/classic pieces I have listened, all the books I have read, all the tv shows I have seen, and of course anime. I just like making lists. There is no pride or competing in it. It's just incredibly fun thing to do.
Why would you track anime you've watched? Do you also track the number of times you've jacked off to an anime girl?
Some day you will learn how to play tennis.
Of course.
shit taste
>Do you also track the number of times you've jacked off to an anime girl?
251 Asuka
117 Madoka
65 Haruhi
Ah, but do you also keep a list of all the times you have had sex?
Hello cancer-sama.
Autism is common in anime fans. So is low IQ (generally low mental fortitude and trouble with memory).
>everything not amazing is shit
god you people need to acquire good opinions
Jokes on you, I don't need a list for that.
I have watched 2467 eps from 2016-18. In 2019 I have only watched 6 eps total.
Best girl
Never understood the hate for MAL. It's treated like it's Facebook when it's only a useful tool to keep track off your anime.
they're probably talking about the forums which most users never even looked at once
No they aren't talking about the forums. They are simply too retarded to understand that some people treat anime as more than mere media consumption. Most of them are guaranteed Toonami Ameircans who have no respect for thier hobby. They can't comprehend people analysing thier viewing habbits or taking notes upon finishing a film. Disney has indoctrinated them too much for them to ever be willing to acknowledge animation as more than a Sunday morning cartoon that does random shit for the sake of being random. Stop defending them, pretending for them to only refer to the forums. They are referring to the concept of taking your hobby more seriously than they do, and you know it.
Hey guys, wanna see me take autism to the next level? I actually organize everything by date watched.
>using MAL to "respect" anime
Never have I been more compelled to take the bait.
Use a spreadsheet or notepad you dumb niggers.
You're pretending to be some kind of autist that analyses anime but you're half assing it like a pathetic faggot.
That's what you're screeching, correct. Nobody tells you to track. You're the one who tells others what to not do because it goes against you limited understanding and casual conventions.
>You're the one who tells others what to not do
Sounds like you're confusing me with someone else, bub
I am sure I am schizo
You are an idiot, excel has come a long way since its inception, there was a time spreed sheets didn't exist. MAL and similar sites are just the march of time. Fuck off to 2ch if being a purist is so important, I also hope you know moonrunes and don't watch something disgusting like subs
You don't even need excel. Literally any computer from 1990 has word processing software where you can type the title, date, score, and whatever else you want to record.
Probably not as much as you think. 5 posts a day for 10 years are 16.800 posts.
I have days I just lurk and days I dump entire manga chapters but I should still be way below 30-40k
Or you can just click completed and the system adds titles and date on its own while also giving you access to hundreds of other data points in the process. Yea, I think I am picking the database over the word doc.
I've watched 1 episode of evangelion.
Okay. Not the point I was making, why not just write it all down, its a race to the most basic after all. How does putting your shit in a spread sheet make you superior to what said
Why aren't you using pen and paper instead? You hard drive is more likely to die than your apartment is likely to be flooded.
every show since 2000
>go to MAL
>click random persons account
>One Piece
>Naruto Shippuden
>Fairy Tail
Yeah, I have watched anime!
>go on Yea Forums
>woah have you heard of this niche movie called Akira?
>woah the recent Yaiba episode
>woah SnK KINO
>what's bottom middle on your 3x3 mate? looks niche! (it's Evangelion)
Yeah, us Yea Forumsnons watch anime! Or not?!
8345 or so
>go to Yea Forums's catalog
>it's literally the same thing
Was expecting less honestly
Taste in chinese cartoons means nothing and what you have watched can be mocked as easily
There are people who legitimately can't remember the shows they've watched?