I hate this bitch.
Why does season 2 suck so much?
Season 1 was fantastic
I hate this bitch
Written by some j-drama bitch, an absolute disaster.
Even the director admitted it was shit but he as forced by Cygames to make this Twilight-tier garbage because first season didn't sell enough.
A good thing he has full creative liberty in his current project.
Well, sucks to be you. I love her, and i like the show better than season 1.
Reminder that he did nothing wrong
This guy was fucking hilarious
Why does Japan hate Favaro?
Too ugly
He was so based
He blacked best girl Sophiel
I always find hilarious that tumblrinas fucking love Cheerios despite he's literally Hitler
so you are the targeted moe trash?
Silly billy, Cheerios is no hitler ! He's the illustrious shephard of mankind.
Fuck you Nina
Look at this harlot. Can't get enough of the royal D
Tumblrinas have always been fucking hypocrites more news at 11.
This is not moe.
A Mary Sue gone wrong.
Yeah because S2 sold so much better.
He was an incompetent bitch who would have died in episode 4 if not for the plot armour. Also such a black hole of personality and character he made the whole franchise implode on itself.
>tumblrinas fucking love Cheerios
Tumblr is dead so nobody cares.
The write of S1 was a tokusatsu writer that works regularly in the Ultra series and movies. He wrote SSSS.Gridman.
Cygames had a full retard period when they tried to get fujoshits to play their shit.
It's neither you retards. S2 shat on both fujoshits and moetards. When will you mongos get this right? It was targeting yumejoshi selfinserts and otomefags. At least get your insults straight.
Everything he had planned worked though. He fucked over gods and demons alike and managed to beat Bahamut.
Face it. He was absolutely based.
So, a good character.
They tried pandering to women.
>Everything he had planned worked though.
His plans were terrible and the only reason they worked was because the plot, logic and character consistency literally bend itself backwards to allow it. If you didn't notice any of the stupidity then you might be retarded.
To a very specific subcategory of female otaku. Most of the fans of the first season, majority of them women, hated the shit out of S2.
It just works, user.
It's a bit of a shame but I hope RoB Genesis is forever dead.
If they do more RoB anime they should do completely new characters.
There is nothing based about a literal Mary Sue faggot whom some crusty granny writer is wet for and calls him her "ideal man." I find him disgusting by pure association.
>all the demoniggers in this thread
I had a lot of fun with Virgin Soul but Season 1 was a lot better. The finale really shat the bed but it was still amusing to watch.
Jeanne's flashback episode was kino
It sold better than S1
Season 2 started off alright. It wasn't great but it was watchable anyway. It seemed like it was going somewhere that could possibly be cool. But then then halfway through the show started shitting itself and never stopped. Not sure what they were thinking with the second half.
Stop posting that bitch, people are trying to forget.
>Managed to beat Bahamut
More like fuck over everyone in the future.
The show peaked with Jeanne's episode. It was all downhill from there.
Based as fuck writer then.
He is the only saving grace of ss2.
Season 1 was only good for like 3-4 episodes, until the shitty plot kicked in.
Anyway, Nina was hot AF.
demoniggers and angelfaggots still mad
I felt really bad for Jeanne. She lost her job because lol women (female writers are even worse with this than male writers, see shoujo) and was magically raped. Despite all of this, all she wanted was a retired life with her son but then Cheerios had to be a douche for no reason and then she lost her boy, first by hiding him from the dreamy baby killer and later because he actually died. Not only her call for justice was treated as being petty and selfish but Cheerios ends winning everything while she ends alone and cucked by a nigger because genocide is totally cool but lesbianism is wrong.
And most importantly, FUCK BAHAMUT!
That is all.
You are a man of culture.
We need a Liza anime. Or Medusa. Or Olivia. Or Vania. Going with original donut steal characters was so fucking retarded.
Don't forget Bahamut is set to come back again anyway so all he did was bring Bahamut back and kill it again maybe setting back it's next revive time by half a decade at best.
>Anyway, Nina was hot AF.
Ironic that Season 2 would attract people who only care about hot guys/girls.
>no arguments
I rest my case, retard.
Based! Hail Charioce!
How does male feminists defend this? Not women because they don't see anything wrong
Tumblr hates cheerios and had his best takedowns not sure why it's being said cheerios is welcome there. Because some fanatic made a fanpage? It's long dead now, much like the whole tag.
Shut your yurifag assup beyoge!!! An Jeanne sucked anyway alongside that Azazel fag! Wished we got more scenes from some actually interesting characters like Lucifer.
They always are the little extremist faggots!
Self-hating humans like you make me sick.
Fuck demons.
And fuck angels too.
Hail Charioce!
Blow it out your ass faggot. Azazel and Jeanne were the sole decently written characters in the whole season.
Funny how retards like you forget cheerios fucked over humanity the most. He also used human slave labour and then killed off the human slaves with no remorse. He didn't have a single redeeming charactersitic in a moral sense but in the end his biggest crime was simply being the most boring piece of shit character to ever disgrace the media. Even his fangrils on tumblr called him a mannequin.
>interesting characters like Lucifer
> top 3 characters
> all but forgotten by Cygames
Haven demons and angels been fucking over humans for a long time?I guess they only got their deserved punishment.
Remember when she became a comfort woman for the human soldiers along with other female demons and was treated as a comedy? lol so funny
Wrong, retarded speedwatcher.
Olivia was getting events recently. Other two suffer because they are barely relevant in GBF.
>Remember when she became a comfort woman
Seriously? Any pic
Shadowverse anime when
>pretty educated drawing of a round, fat, ugly as all hell face
Did the artist never see a pretty woman in his life?
Exactly! Why should anyone whos not some self-hating cuck feel sorry about what happened to the demon and angels? They strucked first and got exactly what they deserved for their behavior!
Probably in a year.
Have you mental midgets not notice thet most suffering happening on this pic is happening to humans? Especially Favaro. Torturing the savior of manking for shits and giggles is unforgivable. Charioce deserves to be a blind moron who'll get his shit pushed in by Bahamut in his lifetime.
>They strucked first
Cheerio attacked them first actually.
I dropped this after around episode 15 or 16.
What are Charioce's biggest crimes against humanity?
Also I saw a gif saying the main girl was willing to choose him over the world or some shit.
Honestly, I don't know why they made her the poster girl for the event. She had a few lines early on then she might as well not even have been there. Even in 000 she got shafted pretty hard.
All angel shits events were trash unless you are a fujo.
was the Dragon Yuri anime any better?
I dropped it in episode 3 or 4 when the QUALITY became too hard to notice.
It was nice.
>What are Charioce's biggest crimes against humanity?
Was an incompetent leader who had to resort to slavery to make the ends meet. Tortured and imprisoned the most distinguished saint and a literal savior of humanity. Used human slaves to build the dromos cannon, then ignited it and killed all the slaves. Caused mass human death because he was too prideful to ask angels for help with sealing it. Drove Bahamut to his kingdom without evacuating the people. Bahamut nuked the kingdom obviously but luckily to him angels and demons happened to be nearby and for some reason THEY saved his peasants because he didn't even bother. Brought Bahamut out of his slumber and assured he will be immune to the only weapon that could harm it the next time he wakes up. And yes his brillaint plan was to:
>build the cannon right next to his capitol
>awaken Bahamut
>drag Bahamut across the country and have him nuke everything along the way
>try to use the cannon on Bahamut without ever testing it out
>have plot armour in shape of the redhead idiot who sacrificed herself to give the cannon a decent power output
In short, he was a retard who would have lost everything if plot, and other characters literaly bend out of shape to assist his plans. That includes Bahamut who was nerfed beyond belief and made comply with cheerios' plans.
>Also I saw a gif saying the main girl was willing to choose him over the world or some shit.
Best waifu ever confirmed.
Great ass.
That was last year's popularity contest. This is the latest, and arguably more accurate since you aren't limited to voting for those only with Petit characters.
>genocide is totally cool but lesbianism is wrong.
Cerberus for Granblue Versus, pls.
It depends on how much you want to fuck the girls. There isn't any other value
Doggo exists, Cygames!
>Jeanne's flashback episode was kino
This a thousand times, i couldn' care less about Jeanne in S1 but that flashback made me care for her and Mugaro so much.
I just wanted to see them happy...
Vampy is not in the main story sadly.
>Why does season 2 suck so much?
Because it took what made the first season enjoyably and discarded it, and then shit all over over what was left. And for what it is it's not even a good love story either.
The only good takeaway was literally Hitler buttblasting demonfags and getting away with everything.
Don't forget the plan was based on what the guy that tried to destroy the world with Bahamut left.
don't remind me
Why would you remind me of this. Probably the worst thing I ever watched.
>muh 9/11
What they did to my nigga Kaisar is unforgivable and I'm not talking about the zombie end. He went from a man of integrity and justice to a cuck and Cheerios's bootlicker. The truth is he died long before VS's last episode
>mfw they gave him a happy face in the bd release because everyone was so mad
It was Great
Remind me to Dracula Dead and Loving it