How did Gabriel Dropout become a cult classic so fast?
How did Gabriel Dropout become a cult classic so fast?
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The answer is devilishly smugging in your pic.
Saitana of course.
She and aqua from Konosuba brought back the i love lucy slap stick.
Everyone wants to fuck Satania so bad.
gabu > shitania
The hate toward Apple everyone shares with Satania
Why did /g/ choose satania as an emblem for apple hating?
It was a good anime
They did?
like sakurafish, one madman spammed it until we liked it.
You mean like every meme in the history of Yea Forums
Because of Satanichia Kurumizawa McDowell
iToddlers BTFO
Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu
all four girls are the best girl
but demons > angels
hm, yes
it is quite the cult classic
shame there is no season 2
satania was great and she played off every other character well.
the reverse angel/demon gimmick was cute
good mix of personality types
weirdo raphie (my wife) wildcard.
It's been almost two years
Cult? No. Classic? No. Liked by retarded shitposters? Yes
I wanna bully Satania until she cries!
For the first few months I heard about Vampire Gabu I actually believed that she was the same Gabu as Angel Gabu
Don't really remember much about this show
Girl with long silver hair was annoying and the demons were better than the angels
The only episode I can clearly remember was the blind girl episode as it was the "serious" episode in a comedy show
season 2 when?
Because of Satania and Vigne.
Because it's peak DogaKobo, it's up there with the first 2 seasons of Yuru Yuri.
The /g/ poster
Because of the three girls on your pic, the one who isn't there is irrelevant.
They just share VAs
Blessed poster.
Satania, Mao-sensei or Shamiko?
I like how the creator did a porn of him and her
I like how you're lying on the internet
Fat Satania Hentai
Satania or literal whos?
>become a cult classic so fast?
>cult classic
More like a forcedly remembered time flop.
>Cult Classic
This is your brain on moeshit
*all five
Why do people call Raphi a slut? She never flirts, and she never says or does anything sexual.
>demons > angels
seething Shitania fags
Raphi >Chuuni Gabu > Angel Gabu > Vampire Gabu
>le boogeyman
>reddit spacing
Thanks to
It’s interesting that it became more popular years after it aired than when it came out.
That's what a cult classic is user...
>chuuni gabu
Even shittier than Satania. That's already a worst insult.
cute semen demon
you have to go back
it sold its souls to satanichia
4chans so decrepit you have actual itoddlers posting this meme
sasuga raphifags, always have the absolute worst taste
Sometimes people forget Satania has a great body.
How can I forget
retards typically do
does anyone know what the fuck she's eating?
Only ironic weebs liked this show.
Should I watch it? I've loved Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star, but hated Konosuba.
How stupid do you have to be to forget that?
Clownshow for clowns.
Watch Jashin-chan. That one's actually funny.
Don't bully
Fucking beats me — I thought it not awful by any stretch, but I also thought it highly forgettable and then the Satania pictures started popping up everywhere, which was probably my least favorite character.
The episode where they befriend the blind man was by far the best.
>blind man
Literally who
>Literally who
A show with two seasons.
liked character
one piece has like 50
Angel Gabu > Vampire Gabu
Kek that's really hot, wish more girls would do that irl.
For me, it's Raphi. She's a delightful character that's fun to watch both on her own and when she interacts with the rest of the cast.
Raphi is shit
Can't stand her voice actress
Satania has been the best memegirl since Suiseiseki.
HanaKana is pretty good.
they're both funny
Also annoying
*all six
I get why they chose Raphael for her, but the funny thing is that there is an archangel named Samael who is known as the seducer and the destroyer. They could've had a character like Raphi but even more grim without breaking away from actual abrahamic religion.
Just fuck Satania already.
They could have named her after some eva angels too.
Not really. She's named Raphael because he's the God of healing and the joke is that Raphi is a sadist despite being a literal angel, and a healer at that. If they went with Samael the joke would be "we didn't even mess with the original character too much".
I actually never thought of that
Satania did the rounds on Twitter and Gabu is LOL LITERALLY ME xD
I would wager that 50% of people in the internet who say they're fans of the show have not seen all 12 episodes.
>not enjoying kagawa life
She stopped being annoying now that she’s not everywhere anymore. She got better in each new individual role to make up for it too.
Even the /g/ mods get into the fun
What is it about /g/oblins that makes them so averse to iPhones? I know the phrase sounds meme-worthy but it really does "just work". For example, my dad used a google pixel (forgot the exact model) and switched to an iPhone a couple of months ago. He says he likes the iPhone more basically because "it just works". The apps are better than their Android versions, the phone is more stable and the battery lasts longer than the pixel did when it was new, and it's just more pleasant overall to use. He's not some boomer Luddite who was forced to buy a smartphone by his grandkids. He used to be a software developer for a while. He works for Microsoft. He's not technically illiterate by any means. He just doesn't give a shit about muh customization and muh custom ROMs or whatever.
Is there really something wrong with that?
>zero replies
lmao have a pity reply, cuckette
>retarded boomer says dumb shit
>hey Yea Forums, here's my boomer dad saying dumb shit
thanks user, you're a goddamn hero
My dad is 45. He's not a boomer and I specifically said that he's not tech illiterate. I am asking why do you feel the need to denigrate people who aren't obsessed with toying with their cellphones.
He is tech illiterate though
You've been bamboozled to think someone who learned software design 20 years ago is even remotely capable of anything they teach today
He likely just googles whatever he needs to do and lie about the rest
I'm not even being mean, just go on /g/
>My dad is 45. He's not a boomer
Way to miss the point.
Did Japs like this anime?
No. It underperformed for a dogakobo show
>You've been bamboozled to think someone who learned software design 20 years ago is even remotely capable of anything they teach today
>He likely just googles whatever he needs to do and lie about the rest
I see. So your autism is just a way to reconcile your feeling of absolute superiority over normalfags with your utter lack of achievement in life when compared to said normalfags. That makes sense.
They're teaching quantum computing theory now
Highly doubt your dad can relate
Best meme girls since Suiseiseki are Chaika and Hikage. Satania is just popular among the twitterbook norms
>You've been bamboozled to think someone who learned software design 20 years ago is even remotely capable of anything they teach today
>1999 is so old lol it’s like he’s programming in COBOL lol
Meanwhile most of us are probably still using the 2005 version of DVD Decrypter
its almost certain there'll never be a season 2
>thankk youu Bezoss Samaaa
How did snek get a second season again?
Snek pleases producers for more seasons.
she does what needs to get done to meet her goals
something lesser debiru bakers like you wouldn't understand
>PhD level computer science theory is relevant to being tech literate enough to use an android phone
please show me a phone which uses a quantum computer as its cpu
please show me a current consumer product which would be incomprehensible to a software engineer from the year 2000
this post isn't gonna age well in 2029
>can't BTFO doremiposters on [s4s]
what a skank.
Fuck crossboard memefags
Poll for true Gabriel Dropout fans
>she does what needs to get done to meet her goals
It’s obviously Satania. Literal episode plot is Satania trying to beat beat Gabriel at something, shooting her at school to get her in trouble, humiliating her at her job, chasing raphi with a frog. Everything gab does that’s mean spirited is a reaction to Satania’s shit and raphis shit stirring. Vigne is a non actor. It’s like you guys didn’t even watch the show.
I'll beat beat your ass faggot.
What do you mean by Vigne being a non-actor?
And please explain yourselves, five people who voted for Raphi
She forgives Satania for being a raging autist, she’s passive to Raphi’s psycho shit, lets gab take advantage of her kindness. No one is out right mean to her so and she seems like she would take it in stride based on her practice job interview.
The dog who stole her bread was her mortal enemy for much of the series and she was initially happy to see it get captured, she took joy in seeing Gab squirm when her sister was there and wanted to get her in trouble by telling on her, she took nude photos of gabu when she was undressing. Planned to have a slime monster attack Gabriel. Face it Satania is an extremely petty grudge holding demon.
I don’t get it either satania literally chased her with a frog and she seems to have pretty much forgiven Satania afterwards.
or feels like it was fair game and that de deserved it since she has screwed with Satania so much before. I think Raphi really just craves excitement in the end.
Because someone on /g/ keeps spamming Satania and now she's known as the itoddlers btfo girl
Raphi is such a nice friend.
She's always looking out for Satania.
Stop what?
>Yea Forums mods delete board culture
>/g/ mods support and actually have fun
What went so fucking wrong Yea Forumsbros?
Would angel breast milk cure my autism?
We don't have Yea Forums mods. Abib and "forbidden one" are not our mods and they don't give a fuck about anime. They don't even post here
Ah, I'm sharing your view on touka. Hm, seems like rice with peas in it
>satania seasons 1
>snek seasons 2
>user is in class
>Raphiel is blowing pink bubblegum bubbles every few seconds, each one making a loud pop that can be heard throughout the room
What do you do? Do you tell Raphiel to knock it off and be more respectful?
this is correct but her show would be 90% more boring without the retarded devil
It's more the fact that iPhones are incredibly overpriced for what you get. Sure they've got high specs and look good, but those features aren't worth paying $1000+ for
>waste a shitton of money which would be better invested in literally any other phone
He is a dumb tech illiterate and so are you and worse you're a faggot for defending iCancer
Kys, zoomer scum
bait harder, faggot
>You've been bamboozled to think someone who learned software design 20 years ago is even remotely capable of anything they teach today
>implies that someone who learns software design doesn't keep themselves up to date with technology
Sorry but it wasn't bait. Your waifu has an annoying voice
Such a nice fiend*
1 Nyah Ha Ha Ha! I just quoted the whole thread, and when they come here expecting some stimulating reply, they're just going to find ME, Satania!! What a devilish trick!!
>You've been bamboozled to think someone who learned software design 20 years ago is even remotely capable of anything they teach today
What are you even talking about, retard? Any non-retarded person can learn how to make good software systems, whatever they are doing. Getting a computer science degree is just a meme stamp so you can go become a code monkey slave with h1b fags. There is no "rare expertise" in software, just general competence or lack thereof (crypto/compression math shit is math shit and not software engineering--most of the people who push that stuff forward aren't even software fags).
Based best girl replied to my post! I am so happy!
How long will you use devilish tricks as an excuse for your autism?
Don’t think you’ve won!
There is a shocking lack of fanart of Satania getting it in the ass.
Itoddlers thats why
I want to see and lick Satania's anus.
Why do you anons love a pathetic loser like Satania?
She has dedicated her entire life to evil and she's less effective than a spiteful toddler at it.
She would give you mouth cancer
I'm totally fine with this as long I get to lick.
>She has dedicated her entire life to evil and she's less effective than a spiteful toddler at it.
Sounds like your average user
The question is your budget fine with it?
Treating cancer isn't cheap you know
Twin tails we meet again. I bring a message from the great Irish devil Satania sama. Get fucked.
it is good anime, one of the best in genre
i am wondering why it is not popular in nippon
It’s not completely unpopular, the manga is doing well enough to stay ongoing
Because Japs have shit taste
Poor man's Umaru. Nobody cares about it and not even forced Satania memes picked up. What an absolute failure. Imagine actually being a fan of this garbage.
I want to do terrible things to twintails-Gabu
Satania is cute so in theory she can’t have Irish genes.
I would lick Satania in every place she commands me to
Ironic weeb memes. It was an average CGDCT at best, albeit one with great character designs.
Okay itoddler
Except it didnt.
Except it did.
Licking an anus is fun, and it doesn't even taste bad.
I never understood this. Is the red loli supposed to be the devil?
no, she is chuuni
her family are bakers in hell, they're also chuuni except her brother who thinks his family is weird
iToddlers seething
Yes, but she's terrible at it, gets bullied, and is killed like six times by Gab
She is Queen of Hell
I love her so much bros...
and queen of my dick
3 mouth makes any girl, best girl.
And mine too
Debiru made to show unforgettable, much the same way rotoscoping made Aku no Hana an Yea Forums classic.
Holy based
Don't you mean unholy?
what a low quality thread
What a low quality post
Why aren't you worshipping the Great Lord Satanichia right now?
Shit girls doesn't even have a good doujin.
Speaking from experience?