Just finished episode 4, when does this show actually get good?
Just finished episode 4, when does this show actually get good?
episode 19
It's already good but if you give it like 3-5 more episodes (been a while since I watched it) the plot will kick in in a way that's more normal than the first few episodes.
Episode 2.
Episode 18 or 19, I don't remember, but keep paying attention so you don't have to ask dumb questions once you get there.
i still dont understand why people dont like episode 1
You fell for this meme
First 10 seconds,get filthered ya pleb.
If you don't like it now it won't get any better. In fact it gets more boring.
Texhnolyze shouldnt be your first slow anime. Id reccommend easing into it with stuff like aria and haibane renmei
So only the final 3 episodes are good out of this 2-cour show?
No. Its just that the first 18 episodes are great where as the final are the best in anime
Well at least episodes 1-4 have awful pacing and give the impression that the director thinks heaping on the weird can replace an engaging plot.
Fuck off retard
What is awful about the pacing? The first epsiodes are setting tye groundwork for the atmosphere of the show and the players in the game
It won't get good for you since you've already filtered yourself
Right away, you philistine.
It's good from episode 1 pleb.
i.e. nostalgiafags who haven't watched the show in 10 years
try last month faggot. Sorry not every show has le epic fight every episode and actually wants fleshed out characters and not arbitrary archetypes
>fleshed out characters
>near zero dialogue outside of stunted moaning sounds
wow really cool and deep anime bro lol
>he only watched the first 11 minutes of the first episode
why crtique something you didnt even finish the first episode of you dishonest faggot
drop the show, its clearly not for you
Oh I'm sorry, how could I forget all the intricate characterization like doctor lady who vomits exposition and then gets choked out. Or the main character who screams and punches people, real mindblowing stuff.
>if i oversimplify the characters to their surface level appearance i'm right
So what exactly was the message of this show? That I should never stop fighting even when there is literally no hope left? That it's better to painfully die while fighting to your last breath rather than silently accepting your end?
even if all the world is going to shit and you die the most horrible way your life was worth it if you found a purpose in it
>if I describe what the characters do in the show I'm right
Based retard
>If you found a purpose in it
>Found a new mom that he wanted to protect.
>Left her forever alone on the surface where retard leftists will continue mindbreaking her into being an equally retarded leftists, if she doesn't kill herself first.
>Found someone that helped him give a new purpose to his life.
>She successfully attempted an assisted suicide before he could get her back. Meaning he left his nu mom for nothing.
What did Ichise mean by this?
So this is a “didn’t watch or would watch the anime but better get some attention with edgy posting because mom is busy today”-thread.
See, nobody is forcing you into the anime. Yes, the reason and actions of all the characters have deeper meanings and goals, yes is not le deep meme, is not even complicated to understand, but you need certain knowledge to get it, not Ph.D knowledge but at least I hope you were paying attention to your lessons in high school and college. The setting, the way society is divided, and how all the characters interact in the plot are mean to build a portrait of the tragedy that lies in social groups. Is not that hard to understand. Really.
i dont think doc would have wanted to come back down after seeing what the theonormals did to themselves. Wasnt her whole purpose to stop extinction through texhnolyzation so finding out that they had just given up and all her work was for nothing must have been crushing.
it doesn't get any better from that standpoint
Please keep in mind Ichise is not being lead by the common MC mindset. Is not about finding a meaning to live, survival in this context is not about having friends or family to feel good with yourself. Is understanding the futile and meaningless existence of individuals and learning to let go, let go others and yourself. That’s why Ichise’s relations with Doc and Ran are not developed in the classic boy meets girl, because is not about a story about two people learning to be codependent of each other, but how a person learns to understand each other with no ulterior gain.
t. Nietzsche
There is something that separates you from being a thing and makes you humane. Is not science, or religion, or desires, is awareness. Ichise starts the story as a wild animal following his basic desires. Doc, Theonormals, Yoshii, Sakimakura, surpassed the awareness of their selves and became slaves of their own despair, and they so easily renounced to life like an animal who just gives up. Ichise was in this state, ad Lux itself, but managed to grow with time and found meaning and awareness in the small events of his life that gave him a sense of existence: he revisiting his childhood story, and then forgiving his father, and then deciding to be aware of the existence of others, made him human and he died as one.
I suggest you to read Nietzsche so you can avoid empty memes.