Pic related
>The guy she likes was a neet otaku
>His stats are incredibly average
>Many people have labelled him as a pedo, sex fiend, loser etc
>He's short
>He's not good looking either
>He's poor as shit
Is Megumin S tier non-shallowness?
How shallow is your waifu?
Her standards aren't low. Girls do crazy shit when they're craving for a D.
Picking a spouse of a comparable level with you is a sign of a wise person.
>The guy she likes was a neet otaku
terms that do not exist in her world.
>His stats are incredibly average
yet he keeps things going and often saves a day with his wits.
>Many people have labelled him as a pedo, sex fiend, loser etc
they have?
>He's short
Megu's a head shorter. IMAGINE.
>He's not good looking either
>He's poor as shit
Except when he's not, and now he owns a mansion.
Finally: he digs her explosions and is her personal carrier when she runs out of mana.They also look around the same age.
Overall, she's the best girl.
>He's poor as shit
You fucking secondary
>How shallow is your waifu?
4 inches to the cervix
Megumin only likes Kazuma because he's the MC. He's kind of a prick.
>The guy she likes was a neet otaku
Kazuma is only a softcore neet because he got cucked, he's not socially retarded or suffers from spaghetti, you can see how he's able to quickly adapt and interact with a new environment from episode one.
>His stats are incredibly average
Which means he sucks at nothing, plus he's smarter than average and really lucky.
>Many people have labelled him as a pedo, sex fiend, loser etc
He's also hailed as the hero who destroyed an entire destroyer fortress and saved the beginner town from one of the maou's generals.
>His looks
Kazuma looks fine.
>He's poor as shit
No he's not, he only gets wealthier as the serie progresses.
>He's kind of a prick.
a trait that surprisingly often makes bad girls wet.
She doesn't even really try to hide it, and pays him back with equal force at times.
Well, her chest is quite shallow
Go outside, m8.
Apply to yourself.
Chicks date older bastards all the time, and give up their "nice guy" first boyfriends because they ultimately bore 'em.
garbage thread, OP
Don't think she really is.
I recognize the face from way back... where's she from again?
That gay yandere anime.
Future Diary
Jesus, dude. Just stop. Couple of years time you'll realise how cringe-worthy you are.
I know. Garbage threads usually get 500 replies.
Thanks! I dropped MK around half point when it was airing, as the TV version's censorship was BS. Never picked it up again.
I don't think so. I'm roughly twice older than most of the cancerous nu-Yea Forums, married and well versed in life's wonders.
The sooner you drop your geeky white-knighting attempts, the better.
So you've discovered the redpill. In a few years you will realise it's pretty stupid and shit. It has only a shitty leddit circle jerking community that jizz into each others mouth while talking about no fap. Girls only like guys with big dicks, case closed.
Women like to date alpha males, and alpha personalities are assertive and sure of themselves.
Self styled "nice guys" are usually pansies who never fight with anyone and end up always being the first to compromise, neither of which is an attractive trait for a female.
On the other side assholes are far more likely to have alpha traits.
>all the fags caring about 3DPD ITT
>Still having PTSD about goblins.
>Terrible match up against mob type enemies.
>Can have great, enjoyable adventures if she went without him & platinum tier luck to obtain the highest possible treasures.
>Lot of groups want her on their team.
>Will be utterly broken if she gets into the high level.
>Turn out, following him after a while stunt her growth because goblins have shit exp & she has to share it.
>Has to face a freaking Lovecraftian Demon Lord because he somehow wants to defeat something that is definitely not a goblin.
>Still loves him so much that her future sense ability gets weaker when she isn't with him because she just keeps thinking about him.
I know he saves her life, but so does Lizardbro & Dwarf, and she saves his life plenty of times.
I don't think she's shallow, but the Hero is pretty much the ultimate catch for any woman in their universe. Then again the Demon King is also the ultimate catch for any man in their universe.
Regardless, their relationship is far more about emotional attachment than physical attachment.
I remember enjoying this back in the day. Is the manga any good?