Togashi should make the manga focus on the Phantom Troupe because they have, in my opinion, the best characterization in the series (with the most potential content for backstories and individual motivations), leading to a great variety of interactions ranging from funny to thought-provoking and always coherent with each character's well-defined personality. Their characters are among the few in the series that haven't been introduced without proportional foreshadowing and, due to their unrestrained background, they would fit in most potential arcs.
They're also the main reason why Kurapika makes for the best protagonist out of the traditional main cast, as his character is the one who gets most consistently antagonized through all the arcs.
What do you think? Would you like to read about Nobunaga and Uvogin's battles, Bonolenov's origins, Chrollo's ultimate goal or about what lead the Spider to the Scarlet Eyes?
>inb4 they're all going to die this arc
Hunter x Hunter
Other urls found in this thread:
i agree
Hisoka will die of old age!
The boat is partially their arc too. And most of them will die on it.
Also, while we are at it, what's your favorite Spider other than Chrollo/Hisoka/Illumi?
HxH was once a Shonen, but then successfully transitioned into a Seinen
Phinks all the way!
*hardboiled josei
I'm positive about the fact that every spider will die in the boat. I don't want them to but Togashi already said they will all die eventually, and I don't see them getting to the dark continent, hell, not even the fake continent.
Chrollo x Machi
Kalluto x Feitan
Franklin x Shizuku
Bonolenov x Illumi
Phinks x Nobunaga
>Togashi already said they will all die eventually
I interpreted it as in they will die regardless of them surviving this arc because of old age, because it's weird for an author to reveal something like that. I think he just wants to confuse us and keep everything unpredictable.
>I don't see them getting to the dark continent, hell, not even the fake continent.
It hasn't been addressed yet where they plan to escape once they loot the ship, right? They don't seem worried about that, hopefully that doesn't translate into more losses from them, Chrollo will run out of fodder for Requiems.
The ship will sink and Luini (or Chrollo with Luini's ability) will use his ability to get the Spiders out of the ship.
Screencap this, it will happen.
This would make me love Luini even more.
How based can Luini be?
You know what I really hate? The fact that the spider never got new characters to replace the dead ones. Kalluto and Illumi are cool but a new face would have been cool.
>I interpreted it as in they will die regardless of them surviving this arc because of old age,
Yeah, nah. They will die and Kurapika too.
How possible is for Luini to actually join the spider? He's too much of a fanboy to earn their respect IMO.
If Kortopi could join the spider, then Luini also can.
Repeating digits and Togashi dies Tonight
When will this lazy gook release some chapters? It's slowly pissing me off that we don't get any new chapters but everyone else does
Bro, you have to make more restrictions so you Hatsu becomes stronger
Let the mindless retards get their weekly shit and just weather the storm, fellow chad.
Fine. Last two digits are 44 and Togashi dies Tonight. If not I die Tonight.
Pitou is the best girl and is my wife
we will miss you
>Bland and uninteresting personality aiming for some childish great dream. Boring background uninteresting relationship.
>Mysterious and complex personality. Higly charismatic. Intriguing relationships. Engaging backstory.
Every fucking time.
No we won't.
As much as I'd like to respond to this post with a usual "based", I just no longer have the strength to. Forgive me fellow hunterfriend, almost one year without a new chapter is too much to handle for a rookie like me who's been just experiencing his first ever hiatus.
>The fact that the spider never got new characters to replace the dead ones.
>new face would have been cool.
I agree with you.
>Kalluto and Illumi are cool but a new face would have been cool.
That and also that the former members that were replaced before the story's beginning seem to be forgoten by the rest of the troupe. It would be cool if troupe members reminisced about older times every now and then.
Not really. It COULD work, but the characters of the Troupe themselves are pretty simple and don't really have much room for internal conflict, and internal conflict is what made arcs like Yorkshin and Chimera Ants good. A good story is not just cool stuff happening, but great character drama born from believable conflicts.
There are also some things that are better kept as a mystery because readers will have different vague ideas that just won't be satisfied by an unified truth. For example, I like to imagine that Uvo and Nobu fought some Top Tier Blacklist Hunters at some point to protect the Troupe, which intimidated other Blacklist Hunters, and that is why there aren't other Blacklist Hunters going after them during the story itself. But will that be what Togashi will show?
Also, note that there are already some minor inconsistencies with the Troupe due to this arc. For example, in Yorkshin Phinks was able to make it to the auction without anybody noticing him, but now he is a celebrity among criminals and known member of the Troupe in the current arc. Sure maybe things changed for him during the past two years and his face was leaked so it is not exactly a plot hole, but if you just continuously pile up flashbacks without paying close attention, it will be harder to maintain continuity.
Which prince or queen hired him?
Reminder that he is still alive.
No, what Togashi should do is write the story and outsource all the artwork. That way the story might see completion before the end of the century. I hear Tosh is free these days. He should probably get a closer match in artstyle though, or an expert emulator. He could probably pay some art student to draw the whole story in his style for a pittance (and the ability to get hired at almost any studio after the story is finished)
Togashi's first manga was a romcom he wrote in collaboration with an artist. It flopped, and I think Togashi hasn't had the will to do a collab again. I think there were probably issues there. Creative conflicta and such.
Do you guys think is just a coincidence that Hisoka and Illumi clothes look strikingly similar?
>because of old age, because it's weird for an author to reveal something like that.
Given the current setting of an enclosed space with no real exits or escapes, the fact that multiple factions are now all gunning for each other and the Spiders present a threat that cannot be ignored, and the Spiders are also being hunted by a guy with enough skill to realistically contest them through a combination of matchups, ambushes, and planning.
I see no reason for Togashi to be vague about this, Kurapika likewise is pretty clearly in a position where him dying is a real option this arc.
No we think not
Good thread OP.
I'm hoping the next batch of chapters will have the Spiders in it. The most exciting parts of this arc for me are the Troupe & Tserr/Theta.
They're not that interesting.
They said why they went after kurta eyes its because they are thieves they steal shit they lived in the shithole of the world so when they see shiny thing they want it.
Same reason they stole from the Mafia.
Basically the Niggers of HxH even the ants had more "honor" than them.
Chrollo getting killed for not fight properly against Hisoka.
If he doesn't want to fight o hid own then Hisoka will force him to fight alone killing all the spiders first then a proper fight against chrollo
Ants are worse than niggers tho.
Most of the Troupe are psychopaths It would be out of character for them to reminisce about dead members.
I don’t believe most of them are psychopaths tho. They all have their own reasons.
The next hiatus will be short
me on the right
I wonder how things would be if gon took nobu on his offer?
Gon und Nobu would become blood brothers.
When Hisoka covered Manchi with his men, did it feel like she was covered him his sticky cum? Why didn't he just rape her then and there?
Because he has honor.
t. delusional
Why are most of their eyes like that? Like they look tired or annoyed
>sneaks on Komugi without ability while he's shitting
If all the spiders die this arc, then who kills who? It's it just Hisoka, does Kurapika get in on it, or do even more people join in?
Because they had 2 of their members murdered by a clown who's hunting them down after he jobbed to their leader in a 1v1.
They are meant to be sad because two members got killed, but most are too stoic to show it as sadness.
Does she still love Nasubi?
She never loved Nasubi. She married him because she was poor.
Nobunaga will snap after all the bullying
>every single character distinctive and unique faces and expressions
How does he do it man?
She belongs to Kurapika now.
Fat-Fat is dead.
No, she has totally fallen for Kurapika, that will be this arc's big subversion.
Kortopi attacked first, it was self-defense.
Or afraid of showing their emotions and such.
>infertile women who already belong to another man
bit cringe
Based Kurapika went from a forest village kid to literally cucking the King of China.
>Kortopi attacked first without having his ability and while he was shitting
Delusional pedo clown
Oito is not infertile she's in her late twenties you disgusting incel purityfag.
she looks aged
By looking at his book.
HxH is for fags
She's a grade A milf
y-yeah the cuck is the one with a child not the one paying for it
For me, it's Syarnorke Ryuseh. You ?
Quwrof Wrlccywrlir.
It looks like she could be anywhere from 20 to 40.
The tired eyes and stress makes her look aged, she just needs to survive the SW with Woble.
Colhtophy Tounofmaill
You missed the forest for the trees. Stuck in the lower tiers, their introduction thus becomes a natural way to establish the links between this country’s upper and lower stratas of society – the spiders connect with the mafia, who are themselves connected to three of the princes. Some of the best segments of volume 36 focus on the unique relationships developing between the Spiders and the more traditional mafia, like the terrific character introduction, where a low-level mafia boss’s strength is emphasized not through physical prowess, but through the fact that he negotiates calmly and forcefully with Chrollo in spite of risking death the entire time. Other segments delight in very different ways, like the unsurprising fact that most mafia underlings are absolutely starstruck by seeing the big celebrities of their industry.
Also, the Spiders added a degree of clarity to this Arc. Like how the introduction of Kurapika being able to give others powers essentially solved the issue of Oito not being able to contribute, the Spiders reduce the many logistical sub-conflicts of the boat’s lower decks into one larger goal: a race to find Hisoka. Unsurprisingly, the same generosity of characterization that Togashi applies to the various princes’ guards also applies to the spiders – they’re depicted as intelligent, concerned for each other, and at times very funny, to the point where it seems clear Togashi’s realized they’re just too valuable as characters to be stuck playing villains. Hisoka is an elemental force who cares about no one, making him a great villain – the spiders are all charming criminals who care about each other, making them something closer to dashing rogues.
Netero blanco > Quwrof Wrlccywrlir > El hermano de Yupi > Yupi > Syarnorke Ryuseh > Liquido Hisoka
Reminder that Gon still has a Paladin's Necklace and it will be vital in his final fight against Gyro.
This post was made by a tranny.
>commit suicide at a rate of ~40% after self-mutilating
>self-harm, literally chop off pieces of their body
>other mental illnesses like bipolar and depression much higher than general population
Togahsi-san, make a character out of this.
For me, it's Vonnornoth Ndongo.
Fuck off Yea Forumseddit. Togashi is a supporter of LGBT and has included positively depicted trans characters in HxH.
This, het-fags OUT.
Togashi is lgbtpilled
If this is true then no wonder why reddit is superior.
Are those Gon and Killua behind Hisoka?
Who the FUCK cares anymore? WHO THE FUCK CARES ANYMORE?
None of these plot points are EVER going to get any closure so who cares? Huh? HUH???? WHO CARES????
What was the point of this character?
To showcase that even Chimera ant captains can be fucking retarded level dumb low IQ brainlets, not every character has to be 160 IQ.
Squadron leaders like Rammot, Zazan, and Cheetu depict how the themes of individualism and human nature began to take shape. It was truly unique to see how some chimera ants were clearly collectivistic in nature (mostly foot soldiers) while others like Colt or Rammot had a consciousness and clear unnatural human desires while at the same time being very different from one another, showcasing their individuality. This whole part of the Chimera Ant arc was a clear representation of the philosophy of desire, and a distillation of individualism vs collectivism. Cheetu's death is also a play on chaos theory, a major theme of the arc.
Was Cheetu an ant, human or cheetah?
So guys, when will it be revealed?
Chapter 444
Never and I hope all the retards will go away once this braindead theory is officially debunked, but they won't, they'll keep shitting this place with new retardation
> and I don't see them getting to the dark continent, hell, not even the fake continent.
implying youll see a new chapther.
Killua is canon gay. Reminder:
>Togashi previously wanted to write a sports shĹŤnen with a canon gay crossdressing boy as the protagonist, but Shueisha shut him down.
>Togashi would then go on to write Yu Yu Hakusho, a hugely popular series.
>as thanks, and because Togashi had worked himself halfway to death, Shueisha allows Togashi free rein to do whatever he wants with Hunter x Hunter (hence his erratic schedules that would get any other author fired).
>Togashi also has full ownership over Hunter x Hunter, giving him absolute control over the story.
>now that he has so much power, Togashi plans on getting revenge on Shueisha for canning his gay sports manga all those decades ago by making Killua gay and they can’t stop him.
Further reasons:
>in chapter 286 (episode 121), Killua literally says he and Gon will commit "shinjū," otherwise known as "double suicide" — a term connotated with lovers.
>Togashi clearly has an interest in the "weird," as seen with Hisoka and Alluka.
>Togashi is married to Takeuchi, author of Sailor Moon — a series that features canon lesbians. In addition, the current Hunter x Hunter arc features a lesbian kiss between Morena and one of her followers.
>Yu Yu Hakusho has a gay couple: Sensui and Itsuki, showing that Togashi is willing to include gay characters and relationships in his stories.
>everything Togashi does is for a reason. When he includes scenes such as Killua's "Gon, you are light" and "shinjū,” he knows how fans will interpret them. To say otherwise implies he’s ignorant.
>to claim this is all bait is to insult Togashi, because that implies he's a hack who has to resort to the lowest form of writing: pandering. He is not that desperate.
>as seen in chapter 323 (episode 139), even Hisoka thinks Killua’s most “beloved” is Gon.
And the main reason:
>Togashi is a mad man.
why does japan want us to fuck little boys? Used to make me hard but it is kind of cruel to reduce something to a hole to fuck, right?
Pitou is my only reason for living, my life has no meaning without her.
Can Pitou reproduce?
delet this
best girl
Would be a shame if someone sent him death threats if he didn't start having a proper schedule, specifying that he doesn't mind the long hiatuses as long as they don't go from 6 months to a year.
wasn't a significant portion of the YorkNew city arc about the Phantom Troupe taking out their grief over Uvogin's death? And then Gon was all pissed about the hypocrisy of them being saddened by the death of one of their members but not giving a shit about anyone of the many they killed?
Kurapika will crossdress and try to seduce Tserriednich
A reminder that the manga version of Kurapika’s fem disguise wears a skirt
Yes we had kittens together.
Is this the arc where we'll see his cute little dick squirt from anal stimulation?
user...where'd you get the idea to post this from?
So is Kite a 'lesbian' now or does he now crave for dicks?
hopefully he'll get fucked by a tentacle monster in the DC
She is the new ant-queen.
Go back
Why did you do this?
These two are the most disturbing things in HxH.
illumi stroner then hisoka?
stronger sorry
Yes, in fact most people are stronger than Hisoka.
>stronger than anyone
Morel is the only exception because he's the only manipulator that got fit so he doesn't just have to rely on his smoke minions.
>Try not to die until you're dead.
Who else?
Illumi can control a large group of people and make them attack him, and we know how that ended up for Hisoka the last time.
Chrollo is not stronger than Hisoka. In fact he ranked lower than Machi in the arm wrestling contest.
if hisoka had permanently died against chrollo, it would it have made the story better.
hell no, we wouldn't have the spiders get involved in a mafia war
the hunter world is pretty big, no need to rely on the spiders for crazy action.
they should t be the only thief in this world, willing to steal from a king.
The reaction would have been hilarious, but I'm not sure if it would make the story better.
By stronger do you mean physical strength or combat ability?
If you mean the first then HIsoka is stronger.
If you mean the second the Chrollo is MUCH stronger.
Physical strength of course. But Chrollo isn't much stronger overall either. If he was, he wouldn't have gone to such lengths to prepare.
Chrollo won't kill Hisoka, that would be too soft of a punishment. Instead he will humilliate him by stealing his bungee gum and making him a nenless jobber for the rest of his life.
But ignore that speedreading moralfag.
I like your honesty but this was a trap to lure you.
No but if Hisoka killed Chrollo it would've made the story better, all the spiders would be trying to hunt down Hisoka for revenge.
List of people that could beat Hisoka in a fight:
Don Freecs
please everyone quite down, kurapika of the kurta clan is about to pray. thank you
i shall have peace of mind at all time.
i shall share my happiness and sadness with all my brethren
i shall sing eternal praise to the people of the kurta
on the scarlet eyes, i swear this.
the sun upon my face, the grass beneath my feet
my skin cleased by the water of a lake.
my spirit soars among the clouds,
my path illuminated by the moon and stars.
i honor my ancestors for bringing me to this place,
and defend my brethen with my dying breath.
i will step forward to humbly share in the joy
and carry the burden of their sorrows
by my word and deed, their name will live on....
for my scarlet eyes and my blood are one with theirs,
i will take up the mantle, and accept any wrongdoin i commit,
to preserve the kurta people, until we are redeemed forever.
on the scarlet eyes, i swear this.ancestors for bringing me to this place
Hisoka will prove you all wrong
At least use the actual Hisoka edit
Hisoka, the destroyed of Bodoro, the purger of nenless hunter exam fodders, the annihilator of enhancers using conjuration abilities, the nightmare of butlers fighting with coins, the terror of non combat oriented spiders without their ability
Cute transvestite
Let's be fair, he was able to beat Razor in a volleyball match, and he only needed the help of Gon and Killua!
Pitou is a girl
He was weaker than one of Razor's nen beasts
He's a boy
Now cope.
Based Gary Sturollofags
sorry, I will next time
The 1999 anime has 72 episodes right? They cut greed island arc or didn’t they adapted it?
Also how many episodes does HxH madhouse have? Which episodes can I skip since I basically read the manga.
Stop namefagging Mungus
Eh ok?
But answer my question.
No, it has more and it ends in Greed Island
148, but why would you wanna skip anything?
No she isn't, you're the one that needs to cope.
please introduce more sex based nen attack.
should be more of those running around then i can steal your justu stuff
togashi mistake.
baise should have lived
I likes Chrolo, his is strongest, Hisoka its weaker i dont like him. I likes Ging, Cell, Pitou, Gon, Sasuke and Chrollo his the best
Chrollo fucked the three of them.
GI is adapted with the OVAs for a total of 92 episodes. Start the new anime from Yorkshin directly if you've already read the manga
Me too! he its cool his has much powers i like him
Based 70 IQ falseflagger
Chrollo is a virgin
He'll fuck Morena
I feel sorry for human Meleoron and koala hitman.
Hisoka will fuck his corpse
their were dicks anyway.
it took a death experience to change them
so I just read this chapter specifically so that means the fortune girl died? was she killed by the mafia or her dad?
We don't have info on how she died user..
it sucks when cute innocent girls die.
What did Meleoron do wrong in his past life? Koala was a hitman sure but he didn’t deserve to be killed like that.
In case it helps you sleep at night, some speculate that Pika found a way to exorcise her before joining the Zodiacs.
I was in a good mood user.
Hello Illumi.
Reasonable if Hisoka did
Dark as shit if her father did it
why wou-..oh, would make sense but there would be some hint that it was hisoka like guards being taken tout and it being mafia news or something
Hello user.
We'll we see Shizu in disguise? also Bono is cute!
youpicalvo my brother
Ready for the announcement this week hunterbros?
He is male, cope again you delusional faggot
That is literally my headcanon. Her papa went crazy and killed her and then killed himself.
The only delusional faggot here is you
Togashi can't write girls, therefore Pitou is male.
skip the two recaps
Cute boy
her disguise will be even cuter than Bono
I believe this is a pasta from reddit
Her disguise will be her dead rotting corpse after Hisoka is done with her.
I wouldn't do that since i think it's a bad habit for the community unless you're intentionally shitposting, which wasn't my intention.
Nevertheless, go ahead and past it there if you care so much.
Yeah, thanks for confirming that it is indeed reddit pasta.
The fuck?
Of course Chrollocucks would browse reddit.
I must admit, I'm not into guys at all in the real world, but for some reason, Togashi has created a male character that I find to be extremely attractive. I'm talking about Kurapkia. His looks being a little on the androgynous side probably does help in this case. However, it is his personality that I find to be extremely intoxicating. He's very VERY smart, and plans things out. He's absolutely determined to achieve his goals at almost any cost. However, he is also extremely fragile, as he is way too high strung and always seems to teeter on the edge of madness. Honestly, if it were just me an him in a room, and he was mentally exhausted from all the stress he is constantly under, I'd totally fuck him as gently or as hard as he'd let me in order to get his mind off of it. With permission of course. If he's willing, I am.
Togashi created a very interesting character in Kurapika for me. He's the perfect mixture of strength and fragility, and it seems so tragic how willing he is to sacrifice his life for vengeance. It makes me wish I could convince him to put that incredible mind to use in a more positive way. But that wouldn't make for a great and tragic story.
Honestly, same.
Kurapika is based no doubt
Kurapika Paladinknight
Kurapika Hui Guo Rou, King consort of Queen Oito.
Leorio has been fucking Cheadle raw the entire boat trip
It is known.
It is known.
>My apologies for being so roundabout. It is common understanding that a society that is able to be controlled officially and stopped at any time is exceedingly restrictive and yet cannot deny that these military solutions have proven effective and have happened time and time again.
What the actual fuck did he mean by this?
That's just the dumbfucks at Mangastrem being verbose and confusing for no real reason
Unironically based degenerate
Looks like I fucked up by not reading the viz scans, I'll have to fix that. The V5 and zodiac discussions were confusing as shit.
Based post, all heteros are gay for Kurapika.
Mangastream gave me a headache when the arc started, I know better now
I prefer Genthru and Chrollo.
VIZ volumes:
Imagine a Succession War anime adaptation..
is that kurapika down front?
Chrollo has no dignity
God Tse is such a chad
It is known
No, their inclusion is the worst mistake Togashi made in this arc. Making it feel unrealistic and contrived.
Ideally they'd never appear for the rest of the series. As characters they can't compare with Togashi's best creations, most of them are onedimensional and flat. They're also insignificant on the grand scheme of things, they didn't appear in CA and obviously YN can't even hold a candle to CA. They don't matter.
Only Franklin and Nobunaga have any real voice, the rest can hardly be taken seriously.
Poor man's La Squadra. They have no potenial for backstories, they barely have any character.
You think this is fucking Naruto? Ridiculous, in they're starting to look more and more like the Akatsui regarding their role in the series. Awful.
Yes, we would have been spared from the worst chapter in the series and if the spiders had just dissapeared entirely from the series HxH would be much betrer. Now they're all on that boat... fucking ridiculous.
Hisoka nor the spiders are interesting enough characters to justify their continued presence, it only makes HxH more shonen-lite, more unrealistic. Hisoka brings nothing to the story, he dideven appeared in CA.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based
Based Hunterbro
That's pathetic, that's what's dragging this arc down and mafia wars are YN 2.0.
Yorknew 2, that's what you expect from shonen manga like OP or Naruto, not realistic series like HxH. Togashi what a disaster you made.
Found the shonenshitter, go back to One Piece or MHA, HxH has no crazy action.
Oh no he's back, rip HxH threads for next few days
Redditors seem to love the spider inclusion and mafia wars. True intellectuals know that the upper tiers' drama is where it's at.
It would ruin the ending of the anime. Also HxH wouldn't be the GOAT anime anymore since Hisoka's extremely retarded resurrection would damage it's standing.
Luckily it will never happen.
Kys retatd, only retards like battle manga when will you understand.
>Hisoka's extremely retarded resurrection.
He actually believes the memes, please show yourself out of Hunterchad threads.
And? That's exactly y point, that stupid generic shit with the mafia, spiders and Hisoka should have never existed in the first place.
>that kurapika
>giving (You)s to falseflaggers
What are you talking about user?
What memes? Are you so deluded that you forgot already that Hisoka resurrected himselr instead of dying as were promised he would?
That user is obsessed with shitting on the spiders/Hisoka subplot and anyone who mentions fights.
Chimera Ant is the most shonen-like arc, at least before a minority of the ants start getting conflicted with their inherited human psyche. I haven't read the manga you mentioned but i think you're just looking at the surface of things in comparing them. In fact, a lot of those mangaka have taken many ideas from Togashi's works but without his unique emotional nuances or sense of humor. These things are important for understanding the charm of HxH: the PT are humanly relatable, aliens or cartooney infantile characters with flashy abilities are not, know the difference.
Most of the Troupe's scenes aren't battle centric, and aren't that different from the Succession War's scenes. For example, the dispute between Kurapika and the Spiders during the second half of Yorkshin didn't involve any fighting at all.
Pitou is kind
The user you quoted is falseflagging and obsessed with battle shounen.
Just look at the battle shounen entry level thread, he's there lying saying HxH is a battle shounen and has lots of action so everyone thinks we're as retarded as OP, Bleach and Naruto fans for liking the most retarded genre in manga: battle shounen.
He does this every other thread, i know now for a fact he's either a OP or MHA retard.
He gets called out by me and other chads for trying to equate us with battle shounen retards. He's also behind spiders threads, to make us look like redditors since chads don't care about the spiders one way or the other, they're only popular on reddit and between battle shounen retards, because they think they're strong and will have "crazy/cool fights"... yeah i know... pathetic.
True chads know CA is where it's at and that's what we should discuss most of the time since that's what elevated HxH to Shakespeare.
You again? I'll destroy you like i did last thread:
If HxH is battle shounen and chads like fights... then why do Hunterchads make fun of battle shounen manga if they themselves like battle shounen?
How does that make sense of the entire Hunterchad movement?
See? Now he's going to fall silent about this and not even attempt to reply, because he just got ousted right now.
have sex
Based and enlightened. The way we dominated that thread was kino of the highest caliber.
CA the most shounen-like arc??? THE ABSOLUTE STATE of this battle shounen retard falseflagger.
GTFO, you just equated Shakespeare with Dragon Ball. You just exposed yourself.
Keep going strong, this battle shounen retards are nothing for us. We will expose them again and again like this stupid falseflagger just exposed himself.
I was looking for reference images of Meruem and something struck me about his design. In the manga, his face looks like that of a wide-eyed kid whose helmet is too big for him. The implication is his "truest" self is the vulnerable human side and his intended purpose as violent despot is an awkward fit. This was less noticeable in the anime, which gave him a more streamlined appearance.
Whats with the deleted posts?
Dude, no one is going to take your opinion seriously after that post, just quit already.
Also the spiders aren't humanly relatable, in fact some of them, Shizuku, Feitan and Machi specifically, are very gimmicky. Bonolenov, Kortopi and Shalnark are non characters at all.
The spiders are like the Zodiacs, except kids and redditors ike them because they're villains and think they're cool. True chads understand only Nobunaga and Franklin have any real voice (Pakunoda and Uvog in Yorknew). Take that as an advice so you can falseflag better in the future and not be so pathetic about it.
Yet, CA has 10 times more fights than YC.
Spiders focused arcs based on dialogue, strategy. schemes and character development not fights, shonenbaby.
Seems like you just assblasted Clownfag who hates spiders by default
Tetha is a cutie.
>Chimera Ant is the most shonen-like arc
I'm embarrassed to share a thread with someone who posted this unironically.
Rules have been broken, threads have been bumped, opinions are maintained and butts stay hurt.
Great, switch Uvo with Feitan and we have the same favorites.
Yorknew has 3 fights are you saying CA has 30? You're beyond retarded, CA only had 1 fight on it's second half. And a few skirmishes in NGL and East Gordeou. In fact NGL has no real action and East Gordeou only has 1 fight.
Pathetic, CA is based on Elizabethan Theather Drama, the 2nd half of it is but narration, subterfuge and inner monologues as well as soliloquies.
That's there's no action at all on the palace invasion, other than Netero vs Meruem which was very short.
Those aren't my favorites user those are the ones with the most voice. I only really like Franklin.
Spider focused arcs? Bitch there was only a single arc focused on the spiders, and all arcs are dialogue based. You're such a falseflagger you didn't know that. Even worse you posted a page with little inner monologue, that's nothing compared to Welfin's POV in CA.
Hunter x Hunter is a literate manga, of course all arcs are dialogue heavy.
Also you didn't ask my chad question... see? i told you he wouldn't, he never does because it's entire "argument" is at odds with the existence of the hunterchad movement.
>CA only had 1 fight on it's second half.
By second half do you mean the palace invasion? In that case I can think of plenty of fights
meruem vs netero
knuckle and shoot vs youpi
pitou vs gon
ikalgo vs that one lobster ant
ikalgo vs welfin
killua vs palm
morel vs pouf
Best Black Whale girl.
>Uvo vs Mafia
>Uvo vs Kurapika
>Chrollo vs Zoldycks
>Gon/Killua vs Rammot
>Gon vs Spinning Ant
>Killua vs Rhino Ant
>Kite vs other ants
>Gon vs Knuckles
>Killua vs Shoot
>Killua vs Rammot
>Pokkle vs. Ants and Pike
>Killua vs Ants
>Gon vs Bat and Owl
>Shalnark vs ant
>Shizuki vs Pike
>Feitan vs Zabazn
>Kalluto vs. Ant
>Phinks vs Ant
>Benelov vs. Ant
>Morel vs Lion Ant
>Knuckle/Shoot/Killua/Morel vs Youpi
>Morel vs Pouf
>Ikalgo vs Welfin
>Ikalgo vs Lobster Ant
>Netero vs Meruem
>Killua vs Ant Palm
>Gon vs Pitou
Pretty close
I'm sorry
Fucking based. Quality > quantity.
>Gon/Killua vs Rammot
>Gon vs Spinning Ant
>Killua vs Rhino Ant
>Kite vs other ants
>Gon vs Knuckles
>Killua vs Shoot
>Killua vs Rammot
>Pokkle vs. Ants and Pike
>Killua vs Ants
>Gon vs Bat and Owl
Those are the absolute low point of the series. Togashi was at the point he almost gave up, not that this newfag would know how the original pages looked like.
How many characters are in this arc so far?
Not enough
Killua vs Rhino ant, Pokkle vs soldier ants before those with Pike and Kite vs centaur ants are 2011 fillers
Pathetic, virtually none of those are fights. And not to mention Killua vs Rhinno is filler.
This is as retarded as what you did, YN fights:
Kurapika vs Sacchmono
Kurapika vs Squala
Baise vs Squala
Shizuku vs Gon
Franklin vs Sachmono
Shizuku vs Baise
Uvog vs Mafia
Uvog vs Worm
Uvog vs Shadow Beasts
Owl vs Troupe
Troupe vs Shadow Beasts
Phinks vs Dalzollenne
Kuraika vs Uvog
Zephile vs Antique Seller
Gon and Killua vs Nobunaga and Machi
Killua vs Phinks
Gon and Killua vs Nobunaga
Chrollo vs Bounty Hunter
Spiders vs Mafia 2
Chrollo vs Zoldyck
Kurapika vs Zanji
Nobunaga vs Hisoka
Kurapika vs Chrollo
Killua vs Pakunoda
Gon vs Machi
Kurapika vs Pakunoda
See how retarded you are??
Once again exposed, Hunterchads understand CA is superior to any other storytelling effort in manga, Yorknew included, by far.
Don’t forget Phinks
178 named more or less
None of those are fights retard. The only actual fight is Netero vs Meruem.
All of those fights or ''skirmishes'' feel so much like filler that i can't remember them all, desu. They are essentially fighting the same ''character'' over and over again and not really doing much else, the ideal arc for someone who just wants to see hours of fights.
Not only a battle shounen retard but an anime-only. Exposed again, you've never even read the manga. NGL is basically a single volume long and there's no action. CA is a Shakespeare masterpiece, it's not surprise retards who get off on fights didn't like it, not like they could've ever understand it.
Well that should be obvious.
can he even fight solo?
he seems to rely on using others.
>he is actually retarded enough to believe Kurapika is a guy
I guess figuring out that Kurapika is indeed a girl is the ultimate Hunterchad IQ threshold (~150 IQ)
>None of those are fights retard
yes they are you fucking autist. Are hunterchads really so insecure that they have to deny what happens in their own favorite manga?
You weren't promised anything, idiot
Machi Morrow
In light of this wave of retarded battle shounen falseflagging we are experiencing, on this thread and the entry level one, i present you hunterchads with The Chad Question.
A 100% surefire method (much like Halkenburg's arrow) of destroying/exposing this retards who like fighting for what they are.
It's just a simple question:
"If HxH is a battle shounen and revolves around and features plenty of fighting/action... then why do Hunterchads make fun of battle shounen manga series like that??"
And that's it. Just like this idiot who does this crap every two weeks couldn't answered neither any other falseflagger will. It is as simple as that to destroy them.
At most they'll answer Hunterchads are being ironic and they don't believe HxH is a true literate masterpiece for the ages, thus exposing themselves as true falseflaggers.
Much like the Liar Paradox of Epimenides, they have no logical way out of that question.
We Hunterchads always win in the end, pathetic manchildren who like/get hyped for fights are nothing for us.
That sub-arc was literally called Death match imbecile.
Now you don't even pretend to be a falseflagger, or wait did you forget it? Pathetic. Go back to One Piece.
Doesn't equate to a promise, only a premise.
>muh falseflaggers
>muh hunterchad movement
Utterly destroys falseflaggers while quoting Greek philosophers... feels good to be a chad doesn't it?
CA is so great that it's knowledge of Thruth and Beauty inspires Hunterchad to create their own logic propositions and labyrinths. Amazing.
Well i guess manchildren who like battle shounen are indeed like rats or squirrels, like the people who think GoT S8 wasn't hot garbage.
Yes, and good series are measured by how they live up to their premises. By falling to do so, Togashi failed as a writer in the same way all this shounen amateurish authors always do since the times of Toriyama. You can't held HxH to the standard of DB or OP.
>Go back to One Piece.
i'll gladly go back to one piece once the next chapter comes out, unfortunately you can't say that about hunter x hunter
You're too stupid to understand what makes a good series. You agreed with that you weren't promised anything and don't understand that the premise means.
This idiot doesn't even pretend he's not a retarded battle shounenboy anymore.
How does it feel to be the laughing stock of everyone while we chads are gods amongs men?
It's a deathmatch, one of then has to die, as simple as that. Otherwise Togashi could have simply used the TKO system of HA if he didn't want to kill anyone, but that'd have kill all tension isn't it?
See that's contrived bad writing. You don't understand that.
You fell for it, i was betting between OP or MHA but now i have confirmed the idiot who's always talking about action and fighting in chad threads is a OP falseflagging retard.
Pretty easy to spot you. How old are you if i may ask? If you're 12 there might be salvation for you.
Pretty amazing how all this chadness and knowledge comes from a manga that's published in WSJ, along shit like DB, OP, Naruto, MHA, etc.
It's quite something.
Absolutely Based. That falseflagger didn't even pretend anymore after your post. Definitely going to use it in the future.
>haha i totally got u i'm such an epic troll xd
damn, nine months of hiatus really rots your brain
Now look at this damage control, is that the best you can come up with OPtard?
As if i didn't know this series is going to be on hiatus for years, as it usually is.
I'm gonna need most of the spiders to survive after Dark Continent when Togashi will tell the story of Gyro in Meteor city. But I'd be fine with some of the more useless members getting killed off on the boat or Dark continent, such as Kalluto, Bonolenov and Franklin.
Again, very stupid. Let's break it down. We've established that the audience was never promised by the author in this particular fight that either of them would die permanently, even if it were a deathmatch. That's why it is called a premise, the audience could only assume that would have been the end goal. Secondly, one of them did die. Doesn't matter if he came back if he used the tools in his disposal to avoid it being permanent. The very method used to escape death was mentioned and elaborated in the fight. And thirdly, the actions that took place afterwards provide the foundation for a major conflict in the next arc. This was all planned prior to it ever being released. This is the author playing with your expectations and if you were disappointed, that was the point hence the chapter title when he revived.
And if you don't like authors doing that, then read something more age appropriate like Clifford or The Little Engine That Could
Pitou is the queen of all hunter threads.
BS, that's like saying Toriyama played with your expectations all throughout DB.
What major conflict? The spiders shouldn't have even been included in this arc, let alone that conflict is a rehash of Yorknew.
If a Deathmatch is established a character must die as a result of said deathmatch if the series is to be taken seriously, what happened cheapens the value of death in the series as a whole. A character being revived is proper of DB or a shounen, not a seinen like HxH.
>BS, that's like saying Toriyama played with your expectations all throughout DB.
Toriyama never plans ahead. He himself admitted to writing on a week to week basis and susceptible to changes from his editor.
>What major conflict? The spiders shouldn't have even been included in this arc, let alone that conflict is a rehash of Yorknew.
Meaningless claim. The spiders were in every post Yorkshin arc sans Election. They aren't tied to a villian role and thus can function as actual characters. And it's a continuation, not rehash.
>If a Deathmatch is established a character must die as a result of said deathmatch if the series is to be taken seriously.
A character did die.
>what happened cheapens the value of death in the series as a whole. A character being revived is proper of DB or a shounen, not a seinen like HxH.
Nonsense, if you ignore the particulars as to why that character revived then there is no argument. Furthermore, the very concept was used again as a character's nen ability. That opened the door to counters and preventative measures as we've seen. There's not one ability that doesn't have a blind spot or weakness. No character is invincible
Kurapika reminds me of Princess Tuvstarr. I think he's designed the way he is to strengthen the idea of lost innocence. Here we see Tuvstarr (Kurapika) stuck too busy looking for his lost heart on the lake while the Elk (Leorio) occasionally comes by to check worryingly.
Continuation or rehash is equally problematic, as is the continued participation of the spiders in the story, they're basically the Akatsuki at this point, and the story is less believable as a result.
No character died, that's BS and a cop-out. Why didn't Hisoka suffer brain damage? Why didn't Shizuku got rid of the body? Why the hell did Machi ever even think about cleaning him?
That's bad writing, Togashi himself admitted this on the afterword of that volume, saying wanted to kill Machi right there but he vetoed. That's the hand of the author showing itself in a very bad way.
Residual nen has nothing with a character being revived, it is the nen that remains. Characters being revived or not dying permanently is bad writing and a signature of series like Dragon Ball.
Btw i never said Torigama planned ahead, i said Toriyama oftentimes did the same thing.
It doesn't matter if Togashi plans ahead a story that's predictable and generic where characters can be revived, it will still be predictable and generic.
No one can ever convince me that Raditz, Frieza, etc, weren't planned.
You are the same insecure faggot who ruined my Gyro thread with your autism and bullshit.
>Continuation or rehash is equally problematic, as is the continued participation of the spiders in the story, they're basically the Akatsuki at this point, and the story is less believable as a result.
Except they serve a fundamentally different function to the story, so the argument doesn't work.
>No character died, that's BS and a cop-out.
Hisoka died, that's a fact. I don't care if you cry about his revival.
>Why didn't Hisoka suffer brain damage?
Already has been shown in studies that in very rare cases, the brain could retain normal function post resuscitation after 40 or so minutes. It's a freak occurrence and almost never happens but it's happened. Two, Hisoka is physiologically superior to the average human, applying the same standards of survival is nonsensical. Three, it can be extrapolated that he was dead within the ten minute span of the explosion and the paramedic arriving and Four, it's fiction so the argument is at its core, garbage.
>Why didn't Shizuku got rid of the body?
There wasn't any reason to suck up his corpse, she only does that so the Troupe can avoid leaving a trace. Plus if he were sucked up by the vacuum and revived inside it, the ability would be canceled out and he would escape. You do know that right?
>Why the hell did Machi ever even think about cleaning him?
Because of past camaraderie? Are you really that dumb?
>That's bad writing
No, you're just stupid.
>Togashi himself admitted this on the afterword of that volume, saying wanted to kill Machi right there but he vetoed. That's the hand of the author showing itself in a very bad way.
>Residual nen has nothing with a character being revived, it is the nen that remains.
I have yet to see a cogent argument. You also don't seem able at grasping what nen after death is or how it applied in the fight.
>Btw i never said Torigama planned ahead, i said Toriyama oftentimes did the same thing.
I don't care, dumbo. You are really bad at this
Go away battle shonen insect, go back to your One Piece.
Why are u being so ironic? Of course they were never planned, Toriyama is an awful writer he has no idea what he was doing.
They have become literally the villain group of the series, with presence over a large segment of the story. As bad as Naruto with the Akatsuki.
Machi never had any camaraderie with Hisoka she was always annoyed by him, he's a traitor and was trying to kill Chrollo. You are a retard, as retarded as Machi and Hisoka.
Of you didn't care because you're batshit crazy kid, making random ass claims just like that. You didn't have a comeback to Togashi's admission of fault because you can't deal with facts.
Why do people care about edgy criminals so much?
I only care about Machi, Shizuku and Kalluto because they are hot.
What does Gyro have to do with battle shonen, you autistic subhuman? Kindly kill yourself you filth.
Why is Hisoka a retard?
Why is Nasubi such a cuck?
I just finished ep148 of the anime. Is this it, the end of the series? I don't see anymore episodes.
There's always the manga
I miss HxH bros...
were there any news at all?
All of these are indeed girls.
Obsessed Hisotard
I still can’t believe we actually got Hisoka vs Chrollo and the fight actually delivered
different user but
> with presence over a large segment of the story
They are always a minor aspect of the post york-shin arcs at best. Looking for the exorcist and exploring Greed Island was a small aside. Taking down the hive that was formed in Meteor City is also an aside. Chrollo vs Lucifer is the 2nd biggest thing the spiders did in terms of plot focus and it's really only him that matters.
>Machi never had any camaraderie with Hisoka she was always annoyed by him
The first time we see her she's helping him with his wounds after his Kastro fight. She may do it for the money but it's clear they do have some kind of relationship beyond just financial transactions.
>You didn't have a comeback to Togashi's admission of fault
I think I remember similar argument from the past but you forget the actual explanation for why Hisoka ultimately didn't kill her. Togashi thought it would be more interesting and narratively we can justify this with how Hisoka reacts to Machi's threats to kill him back on greed island. Logically if he's going to kill the spiders he wants to kill her, but he's saving her for last.
I want to flood Kalluto's asshole with my semen
Kalluto will 100% survive. He has unfinished business with Killua.
Either Hisoka will fail in his task of killing all spiders, or he'll drop it for some reason or the other.
>Knuckle, Morel and Killua VS Yupi is not a fight
>Gon VS Pitou is not a fight
>Shoot vs Yupi is not a fight
>Palm VS Killua is not a fight
Based retard.
Way to oust yourself as an actual retard. You saw Death in the title and believed right away.
Soon bros...
The spider is a retarder organzation that don't make sense even in the world of HxH.
Given their "sheanigans" (muhhh let's fight dangerous enemies heads on and don't help each other) and given the nature of nen were somebody weaker than you can simply go allahakbar on your ass or curse you for life, doesn't make sense that they survived this long.
The troupe is just edgy for edgy sake trying to showcase an "overpowered" group of nen users but failing in the process.
Hisoka on the other side is cool.
A serial killer that hunt other strong nen users infiltrating a gang of strong nen users to hunt their members.
That's a cool concept.
Where did you get that image?
>doesn't make sense that they survived this long.
You know they just replace dead members right?
HxH is a Shonen on paper, but Seinen at heart
Seinen sandwich
hello fellow hunter-chads,
i had something that i need to know.
can someone give the Hepburn/romaji transcript of the conversation between Kurapika and Kurapika's nen master, Izunavi
the conversation in English goes as follows:
"Chains, huh... Why's that?"
"Because there's evil running lose that needs to be chained down to hell."
Netero's punches were faster than sound?
Now look at Cheetu. Faster than bullets.
What's an example of a Seinen on paper but a Shonen at heart?
I can't believe Hisoka killed Killua
Tokyo Ghoul
what happened to killua's nose
High Speed + strong Nen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Very high speed + weak Nen
Are you that user that seethes whenever someone says "Belerainte" and "Hisoka in the same phrase"?
I loved the horror vibe in Election arc.
Clown Cock CC
Berserk, Tokyo Ghoul, Gantz
>human martial artist who spent years meditating and praying on a mountain + eventually learns nen properly and continued to refine himself
>creature who is a genetic hybrid with stats that exceed that of a human in multiple categories
i cant seem to find the video on youtube.
episode number 39 of hxh 2011 at the 11:57 mark. someone? anyone? please
I just have fun exposing speedreaders like you by posting manga pages that ridicule retards who come up with these asinine theories
Yeah, you are that guy that got assblasted once and ever since you've been posting the same images because you are still butthurt. Good to know.
Assblasted by what? You retards have been exposed as anime only speedreaders for believing Velereinte is Hisoka because of a heart, which proves you didn't even read the manga prior to 340 and even speedread the new chapters. Every pic I post with endless characters using hearts is another laugh at you brainlets.
They're all different pics everytime, you speedread even pics on Yea Forums, two digit IQ monkey
Well, you don't know HOW MUCH faster than sound Netero's fists were. Perhaps they were 100x faster than sound while Cheethuh was only 5x or 6x faster.
togashi would have used some other reference if netero's fists were that much faster than sound. togashi fucked up BIG time here.
>togashi fucked up BIG time here.
How did he fuck up? More than one person can be faster than the speed of sound
it makes netero seem unremarkable. cheetu could have gone head to head with meruem by just dodging all his attacks.
Cheetu was born lucky
Answer my right now.
>it makes netero seem unremarkable
how do you figure?
>cheetu could have gone head to head with meruem by just dodging all his attacks.
Cheetu is such a brainlet he would still die within a couple seconds against Mereum. You're forgetting that Netero is a centuries old martial artist and skilled tactician and fighter. Cheetu is a genetic abomination hybrid that's fast but not much else before getting soloed by multiple nen users.
>how do you figure?
some throwaway chimera ant is just as fast as the greatest human nen user whose punch speed was supposed to wow us.
>Cheetu is such a brainlet he would still die within a couple seconds against Mereum
maybe except all he has to do is just run around. still makes netero seem less impressive.
>maybe except all he has to do is just run around
he wouldn't be able to harm Meruem in any way and Meruem would realize that not giving Cheetu enough attention is enough to beat him as he'll just get careless like against Morel
Yep, definitely you, i remember you because i once said something about possibility of Hisoka being Belerainte and you came screeching and ranting, calling me a animeonly and a retard. Ever since then i noticed that you tend to do the exact same thing every time you have the opportunity. But if that's what fill you with joy I won't stop you though.
And you speedread my post. I said imageS, the S is for plural, retard.
I know you're trolling but
>some throwaway chimera ant is just as fast as the greatest human nen user whose punch speed was supposed to wow us.
Cheetu is one of the few ants to have any development and focus so he's not throwaway. Plus he's a division captain meaning he was already towards the top of the pack. Your attempts to diminish Cheetu as a character don't make sense. If Rammut was faster than Netero I'd understand your complaint. And a major component of the CA arc is demonstrating how these creatures through their unique evolutionary abilities, as well as their own integrated humanity made them nightmares on some scale before ending with the knowledge that even if their apex can beat one of the strongest humans, a single bomb can still wipe them out.
And that's the key here, Netero represents one of the peaks of human effort, Cheetu isn't comparable just because they are both fast Netero honed himself to a fine edge and is massively respected by both the light and dark sides of humanity.
Not maybe, Mereum is too smart, powerful, durable, and fast to let Cheetu survive any period of time. Cheetu would die and that's a fact and it wouldn't be any remarkable fight. There's a reason he still works for Mereum and has no thoughts of trying to take the throne.
Why did he kill all those people in Kurapika's class?
>Cheetu is one of the few ants to have any development and focus so he's not throwaway.
he's one of the ants along with leol that i wish togashi hadn't given any screen time. when i say throwaway i mean everything related to his plot had pretty much no bearing on the arc.
>Your attempts to diminish Cheetu as a character don't make sense
they make perfect sense for the reasons i gave but here's an example of someone catching bullets that is at best captain level, which makes your rebuttal even more hilariously stupid. also i don't know why you're diving into the themes of the show and what togashi's intentions were when the point is that togashi gave a really stupid reference point for netero's speed. it'd kinda be like if he said "netero's fists were faster than the average car."
>Cheetu isn't comparable just because they are both fast
he is comparable in terms of speed.
>Not maybe, Mereum is too smart, powerful, durable, and fast to let Cheetu survive any period of time
meruem is straight up stronger and would win a drawn out fight but cheetu could just dodge him for awhile and then run away. it'd make for a boring sequence. meruem and netero seem less impressive because of it.
*drops mic*
So you have no argument as usual. You said some retarded shit like having Hisoka hidden as a character we know would be smart because it would have been a plot twist, that is what happens in shitty stories like One Piece where there's mistery and plot twists to keep the reader entertained with some cheap shock value because the author can't write good characters and story, and Togashi always chose the opposite approach. Plus other arguments that prove you wrong. And after that you didn't even bother replying because you had nothing to say. You never have arguments, you just shitpost "no u" and never argue the points like the fact that you've been exposed as not knowing that the heart Velereinte used is not like those Hisoka uses and many others have used it in the manga, you have literally nothing to say about that and yeah, that proves that you are a speedreader, no other way to put it. Zero arguments and passive aggressive posts "good to know", "if that's what fills you with joy" is all you have. And yeah, those are not the same images, retard, I've only posted them once so no, they're not the same, singular or plural, ignorant ape.
Why does it seem like Tserriednich has several different personalities? How do nips pronounce his name anyway
Triggered Chrollolet
Based Hunterchad
>nen becomes more poweorful after death
Have "reasons" an actual value outside of protecting ourselves? Because It seems to me that we are always producing them after the fact.
Having convincing reasons doesn't mean that you are right, it just mean that you are not easy to destabilize.
different personalities? he always seems like a psychopath to me
To be fair I don't think people like Netero VS Meruem for the sense of scale or tension. It's really the themes and character exploration.
Instantly made Nen one of the best powersystems in manga.
>Killing an opponent while their Nen is on you is risky.
>Nen users who don't care about their lives are the most dangerous.
>Instantly explains afterlife "curses" and "haunted" objects or locations within the world.
>Entire nen users who's sole purpose in life is to kill themselves to invoke curses against their enemies.
>Nen after death can become so powerful that it violates some of the rules set by the user, like Chrollo's book and "Sun and Moon".
So many more reasons but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
why not both
>when i say throwaway i mean everything related to his plot had pretty much no bearing on the arc.
But it did for the reasons I listed as well as showing how individualism and humanity changed the ants from their original mindset showcased by the queen. It has bearings on the plot and both leol and cheetu are important figures.
>here's an example of someone catching bullets that is at best captain level,
Catching bullets is a mundane thing for some nen users. Kurapika manages that with his chains so what's your point? That people can't anticipate getting shot and move catch them? People can read ahead of the action, that's how morel and knuckles were able to start to acclimate to cheetu when they fought. And we've seen in the current arc how nen users can react to being shot, even dodging enough to protect a square shot to the head.
>he is comparable in terms of speed.
And only that, netero would slap his shit harder than he did Pitou since Cheetu wouldn't even know what hit him.
>meruem and netero seem less impressive because of it.
Because one fast guy would run away from a fight? Wow user, that's unfortunate you think that way.
>drops mic
Figured as much, one last (you) for you I suppose.
Seething samefagging Hisopedo
Reminder that there is no way to bring Gon back without Togashi being a hack
Ok but I still believe they aren’t psychopaths except Feitan.
>It has bearings on the plot and both leol and cheetu are important figures.
oh no definitely not. the other chimera ants showcase all the themes and shit you brought up. leol and cheetu were pointless.
>so what's your point?
netero isn't that fast so his physical prowess is unremarkable. are you gonna ask me for my point like a 3rd or 4th time only to get the same answer
>And only that
that's enough. really makes netero seem unimpressive.
>Because one fast guy would run away from a fight?
yea. the two greatest beings in the world can't outrun some cheetah lol
*picks mic back up then slams it through the basement floor*
Why is Cheetu such a retard?
because individuals can be retards, lad
What the fuck was wrong with the gun toting lizard fish ant?
>Hisoka won't be someone we have seen instead it will be someone we have never seen. That would make the story so much better!
I can't tell if you are trolling or low iq.
>And yeah, those are not the same images, retard, I've only posted them once so no, they're not the same, singular or plural, ignorant ape.
You can obviously tell what i meant by "the same images", images that revolve about a character jokingly being Hisoka because they use a heart in the speech. The fact that you can't admit that you were wrong in something as trivial as this shows that you can't be reasoned with.
Oh and another thing. Maybe consider that just because people think different from you that doesn't make them retarded and animeonlies, also you shouldn't make paragraphs long posts where you profile people that you don't know, at least not if you want others to take you seriously.
He was a crazy kill junkie.
Could he be cured of that sickness? Who the fuck was he in his past life as...
Jesus Fuck. We only know that Netero moves faster than sound, not that 350 meters/s is his limit. Maybe it is 500 meters/s. Any three digit number beyond 350 is a fine guess for how fast Netero moves.
Also, according to Quora, a 9mm Luger with Premium load moves at 300 m/s, so Cheetuh outrunning a bullet like that would still be slower than the minimum of what Netero's "Faster than Sound" record would entail. It is not like Cheetuh outrun a Rifle, just a a Pistol bullet shot by some random cop.
what stops people from just using a power that can slip tiny air-bubbles into other peoples' blood stream?
Nen categories?
Will I ever see Meleoron again?
Will Meleoron and Koala ever interact with each other?
Is there any nen user that could beat him?
Found the JoJofag, who knows, maybe it's the fact that people can defend against it with Nen, since defensive Nen counters Nen attacks, maybe "Air blow" the ability that has been passed down to Prince Benjamin can do something like that, we'll have to wait and see.
Fuck that, i want to see my boy Ikalgo and my nigga Welfin.
Netero very easily, all he needs is a fraction of a second to put his hands together and one-shot Jotaro, most nen users actually since Jotaro is just a normal human and the slightest Nen attack would instantly destroy him.
Neo Green Life
Read the rule policy before entering the country.
Meruem and Netero and Adult Gon
I want to see my bro Meleoron and Koala-San. My nigga Bloster as well. Yeah Welfin and Ikalgonare based and so is Kingping Gyro
Most people didn't get to see Gon san and that makes me sad. What would Netero have thought seeing someone so much more powerful than him when his life goal was finding an opponent who could defeat him.
It should be simple enough, either transmute your aura into something like air bubbles, or use any combination of conjuration and emissions to teleport them into the target.
The rest is the conditions and limitations and a guy inclined to attacking that way.
Ein Bloster pov
That would work very well agains non-nen users, but then again almost anything would work well against them.
I have the feeling that nen users could easily use their aura to defend themselves from that.
sounds OP to me so there would have to be checks and balances against it that's how nen works
Creating an air bubble would be Conjuration. Conjuration is the ability to turn your aura into matter. How would you put your aura into a person's bloodstream without touching them?
Shizuku is a whore, she's of free use for anyone in the Phantom Troupe.
To affect another person to do such a thing you need to bypass their nen. Even someone using Ten will block almost anything that isn't a clearly an ability that they could notice well enough to put up a better defense, and the more difficult you make it to detect the ability the more difficult the ability will be. Mind you it'd totally be possible, particularly if you had similar setup to most manipulation users where you stick a needle into your target or similarly difficult condition. However at that point it's hardly worth it for something that would amount to maybe giving someone the bends, with a greater risk of blood clots than the bends has. If you were going to go to all the work of that though, you'd be better off doing something like injecting acid.
He probably wouldn't be as surprised as you think because it's not a power that he achieved through hard work and decades of training, it's a temporary powerup achieved through a very harsh restriction and sacrifice, literally all you'd have to do against Gon-san is run away and wait it out.
Reminder that Gon will join the phantom troup
Gon is faster than Netero as evidenced by Pitou being able to barely follow Netero's hand movements where as she completely lost sight of Gon. Netero couldn't run away from Gon, but he wouldn't want to anyway. Also it's implied that that form is something Gon could eventually achieve without sacrificing his nen or lifespan so I'm not really thinking in terms of how people view the sacrifice, just the power itself.
And that's a good thing
Gon is a nenless weakling and his only use in life is being a whore on Whale Island for cougars to take advantage of, he will never be able to join the Phantom Troupe and in a few years he will sell his Hunters License because it's useless for him.
don't worry he'll make a deal with a nen devil or something
Transmuted aura is still just aura with some specific properties. And you would still need to put your aura inside the target.
Teleportation requires moving aura towards the aura you wish to teleport, as evidenced by Greed Island cartridges and Kurapika's explanation of teleportation this arc, so teleporting inside a living Nen user should be harder than teleporting around, empty space, since the Nen user should be able to block your "dimension warping" with Ren or Gyo.
(So yes, Scream shouldn't work on Meruem unless coupled with Meleoron and targeting an area where Meruem has little sensibility)
Minor tangent. Netero's ground speed isn't his selling point, even Mereum points this out. The only move Netero has that is supersonic is his prayer.
How should Gon handle Pitou without turning into adult Gon?
I just want to read new content, buds. Even if it's a new interview featuring Togashi, anything is fine as long as it's hxh related
Gon can't do shit to Pitou without turning into gon san
anyone remember years ago when HXH was still good
I dont, its been so long
Pfft, I can just be a Manipulator with a condition that if someone tries to affect me with their Nen, I take control of them. Also, if they try to attack me with non-Nen, I take control of whatever object was used to attack me and take control of it, which automatically makes them fly in the opposite direction. This works on anything, poison, indirect attacks, even accidents. As you can see, us Manipualtors are invincible as long as we have a mental condition for everything.
Kek, based.
I know, I miss chrollo too
You don't seem to understand how nen works, speedreader
Should I finish greed island or should I skip it? I really didn't like the setup.
Manipulators have to put their aura inside whatever they want to manipulate. You can't just make a random rule unless it is inside a Conjured Pocket Dimension.
i don't understand how anyone can skip any portion of a canon story. inevitably there will be things you miss that are relevant later. but which part of it are you at? at least read/watch the dodgeball match and final fight.
>Transmuted aura is still just aura with some specific properties
Sure, but all you want to do is make bubbles in someone's blood, transmuted aura can also suffice.
>Teleportation requires moving aura towards the aura you wish to teleport
Not 100% of the time. The boxer from Greed island could just teleport his fist to a location within the boxing ring because of his nen script. I don't see why under similar conditions he couldn't teleport his fist inside instead but obviously he's not inclined to murder a guy outright. So like I said, the conditions and restrictions matter but it's not impossible. I could imagine someone needing to brand their target so that they can precisely locate bloodvessels underneath. Or maybe they pull a chocolate disco like move and create or generate a grid in 3D space and they can teleport air bubbles within this space.
>Scream shouldn't work on Meruem
Scream is just a portal to the void, I thought the space between his hands isn't aura just a representation of that spacial distortion. And when he closes the door anything between his hands is sent there. Don't see how you guard against that just with aura.
The obvious samefagging after a retarded post about manipulation is a dead giveaway grapekun.
They meet Biscuit. Other than that they get the cards. When they teleport to Gin, he pulls a fast one on them and they teleport to eventual tranny Kite instead.
back to jojo, you skipping brailet
finish it, it has some very important information about Nen, a lot of MC progression and one of the best "fights" in HxH, skipping is for faggots.
Gon Morroh
>skipping story
Literally go fuck yourself
That's right because Hisoka being Velereinte makes no sense and has been already disproven by many arguments, none of which you've even bothered to answer to. Yes it's better because having a known character disguised as another one without the readers knowing from the beginning adds nothing to the story other than setting up a cheap revel for shock value, you think that's something good because you're an uncultured idiot who doesn't know what good story telling is, you'd eat any crap storyline and characters as long as in the end there's an epic gotcha reveal moment. And Togashi never relied on these tricks.
>You can obviously tell what i meant by "the same images
It's your fault for not knowing the meaning of words, I can't read your faulty mind and somehow deduce that same means different just because. They're different instances of characters using a heart and the theme repetition is needed to showcase how the event is something common throughout the entire manga, and that is a proof that you're a speedreader, it's undeniable, I'm not calling you that because you don't agree with me, I'm doing it because the main argument used to sustain that theory is null and anyone who reads the manga knows it
The point of making bubbles inside someone would be to have them impede blood flow. But Nen is energy by nature, so unless you give it a property like "hard" it shouldn't block anything. Sure, among the properties of "air" is "volume" and "density", which is how it can block blood flow, but there would be way more lethal forma aura could take in someone bloodstream.
A portal is emission connecting two areas in space, and like the "regular" "emission bullet", it should be blocked by nen defenses, so neither Scream nor the Boxer punch should be able to move past Nen defenses much stronger than the ability. Teleporting inside a living thing vs. Teleporting outside would be like trying to move into a solid wall vs moving into air, due to the fact there is already aura where you are trying to go, and that aura would be much harder to penetrate if the user is already pushin out aura with Ren.
>Togashi should make the manga
0 chapters this year huntercucks
why do you have to be rude and tell us something we already know?
Based hunterbro
>Sure, among the properties of "air" is "volume" and "density", which is how it can block blood flow, but there would be way more lethal forma aura could take in someone bloodstream.
I don't disagree that you could do worse, but you can still affect blood flow even if you just make your aura a block like cholesterol or make it denser than blood.
>A portal is emission connecting two areas in space
Again, the boxer made the entire ring his portal, and his matter could be moved at the very least anywhere within that space. You don't have to penetrate someone's aura if you never encounter it in first place. Likewise if my statements about scream are right it still ignores any defense physical or aura, if your familiar with Stargate's first movie there's a scene where a guy is partially forced into a teleporter and it's activated. Any part of him outside remained behind and every part inside was sent away. Given that's exactly how scream works I assume the same principle is at play. Remember, as far as we know it's not even possible to not "fall" into knov's mansion either. Anything touching his entrances gets sent to his realm which can be used as a pitfall trap if need be. Aura doesn't stop you from being teleported, Morel likewise couldn't stop himself from being sent to Cheetu's field. Also, recall that Fuugetsu's teleportation ability creates manholes in solid matter, it made part of a bed st one point into a hinged hole.
It would require a lot of conditions to do, but yes you should be able to send stuff inside a person with teleportation. But to your point if you can accomplish that air bubbles is pretty tame.
>but it's clear they do have some kind of relationship beyond just financial transactions.
For some reason this line made me think of a man trying desperately to convince his friends that this escort he keeps showing up with is really his girlfriend.
>"It's clear we have some sort of relationship beyond financial transaction guys."
>"... Nah, I'm pretty sure it's the money."
>that whole first paragraph
First thing: Togashi uses plot twists and shock value. They aren't a bad thing and they don't make the story worse if they aren't overused.
Second thing: Making Hisoka some character we've already seen isn't just shock value, it gives reread potential, it emphasizes how Togashi has been planning this arc in the long term, and it puts us, the readers into the story, we are like the PT in that we suspect everyone we see of being Hisoka and it adds a sense of immersion to the manga.
>that whole second paragraph
Polysemic expressions are a thing. you know? You can put two meaning to my words, one that makes sense in the context in the conversation and other that doesn't make sense. The fact that you choose the one that doesn't make sense makes you retarded. Either that or you did it on purpose because you hate to be proven wrong.
>"Hisoka is Belerainte" redditors resorting to bullshitting about Togashi's storytelling to defend their newfag theory
Mental illness.
What do you mean?
Having an already known character disguised as another one without the audience knowing is a shitty trick that serves no purpose other than setting up a cheap plot twist, which is not Togashi's style. In fact all the instances in which disguises have been a factor in the past were done with the reader aware of what was going on from the start, like with Illumi in Yorkshin and Ikalgo using Flutter. Illumi in the hunter exam was a character yet to be introduced. Good writing is Edmond Dantes being disguised as different characters throughout the majority of the Count of Montecristo and readers being aware all the time. You only use cheap tricks and plot twists to get some easy excitement for a surprise or revelation, so that you can compensate for not being good at writing good story and characters.
1. We already know that Hisoka will be in disguise(they don't have to tell us for us to know).
2. Togashi has used shock value and plot-twists in the past.
3. Shock value isn't a inherently bad thing if not overused, it is in fact a good thing which is why authors do it.
>Togashi has used shock value and plot-twists in the past
You got things like You got thing like Gon and Killua meeting Feitan and Phinks out of nowhere.
You also got Pariston rejecting his position as chairman immediately after winning.
And just because they were unexpected doesn't make them bad.
>Togashi has used shock value and plot-twists in the past.
Ok, but that alone doesn't explain how or why Hisoka disguised himself as a hunter and is on the top floor playing buddy buddy with Kurapika when his goal is to kill the Phantom Troupe would would realistically only be able to infiltrate the public levels. If we assume Hisoka is actually going to be picking off PT he can't easily move between the floors since the military and mafia's control the passages.
That's the biggest reason that theory never held any water, it makes no sense on a fundamental level. When Illumi disguised himself as some head banger, that worked. When he later disguised himself as Hisoka that also worked. This idea doesn't work and hinging it on a heart symbol in speech which isn't rare in Togashi's story at all is the most baseless connection out there.
None of that is shock value or plot-twist
All I need to understand Nen is to look at that one speech bubble where Hisoka said that as long as you fulfill your condition, Manipulation works no matter what.
They litterally are
Nuh uh. Manipulation works automatically if you fulfill your condition. Hisoka's internal monologue that was ambiguously translated into English said so.
What will the next thread be about? A Togashi thread?
Discuss hidden evidence and indications that point to Kurapika being a girl.
Our love for our queen Pitou
These can't be from two different posters.
What will be his tax policy?
>he confirmed that Manipulation abilities cannot be resisted if you fulfill your condition
Tse is a Ron Paul supporter, pro Free Market capitalism, Austrian economy and minarchism.
0% income tax guaranteed.
You should ask that question to GRRM.
A Greek nose
>a world with modern automobiles
>still flying in hot air balloons
>hot air ballons
nice trash low IQ memory user
Tax the poor while the rich don't have to pay any
>You don't have to penetrate someone's aura if you never encounter it in first place.
Yes. And we are talking about teleporting aura inside someone, so there is no way you won't encounter it.
> it still ignores any defense physical or aura,
Physical, yes. Aura defenses would be more like a force keeping other aura from coming into contact with your own body, and since the "teleportation" is aura trying to move an object, it should protect from "partial" teleportation too.
Nen is just aura being turned into different effects. Teleportation should still be aura being turned into the effect of "move stuff over there". And as such, you should be able to avoid a " teleport guillotine" by keeping the teleport outside of your body. If the Stargate portal worked under Nen rules, and it was caused by a source of energy muh weaker than the alien, it would just be unable to close and get stuck around the alien until it ran out of energy.
>Morel likewise couldn't stop himself from being sent to Cheetu's field.
A Nen Barrier is created around your body, so yes. If an entire area around you much larger than your Nen barrier is teleported, there is probably nothing you can do. But that doesn't mean that Cheetuh would have been able to just teleport Morel's upper body. Morel should be able to protect against that.
>Also, recall that Fuugetsu's teleportation ability creates manholes in solid matter, it made part of a bed st one point into a hinged hole.
Inert objects don't have aura of their own, so there shouldn't be any resistance. And even living things with no aura control could probably be teleported into, although it is probably harder than inert objects. But the difference between teleporting into those things and teleporting into Meruem would be like opening a window outside and opening a window that has a concrete wall on the other side.
>so there is no way you won't encounter it.
If you can actually teleport something to a specific place why would it matter if it's aura or not, you're not penetrating their ten/ren/ken you're bypassing it entirely. The bubbles appear inside their body it's not being pushed inwards from outside.
>it should protect from "partial" teleportation too.
What partial teleportation? What does this mean?
>Teleportation should still be aura being turned into the effect of "move stuff over there"
Teleportation is just space being moved, as far as we know aura is just a catalyst at best and in cases like Scream a side effect of two portals having a specific interaction. There is no contest of strength for teleportation as far as the series presents it. Razor could just use his card to send the Troupe members away, Cheetu can teleport anyone he touches, Anyone touching Knov's portal entrances gets pulled in. I'd understand if I was talking about pushing someone with aura but this is a completely different set of interactions.
The stargate example seems to be apt because you're treating the act of teleportation the same as a beam from DBZ. Instead of a physical phenomenon that's the byproduct of another action (a power generator + tech in this case)
Plus ten/ren/ken doesn't make you magically immune to other people's abilities. Knuckles was able to inflict Hakoware onto Youp and we all know the latter was in battle mode and has vastly more aura. According to you that shouldn't work because of your idea of nen defense.
Not a good idea. I saw some thread about Miura before that got removed. Better to discuss something in the manga/anime.
HxH Chapter 666: Who Goes There?
Velereinte is not Hisoka for many reasons already pointed out that you failed to tackle in all your posts, and they've been many. Togashi doesn't use shock value for the sake of it but only when in has a meaning and it makes sense to have something happen in the story, which is not the case with your theory.
>Polysemic expressions are a thing.
Don't even try it, your post didn't make sense in the way you're now trying to rewrite it, those images are not the same and even if you wanted to highlight a theme continuity, which you should have done using a different phrasing, you failed to notice how the repetition had the purpose of showing how frequent the circumstance depicted was, therefore exposing your theory as ridiculous and coming from someone who either is not familiar with the manga or is a speedreader who misses glaring details
Why did you copy and paste my post from the previous thread user? I agree with you but let's not do that, I hate the copypastas and they're a disgrace of this place
What's wrong with enlightening pasta being shared periodically? It's a staple of HxH threads for a reason. When a Hunterchad shares his wisdom we don't simply let that post die forever, w save it and repost it for our collective betterment, keeping the Hunterchad legacy alive.
>It's a staple of HxH threads
Not even that. It's a staple of Yea Forums and Yea Forums in general.
>Chapter 666
Pastas are mostly ritualistic memes in other fanbases, like the "I rabu Piku" shit in SnK threads. Hunterchads are the only ones to my knowledge who place such a high emphasis on saving actually good, enlightening posts.
Not him but you are wrong in that Hisoka isn't in disguise and i'm 99% sure that we will see him before we know that it's him
Chrollo has a lot of Christianity references so it'll be about him or his death.
Succession war good, Greed Island bad.
Look i get it, you feeled called out and you are embarrassed to admit that you were wrong. But you could just say "oh shit, i didn't get that was what you meant" instead of having to hide behind three lines of bullshit verbose. Also like half of what you say are insults, you can save those.
>Changing the goalpost
No you simply phrased your post wrong or more likely you didn't even realize those were all different pics because you tend to speedread and miss things, and it happens even with other people's posts not only with the manga (assuming you've even read it), and now you're in damage control. Insulting is better than being passive aggressive like you at least. And I like how you don't even bother addressing the arguments that ridicule your theory but keep moving the goal post and focusing on insults so you don't have to come up with counter arguments, basically admitting your defeat.
Living bodies are constanly expelling Aura. Ren is not a bubble of aura outside your body, but a force of aura pushing out of your body that is capable of blocking incoming aura attacks. If it is capable of deflecting an incoming Nen bullet, it should be able to deflect a portal trying to open inside.
If you are trying to put your aura inside someone, it should be pushed outside, whether it is trying to enter through a linear trajectory or a "fold" in space.
>teleportation the same as a beam from DBZ. Instead of a physical phenomenon that's the byproduct of another action
But it is pretty much an energy beam. Aura at its core is just energy that is being turned into some specific effects. We have seen people being teleported in and out of Greed Island and they are moved through space in the form of an energy beam. And that is also what portals probably are, but linking the real world to a Pocket Dimension.
>Plus ten/ren/ken doesn't make you magically immune to other people's abilities
Yeah. Not saying that Nen users would be fully immune to objects teleporting inside. Just saying it would be much harder to teleport things inside Nen users, and that would be harder than teleporting stuff to random people, and that would be harder than teleporting stuff to dead matter.
>Razor could just use his card to send the Troupe members away,
But he couldn't just teleport away their heads.
> Cheetu can teleport anyone he touches,
But he couldn't just teleport Morel's torso
>Anyone touching Knov's portal entrances gets pulled in.
>I'd understand if I was talking about pushing someone with aura but this is a completely different set of interactions.
You are talking about penetrating somebody's body with your aura. It is just not following a 3 dimensional trajectory, but it should still have a harder time trying to enter a space that opposes resistance than a space that doesn't. Like matter moving through a solid vs matter moving through a gaseous substance.
No user, i realized that they were different and what i meant is what i explained. You misunderstood me and that would be ok if you just admitted it, i know you won't but i'm sure deep inside you know that you are wrong.
Is post limit still 500? This thread is showing on the front page in the Catalog, but the page number inside the thread aays 9.
Are you new? Once it gets to 500, you can't bump it. It'll slowly go to Page 10 then be archived.
I know that. But the Catalog has been showing threads with over 500 posts in the top for the last two weeks, at least for me. I thought the Bump Limit had increased.
>should be pushed outside
Why though? If I teleport aura inside someone the deed is already done, it shouldn't get pushed out anymore than a person can push out Knuckle's aura.
>But it is pretty much an energy beam
I made my case with knov, his scream is easily just what the ability says, a window to the void. The only aura is on his hands
>Just saying it would be much harder to teleport things inside Nen users,
I don't see it as different in any case. The problem is precisely targeting a person which requires far more setup.
>But he couldn't just teleport away their heads.
Irrelevant to my point, knov is the only person who has an ability that can target small parts of an organism. My point with the rest is justifying how there is no defense for teleportation beyond not getting hit.
>You are talking about penetrating somebody's body with your aura.
No, for the last time I am talking about teleporating either aura or matter inside a body, the act of which does not have to penetrate the outer layer first as evidence by the greed island boxer. His fist went from A to B instantly. Your treating teleportation solely as emitters moving something via a conduit of aura which is not my example.
Bump limit does not mean post limit.
The board has a maximum of 150 threads allowed. Every time someone comments, the thread is bumped to Page 1 while inactive threads on Page 10 get replaced by new threads. But once it reaches 500 posts, it won't be bumped but you can still comment as it's slowly getting to Page 10. This is why you see threads over 500 posts.