Asumi? More like A-sue-me because being this irrelevant should be a crime. Drop Viz here I guess.
why is fumino so shit? she ruined the whole manga
Today I will remind them.
I love Rizu
Fucking GREEN hair
Asumi? More like Assumi.
The next chapter is likely a stealth sensei chapter. Like that one chapter before she visited Yuiga residence.
I love Fumino.
Original version from the website.
S-stop. There's nothing wrong with Asumi.
Fumino Fixed!
Stop bringing guns to school or its no udon for you.
you love her udon
you bought udon from her family
multiple times, even in school
she has no udon to lose, sensei.
Wtf I love Ikedafag now
You ain't telling me what to do
we can settle this peacefully
both of you put the guns down
I wouldn't have to do this if I didn't have to worry about my students bringing guns to school. Your udon isn't all that great, but your place delivers 24/7.
put down the gun
or I'll report you to PTA
It's been down and I've already confiscated Ikeda's and your weapons (and her manga). I expect reflection letters tomorrow morning.
What is even the point of Asumi?
Expect something special in your next take-home order as a sign of gratitude, Sensei.
Fumino is pure cringe.
Post your folder please
What is the point of Fumino?
What are you gonna do with that? Kamikaze would be fitting.
Stop bullying Fumino's chest, she's cute and beautiful as it.
No one did flipnigger. The only problem is the fanbase. Which makes me think, did the multireplying subhuman hibernate?
Rizu is for paizuri and nakadashi.
Rizu is for 5 star frogsplashing from the top of the steel cage
your words mean nothing Asumifag.
Thread is off to a great start. See you when it archives in less than 100 posts unless dump autist decides to fill up half the thread with chapters nobody asked for
Hey Ikeda-sama is your grandaddy going to push through with the "make kareego real" plan next week?
Last thread died at less than 300
How come everyone either has asumi to rizu-tier chest or rizu to sensei-tier ass yet fumino has none of both??
Bokuben is the story of how Fumino and Nariyuki fell in love
You've mispelled Rizu.
You've misread the manga
not bukkake udon?
Rizu is for being a mascot.
That would be you.
So next chapter will involve the principal. Will it finally be a Mafuyu chapter? Do we really need to do the full rotation?
Not really. What we're seeing now is Tsutsui putting a patch on Rizu's long forgotten character but romance wise all she has is a one sided crush.
Rizu had regular, consistent development since the beginning of the manga to the point you could almost say that it's her story. Fumino is just a joke in comparison, and not even a good one. You'd have to fall back on meta to defend her because there's simply nothing else on her end.
Saying that this stuff is meta to prove it wrong sounds like stretching. Fumino's underlying romantic implications and yhe little things Nariyuki and Fumino have done for each other are obviously going to be tied up in being what felt like a genuine love relationship and the reason they both fell in love. Rizu's development will consist of falling in love and learning its meaning by getting over her first crush. That is painfully obvious.
>little things Nariyuki and Fumino have done for each other are obviously going to be tied up in being what felt like a genuine love relationship
Just like what happened with the kiss right
Yes because it was dealt with in a natural way, like most things in a normal relationship. That's the difference, all the other girls have teenager crushes, Fumino and Nariyuki truly feel like a couple in love. They have complicity.
Fuminofags do more stretching than a gymnast
I miss udon autism.
>One sided crush
They’re all pretty much that. Nariyuki treats them all similarly. How much of the romantic situations in this aren’t one sided?
He had fantasies with the other girls but they were all lewd. This is the only time he imagines something pure with another girl.
They don't read the manga.
It's the fact that the other girls are obsessed with Nariyuki while Fumino shows moderation and a supportive attitude. Plus, as I said, all of her development is going to be tied up in a huge upcoming moment.
This level of delusion can only come from one place
I'm guessing you skip or speedread sensei chapters because all of what you say applies to her more than Fumino.
Not really, sensei isn't even in the running so you can just count her out
"Not even in the running" and she has by far the most romantic moments and the closest relationship with Moeyuki. But sure, keep telling yourself that.
But it's true, they talked about it, they laugh at how silly it was and forgot it.
>they laugh at how silly it was
that's pretty much Fumino's entire characer
Uruka is a mistake.
Back in 2017-mid 2018 there were one or two threads per week, all of them very active an gentle.
Then in late 2018-early 2019 newfags spotted us and multiple threads full of shitposting appeared every week, sometimes with three threads at the same time.
Spring brought us a boost of activity and shitposting because of the anime.
And now, animefags left out until season 2 and all the threads but sensei's are completely dead, even the chapter dumping ones.
And that's the cycle of life.
Mid 2018 with the songs era was the golden age.
>Then in late 2018-early 2019 newfags spotted us and multiple threads full of shitposting appeared every week, sometimes with three threads at the same time.
I blame the cancerous council shit.
It's more of a tsutsui thing, honestly. Any non-sensei chapter is just that much worse because he doesn't know how to make it enticing. The recent rizu one was a breath of fresh air, however.
What we want and hope for
>The principal questions Nariyuki about his constant visits to Mafuyu's apartment
What we will propably get
>The prinicipal making sure that the three morons are prepared for exams
I remember when some anons thought that Tsutsui would downplay Sensei and shill the other girls after the second poll results to make things more fair, but then he delivered a fantastic chapter like Mafuyu's birthday exactly after the Fumi cat chapter, like he wanted to highlight why people love Sensei so much more than the rest.
Rizu has always been a good girl and the second best heroine after Sensei, it's just that her arc was fairly disappointing in terms of romance and the fact it featured way too much Fumino, but I can forgive it with her development in her latest chapter.
>The prinicipal making sure that the three morons are prepared for exams
He dropped out of the VIP recommendation program, so I don't think he has any more responsibility regarding those three. All of their study group sessions were voluntary for some time now.
It would be a good moment to introduce a plot point about Nariyuki failing behind in one of his subjects, due to wasting time on all the shenanigans with the girls, but at some point we had a check up and his grades were ok, they even went higher thanks to revising with them, so it isn't really likely. Maybe he has another proposition Nariyuki can't refuse, that can help him with the college he chose.
It’s been a while since girls other than Sensei or Rizu had anything interesting happen and Rizu has a small fanbase here.
I prefer the calm before waifu wars inevitably start again as it reaches the end.
Rizu is for rape and public use
Asumi arc threads were pretty dead as well despite the anime airing at the time
Uruka had a moment or two, but mostly supports Nariyuki in pursuing his dream of becoming a teacher: Which actually is a good thing for her that extends beyond the romantic aspect of their relationship.
Asumi's chapters after her arc were mostly breathers with occasional cute moment, overall they were very enjoyable.
Fumino's chapters are amping up the comedy lately and have become tiresome actually. They are like some Uruka chapters that I know the punchline right after the chapter starts and cannot concentrate on the cute moments because everything will be shortly undone.
I wonder why senseis are associated with big asses and panty lines
>The principal questions Nariyuki about his constant visits to Mafuyu's apartment
I've been wishing this chapter to happen someday since time ago. Mafuyu being fired or something similar would be an inflection point and the start for an arc, but Tsutsui hates inflection points.
The principal still wants them to succeed so he may wants to make sure they're ready before exams, but I agree it may be something serious since important plot points gets introduced there.
Bokuben threads are always dead unless shitposting session.
Shit like this is exactly why sensei got more than half of the votes. I used to really like Fumino at the beginning, but now she's approaching Uruka levels of staleness.
I think it's a new opportunity for Nariyuki. Sensei will probably be there or show up at the end and foreshadow some role in the opportunity (like the books in her birthday chapter).
>Tsutsui solution to stop sensei's dominance is writing her out of the story by making her transfer out of fear from scandal
Imagine the outrage
like I said before knowing that no matter what will happen in the chapter it will be all undone by the end kills investment in her chapters.
if something like that ever happens I imagine it would end up with Nariyuki saving her or dropping out with her altogether
Or Tsutsui's house being burnt down.
What went so wrong?
>The principal still wants them to succeed
well yeah, but Nariyuki isn't in charge of them as far as he is concerned their deal is off . If it were earlier before exams It would be an opportunity to maybe introduce a new tutor and Nariyuki is needed there to consult with him/her about their progress, but Exams are supposed to be right away so this is also doubtful.
Girls always do that when it comes to someone else’s relationships but chicken out when it’s about them. If anything it’s realistic.
rizu is the steamed hams of bokuben imo
Fumino a shit, there is nothing that fuminofags can say to defend her flat character, and I'm not speaking only about her chest.
I won't call that big
That's puny
By the way I mostly entirely post in Fumino chapter threads. It's not worth it to attend these cesspools of threads we have.
Cesspool? Have you seen other harem threads? This is a swamp at worst lately. This is downright friendly right now.
it's not her body that needs fixing though.
This would be a fixed one if it ever was real
she's black
Fumino chapter threads are easily the worst shitposting threads though
>no beauty mark
Nothing, she's perfect
another Mafuyu chapter WHEN?!!
4 days
Nothing wrong with that, to be honest. Many, if not most fans do that. To illustrate, threads of the past couple of weeks have been considerably slower. Why? A large portion of regular posters from larger fanbases either post a few times and then lurk, or they're absent because it's not a chapter that focuses on the character they primarily read the manga for.
I'd #metoo sensei
Yeah and it will be weird for the principal to offer him help since moeman was the one to reject the VIP recommendation with the excuse that he wants to stand equal with the girls.
I feel we might meet the next person in line for the VIP recommendation although there's no need for the two to meet.
We have a lot of visitors when it's a certain character chapter
I'd Weinstein sensei
next chapter? I don't think so
hey Rizu, let's play hide the soul
>next chapter? I don't think so
Keep saying that. It actually seems to make it likelier to happen going by past pattern.
>next person in line for the VIP
She's another hardworking poorfag, basically a female version of Nariyuki, the set-up leads are to believe she will join the harem, but during the study session the girls feel somewhat uncomfortably comfortable around her: basically a yuri-bait chapter.
Not gonna happen though, exams are to close to introduce another tutor.
chapter is up on mangaplus
Let's wait dumpfag and hope he dumps it here or I'm never making a Bokuben thread ever again.
>Fumino marries Rizu and takes her name
Fumicucks need to kill themselves.
D-do I fit in yet?
Why is there no Rizu or Fumino mention on /sci/ and Yea Forums?
Urucute a best
Fumino is just a friend
Who the fuck lives in New Zealand?
It's fine if is between friends.
Is Uruka a fujoshi?
Not that user, but I'd rather a more quiet thread than endless shitposting about every aspect of the girls Anons aren't pulling for like other shows seem to have.
BL is a totally normal tendency for a girl who reads manga
Same. At least, I think most would prefer that over the alternative.
Fucking RIP Eddie. ;_;7
5 star frog splash is RVD's finisher. Eddie used a normal frog splash.
It's been some days since the last shitpost. It was by the end of the Mizuki thread.
Which bokuben would you fuck?
I wouldn't because they're in highschool and that's immoral.
I would fuck the one who's the same age as me
you forgot
>Sensei best girl
And she will keep being exactly like that until the end of the series. The only ones that have received any meaningful development are sensei and surprisingly Rizu lately
More like basedumi
Don't know about Americans but I had a lot of hot teachers with pretty clear panty lines
might take up farming so I can sow my seed all over sensei's vast tracts of land
and that's it
I wish Nariyuki would kiss my forehead too
no homo
So is she into Nariyuki? Not that it matters because she's irrelevant but it's another girl Nariyuki will hurt in the end.