This is honest the most pointless anime I've ever seen.
Vinland Saga
explain yourself faggot
How many times do you feel the need to make this thread?
>oh look, new characters introdu- andddd they are dead
>repeat x100
What is it even the endgoal.
Literally my first thread about it and I just catched up with the anime because you people told me it was great, it isn't, the ED is pretty nice though.
You have to go back and watch shounen, buddy
This is practically bad shonen for "deep and serious" history fags.
I expected something interesting not the story of some stupid ass kid run away who follows the people who fucked up his life. Though tbqh he fucked his on life up.
>most pointless anime
I'm not even a fan of VS but it sounds to me like you've watched 10 anime. Why don't you post your watch list.
Or his top 10 favorite series.