spoilers soon
with all my heart I hope
The upcoming few chapters will somewhat define Aka’s plan after the MCs got together. Pray for your ass kaguyafags.
I want Ishigami chapter
Best boys always come late
>tfw that guy is a faceless random guy #164576347 that will not appear again (literally)
Remember when this manga was good?
where is 5toubun
eh. Aka loves his foreshadowing so I wouldn't be suprised if Mikado does enter the manga at some point.
These are ratings of movies, 5toubun doesn't have one.
Fuck off Kaguyakek Toubun is so successful it's going to get a second season unlike Kagushit which will never ever get another season due to low sales!
Where the fuck is the NTR?
in the latestgotoubun chapter when fuu's childhood friend comes to cuck the quints.
Yeah, before the bakas confessed.
>Aka loves his foreshadowing
yeah, and he also likes to deconstruct the story of the bamboo cutter, so...
Yeah last chapter was good thank you Aka
Oh shit I missed a few chapter, Miko and Ishigami are a couple now? Thank god I dropped this when that slut came into the picture I would just swell with rage if she appeared again to ruin their romance.
Who wins the hayasaka bowl?
not those bakas, he's talking about Shinomiya and Shirogane
>toubunfags are getting not one, but two seasons of QUALITY
That sounds more like a punishment to me.
Mr Jesus Christ
its me
i just got the call from aka
Remember when this manga was good?
This manga was NEVER good.
>the chad LA
>the virgin second season
who would have said it
Holy shit what a flop
Axe when?
Why does it always have to be like this now?
Just how many images of dabbing Fujiwara are there?
better question
how many images of dabbing Kaguya are there?
Leave Ishigami to me.
God I wish that was me.
Nope Mikoshit got BTFO'D and Tsubame just received one of the most kino chapter in this manga.
You better not come back,
wouldn't want you to hurt yourself over the salt.
The only people populating the threads this late in the week are shitposters, not even the good shitposters, just the ones the spam the same shit every thread. Come back monday morning when we have things to talk about.
This manga really went the way of Soma.
ntr when?
You talked like on one shitposts “remember” on Monday
>Kaguya's LA beat 2-4 combined in a single week.
We fucking better get a S2 now.
What would happen if Editor-san gets a bf?
was she a good Hayasaka?
I still don't get how the LA was successful as fuck. Yeah it was kinda marketed to oblivious but getting those numbers on the first week? Considering how Kaguya seems to be difficult to adapt on a 1 and a half hour time frame while being satisfying, I wonder how good it was actually was and how much is it due to star power (Kingdom's movie wasn't as successful IIRC even with sorta equal star power)
Maybe because it's a wholesome comedy with wide appeal. Kaguya is something I'd tell everyone to watch.
People unironically hype for the movie?
Review I found said it was pure fucking cringe and it ends with a stupid original arc with pres and kaguya accidentally kissu
Is there a summary of the plot? The only thing I heard was an election arc with no Miko.
We will probably think it's shit but normalfags on twitter all loved it.
Aka is a believer in chekov's gun
hard to believe mikado would be chilling on the streets instead of studying
He's rich and talented, so he doesn't need to work which leaves more time for studying.
You know nothing about nip twitter's culture don't you
He's most likely a prodigy that also puts a shit load of effort. The only reason he has more free time than prez is because he doesn't need to work.
this. Only brainlets need to constantly learn.
So what is this? Aka is drawing a cover for some LN/magazine? In any case she's quite cute
That rating tells nothing when the movie already beat everything by a large margin.
Appears to be an LN that Aka is doing illustrations for
>Namerakana Sekai To, Sono Teki Tankōbon (The Smooth World and It's Enemies' Book)
Isn't he a little big to do art for random LN's now? You'd think he'd his hands full drawing Kaguya.
That's exactly the score a mediocre yet money-printing movie would achieve. Not too good to make any impact, not too bad to actually fail.
the live action did not fail and you don't like that, right?
Kaguya got axed he has to find work elsewhere.
>tell everyone to watch
>cheap wiener jokes
Happy birthday you monster virgin
he deserves a the best present
>666 million yen
That's just profit from selling music album of the movie.
It doesn't include movie profits.
When are they gonna show a flashback of this?
We did see Prez after getting beat up at the assembly at least
We really need this flashback.
And whatever he did with Momo.
Would be infinitely better than idiotic side character love triangles.
I want to see Icekaguya's first "INCONCEIVABLE" tantrum after the President got first place in the tests over her!
She didn't have the time to process the humiliation because she lost a huge bet against him.
Hell, she probably went
>I wasn't trying hard enough.
The second time would be more hilarious because she's probably giving her best and still losing.
That's before the assembly, when Prez was just started to learn really hard
He then beat Kaguya and then i assume he started to ask her to be the VP
>It doesn't include movie profits
>started to ask her
Not like she had a choice.
I'd love to see the speech where it was Kaguya introducing prez to everyone's disbelief.
So what is it going to be about? Preview stated something about his trip to India being put to use, but we're also still missing gay moment flashback.
Maybe they'll talk about Indian foods?
It's going to be an entire chapter about Fujiwara eating curry.
Fujiwara starts infodumping shit because she's going to India for chirstmas.
Or she talks about the indian origins of her fucking boba.
>That's before the assembly
Considering he mentioned that he got into a scuffle at the assembly, I would assume the bandage is supposed to show that this is happening after he got injured there.
It's peculated that the bandage is because of Prez' technique of staying awake by clipping his cheek that was shown in one panel of a chapter which i forgot
Hayasaka will help to build prez baseball team.
Isn't this the second time he done LN illustrating? I think I remember reading one of the first things he did was do illustrations for a LN adaptation of a novel about a girl pianist prodigy, around the same time Akasaka started doing Instant Bullet.
I do know about that theory, but I think it being an actual injury in this case is likelier
oh why hello there fellow non-Canadian
>also /u/ invasion soon
You can't load up all the magazines and copies of the new chapter onto a plane and fly away with them!
Come back!
Season 2 announcement when?
Probably never.
Hope you're happy with a another live adaption movie, because that's what you will get.
Why the fuck is that hand so big?
Right, wasn't there some kind of event coming up? Some people here said that it would be a good place to announce a season 2. When is that?
heh... based 5toubun spic
things that scare us look bigger
They are avoiding Toubun because the seals would be humiliating
Last kokuradio at the 29th probably
Which will be a livestream
Imagine being Ishigami in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Miko Iino, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is to fap to another waifu in his bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be Ishigami and not only lie there while Miko Iino flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that fall. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MIKO IINO LOOKS LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fapping to nothing but a healthy diet of 2d and classmates and later alleged stalking victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in middle school. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Ishigami. You're not going to lose your future treasurer career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
How's the live-action anyway?
Never ever
Isn’t Fujiwara far away from autism? Imagine she being Legosi, she might as well just fuck Haru into submission and live like a chad until graduation
Do we have a dedicated RAW dumper on the day of the digital magazine release?
Not really, i've never seen anyone dump digis here
Only korean leaks
No, but someone usually posts the mega with all the raw pages. Keep in mind, that's only on Wednesdays.
>leave lino's diner to me
Agreed, prez's back story/history is a a treasure trove of exposition. His family dynamics, relationship with momo/ex-prez, first time being elected and convincing kaguya/fuji to join. Would rather see any of that than more love triangle nonsense.
Something about her eyes.
This, prez is just a great character, you wanna know more about him and his struggles. He´s got some weak sides but he´s trying his very best to improve himself. There´s no one in the manga that is working as hard as him.
Momo arc when ?
God fucking damn it Aka hurry up
Can Prez and Ishigami at least hang out again? I want to see them play more games like Smash.
>HayasakaxIshigami are the best duo, couple, ship
Once Tsubame/Miko win the Ishigamibowl, I want a chapter of him, Prez and Tsubasa complaining about their girlfriends like total normalfags.
>talking to Tsubasa about Kashiwagi after knowing the truth with Maki
More like Hayasaka x Faceless old men
Yeah I really wish there was a friends focused mini-arc, it would be nice to get more of Prez and Hayasaka friendship too.
Who feels more guilty about this, Prez or Karen? Both of them have indirectly fucked Maki over.
Also, check out this fucking Fujiwara in the third panel. So cute.
Karen is her close friend for years, and she feels awful for it. But, at the end of the day, her "fuck up" may have saved Maki from an even greater pain.
Would Tsubasa have even gone out with Maki if she confessed to him before he went to Karen/Prez?
me being one of them
He was pretty focused on Nagisa, i don´t think it would have worked out even if Maki confessed.
And yet when Shirogane convinced him that all the girls liked him, he had to stop and think about who to choose. There's a good chance he would have accepted if Maki made the first move.
Kill yourselves, faggots.
Imagine beating Lino and Ishigami until they're unconscious, and then feeding them to a pack of ravenous wolves.
There's one made by a drawfag where she dabs on Haysack
How will he surprise us tomorrow.
new love interest for ishigami!
She can smell everyone's genitals from a far.
filler chapter
Take it back.
she cucked him tho
She's short too, I wonder how smelling balls, ass and vagoos all day has effected her.
who the fuck is this guy again?
Something not obvious?
She’s not at waist level, the Japanese are shorter in general.
she's malnourished and that's why she's hungry
Do you think she has tattoos on her back?
A challenger appears!
Se... with fuji!
There's no reason to keep bumping the thread if you have nothing to talk about. Just make another one tomorrow wen the spoilers arrive.
When did this manga jump the shark?
roof-top kiss. the quality of the writing took a massive dive
Go back to tvtropes and never come back to the glorious Yea Forums
But that implies it's ever been good
Please stop reading this manga.
chapter 46
Chapter 323
That 14-page sex scene has a bit much IMO, even if they were celebrating having 12 kids.
I can't wait anymore
Give me (1) reason why I shouldn't have this manga axed.
kaguya and shirogane haven't had sex yet
Because reddit will be sad
We must go slower
Why does Prez suddenly love Kaguya?
Easy way out of poverty.
I wish I was a kagucat.
>chibi-mode at will
based prez
>this total stacy seduces Ishigami out of Miko and Tsubame
What the fuck? You troglodytes promised there would be spoilers by now.
There was a break slowpoke
Fuck! Another one? For real? Jesus fuck.
Ishigami got another girl.
Spoilers: never
Really? Again? Just make it monthly again, fuck.
I’m fairly certain there isn’t a break. Especially since nobody called out the OP.
>spoiler day
>no spoilers
Apparently the filler chapter is too boring to be even spoiled, axe soon
Chill, you subhumans. There's like 5-10 hours until spoiler time.
What is that penis for
It's still going to take around 12 hours for spoilers to show up faggots, do you actually frequent these threads? The full scans for Korean also happen later around that time for the most part.
Oh come on, I want to enjoy hype like toubunfags had
>movie flops
>no spoilers
>manga gets axed
Oh no no no hahahaha
>Toubun hype
You mean the endless recycle of the same pasta and waifuwars that are worse than Niskoi's and threads devoid of any discussion? Just wait until miko bitcho and ishitgami comes back and mikado gets introduced. We'll reach that depth of patheticness soon.
>spoiler thread 10 hours early
yeah, but you can hope for early spoilers too
>Kaguyatard mad that his shitty rag doesn't get spoilers first
Spamming it every thread won't make it true
Behave yourself and remain on student council business.
or else.
I just want her to be happy.
>reading haremshit
Also I'm sure there's an entire board where you can act like you're "hyped".
I'd suggest going there.
Student council is a bunch of bullshit
Maki don’t shoot the school
>kei's profile picture is lemon juice
What did she mean by this
All the little kids with their pumped up kicks...
Did the manga actually get axed? It sure does fucking feel like it did but this can't be right bros. We haven't seen enough Miko domestic abuse...
Gorda enana!
>one of the best selling manga and biggest franchises in Japan currently
Well, what do you think?
Reading Comprehension: 0. I didn't know such stupidity existed, you better donate yourself for science so we remove your genes from the gene pool.
Kaguyafag, I...
Kaguya is too big to fail.
>Kaguya is too big to fail
yeah, her hip is great. But on the paizuri theme....
Maki: 4fag
Hayasaka: snekfag
Kaguya: 2fag
Prez, Ishi, Iino: meekufag
Fuji: unironically going for Takebayashi end
She should really get some nice implants.
Why do cockroaches are rejoicing over retarded delusions of Tsubame being rejected?
The day when Aka finally stops wasting ink on drawing such a stupid characters and concentrate on making kino Tsubame and Ishigami panels then this manga will be nominated for a Nobel Literature Prize
Who's the 5fag
snekfags are tsubamefags
5fags are kaguyabros
They all are too intelligent to actually believe that Eatsuki is in the bowl
2 week break
2 years hiatus
>2 week break for Kaguyakeks
>meanwhile Toubunchads will have their next 2 chapters leaked early
OH NO NO NO kaguyabros no chapter for 2 weeks
Starting next week or is there no chapter this week?
Toubunbros, I have a dream, a dream that we will one day get rid of these spoiler thread so no one will shitpost endlessly about things that never happen
Next chapter is pretty much Aka's log from his indian travel.
Seems to have a bunch of cool backgrounds.
Prez shitting in the streets when?
Fujiwara is good at piano not dancing you fucking ooc fanart
There's nothing about a break here?
Why is she so perfect?
>Tramp stamp
>another break
You guys talking about the break, but it’s apparently a hiatus
Doesn't stop her from trying something new.
Is this serious? Another break?
Seriously if it's going to go on "break" this often just axe this shitty manga
I mean it's not like it peaked at chapter 45 oh wait
It's just 2 months
What is your point fucking nigger go read gotoubun
actually, It's just 2 decades
>a chapter of Fuji and hayasaka talking about India
Oh Aka.
What did Aka mean by this?
>retards can't into google drive
Nothing in the spoiler implies that there will be a break, you guys truly are desperate
NTR drama soon, duh
it's just 2 centuries
Aka a vampire confirmed
Oh no no no no no hahahahahaha
the "2 weeks break again" posters are 5tounbugn shitposters, you know?
Mikado missing his own flags.
>muh 5Toubun boogeyman
Truly pathetic.
That’s weird, Negi rarely puts 5toubun on break
Gon sleep, don't post spoilers til I wake up. thank
Since no one posted the translation I'm going to post the discordfag one
>As predicted, it's India this time. These two people are...
>Is this manga just the author's India travel report? Lol
>The assistant in charge of the background sure worked hard!
>Is this manga just the author's India travel report?
kama sutra chapter soon?
Will we get a chapter about Ishi and Iino in that mall as well?
What would that even be about ? If those two get a chapter again, it will probably be after the timeskip.
>India trip
Maybe Kashiwagi with tsubasa, Karen with erika, or the prince?
Post your predictions lads. Will it be maki and el hermano
>What would that even be about ?
How Iino went from dere mode to bitch mode.
How Iino spots Tsubame and decides to prevent Ishigami from seeing her.
>implying that will be anyone other than Fujiwara and Hayasaka
They are the only ones who didn't get their flashbacks covered and Fujiwara traveled a lot so she is likely to have come to India before. I have no idea why they are talking about it though
>includes the number 2
>shitposting skyrockets
Based Hacka
How long until she starts recording Ishigami's voice so she can listen to them on repeat?
EL HERMANO will impregnate hayasaka and make her a happy mother
it's probably about momo, police guy and the prince.
it's just a random guy draw by his assistant.
why all of you can't even notice art style difference ? all mob characters on that page literally not draw by aka
>why all of you can't even notice
It's shitposting, user. Calm down.
another ramen chapter
Or Atenbosenpai with the four-eyes.
hand over the spoilers and nobody gets hurt
>mfw she's into tech
why is she so perfect bros
>manga is doing so badly it has to be printed on napkins
>weekly series
>Take a break once after every chapter
Hurt her as you pleases
>5toubun S2 announced
>Bokuben S2 announced
>Crickets on Kaguya S2 announcement
What is even happening in this world Kaguyabros?
>What is even happening
the axe
LA doing really well we probably even getting second movie for LA rather than season 2 for anime
and if that happen chapter 136 probably will adapted as LA rather than anime
>live-action movie flops so hard Kaguya gets demoted to bi-weekly
[Quicksilver Girl] would make quick work of those ropes.
I wanted Miko in the anime goddamit.
>flops so hard
it's literally has biggest opening movie this week
It would not make sense for Hayasaka to travel since she is suppose to be always near Kaguya.
Chika doesn't travel alone though but with her 2 other sisters.
This must be a super early flashback from years ago because I don't think Chika's family went on vacation to another country this Winter Break in the manga since she even hosted a Christmas Party and Chika and her sisters just recently got back from Egypt.
Who are the antagonists now that the war has de-facto ended? And how will these antagonists continue the war? Gan'an? Mikado? Mamagane? Bronomiyas?
Anyone else hoping Kaguya and Prez break up and go back to the mind games?
If they broke up, why would they go for the mindgames again?
No. Fuck no. How are you that afraid of change?
So now that the dust has settled what was the straw that broke the camels back in regards to Aka getting axed?
To get the other person to come crawling back
So now that literally nothing has happened for 160 chapters, is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?
I hope that president will break Kaguya's hymen and that years later, they are playing with their children like a happy family
Chika is a lesbian though
We Haganai all over again?
I'm a little impressed at how terrible the shitposting is in this thread.
What the fuck
Oh god, this chapter is going to be amazing.
Is she going to learn the kamasutra to secude Tsubasa?
oh boi
well, we all knew Aka was up to something with all those trips to india
>el hermano reveal
God yes.
Oh no he cute
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Estuans interius
Ira vehementi
Mikado was a meme all along.
God I wish that was me.
Could be a hairstyle change, but yeah probably not. Probably that guy was just meant to show yeah "Shirogane probably asked someone who saw her duck into the alley"
this chapter is already GREAT!!!
The smartest teenager in Japan everybody
You better redraw those hands in the volume Aka, almost as bad as early chapter feet.
Leave Kaguya to me.
Is Maki certified Haram?
Is that just a photoshop of a guy?
>Got bullied by fucking Maki
Holy shit hes at the bottom of the totem pole
Happi Maki make me Happi!
>My friends wanted to do a mixer
Our boy is single
Yes YES NTR when?
So Maki x Mikado?
I ship Miko x Mikado
>that hand
Aka holy shit, when are you learn how to draw hands and feet
He's apparently athletic and Shirogane considers him a goal to overcome.
end game there anons
Mikado looks like a fucking wimp but at the same time seemingly as buff as the captain that Osaragi raped and dumped.
How the fuck can you get bullied by Maki?
>as buff as the captain that Osaragi raped and dumped
RIP Mikado
What's he saying?
Remember when this manga was good?
What is she saying?
Come on Aka
>Kaguya-sama wants to be confessed
>manhandled by maki
>indian curry tastes about the same as japanese
Maki is so unbelievably shit.
>following this page is Nagisa and Tsubasa fucking
Not even in her chapters she can stop getting cucked.
>ottefaggots status: BTFO
>ntrfaggots status: BTFO
>mikadofaggots status: BTFO
this is getting better and better
Aka you fucking genius
Made for each other
I hoe he joins the cast, we need more guys that aren't just chads with no personality.
Mikado is literally Maki's prez, poor, poor girl.
>Maki is miserable
>Mikado is even more pathetic
Shijo family really has it hard, huh.
Shijo Mikado. He was exactly the kind of person I was expecting him to be.
Wouldn't be surprised if that's why he's being introduced now. Hopefully Abe gets in here soon too, at that point everyone should have some kind of pairing.
Wonder if we're getting a title change.
>Wonder if we're getting a title change.
Kaguya sama confessed, keep the kagukoku part and call it a day.
He's really the book smarter, more pathetic version of Maki.
why would anyone willing go to post-colonial India?
Maki wanted to reach enlightment, love related.
The only thing she understood is that japan>india.
>Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai
You'll get all the council members paired together along with Hayasaka/Mikado on the side and you're gonna like it user.
Well, he's a lot like prez, so maybe?
So far, every legend character (not counting the requests/items) has become a "main" character, right? In that case, we can expect both Mikado and Abe to eventually get there. That way, we'd have 4 girls and 4 guys in the main cast.
Girls related to the legend.
Kaguya, Hayasaka, Tsubame, Fujiwara, Iino, Shiranui, Osaragi, Momo.
Boys related to the legend:
Prez, Mikado, Ishigami
It's fairly unbalanced as of right now.
I think Mikado and Kei would make a nice couple.
Virgo is the worst sign though.
t. Virgo
>gender balanced cast in my romcom.
Tbf he means main characters so it's more like,
Girls: Kaguya, Miko, Fujiwara, Hayasaka.
Boys: Shirogane, Ishigami, Abe, Mikado.
I think MIkado will end up being a Maki-tier side character, not really main but more relevant than others.
I don't think they even go to the same school either so it limits his screentime a lot.
But mikado is not in same high school, btw, I hope he can hook up with maki.
Don't forgot Kei chan user.
Kei is not related, only people who get the same day/moth birthdays (and Hayasaka because she's lying about it) are.
>Came to New Delhi of India
>Kaguya wants to be confessed to “India arc” begins
>Maki’s twin younger brother “Shijo Mikado”
>You are so annoying
>You just followed me yourself
>I can’t let my older sister going overseas alone!
>Consider my worries as well!
Speaking of that, I wonder why Mikado isn't in the same school as Maki. Family orders, or did he just want to be in a school with a good soccer team (the only other reason I can think of)?
>TFW Miyuki Shirogane finally meets his imagined ultimate final rival and he's a fucking joke
Bullied out? But then Maki wouldn't be so comfortable there.
Maybe he scored first in the nationals to just go to whatever school he wanted instead?
>“India arc” begins
Dumb secondary do your research
>and so Shin san
>I want to try the enlightenment
>Leave it to me
>But you must be hungry
>Let’s grab sth to eat first
>How’s the Indian cuisine
>It tastes just like the Indian curry houses in Japan
They are twins so probably she was just born like 5 mins earlier
Thanks user
Is this the equivalent of that anime screencap meme with the firl and the black pudding?
>everyone expect him to cuck prez
>he is a cute siscon
>Women need to wrap this on their head
>It seems like Shah Jahan of the Mughal Empire was very devoted to his wife..
>But he spent a ridiculous amount of money on her grave
>And in the end, he was imprisoned by his son until he died.
>Just what exactly is love...?
>Well? Did you get enlightened?
>Never shown in the manga
Literally who
Spoilers rarely have all the pages user. Pretty clear there's a lot missing here
>There’s no way things between Yuu and Tsubame-senpai are going well yet..
>At that time
>Tsubasa-kun and Nagisa too!
>On the other hand
Shiranui is who's relevant for Abe in the tale like Tsubame is for Ishigami and Momo is for Prez. Ect.
>>I want to try the enlightenment
>>Leave it to me
Who the fuck knew Currybro's were so fucking based>
>Tsubasa-kun and Nagisa too!
>On the other hand
Guess who's a mommy
School rankers never had a character design yet
Oh no no no MAKI NO!
So is Mikado a fucking siscon?
I'm not even a Pajeet and that makes me angry. Is that Aka's projection?
He is a man with great taste.
Fucking who?
>Ganon's arranged marriage plot
>A dork like Mikado probably can't think of anything worse then marrying a cold and scary girl like Kaguya
>Help me get out of this Miyuki!
Kashiwagi pregnancy Arc SOON
I literally can't unsee it. Thanks user. Mikado will forever be defined by his hilariously tiny hands from this one panel.
Also let's be honest: Aka has some decent composition skills but his art was never stellar.
>present Mikado as harmless wimp at the beginning
>then subvert your expectations by NTRing out of nowhere
Not going to fool me Aka I know your trick
>You know, I think I like Japan more than India
>So that’s what you’ve been enlightened on?
(alternative TL: you didn’t get enlightened on anything worthwhile, did you?)
>Kaguya-sama wants to be confessed to: End
>(side note: Thank you for reading this chapter, brought to you with the largest expenses ever in this manga)
Don't fuck with me user
Is aka a /pol/ack now?
>On the other hand
Thanks, user!
Maki the eternal cuck!
So the school trip is at the beginning of February. Meaning that Prez and Kaguya were in a relationship for a month.
How hard do you think everyone at the school rolls their eyes when they think their love is a secret? Also, how dead is Karen?
Aka is literally destroying the Japanese economy for us.
jesus aka is throwing the money out of the window. could have just googled some pictures of this shithole and traced those instead of actually flying to india, taking some pictures and tracing those
Mikado is bullied by Maki
So he with wants her auntie because she is a bullie too?
>El hermano
Fucking finally also
>Maki arc
Makes sense, now I can see how he will meet Shirogane.
Maki will talk about how good Shirogane and Ishigami have been to her and he will want to meet them.
Sayonara Piano Sonata. He's doing the manga adaptation, the LN illustration is done by someone else I think. This is pre-IB.
Take your guesses on who Aka will pair with Mikado:
>Subject F
Miko after she get rejected by Ishigami.
Mikado is probably a hard worker and he's not Pres. Fuji all the way !
Not even tracing, it's a Clip Studio Paint EX (what Aka uses) function that pretty much does it all for you. I hope he enjoyed that paid vacation, though.
What if he´s actually a cheater? He would fit even better with Fuji.
Looked pretty interesting. Doesn't seem to be a generic LN.
The protagonist found that her best friend lost the sense by an accident. The friend tries to keep distance, but she's never persuaded. Intense story of girlhood!
I was kind of pulling for the "two birds with one stone" outcome whereby the two problems of "Kaguya's potential arranged marriage" and "Hayasaka is lonely" solve each other, but at the moment I dunno; I think Hayasaka probably ought to do better.
Being Mikado truly is suffering.
EL HER MANITOS (tiny hands)
Everything east of Seoul is a culinary wasteland. Fact.
>the weak should fear the strong
Probably Hayasaka
>He's the "main" suitor of the original tale, and judging from this chapter has similarities to Shirogane.
>She's canonically similar to Kaguya.
Too soon to tell but that's what I've been assuming would happen for a while now if this doesn't go /u/.
gambatte maki
He´s way less dominant than prez though, getting constantly bullied by his sister. Maybe Hayasaka likes to be a little more dominant too? Even though i expect her to become a blushing mess like Kaguya as well.
anyone got the version that says fuck jannies
Going on publisher paid holiday in the name of "research" is basically tradition at this point. See Saki's Ritz going on extended whore sampling tour or TM's Nasu going on Vegas alone for "research".
>TM's Nasu going on Vegas alone for "research".
Well, I'm pretty sure that research worked wonders.
Art user please draw Maki being happy hugging her best friends!
There. Maki found a friend.
>no cringy drama this week
He is the fiancee, its clearly coming a mile away user.
Who will she spare?
>He is bullied by his sister
>He is totally bullied by everyone else!
Thats not how it works, at all.
This is based on 2 pages so the full chapter may correct me, but his expression when he's desperate and how he's nice enough to follow his sister in India when he doesn't want to makes me think he's gonna be very similar to Shirogane just like Maki is similar to Kaguya
Please stop reading this leak and instead think about mating pressing Miko!
Prez is also bullied by his sister though.
Based El Hermano protecting best girl from the indian rape buses.
Imagine how happy she would be if she stopped yearning for love and just kept her bromance.
Why does Maki make her life hard for herself!?
What are you talking about? Prez is older than Kei and she can still bully him.
Both Mikado and prez have no hard feeling about that though since they love their sisters.
She told him by line to not come to school that day
Holy shit I never thought we'd actually meet Mikado
What in the sweet fuck is that top right panel
It's like those cringe compilation pictures where retards photoshop themselves kissing their waifus.
>more pathetic version of Maki.
Now that's an accomplishment
That's not what she says. She's saying Japan's Indian curry restaurants taste the same. Keep in mind these are elites, the restaurants they go to are significantly better than the common fare.
Yes, that's it. Because if to go to any higher class hotel, they will consider your nationality and make food according to it. If you want to enjoy real Indian food, then you have to eat in any local restaurant.
So is he gonna be Miko's love interest?
I'm thinking yes.
That Indian guy was drawn too realistically.
Prez doesn't get manhandled by Kei, only in the Official Doujin does she get violent.
I wonder if he'll be discount Shirogane just like how Maki is discount Kaguya.
She's verbally abusive and hates how he treats her like a child.
He already has the same expressions as Prez and is hated by his sister, Mikado is definitely the discount version.
On that note, it feels like Aka reused alot of expressions in this chapter.
He can take the verbal abuse.
>discount Shirogane
>ranked first nationally
prez is discount mikado
>confused the official doujin with the manga
I'm sorry user
Wait, so this whole India chapter is just so Aka can go on vacation to India while writing it up as manga production expenses?
Mikado doesn't have to juggle studying with part time jobs, SC work and crafting plans to get the girl he likes to confess.
Well, MY expectations were certainly subverted
Even if he ends up being some type of arranged marriage candidate for Kaguya by her family, he doesn't strike me as the type to be an asshole about it.
>instead of a suicidal faggot, Miko get a nice guy
he looks like a good boy, so that would be good for Miko
I finished reading all of kaguya a few days ago and then i saw some other manga with the mass media club. Is that one official or just a fan made?
Different author/artist but it's official.
She’s doomed to be an incel
/r/ing that picture of chibi Kagura walking through the door
It's official. It's basically going through the normal chapters of the story with the focus shifted to the mass media club girls, and they're friends with Maki and Kashiwagi.
There's also the doujin, but that one is non canon despite being published, and basically fanfiction for extra cash.
Did I miss something in 5?
Who bitch is dis
Will Karen and Erika end up getting together with Prez's friends?
Too good for Miko, but Tsubame seems like a better fit. Tsubame doesn't look like she's going to be doing much as of now.
Leave Tsubame to me.
are you implying a slutbame x Mikado?
Mikadobros we got too cocky
They most likely won't ever talk to each other.
El presidente emo....
He'll obviously end up with Hayasaka so they can produce cat eyed children.
>Mikado was the one who kept pestering Kaguya in the tale to earned her love
>In this one, it's going to be him meeting her many times but with no real romantic interest (or maybe he does like her but it's fruitless)
>He gets to know Hayasaka through these meetings since she's always keeping an eye on her
>Hayasaka wants to be confessed to
What do you think?
tbqh, expectation subverted.
>On the other hand
is this about Kaguya-Prez or Kashiwagi-Tsubasa?
BTW guys this is a new leak.
Mikado really is the discount shirogane huh?
god i wish that were me
Apparently Mikado will btfo everyone else except Maki
Thread theme youtube.com
spoilers incoming bang bang
kill yourself
Miko eats a lot. Miko farts a lot
Karen self inserts as Kaguya and Erika is a carpet muncher. Doubt they're interested.
Did anyone expect a Maki Christmas chapter?
If you have any expectations at all you better hide them
Dayum Aka you fucking metal
who is that guy?
He's going to claim Fujiwara.
You win this time, Aka
Mikado looks like a fun character, and him getting some spotlight means we'll get more Maki scenes too.
Great development. Expectations subverted for the best.
So Mikado is going to be El Hermano done it right
Oh no bros he's fucking adorable just like his sister
Why is he such a hypebeast bros
He also has the fang.
he should go gay for prez.
man aka is shameless about tracing and copy pasting huh
Miko's boyfriend.
Lino's husband could do with losing some weight.
If he's even more pathetic than Maki, then he truly has no future.
>he should go gay for prez
This. The best way to subvert expectations.
Can't wait for Prez to interact with Mikado at some point.
How did y'all like El Hermano's debut bros? It was actually better than what I was expecting.
Tsubasa beats Maki
Nagisa beats Tsubasa
Kaguya beats Nagisa
Prez beats Kaguya
Mikado beats Prez
Maki beats Mikado
Duh I predicted the arc everyone go home now
Aka jumped the shark I can't wait for the Axe.
>Preview stated he'd put his trip to india to good use for this chapter
>it meant that literally since he's tracing everything else that isn't Mikado or Maki
Madman. Is that supposed to be part of the joke? Did he literally go to India just so he could make a joke about the entirety of it being traced from pictures he took?
Also, the preview is apparently talking about a Stuco chapter next week.
Thanks, i ended up reading everything and now i regret having no Kaguya chapters to read anymore. I guess its time to re-read everything
That's a really expensive joke for one chapter.
And I guess the brief look at what Fuji and Hayasaka were doing is all we're getting. Probably will come up later though.
He probably went to India for fun and is using this chapter to mock the “this break/trip is being used by the mangaka to gather research materials” disclaimer that manga companies print even though it’s obviously bullshit.
Aka is a genius, you see
>No yuri shit in sight
So, Ishigami's still been in every chapter since Newgame, right??
I cannot stop laughing eventhough I don't understand anything.
>In a Q&A, Aka said that he always choose characters that were already familiar to the reader for the next volume cover (even if it wasn't the case for Miko)
>Mikado is introduced in the last chapter of volume 16
Does that mean he may be on the cover of volume 17 ? He should appear again next volume if it deals with Kaguya's birthday.
>tfw I just understood what that grey panel actually meant