Am I the only one done with this pretentious, pseudo intellectual, douche bag?
Am I the only one done with this pretentious, pseudo intellectual, douche bag?
Other urls found in this thread:
>pseudo intellectual
Post your educational degree and course (if you aren't a drop out, that is)
He is a mary sue
He's not pretentious or a psuedo-intellectual.
Go back to your dumb series Forcefag.
I FUCKING love science
Bachelors in Applied Physics
Associates in Mathematics
Texas Tech University
>See a protag you don't like
something something mary sue
I know, right? This show tries to be intelligent but fails to do so in an unintelligent way, unlike high IQ people like you and me, OP, who take science and being intelligent seriously.
This show is just so stupid and edgy, you don't learn anything from anime like that. Clearly, people who watch Dr.Stone aren't engaged proper television that we watch. We don't have IQ's ranging from 130 to 140 for nothing. Try watching something more mentally stimulating like National Geographic, Discovery channel, or something from the History channel.
People like us are gifted and we choose(intelligent decision) to stay away from cringe "science" shows like this that make a mockery of ACTUAL SCIENCE
Now tell me how he's a pseudo intellectual for incorrectly using physics (your supposed specialty)
Is Dr. Stone the Rick and Morty of anime?
pretty much, yes.
It's the jimmy neutron of cartoons
ITT: Seething lib(tard) arts undergraduates
>a piece of paper equates intelligence or knowledge of a subject
Seems like you forgot to take a logic corse in college that’ll be $20,000 dollars chump
Is the Dr. Bazinga of anime.
He's fun.
I enjoy Dr Stone a lot and there is literally no amount of shitposting that will prevent me from doing so.
Also I want Yea Forums to fucking leave
how much cancer can one put into a single image
>t. brainlet
>You don't need a standardized certificate of approval to be considered a person with employment-worthy understanding of scientific laws, theories, formulas, applications, and interconnected subjects
Why, yes, I would like some fries with that
You're supposed to read Dr Stone for Ginro. Fuck the rest.
I see people make fun of Rick and Morty, The Big Bang Theory and other shows that feature "science". I think to myself "They must be real science experts and intellectuals". I want to be like them, I want others to see me as a real science guy, and to achieve that, the next popular thing that is science-themed, I'm going to make fun of, like those other intelligent people. People will see me as a man who is intelligent enough to expose these pseudo intellectual show for what they are, they will see how intelligent I am with my scientific insight, people will respect me.
>Why, yes, I would like some fries with that
Too low iq to think of a rebuttal? Were you too retarded to go to college? Hey I hear the military is always accepting but you gotta cut a some of that weight. They dont take 400lb recruits.
>implying had any rebuttal to begin with
You dropouts always crack me up
10 billion percent certain this is a content-free thread for farming (you)s
Wooo, you go, OP! Show those pretentious bastards who only want to look smart just because they watch an anime about """"science"""". Let's give a dose of reality to those pathetic pseudo intellectuals.
We're the real intellectuals, not them, we only do legit science, not this mockery
Fuck you it took 5 mins to make that edit
>admits to being a moron
>hur id winnur
That’ll be another $40,000 wagie lol
Stop posting 3D newfag.
Pay attention dumbass. Senku clearly says he's no genius. He's a science otaku at best with an encyclopedic knowledge about shit because he really likes science.
Its Yea Forums related shitbird. Not new you’re new if you think this image is new.
>H-He isn't a genious h-he's a science otaku!
Stonefags are this stupid
Stonefags make me thankful that I was born with 130+ IQ
I can't spare a millimeter of patience for people who don't think he's ten billion percent the greatest current shounen protagonist.
Dexter's lab anime when?
Your posts make me thankful that I was born with 140+ IQ
>Idolizes Edison and not Tesla
mainstream trash.
Only dumbfucks announce to everyone they are a genius, rich, or royalty. Your actions will prove it so.
Spoken like a true stonefag
Just drop it. I already did it
sick meme and fallacy bro
Dilate Twitter tranny
Low IQ stonefag, I already know how much smarter I am than you, since I don't watch popsci pseudo intellectual trash like Dr. Stone
>idolizing Chad Edison instead of that pathetic virgin who died broke
Gee, I wonder why. Fuck off, you pretentious hipster cunt.
The art style and premise suck. The pretentious pseusdo intellectual bits are just annoying bits on top.
>muh Tesla
Tesla was a fool that couldn't into legality
Edison was based for the sole fact that he was able to fuck Tesla over
10 episodes in and it feels like I've seen fuck all. What's wrong with the pacing in this anime?
Didn't Eddison get fucked over by JP Morgan? and Tesla fuck himself over?
The real Rick and Morty of otakufags.
It's rushed as hell, bro, and the direction is pretty lame too.
The only good thing in this is the science circlejerking and some Senku cheese, everything else, like pacing, characters and plot is pretty bad. Animation has nice moments too I guess.
Use these to spice up your incorrect line of thinking callouts
>fallacious meme
>meme fallacy
>erroneous memeing
>Incoherent shitposting
>Obtuse cognitive meme claim
I like the last one.
How dare you insult NGNL that way. Kill yourself.
What's your YouTube channel? Do you do anime reviews
The reason it's neccesary for job positions is to ensure you know about the task they are asking of you and because it makes it incredibly easy to filter people out. It says little to nothing about intelligence, nor does it take more than the average to obtain.
For you.
Of course here it is and don't forget to contribute to my patreon to receive more great Yea Forums posts.
Oh I thought you where demo, whens the new video coming out fat fuck?
But he literally is a mary sue is the key difference. In 3700 years no one has done anything and suddenly in like a few he has re-inventing things survivors would have know about for 3000+ years.
I just posted it to twitter this week you retard, get on with the times.
Its one of those "so bad is good" for me, everything is so absurd, like how the mc is so godly smart and sometimes dumb just for sake the plot, it feels almost like a parody, like science was he super power and he's the scienceman. Not only that but they make everything so overly dramatic, I lose my sides every fucking episode. Also, it helps a lot that the production value is actually high.
I might be mistaken, but my understanding was that the village was much newer than 3000 years. A village of that size, surely it's no more than a handful of centuries old? In that case the tech level isn't entirely outlandish if the founders didn't do any research or knowledge preservation other than the stories.
There are more problems than just cringe science examples. The examples are shoehorned into the plot. Characters behave as if the plot demands instead of having any character of their own. The Villans reason for being a villan is really stupid "someone claimed they owned a public beach and beat me up for picking pretty seashells". The sound direction sucks. The animation sucks. The faces are retarded. Etc...
Pretentious pseudo foodtellectual pop-culinary trash.
If my post doesn't make it clear, I'm a pretty good cook myself with extensive knowledge of cooking
Why does he have so many catchphrases? One would be enough.
Your telling me people just popped into existance. Either they 1) became unstoned (retaining their memories about modern life) and not being stone age people, 2) have existed since the start through many generations (devloping naturally as humans do) and would also not be stone age people.
Instead we get 3) everything is basically stuck in the stone ages according to what the plot wants until the protag shows up for no particular reason.
"cringe science examples"?
Are you fucking underage?
Shit taste
fuck off chef-wannabe
No the science examples are legimately horrible. Instead of using a simple lever he makes a complex pully chain that if just one element of many broke instantly kills the person under the tree. Both are the same example but instead of showing real science fast they go with retarded flashy example for no particular reason aside from trying to tie it into making a cart as the next example which is just even more cringe.
>Instead of using a simple lever
Did you consider that he wasn't strong enough to use a simple lever and so needed a system that could support his flea-tier physical prowess?
>if just one element of many broke instantly kills the person under the tree
A lever would have the same problem, the fuck are you on about? They're also both simple machines, how is a pulley complex?
Are you retarded a simple lever can move mountains ever hear of the phrase from Archimedes. (from 287BC) The whole point is a lever is a simple machine that can enable a weak person or even a flea to move large objects. In that situation instead of spending far more time making the shit pully system he could have just used a lever.
Season 2 never ever.
The area where the lightning struck created a gradient that would cause final shock upon contact. Senku proceeds to immediately grab a chunk of melted copper and iron. Fucker doesn't get electrocuted or get 3rd degree burns.
I guess you're right. I mean don't they know it's impossible for a human being to bring down a fucking tree or fight lions with his bare hands? If you're gonna do a show about science at least make it scientific and make every detail as scientifically realistic as possible instead of ruining my scientific immersion. It's like they're showing us a cartoon or something. Fuck whatever story you want to tell, just give us some tasty science, make the pacing slower and focus on all those with all those juicy science details like logistics and shit, that's the shit us ACTUAL SCIENCE INTELLECTUALS want. Fuck those gay characters, fuck the story, if this anime doesn't make me look smart watching it, then what's the point?
You don't understand basics of reliablity engineering. A lever is composed of two elements both are easy to make strong. The pully shown is made of many more components of which if any one fails the tree fails. The serial stack of components makes the failure chances much higher. A lever is much simpler than a pully and achieves the same efffect. The advantage of a pully is being able to lift things very high with leverage while a lever is simpler and to lift something high gets impractical but in this situation high lifting height is not required.
The show explicitly said that the priestesses pass down stories from the founders, stories that came from unstoned people. So it's obviously #1. As for why the founders didn't want to develop technology, maybe they were fans of primitivism like Tsukasa. There's a bunch of dumb things in this series, but that isn't one of them in my opinion.
>Watches TV
>is intelligent
Pick one.
That is the funny part the characters constantly scream science wins over fantasy in a clearly fantastical show. That is why it is so cringe.
You can tell a fantastical story with good science and fantastical elements. It is called good writing. Something the show lacks.
They waited for a while for the storm to subside and the temperature/charge to go down.
So your actually saying it is 3) they were around the whole time and were stuck in the stone ages until the mary sue showed up. The founders didn't want to develop technology because the plot told them not to. Tsukasa is also a retard using melee weapons which are also technology. Clothing is technology, the acid solution also tech. It is just retarded logic everwhere. The whole series is dumb.
It sounds like you should watch a documentary instead of anime, user
I know right!? Ugh, how cringey wingey ewwww
"Yeah science"? ew grosssss
Real science intellectuals do go shouting "science", that's just cringe, I feel second-hand embarrassment from it
I liked Fire Force's example of the elements changing magical fires colors along with the explaination that it is still just fire after all. Compare that to Dr. Stone's example which had comedic timing failure. Dr. Stone's comedy falls flat and it just isn't fun to watch. Instead a went and checked on the latest chapter of the source and confirmed it is still shit.
But the "stone age" lasted for millions of years, and those people weren't confined to a small island.
Uh unless every surivor had their mind wiped for no particular reason aside from mary sue that makes no sense. Why did survivors from the modern era decide to revert to the stone ages the only conclusion it seems is that the plot told them too even if that is really retarded.
Well, there were only six people and again, they were stuck on a deserted island where it was hard enough to survive as is. Technology has regressed before, it's not that farfetched to think an apocalyptic event would do the same.
6 people would never survive it would be a massive genetic bottleneck they would be long dead by the time the protagonists came around. So again they basically got frozen in time while nominally existing because the plot demanded they add some but not too many characters.
It is far fetched that in 3700 years no one has developed technology when it is revealed people did stick around for the whole time. The show is trying to have its cake and eat it too.
>stuck on a deserted island
Oh, come on. Don't tell me they couldn't build a boat in their lifetimes.
Listen, Dr. Stone! You mess with science, you mess with me! Don't you dare make a mockery of science!
No shit, all stories have some implausibility that allows the plot to happen, what's one that doesn't? It would be a pretty shitty story if he had woken up and then died immediately to disease or got eaten by a wild animal, but those would be likely outcomes.
The plot god told them not to for no particular reason and they said ok we will wait 3700 years for our mary sue to build a boat for us.
Well, they did. The trip went poorly.
Dr stone is Probably the most un pretentious anime and manga in a long time. Like a Ttgl in modern times. You just have shit taste
This isn't just implausiblity it is called shitty writing. It would make more sense if there was large enclaves of people or they have to bring more people out of being stoned. Instead they went with the retard writing choice.
Instead of being chased by a lion and getting eaten by turning their backs to it they could use some of the acid on it which is still an acid by the way and the lion would A) be blinded, B) die, C) run away from the acid gas. More science same scene. Nope instead we get them turning their backs to a lion (instant death) and having a guy one punch it to death.
Instead of having a retard villian have an oddly specific deduction that they are going to make gunpowder they could have had him just chase them down as that was a meaningless deduction anyways.
So on and so forth. The writing is not just implausible it is bad.
And they never tried to make a better boat for 3700 years. Or did the god of plot strike them down every time they tried.
No, they died. Tends to be hard to try again after that.
I kind of agree. It definitely is pretentious, but what does it pretend to be?
It's utterly implausible that there wouldn't be a lesser civilisation made up of petrification survivors already in place when the MC wakes up. But, of course that would get on the way of Senkuu Stu flexing on dumbass savages and rob the manga of the most epic science moments.
>It's utterly implausible that there wouldn't be a lesser civilisation made up of petrification survivors already in place when the MC wakes up
The village is one such lesser branch. Why do animeonlies make huge assumptions about a story they just started?
>made up of petrification survivors
Then the whole village doesn't exist?
Your retarded. After some people died they for 3700 years never tried to make a better boat. Unless everyone died that makes no sense.
The story sucks. The whole get platnium advanture on treasure island is really dumb.
I don't even need to read the thread to know anime only fags are probably complaining about things that have only been explained in the manga so far.
It's just a bunch of teenagers virtue signaling how into science they are. Don't take it seriously, though it's shitting up the board
That's your opinion and that's fine, but that has nothing to do with the factually incorrect accusations here. It happens every time an anime comes out, people watch the first episode or two and assume they know the entire story. It's baffling how this keeps happening every fucking time.
Treasure island isn't in the anime. But it is still garbage.
Didn't mean you in particular, more directed at other anons in this thread. Sorry to hear that you don't enjoy it, hope you find something else that you do.
I'm glad I still remember how to have fun.
Looking good in front of other people is more important than your petty uncultured "fun"
Shitting on shit is fun too. When something isn't enjoyable to watch you can derive some fun out of shit.
You remind me of people who just say to turn off your brain to watch a show. There are plenty of shows that are dumb but are still fun. This show isn't on of them.
Well you clearly are a master of turning off your brain before you post, at least.
ITT: edgy teens being so insecure about not being perceived as "mature" that they get ass-blasted by Japanese Bill Nye The Science Guy.
Why are dr.stone threads so shit?
>introduce an asspull for plot convenience
>explain it later
That doesn't make it OK, mong.
>Why are dr. stone bait threads so shit?
fixed that for you
Because Dr. Floppit is shit
the author has a degree in bull shit, perfect for the age demographic
So which high school do you fellow kids go to?
I would rather see the scientist senku win over tsukasa who is basically light yagami with muscles .
Read the manga. It's deeper than that.
His sister was brain dead and he wanted the world he created to be a better one than the one she had before going brain dead. Luckily she's petrified as well so they unstone her and she recovers and he's not evil anymore. But shit happens and they have to freeze him.
holy shit that's cringe
just as expected
>Bill Nye the cut off your dick because science says that gender is a spectrum guy
>Bill Nye the anthropogenic climate change shouldn't be questioned guy
Tesla was a retard that died on the hill that was wireless energy transfer at a distance. The law of inverse squares meant it was never feasible but he wouldn't have it.
> The core theme of the show is science can explain anything if work hard enough, there is no such thing is magic.
> The narrative shows something ridiculous. Explains it later.
> What did they mean by that?
Stop watching anime, you're bad at it.
That shit still applies to being a "pseudo intellectual" (the entire reason the user got pissy in the first place). By knowing your shit, you aren't a pseudo intellectual at all.
College drop out, here. BAZINGA!
I'm still waiting for the scientific explanation behind Tsukasa's ridiculous strength.
I wish this didn't get an anime, it seems like this show attracts alot of shitposters
He is 11/10 in fighting ability
Lots of milk and homegrown vegetables.
Guy is ancient olympian levels of ubermensch.
Being a pseudo intellectual has nothing to do with how much you know, it's about being insecure about your own intelligence and wanting validation from your self or others about it rather than actually pursuing knowledge
He is a veritable mary sue. Read the fucking manga, it doesn't get ANY better. Ever.
the village was created by his father that was an astronaut. He and the other people were on the ISS when the blast happened. They go back to earth to see what happened only to find that the world is fucked. The settle on that island and start shacking up. At the same time people start dying of pneumonia and they have no antibiotics so they're fucked. Before everyone dies senkus dad (adopted) records a bunch of important lessons in the stories held by the priest and also stores important minerals in the landing capsule including platinum which they end up using as a catalyst for rapid production of the fluid. They explain all of this over a record etched in glass and stored in what the village assumed was a grave stone.
Where would he get anything strong enough to be the level to lift a tree?
Do you have a video of a man taking down a thick tree with his bare hands?
I dropped this shit at like episode 7 its just too goofy and low brow for me
I dropped it at episode 1, I knew right away with my keen senses that it would be a pseudo intellectual cringefest
The lions looked malnourished anyway. He's strong and the lion was weak.
I think it's fun
Contrived self-oblivious trash the author wrote to showcase his favourite SCIENCE FUCK YEAH moments, because he is such a le nerd xD. Dr. Reddit is nothing short of being a terrible concept executed in a cringy manner.
Yes you're the only one. I think it's a fun show
Doesn't he know the scientist's etiquette? What a disgrace to all of science
Only pseudo-intellectuals think Senku is a pseudo-intellectual
Us real scientists know better.
quit joking around, cringeboy
>Be Japanese man
>Write children's comic about science
>Filthy westerners apply their own cultural ideas of science media onto your children's comic
To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to not like Dr. Stone
I do in fact have over 130 IQ's, thank you very much. And I'll keep my own standards
Ah a fellow intellectual I see, let us continue on our intellectual pursuits such as posting about how much we don't like a Japanese children's cartoon on an anonymous image board
>recognising hack writing is a western concept
Ok kid
Right on, fellow literature connoisseur!
Or should I say "write on"? HAHAHAHAHAHA
>Calling people older than you kid
You must be 18+ to use this site
As if he even reads anything, the fact that this shitposting only occurs when an anime adaptation is released shows that shitposters only watch anime to shitpost
Blow it out of your ass boomer
Confirmed underage
what do you think they have been doing to get that piece of paper?
Done or one billion percent done?
eh I am still enjoying it. Sadly it needs a disclaimer to tell you its a scifi show. I mean there are ways to write around these plot holes with resorting to, oh some of these characters are super human.
Imagine being born after 2000
who's to say their isn't? just because there isn't one running through the japanese wilderness doesn't mean europe or mainland asia doesn't have a medieval society going on that we just don't know about.
Sounds like someone doesn't watch the ending song all the way through. It does have a message about that.
Dr. Stone is the Rick and Morty of Anime.
Imagine literally rotting alive
*Dr. Reddit
BaseStone rent free in Yea Forums head yet again.
Ah, a fellow 10 billion IQ poster.
actual thoughtless n p c response
> physics and maths
> being an aspie
Thanks for the biography
You're actually retarded. Lying about your degrees won't help.
>To be fair you have to have a very low IQ to not like Dr. Stone
Because you wouldn't understand shit about half thing he says you retard.
Holy shit this thread, Stonefags are worse than hunterchads in regards to how assblasted they get when people don't like their show.
no dip shit I am stating that already. I am saying its sad that it needs it at all.
>pseuds shriek in terror over things they do not understand
>not enjoying the screaming
I love the cries of terror
that's a text book case of delusion
It's specially made to BTFO pseuds like you. That's why you complain about it.
>he cries again
I love it, also Tsukasa a cute
Dr. Stone is actually good though
>hates boomers
I don't see how that's not a good reason for being a villain. Just a reminder that jojo fags can't talk shit about villains in other anime.
holy shit man you dont get it do you?
No scifi needs to have that disclaimer, NONE, only comedies do this and I can think only south park does this. It shows that he couldnt write a proper story to fit around his theme.
I agree with this post morty
>sjws and transvestites "love" science
>science proves that there are only 2 genders
im conflicted
Wrong. They don't want to get sued if someone goes and creates explosives or dangerous acids and uses them to hurt people. The fact it also serves to put you in your place is icing on the cake.
no it was put up to say specifically the plot and characters are fiction. It wasn't a saftey thing because they wouldn't put it at the very end where everybody would stop watching.
Reminder that Dr.Stone is for Chads who like Chad scientists. Senkuu will be the first one to tell you gender studies is not real science.
>he unironically says chads
Nice headcanon
>t.angry virgin
Chadison over Teslacuck
There it is. the fag who defaults on head cannon insults because he has nothing left.
You know Edison didnt actually invent the light bulb right? All he did was fund the research and the scientists he hired made it. All he did was electrocute and kill an elephant.
> Midwit thinks 130 iq is not embarrassingly low.
>trying to come out ontop after he gor an explanation that doesn't fit his argument
Please cry more
Yeah it did, you simply fell back on your go too because you lost an argument.
>pseud Teslacuck reveals himself
First on the bamboo filament, bet you also think Faraday generators are AC, amirite?
Chadison wins again
>he is projecting now
Like pottery
My "friend" who unironically uses reddit and is an avid fan of the big bang theory loves this show and is constantly sperging out over it.
I wasnt the one who failed to make a come back. Just nice head canon. While you keep photoshopping shit out like the biggest faggot I have ever seen. Like holy shit dude its sad how much you love this show.
So is he your friend or not ?
I was never hiding you scham
I was traveling through time while you road on the backs of scholars
I hang out with him occasionaly, altough reluctantly since he's always babling on about things I don't care about.
You're the one who failed to accept it and keeps trying to meme his fairytales into reality. It's not working, sorry to say.
>was only pretending
>Teslacuck trying to cope
That wasnt my stance on it you dip shit. You are the one who ignores the fact they need to have a disclaimer to tell people their work of fiction was fiction instead of writing a believable plot, even the author came out and had to say it because he wrote himself into a corner.
are you an esl? or is your reading comprehension that fucking bad?
is the author himself constantly come to these threads to defend his comic or what?
No but retarded ravaged brain moe lovers samefags always come to shit about this anime.
Why do you hang out with people you hate? That's not good for mental health.
Stale tranny reply
science says strict gender binaries can be false
Here's an example with the carrion beetle
Did you think the petrification was real until the disclaimer telling you it's not came up? Don't try to make the explosives tho, those are real.
I only saw a crying Teslacuck.
dont mix up factual with believable dude. The two arent the same.
I see your memeing never stops when losing an argument.
So what you're saying is that you don't like the fiction. Go watch a documentary that has none then.
>The Villans reason for being a villan is really stupid "someone claimed they owned a public beach and beat me up for picking pretty seashells"
It was an example to explain his point of view based on his experiences. Or do you think that the sick imouto doesn't play a part at all on his vision of the world?
>reading comprehension out the window
wow nice back pedaling champ
>it's all one shitposter
Are you that jewish user again?
when did we find out he had a sister? oh after he lost?
>im not bad man I did it for my sister i didnt mention until now.
So I'm right, you don't like the fiction cause it's not real enough. Got it.
its because you are.
His pretentiousness is part of his charm. If you're going to restore civilization to its former peak, you need big thinking, big talking egotists like him to make it happen.
He mentioned the sister when they were talking on the beach in ep 2.
I dont like bad fiction thats what I am saying.
>it really is that jew again
What's wrong rabbi, upset Israel got wiped out in the story?
calm down cleatus, I am sure your nazi friends will love your new show
>dr. Stone fiction = bad
Sorry, I can't take you seriously, give me some good fiction so I can complete the meme for next time you enter a drstone thread.
oh yeah
So, when he told the story of the necklace, for whom was he making the necklace?
Let's make a new dr stone thread and let the retarded stoneshitposter here were they can all show off their negative IQ okay ?
>getting this oyyy veey'd
There is only one solution
dr stone = badly written
thats what I am saying.
You want good fiction that says fictitious and doesnt need a disclaimer? Berserk is one.
it wasnt said at the time, just a poor kid at the wrong place wrong time.
I cannot believe this thread has so many posts. Do retards criticise Bill Nye for being condescending? Do you call him a Mary Sue? It's a fucking kids show. Obviously it isn't going to accurately reflect science. If you want to watch some guys in a lab meticulously repeating experiments and observing changes that result from minor alterations to a specific variable get a fucking job as a lab assistant or some shit.
Drstone = bad
moeshit = good
Did I hit the nail on the head?
cross burn in pol skin head got no time for you.
>Also I have never completed high school and try to get rid of the cognitive dissociation I feel right now.
Then why do you keep replying. Dr.stone is based and redpilled. Of course that frightens the boomer Juden.
>he's trying to defend he likes moe
I'm starting to enjoy this
oh are you actually autistic?
does your dad hit you a lot? Because you are worrying me that you are an abused person whom had an abusive nazi dad.
This user here said that Tsukasa's reason to be a villain is that "someone beat me for picking sea shells", was he wrong? Because I was under the impression that it wss obvious he was talking about himself, and I was replying to that user anyway
>he's projecting his Epstein experience onto other people
>based drstone foreshadowing the day of the rope
He was wrong, there is more to it than that
not until the reveal of the little sister.
It was already mentioned in ep2, that she had an operation and that she could NEVER feel like the little mermaid. Senkuu picked up on that.
It's a flop isn't it? I saw something like that in stalker thread and it is actually on par with Vinland saga at the bottom.
wait, no it didnt, when they were discussing why someone as successful as Tsukasa they wondered where all his money went and then it was revealed.
Picked the FUCK UP
its struggling could get better but I will be amazed if I don't see people drop it because of the astronaut plot.
The fact that she was hooked up to a machine was what Tsukasa spent his money on, that was revealed later. In ep 2 it just implied a failed operation.
Nips just have shit taste as always
>implied a fail operation
at the bottom of what ?
The manga got more popular after the reveal, just depends on the presentation
>mentioned an operation
>mentioned she could never be like the little mermaid
At this point you'd assume she died, that's why the discussion about where his money went. Read between the lines.
nice headcannon
Does it really surprise you that the 'but ackchyually' crowd can't enjoy a good-natured kids' show and have to inject their scripted insults on schedule to keep reminding themselves that their chuuni mindset of seeing some truth that others don't is a feature rather than a major factor in their social pariah status?
But at least they're better than the (you) farmers. Whereas the aspies might really believe they're correct, the farmers are just riding the train and sowing discord for their own amusement, at the cost of spreading confusion about what this series is.
In the end, it would be helpful and instructive if they all would actually try out some of the science involved. Pic related.
That's literally what happened, go reread the manga
Dr stone is a fantasy with a vague science theme. The premise is so deliberately ridiculous i find it hard to consider it pseudointellectual.
I didn't even need to open the pic to know what it was.Can confirm, Fun science experiment.
proof is on you
Here you go. If you didn't pick up on this, then it's entirely on you. Everyone in the manga threads assumed she died at this point.
No matter how good or bad the science here is, I just cant take it any seriously because it is a fucking Shounen and drawn in such a way pandering to 14yo bullied kids at school who think that them being a bullied nerd is unfair because they are awesome scientists or some shit.
Were you bullied during school? I like to watch the wholesome cast come together and build things. Aswell as cute cavegirls doing cavegirl things.
>t.Cold Steel The Hedgeheg
wh-what? I mean I get that its made for that age range but the rest
did you miss the part where Stoney said no one will die?
Violence inciters like you belong in Gitmo
Just wholesome comfy crafting series.
Shounen is a genre defined by its teenage protagonists with special powers/ultra intelligence/extreme willpower that offers bullied 14yo kids to self-insert into them so to live out their power-fantasies in which they beat up bullies and get all the nice girls with big titties.
Literally EVERY SINGLE shounen has this aspect. And their fans are manbabbies in their 30s who are still reeling from their highschool traumas.
Plenty of statues have been turned into dust or buried deep underground. There's also the goons Sulfy-chan killed. People died.
and so coping by using shonen is a bad thing? Some dudes have a past that eat away at them for being powerless. Whats wrong with having a coping mechanism?
but he's not willfully killing statues who are savable unlike a certain someone
god I hate speed readers
Fucking based
>muh 3D
Back to gaea faggot
Moefags are really seething today
Questionable. We don't know if the corpse he revived was a human or swallow.
Why does Dr.Stone upset the moefag?
Idk but it's pretty funny watching this guy
He's in every thread trying to bait really hard. For some reason Dr.Stone seems very antisemitic to him.
I wish this didn't get an anime adaptation. The threads were great before it
it was the thread where an anti semitic was tossing out jew insults
We all knew it was going to happen. We already said our goodbyes
Jews need to be gassed, it's the objective truth
>inb4 the Nazi remnants were behind the petrification in South America
>iron dome could not stop it
>chosen people BTFO
just stop projecting your nazi genocide fantasies on the Dr. bro, there's another character for that but he got a redemption arc
so stay cucked
>he knows about the Untermensch
>wants to exterminate (((them)))
>Senkuu reassures civilization will find the final solution to the jew problem on their own
Based and redpilled series
I can never understand why does he trigger Yea Forums's autism so much. There are plenty of much more retarded and annoying shounen MCs. I guess it's because the average shounenfag can't associate with him so he can't self-insert.
He's capable and smarter than them, it triggers them to see someone like that.
>Dr. Stone pre-anime
>comfy as fuck threads, lots of riveting talks
>post anime
>"muh pretentiousness hey morty I'm a genius"
Really makes you think
Fuck off secondaries.
Good face
>WTF is this pretentious crap? I want my moeshit series and my isekai N°34456 with a faggot MC and fap to brand new waifus!
why are you so jealous over something so stupid as religion. what a fag.
Why would moefags hate Dr. Stone? It has plenty of cute girls (and boys).
It's a WSJ anime, as long as it pushes more volumes it's a success.
In a scientific civilization, Israel is destroyed. Other religions are alright, but jews need to go.
Manga threads are still fine for the most part desu.
Progress involves a lot of failure and there is no way that this won't take decades, but oh look everything I need is pretty much right next to me and works immediately 95% of the time
Why do this show attract so many shitposters?
Because it's not their kind of "cute". Moefags would want Senkuu to be a 3700 year old loli vampire girl, rrubbing sticks together with her little hands and act tsun. They all selfinsert as Tsukasa seeing how he wants to revive the young. But he doesn't revive lolis like the moefags would. So they HATE this realism aspect cause it would be so much better like they want it. Amirite moefags?
If Eyeshield 21 was airing today would Yea Forums be shitting on Hiruma like they do Senku?
At this point i'm seriously considering it's just kids that are failing their science classes and are taking it out on Stone desu.
Failure is implied all the time, but offscreened for story progression. This is not sol.
Not if you're crafting things you know or have made before. He isn't inventing anything.
>everything I need is pretty much right next to me and works immediately 95% of the time
Everything they have made so far have required materials that are available in Japan. They even traveled dozens of kilometers in the first episodes to gather materials in the hot springs, for example.
>Make poor criticism
>Get replied
>Lel you mad
It's hilarious how fucking insecure anons get over this anime. The outcry of you fags finally got me into this and I don't see a reason to get upset over it.
The guy isn't even super smart or something, he just consumed a shitton of information which allowes him to create something as long as he has either the people or material needed.
There's plenty of moments where he simply fucks up or forgets something and another character points it out for him.
Why does this specific anime induce supposedly high IQfags to stroke their e-peen by needing to contest its content? Would it not be smarter to just move on and consume media that's more on your level? That is if you're actually smart and not a butthurt brainlet.
more like
Fuck Gin-chan
It's just autists in over their heads. Whenever something is not completely explained they chimp out. When questioned they get the science wrong, like with the generator. When asked about the story they miss out a ton of details then pretend it didn't exist. It's literally 80IQ retards that think they know everything. There are people that point out imperfections, but those people are also smart enough to realize this is entertainment and move on.
Is Gen main girl?
Gen becomes Senkuu's cumdumpster
Normal Ginrou is cuter than Ginny because he doesn't have ayy lmao eyes.
For anyone still in high school actually impressed by this, applied is a label used for students who want an easy version of a science degree and an associates degree is basically the same as what you do in high school.
All of the failure was already done so it's just a matter of repeating old excitements. Also failure comes later in the series when accurate tools become a requirement.
I want to FUCK this gorilla
>pretentious, pseudo intellectual, douche bag
1. it's "pseudo-intellectual"
2. it's "douchebag" or "douche-bag"
3. you need to remove the second comma, because "pretentious" and "pseudo-intellectual" aren't in a list with "douchebag", but instead modify it
Did you even watch the anime ? There are a lot of failures, it won't happen 99,99% of the time since there's no point in showing it twice and it'd take too much time of chapter / episode for nothing, fucking retards shitposters can't even think this lightly ?
Because they are many problems in the so-called science in the series which some people decided to defend with their flawless logic. It is the easiest way to attract people for "discussion". It doesn't help that anime has a few scene that exaggerate some effects.
so they explain in the manga why everybody become stone? was ayy lmaos ? some weapon experiment? God?
>Am I the only one done with this pretentious, pseudo intellectual, douche bag?
Dr. Stone has only grown on me as I've watched it, while I've slowed down with some other anime this season. Calling Senku pretentious and pseudo-intellectual isn't really interesting. Do you want to watch girls struggle with the basics of survival instead? Then watch Sounan Desu ka. I started both, but have had a hard time watching Sounan Desu ka, on account of it being boring as hell. I just want to know, how would you change Dr. Stone to make it better?
Some guy who shat on dr stone on a forum and kept on shitposting actually liked sounan desu ka, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with this guy but he must like moeshit and have harem fetishes to be this stupid.
That shitposter is also jewish. Why are jews so pathetic?
It's pretty fun. I remember when it started serialization, I dropped it like 10 chapters in and I remeber thinking that the artist (a Korean artist if I remember correctly) is wasted on that writer because I liked the art and kept hoping it gets axed.
But after I watched the anime and heard the voiced characters, it grew on me. Especially Senku.
How did you feel when Yuzuriha and Taiju leave?
I don't know if it's only me but I think the seiyuu is chosen perfectly for senku's character, it makes the show way more interesting to watch compared to the english dub for example.
An expert in both science and writing. Impressive user. Very impressive.
you are both retards, its gary stu not mary
Yeah better watch lolis anime with some moeeeeeeeeeee and some ecchi it'd suit your good writing tastes better, retard.
What would your reason for releasing Tsukasa be then?
Well Sounan Desu ka has multiple cute girls taking their clothes off every episode and in some cases spreading their labia under their clothes. If you switch them out with whiny male characters (like Shinji from Eva, for example), no one would ever watch that shit. The characters are constantly complaining, sabotaging each other and being lazy assholes in general.
Jews live in a totally different world than the rest of us. They try to only associate with other Jews, they only marry other Jews, go to Jewish doctors, have Jewish friends, eat Jewish food. Since they are such a small minority of the population, their circle of friends ends up being really, really small. They live in a literal echo chamber of like-minded people and some rarely venture outside of it. You'll see a lot of weird opinions forming in such an environment.
As someone who possesses exceedingly high intellect, the truth is that actions speak louder that than words. And going by all the NPC school yard tier posts made by Dr. Stonefags in this thread, I dare say that the fanbase is made out of bottom of the barrel dimwits.
I was a bit surprised because I thought they're the main characters, I actually thought Taiju was the protagonist. But the part with the village after he met Kohaku, Chrome and Suika is my favorite part of the show so far. I'm guessing they'll all met up later or something.
So what? Why do you want to take all the characters at their words in a fantasy themed anime? Are you too low IQ to separate a fictional fantasy world from the real world? Because I think you are.
One thing retarded people will never get is subtlety, they have to loudly declare how everything is based on their bland perceptions to reinforce their views.
>thought Taiju was the protag
Please tell me you posted in the manga threads.
they meet up later, they become supporting characters but both get their time to shine
Yeah, the seiyuu is pretty good. I find it funny that I sometimes I hear a little bit of Subaru in his voice when he's science ing.
Ironically Senkuu's VA is the only one I don't really like.
Yeah he's great, he can tone his voice differently just fine, I didn't watch re zero but I saw some scenes and I totally didn't know they were the same until I checked the seiyuu's wiki
How could his voice not be deep with balls this big?
Nice talking point parrot. Haven't heard that one before and his point went completely over your head.
All I'll say is that the cast of characters gets quite large later on so the author smartly puts the protagonist in situations where he splits the group so certain characters get the screentime they deserve.
>i want my fantasy to be realistic
100 year old vampire lolis amirite?
>Please tell me you posted in the manga threads.
I don't think I did.
>they meet up later, they become supporting characters but both get their time to shine
Nice. I'm looking forward to Kohaku vs Taiju, curious to know who's stronger.
>muh loli vamps
Wow, your brain is full of nothing but retarded memes, truly a npc. I don't like having to explain such basic concepts but just because some things in a setting are fantastical doesn't mean it applies to everything else.
I, for one, believe in the power of science.
>the cast of characters gets quite large
I generally don't like those but I'm keeping an open mind, it's pretty entertaining so far and we still have one whole cour.
Taiju is obviously much stronger physically, but he can't fight (or refuses to fight), so you can't compare them in battle.
We all know you want the vampire loli, the fact you try to deny it so eloquently is proof enough
>pic related
I'm high IQ and I think it's fun and sosoru ze
While the cast increases, the emphasis revolves around a trio, which changes based on the current project
Go back already
I think in addition to the "Don't try this at home" disclaimer, this show needs another one which explicitly states
>the science that Senku directly talks about and performs is based on real scientific principles
>the lion-punching and other obvious peripheral shounen shit is not
because apparently it's sadly needed.
It'd be better if you go back to your moeshit thread where you belong
Can someone make a disclaimer like this? Some people really need to see it
>He hasn't punched a lion
This should have happened
>Nice talking point parrot.
It's not a "talking point" to hold YOU to YOUR OWN words. >in a clearly fantastical show.
Is it clearly fantastical or isn't it?
>>the science that Senku directly talks about and performs is based on real scientific principles
It is not even that.
omg tsukasa punched a lion this is so bullshit dr cringe aha ima shitpost this
omg takamura killed a bear it's so cool ima suck this manga
Give an example
Would you care to share an instance or two of where Senku talks about or performs science that has no basis in reality?
I'm sure many potential viewers/readers would like to know. Try to avoid mentioning petrification if you can.
>mfw I enjoy both
>I think in addition to the "Don't try this at home" disclaimer, this show needs another one which explicitly states
>>the science that Senku directly talks about and performs is based on real scientific principles
>>the lion-punching and other obvious peripheral shounen shit is not
>because apparently it's sadly needed.
Are you sure you're not projecting?
I want to FUCK this inbred cavegirl
Because brainlets get TRIGGERED by people more intelligent than them (e.g. Senkuu in DR. STONE)
From reading this thread, I can only agree with this.
Efficient internal combustion without fossil fuel.
>be astronaut
>can't make antibiotic
>some teenager makes it in a day
That's what he means, that and the fact that the villagers can't even make it to bronze age tech, why are they so primitive?
I see we're dealing with someone who doesn't understand what "has a basis in" means.
>they use coal
>they use oil
>in a day
That's where you're wrong
>why primitive
The information passed down went over their head. Instead of using materials to build and rediscover. They use it for names.
You do understand that steam engines are not considered internal combustion engines, correct?
He got the fuel before he made an internal combustion engine.
Pretty much everything Senku does requires manpower from the villagers and/or materials that Chrome has gathered, the astronauts didn't have either. They knew how, they just didn't have the resources.
>why are they so primitive?
They're the only people in Japan probably and haven't had any connection to the island people so trade and war has been non-existent. They never really had a reason to start making bronze unlike the mesopotamians who fought and traded with each other quite a bit
hahaha dr bruh
ITT: Pseuds and shitposters get eradicated
That is even worse though now that I read back. It definitely won't make enough energy to move that "car".
Hey brainlets, big brain Senku here. So, the first trip was made by some of the astronauts with a small boat, as they tried to get back to the mainland to get antibiotics for pneumonia or whatever. Pretty sure they never made it back. Boats are obviously commonplace in 5700, you see them often. Off the top of my head, at the start of episode 8 you see some.
We also know for sure that the stone world people have been able to use boats successfully at least two times: First when the founders of Ishigami village made it to Japan hundreds or thousands of years ago, and then the boat that Soyuz was in.
Thank you for your attention
I feel stupid because I can not empathize with the people who are so triggered by this anime, although I think I can understand them.
It seems most people are triggered because they are making a cognitively dissonant connection (or disconnection) with the writing and their own schooling. They want to believe that their 12 years of government-mandated education and 4 years of going into debt for a college degree wasn't a waste of the best years of their lives, so when shown an example of a character like Senku, they desperately want to avert their attention from the fact that they came out of all that schooling stupider and less curious than they went in. When they see a character like Senku, they are confronted with an alternate reality for themselves, which by contrast illustrates the truth. If they were put into a survival situation, they couldn't brew alcohol, make fire, or even field-dress a deer. Even in the comfort of their own home, with all the resources of modern civilization, they couldn't hope to understand how an electric generator works or how to process copper ore. It makes them very uncomfortable.
In order to regain control of the situation, therefore, they nitpick the author, even though they would realize it's a completely futile and pointless task if they actually thought about it. They lived their entire lives being controlled by other people, so controlling other people, to their mind, equates with comfort and security, and nitpicking is a very easy way to exert control over another person.
I might as well said that Fate series have a basis on real history but everyone knows that it is not, but I can still argue that it is, just like how you wanna say that Dr Stone had a basis in science.
It needs to be pushed uphill and pushed to get it going.
People are not triggered per se, especially not towards the anime. People have problems with how the fans, who had not studied the field insisted that everything shown in the anime is accurate. In simple English is that people don't hate the series, they hate the rabid fans.
If you would only read this post aloud, you would understand how wrong you are and how stupid you sound to the rest of us.
>based Senkuu on his way to gas the jews
>People have problems how the fans, who had not studied the field insisted that everything shown in the anime is accurate.
No, I don't believe you.
Brainlets like you seems to not understand how important roads are to automobiles even though you use them every day. Try and drive a 2WD on the field and see how much you would struggle with its modern engine.
I mean, the OP of this very thread is talking about the protag and not the fans.
Dunning kruger in full motion.
There is something called bait, and both sides seems to fall for it.
Because you know that I am right.
>mobile steam vehicles are impractical
>t.shitposter trying to act innocent
>"people aren't allowed to prove me wrong"
Now I finally understand all the hate for Senkuu. It's cause he's self taught and didn't fall for the university jew. It all makes sense now.
You don't know what that means. A simple way to explain the Dunning-Kruger Effect is that essentially there's an arrogance/humility reversal as people learn things. I'm saying that I'm skeptical of your claim. Neither arrogance or humility are factors. The main factor here is that you made shit up and ignored reality.
>tells people what they should and shouldn't like
>claims a comedy adventure show is pretentious
I think something else here is pretentious.
You're not right. Internal combustion is based in science.
People actually enjoy this garbage?
Just like they did, they didn't use the car to transport people,, but materials. The car moved at a walking speed. Only when the cargo became heavier did they make a road.
Thanks for showing that clip. Try to appreciate that piece of machine. What material was it made from? How much speed does it had? What kind of surface is it driving on? And try to compare that to the situation in the manga. This is your homework for today.
>t.shitposting jew getting desperate
>people have problem with the fans
You mean you?
If you actually think fans are insisting this is accurate science, you are delusional and want to create this stigma for a random show. Yes there are some people who want you to stop complaining, but its cause you are essentially doing the same thing you're complaining about. I've been reading since chapter 14 and it's obvious there are a lot of issues regarding the science. But a lot of people enjoy it for the adventure, like the current Treasure Island arc.
Yeah and Gilgamesh is based on the real Gilgamesh. Alexander is based on the real Alexander the Great, and Arthuria is based on King Arthur. It doesn't mean I can't point out how wrong they are in the series compared to the real thing.
No seriously. Do people actually like this?
Read this rabbi
Who is worse; Dr. Stone fans or HxH fans?
Did you think the car care more about what kind of stuff it is carrying or how heavy the stuff is?
So it is based on real science and you lied in ?
>t.shitposting jew on suicide watch
I love it
The current arc in the manga is really fun for the adventure.
>no seriously xD
Shoo shoo /pol/
The garbage being you ? No, nobody does.
There is a weight difference between a person and a pot.
E=mc2 XDXDXDXD SO smart
Yes it is. Another way to explain it is that people trust their own knowledge more than the experts when they are not very bright, this is exhibited in the skepticism towards any scientific explanation regarding the consistency of the show, sometimes simply handwave it when they can't explain anymore.
>he doesn't know
>fictional characters are not allowed to have text printed on their shirt
>implying I care about the boogeymen
I have only seen other shonenfags shitting on Stone so I don't understand why you even have to ask.
>this is exhibited in the skepticism towards any scientific explanation regarding the consistency of the show, sometimes simply handwave it when they can't explain anymore.
Isn't your post a big "handwave" of the claim that the main issue people are having is with the fans?
>Sulfa drugs that miraculously cured pneumonia
No it can't, especially for a chronic one like in that girl. It doesn't kill bacteria by itself and usually need to combine with other drug for it to be effective. It has its doses and regime that I bet the author doesn't even know about.
You don't even know what that means, retard.
You seem to care quite a bit when you're put into a corner
>inb4 muh 6 gorillion
What the fuck are you even arguing about? No one but you mentioned the jews
>internal combustion before fuel
>---it's steam
>but a steam vehicle is infeasible
>---posts video
>but it's not the type of surface/slope/load as portrayed in the manga
>---pic related
I'm guessing your next complaint will be something to do with the acceleration curve of the steam engine not matching established parameters of the size of the boiler as gathered through your speedreading, which therefore completely invalidates the scientific basis of this sequence, the manga in general, and should have been obvious to all from the very beginning.
>"mainstream trash" for idolizing Edison and not Tesla
Seems like you got it backwards, pal. Tesla is mainstream as hell, and the go-to scientist for "I fucking love science" reddit types.
That post has nothing to do with expertise in any field, no? Or do you think there is actually a degree in study of origin of shiposting?
No, that’s Hunter X Hunter
>Thinks all antibiotics are made equally
>Thinks senku made the sulfa drug in a day and not over the span of like a year
Anime only niggers, everyone.
And you seems to have no comeback for the problem that you posed.
>he doesn't know the author has a team of scientists
>he doesn't realize how the lack of humans and antibiotics could change diseases
So you're the type of person who doesn't even consider in what situation they are and just blindly quotes a book.
I am just waiting for its Szechuan sauce moment.
What do you think it would be and what kind of ridiculous thing the fans would do and be filmed later?
>he's trying to claim he's not the selfproclaimed jew shiposter
Oy veeey
The villagers never figured out agriculture and food preservation so when winter came tons of people would die. Not to mention disease. When you're focused on just trying to survive, things like scientific discovery That only reveal their use after thousands of years of trial and error becomes difficult. It's like asking the same question of humans thousands of years ago.
>What do you mean you didn't realize magnets can create electricity? Everyone knows that
Based coping brainlet
Amazing how any positive portrayal of science in media makes the amerimutts who believe the earth is 6,000 years old seethe
Alright mr. pol good day
>All the women in the village free bleed
Scientists =/= doctors or pharmacist
Those scientist would be dead within a few days with all the modern antibiotics they have without doctors and pharmacists.
>So you're the type of person who doesn't even consider in what situation they are and just blindly quotes a book.
Like I said, Dunning Kruger. People on the internet just don't care if you are a doctor that can tell the bullshit when you first saw the scene, they just like their own explanation on how it actually can work.
>he doesn't know the author has a team of scientists
Pic related. It is so funny when I heard someone used this as a proof of how accurate this manga is.
shitposters irl :
I actually had something else in mind but can you proceed to explain the acceleration curve which is impossible in this situation first before we move on?
Imagine how any inaccurate portrayal of science in media makes the European Ubermensch seethe.
It's plowing a field. It's not meant to go fast. What is a train?
A train is something that moves on a track? What are you trying to prove here?
>strawmanning this hard
So again, you're just going to claim the diseases would not change in any way given the circumstances they were in.
What you want is unrealistic.
Maybe you can actually try and google what Sulfa drugs are instead of holding on this headcanon of yours until your deathbed.
That powerful engines are possible with stream engines powered by coal and if your intention is simply a wagon that moves forward at a walking pace and needs to be pushed up hill then this design works. They get petroleum later and use it to make gas and roads.
Sure, I'd be happy to. It's not impossible, and in fact clearly portrayed as moving slowly and within established historical capabilities at all times within the manga. Even during the assault.
Did you not read the part where I said you were a speedreader? Seriously, check things in the future; when you don't you tend to waste people's time and spread disinformation.
A European Ubermensch with mechanical engineering degree, to be specific.
>he is still trying to pretend everything is happening in current year
>guy that googled something vs. team of scientists
Going with the scientists on this one, even if I didn't know anything
He should be taking some time and brush up on biology and genetics with Kohaku.
>wanting to put a baby in this stoneworld shithole
Fuck, marry, kill
They don't have coal by the way.
It wouldn't move an inch even by the standard. It would be a useless junk because it just doesn't get enough energy to move. I bet there is someone that is constantly carrying charcoal for the whole trip.
>dont have coal
Sulfa drugs is sulfa drugs whether it is current year or not. Bacteria has different susceptibility even in today, across different region, but that antibiotics by design cannot kill bacteria by its own.
>Going with the scientists on this one, even if I didn't know anything
Then you should go to your local scientist instead of your doctor when you fall sick next time.
I see Boichi took inspiration in oda's anatomy in women
You do understand the difference between coal and charcoal right?
>he is still ignoring the circumstances
The only thing I'd have to wave is the water buildup in the lungs
I'm betting a scientist will have a better understanding on the situation at hand than someone who prescribes medicines.
Yeah. It was a typo.
>I'm betting a scientist will have a better understanding on the situation at hand than someone who prescribes medicines.
I am worried for your future if you think people sitting in front of the computer and in labs have better understanding of the situation than people who see cases every day.
There is no circumstances in which sulfa drug can kill bacteria by itself by the way.
They have different energy density. No way can the engine sustain such a vehicle. With those tools they have, the energy conversion rate would be very poor too.
Some Dr Stone maniacs can try and build one in their garage. I want to see them fail.
You're saying you can't move a wood wagon with some clay pots at a walking pace? Doubt.
I'm positive your typical doctor knows how diseases would evolve in 3700 years with no antibiotics and barely any humans. Have you ever heard the term immunity, it's partially the reason they don't work in current day.
It has the tone of edutainment shows I used to watch on TV, how the hell is it pretentious? It's like the fucking Magic School Bus of the Jimmy Neutron genre.
I triple-majored in pure mathematics, theoretical physics, and computer science from an Ivy League, and I am a pure math PhD student at another Ivy right now. And I need to use none of that knowledge to come to the same conclusion my high school self would have - that this show is the epitome of pseudoscientific pretentious trash.
You forgot to include the gorilla warfare.
keep seething
Why would I seethe over fresh pasta?
You're just an insecure faggot, user.
Don't be like that.
It's not as thrilling as your cute moe character, go fucking shitpost about them instead of saying shit like you always do.
You clearly don't know that there are different types of antibiotics. I already explained the reason why no matter how susceptible an organism is, sulfa drug can never kill it in my first post.
In current year. It's like you're not even paying attention.
>saying shit like you always do.
what the fuck are you on about retard
>it's the same jew
Shitposters like you are mostly samefagging, everyone knows that. Now go fap on your moe characters, like the retarded virgin brainlet you are.
can this thread die already?
why is her left thigh so big like black woman's?
I have no reason to samefag or lie about my certifications in a thread full of mouthbreathers
>t.jew on literal suicide watch
>inb4 he replies to himself without being a tripfag
Who talked about lies ? You merely revealed them yourself lmao, yeah you are right, people like you and the few shitposters there are make for great brain damaged people.
No. If you are talking about antibiotics resistant, which I didn't even brought up. Your ignorance is showing when you don't even know what the drug actually do. I don't even need to ask you about mechanism of action.
Why didn't the astronauts leave written records behind?
Only people this delusional can like this dumpster fire of an anime
Imagine being seething this much.
>he actually doesn't know how it evolved
As expected
I love your teary, give me another (You)
>Top-of-the-pyramid apex predator STEM triple majors are brain damaged
You've got other issues to work out
>Maybe you can actually try and google what Sulfa drugs are
Not him, but since I'm interested in this, I did.
There seem to be several medical journals and papers from the late 1930s and early 1940s that mention sulfanilamide and sulfapyridine as effective treatments for Pneumococcic Pneumonia.
What am I missing here?
>They don't have coal by the way.
lol what a fucking retard
Can't imagine having that horrible of a grammar, though
He's seething cause they don't work in current year anymore and is not able to use rational thinking and predict how it would evolve in 3700 years
Why didn't they leave behind written records? Why didn't they teach their (multiple) kids how to read and write and at least some basic scientific knowledge?
Writing is incredibly durable, we've got stone tablets from over 4k years ago ffs!
Why would i put an effort to retard like you anyway?
It's not like you're better than him.
>Typing without errors is an effort
>Incoherent shitposting
That one sounds good too
It's not confirmed if they taught them. But since there were multiple instances of rapid population decline it's not unreasnovle to assume it was lost along the line. It's pretty much symbolical to how Tsukasa empire would work out.
The degrees you don't even have since you revealed your lies yourself,retard ? And even if you really had one it doesn't prove shit. You're still a retard seeing how much bullshit you spout from your damaged brain.
It is usually supplemented with other drugs even in those days. It is a bacteriostatic agent which is why it can't kill bacteria on its own. It is effective in acute settings as your body can kill those bacteria while the drug make sure no need bacteria popping up. For our case, the pneumonia has become chronic, which means that the body is not able to fight off the infection. For pneumonia to be a chronic disease (instead of killing off the person), the bacteria has to be not that strong and the body immune system has to be weak. The only conclusion is that Ruri has weak immune system. The drugs can help to halt the bacteria growth but it is unrealistic for it to be eradicated.
They still managed to hand down 100 oral stories and the glass record, and the treasure which took decades to collect...
Honestly the only thing that makes sense to me at this point is that only Lillian and Byakuya survived for an extended period of time, and unfortunately they were both dumbasses that got on the ship via connections/money.
I can agree to that and I understand a shounen wouldn't want to go the dark path. I still don't see why this is such a big deal and isn't based on science. You put in that magic 3700 years timeline and it all becomes speculation.
Ye rather crazy
Why do you ppl keep answering disabled people ? Let them be, their life is shit anyways.
The oral stories survived cause it was considered this holy folklore that had to be passed on word for word. The record was unusable to anyone but Senkuu, given lack of materials. It was the founders wish to move the tombstone.
I think you're projecting your double digit IQ a little too hard there
I replied to a post that insinuated one needs a reputable degree to criticize the show, and it seems fags can't handle someone successful enjoying anime
Now go back to suckling on your mom's tits, maybe you'll finally grow a brain
I get why they survived, what I don't get is why the founders didn't leave behind writing. Which is incredibly more durable than oral tradition.
Keep shitposting your whole life user, it won't make your lies become true. Fapping to moe shit will only be entertaining for a few moments, until you realize how shit your life is and how much of a failure you are you dumbfuck.
gosh talk about sour grapes
Are you thinking back to when you got called a foaming downie by everyone in class upon dropping out of high school? Or when your dad called you a loser faggot and told you to get out of the house?
That's the unknown part. They might have but if a famine hit and wiped out just the "educated" the texts would be nothing but chickenscratches. I want to believe this was the reason they went with oral down the line.
I hope so. This has been bothering me the entire time while reading.
Well if you wanna add magic into the equation then I really have nothing to argue with you.
The village gravestones have some carved symbols on them, so they do have some kind of system. Any texts left behind may have been damaged/lost.
Consider this. They use ink. They use fabric to write on, or use wood. They just don't have a written language.
What I'm referring with the magic number is that it could be a seperate branch of the known pneumonia. It might not be the exact same thing. Senkuu just called it based on how it responds to sulfas