Which of the three of them most deserves a happy ending?
Which of the three of them most deserves a happy ending?
Is that even a question?
Of course its misato.
They are all shitty people
Cunts should have molten lead dumped in their vaginas.
non of the
apart from best evangelion girl hikari
Eva would have been 100x better if Shinji was a girl. Prove me wrong
one of these two
smart hikari poster
Asuka and Rei should have a yuri relationship, Misato with Kaji.
I sat down and watched eva with my gf, EoE absolutely destroyed her and now she isn't talking to me. Did i fuck up?
What were you thinking? EoE isn't a date movie.
We watched the show together and she enjoyed it. I warned her that EoE is pretty "fucked" and said "Can't be that bad" She really related to Misato and her death fucked her up.
>did I fuck up
NGE post episode 18 is best watched alone
only one that actually tried to be a decent human being
I wanted to see more Operator Misato.
How old are you guys?
I'm 22 and she's 20.
By that age you should be emotionally mature to not get "fucked up" by entertainment media.
I don't want to be a dick, but it sounds like this hobby is not for you
Asuka and Misato, Rei is a clone of the biggest cunt in the galaxy so suck her
Based blogposter
This. Wholesome post, Misato and Asuka deserve their respective husbandos and happiness
is, isthat a fucking G11?
>suck her
If you insist
The JSSDF used them when assaulting NERV HQ.
shit, I meant *Fuck*
>not even human
>doesn't really fathom happiness in the same way
>her happy ending was achieved vicariously through shinji
>flawed as hell
>took out her issues on others
>decided struggling was still superior
>still a bitch
>flawed as hell
>tried to patch her issues by being a good person and venting her stress through alcohol
>tried to be a mother for a guy who needed one
Rei because she never does
You know, for someone who spends most of the series as a desk jockey chugging beer in her downtime, Misato acquits herself pretty well in EoE. She has a very respectable kill count considering she's only got a pistol and she's going up against armed infantry.
I'm a Misato's man, but i think every one there deserves her happy ending.
shit, gotta rewatch EoE again after a long time then
Asuka went through the most shit and got fucked up the most. She deserves a break
Should I even bother with those Rebuild movies? I was pretty satisfied with the original show and EOE.
>only a pistol
Watch 1.11 just for Ramiel. the others are trash.
Damn I never knew I wanted an operator Asuka. Maybe we'll see it in the inevitable mini series made to fill in the gap between 2.0 and 3.0.
Don't bother yourself.
Was she really packing a .45? What IS Misato's sidearm? That's a lot of gun for a thin Japanese girl.
She's straight up commando.
barrel looks bigger than a 9mm compared to Misato's hand size and proportions, so i'd guess its a .45 and maybe a glock
That mag had like 15 rounds in it, no way a .45 would fit that many and be that small.
Do the supplemental materials go into any detail about her background before joining NERV? Obviously she's spent some time in the military, but what sort of training did she have?
she might be smol and thib, but she's a natural oper8tor
Nigga I watched clannad for the first time when I was 28 and got utterly demolished to the point of ptsd and getting triggered into uncontrollable sobbing by so much as looking at any anime. had to stop watching anime for like a month. Identifying with animu characters is not an issue.
If you were gonna be a tard you should have at least said everyone in evangelion is unrelateable.
she took on armored soldiers with it and killed a bunch of them, for me it has to be something around .45, but its only a wild guess
>tfw no cute gook girl to go shoot some .45 at the range with
Closest guess would be a H&K USP.
That's something you might need to dig deep for if you wish to find out.
everyone in evangelion deserves a canonical happy ending but that will never happen cause it would invalidate the whole point of extending eva past the original 26 episodes and turning it into infinite merchandising, which the last episodes did ultimately have a happy ending.
this is eva. no happy endings. suffering forever. live to die to be reborn to die to be reborn to die to be reborn to die ad infinitum.
we will always have 2d operators with us user
Evangelion no naku koro ni.
who will rape Shinji in 1.0+3.0? Mad Misato or Punished Asuka?
Hasn't the core arc of the movies kind of been about Misato and Shinji's relationship? I feel like we've been tugged this way and that with Rei, Asuka, Kaworu, and even Mari, but what the Rebuilds keep coming back to is what's going on between Misato and Shinji. I'd hardly call it romance at this point, but it IS the most important relationship in the films.
Out of the 3 I'd say Rei had the best of it. She ascended to god hood and gave reigns of Instrumentality to Shinji, whom she loved like a son.
Misato dies but she dies giving it her all and with a smile on her face since she did her absolute best to help her beloved little Shinji, plus she has the possibility of coming back and seeing her two charges again.
Asuka learns that her mother still loves her and decides to choose life over Instrumentality with the possibility of others coming back, but not after facing the absolute most gruesomely horrifying death in the entire show. At least she is with her husbando now, but it's gonna take some time for them to get over everything that just happened and truly be able to support each other, but I think it's bound to happen all things considered.
As much as I would love to see Mad Misato release her pent up frustrations on Shinji. Word on the street being something is suppose to develop between Shinji and Punished Asuka.
Asuka isn't 14 anymore though bros, she's 28. Thats quite the gap. Also, do you think she was penning up all that sexual frustration over Shinji for those 14 years?
this, neither a glock or an usp
of course, her urge for Shinji's dick is so big that she cracked bulletproof glass with a single punch
>tfw the "curse of Eva" kept all the pilots' bodies biologically 14
>tfw you know that the entire reason this exists is so that Anno can sell more merchandise without having to lose fans by aging up the girls
It's one of those things about the Rebuilds that bugs me, because it's Anno's greedy side interfering with his artist side.
what if he has a hidden move to pull on us once more regarding the eva curse?
Why are you angry? If anything your post shows you are very emotional. It's fine to feel emotional at anime. I cried after watching some series too, but being devastated to point of it effecting you so much for so long is on a different level.
Her lust for Shinji dick seems a lot less developed in Rebuilds since they only had like 3/4 of a movie to develop it, as opposed to NGE where it felt organic and all her interactions made sense in context of her personality.
Then again I haven't watched Rebuilds in a while so I don't remember.
I know, Anno denied us adult Asuka, that faggot
While they're on their Lord of the Rings trek to Mount Doom, there's gonna be plenty of time for something to happen.
Not that user, but I really don't care for rebuilds. Eva ended to me with the EoE, just like e.g. Code Geass ended with its second season
ending on EoE is a kind of autism. How do you rationalize it.
I hear about ending on ep26, but ending on EoE seems retarded given rebuilds are in the same continuity timeline taking place after EoE.
>Mari wins in the end
>the master has tricked us once more
imagine the outcome
>an alcoholic hag
>a doll
>the best girl
your great taste in best girl but absolute garbage taste in best women confuses me
it's obviously a usp, it even shows up multiple times in the series ya nogunz
and yet it was fine for many years.
I accept both ep26 and EoE as possible endings of "what if Shinji made a different choice".
I watched 2 rebuild movies, but I don't care anymore. Ending at EoE made more sense than continuing with rebuilds.
On a side note, I think RahXephon is a better series with good ending that hit all the eva notes for me and more.
>Anno bunkers down
I would love to see hell break loose after the fact.
thanks /k/omrade
I wonder if anno realizes that no one can make heads or tails over what the actual fuck the rebuilds are about. You could pick up a theme of what was occurring in the anime series halfway through, but if all the sense of the rebuilds is hinging on the final movie, shit kinda sucks. So I hope anno realizes people are expecting more than animu robot fights for the final film and there will actually be some exposition to provide a clear reason for why the rebuilds absolutely needed to exist.
I hope you are going to get what you want user. I simply don't care about rebuilds so it is not going to effect me.
how does Anno and his team go from the animation masterpiece that is EoE and make the rebuilds.
surely there will be an asspull like the preview for 3.33 where the 10 minute "preview" of 3.0+1.0 along with the preview at the end of 3.33 wont actually have anything at all to fucking do with the actual final rebuild film.
just imagine 3.0+1.0 opening with the ending sequence of 2.22 and it actually just picking up from there, then halfway through we get EoE intermission credits, and the last half of the film continues off 3.33.
3.0 was good visually and from a directing standpoint, but the plot was shit.
I've seen more than one person on this board say that this is exactly what's going to happen. He's burned his bridges with the other three girls and Kaworu is fucking dead. It's gonna be Mari and Anno will once again bask in the rage and the tears of his fans.
You're gonna have to call her and say 'let's pretend we didn't watch that.'
>and Kaworu is fucking dead
He's back in the trailer
looks like a memory
Can't be, it's the same background as the scene with Mari on the Wunder ship. Plus they aren't wearing the chokers.
Asuka there is no hope for Misato now she has hit the wall ans Rei is just a shell
cant this faggot just fuck off?
What's wrong with him?
>not human
>triggers Shinji's autism even more
>blocks Asuka
you do realize that Eva is a parody, Anno is making fun of otaku culture, if you get that drawn into than you might have some larger issue looming in your future
newfags never learn do they
So you're telling me that Shinji would fuck his own daughter?
How would Asuka feel about that?
None of them,they are all terrible people and deserve most of what they got
its still summer Annon
How is he a faggot, he saved humanity by stopping the impacts twice in 2.0 and 3.0 and was just being a nice friend to shinji
Good, just as the master commands, Evafags are shortsighted, and few remember both the ending of the show and EOE were quote "reviled" by the supposed fans.
The more Anno pisses the fans off the more I dig it.
How nice of you to out yourself as a faggot from the get go
I agree, the only reason I like Eva is because of the fanbase's continual bitchfest after every single entry.
nobody cares what Anno thinks
Than why watch his work?
Would someone study Picasso without taking into account his thoughts? Or read Joyce without understanding his purpose?
Congrats user, this might be the single dumbest post I've ever seen. No wonder Evafags can't figure out that Anno is laughing at them.
the great works of old Cultures are frequently made by anonymous artists
The artist ideally serves as nothing but a channel for the Truth to present itself
If you have a brain the truth of Eva's scathing satire on otaku culture should be evident.
>No wonder Evafags can't figure out that Anno is laughing at them.
We do,we just don't care.
Asuka because she's best girl but everyone in this anime needs a psychologist and a hug
There are many themes to Evangelion beyond criticism of otaku culture.
And you definitely don't need to be an otaku to relate with the themes in Evangelion.
then you fail to understand his work and thus enjoy it for wholly shallow reasons
Yeah, you can be outside of otaku culture and laugh at it, as the master intended.
Asuka will ask Shinji to make a brother for her, and tell Mari to fuck off
wait Asuka that's illegal
Shinji does. The boy deserves a harem end with all the girls.
>MFW Mari will win and is best girl.
I honestly don't believe there are people who think Mari is best girl unironically
Mari is a best!!!
>someone else supports the OT4
There are pretty much none.
sauce on this shit Reddit poll please
The only people who like Mari are those who enjoy watching people get angry over the Rebuilds
But isn't that the greatest of joys?
POLL 2019
GO VOTE Yea Forums
You know, before watching Rebuilds I thought that I would hate Mari. But, in the end, it turned out to be that she is pretty much doesn't exist out of the fighting scences and she almost doesn't interact with other character, so... she is alright, I guess.
Was it ever hinted anywhere that she was a sex addict or is hentai lying to me again? It seems like the general go-to for her personality.
Fuck -- I'm talking about Mari.
i agree
good lord they're fucking mantis
Has there been a more faggier post on this board?
so real talk, when did you guys realize just how good evangelion was?
I didn't watch it for the first time until about a year ago, and somehow, I'd not been spoiled on the ending. As I watched it, I knew there were fan arguments over asuka vs rei, and the 'GET IN THE DAMN ROBOT SHINJI' meme, but I didn't really....get hooked. Sure there were cool scenes, but I didn't really like anyone except misato .
And then I watched end of evangelion, and fucking third impact blew me away, and as I rewatched the ending, and looked back, I realized just how much I had come to know and understand every character. Even asuka, I was finally able to look back and not fucking hate.
It's a .40 USP. Not sure how they get .40 S&W in Japan but whatever.
It's okay, but once you watch more anime you realize it's not very good
Music really made the experience.
And apparently after the TV show ended, everyone longed for the sense of finality until this delivered just that.
nerv is an extragovermental international paramilitary agency based in their own cutting-edge fortress city and answerable only to the literal illuminati, do you think they are really going to have trouble importing whatever ammo they want.
episode 2
It's a .45 USP according to evangelion chronicle
I started watching Eva yesterday, and finished it and EoE today.
What a fucking ride that was.
I didn't like the ending at all.
>humanity turns into goo except Shinji and Asuka come back but he's unhappy and she's disgusted with him
Shes your classic grunt / commando stereotype.
Really capable in the field, completely wasted when off duty.
Misato would age very poorly because of all that, if she lived past EoE
Can't she come back after EoE?
Probably misato > Asuka >Rei. In that order.
Also i watched EOE last night and it made me wonder what in the absolute fuck are the other movies about.
i am a brainlet. why did she kiss shinji in this scene?
yeah, it is a fucking ride even though i am sad about the ending.
What would a happy ending for Rei even entail? Not existing in the first place?
When Hallelujah started playing