which series did it better?
Which series did it better?
the good one
hitagi a shit
monogatari might be the best series of all time
but crab a shit
bakemonogatari but i still like the other one
Monogatari, but I'd marry Tomoe before any of the Gataris
None of these are good but I guess Monogatari
Despite the fact that in terms of rough plot and some characters Bunnygirl is a straight up reskin of Bake, the two shows are actually extremely different when it comes to style. Bunnygirl also has very different themes beyond "don't go with the flow" in the first arc. I think Monogatari is better overall but Bunnygirl isn't bad. Also I probably wouldn't be saying this if I had only watched Bake but at this point Mai is explicitly better than Crab.
Also this man is a patrician of the highest caliber.
I like both. Monogatari is obviously better, but Bunny Senpai is still decent. And while Mai is best girl in her series, Hitagi is only second best after Shinobu.
Bunny girl is one of these anime where you can tell how beta the writer is that even in his fantasies he cannot imagine himself a good woman.
write had far supereor characterisation and you actualy know what the fuck is going on threw the hole series.
>you actualy know what the fuck is going on threw the hole series
I mean, your grammar speaks for itself but I didn't expect you to outright admit to being a brainlet.
Im not wrong.
and fuck iphone autocorect, do your fucking job.
Neither. Both shows are atrocious fan service masquerading as one with intelligence.
>comparing shit to shit
pic unrelated*
sorry guys, I'm retarded
Disregard that I suck cocks, meant to say they are both amazing.
yeah your iphone totally corrected superior and characterization too
Your waifu a shit
>I have never made a one spelling mistake in my entre life
go fuck yourself.
Did what?
let's all calm down anons, you're both wrong in different ways
one is wrong for using ishitter
the other's wrong for somehow saving a jpg screenshot of a fucking png
She has potential. The lying for wanting him forever is a no no. Lying in a relationship is a deal breaker.
stop acting like know what your talking about, fuckng newfag.
Usagi looked like garbage
So which one are you? The ishitter or retard who saves screenshots of pngs?
She admitted to her mistake, which ultimately had no effect on anything but MC's conscience. Most of the Gataris have lied anyways, and about worse things.
Monogatari is so much more than a meme girl and her relationship with MC.
True. Woman lying is always a deal breaker for me
only smart user in thread so far
Post that fight scene
Same as it ever was
Only redditfags like Seishun Buta, and therefore anyone that says they like right has their opinion discarded.
You guys did drop it after Megane's arc like you were supposed to...right?
I dropped it after the bully ankle kick
aobuta is straight trash
I think you already know the answer...
fucking hell. there are people that thought this shit was good?
is this the cringiest shit ever put into an anime? like, what an unbelievable tool
"and then everyone clapped" is all that's missing.
Rascal isn't even in the same league as Monogatari.
heh heh take that, chad.
Did what better? If you mean making a better waifu then the answer is obvious
Yeah, Mai is great isn't she? Monogatari is better in pretty much every way, but Rascal clearly made the better main love interest.
keep dreaming
This scene was a rare opportunity to take a repeating time loop sequence to their advantage, yet they blew it. Would have been funny to see MC get the shit beaten out of him the first couple times, learning an underhanded way to win, and then pulling that virgin energy move.
Crab is shit.
ive never seen this before, wow its fucking bad. this is the series that people said was the new mongatari?
>dumb faggots opinion
who cares
YYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAH AHAHAH
Monogatari > Bunny-senpai
Crab < Mai
oh, it's true, it's damn true.
Bakemonogatari (alone, not the series) over Bunny Girl.
But I like Bunny Girl as a series more, because the conclusion we've all been waiting for is coming this year so soon after the anime while I lost track of Monogatari after Hana.
Mongatari outstayed its welcome for me.
So long as Bunny Girl stays on track and concludes properly, I'll be looking forward to the author's next work.
I think it's actually pretty insulting to Monogatari to even be comparing them like they're on the same level.
Bunny Girl is on-going as well.
If Bunny Girl had stuck to it's guns and focused on the main duo, it'd win for sure. But it didn't.
Still prefer it, though. A lot more down-to-earth.
Strong disagree. Crab actually has sex with her boyfriend. Mai is similarly high-maintenance, but she's a complete tease that never fucks or even kisses her guy. She's awful.
Both shows are actually crap on a story telling level, but what bunny grill did better is that the main character isn't an objectively lying manwhore who unironically strings all the girls in his harem along while actually loving none.
Oooh boy I wanted to give this thing watch but this is making it difficult.
Imagine being this much of a waifufag
Hitagi is an amazing character even if we dislike her you cuck
In other words, Arararagi actually has character while Rascal MC is just self-insert bait.
Why do people insist on shitposting about Seishun Buta Yarou? it was honestly a decent series. I enjoyed it despite it being derivative. I just don't think it deserves the autistic hate it gets.
Take this thread for example. Obviously Bakemonogatari is better, everybody knows that. Of course one of the best modern anime is better than a fun and memorable but mediocre seasonal anime. Yet this thread was made to draw attention to how it "ripped off" the better more popular series. There are far worse series you could be dedicating your time to hating is all I'm saying,
A wild run indeed
Bake ep12 still exists and it's still the best. Mai isn't even close to Bake ep12's Crab.
>funny and endearing story and characters (except for the lab chick, FUCK schrödinger's cat)
>pretentious pseudo-intellectual slideshow garbage for cumbrains
Based and mepilled
Monogatari series. The MC isn't a Gary Stu and the female characters are actually nuanced instead of just being caricatures that shout their character notes to the MC. Also it has no pretentious pseudo-science.
Imagine someone spending actual real life time to create this gif
Monotagari is far more complex and interesting than bunny girl but I like both of them.
Mai ≥ Kaede > Tomoe > Shoko > Saki > Nodoka > Rio
all seishun buta yarou girls < shit
Seethe some more and then cope & dilate, monogaytardfaggot
Bunnygirl is a shit rip-off of Monogatari, and there are plenty of shitty modern anime that ripoff Monogatari. And both shows are only watched because it is Anime and not because any of them are any good.
I can't watch this without pausing.
Left: timeless success that remains the best-selling anime of all time
Right: generic time flop outsold by fucking SAO
Should probably find another hobby if this is too hardcore for you little sensitive little eyes.
bunny girl was actually intersting the whole way through
meanwhile I got so bored with the fucking catgirl episode I dropped monogatari and never picked it back up