Flipping burgers would probably be hard for her. What kind of job would an AHO have?
Flipping burgers would probably be hard for her. What kind of job would an AHO have?
Send her to any business / organization you want to destroy and in two hours she'll ruin everything
Moderator on an imageboard
Baby factory
High-class courtesan
it's actually somewhat complicated unless the pimp sets everything up. even the actual sex part requires some technique and social intelligence. she couldn't do very well unless she was a only doing rape-play.
this would work.
You've never actually worked, didn't you?
I work in a very big company, and believe me, it's full of idiots.
If anything she'll fit right in
Athlete if she was trainable.
Yoshiko would be a master player. It is her destiny.
My personal fucktoy
Bananengineer. Seriously. Someone needs to engeneer new bananas because the banana is dying. Again!! ALL FUCKIING OVER AGAIN. THIS CAN NOT BE.
>tfw she's mistaken for a great genius despite spiting random nonsense
Depends on the AHO.
The primate exhibit.
This . I reckon she would make a good triathlon athlete or baseball player.
Stylist. She actually takes care of herself pretty well.
not even a philisophy teacher?
user, you have achieved the highest level.
Air traffic controller
Good thing she has the looks. She'll end up like Ryuuji's mom from Tora Dora: a prostitute that got impregnated by a yakuza.
Really makes you think huh
Bananas are one of the only things she takes seriously so this would probably work
Not true
>Flipping burgers would probably be hard for her
Twitch streamer
Surely she can't be bad as a banana farmer
If a retard like pic related can make money making shitty doujins, an aho like Yoshiko can too.
She can even make erotic doujin about anthropomorphic bananas having banana sex or something like that.
she's supposed to SELL the crops, not eat them.
Nigger she knows banana business, why'd you think farmers refer to her as the best banana quality checker?
Obvious housewife.
If everything else fails, she always have the option to sell her own body.
This kinda makes sense.