Not sure if the Accelerator anime is doing it for me
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It has too much QUALITY and not enough Jewess.
Estelle makes it a lot more interesting.
knew it would be shit and stopped watching at episode 3
hoping kamachi redeems himself for the last quarter of NT -- maybe a break will give him enough time to think over his writing and plot development.
>last quarter of NT
A little slow on the news are you? Or is this bait? I'll spare the others of giving you a (You), NT is already finished.
Preview for Apocalypse Witch is up.
Alright, so I'm just getting into the LN and I have a question: Why can Touma block the railgun? By all rights it is no longer a supernatural power at that point - just a really hot and fast coin - so like debris from an explosion shouldn't he be vulnerable to it? It makes sense that he can block accelerator's attacks as those are actively manipulated vectors, but the railgun is charged and fired using the power as a propellant - with the projectile being utterly mundane.
It was early in the series, aka Volume 1. Kamachi most likely wanted him to negate every, if not all supernatural phenomena before toning it down and giving him a more nuanced power. It should not be treated as canon and should thus be forgotten.
Only reposting because that stupid name is not erasing itself from the namefield for some fucking reason
So by modern canon he wouldn't be able to block it? If so that alleviates a lot of my concern, though it is in that same volume that his monologue explains how indirect effects can't be negated. In any case, thanks for the response - having someone confirm that it's an inconsistency rather than a continual misunderstanding is enough to make me feel better about it moving forward.
No, he'd be fried. If he still had that power, he would have trampled most espers and most magicians
I hope Hamazura is more relevant to the story in part 3.
Saints apparently have rankings, or numerations of sort. Who is Saint #1
His new fembro has replaced Lola as the head of the Anglican Church, and the current antagonists showed some interest in Takitsubo. So there's that.
I dont think Saints are ranked by power, otherwise we would have heard from Acqua who was basically Double Jesus
Mikoto will kill Kimi
Kono Light Novel ga Sugoi votes for this year. You can vote until September 23.
Remember they only accept votes in japanese, and only for series that had releases between September 2018 and August 2019, otherwise it'll not be considered.
Top 10 series (have to fill in series title and author name, comment is optional), top 3 female characters, top 3 male characters (character name and series obligatory, comment optional, for both male and female), top 3 illustrators (illustrator name and series title obligatory), then your name, email, gender, age, how many LN volumes you read in the past year, and what you use to decide what LNs you should read next.
>all that shit
Yeah i doubt there are vote bots
Is there anyone betting on mikoto not in the top female characters?
Not even Rem with anime boost could beat her so no
I am not that into raildex universe so I am still not familiar with most of the terms and how things function, but isn't accelerator supposed to be invincible? With passive defense and such? The only way to beat him is to somehow change the vector when he is manipulating it. How can those pieces of junk metal actually beat him to the ground? Yeah I know about that bullet in his head, but isn't the damage mitigate by the earphone he is wearing?
try re-reading smooth brain
In the LN a character basically punches Accel with a mach speed punch by having more calculations than him, however it doesnt does much damage to Accel
I suppose something similar happened there, also remember that the robots are basically necromancy spirits so theres magic in their attacks which Accel cant deal with yet
So what's the over/under on Mikoto's damsel-to-useful ratio in Part 3?
>In the LN a character basically punches Accel with a mach speed punch by having more calculations than him, however it doesnt does much damage to Accel
That's what I was talking about in the post.
>I suppose something similar happened there, also remember that the robots are basically necromancy spirits so theres magic in their attacks which Accel cant deal with yet
So accelerator can't alter magical vectors?
Could this be a sequel to Blood Sign because at the end of Blood Sigh, God-Worshiping Magic was the the start of the Age of Awakening.
>So accelerator can't alter magical vectors?
Not until NT21
He only started be able to do that at the end of NT.(NT 22 and NT 22R)
Because IB fundamentally depends on interpreting what counts as supernatural, otherwise it could be entirely bypassed by reinterpreting what exactly is the supernatural event and what is it that it externally causes in increasingly absurd ways.
The entire railgun is seen as a supernatural event, and thus it fucks off.
No. His shield generally covers most things, but there exists loopholes
Some powers don't use Vectors or signals which is why he can't block them. A level 5 psychokinetic could theoretically beat Accelerator, but Accelerator's power is magnitudes faster and passive to use than a psychokinetic (there is a Level 4 Psychokinetic user who uses a tool to focus his power, which is telling of just how overwhelming its possibilities are).
Well yes, but there aren't a lot of people who can outcalculate Accelerator so its a moot weakness.
Magic is a bit iffy. See. he can reflect magic like water magic but it doesn't go the way he wants, sometimes he cannot block the magic because it follows unknown rules. Its not until NT21 that he gains a reliable method of defense against magic
And then I heard that at 1 point he became level 6 or something? So now he is working together with Touma and that new MC or is he going his own way?
You should have at least watched index 1 before getting to the accelerator anime.
He never became a Level 6
Thats just some wankery pulled by Accelfags after a Magic God let herself be defeated
10046 a cute! A CUTE!
Will Accelerator finally die in part 3?
I watched a few episodes back in the days because of the OP by Kawada Mami, but really can't get into them as I already read the manga half-way through, and then I lost interest.
I did watch all the railgun series though, they are pretty fun.
Does it come out this month and how many pages?
It comes out in two days. 392 pages.
Thank you
Nope. He was aiming for it, but the entire thing with getting to Level 6 and what he did renders it impossible for him to shift as it would shit on his character development and his atonement. There is only other esper in the series other then Accelerator that could become it likely without exploding immediately like the other Level 5s.
The Threat, the best name for a main antagonist ever
Why didn't he just settle down and has sex party with Mikasa clones every day?
Fuck off Larper, now you're namefagging?
Can't wait to learn what Aine mean by calling her master Sacrifice-Sama, after reading the preview.
Someone or something calling someone a sacrifice is never a good thing and mean a bad time is ahead for said someone.
Why Houtou called Esther Adonai and not Elohim?
Imagine hating the best arc so far
Let me explain exactly what the problem is with that.
As volume 1 specifies, the only supernatural event caused by an esper is the collapse of the wavefunction. Anything else, i.e. electrons moving, steel bars flying, etc, is simply caused by that through muh chaos. Considering IB "doesn't affect consequences", it would be absolutely useless against literally any esper.
Now, you're already typing it out, "that's volume 1".
But, if you've read NT22R, you'll see that Kamachi reasserts that espers are quantum fuckery, and if you've at least read the Othinus arc, you'll know that Kamachi has also said that again when explaining holistic espers, and thus the only possible conclusion is that IB has complex decision mechanisms behind what is and isn't supernatural.
>childhood friend
Already eliminated
It's already known. Espers are simply not natural. IB wipes everything that isn't a part of the world
Reported for off topic
That's wrong you fucking retard.
Are you sure you replied to the right person?
That's the tl;dr.
Mikoto a best
Railgun 3 will also be a best
But there is no doujin about it.
How little of her body will we be allowed to see in it?
You use the word, but I don't think you know what it means.
We will see her curves when she is at 5.3
If they do LAC it will literally start with an ass shoot of Mikoto doing this
Is there anyone else on the planet that knows literally every inch and part of mikoto other than inccel?
Also once you submit once, you can't go back to edit it or vote again, so make sure you voted how you wanted to.
I doubt we will get nipples again, and I' afraid too much work will be done in making sure we can't see too many of those curves.
Kakine. He recreated a perfect replica of the SISTER's
Who only shows us almost every inch, but still keeps too much hidden.
Fuck off, shill.
I almost feel bad for you, knowing that you don't realize how cringy this is.
Mikoto will be part 3 MC
>complex decision mechanisms behind what is and isn't supernatural
Judging by the initial description my interpretation was that it discriminates between "direct" and "indirect" supernatural influence. It is unable to stop something like the debris from an explosion, even if the cause of the explosion was supernatural, because the order of events is Supernatural Power -> Explosion -> Debris. In the case of something like vector manipulation you have Power -> Motion, and therefore it cancels out the motion. It can block a supernatural fireball, as well as the heat and fire made by the supernatural fireball, because that fire is itself considered supernatural, but if the heat causes something to melt he can't unmelt it. But here's the issue: Power -> Magnetic Field -> Accelerated Coin. I simply do not understand why, by the rules of the power, the coin itself is considered supernatural when the debris in the first example is not. Saying "complex decision mechanisms" is well and good, but that implies a logic behind them. So I guess what I'm saying is we should try to figure that logic out, because as it stands it seems like Kamachi is just being inconsistent.
Touma having fast healing is actually the wounds being negated
Accel is too powerful now, she should take his place as an MC
peace~ peace~
At most she will cut her arm
Don't say "the rules are different", say what they are if you're confident they exist.
Her character arc has to go somewhere at least. Accel has been coasting on the plot and getting stronger despite having an arc that has nothing to do with that. In my eyes she is the second or third most important character in the series - development-wise - and her presence should reflect that.
High res sexy loli
Nah. Putting aside the fact that you use the word "LARP" wrong (seems to be a popular offboard buzzword judging from inputting it into search engines and archives), I'm going to put this in pretty simple terms. No, I am unashamed in the way I post or act, and this new "cringe"fever that everyone seems to be going on about has killed the flavorful autism that gave those earlier years of Yea Forums color. Can't even have fun without some uptight normalfag trying to remind me that I'm not having the right type of fun. Fucking hell, what used to be a normal part of internet culture in general has been demonized into something negative by normalfags brought in by shit like the 2016 elections.
More like Kamachi just likes the concept. "God-worshipping magic" sounds like it's just a natural evolution to idol theory anyway.
Someone really needs to talk to Kyousuke about how he dresses his little sister and daughter.
Accelerator just needs to die. I know it might piss off a few of his more rabid fans but it'd be worth it, you can't have something that strong calling itself a main character and stagnating
>Duh normies ruined my life, that's why I'm a failure
Manchild spotted
Your wings are lame
Rent Free
Aine does look like Kyousuke's sister, like they could be twins
Have sex
That is indeed true for Kakine ans Kakine's user
Not only Kakinefag, take a good hard look at yourself
An actual newfag. The misuse of buzzwords made it obvious, this just confirms it
I'd love to go for an ad hominem, but that's not my style. Not going to go for a long argument, my time would be wasted. For the record, if you think of yourself as "mature" or successful, why bother with Yea Forums in general, on a board dealing with chinese cartoons focused on a highschool demographic on a thread about a chuuni light novel? There's nothing "mature" here, and surely nothing anyone successful would brag about. I guess in the literal sense I am living "rent free" in your head, don't try to project your insecurity about success and maturity on me.
I like Accelerator, so I don't care
Imagine getting burnt by fucking Kakineposter.
When did this meme of "the mechs have magic in their attacks so Accelerator can't block them" come up? This literally never got parroted until like last week.
>Thanks to Crystal Magic, they could regenerate an arm or a leg if it was blown off. With anything other than a fatal blow, the damaged portion would be immediately crystallized and return to normal in about 30 seconds. …However, that opportunity was lost if the crystalized part was shattered by a further attack while it prepared to regenerate.
With a fatal blow, their entire body would be crystallized.
>In that case, the regeneration period was unknown. Or rather, it depended on the level of injury. A slit throat might be fine after less than a year, but if their torso was bisected or their entire body was blown to bits, even a century would not be enough. And if part of their original body had been lost, then the time increased tenfold or even a hundredfold. It may have been like being placed in cold sleep while they slowly healed.
Wait, so basically the entire cast is pseudo-immortal EXCEPT for the protagonist? Thanks Kamachi.
Sounds like Kamachi somehow got a hold of Code Vein's story before it even released. That's exactly the principle the enemies work on.
Since always
No, it definitely was never brought up in the past. You know, because there's literally no evidence for it and it's pure conjecture.
its never been brought up because the Accel manga was that slow and boring
No, it was just a mistake by the author, he changed his mind later on.
Whats Mikoto's next power up?
A Rensa gets installed in the AAA
Is it true index 4 is next year?
She gets over and forgives Accelerator and masters Rampage Dress
Not being an incel
She gets a dragonform after drinking some of Touma's blood
Kamikoto next volume then?
Man i was hyped for Index 3, was upper mediocre. Accelerator was always an annoying character, but the character developement was godlike. Was kinda hyped for his spin-off, but didn't really feel any momentum. Now i learned that there will only be 13 Episodes instead of 24, so no hope of a better arc.
Railgun 3, please save the series.
She can temporarily convert her physical being into an arc of electricity for near-instantaneous movement. Basically an electric dash.
It would be more efficient if she just railgunned her entire body for a dash
Mikoto date rape next volume.
How involved is Kamachi in the manga spin offs? Normally I would assume it's like Gundam where they just put Tomino's name on everything for name recognition but with Kamachi I could actually believe he has the time to write it all
He storyboards and illustrates
We don't really know anything besides the fact it's not 100% involvement, since he mentions that Gunha being in the sports festival was Fuyukawa's idea not his. One would assume that the large story beats are Kamachi's outline, and then he leaves the mangaka to fill in the blanks.
She becomes able to see magic "electrons"
You're thinking about it backwards. Electricity is the magic of science, so she has been able to see them this whole time but didn't know.
Kamachi keeps trying to make the number of Crystal Magic users seem really small with the "0.0002% of the population" number but in a world of 5.5 billion that's still over 10k people with immortality and miracle manipulating powers.
Watch a character be a network of 9k
Sure, but that many people spread out all over the globe still means you're only likely to find a handful in each country
I swear there's no way Kamachi isn't playing the longest keikaku game if it ends up being exactly 10032 again
she fuses with Will
My name is Will.
She trains under Thor
I still want to know why Kamachi like the number 10032?
*Thor runs a train on her
Imagine having twenty thousand clones of yourself and literally all of them are better characters than you.
Unironically it only makes sense with Accelerator being able to interface with magic that she get something on that level.
she can probably tank the train no diff
Imagine not thinking the original is the best of the lot.
I don't think Thor would mind at all if she tanked it instead of trying to resist it.
A clone was willing to try fuck up a robot with a crowbar. Meanwhile Mikoto is still standing by that vending machine waiting for Touma to show up so she can kick it and then talk to him for 45 seconds before he escapes the awkward situation.
How would she compensate for the G-forces? Not to mention the heat, or how her flesh would be stripped from her bone.
Mikoto would have hacked the robot and explode Hishigata's computer explode while she dabs on him
AAA exoskeleton
Being stronger or more capable doesn't make her the better character.
Sometimes she's treated like shit by the narrative - this isn't new or exclusive to her. Even so at her best she's one of the most compelling and enjoyable characters in the series.
Touma would've just taken Hishigata and Hirumi to Heaven Canceller.
That's a true hero.
>Touma touches Hirumi
>she dies again
I honestly completely forgot the AAA - or rather I was somehow automatically imagining it being made obsolete. In any case while that might mitigate the shredding - and arguably the heat - there are still numerous effects of accelerating that quickly which would completely fuck her up, no matter what protective shell she had.
Didnt Mikoto made some sort of air disruption barrier to protect herself from the speed that the AAA was going at when she went from Bali to England?
She dies 10k times
A clone standing beside Accelerator was enough to make LO excited imagine how she would feel if ten thousand clones were being raped at the same time
Yes, though it's incredibly exhausting for her. While this is mostly to compensate for friction it does remind me that the AAA is actually really fucking fast - like faster than her standard railgun muzzle velocity fast - so it's not really a matter of dealing with speeds. Although I forget how much acceleration time it needs to achieve supersonic speeds, which is the critical element. In any case, even if she can survive the instantaneous acceleration and deceleration necessary to facilitate a "railgun dash" in combat scenarios, it would still be a bad call because higher speed dashes would equate to longer startups and, more importantly, longer deceleration times. My original suggestion would allow her to "pop" to a new location without compensating for any of those factors. It would basically be giving her a teleporter skill without dual-skilling.
well she did that in her 5.1 form
What would she even get as a new ability?
Was accelerator right when he said she only cared about the Sisters dying because they have her face? After all that effort to stop the experiment she never interacts with them unless they're helping her chase Touma
>t. didnt read Daihaisei
My tongue.
Probably something like Misaki's ability but more offensive based
Do the sisters like Touma? or are they doing their schtick just to piss off Mikoto?
They are ready to fuck any man that saves them. But Touma and Accelerator are homos so they get denied
is it that hard for you to read and understand basic character emotions
>Do the sisters like Touma?
They like as much as the next guy who would risk his life for them (even before they have any 'self preservation' awareness) and successfully knock out pre-nerf Accelerator
WILL want a harem of Touma, Misaki and Accelerator
How much time has actually passed in the story after 15 years of novels?
Six months.
A lot of girls are touchy-feely with Touma. You bet he puts on some nice smelling body spray.
Every level 5 will have their own spinoff manga. The final level 5 won't even be introduced in the main story he will just start from the spinoff
What did Kamachi mean by this?
Not sure. But what did Ezekiel mean by this?
Could be pretty cool
now replace sisters with every female Touma encountered
Actually holy fuck, I can only think of Birdway as someone who felll for Touma without getting help first
possible. DM won't last long considering the tragedy route, and considering the magazine title some peoole have brought up that it may be a collection of side stories for different characters
Plus part 3 will eventually have more Kakine I think so other characters should benefit from this. I'm alright with it.
Why is that clone casually touching the #1's face?
They are just toying with both Touma and Mikoto for their amusement. The network, as a whole, takes fidelity very seriously. We can tell who they are loyal with simply by observing their actions.
>I don't like you Accelerator but you should never cheat on me /return.
>You should never allow anybody to boss you around either unless it is me /return.
>I'll make you life a living hell if you don't abide by those rules /return.
>I'm with you 24/7 but I'd rather be with Kamijou-chan /return.
>I flirt with you but I'd rather flirt with Kamijou-chan /return.
>You see, I really like Kamijou-chan though it does not bother me if he flirts with other girls /return.
>So don't get the wrong idea /return!! Is that clear /escape?!
>next power up?
just being happy
I am an anime only fag. Why is this Esther here in this city? Basically the whole anime happened because she came and fuck up something right? If there is no Esther, there would no stupid robot fights like that.
Also why that girl keep calling her Adonai?
main mission to bring back someone from hell
Nobody wants a mugino spin off
>that mikoto
He should stick to drawing Touma
>magireco in January
I guess Railgun is delayed too if there's still no news until now?
more like cancelled
the manga was better anyway
Esther was invited to AC to be an advisor on some experiments, but they didn't seem to know she was a magician. Just some expert on the dead.
Adonai is hebrew for god or lord, something like that. Don't know if it was necessary, perhaps it was an addition for chuuni flavor.