ITT: Perfect girls

ITT: Perfect girls.

Attached: 1001.gif (714x720, 1.49M)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Attached: Utaha.png (787x1152, 468K)

Attached: Shizuku.jpg (3047x4312, 847K)

Attached: Shizuno.png (1066x1600, 1021K)

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Attached: Shirayuki.jpg (2414x3482, 567K)

Attached: Yoruka.jpg (640x800, 113K)

Attached: Ikaruga.png (547x422, 257K)

Attached: Ayaka.jpg (4819x3320, 889K)

Attached: Fujiko.jpg (3500x1969, 339K)

Attached: Karen.png (1921x3168, 3.69M)

Attached: Restia & Est.jpg (1200x864, 229K)

>titty monster twintail
>calls herself a gaymer for playing mobage shit

Attached: Sakaki.jpg (263x455, 98K)

Attached: Belldandy.jpg (3508x2415, 763K)

Attached: Mariel.jpg (1147x1716, 288K)

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Attached: Yukino's erotic back.png (2560x1440, 527K)

Attached: aqua.jpg (1272x716, 145K)

kill yourself

Not a single perfect girl has been posted yet. Don't worry, I'll take care of that.

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Attached: sakura a perfect.png (800x601, 538K)

Attached: 169691 bra fujii_yui kasugano_sora pantsu shimapan yosuga_no_sora.jpg (3374x2429, 760K)

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Attached: FairyTale.jpg (1061x1290, 140K)

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Attached: f939e0ccdd0b2ad6b2703ccf90b05d95.jpg (1075x1536, 281K)

No, you 1st.

Attached: Akari_akaza_by_yukirumo990-d4ifcuc.png (1024x1399, 378K)

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No seriously, get some taste

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Attached: image.jpg (298x298, 23K)

Attached: miia (2).jpg (1280x892, 210K)

Attached: candystore.jpg (1366x768, 77K)

There's no need.

What about girls beyond the concept of perfection?

Attached: 1411960524856.gif (320x320, 515K)


user, just let him be, he's free to post his list of girls


The only good thing TypeMoon ever made.

Attached: arcueid3.jpg (3302x4521, 1021K)

His shitty list keeps growing
He should at least put them all in one image file

Attached: 76618054_p0.jpg (2894x4093, 1.94M)

>I killed tons of people and committed mass atrocities but BOO HOO I'M JUST A GIRL WHO WANTS LOVE
Esdeath is shit-tier

but technically he's not breaking any rules, he's just dedicated, he's been doing this for a while, I almost have to admire it


technically it falls under spamming shit

Attached: 1543612489667.jpg (995x1600, 415K)

Technically this belongs on /c/, so it is against the rules.

Attached: Chocolate_Break_T.png (985x740, 1.22M)

probably not, but feel free to ask a mod

>mass atrocities

Attached: 1545419331872.jpg (475x522, 117K)

This. Her social Darwinism doesn't even make sense. She works for some slimy boomer and a child. So much for strength being the only thing that matters.

She is so perfect.

Not him but she is a champion of Khorne in everything but the name.
Serving the Empire means moar fights, so it makes perfect sense.
A shame she didn't reproduce.

Attached: 1557540958463.jpg (900x1200, 113K)

Let's make it a bit more interesting: pick a theme.
I'll start

Attached: YukoIchihara.jpg (238x315, 25K)

Attached: legs 16.png (2060x1282, 3.69M)

Someone needs to zoomstitch the akinoya webm of her.

Are you saying the perfect girl doesn't exist?

But that's not Hideri.

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Technically, so does this thread as it's nothing but imaging dumping. With little discussion and off-topic comments.

Attached: GuMsq.jpg (4000x3000, 2.65M)

not really perfect.

I think my waifu is perfect and there is nothing anyone can do or say to convince me otherwise.

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Attached: Hungry.jpg (500x363, 25K)

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Attached: suzu66.jpg (822x533, 503K)

I can swear I saw a comic or something like that where she were a trap, I don't know where I can find it or if I just dream
What the actual fuck

Your waifu

Wrong. My waifu is far from perfect, she's prone to laziness, mischief and depression.

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Attached: schrodinger2.jpg (900x1108, 147K)

but she's perfect for you, otherwise she wouldn't be your waifu.

You're right, I'm the father!

Came here just for this

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Attached: perfection girl.jpg (800x600, 58K)

God why is she so perfect

Attached: 1510954268681.jpg (1920x1080, 228K)

Steins;Gate has many perfect hotties.

Attached: __makise_kurisu_steins_gate_drawn_by_yang_do__d7399ed67e6dc15dd92972efe8f0680e.jpg (2254x2600, 1.01M)

Madoka is the most beautiful girl in existence.

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Attached: maka.jpg (600x963, 32K)

Attached: botan.jpg (225x350, 44K)

Based Botan

Attached: best girl botan.png (960x499, 148K)

Why her vocie ``perfect``girls so bad?

Attached: Otome and daugther.jpg (500x536, 45K)

Too perfect for /pol/ at least.

Attached: Tanya dont give a fuck about commie.png (1421x793, 1.49M)

Attached: -32-02.png (583x553, 502K)

Attached: best girl.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

but you're a shitty dyke botan

the softest

Attached: yuukosan49.jpg (1280x1890, 225K)


Attached: 1559923547003.png (600x755, 581K)

>Too perfect for /pol/ at least.
Commies love her so much!

Attached: Boner Beria.jpg (1431x807, 176K)

Attached: Major-Kusanagi-Ghost-In-The-Shell.jpg (500x1262, 123K)

I understand why Yuukofags love her so much, and she is indeed probably the softest, but for me, it's Okonogi Momoe. Nothing will ever shake my perception of this girl as absolute perfection.

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Because we can all relate to a 20-something year old alcoholic otaku


Attached: animepeukku.jpg (663x735, 81K)

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not human
not perfect
wa said "women" you faggots
you zoophile

Attached: viandue.jpg (600x842, 347K)

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>Not perfect
You need to get your eyes checked.

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Attached: ABAAC597-D724-43D3-8530-908B31E791CD.png (768x1024, 419K)

Ah, a fellow Botan connoisseur. It's good to see someone else with a refined palate on this board.

Attached: image.jpg (1230x1032, 395K)

>Best girl
>Posts boy
Big think.