why was the second half of this so bad compared to the first?
Why was the second half of this so bad compared to the first?
The power creep kicked in and it became the female DBZ
i didnt mind the power creep so much as the flying alien clothes monsters....
It wasn't at all. The second half was in many ways even stronger than the first, which was already strong as shit. You guys are just plebs.
it wouldve been fine if it was just some crazy bitch trying to take over the world but flying magical alien clothes monsters? whyyy??
Because Nakashima is a hack whose brain only has "epic" in mind
This anime is just bad. I tried watching it awhile ago but dropped it at episode 9. There was no redeeming qualities about this show.
>Yea Forums meme
Says it all really.
Daily reminder that Yea Forums loved this anime when it was released.
The writers uncontrollable Satsuki boner
A lot of people complained about the second cour while it was airing.
daily reminder that "Yea Forums" isn't a monolith
Daily reminder that we still do. Not even joking. There's more than a daily reminder. KLK is an all-time classic. And there's literally nothing you can do about it. Go tell your mom.
Junketsu did NOTHING despite the tease in the OP
No, the general opinion for KLK has actually gotten more positive over time for some reason. By the time KLK ended it was hated by the majority, but that's partly because of how spammed it was.
>implying KLK doesn't get a daily thread or two
yeah, yeah, whatever
because two faggots keep making them
Aside for taking over Ryuko in the most significant arc of the second cour you mean?
What happened to the tons of eyes
Then they should stop speaking as if they are one.
You're wrong, OP. Go feel shame.
Because all Trigger shows are like that.
They completely blow their load trying to grab your attention with the first few episodes that they forget to make the rest of the series interesting.
you defend kill la kill? weird
the first arc is great what are you talking about
>why was the second half of this so bad compared to the first?
It wasn't
It was nothing short of great.
yes it was
mind control isn't really a character arc but the visual parallels are cool.
But the second half had this pure Kino
Ragyo could've been better
I can put up with the second half up until this point and then I feel like starting it over from the beginning. The OVA is good though.
KLK could've been my favorite anime if they tightened up the ending. The bold designs, the homages to old Nagai and Gainax works, the themes about the nation vs. the globe, and most importantly the constantly flowing animation, are all things that make me love it. But by episode 24, Ragyo and Ryuuko's characters feel so one note that I can't be invested at all in their fight. Should've been twice as long, maybe then it would've progressed along more smoothly.
Both were good
It felt really rushed
at least episode 24 has fucking phenomenal animation
>opinions change
Oof, absolutely highbrow.
They didn't properly place their peaks and valleys and overall pacing of the story at all, and those are the kind of beats you really need to nail for this type of narrative. Also going with the dumbass nonsensical incest and sexual weirdness as opposed to maintaining a bombastic and silly attitude towards it all didn't do it any favors.