
>extremely wet
>lying on her back
>legs in the air

She's ready for you, user.

Attached: 1567868699917.png (1280x720, 553K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll get an umbrella she'll catch a cold like that

Attached: 1567798889258.jpg (380x420, 118K)


Worse yet, it's a chinese.

How old are her sisters if she's in her 20s

Aoi Yuuki is literally carrying this show.
Holy shit, she was so good this episode. Her voice is made for sex.

Attached: basedchinkne3.png (629x772, 655K)

Attached: Granbelm 2.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)


Do you think Suishou is also not a human? Is she created by Magiawhatever to be a last boss for Shingetsu?

She sometimes had red threads in her Armanox as well. Dunno if that was confirmed to be a doll thing.

Maybe she was a doll created for the previous tournament. She seems to be aware of pretty much everything, including things that have happened long before this round of fighting. Anyway, Kuon's sister probably knows of her true nature, if she thought it was worthwhile to put herself into coma just to give her imouto a better fighting chance while ignoring the other potential combatants

Looked more like she was a puppeteer than a puppet

Imagine what her morning breath must smell like after years of sleeping.

Attached: 1567836984193.jpg (1920x1080, 505K)

She played Onee-chan like a finger puppet.

Attached: Granbelm_19.jpg (1992x1080, 712K)

I'm guessing she's a doll too and eating Shisui's soul was all about becoming a real girl, or at least close enough to be able to win the Granbowl, like some kind of evil Pinocchio.

Attached: super shaft blanco.png (1366x768, 529K)

>evil Pinocchio
That sounds scary as hell.

*Main land Chinese.
HK Chinese like Ne3 is still a bit human

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1567868699916.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

Anal sex with Kuon.

Attached: sushi.png (1366x768, 877K)

Attached: 1567799543031.jpg (1920x1080, 551K)

The cutest evil Pinocchio.

that's funny coming from an insect

Stop being mean Magiacolgate

Don't stick your dick in crazy.
Especially if it is an artificial human made by a sentient magic system capable of changing the reality.

>not brushing your comatose sister's teeth so it doesn't rot
tsk tsk

>when you stick your dick in Suishou

Shishou! Shishou! Notice me Shishou!

My three Chinese wives.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.08_[2019.09.06_16.36.52].jpg (1280x720, 177K)

My wife Mango is already in the mail.

Attached: 20lbs of mango.jpg (800x625, 326K)

Only the one on the left looks Chinese

Right > Middle > Left

Stop talking about anal sex with Kuon! She wouldn't do something so lewd!

>w/ Ass
That's probably a scam user

Just imagine Mangetsu's belly rapidly swelling as the result of an accelerated magical pregnancy. She asks "What's this?" as she runs her hands over the sudden protrusion. Then, she feels it move, and her entire body tenses up for a moment. Her mind still doesn't fully grasp what's happening, but her body, the body of a woman, fully understands. Her skin takes on vibrant shades of its former colors, and the feelings underneath do the same, spilling out as tears as they become too intense to contain. Mangetsu cries out "Shingetsu-chan, I... Shingetsu-chan!", her sobs masking feelings of great fulfillment, something she has never felt before.

>Anna and Kuon locked in oblivion together
What do you think they talk about?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.44_[2019.07.21_12.14.22].jpg (1280x720, 281K)

>Ernesta is the most super special person to ever exist in the history of the universe to the point where reality has been warped around her, time and space rewritten, just to fulfill her desires
Suishou is the only reason I'm still watching this shit.

If Mangetsu cuts her own strings we might even get evil Pinocchio vs rage-fueled chaos Pinocchio in a an all-out battle for the fate of reality and Shingetsu's chastity.

Attached: 1567257727346.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

>What do you think they talk about?

Ernesta is Magiacabbage's OC.

What if Suishou is also a construct of Magiacondom designed to be Ernesta's last boss?

That evil witch cast a spell turning my dick to diamonds while she was tormenting Mio for being alone.

At least she was fun

Anal sex with Suishou.

Their big sisters

no, she's only the most special person among the few mage descendents which are qualified to participate in the grandbelm

Suishou is the coolest girl.

She might actually be the most special in history since the candidates from previous generations failed to become the Princeps.

It turns out that Anna was right to hate Ernesta's smug ass all this time.

Do you think she could still smell Kuon's lingering scent on Mango from when they woke up in bed together?

Attached: fchgvhjbkjl.png (1366x768, 679K)

That must have been a pretty strong smell to last for a whole month.

the communist party looks like THAT?


Kuon is an extremely smelly girl, I wouldn't be surprised. In fact, she smells just like

I'm not into psychotics tho.

She's sane, she just knows exactly what she wants. Hymens.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.06.jpg (1279x717, 117K)

So what exactly was the relationship between Shisui and Suishou?


>Suishou was a doll created for Shisui to vent all her sexual frustration with

Shisui pretended to love her for Kuon's sake, Suishou took the free sex.

Is it wrong that I find this really hot

Although most of it would likely have been washed out after a month, some animals can secrete quite potent odors from their anal glands for use in scent marking, and so it's possible that some trace amounts of chemicals remain. Although probably only an experienced predator who is very familiar with the scent would still be able to pick up on it at that point.

Attached: 1566722161142.jpg (527x596, 140K)

or she's just the most favored among the current candidates and is equally likely to get her ass handed to her by Suishou as her predecessors

The fact she's gonna be the Princepts is a forgone conclusion at this point. If you believe otherwise you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

>Granbelm ends
>Suishou defeated
>Erensta becomes ZA UIICHI
>uses a vast amount of magic to make Mango a real human ningen
>then uses the remaining magic to destroy and rid the world of magic
>but only after making sure magic is no longer necessary to sustain Mangetsu's existence

This is how it will end, this is how it should end

Magiaconatus itself is destroyed or wiped out of existence also and Granbelm ends.

Attached: 1567194588485.jpg (1920x1080, 511K)

That would be so lame, and that's why it's going to happen.

>Magiaconatus itself is destroyed or wiped out of existence


Arrogant magical son of a bitch that can't come between Ernesta and her Manko

After all the suffering Erenesta has experienced at the hands of the magicoco its only fitting

If there's one thing I wish for it's for Suishou to keep her smug when she inevitably gets destroyed..

Magiacomliness wouldn't employ the techniques it does just to wipe itself out.

Ernesta has suffered less than everyone else, really.

user I was quoting Magiacunny itself in Friday's episode.

>Magiacunny itself

that's Suishou though, she's not THE magicoony

Suishou is magiacunny LARPING she/it even speaks about its true agenda to Shinko and even morphs into an eldritch abomination.

Makes no sense because Suishou is determined to prove to magicock how she thinks humans aren't worthy of becoming the Princeps Mage, by winning granbelm herself and beating Ernesta

She lays it all out on the schools rooftop while being really wet and turning black and spooky for a bit

Why would an all-powerful cosmic force run around in the body of a 20-year old lesbian pedophile playing mindgames with children?

>Ernesta has suffered less than everyone else, really.
Let's see. She lost her biological family, then she had to leave her adoptive family because her step sister started to hate her. She lived along for years. Finally she made her very first true friend, but it turns out said friend was a puppet.

She has nothing. No family, no friends, nothing. And it's all Magicoitus' doing. I say she suffered enough.

OH ITS POSSIBLE thats why.. Magiacosmos can do whatever the fuck it wants.

Just a PSA, Kuon didn't actually screw herself with this little maneuver. Suishou was seconds away from breaking free from Onee-chan's trick when Kuon pulled her out of the armanox. If Kuon just kept attacking Suishou's armanox, she would have gotten blown up.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.26_[2019.09.06_16.51.58].jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

NO you idiot, Magicoochie may have made Suishou like it did Manko but it is not itself Suishou, why can't you understand

Attached: 1567201824321.jpg (1920x1713, 1.1M)

>being really wet
She's actually not wet at all. She's lying in the rain and totally dry except for her vagina. It seems to be another demonstration of how unnatural and magical she is, along with her teleporting around. It's all to show how she's not constrained to the rules of reality.

In my opinion Ernesta should die to kill Shitshou, Magicum, bring back the loved ones we lost (except Anna) and turn Mang into human.

Yes she reminded me of the Imaginator with those powers of hers

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 09 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_19.36_[2019.02.22_13.01.51].j (1920x1080, 707K)

Suishou is Magiacountry and so is Mangetsu what part of OH ITS POSSIBLE can you understand? Magiacontract can be multiple people at the same time.

Well you're wrong, I don't even understand how you can reach that conclusion lol
>magecooty is making itself suffer and despair for ????? reasons

Step out of the idiot box already speedwatcher rewatch episode 10

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That's exactly something that a Greek god would do.

It will never accumulate

Why did they think it was a good idea to make Ernesta literally the chosen one? Didn't people hate her enough for being retardedly overpowered, now it turns out that the entire universe is rigged in her favor by Magiacoconut itself.

>snowed in April several times that year for me in the NE

Boobiepoop btfo and Imaginator is superior and smarter and sexier and better than her in every single way.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Boogiepop wa Warawanai (2019) - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_12.43_[2019.01.18_17.48.35].j (1920x1080, 971K)

Kuon's sister is going to be the final villain, you heard it here first.

Attached: 1566592926783.jpg (1280x720, 136K)

Fuck off Suiko, you're dead.

Attached: boogie kod.webm (1280x720, 1.9M)

Suishou is carrying Granbelm so hard.

Who is that?

how tall is she

Nah, she is garbage.

Delete this or Ill delete you

Only because Anna is gone.

Suishou is boring.

What things would you do to nenene massive butt?

Attached: bruh.png (1280x720, 674K)

I'm going to make nanking look like a fucking joke

>Lying on the while her sisters sit on the ground.

What a bitch.

There's an open spot next to Mangetsu, so maybe they just don't want to sit.

The couch is reserved for granbowl veterans, civilians must sit on the ground.

Mandoll stinks

But she smells like nothing.

I wonder if Nene is pissed off she was kicked out of the Granbowl by a fucking doll.

She's happy that she's not fucking dead.

Attached: a5b97209c93d70cf209f3823f7dcd100baa12b3a.jpg (580x2876, 326K)

Is there a trend here aside from just magical girls crying?

Using precure is cheating since there is one every year and they almost always cry.

Magnets should win and make herself a real girl. Fuck Ernesta.

At least we will then still know who this Kuon is.

God i wish i was mangentsu

I was talking about whether it made sense to do from her perspective. If Suishou was human, what she did would have been the only way to win.

In a world where Kuon doesn't exist and Mangetsu isn't sisters with Kibou, how would Nene even have met and become friends with Shingetsu and Mangetsu?

Attached: mangetsu2.jpg (406x635, 68K)

big butt rape

How can I create the perfect wife using magic?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

so basically Sushio is trying to fuck with everyone in Granbelm because she is jealous of never having a human soul?

Attached: crying ruuko.webm (1280x720, 299K)

Attached: 1567293157648.png (223x222, 17K)

I dropped this on the episode when Anna's character was cemented as utter garbage (somewhere around episode 6 or something). What the fuck even happens in this show? Everything important about the main conflict's origin and purpose continued to be ignored, and the plot seemed driven by random, trivial elements like a series of personal grudges and disparate backstories. I mean, I know that its typical for Japanese story structure to follow this sort of structure until we get hit with the twist for some stronger direction, but so much about this show all the way up to even its mid point seemed like a bunch of hot air.

wow it's almost like you'd know if you kept watching

Are you literally too retarded for this show?

Attached: 1550948925899.png (128x128, 22K)

is granbelm a brainlet filter?

Attached: confused fruit.jpg (585x552, 89K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.06_[2019.07.14_11.45.01].jpg (1280x720, 480K)

I see, the circlejerk already started.
I'm really glad this shit flopped lol

At least you had the decency to make it clear what you are much quicker than most.

Redheads with souls(except for Manko)

How did Sushi know about Manko being a doll?

She knows her kin, both are empty dolls.


We already know everyone in this thread is also watching Symphogeah, but is everyone here also watching Shamiko's show?
Where does it end?

Attached: 1567717197759.jpg (652x720, 112K)

honestly bad. I'm really considering dropping this after Kuon died. I'm only continuing out of the hopes that she will be revived by her sister

Granbelm is the only anime I'm watching this season because it's the only thing that met all of my perquisites.

I'm watching Machikado but I've never watched a single episode of Symphogear.

But I dropped Symphongeah in the middle of the third season

symphogears songs are trash

anything that includes an all female main cast
i'll be there

Attached: 726ad247762335df142ad79ec2a9d788fe95b556.png (370x370, 116K)

What are we watching next season, gentlemen? Rifle is Beautiful? Kandagawa Jet Girls? Null Peta?

Maybe all Ernesta needs to do to finally win is harness the power of twintails

Attached: [Commie] Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. - 04 [B27E7BF2].mkv_snapshot_21.46_[2014.10.31_03.10.56].jpg (1280x720, 86K)


Is Azur Lane airing next season? I'm not too familiar with it but if it's anything like Kancolle we could get another buckybowl.

Attached: 1566060700661.png (600x800, 292K)

its chinkshit

It's like Kancolle if Kancolle had a plot and a game.

Still waiting on the PV for RiB, they are spending too much time promoting the VA idol group for the show.

There's also the Average Abilities Isekai which has an all female cast.

Even the producer of the series tweeted that "episode 1-4 did poorly" and had to delete his Twitter shortly afterwards. I don't think the staff has faith in their own product.

It doesn't matter as long as the quality doesn't suffer.

Apparently Hikasa Yoko nearly fainted from apoxia while recording lines screaming as Anna.

There isn't too much lower the quality can go at this point. It has never been high for the entire time. The producer was telling the truth and now the director is mad.


It's been high enough.

Neenee-ne is also chinkshit and I love her

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.21_[2019.08.03_12.03.44].jpg (1280x720, 368K)

Rifle for 3hz bros, and i'm gambling on null peta having the best threads like granbelm and Machikado were this season.

Based intellectual.

>Nene arc, everyone wants to be Nene's boyfriend
>Anna arc, half the threads are ERNESTA
>Suishou arc, rampant smugposting and rape fantasies
It's almost like the antagonists in this show are fun and whichever one gets focus carries her respective arc.

On the contrary, reality is being written to fuck her over to test her if she can handle it. Her parents were killed, her adoptive family was made retarded, and her adoptive sister was made to want to take her head.

Having reddish/pink hair is suffering.

>It's happening again

What happened really?

Kill Anna and listen to Hikasa's screams
Fuck Suishou and listen to Aoi's moans
Marry Nenene

Imagine poking Kuon's anal glands until she sprays scent marker all over you.

For me? What is she expecting me to do?

just finished watching the episode and that scene with mango outside the 7/11 hit me hard

Attached: 1556497799507.jpg (720x720, 251K)

Does the song that plays during Mangetsu's existence crisis sound like a mellower version of this to anybody else?

The facial expressions were really good.

Nene is just a child, stop lewding her.

She was never wrong in the first place though.

Not really? Not her fault magiacoitus wants to fuck with her. Anna was a bitch even without her. See how she treated Rosa.

Anna was 100% justified in that too. Her behaviour was born from the way trusting Ernesta only led to being betrayed and who usurps Anna's place when she gets deleted? Anna is always right.

Take your pills.

What does Nene-nee's breath smell like?

Gutter oil and dog meat.


But Kibou is a little girl!

I wish Eenen would feed me her Chinese delicacies.

Little girls have to learn about things so that they can't be exploited by old men.

Have you never heard of loli rape gangs?
Its gangs of lolis going around raping anything they can get their hands on.

Who is the CUTEST girl in all of Granbelm?

Attached: 1567351447837.png (1280x720, 597K)



Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_07.18_[2019.07.12_21.39.27].jpg (1920x1080, 531K)


Butler-chan wasn't deleted you fuck.

Attached: 1567868442009.webm (1280x720, 2.59M)

And it leaves her miserable, thats the point.

>"bawww I'm too awesome and lucky"


Attached: shingo1.png (1366x768, 601K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_05.42_[2019.07.06_13.09.22].jpg (1280x720, 352K)

He said girl.

>yuyuyu two times
Nowayu anime will add a third entry.

Attached: 1523808617216.jpg (1024x705, 421K)

Cute hair.

I want to gently smell the nape of Ernesta's neck.

Suishou is really beautiful.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 10 [720p].mkv-0001.jpg (1366x768, 122K)

That graph is outdated, no one cared about Spyce.
And NoWaYu can fill a chart on its own.

Don't stick Spyce in with good stuff

Attached: 1567252705796.jpg (698x720, 53K)

Stop bullying the spyces

Attached: goe1.jpg (493x703, 78K)


Attached: I can only get so erect.gif (500x281, 936K)

She is an eldritch pedophile


Yes, she even has the same otherworldly jew magicks.

>magiacontus will only get like an episode or two of funposting

If only the protagonists were also fun

Their suffering is


Magicunny, Magiacunny
Magiacontus, Magiacuntus
Magiacoconuts, Magicoconuts, Magicoconut, Magiacoconut
Magicoitus, Magiacoitus
Magicoromulus, Magicorombus, Magicolumbus


magical pregnancy
magical girl
magical bus
magical signals
magical rabies
magical interference
magical noise
magical AIDS
magical wars
magical energy
magical coitus
magical dolls
magical son of a bitch
magical girls crying
magically linked
arrogant magical son


lesbian rapist magic
loved by magic
magic powers
erasing magic
latent magic
everything is possible with magic
magic babies
magic wars
sealing magic
will of magic
madoka magica
collect all magic
magic bullshit
good magic
inherently evil magic
onee-chan magic
magic fight
magic fuckery
magic need
magic erased
fully unsealed magic
no access to magic
affinity to magic
magic battles
channeling magic
kill all the magic
remnant magic
magic entity
magic to destroy
rid the world of magic
magic system
a vast amount of magic
using magic
otherworldly jew magicks

Ernesta has not suffered enough.
Ironically, every time Ernesta suffers, it actually makes her exponentially less likable.

The Spyce were made for bullying, especially Goe.

Goe's smelly dick was made for loving, not bullying.

Goe got the best scene

>Ironically, every time Ernesta suffers, it actually makes her exponentially less likable.
how so

>everyone close to you dies, suffers and hates you
>using your power for yourself immediately disqualifies you while still leaving you miserable
Yeah, she's awesome and lucky.

So see you next season in the incest doll, Card battles ON JET SKI, and gun autism thread.

Her goal is to destroy all magic which is worse than nearly everyone else's goal since half of them just want to fix their broken families.
Her battle shitting all over Anna is supposed to make her sympathetic because she has the weight of being blessed with magic but she comes off as bored and incapable of empathy.
Her best friend is literally having an existential crisis and she can't even take a day off from school for that, then starts spazzing out over a doll.
Ernesta is really not very sympathetic.

I think half the fun on the threads is to change the names of the things (Except Suishou and Anna).

Tell me about Shisui's smell.

The only names I haven't seen changed are Anna and Kibou. And nobody knows the names of Nene-nee's nee-sans.

But Suishou is Sushi.

I've seen Kibou named as Kirby and Kaos tho.


Oh, right. I forgot about Kaos.

The nee-sans are a collective entity referred to as Ne^9

Also Shishou, Suichou, Evil Pinocchio

And Shitshou

>Her goal is to destroy all magic which is worse than nearly everyone else's goal since half of them just want to fix their broken families.
Magic is the source of all evil. Destroying magic is akin to saving the world.
>Her battle shitting all over Anna is supposed to make her sympathetic because she has the weight of being blessed with magic but she comes off as bored and incapable of empathy.
She didn't understand Anna but she loved her all the same. And Anna knew that and exploited Ernesta's love to her advantage.
>Her best friend is literally having an existential crisis and she can't even take a day off from school for that, then starts spazzing out over a doll.
Ernesta is facing her own crisis as she feels guilty for happened to Mango.
>Ernesta is really not very sympathetic.
I find her immensely human, and that makes her pretty sympathetic in my book.

Which is your favorite Armanox name and why is it VIOLA KATZE

Oh well, forgot Suishit


Having your character be so special the universe literally revolves around her is not a good way to make her sympathetic.

It reminds me of Swim Swim.

The twist is that being special is literal suffering. That's sympathetic.

Where is the girl on the left?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.40.095.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Not even Shishou deserves that insult.

>Swim Swim
This wound will never heal, fuck ninjas.

I thought this anime was cancelled, it flopped so hard. What happened?

Attached: ED8TxrnUcAAJKl4.jpg (2009x1526, 878K)

This is why we can't have nice things.

>I find her immensely human
She's the least human character besides Suishou. And even Suishou is arguably more understandable.
>Nenenene literally wants to fix her broken family
>Kuon wants to cure her sister of the gay disease of AIDS
>Anna wants to prove that she's worthy of her status and bring prestige back to her family
>Mango wants to feel special for the first time in her entire life
>Suishou the psychotic lesbian rapist wants to prove only she is worthy of the power of god
Compared to that what's Ernesta's issue? "I'm too special and it sucks?" It's like magical first world problems compared to everyone else. It's not even like the weight of being a king or something because there isn't the fate of a nation riding on her shoulders, she could drop out any time. She might as well put a sack with "I'm not famous anymore" on it over her head like Shia LaBoeuf.
Ernesta is literally the worst thing about Granbelm.

Attached: ED8TxrmUwAAc4Sb.jpg (2009x1526, 755K)

It's like you don't even watch the show.

I do watch the show you glib piece of shit. I watch the show which is why I can call Ernesta a shitty character. She's like reverse Syndrome. "I'm special and it sucks so I'm going to make it so NO ONE can be special, ever"

>"I'm special and it sucks so I'm going to make it so NO ONE can be special, ever"
To be fair who'd want to be special if the result is being toyed like a puppet into shitty hardships.

If you watch it you wouldn't come out with retarded shit like
>there isn't the fate of a nation riding on her shoulders
How retarded can you get? The Magiconatus is like a fucking god that can manipulate reality as it sees fit. For all they know what the girls consider reality is just a fantasy the motherfucker created. Maybe all their memories are fake. They can't never be sure. And the Princeps mage is supposed to have similar powers. This is what Ernesta wants to stop. The fate of the fucking world is riding on her shoulders.

When being special means having a bunch of bullshit designed to break your spirit happening to you that also drags other people in it as well, yes it sucks.

>>Nenenene literally wants to fix her broken family
That got broken due to magic.
>>Kuon wants to cure her sister of the gay disease of AIDS
That got cursed after being forced to participate in granbowl.
>>Anna wants to prove that she's worthy of her status and bring prestige back to her family
Anna wants to make Shinko suffer because of her jealousy of being inferior in magic and Magiacunt making her more of a psycho bitch than she would have been otherwise.

>what's Ernesta's issue?
Did you miss the part where her parents died, her step sister started to hate her and died too and the only friend she can make is a gift from the magic god?

Before this episode the person with the least to lose if she dropped out of Granbelm was Mangetsu because she was a literally who. Now it turns out Mangetsu needs to suck magic to maintain her existence like a Fate/Talk character so Ernesta is the person with the least to lose.
What does Ernesta lose if she drops out of Granbelm? Literally nothing.

>Did you miss the part where her parents died, her step sister started to hate her and died too and the only friend she can make is a gift from the magic god?
To be fair all of that could have been avoided if she was less of a bitch.

Not him but in a sense you are right, the thing is she wants to erradicate it because it has just caused too much suffering to her, to the point she probably lost her entire family, the one she admired, and now her best friend/"lover". I know the rational way to do it is to change your destiny yourself but she legit thinks that if Magicunny (and by proxy magic) is erased no one will ever be affected by the magic and MAYBE fix her problems in the process (unlikely).

>all of that could have been avoided if she was less of a bitch.
Just in Anna's case. She didn't had control about her parents dying, nor Magicute fuckery.

>when no one is special, no one is

>What does Ernesta lose if she drops out of Granbelm?
She loses Mangetsu since a doll can't become the Princeps mage. You keep proving that you don't really watch the show.

Jet Girls has fucking Two Car written all over it and I'm not doing that again.

She loses Mangetsu either way since Mangetsu doesn't really exist and when she becomes the Princeps and wipes out all magic, Mangetsu will stop existing since she needs magic to exist. Mangetsu wouldn't even exist if she wasn't in Granbelm in the first place, either. So what's the point? All of this character's issues are non-issues or things that would have happened regardless.

Yeah, but Two Car had Ange Vierge written all over it but managed to be quite different.

Hey, if it turns out like Ao No Kanata then I'm satisfied.

She's faced with the typical hero choice, save the one you love or save the world.

2.4 million yen(22445.64 USD)

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Aoi Yuuki's voice acting this episode was incredible.

will she have working doll parts?

2.4 million for each or for both?

All I'm afraid of is the bait. Two Car looked like the gayest shit and then it wasn't. Not getting fooled twice.

Sushio aka Kuon's mother.

for each


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I don't blame you, I checked the PV and in fact it gives Two Car vibes, also it's a multimedia proyect so a mobage is a must, HENCE a self insert to manage the girls. I guess I'll let it pass, or just check the threads to see how it evolves.

You've never actually played any mobages, have you?

Two car biggest sin was a reset ending, otherwise it had nice comedy, character development arcs and about 50/50 yuri/het pair storylines.
Jet Ski is made by Senran Kagura/VD people, and this time they don't seem to have convenient plot reason for girls to kiss, so most likely it's just going to be friendship with T&A display. I do not expect it to have a serious girl/girl couple, aside from maybe one among side characters.

Yes? In affection-based mobages there's always the (You) of the story, unless it's strictly explicit that the MC is a girl.

My dick is pleased with all the evil characters she has been voicing recently.

She knocked it out of the park this time in particular. Makes me laugh because I think of that retard a week ago or so complaining how she was phoning it in in Granbelm.

My biggest issue was that the MCs acted like bitches most of the time for no reason while every other side character was more interesting. At least with SK/VD they manage to have a more balanced cast (well, before the Yumiwank on SK at least).

her fans must've pleased this season. Fridays with Granbelm and Saturdays with Meduka and Symphogear.


Two car was good if you pretend the last episode doesn't exist.

Why are chink girls in anime so fucking hot?

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All that dog and kung fu makes them lean and tight

>being this obsessed about male characters

Chin as pointed as an arrowhead.

Missing MGRP


>Senran Kagura/VD people
that should be enough to know it's going to be trash, really.

Maybe? We don't quite know what the fuck she is yet, so for all we know she's on the same boat as Mangetsu and was Onee-Chan's puppet ("Eating her" to make her a real, if temporary, girl). However, she could be a demon or a magical witch demon, or just a bitch

Supposedly, there was no granb owl winner until now so someone has to beat the final remaining contestant every cycle to prevent her from winning.

Now that just adds more question.
Either Suishou is the magically "Fuck You" of the universe, with her entire point being she can't win or lose, OR she's part of a long line of fucking losers whose the entire point is to play the 'I lose, but you can't win" person.

Both of which, sucks to be. A lot.
Suishou is for suffering.

The glasses girl is voiced by kizuna ai

So what?

It means she's not a human.

Of course not, it's a chinese.

Since her VA is also not human, its like double not human.

That's even worse, it's a Chinese A.I.

She has the same eye and crystal color as Manko and literally says she's not human so she's a doll created by magical coitus to eliminated unworthy people. And obviously a doll can't win as was said in this episode. She said she feels nothing so she doesn't suffer at all, don't worry.

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So no actual conflict then

It might be trash that I still can enjoy. So I'm going to give it a watch.

I want to lubricate Suishou's body.

She also declared she wants to win, so I say its a toss-up to what the fuck she actually is.
If she was the magical gatekeeper of Granbelm, I wouldn't think she would say "I want to win" it would be something like "I don't want anyone else to win."

But who knows, we won't find out until next episode.

I love how hateable this cunt is

She can win in the sense of being the last person standing, but she can't win in the sense of getting all magic and becoming the princeps. Strictly speaking Nene's imouto said that Mangetsu can't become the princeps, not that she can't win.

Gah this is so convoluted, now why did white hair girl die? cuz she got stabbed? But why didn't stabbing Suishou kill her, or a nuclear explosion? If it's one thing I can't stand it's when shows don't establish the rules, or do establish them but constantly break them. How are we supposed to feel the tension or excitement of a battle when the outcome can be ignored and something unexpected can happen? It takes away all the tension. And why does Suishou know EVERYTHING, it's annoying especially since she was just a background character.

This series needs lewds badly.

>why didn't stabbing Suishou kill her,
she's magiacoconuts

All the rules you were told in the beginning were lies that everyone believed and the real rules are revealing themselves as the show progresses. That's what makes this show fun.

I thought they haven't revealed who is AI's voice.

Probably because she died from the stab before her mech's core got destroyed. If they were fighting normally she probably wouldn't have been erased.
Shitshou didn't die because she's an overpowered robot.

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Thats why you button up. Unless you really need that view of your surroundings.

>releasing the spyce
this picture didn't age well

She doesn't want to win per se, she wants to prove that she's better that a filthy ningen, and in reality if you're not able to even defeat Suishou why do you think you're worthy of Magicunny's powers?

>>that should be enough to know it's going to a masterpiece*

Everything has been shown in the show user, you might want to do a rewatch, not everything has to be an infodump, and even then you have the Bugmens to explain it in details.

This is some kind of deep shit anime right? The one that have many metaphors for Yuri relationships like that of Yuri Kuma Arashit

Not really. It's more about how far can you go to reach your goal and it's consequences.

We don't need metaphors.

Attached: Suishou Kuon kiss.webm (1280x720, 2.38M)

Shisui saving the day when

No, it's an original mecha wild ride type of Anime.

Kuon's sister had a relationship with Shishou in the past. Yeah, it's deep yuri at it's finest.

>This is some kind of deep shit anime right?

I hope we see Kuon again we deserve happy endings like this.

I think she's probably coming back one way or another. Even Anna. the fact that they're all still in the ED is good proof

SETSGETS BAIKA is fun to say for some reason

They could have done so much more with the ED, even just removing and then reputting them as the plot progresses would be nice.

Sounds like Shingets Bbaka

I dropped this show after 1st EP
about to pick it up again just for Suishou

>all the edgefags who think Kuon and Anna are dead

I picked it up last week after an user posted Suishou in a Symphogeah thread.

and best girl

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Anna can stay dead but Kuon dying just to revive her sister who wanted to protect her is really tragic.

I hate this "Anna is shit" meme. Anna's descent into insanity was a result of Shingetsu's latent magical abilities corrupting her soul.
Anna never actually did anything wrong and ended up dying because she was getting poisoned by magic for years on end.
At least Kuon knew the dangers of granbelm, but Anna was just a fucking child when she lost her mind. That's more tragic by far.

Who's Anna?

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It's more fitting to say that they're erased, because it implies that they can be brough back.

> Anna Anna Anna Anna
You mean Rosa?

> Shingetsu's latent magical abilities corrupting her soul.
Nice meme, retarded Shingestu hater. Suishit said it was one of the tests so if anything it's magicunt who was fucking with Anna.
Even then, so what? Unless it will be some kind of grand reset where magic never existed in the first place or something, she would still be a retarded psycho if she revives. Either that or she gets literally lobotomized to become a different person entirely. I don't know, death seems like a better deal.

More like their existence was erased because they died and magicunt wants to hide that fact.

>she gets literally lobotomized to become a different person entirely.
This one.
No magic > Ernesta parents are alive > No need to adopt Ernesta > You're the top head of the family > No need to go fucking insane.

It wasn't Shingetsu's latent abilities that corrupted her, it was Magiaconatus influencing events and nudging her towards insanity like Suishou explained.

It's more along the reset line. By lobotomized option I was thinking more like she gets back more or less as is but doesn't hate Shinko anymore for some reason.

Will Kuon's sister get her revenge against Shishou in the final battle. I would want to Aoi Yuuki and Yukarin battle each other like it's no tomorrow. The master vs all star in great episode.

Shamiko's show got boring 3 episodes in like all CGDCT comedy. They can never sustain the energy of the first few episodes.

thats not the anime's fault the problem here is your taste

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Why for some people is so fucking hard to learn the difference between its and it's?
I'm not native English and I've never got them wrong.

I know the difference and even when I want to type the right one, I sometimes hit the apostrophe out of habit anyway and only notice afterwards. Homophones give people problems in every language.

>Anna can stay dead
Fuck off

Anna a shit.

Yet she's also a best

>Alice doll
>Having a wet cunt
Fuck off *holds spoon tier* worst girl. I want Youmu

Revenge for what? She's the one who wronged Suishou who Kuon then tried to kill in cold blood.

I want to eat food from Kuon's mouth after she chew it.
Her saliva should be the best sauce to pair with any dish.

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You belong in a jail cell Shisui.

B-but what did I do

Dont play dumb pedo

I just do it by default sometimes, not that I mistake them. There's a autist on Yea Forums who will hunt you if you write it wrong.

I love Kuon, best Granbelm Miko a very cute

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Are you the same user that keeps talking about anal sex with Kuon?

God, I wish that were me.

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I think there's more than one user who has realized that Kuon was made for adventurous anal play with Shisui and/or Suishou.

There's has to be a conclusion. I expect Kuon's sister to eat Shishou the whole thing and it's going to be good.


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This but with Shisui.

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Kuon has a healthy diet.


I fucking hate her ass though

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>I fucking ate her ass though
Damn you, autocorrect.

>ywn gently tongue Kuon's sensitive asshole while gripping her thighs as she squirms and makes cute noises

>expensive figures
>can't even hire someone to setup soft lighting

So, is Kuon dead for real or did she just merge with her sister?

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Hey kid, wanna participate in my Holy Granbelm War?

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She's dead like Anna.

Stabbed to death and then she was destroyed with her Armanox. The last thing she did before dying was tossing her sister's soul fragment aside for the save before she was deleted.

I hate Suishou though. But in the way you are supposed to hate her for being a terrible person (puppet)

No, she isn't

makes me wonder if onee-san's plan failed or if it's still being executed and this was all part of it

It still got caught in Suishit's magic though and broke releasing her soul (?). Not sure what the point of it flying away then. Maybe as well have stayed with Kuon.

> Hey Nenene, it turns out your safe and fun magic tournament is actually an insane murderfest with literally countless people killed
> that's coo'

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Imagine the smell in that room.

left is qt

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I don't think her sister knew that Suishou isn't human. If she did, she would have never let Kuon fight Suishou.

If her soul fragment had stayed with Kuon, it would probably have been absorbed by Magiaconatus. She manifested in front of Mango, so she's probably still alive in some capacity.

On the other hand if she thought she was just a normal human participant then her plan wouldn't make sense since Suishit wouldn't be able to participate in the future Granbowl and face her sister. She must have had a pretty good idea about her true nature which she will probably tell to getsus.

Do we know for sure if she faced Suishou during a previous tournament? They may have been part of the same round that has been going on for years. Going by Kuon's age in the flashbacks, only a couple of years have passed. Granbelm is only held once a month, and it was implied that there were dozens of participants at the start, so it could still be the same Granbelm.

Allegedly, "this" round of the Granbowl has been ongoing for only a year.

They said the current Granbelm has been going for a year in early episodes, lots of people probably lost quickly.
Kuon said that her sister realized that she can't win and thought about how to make Kuon win instead.
Kuon is in middle school so she's about 14 or so, she looks several years younger in flashbacks.
Jimmy Stone said only one person can represent each family in each Granbelm and it's normally impossible to join midway like Mangetsu.

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>Do we know for sure if she faced Suishou during a previous tournament?
Yes we do.

Did Shisui even have a plan? That could have just been Kuon assuming things. If Suishou was Shisui's doll like what's going on with the Getsus and she betrayed Shisui then Kuon would have completely misread the situation.

Was it stated they can't participate in multiple Granbelms? Why can't Shuishou participate in both the previous and current one?

Because you either win it and become a princeps unless you're a doll, or you get eliminated, shatter your crystal and lose all your magic and can never become a mage again.

Because losers die.

Explain that to Nene and Rosa.

Because if you win you become the Princeps mage and there won't be no more Granbelms. If you lose, you lose your magic (or die). Either way, you can't participate in two Granbelms.

Doll are exceptions because even if they win, they don't become the Princeps mage.

Asimov laws prevent Manko from dealing fatal damage.

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She's not an android tho, just a old fashioned doll.

It depends on what you actually mean with depth.

Granbelm has two layers. The first one is about a. that not being able to let "it" go will fuck you over. Nene, Anna, Kuon, all hurt over this, b. about free will and your place in the world, and c. obsessive love. All things spelled out by the show.

There is a second layer, and it is about families. It is most evident in Anna's story, but every character in the show has huge issues with their families.
Anna is kinda obvious but not so much, her mother is at the same time a helicopter and a tiger mother. It's also about one of the most deep fears of humanity, not being safe in your own house.
Both Nene and Kuon are child of broken families that had to rely on their sisters and not on adults. For Nene it worked, with Kuon not so much. The point is why did it work for one and not for the other.
Mangetsu is the teen idea/fear of being different even from your own family, and Shingetsu is similar, just with hate and envy.

I want to put my granbenis into magiacunny

And then there's Rosa.

Ah, the cruellest fate of them all.

Do we restore the real time line, and force her into her life of prostitution again? or do we let Rosa be happy and keep Anna in whatever circle of lesbian hell she is in.

Rosa would just go back to America and work on her family's farm.

Clare could milk her.

That depends on whether true magic can raise the dead.

Yeah, it depends a lot on what exactly Magiaconatus did when it made people forget about Anna and Kuon. Was it just memory erasing or reality changing, and what's the difference.

Anna and Kuon were both stabbed in the heart. The most popular theory is that Magiaconatus erased everyone's memories of them to stop people from looking for the bodies.

Well, the dead can't really think where they want to come back, so there's that.

I want to be there, right between Manko's manko and Nenenene's soft cheeks

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But which pair of cheeks is softer?

Nene-nee's softness is real. With Mangetsu Magicocona tricks you into rubbing your face into a block of plastic.

Onahole dolls are just as real as meat holes, user.

Yeah, asians love to sit on the floor for some reason.

When Anna come back deredere again, how is Shingetsu supposed to choose between her and Mangetsu?

Mangetsu won't be able to live in the human world in the end, since she's so empty they'll use her as the new container for all the magic in the world and she'll become the new Magiacunt.

>I'm not native English and I've never got them wrong.
Then why are you complaining about two posts correctly using them?

The second one is but the first is doing it wrong.


Do you think mangetsu was made/programmed to feel sexual pleasure?

Absolutely without a doubt. She is Shingets' perfect fuckdoll.

>Jimmy Stone said only one person can represent each family in each Granbelm and it's normally impossible to join midway like Mangetsu.

The rules were meant to break in the first place. Anyone or any Armorox's will show up to mess with the remaining ones.

This isn't Fate/Shit, all the humans seem to actually follow the rules.

Do you think machocock would have made her unable just to guilt-trip Shingo and make her feel inadequate?

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I mean at this point Magiaconatus might just have been fucking with everyone's brains

I can't believe Kibou didn't recognise her wife's live-in hobo friend.

>This isn't Fate/Shit
Well certainly it's getting closer to it.

You know, I don't think Suishou having Shisui's soul, messing with Kuon and messing with Anna (and by extension Shingetsu) is just coincidence. She wasn't just randomly targeting people to mess with.
Also, Shingetsu being the most loved is apparently just unfortunate choice in translation. It actually just says she's loved by magic which implies there can be more than one.
Then there's Kuon mentioning about Tsuchimikado and Ernesta family being distantly related.

Theory: the two Princeps in the title is not Shingetsu and Mangetsu but Shingetsu and Shisui.

>She manifested in front of Mango
I'm pretty sure she just, like, walked over there

I really like the idea of somehow Suishou is to Shisui as Mangetsu is to Shingetsu
Like, the sushi girls are the dark side of mgcnts, or something

Top cute. This scene melted my heart like a Hershey's chocolate bar on a hot summer day.

Shisui not having the guts to condemn her fuckdoll to death and being punished for it would be a good setup to Shingetsu having to make the same choice.


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Is she lonely and horny enough to give up on her goal of destroying magic though.

Both of them were still alive when they were taken away though. Maybe Magiconatus is just keeping them in a holding pattern so they can be brought back?

Well, obviously if Granbelm is a test and it happened many times in the past in irregular intervals there must have been other girls loved by magic and being tested through it. I guess it would make sense if Shisui was the previous chosen one.

Thousands of girls just sitting around in limbo waiting for someone to make fulfil magiaconatus' autistic desires.

They should have an orgy, to pass the time. No homo.

Is there anyone in this who is a real normal human? It's robots and corpses now.

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>sims crystal
>d-pad hairclips

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If you don't consider mages to be normal then, except for Manko's fake family, there weren't any to begin with.
Otherwise, Shingetsu is a real normal human. Anna might disagree but you shouldn't listen to what she says.

Just cause nenene is chinese doesn't mean she doesn't qualify as human.

>Shisui gets a doll and decides to fuck her
>gets cursed for that
God hates fags. Chinko better keep things pure and platonic with her Manko.

It does mean that.

Anna is the realest.

What if the whatever is the current will of the Magicperkele is to Suishou what Shingetsu is to Mangetsu and she doesnt want to see whats left of her "friend" dethroned.

The next episode is going to end with Shisui tongueraping Suishou.


Flip Flappers' legacy will forever live on.




Fuck off

it's good but if you've read the thread you already saw important spoilers and it will take away a lot of the enjoyment

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it went edgeshit

it's surprisingly good
please stop yelling, mango is having a bad week


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Just finished watching 10th episode, wtf is wrong with shingo?
>Her sexdoll are in the midst of broken down
>No giving any shits, she even going to school just like usual
Shingo loves the neglecting play too much

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She is not very sympathetic

Autism is a hell of a drug.

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Shindig is a dumb autist.

>cares more about a stupid doll than a stupid doll

She just felt guilty over the whole thing. Often when a person felt they have wronged someone, they avoid them to try not exacerbate the problem further.
Of course what you should be doing is talk with the person and apologize, but hey, apologizing is hard.

>tfw too autistic to comfort a crying girl

They're like yin and yang, Mangetsu is the mind of a girl in the body of a robot and Shingetsu is the mind of a robot in the body of a girl.

Attached: shingetsu.png (1366x768, 526K)

On one hand it hurts Granbelm will end without anything else after this anime ends on the the other if the ending is satisfying then I wouldn't mind if they didn't milk this to death

the non stop revelations will keep you on your toes, a thing anime originals are capable at

It's a ripoff of EVA, but everyone is lesbians, Shinji killed Asuka and hooked up with Kaworu, and Rei is evil.

She feels guilty and just like she did with Anna she is circling around the problem instead of confronting the person. She still cares a lot for mangetsu and thats what doll getting twisted by Suishou was or at least in part because it also meat her life being manhandled by the magiacocconuts.

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The mind of a demon in the body of a demon

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Same here, I would want Granbelm continue on as a franchise. I still believe it will pull Yuna Yuki to continue on the series and have ton of LN spinoffs.

Granbelm as a franchise would be awesome.

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Yuuki Yuuna also had a very okayish ending for the franchise with S2 but it did also have that uneeded spinoff novel about weeds

>Granbelm as a franchise would be awesome
What would it even be about?
If the story concludes properly, and from how it's been going so far I very much believe it will, there's no reason to touch it in any other way.

I would rather Granbelm end as a good 1 season show than limp on as an increasingly pathetic zombie of its former self. I don't need shit to continue on into perpetuity, that's how you end up with things like Yuuki Yuuna or Nanoha.

This, add Madoka to that list too and every other multimedia franchise anime

Why would you want it to become a franchise?
The benefit of anime originals are that the stories are fucking concluded when it's done.

>Yuuki Yuuna or Nanoha.
These are two very different cases. In Nanoha you can clearly see the creators don't know what they want to do. YuYuYu creators clearly know (or at least knew) what they wanted to do, but suddenly went "fuck this shit" halfway through KuMeYu for seemingly no reason. I still blame KDKW.

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>Doll anatomy
Pretty sweet

>The benefit of anime originals are that the stories are fucking concluded when it's done.

Not necessarily user. Even if it's ending the franchise will still continue in novels or movie projects if the executives love it. I can still see Granbelm continuation in movies or novels if it survives.

And I hate those kind of things

Franchises are the death of creativity

I wouldn't mind a prequel LN about the history of Granbelm and the sealing of magic, kind of like how NoWaYu was to YuYuYu.

>What would it even be about?
Prequels, maybe a continuation with new characters and alot of things that could explore into Granbelm.

>Franchises are the death of creativity

Pokemon, Gundam and others say Hi!

How about no?
The good thing about it being a 1 season anime original is that they can tell any story they want. They can have the Granbowl ended forever and every character fucking dies or whatever.
Once you introduce the need for a sequel you have to be able to bring back the Granbelm or have it survive which lessens the options you have for what you can do in the story and makes the impact of the characters' actions lesser because the protagonist's whole goal is to end the Granbelm but then you're making it so she can't or it will just keep going or return so what's the point?
The only acceptable thing would be a prequel but even that's tricky because with a prequel everything is foregone since you know how the story continues and ends.
Just let it be a good 1 season series and fade away with dignity.

Outside of the UT they're basically a franchise in name only.
And even then most Gundams are shit.

Pokemon is uncreative as fuck and one of the worst examples you could possibly give. Gundam only succeeds because half of it is alternate universes that have nothing to do with each other.

They need a spinoff about Kibou putting together a harem.

Which part did Suishou ask Mangetsu to make her a make her a mage? I know it happened and it was great foreshadowing but I forgot which episode it happened

>Just let it be a good 1 season series and fade away with dignity.

The money will say otherwise if Granbelm succeeds enough.

>Pokemon is uncreative as fuck and one of the worst examples you could possibly give.

and still rakes the money regardless.

>And I hate those kind of things
Well too bad.

Granbelm licensed game when

Attached: __amuro_ray_and_rx_78_2_mobile_suit_gundam_and_etc_drawn_by_yoshino_norihito__4137216888b9cad1d498e6 (894x753, 103K)

Episode 8 just past the 10 min mark.

And if Shisui/Suishou were just like the Getsus a prequel OVA might not be so bad.

If Mangetsu sings this during a great battle against Suishou or vice versa Granbelm will be AOTS forever

>I would want Granbelm continue on as a franchise

But what will the new story be all about or continuation?

12 episodes of ERNESTA playing with dolls in an insane asylum.

Attached: 76709917_p0.png (1000x1400, 381K)

Anna is gonna end up insane asylum than Ernesta.

I think you accidentally a few words, user.

GRANBLEM really needs a battle royale game

What did I do?

H spinoff with all the neighborhood milfs

Enersta in sucker punch

She's so cute when she smiles.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Granbelm - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_14.30_[2019.09.06_22.04.03].jpg (1920x1080, 506K)

>GRANBLEM really needs a battle royale game

It doesn't need a battle royale game. I would rather have Good vs Evil type of Granbelm game to have a legit villain who has been through history as a mage and fought in Granbelm before.

Granbelm needs to be a dating sim and you know it user.

Only if Mangetsu becomes a real girl in her route.

Attached: f0aa869b666e7a53fde0f96fbbade0ae.jpg (2500x2100, 632K)

Ernesta is in the self insert protagonist seat obviously

I'd rather have her as an option

I guess another OC doll created by the magicoconuts can work, and Shingetsu is the default route.

Would be a good idea if being a doll and having a previous background wouldn't ruin the whole self insert experience

It would be perfect, the doll has nothing, like you, the reader, that clearly has nothing if he is reading/playing this game.

What about a grand strategy style game, and you play as Magiaconatus.
You have to carefully move all the pieces while ensuring your master plan is not revealed.

Who knows, most dating sims have a faceless dude, most of the time mute. The doll would be a risky idea indeed but personally I think it would fit more into a gacha game with no romance focus

Lots of eroge have the MC have some background. Same with isekai and other kind of self insert WN and LNs
Self insert is still possible if your MC is simply bland and doesn't have much goals or personality traits the audience wouldn't have

You're correct but there's a difference between eroge, visual novels, and dating sims (which are generally released on game consoles)

>wants to keep magic out of human hands so she can continue using her godlike powers to rape supple Japanese girls forever
Suishou is the real hero of the story, right?

Maybe, but she's gonna die

>she'll probably die at the end
it's not fair

Nah self insert niggers can fuck off