Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

New episode

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Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw was starting to enjoy Demon Slayer again
>tfw the show has to remind me that Zenitsu exists

He would have been an enjoyable character if it wasn't for the cringey childish "humor" that ruins the show.

I'd like this show more if the main character wasn't such a typical "so nice he'll throw his life away every chance he gets" type of protagonist.

It's also really jarring how much CG is in this show. It seems like any time there's the least bit of action going on there's a CG character or background in there. Hell, just having a character walk through snow requires them to use an animated model.

>cringey childish "humor"
That's bec the show is aimed at 10 year olds.

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Tanjirou reminds of Seiya

Seiya was just more sarcastic

only women and fat women like this.

Based satan

and Ninja :)

He was second most popular. I do think it's time they do a new poll

You are not wrong.

Will we see best boy next ep?

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Good thread.

Probably. He was teased on the op

He has a better arc than Inosuke


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Precious imoto

She's the perfect girl.

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I want 3 minutes with her

he's easily the coolest/most interesting kid from the bunch in the final selection yet we won't even get a name drop in the anime until potential season 3... sucks

isn't best boy after LM massacre? Maybe they'll change it.

Last episodes will be pretty bad

I don't remember it...

The kids never go to school here

Why don't more dead characters just chill out as ghosts after dying?

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>Muzan kills the Lower Moons in chapter 52
>Chapter 53 starts off with Tanjirou getting a check-up with Shinobu and meeting Genya right after

It sucks to because he becomes way better after the spider incident but they just had to repeatedly shove him in the viewers face

Isn't it implied that they can only reach out when the person is close to death? Everytime tanjiros family speaks to him hes been a second away from joining them

It's happening this season

She's dying next lmao


You sure they won't just cut off at the LM meeting?

no one probably it was just a fanon ship, comparable to LevixHange

>comparable to LevixHange
That can actually still happen though, while Tomioka x Shinobu is dead

If they do, they'll probably rearrange the scene before the LM meeting but I doubt it

Based pomfposter

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I know, we're just pondering if there was ever any potential

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Upper Moons? More like very enjoyable villains Take that fags!

Kimetsu is a lot like SS

The fortress stuff reminds me a lot of the temple stuff they did

Is Shioka the most popular ship?


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>Tomioka first pillar introduced
>Literally pledges his life to protect Tanjiro and Nezuko
>everyone including real life people hate him
Tomioka has a hard life.

The fuck is Shioka? Giyuu/Shinobu? If so yeah, when it comes to hetero ships it's one of the most popular.

Tanjiro likes him.

Seriously though why does Tomioka get memed on so hard

Endgame right here, brothers.

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Tanjirou is a kind soul.

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Tanjirou is unstoppable, winning two otouto's in just one arc


Giyuu is ugly

He was made for bullying.

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he reminds us of our own social ineptitude

Anime onlys think he's Sasuke.

Urokodaki probably likes him

There, that's two people like that like me! Therefore Shinobu cannot say that nobody likes him!

>I will kill myself if she hurts any human

He's just very easy to make fun of

his dead bf likes him too

Urokodaki doesn't seem like the type of person to make promises for other people.

Love likes him too!

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I miss gramps does he ever show up again?

Snake needs to fuck off he doesn't deserve her.

I assume Kagaya liked him to some extent

In a Tomioka flashback, I think. But we have another grandpa now.

Yea Forums translation for 17e when???

So now that the season's almost over, who is the better protagonist?

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Very original user


same as always, right after the official chapter releases in Japan where they work on it and release is a day or a few after

Makomo has turned Sabito straight years ago.

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Too late to cope Tapioca, too late.
You are Ugly and Gay she is Cute and Kind.
No chance.

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Based. Fuck homos.

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I'm sure if you can speak Japanese enough of you can convince Croc to bring Shinobu back for your Tomioka Shinobu ship

Wani is evil, user. Ask her that and she will make Tapioca to fuck Muzan.

They barely interacted onscreen whereas Gayuu has a whole flashback chapter dedicated to the time he spent with Sabito as a kid

She's literally programmed to please.

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Croc might be having troubles walking from one side of the room to the other without doing something silly.
Even if you send her and essay, she will simply delete the entire folder by accident.

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was excel user in the previous thread?

>I accidentally shoved the tip of my charging cord into my ear

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Cope more fujo.

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I want that bastard's tomboy wife.

Fujo don't have much brain cells left they probably can't comprehend anything anymore

Based shipperfag author probably ships it too.

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Deku is a bitch who spreads his asscheeks whenever someone more dominant is around. it sort of makes sense for him because he's supposed to be a nerdy guy, but people mistakenly compare him to Tanjiro since they're both the "nice guy" trope, but Tanjiro is not a bitch and reliable when shit hits the fan, also he doesn't whine and cry all the damn time.
I like Tanjiro more personally, and I think Hori isn't even in the same league as Wani as a writer.

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Is Japan the only country that has to deal with contagious cannibal demon outbreaks? Shouldn't the rest of the world quarantine them?

Rest of the world will experience the demons once WW2 rolls around. I want the series to turn into GATE

i think this show sucks

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Don't think Jump would allow that. Remember what happened to Hikaru no Go?

Never read it, so please enlighten my ignorance.

wtf hes always alone

At least I’m not as softbrained as you seem to be

based and fagpilled

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Depends on how Wani want to expand the scope of the series. Could be Japan alone or East Asian problem. But due to the time period, we might have some issues going outside of Japan.

What are the conditions for getting the mark again? You have to reach a certain level of strength or it's demon blood aids?

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Ill probably commission some lewd susamaru art. Ideas?

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>Her brain is smooth and hard

Basic conditions seemed to be a struggle for survival.

achievable natty?

We know you can apparently bullshit up medicine to create realiy-fucking demons, so who knows? Maybe everyone else is also dealing with this kind of shit, and we just haven't heard.

>His brain isn’t sturdy as a rock

There needs to be a percursor first, Tanjiro was the patient zero in this era, after that it just spreads to hunters who excelled their limits by raising their body temperature to literal high fever status, strenght must be a factor since the Pillars were the first to get it instead of Zenitsu and Inosuke.

A brain sturdy as a rock means you're diseased and will die soon

Bottom two hands fingering herself
Middle two pinching her nipples
Top two opening her mouth as if inviting a dick.

Iirc there were backlash near the end of the series, maybe that's why it had to end back then. Jump is a huge franchise so they're more careful with the contents. Something that can be related to chick and gook are more problematic than Nazi for nip

Even in the AU Sabito and Makomo are in the same class hanging around Urokodaki, whereas Tapioca is a lonely PE teacher.
Ugly and Gay, even in AU.

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There can be exceptions

You will need more than two scoops that's for sure.

jerking off 6 of the male hashira and blowing the last one (probably Himejima)

>there can be exceptions
No, that's literally not how a brain works.

My brian could beat any of yours in a fist fight, hard as a rock and just as nimble.

As if this is canon to the story
It can be in some cases

A brain literally works bying being the opposite of smooth and hard.

there doesn't seem to be any narrative motive to go outside Japan, but logically speaking, it would be hard for a regular demon to pass as human and take a ship to another country, and a higher demon doesn't have much motivation to. maybe Muzan could take a ship and start creating demons in other countries but it would be a pain cause he has to take a ship there and back every time.

I’m literally living proof that this is not always the case


remember, you're arguing with someone who has a smooth hard brain

It's the Taisho period, it wasn't all that long ago that the shogunate had closed the entire country to foreigners and banned Japanese from travelling abroad, on pain of death. They basically quarantined themselves.

I know. I'm having fun

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Giving a guy a bearhug and making him cum on her abs.


Based Dekuchad


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What if the West has to deal with vampires and werewolves instead?

That's fucking hot. Post more.

Late Taisho. If Muzan survives we can potentially see WW2 happening. Which would be interesting as fuck.
>Shermans shooting the shit out of demons

No because it’s off topic

Urokodaki being near kids with that mask in the school setting kinda scares me.

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He acts very solemn but not in an edgelord rival kind of way, more of an actually autistic way. He also thinks the people around him actually like him the way he is which is hilarious.

He's easy to bully

Don't know what I'm discussing, all I know is that I want a real Rising Sun flag.

>Snake needs to fuck off he doesn't deserve her.
Snake is literally the only one there who probably does

Dilate tranny.

it's fucking fiction

>Taisho period anime caring about other countries

He wouldn't have the mask, unless he's the theater teacher that always wears a mask.
Why does he deserve her?

i aint got no more, sorry senpai

Faggots that take offense to elements in fiction should kill themselves

China and Korea will never let it go. I don't see US letting go of 9/11 either.

No fuck off

Taisho is early 1900s. World war 1, which the Japs participated in.

Because the others are too retarded or have their own shit going on.


>deserve anything good
Maybe once he stops being an edgy faggot.

Nezuko is for ______

He loves her the way she is, which is what she wanted all along

I meant that unless it's actually about something like WWI, a Taisho period anime likely won't care about things outside of Japan.

I was expecting something a bit more than this bullshit.

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But the US never invaded the home islands, unless you expect the IJA to deploy demon legions in their invasions of Asia and the Pacific.

Daily dose of butter, now with some extra butter:

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whoever made this is a literal dumbass

STOP hating on the manlet

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Headpats, hugs and happy life with her loving brother.

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Presumably the series takes place right after WW1. Which gives some time before WW2. or if we're lucky WW2 is right around the corner.

>Presumably the series takes place right after WW1. Which gives some time before WW2. or if we're lucky WW2 is right around the corner.

He shouldn't make himself to easy to hate then.

SuzuKen a best.

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I really want his backstory

Why didn't Sound get mark aids from Tanjirou? Or am I remembering the sequence of events from that fight wrong

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>403 forbidden
I'm a member of pixiv so why.
According to some internet searches, Taisho is from 1912 to 1926. World War 1 ended in 1918 and our characters make no mention of the war. So I just assume that the war is over.

maybe it's harder to manifest with that age limit and Himejima got it earlier(?)

>white hair
>canonically one of the most beautiful girl in the manga
How can other girls compete?

>mark aids from Tanjirou
That's implying that Tanjiro can spread that.

Kimetsu takes place somewhere between 1912-1915. Hand demon mentions it's been 47 years since the Keio period.

Normal Japanese people have no reason to even think about the war, none of it happened near them

The fatass who ate all the disciples during the final selection exam way back when seemed really fucking surprised that the era had rolled over from Meiji to Taisho, so I assume it must have been very early Taisho around then.

Tanjiro had just manifested it in the Gyuutarou fight, maybe it doesn't spread as easily in the awakening phase, or simply Wani had no idea there how she would make other characters get the Mark.

>oldest son supporting his family financially after his father past away
>whiny high school student without a job or hobbies just coasting through school

>motivation to becoming stronger is to save his sister who is the only family member he has left
>wants to be a hero because he wants to be a hero

>normal kid who trains over the course of years to become stronger
>trains over the coarse of a year so he can accept an overpowered quick

>kind to others because he had to become a father figure to his younger siblings and experienced incredible loss and pain and so sympathizes even with his enemies
>kind and helpful because he just is

>reacts normally to cute girls but doesn't spaghetti all over the place, up front and direct with them
>simultaneously oblivious to the most obvious crush in the world while simultaneously having an autism attack every time a girl so much as leans in close to him

>cries because he lost his family, saw someone die, sister woke up after a two year coma, i.e. warranted
>cries because of LITERALLY anything

By not being prostitues.

the US is more likely to edit a cartoon for offending muslims than for offending families of 9/11 victims

What? It's flat out said later that's how the Mark awakens, one spreads to the other, Tanjiro was the patient Zero, that's the whole reason the Pillar Training happened in the first place, they mass Mark awakenings.


>Hand demon fatass
He could have simply been ignorant of how long the transition was. I think it's post WW1 because that was such a serious war that the lack of it being mentioned by any characters at all would make me think it's over.

don't forget the most important part of any shonen which is how they fight. One has a samurai sword mixed with the elements with multiple different forms

the other one throws punches and kicks

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>>normal kid who trains over the course of years to become stronger

No matter how radical left some people are today 9/11 still is a taboo, one journo linked to the Young Turks just got crucified by his own colleagues by saying the US deserved 9/11.

Snake actually loves her for who she is, which considering the era, I'm guessing is probably pretty important

he didn't even know how to swing a sword at the beginning

Just caught up and I already want the manga to end. The art was terrible for a hundred chapters, and the fights started dragging on so ridiculously long. There's also too many characters and douma saying tsuyuri might be stronger than shinobu despite having zero screentime had me wheezing. My only wish is that this long fucking fight ends on the next chapter and there won't be more of this clown ass sword but I know that's not happening.

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bnhafags on suicide watch

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Decuckfags btfo

Hand demon explicitly said it had been 47 years, him not being aware of the era change was because it changes with the emperor's succession. And WW1 was not a serious war for the average Japanese person

I know this is bait, but Shinobu quite literally can not decapitate a demon. Every main demon hunter is stronger than her automatically

>Gets arm cut off
>Gets leg cut off
>Gets blown to pieces by a superpowered demon gun
Wani sure is brutal to make this a 14 year olds death

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You sure that WW1 was not a serious war for the average Jap? Just looking at Japan's participation and it seems significant.

Fuck kids.

>deku can't even hit #1 in the popularity polls for his own fucking manga

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Japan sent troops out to far away places to assist other countries or secure some small pacific islands, it was not really a big deal unless you were in the military

>Zenitsu number 2
Yo what.

ok but saying "the US deserved 9/11" is a hop and a skip from an anime in early 1900s Japan having the early 1900s Japanese flag in it
it's more comparable to, say for example, a clothes company removing a line of shoes that had the 13 star flag on it

they do the screaming and crying autistic trope for a reason, it works

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Japanese aren't thin-skinned like westerners

Except Zenitsu is more popular than Mineta can dream of

The grape is objectively and significantly unfunnier than Zenitsu is though, as annoying as Zenitsu is

Zenitsu is very very popular with kids and fujos

i got you user

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Ah. I guess shit didn't really go down until WW2.

Mineta is portrayed as useless most of the time.

>tanjiro has a based family history and bloodline
>deku is raised by a single mother and doesn't even know his father

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Nobody likes Mineta though

I'd disagree, they're both one-joke-wonders but Mineta's just a horny bastard, he doesn't go into long screeching tirades about it

Nice bait Chang, here's your (you)

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Except the full trope is the cowardly wreck that gets shit done you moron, those are the ones that can get popular, Mineta is a bottom feeder in BNHA polls.

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works for me

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Actually Deku was 1st in the series first poll, but the fans abandoned him as the series went on, fujos went on to gobble Bakugou's dick.



It's not like the Western or Eastern fronts in Europe, Japan's involvement was just to poach some German colonies and help Britain out with some things and stuff. The fighting wasn't prolonged, didn't turn into extended trench warfare and didn't suck in an entire generation of young men, and the army was very respectful of international conventions and treated their German PoWs very well unlike the bloody mess of WW2. Average rural Japanese person may only have heard of it in the papers or gossip.



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well he sure as fuck isnt a normal kid

Please tell me Sanemi doesn't die

Aoi is mad, you didnt last.

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Muichirou gonna die before him

He’s still a one-bit character whereas I feel like Zenitsu has actual reasoning for screaming like a maniac when he does. With Mineta it’s like Hori is scared of writing outside the box in regards to the comedy of his character so he restricts him to the one repetitive bit. Though I haven’t read that manga in years so I don’t know if that’s changed at all

no MC is "normal", he's obviously talented, but the point is he actually had to do real training

a-at least he can be with his family now

dude im fine with bnha as a whole but deku is 110% bitch

Zenitsu's last screaming tirade about girls was worse than anything grape's one off jokes that last for a single panel.

Nezuko? Doesn't that mean mouse? Who names their kid Mousegirl?

not yet

>the philippines
Bruh we dont study other countries flags here. We barely even study history.

Fuck off with your dumbass shit and stop using us as your shield.

Ah okay, so like I've assumed shit didn't start going down until WW2 happened for the japs. Need to find out the dates of steam trains in Japan to know specifically what years this series takes place

does he really? isn't he just cowardly by nature and got forced into training by his grandpa? if he had like ptsd or maybe tourettes or something I might give him a pass

this is some good assblast

Mineta hit on a traumatized 6 year old

Are you doing this much mind gymnasts to make your point? How the hell is Zentisu just talking about ass and tits worse than Mineta literally feeling up girls whenever he has the chance?

I disagree as I feel like Mineta’s jokes can be far more overbearingly in your face than Zenitsu’s in an awkward trying too hard way but I will say that Zenitsu is at his worst when he’s around girls.

its a bit more than that

Seething herocuck

The fuck are you on about? What the fuck are you arguing? I'm saying mineta's shit you can easily scroll past and ignore but Zenitsu's shit lasts for pages.

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implying cowboys in the west aren't tying demons to train tracks

>that comment section

No she's a bunny

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Can we not start with the shonen shitflinging, I just want to talk Kimetsu

By reasoning I meant that the predicaments that Zenitsu finds himself in can be hilariously crazy so it’s understandable when he has his outbursts, whereas with grape it’s just “hurrr woman boobies” all the time
Fuck off

Get out of here, Muzan.

I see zenitsu has done his job filtering plebs.

It's still mostly Ayuwoki, nothing near the level of something like JoJo fans storming into the comment sections of songs chosen to be EDs

I agree and I’m not either of those anons you replied to I just don’t think comparing Grape and Zenitsu makes much sense

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>See a comment comparing "the one guy from demon slayer' to the music video
Are they comparing Muzan to Michael Jackson?

I guess but like the other guy said they're usually not that long, and also he's part of like a 30 character main cast so he's less in your face than Zenitsu

Mineta also has zero standards. Zenitsu at least knows not to start hitting on literal kids.

But I agree with . Let's drop it.

Endgame right here brothers.

Someone's probably gonna draw a doujin of Sanemi very aggressively fucking Nezuko

>lewding potatoe.

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no user they're comparing Inosuke to him

I can believe it

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I love these idiots

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I-i want Aoi to win the Tanjiroubowl anons...

It means Bean Sprout.

I don’t think it’s really the longevity that matters rather than the actual joke being told but that’s just my opinion.


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I'mnot ready

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yeah, let's all agree to ignore trolls from the bnha thread starting now
first one to respond to a bnhafag is a queer

Odd way to spell autism.

he's kind of cute in an ugly way

literally who

Sanemi closes his eyes for the 1st time in years

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Isn't his design literally MJ?

god Sanemi is fucking beautiful in the anime

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Makes me wonder what the fuck was he fighting to get 2 more big scars across his forehead

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No? Muzan's design is 1920s when they used to wear suits.

His voice is godly too

that's pretty damn fucking cute

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>Wind is typically refined
>This guy just going around calling people bitches

wani needs to deliver us some flashbacks of these two

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Did... did he just dislocate his joints so he could fit in the fucking box?

>you want to cum don't you Demon?? HAHAHAHA go ahead and cum!!!


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But even the hair is a dead match, and be does the snap when he summons his minions


agreed, glad they left Nobu for Genya instead. Tomokazu is killing it as him

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I like it better to be honest. He represents the wild side of the wind like hurricanes and tornadoes. Also water is already there to fill the "refined" part.

Anything with claws.
Just one hit and you get the full set of scars.

we've been over this user

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Of course

when we have to wait years for best boy to make a full appearance

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>white fedora and tie
>long curly locks of hair
there's no way it's a mistake


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why are shounen threads always infested with fujos

Has the autor change her mind with him because when he first appear, he seem like a brutal angered person but when we see him again, he come of as a pretty good lad.

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Attractive boys

he was Tanjiro'd and he hit puberty

Wait this is written by a girl?

>gintoki + gilgamesh vs grandpa
who will voice koku?

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I wish I didn't feel this way, but he annoys the shit out of me. Has the same problem Astra did the first few episodes of Black Clover. Some screaming and whining is fine, doing it whenever he's on screen is a fucking issue, it's annoying.

Michael wears a white suite while Muzan wears black.

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no, it's written by a crocodile

Puberty changed him from hitting girls to half cumming in his pants every time one goes near him

We see him in a white suit in doctor form, but his hair is different then

Puberty, no i'm not shitposting.

>Inb4 UFO gives female Muzan massive milkers

>in doctor form
I don't recall. I just remember him in his suit when confronting Tanjiro,

Kids and Fujos love it. It's just not our demographic. It's funny how the Western audience likes Insouke much more than the Eastern, but it's a matter of different cultures having different tastes

Despite what the contrarian shitposters say it's literally the only thing to his character initially

i fucking hate villian teams, shonen shit needs to stop doing this

>explanation offscreen in a gag page
so this... is good writing...

Can they be any more based?

Yes, and?

I don't know why people act like Genya was just all the sudden nice to Tanjirou, he was still just as dickish during the beginning of Swordsmith

it's gonna be odd to hear Muzan speak with deep voice dressed as a female cause we really didn't hear it in the manga

it is if the writer is consistent about it and Wani is. 16 volumes in and she still finds the time to write canon material in the bonuses

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Sanemi fart

tard forgot to flip the pic before saving

this. He didn't even consider him a friend until he learned how kind Tanjiro was who was in full support for his goal to be a Pillar and got to know him by fighting alongside him

Did you speedread the entire Blacksmith Village arc? Genya still is bumping heads with Tanjiro at the begining of it, he only calms down after he witnesses how Tanjiro behaves through the arc. Genya didn't magically pull a 180 on his personality with no explanation.

Pretty sure there is a chapter cover page for it too

satan delivers then its real.

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He was pretty mad.

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>Did you speedread the entire Blacksmith Village arc?
Ironically i don't blame them

Swordsmith is based and underrated

I have to mute the volume whenever that Zenitsu retard shows up.

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terrible taste

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It’s good though even if it’s a slog

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Could a nuclear weapon kill the demons? It is after all a miniature sun.

>not liking based Hatengu fight
Absolutely shit taste


Well stars are just far away suns and starlight doesn't kill demons

It’s a cool arc though.
A lot of Harlot fanservice; sword autism; Tokito's backstory; Tokito shitting on Gyokko; Tanjirou channeling Sunbro; Nezuko doing her thing; Genya pulling off an immortal and his character development.
All the apeshit forms of Hantengu and the destruction they cause.
Have I mentioned Harlot’s tits yet?
Shit taste.

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it's one of the best arcs, what are you on about?
>Tanjiro revealing his red blade
>2 demons fighting on the good side
>Nezuko utilizing her transformation without going berserk
>2 based Pillars fighting
>Ancestor lore
>UM4's split forms
>Genya eats demons reveal
>exploring part of Wind Pillar's past as well as Genya's
>Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Genya tag-team
>Swordsmith finale

Great backgrounds

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WW2 bombs were fission weapons, there weren't any fusion (i.e. miniature sun) bombs until the 50s.

>how could I forget the swordsmiths themselves and how based Haganezuka was

Very cute color scheme
Her VA seemed to work fine too

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Hanganezuka's based moment took me off guard on my first read, what a chad

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I am sorry but the perfect woman is Tamayo-sama.

Are we getting him next episode?

I wonder who's behind this post

>>Tanjiro, Nezuko, and Genya tag-team
easily one of my favorites

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Makes you question, what it is about the sun that kills demons?

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I'm betting on 2 chapters covered next week, then part of 1 chapter + Kanao backstory chapter, and then the Lower Moon meeting in full + whatever filler they want to throw in for the last episode.

with the current pace, maybe not

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>that Kanroji
>that Nezuko

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Mamiko Noto for Kanae please

>love pillar gets offscreened almost immediately
>another episode of I Forgot To Mention This Earlier So Let Me Explain The Asspull Right As It's Happening
>happen to only have a single breath, better waste it
>tokitou laying on SICK BANTZ for the first and only time
>can't cut the neck of this tiny fuck for the umpteenth time
>by the way this demon has ANOTHER FORM

Gayuu hold Obanai's hand for way too long

It was his first time holding hands, let him savor it

>It was his first time holding hands
Don’t tell this to the Snek or he will cut his own arm off.

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She already voices Inosuke's mom

*Throws a fucking tree*

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Genya being the angriest mf ever is hilarious, mainly cause his anger is at least somewhat more focused instead of retarded like Inosuke or pervy like Zenitsu

If the anime depotatotifies this scene like they just did with Uzui we riot

why is he way cuter than the guy who's actually supposed to look like a cute girl

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Hes got those big old cute eyes just like his bro, but unlike Sanemi Genya can half chill a bit sometimes and isnt a psycho. Also his hairstyle

Inosuke might as well be an actual boar whereas Genya is a kind hearted boy

Inosuke likes creating havoc.
Genya just wants to be with his Onii-chan.

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genya so fucking moe

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He needs to choke on the tamado cock already

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absolutely based angry potato

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Yep, that's me

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Genya is like a cute GUY. Hes obviously a dude and pretty handsome
In turn, Inosuke's extremely femenine face is a bit off putting with his buff body and gruff voice/actitude

Tanjirou's about to lose another otouto

Worry not, Grandpa will fix this, demonization soon.

these 2 are fucking right?

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I don’t know whether I would prefer this to happen so that he can stay around someway or another or him just dying without having to suffer for too long. Though if he gets demon’d he’ll probably have to get killed off eventually anyways

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Why don't the demon slayers get arrested under the Swords and Firearms ban?

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cute kakushi!

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Because they’re kept a secret from the general public and the government

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So was the conclusion of that meeting just "lets keep working harder"?

isn't being based the opposite of being angry
I don't thin lil b would be happy about what we made of his word

Because they're basically top secret organization from everyone except the top brass, and the top brass understand that the option is either covering for them as needed and sweeping their antics under the rug, or publicly acknowledging demons exist and the FUCKING SHITSTORM involved with that.

I mean, imagine if the fucking Emperor decided "yeah, I wanna be immortal despite not being able to go in the sun"

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Did you forget the part in the train arc where they caused a commotion and when the popo noticed them, they tried to arrest them?

Did you forget the part that these demon slayers are physically trained to fight demons while the police are just regular dudes?

Did you forget your brain?

Kagaya bails them out like he did with Himejima.
Unlimited money and spies literally everywhere is a scary combination.

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Also, both the org and the demons arent actually that much of a big deal. All demons come from Muzan, there are a few thosand total at most. Same for the corps

Always remember to give thanks to kakushi

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Pure and wholesome.


They're not immune to the law or anything. They do hide their swords when theyre within city limits and if the popo notices them, the demon slayers can easily just run and escape.

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haram and rainbowpilled

Go get snackbar'd somewhere else, Muzan.

Please don't talk about my wife and her co-worker that way

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Muzan final form

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Tanjiro would probably do this, knowing him.

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>Muzan, why are you going into space?
>If i can't survive under the sun, i will destroy it

What a chad.

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Can't wait to see Tanjiro's talk with Shinobu to be animated, always liked that scene a lot

what does sex with her feel like?

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>ara ara tanjiro kun, where do you think you are going

>Kaminari no kokyu. Ichi no kata: Hekireki Issen

Where do I find a girl like Shinobu?


Amazing. WIth a shotgun wedding after.

Lmao, gottem

Look at a mirror

How would people call 2 pillars with the same breath style?

stalagmite and stalactite

The power of the Oldest son.

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Best pairing right here.

does he have all the butterflies fighting over him

I genuinely can't decipher why I'm so fond of the colors, designs, and pattern design of many of the characters in both this show and the manga. By accounts it shouldn't work, yet it's so pleasing to look at.

He is so manly, holy shit

What's his secret lads?

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Is Zenitsu a gaijin or is he just blonde for no reason?

>literal shitter didnt watch the last arc
Go watch his fight with the spider dude again

lmao that body/head ratio

So I'm watching the anime and something got me confused:
Why didn't Urokodaki kill the hand demon himself?
Surely he would've done it after the second student of his died.

I feel like the implication is that Urokodaki was the hand demons brother but its never really explained. Is there ever a reason given or is it safe to assume its because that's his brother?

>skipped almost 6-10 minutes explaining his past

Bleach x Jojo Part I & II = This

Single-minded pursuit of happiness for his imoto.

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Why would he? The students are sent there to gain experience on how to handle demons. The place is fucking huge and your only task is to survive 7 days. Tapioca passed without even fighting the hand demon

he's just a really nice guy, that's what girl want

I wonder why Tapioca wasn't with Sabito though, are they supposed to not band together?

>Tapioca passed without even fighting the hand demon

He don't know that the hand demon still alive after all these years. He only think that he wasn't good enough so his student all died. Also that demon was smart enough to only eat 50 people in like 47 years to not draw attention.

Let's also not forget that he was in there for 40+ years and only ever ate around 50 children meaning that he consume about 1-2 a year, which raises very few alarms in a meat grinder test like the final selection. Urokodaki just blamed himself for all of the deaths and probably didn't think one random fodder demon he caught years ago was bent on revenge

Nah, he isn't "just really nice guy". Tanjirou is dependable, smart, good mannered, can be harsh at times.

>Tapioca passed without even fighting the hand demon
Sabito hard carried, Tapioca was out after some random shit tier hit injured him.

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>that neck
Archievable natty?

Butter girls are family. They'd never do that

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it was a joke my good retard

It was explained in the manga later

You can't blame me. Line between joke and serious answer is paper-thin.

did the demon say he was purposely refraining from eating more? I forgot that part if it happened

So will they share?

I was thinking about adding something like "girls want nice guys, not assholes who treat them like shit" but thought that was too on-the-nose

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>sisters don't fight over a guy they both like

>Archievable natty?

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Inosuke in my palm!

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>a really nice guy, that's what girl want

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Gayuu hid in a hole or something while Sabito was getting killed and then looted his corpse after he survived the selection

Why dont all Demon Slayer carry guns like Genya and Sanemio?

Is Tanjiro the only graduate of his exam group not to be some variety of retard?

Tanjirou is also fucked in the head, just differently.

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Women, fat women, black women and fat black women.


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> nii-chan is going to grow old and die
> then demon nezuko is going to be alone
> don't worry i'll turn you back into a human
> so we can die together

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>it's a yellow gets screentime episode

So the whole ordeal with Sanemi and Nezuko is even crazier because of Sanemi's blood right? Dudes blood even got Grandpa feeling slightly intoxicated

based boar

Probably episode 26, it’s funny how the opening pretty much said how much manga chapters they would be adapting (53).

When's the rest of the OST being released?

Good but she won't let you cum

Make show her ass, this all that matters.

YYH and Saint Seiya are my favorite Battle Shonen and Kimetsu reminds me of them

Does anyone here know about Kimetsu light novel?

this shows how hypocrite womens are because both are the same character
>both are annoying
>both are cry babies
>both are creppy pervetvs
>both are incels
they only hate mineta because looks ugly if he was a handsome than the disgusting 3D women wouldn't hate him too

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Does anyone know if it will ever be translated?

If the demon slaying lasts unti the 21st century, could they potentially replace the breathing techniques with powered exoskeletons instead?

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Didn't anybody think it was weird that the dude's students had such a ridiculously high deathrate to the point he didn't want any more students?

Breaths+exoskeleton > exoskeleton.

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>inosukefags about to get BTFO'd next episode
I can't wait.

Is the latest arc(manga) the final one?

>ridiculously high
That’s average.

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What if Inosuke had been a girl? Would the inosukefags be even more annoying?

Everyone is autustic in Kimetsu, just different kinds of autistic.

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I'd assume theres a lot of "teachers" so that nobody keeps track of who's who. That or people can actually get to the final test as long as they know where the place is. From whats been shown, people can pass the final test even without knowing any breathing techniques. Deaths during the final test seem common.

And its not like they go around introducing themselves before the exam starts.

>escaping the rape dungeon.

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Cute potato

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What a gay.

He's with his family either way, he's still sorta hugging his grandpa.

>Inosuke always messes up their names, but never fails to tell which is which.
>No flags confirmed (by the author)

I just saw some illustrations. A guy only told me there's Kanao x Tanjirou hint and refused to spoil anything else

search the archive. We have summary of each chapter.

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If Ufotable continue the slow pace in the next season they might adapt the light novel into the anime like Naruto did.

Faggot satan.

This is it, right? Thanks man

I hope they do the Gaiden and future gaidens if there's more

>we sent a dozen rookies against a nest of demons lead by apparently the 5th greatest demon, and a load of them died
>all our new recruits suck

The summary of the light novel chapters

I think the Bozebeats guy will do more Kimetsu gaiden after the Kimetsu no Aima ends.

They don't even know there's lm5 there. They mismanaged the situation.

Naruto is a long running anime so don't think that will apply to Kimetsu. OVA is more possible.


Just the ones with high powerlevel, autism is a prerequisite for power levels.

When is she getting the weed tattoos or that's just a manga thing like Sango's armor pattern.

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Nezuko has them whenever she goes into adult mode.
Chibizuko doesn’t have them.

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no one cares about the non canon novel

Isn't it got author approval before printing?

More like

I'm as straight as any Yea Forumsnon and that is kinda hot.