This character alone cements the fact that women are naturally talented at writing comedy. Deal with it.
This character alone cements the fact that women are naturally talented at writing comedy. Deal with it
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not just the comedy that's bad. The story & characters are so bland. Ufotable managed to elevate a mediocre series. The manga is 5/10 at best.
>Screaming at the top of his lungs
>Demon Slayer audience:
Even The Big Bang Theory is funnier than this childish garbage attempt at humor.
Boarface redeems it
Anime humor consistently fails because it goes like this, or something of the sort:
>character says something ironic or humorously wrong
>other character says "No, you idiot, [explanation as to why it's wrong]!"
Some shows avoid it like Joshikousei no Mudazukai this season, and it only partially avoids it.
Don't fucking dare to disrespect my boy
The humor is typical woman humor, cuteness and acting silly/pathetic.
is manbearpig autistic enough to make this shit entertaining
I hate most Zenitsu scenes. But I for some reason the one episode that was mostly comedy, the Wisteria Inn one, was fucking hilarious. Even though all 3 guys are just obnoxious on their own, the dynamics between them are great. I bet the author would be good at writing a purely comedic series.
Why can't women write good comedy?
singlehandedly carries
The best manga/anime was made by a woman
Show some of respect, pathetic incels.
meanwhile humor made by men
>Kimetsufag using FMA to defend his shit series.
Try fixing your reading comprehension. The comments you quoted are criticizing the humor, not the entire series. FMA has bad humor but good story & characters. KnY has bad humor and mediocre story & characters. Learn the difference and stop comparing your garbage series to FMA.
Leave and never come back normalfaggot.
The humor is the single worst thing about FMA, you're just confirming the point.
80 IQ post.
I don't like other characters but holy fucking shit hearing this crybaby nigger's voice makes me angry.
I feel you Yea Forumsnon.
Leave Zenitsu alone!
i get that the point of him being a crybaby is to show that he's an awkward insecure coward who can't do shit, but his crybaby trope is exaggerated enough to the point where it just becomes really fucking annoying
boar boy best boy
>Normalfag image starter kit: Image #6
Stupid frogposter
Holy shit you actually nailed it. It is exactly 6th picture in my folder.
It's bad timing.
>genuine opinion of someone who watches the show
>OMG it's a troll bec it's not sucking KnY's dick
Lmao based
Pig is Zenitsu #2. He's also loud & annoying.
I love Inosuke!
But he is retarded.
Anime isn't funny
kek i can't imagine anyone but an autist finding this "humor" funny
Then who wrote Inosuke? Because he's pretty good and more often than not gets me.
>fucking bara mice
Fuck you, this character single-handedly dropped the show from a generous 7/10 to a 5 with his constant screaming Japanese "humor".
>t. actual autistic that can't handle loud noises
That's the best part
Pig had a ton of yelling too but at least he also has some quiet moments and goes through some introspection where he tones down the yelling. Zenitsu has been 100% bitch mode so far and shit's just annoying.
Then you must be Zenitsu #3 LOL
Except it's Ufotable that made the comedy, pacing and characters worse.
Fullmetal Alchemist is good in spite of its humor.
Arakawa didn't realize herself as a comedy writer until Silver Spoon and even then most other things are better than its comedy.
I read the manga. If anything, ufotable elevated a mediocre series. Most of the praises are about the animation which is ufotable's doing.
Your point being? Yes, the animation is good. But the pacing is glacial, the comedic timing is painful and both Zenitsu and Inosuke are made infinitely more obnoxious by both of those problems.
Animation aside, Ufotable has done fuck all to elevate the series. If people want sakuga, they can just watch the webms of the cool scenes, because the anime has little more to offer than that most of the time.
>you don't like zenitsu so you must be zenistu
so this is how fujoshits think
My point being the manga is already bad. So don't blame ufotable for this.
how is season 2 gonna adapt this?
>Even The Big Bang Theory is funnier than this childish garbage attempt at humor.
How dare you?
>My point being the manga is already bad.
but everybody likes it
You're not wrong.
That's not how it works you moron. You could argue that the manga is mediocre in most aspects, but that doesn't excuse Ufotable actually making it worse in every way that isn't visual.
The cool action scenes don't change the fact that everything else is a fucking slog to get through, which blatantly wasn't an issue in the manga since up until the current arc it has always moved at a blistering pace and never wasted more than a few brief panels on jokes.
Don't speak for everyone faggot.
>Don't speak for everyone faggot.
but all the fucking internet is talking about how good it is
>ufotable actually making it worse
>the scenes that are being praised are the sakuga moments
Try again.
Why do people think Gotouge is a woman? This is literally just a meme rumor with no actual proof, even Gotouge said to stop calling them a woman.
>everyone hates it
>d-don't speak for everyone!
I dont. Checkmate.
we need to consolidate into one thread, there are like 4 threads and they're all really slow
sounds like something Zenitsu would say
the only thing I liked so far in terms of comedy was this
Who the fuck thinks the current arc is good? It's literally just a jobfest so the good guys can win.
>fujoshit going full retard
is really fun user
sounds something a fujo would say
>what is reading comprehension
Idk user maybe you should find out.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a fujo
>O my secret breath
>O my father's breath for the third arc in a row
>O my secret poison
>fujo deflecting
Is korea triggered by the rising sun earrings?
>naturally talented
I agree that women can write comedy, just not all women. Hell fullmetal had a lot of comedy too. Plus this one character can be funny but at first he was way too loud. I blame the performer more than the writer on this one.
No? It's been nearly 2 cours and nothings come up. The manga has been running longer too.
can we talk about the important part of this episode
maybe Muzan's simply Korean.
Not him but Zenitsu is popular in Japan because of the fujoshis. So most assume that Zenitsu defenders are fujoshis.
Does Zenitsu just have shorter arms or are they fucked up spider limbs?
short baby arms
I think just shorter arms
These girls lined up to receive a birthday card for this character. More than 1000 of them.
Nip women have shit taste.
lol japanese "humor"
how do women even work
With CG mice
Remember Japan is the country that has voted Kira Yamato as the top male anime character for YEARS.
Only the first guy not a faggot.
yeah because they literally want him to have anal sex with other men
He's a fag so he needs to be anal raped to death.
*block your path*
Name ONE funny shounen.
>ufotable making it worse
nice bait user
Kimetsu no Yaiba
FMA is just your average snack while every other anime/manga is a meal. It’s also Entirely forgettable as well.
Holy fuck get a load of this guy. or woman
>It’s also Entirely forgettable
I was enjoying the shitpost but this is just shit taste
Attack On Titan, when it tries
I think Kanao extra chapter will be adapted in episode 26, there is sneed to give her more background.
wasn't milky holmes done by a woman?
the image isn't inosuke
The anime adaptation was written by a man as the series composer.
based as fuck dont listen to them user
The comedy is good whenever Zenitsu is not involved. I actually forgot about him for 2 episodes. He is just forgettable and does nothing but make Tanjiro and Inosuke look good.
>Tranny author
The absolute state of CucknoYikes fans.
>talent at comedy
Imagine being so ashamed of being a woman that you have to hide your gender
isn't Jujutsu author is the tranny one?
Authors a dude.
So there's possibility there
Give it to some other seiyuu and it loses all it has going for it
After full metal alchemist everything is comedy gold
At least it was smart choice
i love fmab but humor in this show is fucking awful
I think the manga is pretty funny at times but the anime doesn't have the same timing and the art is too good to be funny.
You only phrased it that way because you're desperate for replies. To your credit it did work though.
Sherlock to the rescue.
Full thread.
No author is male and identifies as male. CuckNoYikes author is an actual "non-binary" tranny author.
>him being good at fighting makes up for being an annoying screaming retard
What kind of logic is this? You must be a Dragonball Super fan.
I dislike Kimetsu humor but everything about this post is based and truthpilled. FMA is perfect.
wait? he's supposed to be funny?
I hate that they introduced two characters whose entire characterization is shouting. until they appeared, it was mostly a comfy supernatural adventure show with some nice looking fight scenes.
the manga's crammed up the ass with narration boxes. ufotable isn't turning it into a slog, it's just naturally meandering and rambly. You just didn't notice it because you silently read faster than any audible narration can speak.
Unironically true, based normie-poster
>CuckNoYikes author is an actual "non-binary" tranny author
fuck him and fuck Tontaro, just make a spin-off about boarbro
This was written by a woman? This explains some things.
wani is a girl. the tranny is literally who on Twitter headcannon
>Zenitsu screams like an autist
>Inosuke screams like an autist
X group of people liking Y stuff has no impact on the quality of Y itself.
>Inosuke even less popular than Giyu
No wonder Yea Forums loves this guy. What a bunch of contrariancucks.
Most people both the west and nips suspect wani is a girl. Many official translation refer to wani as a girl/use female honorific. There's a comment iirc where she said she and her editor got mistaken for a brother and sister. But yeah there's no pic so not really confirmation for some people. Then there's literally who on Twitter keep spamming about prefer pronoun stuff.
He's a cry baby that goes on for too long, that's the problem
>zenitsu screams and cries AaAAaAAaAAaHAH NOOooOOoOoOOOOO for half an episode in every episode he is in
>insouke just yells during fights
>forced to become a demon slayer
>has to deal with creatures that can kill humans as easy as insects
>hangs with Tanjiro who attracts all the most bullshit demons
The sad part is that if you were living in that world you'd be dead not even being able to graze a lower moon.
Damm, it's really true that only fujoshits like him.
>all you need to do is breath to kill demons
>I can breath
yeah I'll be fine
Zenitsu is loud in an excessive and whiny way
Boar is loud is a ham kind of way
And then there's literally everyone else in the show who isn't like him. The only reason it's a problem is because its brought up as comedy and for too long. He can be a bitch who takes it up the butt for your tasteless ass all you want but in a none annoying way, fag.
>zenitsu spends half an episode crying
>still accomplishes more than boar
>one needs help to fight an upper moon
>one solos an upper moon with ease
How is that relevant to how annoying they are?
The mangaka should have written that Zenitsu died instead.
>so is Inosuke
>Zenitsu doesn't even like to fight sure but is way more competent in a fight,
Okay friend.
It's good you've accepted that Zenitsu is shit and annoying.
Again, how is that relevant to how annoying they are? Nobody claimed shit about their skill in a fight. Just that Inosuke yells during fights and Zenitsu yells for the rest of the episode.
>inb4 pretending to be retarded
Nah Zenitsu is based on the sure fact that makes the entirety of Yea Forums seethe.
Am I the only one who likes Zenitsu? Yes the boar is funnier and he isn't even my favorite character but I just find him entertaining and his character growth is cool. He just has anxiety like all of us except he makes funny faces too. Do you hate him because he reminds you of yourself?
So based that only fujoshits like him.
>pulls the fujo card
Yep definitely seething.
Early Dragon Ball, the Bulma panty gag with Master Roshi is absolutely legendary.
Dumb fujo poster
this. protag is super generic. almost dropped the show before pigman showed up.
bruh you got clowned just cope and seethe.
the original dragon ball is actually pretty funny for what seems like a kid's show
pic related
inosuke is a man's man with a girl's face
and feed and seed?
Surpass this faggot.
Pro tip: you cant.
ufoTABLE cant pace anything worth shit is their main problem. Everything they do feels drawn out as all fuck. At best sometimes it gives some stuff a kind of pensive feel that I dont think is actually intentional and comes fromm everything including how dialogue is delivered being at a glacial pace.
Literally the only thing they are good for is the flashy cgi enhanced action cuts which for todays anime audience is basically all you need anyway
personally i think the humor in shojou shows like pripara and sabegu are better than shounen shows
Battle Shonen being terrible paced is pretty much a tradition in Japan.
Arakawa Under The Bridge was hilarious and that's written by a woman.
The comedy in FMA fucking sucks dude, Silver Spoon would have helped your case more
Basically no anime is funny though