
heat 49

Attached: Ballroom guy.jpg (407x500, 65K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 0319.png (1115x1600, 427K)

Attached: 0320.png (1115x1600, 412K)

Attached: 0321.png (1115x1600, 449K)

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Attached: 0325.png (1115x1600, 699K)

Attached: 0326.png (1115x1600, 590K)


Attached: 0327.png (1115x1600, 478K)

wasted talent on something gay like dancing

Attached: 0328.png (1115x1600, 566K)

Attached: 0329.png (1115x1600, 585K)

Attached: 0330.png (1115x1600, 433K)

Attached: 0331.png (1115x1600, 558K)

Competitive dancing takes a fuck ton of practice and talent. Just because your fat ass can't do it doesn't mean you should go around projecting your insecurities about it.

Attached: 0332.png (1115x1600, 567K)

Why make such a dreadful post in a thread for a manga that made its return not too long ago? Damn you.

Did I hurt your fee fees or what? I'm just saying that the artist is just too skilled to waste all his talent on something boring like fucking dancing of all things which doesn't leave him room for experimenting or grow as an artist.

Attached: 0333.png (1115x1600, 490K)

No chapter next month

Attached: 0334-0335.png (2235x1600, 1.03M)


Thanks for the dump.

Artist is a female and she likes dancing. Sorry that she doesn't want to listen to some random faggot on Yea Forums telling her what to focus her skills on because he thinks it's "gay".

Ty ty

Attached: 226-.jpg (328x701, 55K)

haitus again

Attached: 1490853947508.png (1440x1080, 338K)

reading this, it's hardly gay
it's hot as fuck sometimes

Thank you, user. I'm glad this manga is back.

Thanks user,

Everything is a waste of time in geologic time so just do what you want.