I just wish /ar/ existed, a place where actually discuss anime instead of having porn thread in which celebrate waifushit and moeshit.
I just wish /ar/ existed...
I wish there were anime boards in a language you actually spoke fluently so you could go there instead of shitting up ours.
On one had, spliting the board is fucking stupid.
On the other, Yea Forums has four god damn boards, so either get rid of those, or more Yea Forums
I just wish /ma/ existed, a place where actually discuss manga instead of having threads full of animeonlies that just want to shitpost
This, add VN and LN.
animeonlies are the cancer of this board
Ping pong is a good show though
That would just purge 90% of moeshit anime as well if you take the LN adaption as well.
Nah, Yea Forums needs more splits. A Nintendo board separated from Yea Forums and /vp/ and a board for vidya news and "culture" AKA drama and e-celebs would be a good start. Fuck those who suggest shit like /shounen/, /ma/, /ar/ and /ag/ by the way.
>the most cancerous board needs more boards to spread its cancer
>meanwhile the most heavily moderated board doesnt need shit
Get out
I want a /ma/ so I can dump a chapter and have it stay up for a while without having to bump.
Nothing wrong with only picking up the anime without giving a fuck about the manga, though.
To me it just seems like the average internet user who has gotten dumber is becoming interested in the artform.
How about speaking English and not autism?
Exactly. Yea Forums attracts so much cancer because its the biggest board in the site. Moving the cancer to another places would make Yea Forums less shit without hurting Hiro's profits.
Splitting up Yea Forums, on the other side, would cause moderation problems because mods are lazy fucks who would reject moderating all of them. They only monitor Yea Forums because they shit they like is here, and moving that shit to another place would make them abandon Yea Forums.
>Nintendo board separated from Yea Forums
I have not opened this thread for discussing Yea Forums idiots. While we are at it though, this would be even more cancer. Use Yea Forums to discuss vidya, just ban console wars and eceleb shit.
/ar/ would be needed at this point, it's tiring to scroll through pages of virgins just to get to the people that actually like anime. I know waifushit and lolishit has been part of the board culture since ever (after all it's an ib) and Yea Forums is also the most virgin board on the site according to the chart, but holy shit. It's either shounen pseudogenerals or waifshit.
Take off your fucking tinfoil hat you paranoid fuck.
>split Yea Forums more but please don't split Yea Forums more
Separating manga from anime is more needed than a whole board for a single video game publisher is.
>instead of having porn thread in which celebrate waifushit and moeshit.
You will still get that on /ar/, but just in a retro flavor.
>A bad written english is ''autism''
Fucking anglo-teutonic nigger, learn my language as well then, subhuman.
OP has shit taste.
VN exists, its a thread on either /jp/ or /vg/ depending on how peasant you are. An entire board would be dead as hell. LN would not be much better.
those threads will eventually drought out at least, since artists don't exactly draw porn of 30+ years old anime.
Man,are you stuck in 2013?
Yeah and then you can watch the tumbleweeds go by. If people wanted to talk about old anime you can do that here, and when there are series people like talking about you can have longer threads. The fact is that there is vastly less to talk about older series than a new one that people are concurrently invested in.
Also, it's like you don't even get it. Otaku culture has changed as a whole. Anime escapism from otaku went from ''will to power'' to ''will to lust''. It's hard to explain in the few words I am willing to use, since I am writing in my second language, late at night and anonymously (no legacy), but, Otakus watched anime because they were children that never grew up. That's why SF and mech anime were so popular, they sated their ''desire of adulthood'' through fiction. Now it's like they don't even give a fuck anymore and would rather satisfy their libido instead. This form of escapism/subversion that is anime changed from ''epos'' to ''comfy''. Have otakus turned even more anxious and also it seems more people have turned otaku-like due to consumerism and lack of spirituality. The industry then cater much more to them.
I don't hate moe anime - that always existed - per se. It's just sad that they are the new focus of the industry though, where it seems the new anime for the 80%+ are all like this.
It's useless to post this. I have never said this board was once different from now. It's not hard to tell the real colours of the mods in a board where saying that ''Moe killed anime'' is going to get you banned.
Yea Forums would be so much better if you fucks went back to Yea Forums and stay there.
Pick one and only one:
>/ar/ - Anime/Retro (like /vr/ but for old manga and anime)
>/ag/ - Anime Genral (like /vg/ but for manga and anime)
>/bs/ - Battle Shounen (for series like DBS, SnK, BnHA, HxH, OPM, etc)
>/ma/ - Manga (Yea Forums is used exclusively for discussion about anime)
>/ls/ Loli & Shota
>no one. ban OP instead
/ar/, considering that /vr/ is a decent place while Yea Forums is cancer.
I didn't saw literally any of this
good bait
/ag/ even though it probably wouldn't even work
We do, it's just hidden to most people.
Let me spoonfeed you just this time:
>/ar/ for retro anime becomes full of pretentious "anime experts" who think they're better than everyone, soon devolves even further into pure cancer because you can only discuss old shows so many times before every topic has already been discussed to death
>/am/ for manga becomes full of pretentious "manga experts" who think they're better than everyone, soon devolves even further into pure cancer because of how obnoxious the entire mangaonly fanbase is and due to all the scanlation drama
>/as/ for shounen anime and manga immediately becomes the worst form of cancer the world has ever seen
>/ag/ for anime "generals" starts out well enough but then everyone realizes it's just Yea Forums
>Yea Forums itself is now a desert that has nothing but low-effort random shitposts
Why yes let's follow Yea Forums's example that worked out wonderfully. What could possibly go wrong.