You're alone with hanayo and she just got out of the shower

you're alone with hanayo and she just got out of the shower
what do you do

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Walk out of the room and give here the decency of privacy to get changed.

Dry her back, it's probably hard to reach

Put glasses on her

kill myself

ask her to make dinner

I would give her the good ol' worst girl

Tell her that I'm gay


Bitch boring and generic, shitty taste OP. Eat shit, it's what you deserve, your taste is shit after all.

Grab her belly fat and yank it around while insulting her

tell her to get the fuck out of my bed and leave me alone

Why do girls shower before sex?

idk men what are you even asking those things

Did you sleep through sex ed?

Call the police. No girl would be in my shower so she's obviously up to no good.

yes now spill the beans motherfucker


Take out my Uzi and shoot her dead with it.

Based and sartrepilled.

Pick her up, take her outback and then throw her in my swimming pool. Making girls swim naked is fun.

>americans have to take a mandatory sex class
can't make this shit up

D-do you want eggs for d-dinner?