Why do anime characters close their eyes when they smile?
Why do anime characters close their eyes when they smile?
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To symbolise happiness.
Ever seen an asian person smile?
To emphasize the smile. If you see the eyes close too, it's more clear that they're smiling.
it's the cutest
Direct eye contact while smiling is seen as weird or imposing to Japanese, I guess.
I thought happiness wasn't allowed in asia
Man fuck you. People like you are assholes for no good reason. Fucking faggpt.
>asexual retard paired with anyone
nah. get over it.
more like an asian thing, i've seen it from a chinese worker that worked for me like a decade ago, came from a quite isolated part from china, when he thanked someone basically closed his eyes and smiled, thats some tradition i believe, otherwise i've just found a weird asian at the time.
He obviously watched too much anime.
That expression on Goku's face.
when anyone smiles your cheeks go up and you close your eyes a little bit, japs barely have any eyes so when they smile they close them
Bulma is smiling because she finally just rode Goku's superior monkey cock
They're very cute
I figured it means that you are viewing some sort of mental picture that’s better that what you would physically see.. along the lines of kissing with eyes closed
When eastern Asians smile their eyes seem as if they're closed It's really cute. I guess that carried out to anime and Asian made cartoons.
I think "closed eyes" may also be a sign of content. Isn't the Buddha often depicted with his eyes closed?
I want to kiss you with your eyes closed