Why the hell did people like this?

Why the hell did people like this?

Attached: 654185415165.jpg (1280x720, 315K)

something something waifu with animal ears

Isekaishit appeals to people. Personnally I think it's a lack of respect from the author to their reader if they can't even be bothered to come up with a setting that isn't a video game world but real, but apparently people have no self-respect and will consume anything shit enough as long as they can claim it's fun.

Just filter them and dream for the day where isekaishit is banned on Yea Forums

Subversion, the isekai MC has the shittiest powers and keeps them inferior to his other fellow heroes all the time.

>has shittiest powers
>wins every time anyway
What's the difference?

The entire first season was just so tiring. Literally no one using any form of thought with any decision. Arguing with Spear faggot about the same exact thing every other episode. Oh look the kings trying to fuck him over again surprise. Maybe S2 will be better.

They wanted to fuck the raccoon.

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Because it's great


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But all the girls in this series are terrible.