How different would Jojo Vento Aureo/Golden Wind be if Fugo wasn't such a pussy and follow the crew throughout the remainder of the story. Or replace at least one of the team member?
How different would Jojo Vento Aureo/Golden Wind be if Fugo wasn't such a pussy and follow the crew throughout the...
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His stand is a direct counter to king crimson, he would wipe the floor with him and the arrow wouldn't even come into play.
It would've been enjoyable if he was simply the main character
Oh look its this meme again.
He would've betrayed the gang for the boss and end up getting killed by Giorno because he's the only one immune to his poison after the mirror world fight like Araki originally planned but pussed out on because he was depressed at the time or whatever it was that made him cut the idea.
I'm quite aware of that, but I'm more curious if he doesn't betray the team and such. That and any novel shenanigans doesn't count since its been retcon.
his stand is too op, he had to be taken out of the picture somehow. His stand is literally a one hit ko
We wouldn't have gotten kino purple haze feedback so it'd be a shit timeline
Yes, requiem is a literal asspull that had to be brought into the picture when he figured out nothing can beat crimson, so by taking Fugo out early, at least he had some fun while trying to come up with something instead of having Fugo one shot him from the start.
>if you get the arrow you win
>oh I got the arrow I win
''Wtf is this asspull''
Where do you retards come from?
I don’t mind GER being an asspull, but i do mind ending with such a lame battle
And I agree, I found that the closure was rushed and badly explained but it's tiring seeing people spouting buzzword whiteout even knowing what they mean
Abbacchio, Narancia, and Bucciarati may have actually survived if the emo fuck had bothered to stay with the group.
Something really weird would have happened with Notorious B.I.G if he'd been able to use the virus on it.
Do you even know what a "direct counter" actually means?
not the user you replied to but the fact that Diavolo got the arrow first and the arrow just said "fuck you" and didn't give him the requiem stand is the asspull, not the requiem arrow existing. basically you two are retards
Fugo was a useless bitch. Even in the Illuso "fight" he constantly had to be babysitted because he couldn't use his fucking stand properly. Easy as fuck target for Diavolo to kill first.
Fuck you nigga we're talking about GER, I've never said that vento auto didn't have a retarded ending
Everyone probably would've died since Notorious B.I.G would've been running around in the airplane with a deadly, contagious virus.
>His stand is a direct counter to king crimson
No it wasn't
>How different would Golden Wind be if Araki wasn't such a pussy and followed through with his original plan for the story.
>His stand is a direct counter to king crimson
Not really. While Diavolo would have been at a disadvantage because his close range ability would force him to get close to Fugo, he could just kill Fugo during a time skip like he did to Narancia and avoid that altogether. Plus Purple Haze would affect his allies as well, so Fugo would have to stand away from Bruno and the others, and that would have been retarded.
Refusing to risk your life for a girl who isn't gonna put out for you doesn't make you a pussy, it just makes you not a cuck.
Ignore this post he isn’t a real hunterchad but rather an undercover SnKfag trying to start wars between shows.
i'm gonna say it
i like purple haze feedback
and araki stated anything can be canon unless it contradicts the canon
so phf is canon except for his backstory
not to mention it purple haze hurts its user as well and it's not a long range stand so fugo has to keep a distance between his stand and the gang at the same time, which means instant death during time skip
>and araki stated anything can be canon unless it contradicts the canon
in an interview but i can't find it
plus most of the community + wiki agrees that it's canon if it's official (VS JOJO was official)
and seeing how the GHGR is canon, it's pretty safe to assume PHF is canon
>plus most of the community + wiki agrees that it's canon if it's official
This doesn't matter
yeah i know, think of it like a cherry on top i guess
It can be the cherry on top when you find that interview
>plus most of the community + wiki agrees
lmao PHF niggers actually believe this
jorge joestar also came out of VS JOJO so that s not the best argument
but the anime director said they would consider PHF so i guess?
The anime contradicts PHF though
only retcons his backstory
idk man i'm trying to look for it since i vividly remember reading it
also eyes of heaven has his abilities from PHF, that's another point for canon
Eyes of Heaven isn't canon though.
>unironically considering videogame fanfics canon
let me guess, Jorge Joestar is canon too?
PHF wiki page says something about an bonus chapter, PDF on subreddit wiki and on doesn't have it, any of you faggots have it TLd?
Pretty sure he'd still get infected during the erased time
Maybe he would just throw part of the fence as a javelin?
See this is why Fugo was dropped, Purple Haze is just too much of a headache to write
>can't be too close to the opponent or he would win in a boring way with no effort, but he has no defense against long range stands either
>can't be close to his allies either
>can't even be close to the stand itself because Fugo isn't immune to purple haze???
>araki stated anything can be canon unless it contradicts the canon
So he's invalidating his own works?
well, the jojo part isn't wrong...
We already know why Fugo was dropped and it has nothing to do with his stand.
We know why Araki dropped the traitor plot line, but that doesn't explain why he couldn't keep Fugo as an ally.
>implying Araki didn't make the traitor plotline because purple haze is more of a one time villain stand than something that should be reoccurring
Can't Giorno just vaccinate the rest of the crew against his stand?
Wouldn't he have to get another snake for that?
new jjl chapter spoiler
"““That’s enough, Mista. He’s been dead for a long time. He isn’t coming back.”
The quiet voice resonated heavily around them.
“He’s not…?” Mista turned toward the boy, who nodded.
“You must have already realized it too – Bucciarati originally died back when we first ran into
Diavolo. He had been working with a dead body up until now. Maybe it was because of this power,
maybe his determination caused a miracle. I can’t say for certain, but – Bucciarati fought while
knowing he couldn’t save himself, that it was too late. He can’t come back.”
Matter-of-fact, logical: these were words that left no room for any doubt.
“ –!”
Mista moved in a flash. Kicking the ground, he put distance between them, jumped into an
opportune position – and held up his gun, aiming at his target.
Right in the middle of the boy’s forehead."
Giorno is immune. And even if that don't work, the snake is created by GE so he and Fugo could repeat the process to make vaccine
the arrow show the person, it have been explain thousands of time
diavolo lost the arrow because trish bounced it away
No it isn't. His uncontrollable Stand is a close range version of Green Day at best, which is significantly more dangerous because it can be controlled and can kill hundreds of people around Cioccolata within a 200 meter radius without him even caring remotely about turning it's effects on or off.
Diavolo would have just skipped time and donuted Fugo like he did Bruno, realistically.
>“You...who the fuck do you think you are?!” Mista shouted.
Staring directly into the other’s eyes, the boy said,
“I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream.”
Holy fuck, are people seriously invested in this shit?
sauce on that art?
ok but where is it from
Chapter 90
very well done edit
Is it real ?
I finally caught up to the manga. Are we ever going back to the original universe and see original Josuke and Giorno again?
>Dr.Wu Requiem
It's been almost 15 years, even if Araki did go back it would be so different it might as well be a new series.
Bruno didn’t made the betrayal for Trish, at that time she was a bitch. He did it because he was tired of the boss being an asshole (like selling drugs to kids)
>inb4 what the fuck Bruno expected if he joined a mafia
That’s not my fault but Araki
Lmao no, remember rolling stones?
It was pretty obvious that Trish was what tipped him over the edge.
ask chinese
There wouldn’t be any shitty official fanfics about him.
First of all Bruno really believed that the boss could be a good father to Trish? He didn't think that a criminal they didn't know could be dangerous for her?
It's not like being a criminal automatically means you would hate your own family.
>requiem is a literal asspull that had to be brought into the picture when he figured out nothing can beat crimson
They said requiem, not GER. Actually read next time.
Yes, but there was still the possibility. Besides they didn't know anything about the boss. Didn't even he think about it?
>plots holes are and asspulls are
something about the mouth area looks kind of off and smeary
i could be wrong but could it be some kind of amalgamation of different stuff?
no way there would be a leak this early
>Is this picture of DIO appearing in Jojolion real?
How did Trish's mom think Diavolo would be a good daddy?
>Besides they didn't know anything about the boss.
Which is why they had no reason to think he would want to hurt Trish.
Well duh but retarded people always think that man+woman means relationship arc
don't understimate chinese, they get raws weeks before a release
Wasn't Silver Chariot Requiem's ability preventing Diavolo from ever getting the Arrow
Doppio looked like a beta
She never met Doppio though.
It's obviously rocknigga Diego with his evolved stand [Super Creeps]
Lizards can cut their tails, Diego just found a dinosaur that can regrow back heads
>Doppio is the original personality who met Donatella
when will this meme die
> he was tired of the boss being an asshole (like selling drugs to kids)
where the fuck do people keep getting this from? We literally know nothing about his drug dealings or in fact anything that he does, only completely removed indirect shit. Araki completely forgets about this aspect after it fulfils its role as a crap motive for the protags in the beginning.
Does HxH release chapters consistently?
he was never a pussy speedwatcher
Diavolo seemed to treat Donatella pretty well when they were dating, so she probably thought that would translate to him being a good father
It honestly would have been better. Then, you wouldn't have had to rely on the crutch known as Golden Wind Requiem to beat diavolo. The team could have pulled off some clutch plan to get Fugo close up to the boss.
i'm i mean the image of DIO itself
i don't recognize but it's definitely araki
and the leak comment was meant as a different though
Fugo leaving the group was also fate.
I was expecting him to come again to help the team but the writing on this part was so bad.
Part 5 is one of the worst, some retards were pretending it was better than part 3.
People tend to mindlessly shit on Part 3 because of how great it is.
Maybe she wasn’t planning to get pregnant.
I think he's referring to when Donatella was dying, she was trying to find the father.
How did Diavolo use KC to snatch Trish away from Bruno without him noticing when:
>King Crimson can`t interact with people during the skipped time
>The elevator dor was closed
>Haha he didn't want to die for the sake of a girl he just met, what a pussy! I mean, who doesn't want to die right guys!? I'm so pathetic!
>King Crimson can`t interact with people during the skipped time
When was this stated?
Because he was ambitious and ready to take over the mafia
>Diavolo looked like a beta in the past
You’re happy now. It isn’t like they’re the same character anyways
Like I said, don’t blame me, but Araki for having a weird writting
Was he the best minor villain in the series?
You mean take over the sea
I shit on Part 3 because is a snorefest with meh battle, even if the crew and jotaro are funny
Can someone explain all the shit about bruno seeing his future-self when he touched diavolo?
When Diavolo skipped time, the Bruno from before the time skip briefly saw and touched the Bruno after the time skip.
>he thinks the meme is real
he killed narancia during timeskip tho?
>Expected him to actually get revenge
>No, he just dies
>Oh, also that Kid Gyro was trying to save dies of a cold anyway
>Also that Native American guy dies
SBR was kind of fucked up.
He would have just gotten instakilled by King Crimson at some point
you dumb fucking faggots, it is obvious that diavolo can kill people during skipped time, where did you came into this shitty ass conclusion? stop speed reading you dumb fucking retards
>where did you came into this shitty ass conclusion?
reddit and jojotubers
>Diavolo activates Epitaph
>sees that he breaks into the elevator and steals Trish; Trish also loses her hand in the struggle
>activates King Crimson to skip into the future where he has already obtained Trish
That dumb shit during the final battle where Diavolo was spraying his blood in the eyes of Giorno and Polnareff instead of donuting them
>sees that he breaks into the elevator and steals Trish; Trish also loses her hand in the struggle
And nothing happens to Bruno during this time?
Bruno's actions were skipped over. In the unskipped timeline Diavolo must of did it quickly and Bruno didn't react fast enough. Maybe he tugged on Trish so hard that the hand Bruno was holding got ripped off.
IF bullets can't do shit (see the way risotto gets killed), i'm sure neither the virus could, he cannot be damaged during the time skip.
Is Cioccolata the strongest Jojo villain ? This guy could defeat easily Dio, Kira or Diavolo without even using plot armor or power up.
Long way away if ever. We're what, halfway through the second part that takes place in the new world? Araki could go a few more parts at least before some type of reversion takes us back to the "real" world.
I actually liked him not following, even if the character was just dropped.
The high IQ guy not killing himself for some chick made it clear how crazy it was to follow Bruno, and all the more poignant the reasons of the other protagonists.
Just expected him to reappear fighting the crew (on Chocolata's place, most likely) and helping them somehow. Fugo was a natural choice for capo after Polpo and Bruno, but perhaps Diavolo was just smart enough to avoid pushing Fugo for a betrayal by sending him to fight his own friends.
That doesn't really make sense though. If Diavolo can bust through the elevator, grab Trish hard enough for her to lose a hand, and escape down through the other side without Bruno even turning his head, why does he need to skip time in the first place?
No, because Jojo's is usually a big game of rock-paper-scissors and there are plenty of counters to his ability. Secco himself is one of them. Cioccolata has a really formidable power, but he needs to get in the proper position to make the best use of it. There are plenty of generically good powers that work no matter the conditions most of the time, though Green Day has a lot more devastating potential than most.
To leave no tracks, like when he got Narancia
The problem with sending Fugo is that his stand is too unpredictable. Not being able to control it and it being easy to team kill with makes him basically a non-factor in most fights. He's better off as a strategist or schemer if he gets his head in the game, but sending him against his friends would probably through him out of whack. At that point he's basically a standless kid who can't think straight. If he does use his stand, it would probably be in stupid ways that would likely get him killed.
The jojo fandom will improve as community when everybody realizes King Crimson is I N C O N S I S T E N T just as the MC's abilties.
What tracks?
He couldn't even beat Giorno.
Because it basically blindsides Bruno and gives him even less time to react. If he basically just zips in and zips out and then runs away he doesn't have to worry about Bruno being able to keep an eye on him and follow as he tries to escape and set up a good position to kill him from. That, and he didn't want to be seen by Bruno either. The Boss is very shy.
DIO can throw knives at him or use his laser eyes if he remembered them. He could also freeze time to close the gap and maybe his vampire regeneration negates Green Day anyway. Actually it probably totally negates it as Bruno is undead and is unaffected so vampires are too.
Kira is pretty much fucked unless he can climb and hope Sheer Heart Attack reaches Cioccolata.
Diavolo knows how Green Day functions and what makes Cioccolata tick so he has that going for him right away. Diavolo can climb and erase time/skip his way to Cioccolata.
But a lot of these things depend on where they fight and what they know. If Cioccolata fights people on a flat area where he is lower, then he is very hard to beat, but that height difference is pointless in a small room or area. He needs tens of meters to let Green Day do the work. Assuming they fight at the small village where the team first encounter him, then only Kira will have trouble. DIO is automatically immune and Diavolo can easily climb and skip around.
I'd say DIO is the strongest villain. Kars is runner up because if we bring stands into the equation, then any stand user could beat him with ease. Kars with a stand would be the strongest.
The busted elevator and his stand breaking in to snatch Trish? Obviously unskipped Bruno would have reacted, I'm just saying he was too paralyzed from the sudden shock to do anything in those couple of seconds.
That fight is actually the only time it's used like that. Every other time he has to use skipped time to maneuver around or avoid attacks that would come at him. King Crimson isn't exactly consistent and its capabilities are altered in nearly every one of its appearances.
Giorno can beat anyone.
>DIO use his laser eyes if he remembered them
Oh, this meme again
There were several instances where he could've used his Space Ripper Stingy Eyes™ to oneshot people if he got the drop on them. Granted, being physical attacks they can be blocked by fast enough stands, but they're still tough to react to if he surprises you with them.
1 Let Bruno reach the top, tell him to let Trish go and then go back down to the bottom and leave. Kill Trish and reign supreme after.
2 Slice off Trish's hand and kidnap her from a stand user sworn to protect her until he has handed her over to the boss. Understandably, Bruno would attack this person who surprised attacked him and Trish, even if he didn't figure out that Diavolo/the boss was the one who did it.
I've talked before about how pissed I get at Diavolo. He had so much potential to be a great villain but he is a dumbass through and through so he isn't as menacing as the characters and Araki want him to be. Part 5 is just Diavolo bumbling his way through the story and somehow staying on top until the end.
You really think Green Day/Ciocolatta could react in time? DIO at least knew that Jotaro was a tricky fighter and that Star Platinum's speed was insane.
Golden wind is shit
Stardust crusaders>diamonds are unbreakable>phantom blood=battle tendency>>>golden wind
Part 4 was pretty boring at the start and joske starts out boring, but it really grows on you by the end
Diavolo's fatal flaw is that he is never able to overcome his intense paranoia and feels the need to aggressively protect his identity himself. Yes, the smart decisions would've been to set it up so that Bruno just handed her over and he did the deed after he was gone, but he was likely unsure of whether or not Bruno would comply or if he would want to meet the boss face to face to confirm the exchange since several other people were interested in using Trish to learn about the boss. Given the chances, he went for the dumber move because he can't stomach even that small chance. He's not a smart character, but rather a paranoid and ruthless one who takes the shortest route to his goals. His power very much reflects this.
Bruno didn't move at all after the skip. Whenever time is skipped, people end up to where they they would have moved if time wasn't skipped. People who are walking find themselves several steps ahead, people who are eating will have the food already in their mouths. So this means that Bruno wouldn't have moved at all if Diavolo didn't skip time.
Good taste.
He wouldn't have moved at all, but he would've seen what happened and would be aware of the Boss and his identity because he had to physically enter the elevator. Skipping time prevents Bruno from seeing anything and was probably also at least partially a power move to try to get him to shit his pants and leave.
Araki is gonna be in part 9 before Hiatus X Hiatus gets another chapter.
probably, part 2 joseph without any training countered the meme laser with extreme precision.
But don't you think that if he saw what happened, he would at least turn his head, or shift his body at all?
Possibly not if he happened incredibly quickly. Or he might have coincidentally ended up in almost the exact same position.
Joseph was already a tricky fighter and had heard of the Space Ripper previously from Erina. He also used Hamon on the glass to deflect it like that.
That's hamon though. Cioccolata wouldn't be able to deflect them and send them back by holding an object like that.
I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't even look up when he heard the sound of the roof being ripped open.
He likely would've looked back down at Trish as Diavolo reached in to grab her though.
Right, at Trish. Not in the opposite direction of Trish, and he wouldn't still be holding her hand in the exact same position either.
Ah, ya got me there.
Desu I imagine it went down something like this (jumpscare warning)
So Bruno and Trish were standing in the elevator. Then King Crimson bursts in from the bottom and quickly rips Trish away, with her hand flying off because Bruno was still holding it. KC is coming from the bottom of the elevator, so Bruno probably wouldn't move THAT much since the force would be pulling him downward. Assuming that this was only for a few seconds and Trish's hand came off like butter, it's pretty believable. Plus this was after a KC skip where he didn't come into the elevator at all so it's even more believable that he didn't move.
You underestimate Cioccolata, he's not just a random dude with a good stand
He's a hamon user too?
>Mista, you hate the number ‘four’ – right?
>Yeah? What about it?
>At Mista’s puzzled frown, the boy continued,
>Right now – if you shoot me, that will make me the fourth one. Would you be okay with that?
No but he can dodge the laser easily
He had to come in from the top, though. And even if it was from the bottom, Bruno would still react to the noise, and the feeling of something pulling from behind.
The laser isn't hard to dodge, it's only useful at close range.
According to who?
I just finished reading the good quality volumes from madokami (it has the Jojonium stuff and some sort of Kazenban v01 from p4? Not sure what that is but it's just v01).
Should I read the color stuff or the B&W stuff going forward? I tend to think colored manga looks like shit but I haven't seen enough from Jojo and everyone seems to just read the colored
tore himself in half ,get backup and fuck the gay vampire.
Because Diavolo patiently waits to attack his opponents when skipping time instead of just attacking them during the actual skip. The only time an attack is implied during skipped time is when the skip is off-screen. King Crimson doesn't have consistent powers.
This sounds like a fanfic
Yeah but why? What’s the purpose of that power? Why he never do that again?
Araki probably just thought it was a cool way to introduce the time skip.
He can’t disassemble and reassemble his body instantly.
>Stardust Crusaders that high
>Golden wind that low
>Battle tendency that low
no, but at least you know that part 4 is good
It is a fanfic.
No, he got it right.
Well it isn’t, is even more confusing. But at least it looked awesome as fuck as the ultimate attack of All Star Battle
Most of the villain stand intros are pretty stupid in retrospect
>DIO carries Polnareff down the stairs multiple times
>Pucci's illusion cum
>who shot Johnny
>Jobin cheats a fucking beetle fight
no u
>Made in Heaven bursting out of Anasui's arm
>DIO carries Polnareff down the stairs multiple time
For me, is funny as fuck to think that DIO picked his body and put him back in the stairs and them go back quickly while making the same pose. He’s isn’t a very scary villain so who cares if he do stupid shit?
>Pucci’s illusion cum
That’s Araki making the villain a hack. Why the fuck he should both the ability to steal stand and memories, and also making illusion? Doesn’t make fucking sense
I can’t give my opinion about the rest because I’m at the beggining of part 7
fugo wouldve been the perfect counter to cioccolata i can only imagine what a epic fight it would be
>fugo wouldve been the perfect counter to cioccolata
I'm pretty sure Dio just used his stand to move Polnareff down the stairs user.
both would have to pull all kinds of manouvres to try defeat each other but fugo has a slight advantage
what advantage does Fugo have?
poison is more likely to kill faster while the rot takes longer to eat the flesh before it would kill a person
>Green Day is an AOE mold where you can't move down
>Purple Haze is an AOE virus where you can't enter a set area
>Gold Experience turns inorganic matter into organic matter
>Baby Face turns organic matter into inorganic matter
>Sticky Fingers allows unrestricted movement across objects so long as they're connected
>Oasis allows unrestricted movement so long as it's below ground
I never really realized how many Stands in Part 5 where direct counterparts until just now. It has been a long while since I read JoJo though, and I'm only now catching up with P5.
Also Girono's WRYYYYYYYYY was pretty fucking awesome I have to say.
Cioccolatta has a huge range advantage though
Realtalk what’s so wrong with Araki making shit up as he goes?
Because sometimes you end up with stuff like Part 5
>people still think purple haze isn't OP when Giorno literally created a vaccine for it
>inb4 he can't control it
literally just lure the antagonists into close range and let it loose
he was depressed
Isn’t his stand short range, like Jotaro?
>Bruno's group are usually just peacekeeper of the mafia
>somehow beat the Assassin's branch
>somehow beat the ELITE guards
Bad writing
King Crimson skips, Moody Blues rewinds
Jesus helped them.
Stand movement
His stand skill ranges much farther, around The World if I'm not mistaken
yea so i could see fugo attempting to hit him with the small balls of poison (could either throw them from a distance or leave them on the ground in a trap and have cioccolata stand on them etc)
3 balls on each hand of purple haze, so he would have 6 chances at killing cioccolata.
the 7 page muda was done well and the pose giorno does while watching cioccolata fly into the back of the dumptruck and compactor was sick af,
giorno looked like an absolute chad in that moment.
>literally just lure the antagonists into close range
you say this in the part with some of the most ridiculous long range stands like Beach Boy, Grateful Dead, and Green Day
>a cripple and Neapolitan executioner
>somehow beats the secret service
>somehow beats the literal god blessed president
Jorge Joestar should be canon
Kinda pissed that they didn't have Cioccolatta split apart into several pieces like in the manga
He believes that Bruno is an ally, that Bruno is smart enough to not fuck with the boss
Would you erase all your memories of Jojo and everything related to it so you can experience the manga for the first time again? I know I would.
The world has a range of 10 meters, so quite a lot larger than Jotaro's and plenty long enough to move Polnareff
I wouldn't want to erase them. What I'd like is to be able to store those memories somewhere, and then read Jojo for the first time again, and then re-download my old memories back into my head so that I can have the memory of both experiences.
Hell yeah, first time reading SBR again would be fucking amazng
Oasis allows unrestricted access through anything. It turns solids into liquids. It doesn't actually have anything to do with the ground he just liquidizes the ground so he can swim through it.
Purple Haze's ability is pretty trash desu
>He can one shot you at close range!
That's true of nearly any close range stand. In fact, Purple Haze only really has an advantage on close range power type stands since they can't clash. He has no ability to close the gap which is what nearly every other close range type has.
>Dio moving Polnareff isn’t canon
Thanks for ruining the only good moment from part 3
Purple Haze is 100% a counter to King Crimson, but Fugo cannot be near it while the virus is active
Diavolo would just need to target Fugo instead of his stand, making Purple Haze a useless counter/not a counter at all
The end