Who's gonna pick Fuutarou?
And why is it Nino?
5Toubun no Hayanome
Other urls found in this thread:
Nino a shit
See? Who else would make a new thread but a fucking retarded Ninofag, the worst cancer.
Miku is a shit!!
a CUTE* shit.
I have to agree, they have proven themselves the worst quintposters by far.
Kekers, you bitches are so angry that Nino is winning, continue coping more
Still is a better thread than Itsuki s?
>samefagging within the first 5 replies
English, ESL subhuman
>Picking Nino
user, I...
>waaaah the boogeyman!
>White speech bubble
Negi's not subtle
As an immediate comparison, Itsuki threads are useless garbage but they aren't naked bait or obvious ESL, so no, these threads are not better.
Nino a shit
>Yea Forums agrees to make a proper thread where they can discuss
>Ninofags just to spite shit it up like maggots
I don't know about you but this is just sad and bitter
Quality posts, your generic waifu must be proud of you
I mean, objectively speaking, there were 6 posts and 3 IPs. Posts 1 and 2/3 and 4 had to have been new IPS from the difference in post times, so...
>liking a whore
Have fun getting STDs
Is this the thread where we pretend it's not the Ninofag spamming shit and provoking and instead blame someone else like Itsuki/Mikufags?
The only thing that Nino is winning is a trip to africa, nincel.
>not a new IP
Takebayashi spin-off fucking when?!!
Well this thread is off to a great fucking start, thanks Nigners
What makes her so perfect and superior to quints?
Ninkeks don't deserve good threads.
Takebayashi was being platonic
>25 posts
>10 IPs
Rent free
>those fucking eyes
They can't help themselves, they are cancer like their BBC lover quint.
How does it feel having Mikubros living rent free in your head? Can't sleep?
> Yea Forums agrees
Nah, just the usual oldfags. We're already familiar with each other, no amount of shitposting will deny that even if you try.
And you should be thankful for that quintfags. Only one chapter and she rekt 23 and 4. 1 is out of the race and 5 isn't even in it so they don't count.
>Nignofag speaking on behalf of oldfags
Please kill yourself, I want nothing to do with you.
That's just sad, bro
Newfags are that sad
Ninofags are just cancer
Why does she looks so derpy
She didn't do shit to Miku, if Yotsbuba didn't stop her for plot reasons she would have talked her down like a little bitch
based yotsufriend!
What the fuck did I tell you? Either Fuutarou or all the quints ffs
Nino always looks like shit
>40 chapters
We know Miku would have been like the little bitch she is if it wasn't for Yotsuba
Temper tantrum
Tsun Nino: good
Dere Nino: a shit
Fuu-guuun I weel alwayz luv yuu
Acquire taste, plebian
Think about your quint which is the real doormat here.
He will choose Ichika.
>can't handle banter
>posts shitty memes
official and definitive poll
>s-stop! the old man jokes hurt my feefees!
>50 posts
>Ninofags already broken and foaming
I can't get enough of this shit, it's fucking amazing
>Oh, yotsubros...
>40 chapters.
I'm not talking about the type of character, dipshit.
Its about how she looked better before
Every thread where Ninofags get rekt is a good thread.
>if i can make a callout post, I can boost my fragile little ego!
> 40 chapters
Post the result of chapters poll again
Shhh, don't tell them, they'll accuse you of samefagging.
Why are Mikufags do depressing?
cute miku my brethen
>can't handle bantz
>y-y-y-y-you're just b-b-b-boosting your f-f-fragile e-ego!!
Imagine being stagnant for 40 chapters
>possibly of the quints being nut inside by randoms
I don’t like this
the cutest!
I'm joining
Rent free
>40 chapters
At least you're not denying that you have a fragile ego and are insecure on top of that. Keep crying
>Ninkek still being delusional
Ninoniggers are seriously embarassing
Nothing to do with Mikufags, at least 50 of these posts are Ninofags falseflagging in the most obvious way to pin blame on someone else
You sound awfully insecure.
>This thread
>81 posts
>28 IPs
He's still going
>.40 chapters
Great counterargument, user. Bravo
>muh boogeyman
cope ninonigger
Fuutarou is such a lucky man
Making 2-3 posts is normal, don't be bitter just because 80% dislike Nino
It's quite sad to see how far these threads have fallen to the point where we have a desperate user starting shit because Yea Forums is the only site that doesn't like their moeblob waifu.
Good 5toubun discussion is already fundamentally impossible. Even assuming that there was no baiting, false flagging, or shitposting, anons have different ideas of what just makes for decent writing.
Suppose that you see a quint who you didn't even like as being the clear winner, and wrote up what you thought were the reasons for it. Even if other anons engaged the topic genuinely instead of immediately calling you an Xfag, how the hell could the discussion ever reach a point where you didn't just have to argue over what counts as a good point and what's just waifufaggotry?
Just surrender all hope and accept that the threads are only good for shitposting.
Ninofags throwing a fit over their filler moeblob is a regular occurrence, this is nothing new
You talking about Nino, perhaps, ninonigger?
I feel sad for ninofriends. Last chapter really did a number on them. First the poll results and then the pathetic display of Nino in the chapter. Anyways here's a cute nee-san
There's good discussion, but it's impossible when you can't even get a word out before
Get thrown down your throat, over and over and over again
Look at this insecurity. I guess Mikufags are just as insecure and a doormat as their pathetic quint. So quick to respond when I didn't even bring up Miku in any way
I thought we agreed that we'd make an all quints/ F OP? Now that some ninonigger ruined it it's fair to shit on them in their thread
That's really pathetic of you.
Cope harder ninonigger
>40 chapters
>40 chapters
If anyone's pathetic, it's you for automatically assuming I was talking about Miku when I never mentioned her once in my post. You must agree that she's a moeblob.
Let's be serious about this for a second. How bad you think Negi will fuck up shit next chapter?
He'll pussy out somehow
>Ninoniggers already ruined another thread
"sorry but I won't answer now because [insert template excuse]"
Honest question, who seriously thinks these.. shitposts are actually from Mikufags? No one can be that naive, can they?
Come on, look around you, Mikufags have more class than that with their shitposts, they don't do it so blatantly
Nino will be sidelined again for the 41 time
What do you want?
And what a great one!
For me, it's Yotsuba.
Sorry, but these are the posters you share a quint with. Mikufags are unironically this bad.
The only moeblob is Nino, why do you think Yea Forums makes fun of her?
I still don’t get why people use the chapter poll results as a hit against Nino. Her chapters were way more evenly split compared to Yotsuba’s slightly higher range. The vote total put Nino 2nd highest behind Miku, who would naturally be first.
Unless I’m missing something else here.
He'll try to confess to Miku, she'll stop him so Yots can have her chance
If you've been here for more than a couple of months you'll know that they act like this. "Mikufags shitpost with more class" is just as retarded as calling everything you don't like a falseflag.
Don't bother trying to uncover the truth, you'll just get 10 posts claiming it's Mikufags fault when they have never exhibited such behavior.
Ninofags need a scapegoat, thankfully, the smarter part of the fandom knows Ninofags are doing this shit, and that's all the matters
The thing is Ninofags claimed that her confession chapters would top the poll because they were trending on twitter but in reality they can't even touch the #1 spot
Any updates?
has any drawfag drawn the two yotsubas together yet? seems obvious
because ninoniggers kept spamming that Nino became the most popular. This came to bit them in the ass once Miku got more voter than all the other quints combined.
People are harsher against Ninofags because they spent a year antagonizing the other fanbases and had some notable, identifiable shitposters. They're not as bad these days, like you hardly see the chink around anymore, but old grudges die hard and there's a lot more material to hate them with than with any other fagbase.
Anyone got the translations for the last volume intros posted yesterday?
Ninofags claimed Nino is more popular after her confession, they got proven wrong as always.
only idiots thought she was the most popular. I can’t believe there were that many who believed that, rather 2 or 3 who spammed that idea.
>when ninofags shitpost it's obviously ninofags
>when mikufags shitpost it's obviously a falseflag, even if we had multiple instances in the last few months of a ffew mikufags getting 90+ post deleted once banned.
>only idiots
Ninoniggers ARE idiots
Mikufags act like that nerdy kid in school who was bullied in school and held a grudge all these years.
All Ninofags are idiots, who else but a idiot could support a druggie bitch that spent half the manga making the MCs life miserable?
Well she’s clearly more popular, but not the most. It’s hard to say exactly where she’d be ranked now. Surely after Miku, likely 428 after her flashbacks. 15 uncertain.
You guys are going too far.
>40 chapters
Case in point.
Just poking holes in your pathetic logic, oneliners won't save you.
>b-but I didn't do anything harsh to h-him!
The absolute state of Nino
It doesn't need to save me. It's already giving me the satisfaction of making you angry.
Hah, you're that mikufags that stopped replying once I told you that oneliners like "cope" and such don't make you right. You really can't do anything but copy others.
>post literal projection
>reply to yourself with "cope" and "CAPS LOOK CRUISE CONTROL FOR COOOOOL"
>reply to yourself saying how those posts look silly
Who do you think you're fooling with this shit? You've been doing this the whole thread, you've been doing this for MONTHS
>40 chapters.
It's really sad at this point, everyone has figured out his "trick", yet he continues doing it
Oh god. You guys are that mentally insane.
They're not mentally insane, they're just doing damage control.
here's a simple solution; stop judging the fanbases based on shitposts as those are likely from falseflaggers and start juding them by the good posts instead
>good posts i
the problem is that ninofags can only cry and obsess over mikufags
You must be extremely new here, Mikufags shitpost sometimes too, but not like this, this "psyop" has been going on for the last 6 months trying to pin the retarded shitposting on Mikufags, probably coordinated by a few discord tards
why even bother having these threads anymore? it's the same old shit every week. Hell, even the insults are the EXACT fucking same. How do people still come here...
Good posts are impossible for 2fags, they can only shitpost like monkeys
Let's have a serious discussion, what career will Yotsuba take?
When these fuckers understand that they're NOT wanted here the threads will change
Who sold more?
Sucking cocks for a living
Only if 9 years is extremely new. I've lurked since before Yea Forums picked up this series. Stop trying to paint a particular quintbase as innocent. The threads are all archived if you want to check them out, mikufags shitpost just as much as any other base, and in the last few months their shitposting just increased with the notable addition of a few very dedicated shitposters.
What does she even like doing? Sports and that's it?
Miku was cute on tv so I'm guessing pancakes.
Yotsuba is nothing, but at least she can clean up toilet shit
She'll kill herself
There's your "serious discussion"
How do you expect to discuss anything in these threads with such bitter posters?
Yotsuba is a side character, she'll become a runner or open a rope shop
> Nino and Miku annoyed by their respective waifufags
Negi must've really been here sometimes...
Nice falseflagging, transparent shithead.
I love Itsuki.
>I've been here 9 years
Lmao, and you still like tsundere shit?
You haven't been here for 9 weeks, much less years
>the two nino post are not falseflagging but the two miku ones are
You couldn't be more pathetic.
I'm sorry, but did Nino already lose? Oh, that's right. The manga isn't even over yet. In fact, it's still halfway through it. Does not having the lead right now count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? Nino is still in the bowl right now and she has been the best girl in 5Toubun for how many chapters now? You know what? Nino is one of the best fucking girls in manga, ever. She went from an average tsundere to a contender that even the other quints thinks she is a legitimate threat! Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Nino wins and someone bumps this topic. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these "Ninofags BTFO" topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like her because she's the best. Are you gay or something? Is that it? Are you prejudiced against her because you'd enjoy better a dick in your ass? Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll the fucking best girl, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
We know Fuutarou.
There's a thing as posting cooldown, and Ninofags hate Yotsuba ever since the flashbacks so it's normal for them to shitpost against her
>implying I like Nino
Suit yourself. Just remember that you should lurk 2 years before posting, roody poo
At least he can spot falseflagging, unlike your blind ass.
No, we don't. 24 alliance is eternal, Yotsubros have always been our Best pals
The two nino posts are more than a minute apart, same thing with the miku ones. You're just embarassing yourself at this point.
>ninofags hate Yotsuba since the flashback
Hahahahahaha. I hope you're not a Mikufag, or that would be hilarious coming from you.
Didn't she plan to join a big company that pays well?
>talking on behalf of Yotsubros
>being this pathetic and needing "alliances"
Can you Nignocucks sink any lower?
he's preparing to shipjump the second 2 loses
Mikufags have nothing against Yotusba, it was foreshadowed that Miku will help Yotsuba with her problems, stop trying to pin falseflagging shit on normal Mikufags, it's not working.
Ninofags have always been the biggest bandwaggoners and shipjumpers.
They already smelled that Nino is losing in the next few chapters, so they need a replacement.
>Ninofags hate Yotsuba
She's my second favorite, I even had her tied for first at some points and I've consistently said that. Really not sure why you always say this when I'm pretty sure that I and at least a few other Ninofags make that clear pretty often. We're not a monolith.
This thread is seriously just embarassing. I don't even care in the slightest about Miku, but mikufags have become true cancer. I hope nino amd miku will get rejected soon enough so that we might get back some resemblance of discussion in the threads without being immediately accused of being a falseflagger or a ninofag.
I think Mikufags are just in full damage control mode after everyone was shitting on her in the Kyoto arc. I don't blame them for being resentful and all
Embarassing for who? For you since it exposes what you fags have been doing for the last year?
No matter how many fucking times you claim Mikufags did something, it won't make it true.
Repeating it won't make it true.
>183 replies
>38 ips
Embarrassing lack of perception and insight
Or just a shitposters? You decide.
>ninofag hate Yotsuba
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and generalizing is bad, but the 24 pair has always been pretty common here, heck even on /c/ recently the threads have been 90% 2 and 4.
I legit think 90% of this is caused by just one or two guys with a few other people hopping in with the occasional shitpost or jape. The threads always get particularly shitty around this time of day and this time of week as well, which makes me extra suspicious.
Mikufags live in your head rent free, my child
>heck even on /c/ recently
user are you actually that stupid? It's the same anons if you didn't notice it yet
And repeating that "mikufags dindu nuthing wrong" won't make it come true either. Deal with it.
You claiming something that's not true is not gonna make it true, and /c/ is just a bunch of Ninofags that ran away there after getting roasted here
She likes plants so probably floristry.
Mikushits desperately trying to save face. How pathetic
>Ninofaags/Yotsubafags shitpost as Mikufags
>the cry "Look at how awful Mikufags are"
Fucking sad.
Eatsuki will consume the other quints!
That has historical evidence, who's the one who constantly gets banned? A falseflagging Ninofag, how many times? 20? 30? I don't care to count.
When a Mikufag gets banned, it's at most 5-10 posts, not 90
You might want to reread the last two years of threads then, newfag.
So do Ninofags hate Yotsuba or not then? You're not being consistent.
Holy shit you're actually trying to make mikujeet into a ninofag now? Talk about being pathetic.
5 Ninofags/Yotsubafags circlejerking on /c/ is not what's happening on Yea Forums
>That has historical evidence
are mikeks this delusional? I mean I guess they come from reddit so they can't spot falseflaggers as easily, but still...
>183 posts. 38 IPs
definitely not mikuj. go back to where you came from mikeks, I'm sure that they'll welcome you with open arms.
there are some 24fags who are preparing to shipjump
Just binged this whole thing. Personal ranking of who's most likely to win:
Personal ranking of who I'd want to win:
Thanks for subscribing to my blog.
No one mentioned him, rent free
user... bwahahahhahah
You say this but the only massive falseflagger bans I've seen were the ichikachad falseflagging during Sister Wars who got banned for goreposting and he-who-shall-not-be-named.
>user... bwahahahhahah
Not him but I recognize your shitposting every single time, why are you in every thread and why do you spam the same shit every time?
Nice falseflagging, retarded ESL spic
I don't know what's worse, that shitty spic falseflagging or people falling for it and putting the blame on a fanbase for one tard
Since the confession with no resolution still?
There is no need to mention him when he's one of the few mikufags that when he gets banned he manages to make the thread go back from the bump limit.
It's impossible for her to fulfill her promise with Fuutarou considering how shit she is at studying so she's probably going with something that's somewhat related to plants because that's what she likes.
I don't give a damn how the manga actually ends. Nino for me is the winner, no one else can possibly be the bride. And I will edit my own ending into the last pages just in case that hack Negi bails out on the OTP just to cater to lying polls that are all trying to pass off Miku as the most popular quint.
>i recognize that bulge!
>say something stupid
>be sure to present yourself as a Mikufag
>reply to yourself a few times claming how that shit's dumb
>instant hate against a fanbase!
The sad part is that people fall for this blind manipulation
See, this is actually a new IP and not a falseflagger thanks to that, Ninofags are actually THIS fucking mental
>mikufags can't be wrong, they can't say anything stupid and if they do it's a falseflag!
Holy fuck imagine getting invested in this copypasted crap that'll always be won by first girl/ girl next door/ inoffensive rational girl/fan favorite.
I think the last iteration of this must've been Nisekoi or whatever. Anyway you're all faggots, I came to laugh at the most desperate baka's who's girl will lose and I hope the author will piss everyone off by choosing the girl that'll break the entire fanbase.
Genuine projection. Embarrassing.
See it in a positive way, low IQ retards are being filtered out
>mikufags can only write stupid shit there's no way someone with a obsessed vendetta wants to make them look bad!
Which makes more sense? 30 posts all posting retarded nonsense or a few of them trying to make them look bad?
This is how I knew from the word go that Ichika would never win, even before the Kyoto fiasco.
Or the same few retards continue to post retarded nonsense? There's only 40 IPs in this thread.
Who's better at disguising as her sisters?
They can't actually prove Mikufags are the shitposters, they can only hope and speculate.
I've been here long enough to know that's likely not the case, if it's any consolation you got my support.
Why can't we all just get along?
>mikufags can't write stupid shit there is obviously a conspiracy plotted against us!
You seriously have a persecution complex.
because OP ruined it
Thanks, it's really exhausting arguing with these clowns and trying to start with a clean slate, but when you got a war machine against you it's really difficult.
>mikeks have been falseflagged for over 8 months!
>d-definitely not their autistic reddit fanbase or anything, hahaha!
>archives? w-what are those, hahaha.
Face reality mikek. Nino has the worst fanbase being primarily ESL/pinoy while Miku has reddit/also ESL fanbase.
The same way you can't prove mikufags aren't the shitposters. If it's of any consolation I've been here long enough to know they are very capable of that.
Miku's canonically the best. It's not like being the best at something means anything here, Nino was the best cook but Miku wants to make a career out it.
How the fuck do you think it feels seeing dozens of posts trying to make you look bad writing in your name? It's nauseating and I have every right to defend myself
Dumbass, I love Ichika the most. Don't lump us all together with ninotards.
Outdated, use this instead!
Don't worry, Miku already won the bowl. Mere words won't affect her, or you.
Get some new material already. I've seen this exact "everyone's a falseflag" derailment so many times its gotten tiresome. What's even the point of wasting all your energy doing this? Once this thread dies and the next chapter comes out everyone's just going to ignore all this shitposting and move on until you do it again.
are you going to make a 2000 word post on reddit about how tiring it is to discuss here on Yea Forums?
We know, Michlan
Of course you would know about what's happening on reddit
I unironically think they would be a cute couple if Miku didn't already love Fuutaro
>chapters 101-105 are Fuutaro talking to each of the quints
>he finally picks one in 106
>it causes a misunderstanding/some kind of drama (probably involving lolikano)
>Fuutaro's feelings get all confused again
>this drags on for another 30 chapters
Sasuga Hackruba
Holy shit I'm sorry if your pussy is sore. But why the fuck would you think people are "writing in your name"?
Hand-waving the issue won't help anyone.
Nice deflection. Post a screen her so we can laugh at you crying in your safe space.
>Y-san ballot stuffing is valid
Pathetic ninofag, can't you come up with something better?
Most Mikufags have been thrown out of these threads since the posters here are very hostile to them, as one of the very few it gets very personal when people post braindead shit and pretend to be you, it reflects the entire fanbase on Yea Forums since I make up a large part of the pro-Miku posts.
They have nothing ni common and no connection though
but Nino IS shit.
>Most Mikufags have been thrown out
You can't throw out people out of Yea Forums. If anythink they don't post here most of the time which is pretty smart since most of times these threads are a waste of time anyways
> Y-san help me cope.
> Y-san?
> Please exist!
Why don't (You) give me a valid proof then user!
Tell me again why would anyone want Nino to end up with the mc? he literally admits to being a shallow whore and is willing to fuck any blonde chads that get into talking distance. You KNOW she would cheat on him with his dad at the very least, Nino is walking NTRbait.
hi again
I meant aestethically, not like it's gonna happen anyways
You can't throw them but you can make them feel unwelcome.
what if there are actually no mikufags left, and the only mikufags are false flaggers?
At least we know this came to pass...
Then someone REALLY has a lot of time on their hands with all the Micute posts
>drugs Fuutarou
>goes out to meet Jamal
>gets impregnated
>comes back home when Fuutarou wakes up
Pretty much what would happen
Ninofags can't argue for her. If you think about it she's all talk especially if you compare her to someone like Miku. Miku wants to know more about F and wants him to know aber her, asked him out on dates, wants an answer from him and would like to spend time on the festival with him instead of hiding from him like Nino does. Nino did nothing in the last 40 chapters. I don't get how anyone could ship her with the MC
Either grow a pair of balls or go back to redd!t
Yes , and they're all ME! ME!
Shittiest thread since a long time. Wow.
Sure but it's not like you're missing out. It's actually a lot better if you stay away from these threads besides spoiler threads
Nice try but that's impossible, polls everywhere have at least fifty percent of all voters as Mikufriends and the same is true here.
You can thank our local falseflagger with no life
Wouldn't that be the one who's canonically into hairy old men?
Cool unfunny meme, I bet you think "eatsuki" is funny too
Fact is there is a 6th sister. These 5 never marry, grow old, and die together.
Check the archive. There are tons of posts on twitter where Mikufags literally bought out the stores for ballots.
I've got a great pair and you should go back to redit
Serious question: why is Yea Forums obsessed with Reddit? Someone always brings it up somehow
You think someone would just do that? Go on the internet and tell lies?
Miku literally cares the least about appearances though, very unlike Nino. The latter going on about how inner beauty doesn't matter and only appearaces do should have warned you that she's a shallow slut willing to fuck the first gaijin she comes across
remnant of the past when Yea Forums was the "elite", today it's just as bad
damage control
no further argument
When someone accuses you of being Reddit it's a concession that they're completely out of arguments.
Red herring, Fuutaro's preferences back then were the complete opposite of what Miku was actually like. Fast forward 100 chapters and she is now about to win and become the bride.
Perfect for my small dick.
Pathetic edit.
Only for Futarou.
Serious question, why do Mikufags care about their "reputation" so much on Yea Forums? Is there something deeper psychologically here?
Most Mikufags don't care
Itsuki is used to stuffing her mouth full of food though, if anything her mouth has already been very well trained for the task of fitting an huge cock inside of it.
34 please leave
It's the largest fanbase but the least post here.yeah I'm pretty sure
If anyone's baking the cake you know it gonna be Nino
You sure show it by bringing up Ninofags, sometimes completely unrelated to the current topic, every other post and try to prove you're above them.
That's how someone who was bullied lashes out.
Are you crying right now? I don't give any fucks about 2fags, some of them are pretty smug so it's fun to shit on them from time to time
Can you prove falseflaggers don't do that to bring attention to Nino when no one cares to talk about her?
So your version of not giving a fuck about them is whining about them while they ignore you?
Good job I guess.
Why are you guys even arguing over who the best girl is when there is only one girl. There isn't any quintuplets
What are you even talking about? I rarely talk about Ninofags, if anything I shit on Nino more than on her fags
Falseflaggers are so convenient.
I don't think you understand that trying to shift the blame to falseflaggers for every retarded post, and boy there are a lot of those just makes the excuse hollow.
How lucky that I am Raihafag. Fuck the quints.
If Itsuki isn't the main girl then why does she get the most main girl moments and get so many panels where she looks gorgeous?
cry back to rēddit with another one of your 2000 word posts about how hostile Yea Forums is faggot
> care about their "reputation" so much on Yea Forums?
Internet has always been serious business my dear child.
> Is there something deeper psychologically here?
I'm just insane. Why do you ask?
> Mikufags
All me btw.
Does she? She's the only one never to express any romantic feelings for Fuutarou, and it's reciprocal. If anything, she's the one with the least attachment to him, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
What was that phenomenon called again? Selection bias?
>I'm just insane. Why do you ask?
Is this supposed to be another attempt at copying Ninofags?
What#s even the point of trying to make fanbases look bad? Do you hope that some fags will jump ships like you would?
Of course Mikutard
That's not insane, you just lack a little bit of vitamin D. Also you've been in a hurry while applying your makeup, right?
Most 34bros are already invested too much into their quint, they wouldn't abandon them.
Others are more disloyal, like after the Yotsuba flashback there was a massive wave of 25fags moving to Yotsuba
Remember when the fags of quints were not the ones being discussed and the actual quints were being discussed?
Nino is just so shit and boring after these confessions, back then bad as she was she at least had a role in being a turbobitch with a blonde fetish. Current nu-Nino "me wuv Fuu" doesn't even seem like the same person anymore, maybe the actual one has been drugged and put in a locker somewhere. Well, karmic justice I guess.
Yup, that's why Yotsubro post quality took a nosedive, some of those are back to Miku again since her chances have significantly improved in the last chapters.
I'm still working on it.
Some shit happened that's making it take longer than expected, but it shouldn't be too big an issue.
>Miku wants to know more about F and wants him
86 chapters after, it's too late . Even when Miku was one the most friendly with him!!!
Nino don't needs it because she learn about him during the 59 chapters of the manga.
>With All their fights the two become friendly.
Unfortunately for Miku it's the opposite!!!!
why do you think 24fags exists? Former 2fags who jumped ship
Literally who
A shit
Nino a bitch
>Ninofag spamming again
So that's how you cope, huh?
the nino chink just arrived as I thought this thread couldn't get worse
is there such a thing as a 12345fag
I like everyone but 2
Yes, but I'm a 25431fag.
That's fair. I go for 13245 but I don't actually dislike anyone.
There were quintfags before but they died down after Seven Goodbyes.
Storyfag aka original Quintsfag.
Endangered species indeed.
The problem isn't that they're extinct, it's that we're so late into the story that you can't possibly discuss things without forecasting a winner. And the moment you do that you'd be mistaken for a quintfag whether or not they're your favorite.
The amount of insecure anons this uptight, falseflagging and samefagging, projecting, etc all because they're afraid of Nino is quite overwhelmingly baffling. You don't even have to be an Ninofag to notice the pattern of the same anons post which is very pathetic and sad state to see.
>40 chapters
>shit character based around a shit archetype has attracted a shit fanbase
Glad everybody realized this, we can all move on now.
They stopped posting for good reason, the threads are asinine filth made of few fags spamming garbage.
Unironically the situation would greatly improve with Poster IDs
>40 chapters.
>he's having another meltdown.
So how many chapters till it's done?
Nobody's afraid of shit, we're just laughing at you.
No need to try to act tough
based yotsubro
>because they're afraid of Nino
Nothing of the sort, I see a fool, I laugh at hiim.
Nino is the one shitting herself in fear of total strangers as long as they hold hands with Fuutarou though, that's just how insecure she is. Guess it caugh on her fans too
English please
now that 2 is dead will 2fags jump ship to 4?
>n-ninofags are hurting the little bit of ego i have left!
>4-40 c-chapters!!!!
Ninofags are being particularly pathetic today
Soon to be 41 you mean? Don't worry we will get there soon.
How does everyone feel about the Miku x Takeda development? It felt pretty rushed imo, although it was foreshadowed earlier in the season so it was to be expected.
Can’t handle the truth?
This is one of my favorite pieces of Yots fanart. Cute bunny!
This is what happens when a Ninofag is OP.
>says by the increasingly nervous ninofag for the 40th chapter in a row
Of course they can't, the truth hurts them.
Too obvious.
I will never get along with Ninokeks
Pretty much. 2/3fags falsefagging has spread to falsing as 4bros now too. But you know it's them because they spam the same shit memes like ">40chapters" that 2/3fags throw at each other but with a picture of Yotsuba instead.
We don't want them, fuck those retards
stop falseflagging ninofag
>implying anyone wants to be associated with fucking Ninokeks
It's called a normal person. Or a quintfag here.
This is a falseflag
Ch131 is the last
>deflects to Miku
I know that is business as usual for (you), but that's a more than a little obssessed with her don't you think? Don't worry though, Miku already has got the Fuutabowl in the bag.
ninonigger cope
The absolute state of these threads. Remove all quints. Keep Takebayashi as the heroine.
Based on?
But she cucked him
>Miku already has got the Fuutabowl in the bag.
I wouldn't be so sure, she seems to enjoy old men more.
Where is the lewd version?
>40 chapters
Just remove Nino instead, it's easier and more importantly it has already been halfway done in the last forty chapters. By now all that's left is the final push.
Why are you crying so much? Who hurt you?
>40 chapters
They will probably jump on 4 cause she's next up against Miku. I'll consider it when 4fags start to shit up the threads.
You're a real piece of shit, you know?
>Oh, I see you're already busy...sorry...maybe next time.
>40 chapters
She can win the MC bowl and still fuck old men on the side, you know. Doesn't have to be one or the other.
Ninofags should know their place.
Outside of relevant 5toubun discussion
It's just banter, believe it or not I'm not I'm neither a 2 or 3 fag.
man I hate that face, looks like a fucking anteater
From what I understood Micuckies need to have the final word in and thus it makes them an absolute joke to bait.
Even a random Nino image might do.
Kinda wonder if they ever get tired.
>Based on?
Miku is the worst character I've ever seen in this manga. It really pissed me off that such a waifubait, pathetic and cliche ridden character occupied the first spot in the Japanese fan polls conducted. That speaks volumes about her mouthbreathing fanbase rather than anything else, who have really bad taste and have too much time on their hands. I shall attempt to enlighten the Mikufags of the various ways she flat out sucks.
>Bland design
On the whole Miku is ok at best. But when compared to the designs of the other girls in the series she comes dead last. The tired yamato nadeshiko trope is applied to her with her long straight hair and meek personality. Compare Miku with Nino, Itsuki or even Yotsuba. She looks too bland and unoriginal compared to the others. Too plain. Just like a bowl of boiled rice. Grown up Miku looks the worst amongst the quints, with her Takagi type fivehead and weird haircut.
>Boring personality
I know this point has been reiterated several times, but Miku is really boring. Initially she was kind of interesting with her banter with Nino and Fuutarou. She had the guts to face them head on and not cower under the sheets like a baby. But now she comes across as too lame and uninteresting. Like a stale piece of limp celery. Reminds me of Kosaki from nisekoi. I especially hate the way she does absolutely nothing (besides baking some croissants) and expects Fuutarou to magically fall in love with her. And I hate the way she expects the other quints to back off since she had ""dibs"" on Fuutarou just because she fell for him first. But then again Japs and betas love a docile, meek and le gamer girl to satisfy their neckbeard fantasies.
>40 chapters
>No ambition
Ichika wants to be an actress, Nino wants to start a restaurant, Yotsuba can be an athlete, Itsuki wants to be a teacher. Now what exactly is Miku's ambition besides lusting after Fuutarou's dick? No clue!! The author tried to shove some hamfisted crap about being a history geek, but honestly that is no use in the real world and is quickly forgotten. Later she tries unsuccessfully to become a baker, which was brought about by pure spite and petty competitiveness against Nino.
>Physical harm to the MC
With the exception of Nino, who drugged Fuutarou twice, Miku has caused Fuutarou to get a stomach ache and a nosebleed from force feeding him poisonous food. None of the others have done anything remotely bad as this to him. At least Nino had the decency to apologize for what she had done.
Now all this would not be a problem if her chances of winning were low or non-existent. But judging from the way the author is setting up the story she seems to be a candidate in the forefront. Also judging from Negi's twitter reaction to the latest chapter he seems desparate to placate her fans which leads me to conclude she could win the Fuutaroubowl. A pity win is the worst possible outcome that an love story could conclude with.
Fuck Miku and her pathetic fanboys.
>Pack it up, men. She's already occupied at the moment...
Tsundered like nino were a mistake
Pasta is very effective, since most of them don't know any pasta older than a few years.
This but Nino
Ninofags really are losing it when they have to resort to copypasta
the nisekoi pasta last thread got a bunch of (You)s so that's honestly pretty true.
Pretty much this.
It's like a prophecy, instead not really since you're steering a pack of dumb dogs with fresh meat.
But there's nothing
What’s going on? Why are Ninofags getting BTFO this thread?
user I...
>416 posts
>65 IPs
After what chapter/moment did you start to root for your quint? Pic unrelated
This copypasta is so old but Mikufags still can't refute whatever is written in it, pretty funny if you ask me.
This thread... 2 and 3 fags are really going all out now that they're realising it's over for them.
She wears headphones
OP had to make a non-quint OP
and it's about Ninoshit of all quints.
He deserve this tbqh
So does ninofags
Can the discarded plot device please sit down?
It happens every thread though, ninocucks are the laughing stock of 5toubun
but 1 is literally the one with the least chances now
this but unironically
Second least chances, Nino is in dead last.
3 > 5 > 4 > 2 > 1
>m-muh ninofags
Yeah, no. Fuck off shithead. We'll see on spoiler day who's gonna get BTFO and it's definitely not us ninobros.
Why would I refute a pasta? Stupid?
All of them picked Fuutarou, retardou
>nino is dead last, says user
>put 1 last
holy shit quintfags really need a fucking tutor
After 40 chapters her not doing anything of relevance wouldn't even count as a loss anymore, huh.
Because you can't refute facts, dumbass. Are you not getting tired of shitposting all day, mikuj?
I don't know what's funnier, 3 in first place or saying Nino is dead last and putting her above Ichka.
Take your pills
Why are you so upset? Can’t handle you precious Nino get shitted on this hard?
Whoops, my bad.
3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > 2
Because instead of having a decent discussion, you idiots are shitposting on a quint who literally hasn't done anything to you. Is Nino really living rent free on your heads right now?
It’s a copypasta for a reason. Fucking retard.
user, don't expect so much from mikeks. They're still recovering from getting btfo by Ichicute.
>Thinking im a 1fag because of pic.
2/3 fags outing themselves as brainlets again I see.
Yup. Still funny.
Yep, you’re lost it.
Dude you're hiding on an anonymous board, really no reason to be smug about misleading people
>G-gomenasai Ichika-sama...
>having a decent discussion
>with Ninokeks
must be hell living in your delusion
>it's a pasta so it must be false
LMAO mikuj, the reason this pasta is so popular because everything written there are hard truths. Just because a pasta exists doesn't mean it's necessary false, you dumb fuck. It's literally the only pasta to make you mikutards shut the fuck up once and for all because you can't do anything about it.
Someone's certainly lost.
You could replace "Nino" and "Miku" with "yukino" and "yui" and this thread would be a 1:1 copy of a peak shitposting Oregairu general. sasuga /5tb/
Go back to rêddit mikek.
>Yep, you’re lost it.
Yep, you're pretty lost to me.
goddamit user
do your homework first before you go shitposting here
That's literally what you do. Imagine being a coward on an anonymous board, it doesn't get any lower
>trying to start a discussion against Ninokeks
lost cause user
This is a prime example of why we can't have good discussions. You mikutards literally ruin everything in these threads, just fuck off back to redd!t, you fucking faggot.
I can refute literally every songle point of it and turn it in Miku's favor but why should I? It's just pasta
It’s a fucking pasta, user. Why would anyone that’s mentally sane take it seriously?
Look at OP and say that again you kek
sure user
It's retarded to assume the quint I ship based on a common reaction pic.
>I can refute lit-
Stopped reading there.
It's been a while since I posted in a shitposting toubun thread.
I'm loving all these ninoshitter beatdown
most people in these threads are retards
I wonder which quintfags will be utterly BTFO in the next 32 hours.
seriously why hasn't ninoshit been written out yet
Yeah just like you did with the manga
Rate each quintbase shitposters.
1- Can't possibly know when falseflagging, small poll of contestants make figuring out who they are a pain in the ass, works for subterfuge I guess.
2- The original, most shitposting styles are copied from them, can get pretty autistic when arguing and like riling up 3fags. 8/10
3- Used to be much better but now mainly rely on quantity over quality, pretty uninspiring 4/10
4- Recently got a bunch of tourists and (shit)post quality degraded, frequently used as 2/3fag falseflag fuel, not too much shitposting so undecided/10
5- metashit as bread and butter while trying to shove Itsuki's Importance down everyone's throat, can actually take jokes and enjoy being fat, still, rather uninspiring 5/10
Takechads- 10/10, everyone's fucking mad
probably none of them. i can't imagine a confession anytime soon. maybe in 10-15 chapters,
If her presence triggers you that much then I'd rather her stay in the manga
Kill yourself, this forced meme was never funny.
>quints and quintfags
>not being retarded
quite fitting to the premise actually
unironically They Never Learn
Nino did fine against Takebayashi. She didn't seethe like Yotsuba and she didn't get jealous like Miku.
>still, rather uninspiring
umm excuse me sweaty?? I hold concrete evidence of the contrary
>The original, most shitposting styles are copied from them
stay mad
>Nino did fine
>I will always love you
>Nino did fine against Takebayashi. She didn't seethe
The higher the score the worse the fanbase btw
>Nino did fine against Takebayashi. She didn't seethe
Ninofags really are on the point of no return...
>not too much shitposting
>Nino did fine against Takebayash
>jealous and seething when she saw Takebayashi holding Fuut's hand.
>started a dick measuring contest because she feels threatened.
>got BTFO literally on the next page
>The original, most shitposting styles are copied from them
what shitposting styles
You don't want a score at all, what is scored is how tiring is to one quintbase shitposter over the other.
Every time I see this post I wonder about so much.
What's wrong with that?
Stop bullying the ninofags. I don't want them to leave.
Don't forget about the despairchads, 10/10 for me.
I do
5toubun threads will literally improve without them other quintfags are easier to deal with.
Too much effort, would have to include ahogefags/ribbonslayers/nails/hairfags and what not
wait, you really don't know?
She's steeling herself for the inevitable rejection, any chapter now. If fuutarou had any interest in her at all he would have made a move ages ago.
That's a stupid list based on something very stupid in the first place.
It’s literally damage control
>Nino did fine against Takebayashi.
>m-muh feelings will never change
LITERALLY THE MOST PATHETIC LINE IN THE HAREM BOOK. That's pretty much like you're admitting already that you lost.
quite fitting for this thread tbqh
>muh meta
This is your brain on fat.
She's just reassuring Fuutarou she loves him.
She's just reassuring her hubby that she loves him.
Another day, another ninotard BTFO.
Everyone is focusing on the "my feelings will never change" line but honestly that's pretty whatever. The context is bad but girls have come back from that.
The real failing on Nino's end is that she starts, and loses a dick measuring contest and that's a red flag in every possible regard.
This is your brain on Nino
How long ago was that? 3 months? After that pathetic display he has no more reasons to care.
Fuck off falseflagger
Nino is just one giant walking death flag.
>Early confession
>Getting btfo by other quints constantly
>muh feelings will never change
>40 chapters of irrelevancy
And much more.
>reassuring Fuutarou she loves him.
All talk as usual.
He would react like that to any quint if they stopped suddenly liking him
Yeah, she needs to keep him constantly reminded about it otherwise he would forget she even exists
Drop a vote for any of the 5tobuns to take their place in the Waifu can for the upcoming Autumn cup roster for Yea Forums, currently Nino sits in the shitcan, but a vote in the "seasonal waifu" section will determine who gets it this time.
Feel free to drop any other ideas you have as well, with enough support, they may get put forward.
As was told, quantity over quality. Rating unchanged.
Saying that her feelings will never change despite not wanting an answer for 40 chapters is pretty much death
this is literally miku
Keep on shitposting, though. It feels good to be relaxing right now knowing that Nino's going to win in the end anyway.
Miku doesn't say shit 12 years olds say
You know, after a dozen replies to a pasta last thread, nothing surprises me with this fanbase anymore.
Kneejerking is par of the course.
Mikubros.. I thought we were supposed to win.
took you long enough to realize that
The bracelet hasn’t been brought up for over 50 chapters
The biggest deathflag is how Negi never developed why was she so agressive against Fuu early on beyond what we saw on 7gb, based on that i would understand being wary of the guy but not drug him and play mind tricks on her sisters to sabotage him, I was expecting her to be somewhat traumatized after Yotsuba got lost at Kyoto and blaming shota Fuu for taking her sister away or something which could explain her being so fucked in the head but all we got was a her calling him Fuu-kun, it's clear that Negi got tired of her character and is now just developing her way out of the bowl
>m-muh braclet
This is the only thing you can come up with nincel?
ninoshitters doesn't deserve even remotely good threads.
He reacted much more strongly when fake Itsuki said she wanted to end their relationship
blame the reddit tourists and the anime.
These are some really fucking dumb fish, bro. You can freely use rocks.
You mind explaining this to me, Itsuki?
I can smell your fear from a mile away.
Seasonal waifu is pretty much the perfect way to describe Nino
I'm looking for miku anons. Have you seen her?
Serious question, is responding to every piece of bait the falseflaggers doing?
Otherwise I can't explain the phenomenon
Screencaped for future use
I can smell you from half way across the earth SEA ninofag. Go take a shower.
Ichika pretty much took herself off the race after that.
You have to try harder than that.
You think this is bad? Just wait until season 2 airs and the inevitable animeonlies influx adds to the ninoshitter camp.
Apparently not.
>people literally crying over 2/3 shitposting galore
Are you guys new here? We've had worse shitposting hours
By then we'll have probably gotten rid of the filler. Marika and the other girl were culled pretty quick too.
I'd take ninoshitters over 3tags any day.
Based grammar poster.
If we're going by pure meta then only 3 and 5 have any real chance and 1 lost before she even started, so I'd rather not go down that route.
I can't not laugh every time someone postes it
That's like 6 months away, by then Nino will have been rejected or else completely written out of the manga.
>pure meta
that's an interesting pic considering how shit went down
>implying the people "crying" aren't the same shitposters themselves trying to "win" the high ground
Shiggy. We're on galaxybrain levels of turdposting now.
>mikek claiming miku can win
>mikek also claiming ichika is out
like clockwork
The manga will hopefully be or close to be concluded by that point. Hopefully season 3 never.
s3 will be great because mikeks/ninoniggers will be forever btfo.
I don't have any particular preference, that's just how I see it going down. Do you think otherwise? Can't see Ichika getting anything done unless the tutor/movie thing really pans out.
Really? The first 4 chapters and I already knew Miku's meta chances were about as zero as Ichika's
Tsukushi is fucking top tier
>3 meta
S3 should end with this arc so i would expect a cliffhanger for the start of the next season
Nobody does. It's always the ESL Ninofags starting shit. They've been thoroughly exposed every fucking time.
Cute of you to think they would adapt the whole manga.
3 has a higher chance of winning the bowl. She's the most natural with Fuu than anyone else
Their rage will go into nuclear melt down mode. Would be pretty fun to witness but the threads will never recover.
Why do you 3fags act so sensitive?
jesus christ the absolute state
Why not? 5toubun is popular, it's relatively easy money
the manga should end around the same time the anime ends. march/april, 30ish chapters.
Sure mikek. You're obviously a reddit refugee so why not read the archives for a bit?
Wow, that's really high quality english for a ninofag
>163 upboats
Nisekoi is even more popular than this shit, but that wasn't even fully adapted.
Same thing could be said about a lot of different series that still never got a season 3, or even a second season for that matter.
Dude fuck off, it was my time to post it!
Fine, I'll post this instead
Anime makes little or no money compared to manga, it's main purpose is to advertise which is pointless when airing after the manga is already over.
Fuutarou's easily at his least natural with Miku. He banters the least with her, he of her things the least, and she's the one who's the least connected to his personal life not having a relationship with his past, his families or anything he does outside of the tutoring.
Thanks for proving my point Ninofags.
S1 ended at Miku confirming her feelings for Fuutarou
S2 will end at Scrambled Eggs where Fuutarou was finally able to tell her apart from her sisters because he loves her
S3 will end at chapter 90.
Alright anons I think I get it, thanks
5Toubun is already outselling Nisekoi at it's best and probably end at a reasonable number of chapter instead of having no developments for 200 chapters
shokugeki no soma is getting s4. are you retarded? merch always sells.
>S2 will end at Scrambled Eggs where Fuutarou was finally able to tell her apart from her sisters because he loves her
This is why everyone hates you mikeks. You faggots are really delusional when it comes to Fuutarou's feelings.
Pretty sure 5Toubun is the most successful harem manga in the past 15 years.
Still won't get a 3rd season to finish this
What about TLR
>S3 will end at chapter 90.
Not nearly enough for a full season, the current pacing is 3 chapters per episode so 4 volumes per season
the bride is here!
what did they mean by this bros?
>Nisekoi is even more popular than this shit
Volumes 9 and 10 outsold Nisekoi at Nisekoi's peak.
It would take at least 4 seasons to adapt the whole thing
Soma is a very weird case
user, I...
Triggered Ninofag. At least that is actually insinuated by Fuutarou by the end of Scrambled Eggs. Meanwhile you faggots relied on P A R A L L E L S with no meaningful facts to back it up.
How optimistic is it to hope for a 2cour 2nd season?
>Maka with tits
picked up
The manga could be already over by the time S2 ends. Why would they invest into 2 more seasons when the nips learned the bride's identity? Watch, they are gonna reveal the bride's identity after the flashforward in the anime and call it a day. This is also something they usually don't pull twice. Teased wedding at the end of S1, no bride reveal, doing it again at the end of S2 is not their way of doing things.
A VN adaptation would be way more kino than a shitty low budget anime.
Then the only thing that'll make S3 work is ending S2 at Chapter 59/60
Nino's shit would probably be rushed to end it at Scrambled Eggs
>pure meta
LMAO! Here's a for the lulzs