>Zenitsu is a comic relief character
So did you anons laugh in this scene? Or in all of the previous Zenitsu scenes?
Zenitsu is a comic relief character
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This character literally ruined the show.
>haha he screams and makes funny faces lmao so funny xDDD
He gets less annoying later on, heck even killing a pillar when he's not sleeping
You mean jobber Kaigaku
>Zenitsufags are brainlets
Literally every Zenitsu scene in both anime and manga cracks me up and he's my favorite character. Am I autistic?
If you don't like Zenitsu, you have shit taste.
of course I didn't but my imoutos did
Finally we saw Potato #1 !!! Can't wait for the other potatoes.
They really should have toned him down from the anime, it's fine in the manga where there is no volume but his screaming is a bit much.
i fucking hate him
he makes me want to drop the show every time I see him, thank god it's almost over
I'm trying so hard to like this show but every second that shrieking piece of shit is on screen all I can do is hate.
Nah, it's cool. If anything, people who take it so seriously are plain weird.
You are normal person, those faggots are just taking anime too seriously.
>if you don't find the forced "comedy" funny then it means you take anime seriously
>t. 80IQ post
>forced comedy
Thanks for proving you're actually the one with 80 IQ
>shouting and acting like a retards is good comedy
Zenitsu is best, pleb.
Go back to reading your humorless bullshit-ridden series
>the most pleb anime that trends on twitter
>fans calling anyone a pleb
You're a nigger.
>he said while posting le edgy alt-right normalfag anime
Except I didn't pretend AoT isn't a normalfag series. Kimetsufags are the ones deluded in believing their series isn't for plebs.
This is so unfair! Why do I have to post next to this guy? This pleb! I'm going to die! I'M GOING TO BE KILLED! My brains are going to leak out of my ears! Dead, dead, dead, dead! This pleb!
>those faggots are just taking anime too seriously
Why else would you be on an anime discussion imageboard then
Based Zenitsuposter putting a retard in his place
based zekeposter
>A whiny bitch complaining about Agatsuma being whiny.
Do they sit on your lap while you watch it
no, but i am 15 years too old to be watching shonen.
perhaps some of the actual children on this board could offer their opinions.
he's pretty funny.
Honestly my favorite character.
Ok so we have a great manga series with great story-telling, cool characters and even some nice strong feelings. What should we add to it?
Oh yeah! The cringiest and the most childish type of humor that exists on this planet! Seriously, I hate this pathetic attempt at humor. It doesn't fit the show at all!
I dropped the show two times because of this shitty character, my fucking god, I hate him so fucking much.
Yeah it's ok but you have to admit that this type of humor is the most childish type possible.
He was funny at first but I got quickly tired of his constant screaming and faggotry.
let's see you draw some manga fuccboi
>defending a shit ''character''
it is meant for 12 year olds.
Jobgaku is not a real moon
I like this show, but I hope I can withstand Zenitsu trying plebfilter me. Why the fuck does it seem his volume is set at 3x the strength than the rest of the cast.
He's more tolerable in the manga because you don't have to hear his voice
Sigh, it's the same with Asta. What is with the nips these days? Are they trying to force us into English dub culture?
I was pretty sure that Inozuke was the comic relief.
Worse, you just love reddit humor.
I think its the same as when you watch regular cartoons and everybody is really fucking loud, they think kids dig that shit
Lmao even 12 yo kids would find this unfunny. The "humor" is more like for kindergarten babies.
> tfw was starting to enjoy Demon Slayer again with the spider arc
> Tfw the show has to remind me that this blonde fuck exists
blue butterfly girl is cute
>> Tfw the show has to remind me that this blonde fuck exists
That entire episode that was just 4 consecutive flashbacks and then he flawlessly ends the spider faggot after bitching endlessly almost made me drop the fucking show.
I know it's hard but try to tone down your autism.
I hate most Zenitsu scenes. But I for some reason the one episode that was mostly comedy, the Wisteria Inn one, was fucking hilarious. Even though all 3 guys are just obnoxious on their own, the dynamics between them are great. I bet the author would be good at writing a purely comedic series.
Was Zenitsu trained to be a demon slayer as a joke? Why would you train someone so unwilling to participate.
This show is awful at comic relief. What should be just one panel on a page, where it works, gets stretched into a off putting cringe 2 minutes.
>being so high on your own horse that you don't have the humility to enjoy even the most basic humor on the planet
>I only watch sophisticated anime for sophisticated people such as myself.jpg
stay assblasted my dude
No, you are just not one of this annoying animefags that started ruining KnY threads with their hate for Zenitsu
Stop samefagging
call me a samefag all you want it won't change a thing about your pretentious worldview my bro
I think I like him because he has that pathetic side character attitude that make want to cheer for him, so i'm quite happy when characters like him do cool stuff.
>not liking kindergarten-level comedy makes you pretentious
t. 80IQ samefagger.
Not bad but they are overdoing it to the point where it's slightly annoying.
Probably because of his massive potential and skill?
How are you able to ignore that?
How are Zenitsufags able to ignore his faggotry?
I liked his manga voice better, that's for sure.
Do you think fujoshits have brain?
God I want potatoes to beat me with sticks because I was breathing incorrectly.
pleb = filtered
No, he's literally the worst thing on the show imho, but I've seen many comments of people who like his scenes.
I have no idea how it's even possible, but that's what it is.
Only brain-damaged fujos like him.
Cringed so hard. On the bright side pigshit got BTFO and barely talked.
The snot trail triggered me hard. It was okay in the manga but this was bad.
Blows my mind that this terrible joke of a character is so well liked.
I don't like pussy men.
I love Zenitsu!
I only enjoy seeing him "cucked". This is too far.
I can already picture the yaoi doujins of this scene
Dropped the show because of him
Imagine carrying him around on your dick
No I didn't, his archetype is pushed way too much over the top to not be annoying after the third time
>a great manga series with great story-telling, cool characters and even some nice strong feelings.
But all of this is wrong.
At least asta stopped after 2 or 3 chapters, he still screamed but the VA handled it a lot better.
Why are there so many insect breathing users? Weren't they supposed to be niche?
Wonder who voiced her.
they lie next to me on the couch
It's flower not insect
Only Shinobu is insect
>alt-right anime
This sort of thing does not exist, but somehow the idea if it makes me laugh really hard.
Zenitsu's grandpa purposely trained him wrong as a joke.
As if SnK doesn't have moments that shitposters would call "forced comedy"
They usually prefer forums with logins so they could get attention.
Kids these days only like fortnite so your argument is worthless.
You all of you fags obriting this series dispite hating it are the saddest niggers on earth.
these are same faggots that infest every single thread on this board, don't bother
I like the idea behind the character but I hate the execution.
not all comic relief is supposed to be legit funny, you want funny watch a comedy show, this comic relief is suppose to bring relief to an other wise intense show. How ever the dude is a bit louder than need be.
>everything needs to be cool and edgy
this is why no one invites you to parties, you ruin everyones fun
>on the show imho
but no one like your opinion so no one cares
you know the rules!
>if you don't like Zenitsu you're a horrible person who ruins everything and baaawww stop saying bad things about my favorite
y'all need to calm down
who said you had to like it? Just stop whining about it already.
>OMG you aren't allowed to give your opinion
Stay mad kimetsufag
Yamashita Nanami - 山下七海
Apparently she voiced Miku in FranXX and the newbie succubus in Konosuba. She was also one of the main characters in Wake Up Girls, as well as Hacka Doll No.3, though I never watched those shows.
Zenitsu is at his funniest when he's angry, rather than when he's scared. Hopefully next week's episode sells you on his comedy if it hasn't yet.
He was a real moon, he was even able to fuse his bloodart with his breath techniques like UM1
There can often be a lot of screaming in a boke and tsukkomi routine in anime. However, it's generally the tsukkomi that is the one yelling their head off as they retort whatever stupid shit the boke says. This show is all boke. Zenitsu just screams like a mongoloid whenever he appears and there is no tsukkomi to play off the stupid shit he says.
A typical scene with him goes: "AH TANJIRO I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE!DIE!DIE!DIE! OH IT WAS SO SCARY! I WANT TO GET MARRIED BEFORE I DIE! WAAAAHHH!" And Tanjiro just politely tries to calm him down or ignores him. There is no comedy. It's just obnoxious. It would be somewhat funny if Tanjiro had quips for his outbursts but the funniest thing we get is when he stares at Zenitsu in disgust. Inosuke follows a similar pattern but is more tolerable. Still, they're two of the weakest characters in the main cast of any shounenshit ever made. It's a real shame since every other character in this show is pretty likeable.
Its really funny how many animeonlies hate Zenitsu and Inosuke when for a lot of people the arc where they're introduced is the arc that made people want to keep reading
the manga has no autistic yelling & screeching
The Pig is depressed! Hehehehe
I'm a mangafag and hated them in the manga too. The anime amplifies their worst traits. At least in the manga when Zenitsu is sperging I can just not read his bubbles. Inosuke at least has a compelling story behind his PIG ASSAULT which makes me like him more but he still screams a tad too much.
Imagining you unable to read Zenitsu's word bubbles is fucking hilarious. Based Zenitsu.
this is what Japanese people find funny, literally loud and obnoxious things.
that's why youtube.com
They're a polite society so loud things are surprising and subversive. Same way Dave Chappelle is funny right now but would have had a bad reaction just a few years ago before SJWs went mainstream. What I don't get is why the west finds shit like Family Guy funny
That user doesn't, but I do.
The anime doesn't translate the humor very well at all. Like the part with the Kakushi. In the manga it was funny that while Tanjirou was thinking about what Oyakata said the kakushi kept interrupting it. It subverted my expectation because I thought the story would ignore the kakushi and what they were feeling for the sake of the story. But in the anime it was just the girl screaming at him so it was kind of meh.
Dave Chappelle has always been funny. There's just a new appreciation for his style at the moment.
Family Guy is hardly politically correct
I know but I'm saying that in just a slightly different time his recent special wouldn't have been received as well as it was. Comedy is relative to the culture
I'm not saying it is. More like it's loud and obnoxious just like every day in the US
>comparing series with occasional forced comedy to a series with constant forced comedy
One is tolerable, the other isn't.
>Am I autistic?
Yes. I'm glad you realized it.
>only my imoutous liked the comedy
Further proving the comedy is kids-level.
>hurr durr stop taking anime seriously
>spends his time on an anime imageboard.
The irony.
Both are.
>Comic relief is the inclusion of a humorous character, scene, or witty dialogue in an otherwise serious work, often to relieve tension.
>b-but comic relief isn't supposed to be funny
Nice logic.
Pig is the real comic relief and a real hero. Zenitsu is just off-putting
The fact that you are using retarded buzzword unironically makes your argument obsolete
Do you think I treat this shithole seriously, or something?
i like the anime but they push this weird mix of super serious stuff and they just throw the silly shit right after it
it doesnt flow great at all
It flows great in the manga. The anime has a couple of good funny moments but it mostly comes off as awkward when it does the tone shift.
He is annoying, but for some reason his dramatic scenes get to me the most. I wish he wasn't sleeping in his cool moments, because it would've been actually interesting if he was a coward who very easily succumbed to fear but still managed to be useful despite not getting over that fear, because typically in this kind of manga overcoming the fear is always shown as a victory, whereas realistically that's not always the case, you can get over fear of bullet but you might still end up taking it.
His only good scene was literally when he was getting beat up by boar dude while protecting Nezuko's casket he needs more scenes like that.
And his conflict of neupotism is very interesting too, his grandfather took on him even though everyone said he is useless, so it would be so interesting to see if Zenitsu is actually able to achieve greatness on his own or he simply lucked out being born as legendary slayer's grandson.
All these actually interesting things about this character completely overshadowed by mediocre jokes and screaming you've seen in every other manga. Ever.
sorry can you spoonfeed me real quick I haven't heard of this one
"the rules", I mean, I know the movie reference
>hurr durr I don't take this site seriously
>but I respond to every comment like triggered faggot
>argument is obsolete bec I have no counter argument
This has the same issue that Hellsing/Drifters had.
In the manga the jokes take up at most a page or two of space, so it's very quickly read through, but in the anime these jokes can be multiple minutes in length, making them annoying to sit through.
Zenitsu is not funny for people over the age of 6
I'm 95% sure one of the servant guys who took Tanjiro away is voiced by the same actor who did OPM's Saitama. Why isn't he credited?
>people still seething about Zenitsu
>still the second most popular character of the series
He wasn't literally his grandson. He just liked to call him gramps.
>proud that zenitsu is #2 bec of fujoshits
This. This particular Zenitsufag is a real killjoy and shits up the thread when he's triggered. Just ignore him.
Comic relief doesn't just mean it makes you laugh. It means he relieves the tension. Imagine coming to this room and it's just Inousuke depressed out of his mind and Tanjiro hurting all over barely able to move. The scene would be completely different. The whole episode would be completely dour. Just because you don't find him funny doesn't mean he isn't doing his job.
Also Zenitsu is funny.
Jesus what is it with nu-Yea Forums and having the most normie, reddit, tumblr cookie cutter npc taste in anime characters as possible. Is this the end result of the casualisation of anime?
Wait, what's wrong with Mineta? Him openly lusting after every girl in BHA despite being an ugly midget was pretty damn based.
No, just retarded
Tanjiro and Inosuke talking about how they got their shit wrecked would have been more interesting and meaningful character interaction than Zenitsu screeching about his meds. It's kind of absurd Inosuke and Zenitsu are in the same manga. Inosuke is also a loud sperg, but there is an actual character underneath who is able to both be serious and grow. Meanwhile Zenitsu is in constant sperg mode and unable to turn it off. Except when he's asleep. Which does nothing to help him grow or change as a character because he's fucking asleep. It's like the author just doesn't give a shit about him. Maybe he's the result of the editor wanting a pure comic relief character forced in.
It's what happens when you allow shonentards free reign. Yea Forums died the day spamming Nurutu threads became a bannable offense.
somebody post pig lying in bed, I need it
I skip his scenes where he whines, I'm annoyed to hell. But seeing the mango he gets a little better later, less whine, more flashy slashes.
>saves the episode
Zenitsufags are edgelords and brainlets
>Ok so we have a great manga series with great story-telling, cool characters and even some nice strong feelings
I thought this thread was about Kimetsu no Yaiba.
It's Plebbit "humour".
Why is there like 4 threads about this guy at once? They're not even demonslayer threads they're just shit on Zenitsu threads
He appeared again after a few episodes of absence and is triggering people.
No. He's like Mineta. Why do people like those kinds of characters?
Mineta is even cringier.. like really?
I don't like Mineta, but he is not even 1/10th as annoying as Zenitsu. He may also be a one joke character, but the joke is not him being a perpetually screaming retard. He mostly only annoys sjws for being "problematic".
Does becoming a demon then you into a cunt or does Muzen only choose cunts to turn into demons?
I was just wondering, why aren't you dropping the anime yet if you hate annoyingly loud characters like zenitsu and asta? Are you retarded?
imoutos are 15 and 17
gotta mention they don't watch much anime
My headcanon Zeni voice is much more tolerable.
>humour is a bad thing now
I am starting to hate Yea Forums with a passion
>bad humour is a bad thing
There you go, retard.
No, I've been on the verge of skipping every scene he was in since he first showed up.
I can usually more or less tolerate these characters but this one is fucking unbearable.
will become a demon with his grandpa!
Just watched the latest episode. How faithul is the anime adaptation? Can I just start reading from where the anime currently is or should I read it from the start?
will demon muichiro be a semen demon
Then please go back to where you came from.
Inosuke is a great comic relief, Zenitsu is just a insufferable retard
humour is supposed to be funny
It's not humor, but a bad attempt at humor.
Some of the Zenitsu scenes are funny in the manga, but actually having to hear him in the anime is goddamn unbearable
Inosuke isn't funny either.
the funniest character in the series
>>Zenitsu is a comic relief character
I thought Inosuke was the comic relief?
He's consistent in his humor, he never drops it even in battle, and he's funny even without yelling because of the pig mask.
>normie, reddit, tumblr cookie cutter npc taste
What an embarrassing onslaught of buzzwords
he was pretty funny immediately chipping his new blades
>but I've seen many comments of people who like his scenes.
They are the same people who think shit like Boku no Hero Academia and Bleach are good.
>Ok so we have a great manga series with great story-telling, cool characters and even some nice strong feelings. What should we add to it?
>Oh yeah! The cringiest and the most childish type of humor that exists on this planet!
If you couldn't tell from the start that the demographic is young children, and you actually thought Kimetsu no Yaiba had "great story-telling" with "some nice strong feelings" (whatever that means), then you are probably too stupid to appreciate a serious anime anyway. You're a member of the "tween" audience. Once you get just a little older, the screamy humor will stop bothering you as much.
Zenitsufags are all fujos.
There can be more than 1 comic relief character, retard.
Zenitsu is best, pleb.
Imagine getting filtered this hard by the most based character in the series. Zenitsu truly is based as fuck.
based pig
I am guessing normalfags are watching kimetsu because they either like sakuga or like tragedy + revenge stories or both
>like tragedy + revenge stories
the fuck are you talking about?
the main plot is Tanjiro trying to find a cure for his sister and avenge his family
Have you not watched a single episode of the series
What is your opinion on Seinfeld?