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I can't afford the one I want

>>>Yea Forumsrules/1

Because I never got over the first girl I asked out

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My wife would kill me.

If I keep my virginity long enough I get wizard powers.

I grew up seeing what women do to men in relationships and wanted nothing to do with them. I will make do with porn til sexbots get better. Might get a doll, not sure yet.

No, you just turn into a bitter old man. You'll go through life unsatisfied and miserable.


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I'm dating your friend Karen Hojo

Difficult adolescence prevented me from developing the social skills needed to do so. Ive become fit and I have friends now but I still dont feel like im good enough for anyone, so im afraid to try.

You should try killing yourself. Leave behind a good suicide note and living will.

I rejected the last two girls that asked me out. I felt no emotion toward them.

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Because I'm awful at interacting with people.

Imagine believing this in 2019

Because I have a lovely husbando that is always there for me and loves me unconditionally. I have no need for smelly 3D.

I do, but I don't even know anymore

Because i'm a horrible human being, what matters is in the inside, and we are rotten to the core.

But i am pretty cool

Im too retarded to flirt with girls

>screeches and throws piss jugs at her

Because I'm dumb and alienated the only girl I've shared a mutual attraction to or anything resembling a relationship.
Now she's pretending to be my friend but obviously revulsed by me whenever we hang out.

My mom unironically teached me about the evils of women,
She is not evil to me, she warned me about the rest and honestly frightened me for the rest of my life

Let it sink in. You'll become desperate before you know it.

Haha no thanks, im making it and nothing you or anyone else says will convince me otherwise. Ask yourself why you want to bring others down with you.

Well look on the bright side, you own your own Motel and have a very fulfilling Taxidermy hobby.