>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Draw a girl
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Name a better trope. Pro-tip- you can’t
There are a lot of gay people here, so this appeals to them straight up.
Yea, someone should really do something about that.
Felix is too tall, shoulders too square and legs too defined.
The best
Traps are the straight man's fetish. Gays try pushing their masculine "traps"
Gay man detected.
Bets thing ever isn't it?
>this appeals to them straight up
>straight up
>Draw a Loli
>Give her a Dick
>Nobody calls you pedo
Why is that?
cuz freedom of speek
Am bi. This is the kind of "trap" I like
It's like a flash grenade. There's so much going on that their moral compass gets overwhelmed and stunned.
Surprising they put a character like Saki in the Fujobait part of the franchise.
It doesn't matter either way it's pedophilic
It's fine.
SideM also appeals to shotafags so it's no surprise
god i love bulges in gurls
Why can't this be real?
I really like this mango
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Playing the OP in the last episode
>Draw a girl
>Call it a neither
The new chapter was great.
So how big should the traps peepee be? Smaller than yours? Bigger than yours? There is a right answer to this
Small in general since big isn’t cute
You know that most character designs in anime use western facial features right?
boku no pico
If it's going to be small the what's the point? All traps should be at least 7 inches long and 5.5 thick. Small cocks are pointless
What do you mean? That's small.
The point is that it’s cute.
>draw Satsuki
>call it a boy
All male idol and musoc series have otokonoko. Stuff like Banyaro, Ichu, and even Utapri feature major characters who crossdress as their performance gimmick.
Big cocks can be cute too
Rei, Pierre, or Saki?
>all his new stuff is locked behind fantia
Uh, no. Gay guys hate traps. They dont like them. None. Those guys doesn't exist. They are attracted to masculine men, which goes beyond dicks. ONLY straight guys like traps.
The best way to tell if a guy is gay, is if he is absolutely disgusted by traps. Not kidding.
gay guys aren't into female-looking creatures with dicks. you're very ignorant about sexuality, regardless of how you feel about that sort of thing.
I didn't expect from his to draw a fucking shota, dropped
That's what we in the industry call an "ambush"
Left and right. Middle just doesn't really do it for me.
She looks almost the same as this girl.
They are the same.
I think Suzu might have a boyfriend. He's only said it once or twice though.
>were holding back from pouncing all over each other the whole chapter
Was almost expecting them to start fucking in the karaoke room right in front of the other two.
... I didn't notice that they were the same artist. Guess that makes sense. I could never get into Fukaboku, unfortunately.
>here's my number
>call me maybe
I'm glad that it's not gay to get hard from this.
I mean, who cares if it's a boy
>idol show for little girl
>includes a crossdressing pervert
>he's the most feminine character
What was the point of this?
Cute genki girl (male) are the best
let's trade some shit, post good stuff
>no scat
What's the point? Here's the real stuff.
forget about it
The girl (guy) is from a hentai actually. Really cute vanilla trap (if that even works) shit.
There is a manga they appear in but aren't the main character of called Fukakai na Boku no Subete o. That's where that image is from.
Femboys > traps
I want to fuck both
What's the fucking difference? All I see is a very cute girl here.
>create a thread
>be a discord tranny shitting up my Yea Forums
Why are anti-trapfags obsessed with discord and trannies?
>retards still think traps and trannies are the same thing
This is really baffling considering traps were a thing before LGBT culture made the words tranny and dilate popular.
It's fine if he's wearing a skirt.
Fuck off you retarded cunt. I've never taken HRT in my life and don't plan to, I just happen to actually be educated about these things unlike your low IQ ass.
Shoes OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
or hell?
I love the artist.
I want to be a gym teacher so fucking badly.
Good shit.
I want to be a effeminate schoolboy so badly.
>draw an angel
>call it a demon
>tfw traps have more feminine feet than girls
I love traps and cute boys getting dominated and pushed around by girls.
Man, I sure do love me some traps.
Trans girls are so hot
Newhalf > otokonoko
by futas
>twink is literally a gay term that means feminine male
>trapfags are this delusional
That image doesn't help your point since all it shoes is that anti-trapfags are mental.
the worst part is that boys cant get impregnated
If you can't impregnate a boy you're just not trying hard enough
not with that attitude
The moment i dropped this shit
that's the best part, actually
link doesnt work
But they can!
>not wanting to have a family with tons of children
Go to /y/ or /hm/ right now and you will only find 1 or 0 trap threads, traps are not for gays because they resemble females in appearance, how do you not understand this.
if I'm fucking a dude then I clearly have no intentions of having a family
traps are a straight man's fetish
ALL traps should be gay and strict bottoms
You can't stop me from fapping to trap on trap.
>Newhalf > otokonoko
they're pretty much the same shit, but the former has fake boobs which make them slightly better by default
This fucking manga series. That protag has the luck of gods to keep falling dick-first into hot newhalfs.
I prefer femboys.
trap-on-trap is fine, trap-on-girl is also fine, but they must have a preference for males
You also can't stop me from traps having their penises pleasured via handjobs/onaholes/blowjobs, even during male on trap. Of course there's no reason they can't receive those things while still being submissive.
>Gays try pushing their masculine "traps"
they're not entirely incorrect though, otokonokos in the past used to have more masculine frames
then artists realized straight men wanted the fuck the most feminine ones and now we have a "draw a girl, call it a boy" otokonoko in every other anime
>You also can't stop me from traps having their penises pleasured via handjobs/onaholes/blowjobs, even during male on trap.
>ywn have a cute otokonoko bf.
Traps should have their cocks milked, by force if necessary.
>has breasts
>still calls it a boy
Same, I’m not reading trap manga for gender politics.
>ywn be a cute otokonoko with a cute normal boy bf
traps should only be allowed to cum handsfree by receiving a massage in their hyper sensitive female prostates
>not ruthlessly milking them from both ends
>that one guy on /gif/ who always talked about how he trained himself to never get hard during sex so now he never gets hard at all but still cums buckets from getting smashed from behind
they like you user
>they're not entirely incorrect though, otokonokos in the past used to have more masculine frames
Because they were a joke, and also they were not called otokonoko but okama. Otokonoko is a relatively modern term
>trap seems to be the most popular doll
>surpasses even the titty monsters
>draw a girl
theres a dick RIGHT THERE op
>What's the fucking difference?
i wish
Rei for the shy trap lovers
Pierre for the childish trap lovers
Saki for the confident trap lovers
my personal favorite is Junko
That's not a trap. He's obviously male even in girl clothes
Saki by far, how is this even a question?
no crossdressing = hard pass
Look at all these gay people. Isn't it harder to pretend to not be gay? Can't you just admit you're gay because of the dicks?
t.closet homo
Sorry user, only people who think it's gay are gay. Which is why they project their insecurity on to others.
It's a 2D fetish with no relation to reality.
Bitch na Otokonoko to Aokan Sex
gayest post itt
trap on girl is superior, where it basically looks like yuri unless you look a little closer that's the dream
I give this mental gymnastics a score of 8 out of 10.
gays like men
i like girls and traps like a straight man
Thanks user
>said the user so obsessed with homosexuality he desperately wants to believe others have it.
I give this one a 4 out of 10. Not as high quality.
Can you fuck this cute girl?
Is only fay if you feel tempted to duck the traps penis.
It does not matter how yummy or cute it looks, is fucking gay.
Dude suzu and her boyfriend have two h-doujins already.
I dont even know how the editor let the author include him in the manga.
>never got to see Nao plowing Yuki
Whatever happened to this?
Arent they brothers
Yes, and?
gonna need more
Post yfw tag:josou seme
You posted it already.
its real target is 30 year old shut ins dork
hard pass
traps are natural bottoms
Hmp, it depends sometimes. I'm fine if the trap is banging a boyish looking character but if he's banging some muscular guy or bald fat guy. UGH hell no
me on the right
Me on the left.
That's why it's so hot when you come across one that isn't.
>Not wanting this
Catboys are best.
>josou seme
>it's trap + feminine boy or trap + trap in denial
>Best friend traps to tease you and joke that you're homo
>Secretly want him to fuck you
Those are the best
sauce on these?
dumb gayposter
I can't even remember if cowtits had any personality whatsoever.
I do remember that trap was a lazy gamer.
She was just the typical mature ara ara type.
You all really like these anime girls huh?