Darling in the FranXX manga

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So are we past episode 19?

vol 6 stuff

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Is she gonna turn Zero Two into her kind?

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Hopefully, fuck ningen

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Well it's getting kinda interesting. Finally.

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What the fuck happened to Delta, what has Yabuki done to my wife why did he make her edgy

Hopefully we actually get fast translations for this chapter and we don't have to wait a week like with the previous chapter.

Translators said they were busy last Week, School and other Stuff.
So maybe we will have the Translations Today

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I thought Japan hated this series

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Please don't tell me 02's outburst in 14 was changed into being brainwashed/reset
That takes out whatever agency she did had in the original, even if it was an all around shitshow

All those cute, juicy nipples, wasted

We're not even at episode 14 yet, this would be around ep 12 relative to the anime

shut up Masked Triplets are cute

Thank you user !

My triplet is here, that's all that matters

They are cute and I love them, But they're wasted because they were all killed with no development.

Delta's cute tiny feet!

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It was necessary, Franxx cast is way too big to develop everyone. I'm just glad they decided to save Alpha and Delta at least.

Don't let it die, translation is almost here.

I do hope they aren't busy this Week

Yabuki made an 11/10 chara design into a 12/10 one

But seriously though, these manga threads were doing perfectly fine only a couple of months ago, I didn't need to bump them constantly, what happened? It was Mitsukoko again wasn't it?

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I guess so.
I mean a WHOLE MONTH of only Mitsukoko, glad we got that over.

Still, wonder if 001 will progress 02's Saurufication, I would welcome it tho
Would be a nice change from the Anime



Only good thing to come out of the Partner switch thing was the new Genista design

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It was Mitsukoko shitposting like back in the anime threads. At least they are gone now and they might stay gone, if the manga ends differently

Is Deltahime going to hijack a franxx and wreck the plantation from the inside?

we just don't know

I'm just sad that most of the posters are gone now that things are starting to get interesting again

I want Deltahime to dominate me!

Well that might be something the rest has to deal with, especially since its not clear if Yabuki might really change the end, which might attract the old fans

I agree with you

Some of us are still here
Even when there's only a few of us.

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Thanks doc

I will never leave, I will stick with this until the manga ends, even if the poster count drops to 2 by then

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Me too, and I will keep posting Strelly's Smile in every Thread from now on.

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So they’re making 001 a threatening villain so they’ll spend time to expand on her other characteristics and her predictable sad past.


They love Yabuki

now that's what I call a dashboard

Offical art? Pretty nice

>chenaze's art is official
I fucking wish

I haven’t left. I actually have been constantly thinking about this story (due to me actually considering on remaking this series in a fanfic). I feel more more confident in my drawings to consider making some nice four-panel comics. I kinda mess those comics since they actually do make characters in Franxx more interesting and mysterious.

I do understand how empty these thread have become since many of those posters are gone. It feels pretty weird but I do hope they continue whatever weird shit they have done in these threads and apply them to somewhere in Yea Forums or even careers.
It all depends on the villains. Papa and 001 together pretty much rule the entire earth. Virm, basically the vice guy in the tall hat, is the secret force that Papa follows (which is predictable as fuck just their first conversation). Thus, these three characters can determine the fates of everyone in the story. So far, this manga seems more keen on handling Papa’s and 001’s characters differently than the actual main cast.

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The Princess raped her and mindfucked her so now she's under her control for now

I'm glad chenaze is still fairly active.

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Posted today. She draws relatively regulary

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I want my Delta back

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Is that recent? I swear I have seen this thing months ago.

Me too user, we just have to wait a little bit longer

it was posted last month and she's done some others more recently.

I wonder if the only person who can do that is Papa himself. It sounds weird but moment like that can show us what kind of person he is, his feelings on the Klaxosaurs/001, and his honest thoughts on the Nines.

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He better fix Delta otherwise I'm boycotting the series

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What if he does... but one his own man coldly kills her in his arms.


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Thank you for the lewd Delta I haven't seen before

Needs a lot more

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All of you are freaks, you need more cute Delta posting to cure your sick desires!

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If I was a millionaire I'd commission lewd deltas from every artist I stumbled upon

That doesn't look cute
I can't even tell what's going on in that picture

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what is all this stuff

You mean the mega link?

I only have flash cards on me. It’s just a redesigned Papa holding a dead delta. The entire post itself is a joke.

he said at the start of the dump that it was all "vol 6 stuff" so what else would i mean if not what's in the mega link?

Speaking of this how much did it deviate from the anime ?
The borg are still a thing ?

I think the borg are likely still a thing but we don’t know for sure if Papa is one of them. It deviates from the anime by giving out tons of backstories before 02 goes apeshit while giving more screen time to 001.

I still want to hope they might fix that trash in the manga.

Well you could, you know, click on the link and find out?

i fucking looked retard and i still don't know. do you really just expect me to know what all these zips are?

I already know that the beast and the prince couple are basically the scraped versions of Papa and 001 that we don’t get in the anime (but somewhat in the Mato comics). Papa in this manga seems more emotional than his anime counterpart, as he doesn’t even have the heart to watch the Nines fight 001 when he can clearly do it. 001 has more attention as a villain, still has her partner crises (gee, I wonder why), and we know she can look into memories of other creatures.

If they are trying to do that scraped plot line. Virm is unfortunately guaranteed as they are the purple witch thing.

Papa wanted the remaining Nines pruned

The way he handles that is really weird when you considering that Hachi still remembers the parasites’s shitty treatment and Papa never really asks for any evidence. Plus, the Nines know a lot of medical stuff and Nanas are supposed to be doctors, it’s likely Papa is the one who taught them so they’ll take those kinds of roles in the future.

So instead of Zero Two going crazy on her own, Hime was the one who fucked her up in the manga.

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So both Papa and 001 are fate-controlling dickheads.

I wish Hiro and 02 got more development in the manga. That's the only thing that's missing. Then again Yabuki never developed Lala.

Chapter translation is up on Mangadex
I don't know if I'll dump or not

Figured that was what would happen. I have mixed feelings about that but we'll see where it goes.

TL is out btw, has been for almost an hour. mangadex.org/chapter/704416/1

Hiro and Zero Two lack development in the manga, so I guess it is fine.

>That's the only thing that's missing
And more fanservice, a lot more fanservice. Can't wait for the lake scene.


The narrative is getting way too focused on unrelated side characters and villains. I get the focus on villains but they still want to repeat the same garbage Mitsuru x Kokoro plot line, when it’s hardly necessary to the plot at all and is already a horrible travesty of writing.

I wish Hiro is a weirdo again but they want him as this fucking hentai-bait dumbass, so we’ll never get a decent relationship with him and 02 as they’ll have to make him that fucking lovable weirdo instead of the boring friendship faggot we have now.

I'm pleased that they refer to it as "maintaining" a connection and similar things. It seems clear that when the connection is broken Delta will be back to normal.

Okay fuck it, I'm having issues but I'll dump as much as I can

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>that namefag is still in the threads

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you missed 7


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Thanks for the Dump

Will Zero Two Saurify more and create more Drama between her and Hiro?

>no bulge

001’s hatred for humans feels ridiculously fake in comparison to how Papa expresses his distaste for Klaxosaurs. And it makes sense, they’re the opposites of each other (even in color schemes). So 001 might be delusional while Papa isn’t.

That's a good thing

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Well then, see you in 2 weeks

these threads should really be started when the translation comes out instead

That’s the ideal, not reality.

Maybe if OP started the thread with more a attention-catching image it would help too. Don't get me wrong, the fanart in the OP is amazing but I wasn't be able to tell it's a DitF picture while scrolling through the catalog and seeing the thumbnail, I had to read the text to know it was about DitF. A lot of people just look at thumbnails and don't read the text in the OP while searching for threads

This looks like episode 16/17 when 002 heard the klaxo hand crying.

Won't you give her a hug, user?

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No I like my arms.

It really isn’t a good idea to hug a mentally unstable tsundere.

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Can even Ikuno look so hot in the Yabuki’s drawing?

of course, he can make any girl look hot.

You tell me

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I think I am just now realizing that those were females.

I hope that Yabuki won't suddenly drop dead before completing this manga

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worth it

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Calling it now: Futoshi will fall in love with Delta. She'll be his wife at the end instead of NotMako.

That’ll be a better love story than Mitsuru x Kokoro. Why? Because Futoshi isn’t a massive, self-centered faggot. Plus, the relationship will probably have better development instead one annoying confession scene that instantly makes them a couple.

I actually think it could be cute. Like, Delta is way harsher than Kokoro so she'd actually force him to stop shoving bread in his mouth every second and get in shape.

I want more tlr!

She’ll probably ask why he eats so much bread in the first place.

No thanks.

aaaaa but the story cant just not be wrapped up

>she makes him do push-ups as she sits on top of him
I want this now.

Futoshi was always pretty sporty (even eating food while doing it). What held him back was his diet.

>she takes all the bread and hides it from him

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Why is Mitsuru so serious?

Very impressive, bless Yabuki

btw did I see an art with this dude or was it just a dream? Can anyone share it?

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Because he is supposed to come off as a serious character. However, his writing is way too atrocious to express this.

Delta is for Alpha and not Fatoshi

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Yeah, and now you'll be missing that out bitch. Fuck you! MGTOW for life!

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Delta is for me__

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Why not both?

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Can we share

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Delta is for everyone. She's public property. Slut

I suppose we can

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She's Hime's used goods now.

Even better, it's like seasoning

“Man, I never seen a good throat to struggle since several centuries ago”

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user what

it's hopeless

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Why do I want to fug the lesbian the most out of all of them?

So the manga is going to have a different ending, right? Please give me my dino baby ending.

>hype: killed completely
What happened

Shitty ending, slow manga

This one should be forgotten already and him going back to TLR.


Stop making this post in every thread.
Hiatus in April/May, then an onslaught of Mitsukoko chapters for 2 months, then another hiatus.

Imagine that 02 and Hiro still have the same shit fate but 001 for some reason has this ending instead.

Hime's dino babies? But who put them in her?

Wake me up when this pitstop is finally over.

He’s the most ironic partner for 001.


They did kinda look like 02, but for the most part the anime designs could go either way. I guess the manga wanted their "mass produced from 02" schtick to be more obvious so they made them more feminine as a result.


He’s Papa... The human 001 abandoned over centuries ago (when she also left some of her immortal technology behind to meet him). The beast and the prince is basically their backstory, except it’s retold by one of 001’s failed clones (who also has 001’s memory powers). It’s the reason why almost everything in Franxx relates to medieval time influences for both APE society and 001.

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No, fuck off. But unless you make threads like this every 5-6 months, you're mistaking me for some other user.

Is this gonna deviate from the anime or is the same ending expected??

It depends on whether or not they follow their own lore.

there's a whole lot more than 1 person wanting yabuki to finish ditf and go back to TLR, user.

But is TLR even enjoyable to work on? At least with Franxx, Yabuki gets to draw mecha shit.

lol most definitely, he just got burnt out after having worked on it for over a decade with no big breaks and not working on many other things.

Didn't he already work on another manga while he was working on To love ru?

I could understand that if TLR was a good or unique series but when I tried reading it a decade ago it just seemed like the most generic harem possible.

he did illustrations for a LN from 2014 to 2015 but that was it really, he also did mayoi neko overrun between TLR and TLRD.

well yeah, it is lol. it's popular because of the art.

>it's popular because of the art
Well ditf has literally the exact same art, so if that's the reason people want TLR back it's even more confusing to me.

it's not just the art dude, i didn't think i'd have to explain something so obvious. it's because of yabuki's character designs and the plethora of ecchi in his amazing style. ditf has maybe 10% of the ecchi TLR had and that's being generous AND most of it is in the tank extras.

Franxx girls > TLR girls

They’re both garbage.


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I want the good old days of Franxx to come back

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>39 posters
Ahahahahaha! Your shitshow is done. Why so many idiots still cling to this garbage? Franxxturds are truly the laughingstock of Yea Forums

I just want TLR back ;_;

Yabuki's talent shouldn't be wasted on harem.

I want you to fuck off or kill yourself
and definitely not on this garbage series

Even 02 isn’t good in this manga. I bet that 001 is going to be the only decent waifu in the manga.

>Even 02 isn’t good in this manga
Still better than Lala and her dumb sisters.

But Nana is my waifu

whats this? does the manga follow a different storyline? is it readable?

Franxx Nana > TLR Nana
Yes and yes.

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what chapter does the stories diverge?

Officially, chapter 37, but it was still different even before that, so it should be read from the beginning.


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It’s not like they give one of them a personality.

They don't need a personality, just being cute is enough.

Funny, because I have rewritten one of them as the child-like kind of character. Basically, the one Nine Alpha is paired with, so she can contrast with his more sly and devious personality. She makes adorable drawings that children do, typically of her own ‘family’. The Nines are not really adults who experienced everything, they’re children who grow up a little too fast.

>vol. 7 will have a full-color armor-less Genista
Oh yes I'm ready

At the very least Zeta received a barebones appreciation for Alpha before she died.

Amazing, it’s fucking garbage.

Will Yabuki make them fuck?

zoromiku confirmed for cameos in new TLR series

So is your naive-girl-serious-guy reimagining of Allha and Zeta.

Zeta has a purpose of recognizing the Nines as Papa’s children and Nine Alpha is the reminder that they are his weapons. Together, they are able to describe the other six characters in their squad without taking too much screen time.

i might read it if you post a link

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I’m currently working on it. I have an old version but it’s ridiculously outdated; it’s actually pretty horrendous as it’s the first time I have ever handled an actual narrative. I run into the same mistakes that other people have done in their first time but I have drastically improved since then.

I’m going to warn you that there are some original characters such as 16. He’s not an ally, just an example of APE’s ‘perfected’ abominations that even disturb the war-experienced Papa. I only make these characters so things can make sense or cause the world to actually be horrifying, oppressive, and depressing. They address serious issues involving APE’s lack of confidence or major plot stuff like Hiro’s purpose. I mean, they have the ingredients to make another code 16. Why don’t they make another one but make him work as intended?

whats the worst that could happen

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Oh my fucking god. Why do these guys like Kirito enough to write themselves as his lover or pal?

Don’t worry, 16 isn’t some stupid annoying self-insert, he’s a creepy kid that’s obsessed with the idea of order (as it’s literally programmed into him). He does have a love interest... with a freaky Franxx that resembles a monster than a person. Unsurprisingly, I write that relationship better than Mitsuru x Kokoro.

Have you taken the Dinopill yet, anons?

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because he's small and awkward and shoves people away and is borderline suicidal so clealry the best fix-it fic to be made is to give him a friend who takes none of his hints and will not tolerate not being his friend
healing is nice, this is also the case in franxx
as cheesy as they are, happy endings are still fun to read and write

16 has a very personal relationship between Zeta and Alpha. He’s kinda like the littlest brother in their group.


What’s weird is that despite 16’s child-like appearance, he’s relatively the same age as the Nines. They are all made after the Incident when kid Hiro tries to escape with Eo To but fails. Thus, the Nines are born from 02’s success as her code and 16 is born from Hiro’s failure as a code 016.

We just don't know

Really? It’s fucking obvious.