Which comes first? Chicken or egg?
Dr Stone
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Dinosaur evolves into a chicken and lays the egg
No one checked the animations before releasing it, huh? How did Senku get iron before he got iron?
An egg didn't evolve
Sorry to tell you this user but you literally have 2 eggs inside of you right now, so the answer is egg since human eggs came long before chickens
It just works
What material should it be made of?
He made iron tongs then made the bar. Simple science.
The egg.
Laid by an animal that was not a chicken.
>there were no workable metals or alloys before iron
Egg if we assume evolution is true.
Chicken if evolution isn't true.
They did stuff off screen? WHAT THE FUCK!!!??? HOW COULD THEY DO THAT??? THAT"S BAD WRITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Egg with mutations that make it different the creature that laid it
hey fellow science lovers want to hear a joke?
A farmer has some chickens who don't lay any eggs. The farmer calls a physicist to help. The physicist does some calculation and says "I have a solution but it only works for spherical chickens in a vacuum!"
The jews fear the indoor chicken farmer, this is real science.
thanks chef
get it? That's a joke from the big bang theory!! he's comparing Dr Stone to tbbt!! Isn't he so clever? I bet you'll get all the upvotes, we did it Reddit
Relax, it's just one jew shitposting all day. He's triggered his chosed people didn't make it, just laugh at him.
it's a conspiracy
>That's a joke from the big bang theory
That joke is literally older than your parents, retard.
Lead has a lower melting point than copper, why is it discovered later?
sorry user, you've solved nothing, since dinosaurs laid eggs. Which came first, the dino or the egg?
Shiny things draw attention first.
Metals are usually discovered in ore/alloy form
The water based creature that evolved into a dino
Except for gold, which is why it is discovered way earlier than other metal. I assume that chart showed when the metal itself (not the oxide form) is used in different era. I assume it is easier to extract copper from its oxide form compared to lead?
it wasn't, chart is incorrect. Lead beads from 6500 B.C. have been found. Use of silver is about that old too, burning galena (the mineral containing lead) produces it
Those are ceramic coated hard wood sticks.
What is gorilla thinking here?
Heard joke once: chicken goes to doctor. Says he's depressed. Says life seems harsh and cruel. Says he feels all alone in a threatening world where what lies ahead is vague and uncertain. Doctor says, "Treatment is simple. there's a fine restaurant right across the street, it serves the best eggs ever. Go and eat some. That should pick you up." chicken bursts into tears. Says, "But doctor...I am egg.
If Kohaku and Senkuu make babies, how retarded would said babies be seeing as Kohaku is the result of heavy inbreeding. Would Senkuu's genetic material be enough or would the baby be still too inbred?
probably not that retarded
Is there any data on this? If an inbred makes a baby with a new partner, does that reverse the inbreeding in the offspring and how many generations till the offspring is considered not inbred anymore?
this shit hit me hard man
I understand how sponge like creature evolve into fish
I understand how fish evolve into land dwelling creature
but what kind of mutation that turn lizard into mammal?
I loved this part. It shows Senkuu still has feelings and isn't le edgy science man.
Lizards didn't turn into mammals. Reptiles are our uncles, not our fathers. Mammals came from synapsids who diverged from other reptiles very, very early.
>laying egg in the water > laying egg on the land > mammalian pregnancy
If you look back at the ancestry of chickens, there comes a generation where the chick is a chicken and its parents are almost-chickens. They belong to the same species, but the chick is the only one who belongs to the species of modern chickens. This chick was the first chicken, and it was (presumably) an egg first.
You can kinda see "pregnancy" as "laying egg inside your womb". It's kinda more complicated than that but you get the idea.
Since most people are afraid of the recessive gene type of problems, usually an influx of new DNA, assuming they are not recessive carriers of said genes, can make the next generation problem-free.
However, following generations could still be carriers themselves, and would need to be cautious going forward and not dip back into the family gene pool.
Actually, we created the chicken and sent it to the past.
That depends. Do you consider the first single-cell organism to be an egg?
That's one angry Japanese Rick&Morty fan.
What was byakuya message to senku ? The 100th story or something ?
the 100 stories as well as his offspring which eventually became the residents of the village senku met
Any good Kohaku doujins?
>Literally 0 (zero) futa kohaku or ruri art
what the fuck
No I mean he said the 100th story was specially destined to senku, what message did he left ?
I do the same thing and i'm catholic what the hell
There's this cute one where they're holding hands. Fujos don't like other girls. They mainly draw sengen and tsukasen or tsukagen stuff.
this was pretty much the message
There are no doujins, not even gay ones.
A story about Senkuu and what happened when the petrification hit. They had more info on it.
There's tons of gay ones. There's an entire Series about the cast, but everything is happening in the modern world. And Tsukasa is a girl.
That's made from stone
Sweet summer child
I wish I was genfag, he probably has more porn than all other characters combined.
this. the amniotic sac is basically an egg that doesn't get laid
This, but twice as much. Straightfags like us, get literal scraps.
what do you think will be the STOP POINT of the anime?
Chapter "and onwards to current day"
>Straightfags like us
Bold of you to assume I'm straightfag.
But Ginny is a girl. You're a straightfag user.
Anyone knows where to find the dr stone light novel ?
Chapter 45
I love Ginrou more than Ginny. Not like this matters since neither has much art, let alone any lewds
You mean the one where they make instruments? There were a few pages posted a long time ago. Haven't seen it anywhere.
It's difficult to find some good stop point
Someone translate this please
Part 2
would that be liquid crucible cast iron vs the pig iron they made in their previous attempts. their first goes at it would give them some iron just not a lot, enough maybe to forge the tongs
watch here, they get iron just from hand bellows but its rough impure stuff unlike the final poured iron needed for the magnets
They made instruments ? Apparently it's a story about what senku did before the petrification
That's one part of it, the other is the villagers making instruments
All the iron they have is from the river right now. They used magnets to find it, so oxidation is questionable. If said iron is a random deposit or leftower of the old world is not explained.
Why the fuck is Francium on that list? Not exactly a useful metal. The rest are insanely useful.
>this ep was sponsored by coca cola
it wont have survived from the old world but even their failed attempts will produce some small amount of iron metal just not the cast iron they needed, watch the vid i posted, the iron they got was mostly a lump not running liquid we saw Senku pouring out to make the magnet
Senku a bully
Chicken. Because chicken was created by the DNA engineering or evolution (whichever you like) abd the egg is nothing more than the method of birth delivery which variates.
>Senku cola*
Ftfy, fuck big cola, Senkuu shared his recipe and didn't act like a jew about it
I-I don't understand.
I thought nobody knew their recipe
They could end the anime on chapter 45 (too slow)
Or end on chapter 82 (too rushed)
You should ask reddit that, Dr Reddit
Must be why moe-lovers beta cucks don't like dr stone, senku reminds them bad memories from their childhood.
or in between but it'd feel weird
We don't know the quality of the iron sand or how many tries it took. Worst case scenario, they'd have slag with iron bits in it which would they need extract and reforge.
I dont know what they will do
>Worst case scenario, they'd have slag with iron bits in it which would they need extract and reforge.
thats what im saying, thats where the tongs came from, forged from the iron made in the failed attempts
We're getting some Ruri art too now, niceu
There's two times they break the furnace to take out the iron, he made tongs before he made the bar
That's the worst case scenario anyway.
Are we getting new OP for the second cour?
I hope. The OP is cringe
it's confirmed we are
I hope we get new ost disc too
the ED is based tho
Yes, with new songs and everything
Dino laid an egg, out came a chicken
Why do people say this? I think ED song is bland, while OP is very catchy. Or are you talking visuals-wise?
Ruri or Gorilla?
Differents tastes I guess, not that I dislike OP but I prefer ED
someone post Kohaku with a giant head
Assuming that what they gathered are iron dust not ore (they gathered using magnet), it is impossible to make something out of it before it reaches melting point.
Gorilla. Don't want a woman smarter than me.
I don't think being able to remember folk tales qualifies you as smart. There was an extra placing characters on how they'd do in school if they were born in modern times. Gorilla was slightly above average.
Gorilla for crushed pelvis.
Sounds like an accurate representation of science in dr stone
it was iron ore not dust and you can smelt iron from ore with only hand bellows
What does it matter? Both wind up on my table for breakfast anyway.
Remembering 100 hour+ long stories word to word does require insane dedication and vast memory capabilities, which I'm willing to call signs of a high intelligence.
Not saying that Gorilla is stupid, just that Ruri has potential to be very smart.
they addressed the fact all girls look the same
Might I ask what happened here? I do not mind being spoilered.
it's his dads grave, he survived the petrification and kickstarted civilization by fucking a pop star
Every priestess had to do that. That's why it doesn't seem that impressive
village graveyard, village is also named after Senku and the 100th story is a message from his father to Senku saying he believed in him and that he would one day revive and save everyone
>it's his dads grave
not quite
he died on the other island after spending decades panning for rare metals like platinum so Senku would have a storehouse for catalysts
I love the way Kohaku says Ruri-nee.
>fucking a pop star
Fucking lucky bastard.
Thanks anons.
Is everyone in the village inbred?
massively so yes. hence the ayy lmao eyes
Lucky bastards that they only got the bugeyes
They're all relatives and they don't even know
There are a few islands that only had a handful of common ancestors and the only sideeffect was, everyone is colorblind.
How did they survive for like 4000 years?
Basic survival was passed down. Lot's of babies to counter the elements. The village is basically extinct at this moment. They went through multiple famines and bad winters. Still we don't know everything. Something funky went down on the starting island
Why does the village have so many blond people?
It's probably wood but could be aluminium. Aluminium doesn't rust unless it's exposed to abrasion or mercury, because (like stainless steel) it forms a solid rust layer that stops oxygen getting further in. There should be fuckloads of aluminium just lying around, and forging something out of it shouldn't be too difficult even if you lose a lot of it due to it oxidising.
Counter-intuitively, the way you prepare wood for high temperature work is by burning it. If you make it extremely dry then the structure of the wood won't deform from steam being formed inside it. By repeatedly charring the wood then polishing it with stone, you create a glaze on the outside that's hard-wearing and not likely to catch fire. Google "fire-hardening".
Everyone's all relatives.
Pop star was blond. We was an American pop star on a tour of Japan at the time.
True, but they're close relatives
You don't want to pull that argument when there's more genetic distance between whites and blacks than there is between blacks and monkeys
source or die, /pol/fag
Why do female humans not lay eggs?
They do, they just don't exit the body.
whites exist because we need their females.
So what's stopping everyone from fucking every girl on sight once they turn 12-13? Don't tell me that on this stone age people are still calling you a pedo for that.
prob the astronauts told them about ethics and stuff
I am sad that in Dr. Stronk time, chicken is almost certainly extinct for thousands of years, along with every other form of domesticated animals except apparently dogs.
Chalk a good boi though.
The village still has some guidelines that were passed down through the 100 stories.
first result in google
Why was Ukyo the only Tsukasa ally to get a cameo here?
Ukyo is very popular among fujos. He has a lot of fanart.
To please fujos who read the manga.
you are ten billion percent retarded
>being this mad
you're.autistic like sheldon
there are goats and pigs no reason to think chickens wouldn't have survived
They used wild bird eggs for ramen, so they certainly don't domesticate anything.
Suika is just a beasttamer.
Those were wild boars
The table at the bottom is listing genetic diversity within a species. It's saying that the different human races are roughly as genetically distant from each other as different chimpanzee subspecies are from one another. You're actually retarded if you think a chimp and a black person have more in common than a white and a black person.
because aside from gen, he's the only one that matters
>asks for proof
>show proof
looks like your brain retired instead, /pol/tard
Hyouga and Homura are going to be relevant way sooner than Ukyo.
It's the difference between a grasshopper and a locust. There isn't one really.
Was this supposed to be Minami? Or does Tsukasa have an anime-only cave-warmer?
He's one of the 5 kings
because he's hot and best boy
It's not the same animal. That's like saying a poodle and a wolf are the same thing
a egg layed by a not chicken
I want to believe it's minami. She doesn't have the shells and her dress is different. Everyone is supposed to look intimidating here anyway.
Where's the fanarts you dirty nips?
>Girl on girl + incest
This is double forbidden
>still no futa
End it on 69
Which is why I want it so bad. Forbidden things are the best.
We're all a product of thousands of years of incest
People like you is the reason Tsukasa kills boomers.
Gib doujins
This scene was dumb. Why did they add it?
>you're autistic haha
>I cringe at something
Teenagers are a mistake, your parents should've spanked you more
whats going on here? i don't what anime this is. I can only assume that this guy is making metal they don't have but is using metal tongs whatever the fuck that is...
t. twitter fujo
Those grabby things might've been made from other minerals whatshisname was collecting before he met Senku.
They added it to please me.
You're thinking of Chrome
Yes, that botnet guy.
>things are done off screen
>brainlets get BTFO cause they need a textbook explanation
Go back you dirty pseud
That's possible
Too far in, next ep will cover 2 chapters. The 12th ep should cover 3. Then the 1st ep of 2nd cour will cover 2 again. They'll never make it.
So, could bunkers and such protect against that green light?
No, only distance as far as we know.
It passes through solid objects. Only known way to evade it so far is if you were not on Earth when the light hit
The egg, layed by an animal that wasnt a chicken. There you go.
Grasshoppers spontaneously turn into locusts when population gets dense enough.
A domesticated pig will birth a bristly furred, tucked pig if let out into the wild.
So even deep underground, or underwater?
Source on the second statement?
It's apparently not purely distance.
ISS is portrayed in straight-line view of the event when it occurred, while people on the other side of the earth, much further away, were affected.
But at the same time Byakuya had to extrapolate the location from tweet and post times, so maybe that wasn't meant to be accurate.
The chicken.
The egg it came from wasn't a chicken's, but something very close to a chicken's.
You're thinking feral pigs user. Different from a wild boar.
Why is best boy so perverted?
Yes, the whole Earth. As far as we know only safe place is up
The founders passed on superior culture
It's probably the atmosphere. Explains why the entire earth is affected but the space boys aren't. Could be something stupid like Tesla's infinite energy towers.
Yeah. I personally see that as another thing possibly pointing toward nanomachines needing a medium to propagate through.
It's green light so maybe a room full of mirror would do the trick as a bunker
I want to fuck this Gorilla
He knows he has no chance of getting a woman in this stone world, so he has to train his imagination.
Looking if it is edible
He only needed to dress up as a girl to be desired
I don't think attention from creepy old men was the one he wanted.
He'll learn to like it in time.
Heres how Evolution went from beginning until now for the chicken:
>Single celled organism
>Amphibian with legs
>Quadruped Reptile
>Quadruped Dinosaur
>Biped Dinosaur
>Biped Dinosaur with fluffy feathers
>Giant carnivorous Bird that can't fly
Single celled organisms normally couldnt lay eggs but one day of them did evolve to lay eggs.
Egg came first.
You already won the argument with fish, fish lay eggs. It's not specified what kind of egg.
Happy Dr.Stone is getting more quality fanart.
I hope they add more
I just want more porn, I was promised porn
isn't his dad one of the original villagers? He's not bringing any new genes into the genepool, so no change
aka still inbred
Just add a rape scene already, my cavegirl fetish can't take any more of this teasing
rape scene next chapter
Senkuu is adopted, forced change by editor
How do you know it's editor ?
I think a lot of this argument is semantic in nature.
Imagine being the first human/last non-human family. The bullying toward primate-dad must have been insane.
It was an unexpected sudden change, everyone in the manga threads picked up on the bs. They look too similar to not be related and whenever it's questioned, either of them go "oh no no no no not related by blood haha, that would be weird". I see them as biological, this was done for the western audience that's more sensitive about incest, who were the expected majority
Then what will take care of the egg to make sure it hatches if there is no chicken you imbecile.
Senkuu and Byakuya had design similarities that clearly implied blood relation. Plus Senkuu made a statement that even if he was a biological son, that wouldn't matter after so many generations. It felt like a jab to the editor who forced the change.
Only a chicken can lay a chicken egg you retard.
>Which comes first? Chicken or egg?
What's the actual answer? This feels like it has a perfect and simple explanation.
I love Kokuyo. He's so old fashioned.
The chicken came first.
I figured out the answer to this like in 4th grade.
What if it's actually a plot point and Senku's biological father becomes relevant later?
I mean an actual explanation of how it happened.
Or how it could have happened.
If Senkuu's father is the big bad that would be the worst twist ever. At least make it be his mom
Actually, the first organism that could lay eggs had to be born before that.
If we're alking about the chicken then the egg wins easily
Whatever evolved to the point to become the original egg layer came first you dolt. Something from a pool of crap most likely.
I hope its just Senku being oblivious that Byakuya meant that his best friend was Senku's mom and Byakuya is still his bio dad
How long is the Anime going to be, 24 episodes? I doubt that they can close the Tsukasa arc with this little.
W-who is this sexy girl??
Byakuya mentioned the adoption thing to Lilian at some point and he had noo reason to lie to her, so unfortunately it's already set in stone unless we get some soap opera tier twist.
Yeah, 24. We definitely won't get to the freezer at this rate, last episode slowed down and only adapted 2 chapters. I'm thinking we get a cliffhanger ending, there's plenty to choose from. And since Ukyo was shown, it seems they were feeling good about a potential S2, which would support that.
her name is Ginny
I guess I should look it up myself.
I was just trying to start a conversation.
>it seems they were feeling good about a potential S2
That would be really nice.
I was yuri-incest porn now
I want to marry her and make babies!
I am ashamed to admit that I laughed slightly.
pigs and boars are LITERALLY the same species though. A domesticated pig that is left in the wilderness will start to grow tusks and bristle. It sounds like bullshit, but it isn't.
>ywn be tackled to the ground by a horny cavegirl
Holy fucking shit, this is painful
>make babies
Uhh, about that...
Holy crap Boichi
Does that look like bronze to you nigger?
Now user will never run out of eggs to feed to strangers
How can a Lioness be so hot, Yea Forums?
They need to hook up and make babies, the implications are killing me. Gorilla needs to rape Senkuu and claim that high IQ genetic material.
>Jafar rapes Ginny
>Ginny gives birth to a rape baby
Survival of the fittest
Will Senkuu be satisfied with used goods after Chadzu is done with her?
>implying they didn't do it over Gen's corpse
I need a doujin of this
Why specifically over Gen's corpse? Does Senkuu enjoy breaking gay men's hearts?
Did you count how many times he rejected dudes?
Any good Kohaku x Senkuu doujins, yet?
No, just one page shenanigans or holding hands
Official Yea Forums-approved list of pairings:
>Kohaku x Senkuu
>Chrome x Ruri
>Tsukasa x Yuzuriha as Taiju watches
>Hyouga x Homura
>Ryusui x Suika
>Magma x Gen
>Ginrou x me
Taiju is Tsukasas dick washer
I've been wondering a little about this.
If his dad died on the other island, how did his record end up in his gravestone? I know some of the other astronauts left the island to head to the mainland at one point in an attempt to get medicine so I assume that's where Ishigami got its start. So did those people that left the island bring with them not only the 100 stories but also the record? And if they technically founded the village, why did they name it after Byakuya if he wasn't even there?
The people of Ishigami village brought the remains to mainland, it was the founders' wish as they stated in the manga
panties do not exist in the world of stone
Just fundoshi and they're not even regularly worn.
I hope so
This is a strawman, yeah there's going to be difference, there's difference between brothers let alone people from across the world for 30k years.
The question is are any of those differences meaninful and do we care about it
>The question is are any of those differences meaninful and do we care about it
Any answer is correct
Why did you edit her lips?
I must have missed that. Been a while since I've read from the beginning.
This really rolls off the tongue
The message passed on for generations was also "make your way to Japan"
>what even is electricity?
I have a really high cringe tolerance, but I hate internet speech.
lead nigger
>6 y/o Senkuu said that
Do you cringe at every kid? Please say yes.
No, I don't. An adult wrote that line.
For a child
That's not internet speech at all you fucking mongoloid.
I'm pretty sure I'm replying to a child right now.
Nobody started saying "What even is" until about 3 years ago and it started on the internet.
Are you a fucking ESL cunt or American or something? "What even is" is a common expression.
>"What even is" is a common expression.
Yes, on the internet.
And in most English-speaking nations.
>he starts projecting as he gets exposed for an autist
You're that jew again, aren't you?
I bet you think "Le" was invented by the internet too you fucking retard.
Let me tell you a bit on why I think Nikki (and Dr. Stone) is so great.
A lot of characters have parallels drawn with their ancestors in this manga. The most obvious case is in Chapter 60 when it shows Senku, Genro, Kaseki, and Chrome working to complete the record player directly transposed against their predecessors from millennia before doing the exact same thing.
Then you have this. Nikki, surviving some unspecified tough time as a child, bandage on cheek, with only the power of Lillian's music to save her.
Nikki will never know that just like her, bandage on cheek and all, Lillian went through a similar ordeal, with only music to save her. Nikki's not her descendant. Just a good girl in need.
I know it's easy to go off on Senku supposedly not being blood-related to Byakuya. But the message is consistent.
As people we are connected by the same dreams and frailties. Blood is there, but our connection as people is much more important.
People = Power. Damn, I love this series.
Ignore him, he's a regular shitposter in these threads.
You won't get away with this
wrong, tsukasa x his lil sis
>Lillian went through a similar ordeal
The headcanons write themselves
Oh? But I already have
Your edits have been proven as fake. That's the important thing here.
Good taste
>Lilian's dad implied to be an abusive alcoholic
Fuck, I'm a speedreader. That's pretty dark for this story, on what's basically a throwaway panel.
Your edits are not canon, feel free to enjoy your headcanon.
She's so cute
A species which is not a chicken yet?
So what's the secret behind the petrification shenanigans?
We don't know yet.
my money is on eco terrorists, maybe senku's real parent/s
Yet to be revealed. Some harem got their hands on a portable petrigranade with limited range. This proves petrification has rules.
>pic related
This isn't going to turn like REWRITE, is it?
Those are some big balls.
>fondles his symbolical balls as he proclaims he will dab all over the enemy
post Ginny
who laid the first dino egg?
or the very first egg, for that matter
Evolution is not a large leap, but a series of minor changes.
Can't you just say if there is a known species or not.
Which one is your favorite theory?
Since they were shown in the story, the real answer can't be any of them. It's the same when someone explains their plan in a story, if the audience doesn't hear it then it'll go more or less smoothly, if the audience does, then something has to go wrong otherwise it's the writer spoiling their own story in the worst way.
None of them apply to the shit we've seen with the grenade.
The grenade rules out #3 but it was a shit theory in the first place. The petrification is too weird and specific to be a randomly evolved virus strain, and it clearly spread simultaneously across the globe. Theory #1 and #2 can still be compatible with the grenade, if the weapon used by the aliens or secret military group can somehow leave a fragment, like a piece of probe/meteor (alien origin) or a test tube sample that emits petrification when in contact with sunlight (military origin).
What? If anything it could be a combination of 1 and 2
I think the weapon theory is the most likely, but in the sense it was a test that went haywire
> boichi draws ugly female faces
> only because boichi want you to focus on the body
yep, boichi is based
That's almost all Dr. Stone haters favorite thing to do.
I am disappointed at Senku's design for hand-operated furnace bellows. Legs offer much more raw muscular power than arms, and a leg-powered design can easily abuse gravity for further efficiency. A child can operate it by stepping up and down, easily out-producing the output of an full grown adult that is pumping with their arms alone a ridiculous standing tube design.
And then everybody laughed.
Guys, I think bamboo lights are not visible from space.
Where does this come from?
I never saw this scene in manga.
chapter 1,it looks like.
>Prior to that first true chicken zygote, there were only non-chickens. The zygote cell is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal, and the zygote cell is housed in the chicken's egg. So, the egg must have come first.
Or they can use turbine, and then convert said turbine into part of generator later.
So egg laying animals started as a big ol egg?
That is just exaggeration. If you really understand how tungsten lightbulb works, you would know that it is not different from lighting a fire with some stick. Not only that, Senku doesn't have the vacuum tube which can prevent the oxidation of the bamboo fibre. It will just burn out in an instant. You can do it yourself at home using electricity on some wood fibre.
It is basically a fancy way of starting fire. The villagers won't be impressed by something even a child can do.
If by "chicken" you mean any animal that lays an egg, then it is the "chicken".
Yes, if you consider a cluster of cells that isn't fully developed into a living being an egg.
Although it was made to look awe-inspiring, even the manga stated it lasted less than a second.
Bronze would be next to impossible for them since there's no tin in Japan.
That said, iron isn't terribly hard to work into the shape you want without having to melt it and is going to be much easier to find since they kind of have the ruins of civilization to pick through.
the correct answer is. You cannot know. It's like asking where blue ends and indigo starts. You have a transitional stage at some point from some creature that doesn't lay eggs to some creature that does. What is truly defined as laying an egg? only once you have an answer to that might you be able to set some boundaries. Not to determine which came first, but to determine when you started going from no egg to egg.
Damn she is top cutie without nigger lips.
Might as well just call this anime Dr. Nigger since Senjew intends to save all buraku people. Mark my words: By the end of this show, he will be an honorary black person.
You can though.
Eggs are ancient and came about well before dinosaurs. What we can't really know is what the first egg or egg laying creature was.
>bronze would be next to impossible
>giant solid bronze statue located a day's trip away
I am friend with the author, he told me about the ending.
Spoiler alert:
The real villain is a science freak too, sort of the combination of Senku and Tsukasa. He predicted that earth is gonna be destroyed by human civilization, so he created the stoning device to freeze human to reset civilization. He wanted to just freeze human for 500 years then revive them using another ray he created (later in the story you can just revive people and stone people using rays) but some anomaly happened he was stoned too. Some other supervillian got a hold of the device few hundreds years before Senku revive and was controlling people using it.
In the end Senku and this science freak cooperated and defeated the supervillian. Some talking later the science freak was convinced by Senku that environment can be protected even without freezing humankind. So they made a time machine and travel back in time to stop the stoning of humanity.
The last chapter is about how all of the characters are planting trees recycling etc to make this planet a better place.
FWIW, there's "no continuum" because the humans that came out of Africa interbred with neanderthals, and the ones that stayed in Africa didn't.
"Subspecies" is a term with no scientific definition, but a general use of "this population of this species looks the same and hangs out together so it's convenient to give it a name" so "races are different subspecies" is a tautology.
Why has the shitposting against this series stopped? I can still remember the board being full of retards saying you should kill yourself for watching this.
Honestly a pretty believable ending
The statue was copper. That's only half of what you need for bronze.
You're just nitpicking. Swap "dinosaur" for "first creature that laid an egg", as you well knew he meant.
It can't have been, or getting copper would not have been such a big deal the episode before.
It's literally bronze.
>all buraku people
Blacks aren't human Senku is based and knows that.
So in a theoretical sense you have a creature coming from not an egg, laying something that is as an egg. Hence, the egg came after.
>her name is Ginny
Is it actually, or did the scanlators localize something like Ginko?
How come all hints of civilization are gone when realistically everything made of glass should be perfectly preserved? I can accept that things made out of wood, plastic and metal (to some degree) would be gone but there should still be a significant amount of artifacts.
Mot him but domesticated pigs will start growing hair and tusks, and revert to a completely wild lifestyle within weeks of being released into nature. For some reason they are domesticated but still have the instinct and genetics to easily survive in the wild if need be.
Swept away by eruptions and storms.
its a joke, his name is Ginrou and he crossdressed to help infiltrate the island society
Ginny is the name he said when he almost said his real name
They mostly got removed by the aliens to slow down humanity's return to technology.
All would be swept underground. To be honest all human stone statue would be hundred feets underground so they can never revive after 3700 years but this is anime so there is no realism inside it.
Copper is useful for many things, toolmaking among them.
I knew all of that and nothing of what you wrote answers my question.
I'm asking if he actually said Ginny in Japanese, or did the scanlators localize a way to make the name Ginrou feminine.
Its a grenade so its a weapon, either aliens, military or Terminator AI using some vague and only partially plausible science thing that will enrage the lot as they realize their science manga messed up the ending.
>everything made of glass should be perfectly preserved
breaking news, glass breaks
>there should still be a significant amount of artifacts.
no, unless it's made of stone or noble metals like gold
>first dino egg
Most likely it was a thin membrane in mothers womb.
there is a thing called erosion, dumbass
things just don't get buried, they can also get unburied
you should have said it those terms, it sounded like you didn't know much about the character.
to answer you question, no idea maybe go find the raw from like chapter 115 or whenever he says it
Not him, but she(he) said Gin-chan.
>glass breaks
what about car windows? there's a lot of them around and they don't degrade or break easily
He's not. But everyone in the village is descended from him and other astroniggers.
Post more Gorilla.
Some can get to the surface again due to tectonic activity but it won't be as abundance as what was shown in the manga and anime.
>"Japan is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is the most active earthquake belt in the world. Japan accounts for around 20 per cent of earthquakes around the world with of a magnitude 6.0 or more. Around 1,500 earthquakes strike the island nation every year and minor tremors occur nearly every day."
Shouldn't all japanese statues have been shattered by earthquakes after 3700 years?
Ginny doesn't even make sense, because the Gi is pronounced differently than the one in Ginrou.
There's plenty of shit that doesn't work if you think too hard about it, like the fact that all the villagers are still speaking a version of Japanese that modern people can still understand for one. Stuff like this you should really be able to suspend disbelief for.
I want to rape Ginny
Such generic ending, but with recent development I think this would not be far from the real ending we get later.
car and building windows were crushed first by debris as buildings crumbled, then by rocks and soil from failing dams and then by 3000 years of plant life growing and dying on top of it
there's probably the odd surviving piece of glass in soft soil here and there, might even be a few recoverable plastic data discs too half a meter or so underfoot any given location, that would be exceedingly rare though and might not have anything of substance
oh the difficulties of being an ESL
I'm pretty sure that after 3000 years of inbreeding it is a statistical impossibility that they still have anyone with blue eyes in the village. When one parent has blue eyes and the other has brown eyes, each child has a 1 in 4 chance of inheriting two recessive genes for having blue eyes. In contrasts there is a 3 in 4 chance of the baby inheriting a dominant gene for brown eyes. The blue eye population would be reduced by 75% every generation, repeated at least 100 times.
Unless there is a selective pressure to have blue eyes, which is entirely possible.
>all the villagers are still speaking a version of Japanese that modern people can still understand for one
anime only here
depends on the how many generations
for example; you should still be able to understand around 500 year old english
Even if the gene is recessive, it can still be passed down, baka.
>might even be a few recoverable plastic data discs
Nah. A plastic CD can lasts around 20 years in average conditions (like a home), or about 100 years in absolutely perfect storage condition (a high-tech museum). However if it's just laying around in nature, it'll be unreadable after a few years and crumbled to dust after a decade. The first generation of CD is already rotten in the ground.
>anime only here
>depends on the how many generations
Without getting too spoilery, the village has been around way way waaaaaaaay longer than 500 years.
a CD lasts a lot longer than 20 years in dry conditions
are you thinking of tape?
Senku must not use M-Discs, which are cheaply available right now.
Under ideal storage conditions they could last for thousands of years because the data is literally etched into STONE.
The reason English remained consistent enough that you'd (vaguely) understand it up to 500 years ago is because of the invention of the printing press. We often underestimate how much this simple invention changed humanity. It multiplied by a thousandfold all communication exchanges and therefore homogenized the language across vast regions. Before the printing press, just by walking to the village next door you could discover a new dialect. After the printing press, there's a good chances both villages would have the same books in store so the language would not vary as much. Ishigami Village does not have the written language so the spoke language would change very quickly. For the sake of simplicity we can pretend the 100 stories passed down by the priestess were enough to prevent language drifting, but it's not very realistic.
damn, good point
Dinos are not one species retard
I googled it a bit before posting and two decades seems to be the ballpark estimation.
>A report by Tedium (republished by Motherboard) demonstrates one of the most alarming failures. Some media, evidently using faulty dyes, can fail in under ten years, via something unpleasantly dubbed “disc rot.” That just deals with a particular early failure, however. In general, CD formats start to fail in significant numbers inside 20 years
> The experiential life expectancy of recorded CDs and DVDs is between two and five years, though based on manufacturer claims, ten to twenty five years, or even longer, isn’t unprecedented.
>data etched in stone
now that's sexy
>The reason English remained consistent enough that you'd (vaguely) understand it up to 500 years ago is because of the invention of the printing press. We often underestimate how much this simple invention changed humanity. It multiplied by a thousandfold all communication exchanges and therefore homogenized the language across vast regions. Before the printing press, just by walking to the village next door you could discover a new dialect. After the printing press, there's a good chances both villages would have the same books in store so the language would not vary as much. Ishigami Village does not have the written language so the spoke language would change very quickly. For the sake of simplicity we can pretend the 100 stories passed down by the priestess were enough to prevent language drifting, but it's not very realistic.
In Ender series, the author said that continuous usage of language prevent drastic changes from happening. On of the notable changes is replacing "of" with 'v'.
This is old English.
would a set of 100 verbal stories act in the same manner as long as it was varied enough
>its midnight
>everything closed
>no cola in house
JUST.... is it worth walking 20 min to thegas station?
If you have no cola, why not drink pepsi?
>For the sake of simplicity we can pretend the 100 stories passed down by the priestess were enough to prevent language drifting, but it's not very realistic.
Considering it (and Treasure Island) are isolated with no homogenization required that your example of the printing press provided, I don't see why not.
Qira'at exists in real life and was known to slow linguistic drift when it was practiced in smaller, more isolated schools similar to the village.
because i dont have pepsi either?
"The ancestor that came before" up until the first being to lay an egg.
f*** it
i'm going to wendys
triple dave here i come
It's a sci-fi book series so it's not exactly an academic source but I think it's a self-evident truth that the more the language is used the more it will be homogenized and understood across regions. In contrast, the presence of foreign influences will make the language drift into a mix of different dialects. If there's no new technology involved like the printing press, then the most important factor that will keep the language constant across time and space is probably whether a dictator enacts harsh laws to establish a common language and punish foreign influences. Russification, for example, was a series of political policies which lead to banning several non-russian languages in public spaces.
the fact Byakuya put so much emphasis on 100 different stories/lessons with a varied vocabulary is what preserved the language
I don't think he expected that it would basically be the foundation of a sort of religion but it makes sense that they'd eventually start treating the stories as sacred
seeing this image made me want to study genetics to the point where I can understand the image and data but it seems difficult to get into blindly
the differences are quantifiable though, we are able to tell exactly HOW different you are and what the means
What you need to know is that whites can still breed with blacks so they are not different species, yet.
no one is saying the chart is comparing chimps to blacks, it's saying all the animals have recognized subspecies thus humans should to based on creating a science that is quantifiable over what it is now, subjective because human subspecies hurts peoples feelings when they should be objective in science.
so can all those other animals?
The guy that posted the chart literally did say exactly that though. "You don't want to pull that argument when there's more genetic distance between whites and blacks than there is between blacks and monkeys"
You are correct in the interpretation of the chart, but he wasn't.
Well, lion and tiger for example can breed with each other but their offsprings are sterile. On the other hand Americans with their 56% still can make babies so it is safe to say that they are the same species.
they also only share the same genus, that's like half the point of the species taxonomy and why we're talking sub-species not sub-genus...es
People actually fell for the evolution meme? How? It's a blatant bullshit lie if you just think about it. For example, how come humans evolved from chimps, yet chimps still exist in the unevolved form? Shouldn't they be humans now too? Only an idiot thinks evolution is real when literal proof of the contrary exist in front of them.
you need professional help
inb4 some1 takes the bait
will last episode be topped? it made me tear up
No because the most important thing in a species surviving isn't gaining human like characteristics but just being able to survive, chimps survived with the characteristics that they had and thus were able to live up to today with human traits, they evolved just not into us. Meanwhile other chimps who did evovlve with human traits like Homo erectus died out for other reasons, so human traits don't even guarantee a safe evolutionary path for a species.
I hope your happy I gave you a better answer than a sub-human like you deserves, you probably still can't comprehend the answer though
-> Like clockwork
Well yeah there are subspecies for human in the classification too. I am not sure why people wanna make this controversial. The ancestors of modern human mated with Neanderthals and we still kept some of their genes. Black and white are different subspecies than can breed with each other like how Neanderthals and homo sapiens can. Their genetics are not that far apart like lions and tigers though. African elephants and Asian elephants are probably a good analogy.
Since chickens are avian reptiles that evolved from avian dinos, which themselves evolved from fishes, that evolved from multicellular micro-organisms, that evolved from unicellular micro-organisms, I'd say the chicken came first.
Bacteria -> Multi-cellular micro-organisms -> Fish -> Egg -> Fish-Amphibian hybrid -> Egg -> Amphibian-Reptile hybrid -> Egg -> small reptiles -> Egg -> Dinos -> Dino Egg -> Avian Dinos -> Avian Dino Egg -> Dino-Bird hybrid -> Dino-Bird hybrid Egg -> Chicken
no modern homo sapien is considered a sub-species we call them races and science stays way fucking clear of any kind of classification outside of haplogroup charts which are thankfully idiot proof in the sense idiots can't really read them to complain
>Black and white are different subspecies than can breed with each other like how Neanderthals and homo sapiens can.
Uh, no.
>black and white are different subspecies
functionally and based on all available evidence, yes. Based on how races are defined, no.
Daily reminder that gingers are genetically inferior to niggers, despite sharing all the same letters.
into the fire for the unholy trash like you. bye bye.
The show hates internal consistency. They have cloths put on someone who is stoned and the stone breaks over the cloths. Same person wears 3000 year hold headphones somehow. Only one bird and humans were stoned because of likely dumb reasons. In 3700 years nothing happened until the mary sue appeared for no particularly good reason everyone just happily stayed in the stone ages and didn't reproduce above tiny numbers. The show fails at every biology turn while botching basically every science example.
those are made of stone right? well chiseled stone?
and this angry birds was born
sad clown joke revised for chickens. Well Done sir.
most pathedic astronaut in history
>yfw when 25:09 hits
yeah this show does favor style over substance.
I knew it was shit. So glad I'm not watching this shit.
Yes but we will likely break evolution with the next generation of technology being biological engineering we can probably just turn off natural selection as we see fit with dangerous things like gene drives which bypass natural selection and just always get inherited even if it means excinction. Even before any future genetic technologies exist we are already selecting animals/plants not based on fitness but arbitrary factors like it looks pretty but is a shitty spieces or it looks cute or cool to the point were ugly animals are always on the chopping block but a vegitarian obligate carnivour survives because it is too cute and lazy. So in 1000 years if we start an arguably already ongoing mass excitinction event we may lose any evidence of natural selection with countless engineered organisms and clearly artificially bread species so even if humanity gets replaced by a new probably engineered species of humans over time it might become hard to tell that natural selection ever existed. We might mess with the human genome enough that we look like a hybrid of countless animals/plants/microbes/synthetic sequences so we wouldn't at that point have evolved from anything in particular.
Alternatively if you created reality and wanted to keep the simulation residents in the dark it would make a lot of sense to make things look like they follow physical laws so there is no internal inconsistency as constantly messing with the world that doesn't run on natural laws would probably make it more like a shitty Dr. Stone episode than a real world where the plot drives everything rules be dammed were one could even argue that nothing in that reality is even a proper simulation as the creator is just actively driving every little detail at every moment to keep the house of cards from collapsing.
>They have cloths put on someone who is stoned and the stone breaks over the cloths
Who cares
>Same person wears 3000 year hold headphones somehow
Character design dont worry about it
>Only one bird and humans were stoned because of likely dumb reasons.
All sparrows were stoned along with humans
>In 3700 years nothing happened until the mary sue appeared for no particularly good reason everyone just happily stayed in the stone ages and didn't reproduce above tiny numbers.
Well yeah, what the fuck were people with no actual knowledge beyond basic shit supposed to do? And it's spelled out in later chapters that the village had a lot more people, but they all fucking died of famine. The people we see are descendants of the only humans, about six people, who didn't get turned to stone, and the only thing they had in terms of modern knowledge were 100 stories used to teach things, but 3000 years later they are basically myths and folklore and the people have no idea on how to advance. The people we see are, as far as we know, one of two settlements of people that exist in the world, the other is on a fucking island.
Evolution isnt something that just happens out of no where, Evolution happens to adapting to ones environment.
I am starting to think creationists dont know how evolution works because they believe that one species evolves from the next over time. the reason we still have chimps is because they are chimps. We didnt come from this current species of chimp, we came from a species that died out long ago and the reason they died put was because the environment changed.
Darwin's theory isnt just "hey we came from monkeys" No, darwin's theory comes from the Galapagos island where tortoises who were supposidly extinct still survived. Why? Because their environment in the Islands remained intact.
So to reiterate, evolution isnt just one species moving to the next, its a process that takes millions of years where any species adapting to change in environment as a whole.
>we will likely break evolution
Evolution is merely change over time, you don't "break" it. Evolution is not natural selection.
thats no evolution. Evolution is a natural process to where an entire species changes to fit the changing environment.
what you are thinking of is a mutation. There is no natural way to go into our own genome and change it with in a 100 years.
>Evolution is a natural process to where an entire species changes to fit the changing environment.
That's natural selection, not evolution.
Natural Selection is part of the process of evolution.
the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
Natural selection is not necessarily part of evolution. Any change over time is evolution.
What? The shack is filled with tons.
It is impossible to know genetic information for what came before dinosaurs is long lost so we can never definitely prove what they were before that especially the single celled origins genetic information just doesn't last that long. For all we know a god/gods/aliens/humans predescors could have seeded life on earth. Finding the origin or what conditions exactly happened to make it happen are basically impossible to prove. Even if we re-create it on another planet or lab it is still impossible to prove that is how it happened on earth as the start of life was so long ago no historical evidence would exist.
We can be pretty certain life evolved from simple life and could start from some non-organic soup but what exactly happened is not something we can ever prove.
no its not.
>the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.
this was straight off google. Evolution isnt just changing, if that were true then we would have different races of Dogs not different breeds of dogs.
Evolution is a change due to environment and adapting and change in dna. Natural Selection is the major process of evolution. You cant deny this fact.
fossils were just put in the ground by jesus right?
Ever hear of carbon dating? Google that.
scientifically speaking, a species exists at the moment that it is born, and not before. The better question would be "at what point in a generational timeline did the ancestor of the chicken cease to be that ancestor, and begin to be the chicken" which is a difficult question to answer. It's like taking a grain of sand off a large pile, one at a time, and after each one removed you ask an observer "is this still a pile?".
But as stated before, the chicken must be born before it's considered a chicken, so the egg came first. At what point the chicken could be discerned from it's ancient ancestor is irrelevant, because we know that a chicken cannot exist before it's birth into the world.
shorter version
The egg is first because you don't know what's inside it until it hatches.
Uh what are you talking about. I'm saying it is impossible to get the original genetic information. Carbon dating doesn't do that at all. Your retarded.
>Evolution is a change due to environment and adapting and change in dna.
>Natural Selection is the major process of evolution.
Natural selection is a major driving force in evolution for most species, most of the time. It is not the only force, nor is it a requirement at all.
"Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations."
That's all it is. Darwin's theory was about "Evolution by natural selection". Notice how these are two separate things and the one seems to indicate driving the other. You seem to believe they are the same thing. They are not.
Dogs evolved to the state they are now not by natural selection but artificial selection. Same for many domestic or farm animals. It's entirely possible to decouple evolution from natural selection, and humanity has done it to many species.
You also missing the bottom part? Do you even read things before you respond. Just because something can't be proven doesn't make it false it just isn't an observable thing anymore.
because your post in its entirety is fucking stupid, you go off say"DUUURR WE DONT KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM" when in fact thanks to carbon dating we can tell when it is because of we know how the continent shift happens and follow the weather pattern back then thus knowing where it came from.
>In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations and relies on the process of natural selection. The theory of evolution is based on the idea that all species? are related and gradually change over time.Feb 17, 2017
then you say
>"Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations."
where are you getting this? Because its wrong. Passing on genes isnt evolution because it takes millions of years to evolve.
What the fuck are you talking about how does carbon dating tell us about single celled origin of dinosaurs. You can't even carbon date that stuff it is too small. I'm talking about the genetic information the stuff that can tell us when eggs started being a thing even at the tiny single cell stage. You want to go to what was the first thing to make a proto-egg it isn't going to be a chicken I can tell you that much it is likely some multi-celled organism similar to some that still exist today but at such a tiny scale that we would never be able to find traces of it anymore let alone genetic info.
>it takes millions of years to evolve.
You're a retard, holy shit
oh wow you are dumb. do you even know how biology works? You do know there were creatures before the dinosaurs right? Those creatures thanks to carbon dating we know came before the dinosaurs.
For reasons that are not completely clear, the data show the long-term dynamics of evolution to be quite slow." Across a broad range of species, the research found that for a major change to persist and for changes to accumulate, it took about one million years.Aug 22, 2011
what is sad is that I got this off of google and this is was the first thing to pop up.
We are talking about what came first the egg layer or the egg. To get to the root of it you have to go smaller than any animal to when a single cell figured out what to do to make an egg like object and just split with the genes to do it. Otherwise you can't just get an egg or an egg layer. Animals large enough to be carbon dated don't undergo fission.
Shifts in the genetic makeup of populations have been observed in as little as 10 years
No there hasn't, where are you getting this information?
Saying I don't understand biology and not understanding biologic is really retarded. The first egg laying creature had to be a simple life form so that it could just split have a mutation that started the whole egg like process and it just snowballed from there. It could happen multiple times in different simple life forms but the proper answer to what came first the chicken or egg you should answer with a microorganism likely did it first.
holy shit dude, you do know micro organisms dont lay eggs right?
They had to lay proto-eggs otherwise eggs wouldn't exist. Life came from micro-organisms the origins are all there. The point is that origin is so long ago we can't 100% say what did that for dinosaurs/birds. But we know it happend early on otherwise why are their so much variablity in egg structures in modern animals. An easy explaination is it likely diverged long ago.
that's no evolvution that's their evolutionary effect where pigment changes. It doesn't change the species.
Evolution isn't a species changing in to another, you dimwit
You know everything came from micro-organisms. They have sex, lay eggs, do all sorts of things, have puesdo eyes, etc... Unless you believe there is just some massive discontinuity in biology which is retarded.
do you know how cellular organisms multiply? There is no fucking egg. Cells divide until the make a multi cell organism.
yes it is you moron. We dont have homo Neanderthals any more.
You notice I'm talking about micro-organisms right? MICRO as in micrometers not any specific cell count. Ugh you really are retarded. Even then the origins of eggs had to be in said single celled organisms even if they didn't lay eggs.
see pic related
Wow you really don't understand biology.
you mean bacteria? Virus? Those are micro organisms and they don't lay fucking eggs! Micro organisms feed off of Cells and often inject themselves into the cell eating it and divide into two or more and spread. They don't lay eggs you moron. There is a reason we call eggs Eggs! If its a micro organism then its not an egg or can lay an egg.
The zygote is pretty much an egg cell. This exists in single celled organisms. Read more before you start spouting out retarded shit.
and where oh where do you see EGG laying as something a micro organsim can do? None its called Mitosis for a reason.
Zygote. Zygote, fertilized egg cell that results from the union of a female gamete (egg, or ovum) with a male gamete (sperm). In the embryonic development of humans and other animals, the zygote stage is brief and is followed by cleavage, when the single cell becomes subdivided into smaller cells.
A zygote is an egg you fucking retard.
Do you read things it is called zygotic meiosis as in EGG laying in a single cell. The Mitosis is to make the gametes so you can have sex with other single cells or maybe yourself it is probablistic.
>pretty much
pretty sure you are full of shit now since that isnt a micro organism laying an egg.
Zygote isnt layed by a fucking mircro organisms which is what this whole fucking issue was about!
The art is shit but the artist could at least get basic anatomy right and now draw the right feet as the left one.
Wow do you know what a fertilized human egg is called (zygote). Do you know what the sperm/unfertizlized egg is called (gametes). The fact the terms are the same is a dead giveaway.
What is a en.wikipedia.org
that isnt a micro organism laying eggs. Jesus there is a reason why its called one thing and not the egg laying cell because there are no fucking microorganisms that lay eggs.
Oh my. Do you know how to read? It very certainly is a micro-organism laying an egg cell.
a human isnt a micro organism you moron! you basically are saying that the egg it self LAYED it self, thats not how its done you fucking simpleton.
no its not, the egg didnt produce it self out of thin air you fucking moron.
What are you talking about that diagram isn't for humans it is for a single celled organism. This is where the egg laying itself is simple to exist as a series of mutations could cause a change into a sexually reproducing cell. This is a fact. We just don't know which one was for dinosaurs or chickens.
all these organims you keep showing are multicelled species of plant! they created the fucking egg to procreate, none of which is a micro organism that is laying a fucking egg which was your whole point.
Can you read diagrams at all. The adult cell split into a M/F cell and lots of adult cells doing that leads to a little micro-organism oragy. When the M/F like cells hit each other they can fuse to form the Zygote which is an egg cell. This then develops and splits into 4 child cells that go their seperate ways. This becomes the first probably instance of sexual/egg laying reproduction in biological history.
a single-celled organism of the kingdom Protista, such as a protozoan or simple alga.
Are we living in different realities?
did you read your fucking link? Its asexual reproduction, what you showed was a process of multicellular reproductive genes, its not laying it self its division. Its not a fucking egg layed by a micro organism.
A protist (/ˈproʊtɪst/) is any eukaryotic organism (one with cells containing a nucleus) that is not an animal, plant or fungus. This is the probable origin of the first egg as there is a mix of sexual and asexual types.
Yes I'm reading it.
Some protists reproduce sexually using gametes, while others reproduce asexually by binary fission.
This is why this is the likely origin. Some did make eggs others didn't. This is where things diverged.
Where is the egg part dip shit? last time I checked you said mirco organisms and even the single cell don't lay eggs
where did it say it lay eggs you fucking simpleton? No where. These organisms dont use ZYGOTES!
Zygote is an egg cell. Sexual reproduction makes zygotes. Many protists can have sex and are all single celled. They make zygotes and as such by definition make eggs.
Zygote is a cell FOR MULTIPLE CELLULAR ORGANIMS YOU FUCKING MORON. thats not the case with micro organisms you fucking dunce.
Wow are you from grade school or something.
diploid spores
tough-coated zygospores
Hmmm sounds like a micro-scale egg cell.
Are you perhaps retardedly blind
Method # 2. Sexual Reproduction:
It originated in protists. Sexual reproduction involves two fundamental processes; meiosis that reduces the number of chromosomes from 2n to in and fertilization or fusion of two in gametes to form a 2n zygote (fertilized egg).
Meiosis is essential in sexual reproduction since it reduces the chromosome number to half in gametes so that after fertilization the number of chromosomes is kept constant in a species.
There are two methods of sexual reproduction:
(i) Syngamy:
It is complete fusion of two gametes to produce diploid zygotes.
Syngamy is of three types:
(i) Isogamy (two fusing gametes are similar e.g., Monocystis),
(ii) Anisogamy (two fusing gametes are dissimilar, e.g., Ceratium) and
(iii) Oogamy (large non-motile gametes are fertilized by smaller motile gametes, e.g., Plasmodium).
A protist by definition is a single celled organism.
Also a many protists can switch between sexual and asexual reproduction as needs demand. So they can in essence make a sexual colony from a single cell. They could also have sex with themselves.
put all of those where was the micro organism laying a zygote? None. Fucking none. The zygote is a micro organism produced from a Mutli cell organism. Asexual and sexual reproduction comes from larger organism which is the ones that produce these zygotes. Zygotes didnt come from thin air, why are you so fucking stupid?
Protist, single celled organism.
Protist sexual reproduction produces zygotes (fertilized egg cells)
There are lots. Reference something that says zygotes cannot come from a single celled organism. Dr. Stone viewers are literally retarded.
that doesnt mean they produce a zygote! there is no need for laying an egg when they are passing their genetic material between eachother. Zygotes, eggs, all of such which you based your egg laying retardation on are somethings that are made from a larger organism.
Everything that is being passed on is division and injecting each other with genetic code, niether of which is an egg but a different process, you call it an egg because you are mentally retarded and need it dumb down for you just to understand.
I'm calling it an egg because that is what the definition of an egg is. Just because the egg is microscopic doesn't mean it isn't an egg. Eggs don't just come from humans, animals. They had to have originated from something earlier.
Also, protists do produce zygotes,
Protis doesnt use a zygote you fuck tard. and even then your quotes arent even in the link you just added bullshit so you can keep arguing.
re read your own post with better reading comprehension.
That was obvious from the beginning of the series
People stopped taking the bait
It's always implied, here it's just more obvious
>i don't what anime this is
>proceeds to exactly describe whats happening
>dumb enough to not know that there are other metals that can be made easier than iron
Don't bother with bait user.