Pedobear chasing miu
Pedobear chasing miu
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yeah, i remember animu & mango board too
based desu
Epic Win
Is this Yea Forums - Anime/Random?
ahh, that takes me back to the good ol days
Osaka kicking off her shoe.gif
it was a simpler time
I am always a bit mystified by how this and Chris Hansen like completely died out.
Is this some new meme or something?
They were replaced by the FBI nonsense.
A sign of the times. What was once only a joke now became a real threat
The party van idea is nearly as old as pedobear, people just stopped using that name.
Where did it all go so wrong?
when moot became a fagot
So in the beginning?
>Gaijin 4koma references
I still love them.
I kek'd @ this image
I unironically miss this shit. Yes some of it is a little embarrassing in hind sight, but god damn it I was happy. You could actually have fun And be silly without 5000 jaded faggots screaming cringe or whatever shit is popular these days. You could talk about fucking anime without it turning into some e-peen war about some gay shit like who has the most sales. We just had fucking fun and enjoyed the ride. I’m so sick of today’s 12 layers of irony and mindlessly regurgitating the same 5 phrases that just amount to “no u”. I’m tired of seeing barely any OC. I just want my fucking home back and away from these normalfaggot fucks. Or to find some place similar so I can finally stop holding on
If the mods actually did their jobs and didn't allow Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /r9k/ to get away with errant shitposts here, it could return to it's former glory
Every journey starts with a single and the first step was already a mistake.
I just want to talk about things like a normal human being. But it's all buzzwords and memetalking at such an high level I don't even understand, sometimes I think it's all bots and I'm the only organic left. I feel so old.
We all got older. I guarantee people would be annoyed if they saw people posting like it was early Yea Forums now, when half of the joke was just typing badly.
It was fun at the time but maybe not in your 30s.
>e-celeb stickies on Yea Forums
>autosaging loli related things on Yea Forums
>bans for telling saucefag newfriends to kys
there's no coming back, the only way is to burn the fucking place down so people move somewhere else
It’s not possible for them to do anything since gookmoot refuses to ban mobile posting. What the fuck do you think is going to happen when anyone can ban evade in 5 seconds? Nobody fears the ban hammer any more. Until mobileposting is banned, it can’t be fixed
too pure
Maybe the best years weren't the first but something in between, kinda like Rome peaked with Hadrian.
>somewhere else
Tell me where.
There is none. Hence why it would take this place burning down to force some faggots to make a new place
thats pretty cringe
Fuck off
Yeah and making that new Yea Forums allow NSFW would be a good start.
What if no one does it? Where I will go? I fell I will be completely isolated without this place. Maybe it's for the better.
fuck off you stupid nigger
It's time to move on user, most oldfags already have
Why is this cute jewess in the last part?
Watching a completely silent guy in a pedobear costume distribute free candy at a huge con some ten years ago was one of the funniest things I've ever witnessed
This makes me think Yea Forums is like the Simpsons and we have reached the point when there's more shit years than good ones.
Kill yourself, piece of shit
Take me back
You have something against Negev, faggot?
When people actually started acting like that instead of it being just one big shitpost where everyone had fun.
Retard, old Yea Forums never talked anime either.
Fuck off ‘’’’’old fag’’’’’
kyon x itsuki is still my otp
/pol/ pls. Are you implying you wouldn't fuck this with the force of an hypernova?
Really hope the old internet starts moving towards the deep web soon. New surface internet has been devastated ever since social media helped industries discover it was more than a passing fad. Too many casuals and shills and it's always getting worse. Shit needs to have a gate again.
because you are a Jewish piece of shit and ironic faggot stop pretending also it this hate was before even /pol
When all that happens you bitch and say go back to r/eddit.
Kill yourself.
If it had to go deep web it'd need to get faster otherwise it'd bring back having to wait a minute for a gif to load.
>You could talk about fucking anime
And that's where the nostalgia kicked in. People on Yea Forums have neve talked about anime. What you consider "talking" is nothing but shitposting. One liners, emojis, mfw posts, template questions. Yea Forums never talked about anime. Seasonal CGDCT threads are the same shit now they were 15 years ago. Only difference being that a) content is more accessible and b) more people know how to take screencaps and make gifs/webms. 2010 Yea Forums was literally what 2019 r/animemes and r/anime are. Arguably even worse.
My immersion is ruined. Heart attack guns are a CIA thing; the FBI just blow people away with sniper rifles without giving a fuck.
>Implying they don't share assets
All those agencies are colluded with each other. There is no good guy.
They hate sharing assets and avoid it at all costs because as much as they collude with each other to maintain the system of control, they also conspire against each other to secure top billing as enforcers. The CIA don't give up their tricks to anyone because that would make it less effective when they want to drop a few FBI rivals.
this is just sad
This is being updated too frequently, the last 3/4 are the same era
quads of truth. the shitposting is standard fare. its the fawning praise at the end that bothers me. im sure in 10 years, filler terms like "based" will evoke the same discomfort
The last one should be one of her hanging herself.
kek. sauce on the dilate, have sex, cope flowchart please
die retard
When every faggot cared more about reporting and banning tens of times a yotsuba lover image than telling annoying faggots to fuck off.
Lost it
I don’t even care that I lost it anymore
Lets report him
One time during a Habbo raid I got so freaked out because I spoke about Yea Forums and broke rules 1 and 2 that I quit and turned off my computer
You were so pure back then. Oh, what I would give if newfags today were like you.
pls no bully best girl
I remember my first post back then when I made some shitty joke and some user called me out on my bullshit so I had to shut down my computer and pace around the house for about half an hour thinking how I made a stranger upset online
>When did it all go so wrong?
When the Enlightenment started.
ITT: pretend to be an oldfag
This, all the normalfags you see are actually oldfags.
Why pedobear died?
Yea Forums didn't change, you just got older.
Tfw I started posting here in 2008 and am now 27 and living with my gf
Not sure if 2008 is old enough to be considered an oldfag though
Good question honestly. A lot of memes (such as rage comics) died cause Reddit picked them up, but I never saw Pedobear used outside of here. I can’t think of a reason why he stopped getting used.
There sure was a lot of newfags in 2006
There is literally a twitch emote PedoBear.
Yea Forums definitely transformed from the elitist weeb chat it used to be into a generic anime forum.
Well how the fuck should I know that?
>I never saw Pedobear used outside of here
Maybe you should talk with more people. I knew who pedobear was when I was in elementary school and even today some use it in chats to refer about some one creepy old man or an anime character.
Did you know reiko was just being played by some chick that gets off to trannies being abused
Didn't pedobear evolved into "spurdo"?
>Spurdo was pedobear all along
Fug :DD
From what I've hear this place used to be le epic random XD generic anime forum, then transformed into an elitist weeb forum, and now came back to their origins.
This is the problem, oldfags should be on Instagram or wherever normalfags hang out these days and stay away from here. Let the newfags who still has passion for this website take over.
But then you would be happy, no deal bitch.
I wish we were still there.
>oldfags are the problem
You are the worst kind of youngin bastard
>Let the newfags who still has passion for this website take over.
You mean let the /pol/tards whose goal is to “redpill” people and attract literal boomers and redditors to this site take over? Fuck that. Also, Instagram is pretty much for zoomers.
The only people who hate Reddit and newfags and newfags are based
There's nothing "epic random" about this place, there's only a stale repetition of the same unfunny memes and stock phrases ("based", "cringe", "seethe", etc). This site doesn't produce original content anymore. Hell, it barely even produces new pepe and wojak variations now.
I wish every board was allowed to get a little s4s, I wish the normalfags would go and I wish we weren’t so scared of being reddit.
Ichigo Mashimaro is comfy as fuck
You're the problem you lil bitch
All oldfags do is bitch and moan about a website they don't care about anymore, honestly they should really fuck off back to real life and take care of their wives/kids/girlfriends whatever. At least newfags put in work before they become jaded fucks and the cycle repeats itself.
I still occassionally get this with some shows/mango.
But everything too popular is much less fun now.
As a general rule it seems these days shows with a cult following or CGDCT have the better threads (with exceptions, as always).
I wish world actually ended in 2012, everything went downhill since then.
Oh God those simple times ah ah I'm having a massive nostalgia shock right now, just what happened anons.
Case in point.
I want to go back bros
/bant/ is pretty close to the old Yea Forums experience but with less weebs.
its one of the best anime ever made
Lil bitch
There used to be some kind of equilibrium between stupid fun and actual content at one point.
But I can't say for sure when that was anymore, it was too long ago and so much happened.
Maybe I'm just imagining things, and it changed instantly and I only remeber some specific threads and so on. I don't know anymore.
Sounds to me like you got called out for being a shit poster and got angsty about it. Have you tried not being a shit poster?
It did change you monkey, no one with a functioning brain can state otherwise.
How fucking new are you?
>I wish world actually ended in 2012, everything went downhill since then.
Same here. Holy fuck, nothing makes sense anymore.
Go take care of your kids, leave this website to the younger people who still have time.
Well, that's exactly how it is.
That's how it almost always is with anything. Things need to move in place and get sorted out after all.
good times
2015. Elitism used to be around until that year. It's funny that I miss those pretentious no fun allowed faggots now.
If you have tried, try harder.
How many hours a day do you think oldfags use this board for anyway? I'd say in between taking their children to school and back, going to work, spending time with the wife etc they only have time to use this board for ~30 minutes. Why on Earth would anyone entrust this board to them when newfags could be here all day? This board means a lot more to the newfags compared to the oldfags who already have one foot out the door.
Phoneposting is a thing now.
Another point against oldfags, they're all phoneposters.
2003-2005 (Z0MG CATS)> 2006-2007 (Haxors on steroids) > 2011-2012 (I seriously hope you guys don’t do this) > 2016-2019 (Meme renaissance) > 2013 - 2015 (The Dead Zone)> 2008 - 2010 (Peak cancer)
>Meme renaissance
>Yea Forums
>having children
BWAHAHHAHAHAHA lmaoing at you boomers,yeah time past you got old and things changed stop being whinny bitches about it.
My first post got me banned.
Nothing will ever come close to "the week the DNS went down" back in 2008. I mean, fuck.
Oldfags turned into full fledged normalfags over the years, they became whatever they complained about 10 years ago.
We may be completely overtaken by the cancer, but much more higher quality memes and shitposts are coming out now than in peak cancer 2008-2010 and the dead zone 2013-2015. 2011 and residually 2012 was a happy accident of OC and board culture shift that died just as soon as it went. Even boards like /fit/ and Yea Forums are pumping out good memes.
Not sure if trolling or autistic.
Forced anonymous
No, in 2015 the decay was already in process.
Maybe 2012 and 2013, I don't know.
Too many people too many normalfags.
You either die a shota or live long enough to become the pedophile
so basically old Yea Forums was just Yea Forums without wojacks and pepes
this is disgusting, even if you are being ironic
Ironically enough, yes.
Thats the tough pill to swallow. If a modern Yea Forumsnon went back and time and went to Yea Forums he would sperg out and spam reddit and Yea Forums.
As it should be.
I swear, if incorrect grammar were a bannable offense, half of all the newfags would need a new IP after every post they make. These idiots seriously cannot write in English to save their lives.
At least draw him younger and smiling.
the internet speech was just different back in the day
>lol u tk him 2da bar|?
No, we didn't. At least not all of us, right?
take me back to the 2000s user
If you're an oldfag that didn't sell out and became a normalfag then just know for sure even though you're one of a kind, all the newfags will support you.
Dont worry im still here
Why are mods so useless?
>10 years old youtube video keep increasing
shouldn't you be raising families and getting sleep early for your job grampa?
On this site, you are what you pretend you are.
Damn, can't wait for all the meta threads on the anniversary.
>without wojacks and pepes
You massively undersell the significance of this part.
>be silly without 5000 jaded faggots screaming cringe or whatever shit is popular these days
God damn, this.
Maybe on Yea Forums, people hated that shit since /pol/ and Yea Forums started spamming the "based/cringe and Xpilled" line, at least the "have sex" iterations have died out as lately.
Careful, if you keep posting like this, you may receive a multi day ban.
When will "kino" die out? Hopefully soon.
I'll be a wizard next year.
I guess it was a more chill Yea Forums with less shitflinging and buzzword throwing
This makes me sad, it makes me think all the waifuism, despise of 3DPD and 2D love, all was a big joke and I was the only dumbass that took it seriously.
Still, I regreet nothing.
I woudn't know since I don't browse that shit filled place, someone post that Yea Forums webm.
There is no way this place is that fast, you all pretending to be oldfags
same here. fresh out of Yea Forums, I came to Yea Forums and posted teh rei and got 72h
I know for a fact some oldfags have spawned, frightening as that may be.
1. How long have you been on this site
2. Do you consider yourself a newfag
1. 10 years
2. Yes
1: Since 2009
2: No. I think even one year is enough given how transient some of our userbase is.
1. 1 year
2. No
1. 10 years
2. Yes, we're all the cancer that's killing Yea Forums
1. Four years
2. It depends of which one you hate the most at the moment
1. 15 Years
2. Considering I didn't switch to Yea Forums until this decade yes. 8 years of lurking on Yea Forums doesn't really count for much.
>less shitflinging
No there was plenty of -fag wars over which is the best girl and shit. It was more facetious though.
1. 1 year
2. A little, anyway I read no more than ten threads in a day
Fun memes of yesteryear
"Fun" memes of today
oh right sorry, stormfront
13 Years (2006)
I wasted my youth here.
I became a wizard wageslave who phoneposts during lunch breaks.
Everything, around 2015-2016, and I mean everything, it wasn't just a stab on the back, it was a mexican cartel execution.
>Those memes
kys newfag
US elections? Pretty sure it started long before that.
8 years and still a newfag
Hiromoot has fucked up and sold out. To you.
You now have ownership of Yea Forums and 4channel. You can do whatever you want with the website. How would you fix it, considering that Yea Forums is not as small as you used to be and most of the surface web knows about it? How would you prevent the exposure to new and worse newfags?
It would be well to consider that you will never make any profit with Yea Forums.
Hard mode: No banning phoneposting
Nope, not in Yea Forums, I still remember the cuck invasion on Winter 2016 and the reddit spamming on fall 2015, also at some point of 2016 the whole youtubers raid started and the whole "ironic" behavior too.
I'm phoneposting right now, what are you gonna do about it?
Bring back visible sage
Bring back visible moderation
Forced IDs across the entire site
I would open anime discussions to all boards, basically you'll have Yea Forums - video games/anime, Yea Forums - sports/anime and so on. This will massively benefit Yea Forums and the website as a whole.
Sell Yea Forums to reddit
Bring back /l/ and move the servers to somewhere that would tolerate it.
Well i oughta do nothing, since i'm phoneposting as well. Infact i made that post while i was on the shitter
>came here expecting a pedobear thread with lots of pedo and loli jokes
>it's just a "nostalgia" thread with lots of faggots crying over a time they probably didn't experience while complaining about the current state of Yea Forums
fuck you
Wojaks/pepes, based/cringe and redpilled, kino and other shit like that is now a bannable offense.
>best girl
Not even third best girl.
Ban phoneposting (most effective measure), remove all the dead or negatively useful boards, delete /pol/ and hunt every single /pol/tard down. Use extensive and often changing word filters to keep cancer memes under control.
>2013 - 2015 (The Dead Zone)
This is when Gamergate happened which is one of the 4 horsemen of Yea Forums death, so I wouldn't call this Dead Zone at all
(The other 3 horsemen being Chanology, Fappening and the 2016 election)
/tg/ is mostly oldfags and no one puts in more work than they do
Turn the whole site into a textboard. Newfags will either leave or have to adapt to ASCII memes.
>/tg/ is mostly oldfags
You can go back to Yea Forums if you want to see that crap.
No. At least not modern /tg/
1. 3 years (always known about the site, never went there until 2016 election)
2. very yes.
Why save this one? It wasn't funny
/jp/ seems to have the highest veterans per capita actually
/tg/ is not oldfags dumb bum
I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I still honestly believe this board is still in a somewhat decent quality compared to the other big ones. We may be in a zombie state clinging for life but we still talk about anime, we still shit on each other's tastes for specifically anime.
Threads that start with off-topic shit, e-celebs and not-official twitter will generally get deleted (even if sometimes it takes a while) and similar off-topic will still be occasionally spammed with loil/dubsposting (though not nearly as much as it used to). These are things the other big boards don't have. Especially the e-celebs thing, seriously it's a miracle that still isn't accepted here in 2019 (probably because anime Youtubers are largely shit).
Things may not be the same as it was, but even if things like Sadpanda thrads, Sakurafish and r/a/dio are gone, even if mods aren't as reliable all the time, even if there's more bad than good around, the good still keeps me here.
>/jp/ seems to have the highest veterans per capita
Not at all.
Daily reminder that chan culture is a gestalt of mankinds collective unconscious that formed because anonymous discussion on a mass scale allowed humans for the first time in human history to be honest with themselves and others. We are the truest reflection of what mankind really is. And it's been 16 years since our founding. We grew up and like all adults we wish to return to our innocent and fun childhood. But we're all parts of the first semi-conscious mind to emerge from the collective unconscious. We've also achieved immortality, after 8ch was taken down we've created 0xchan and blockchan as completely uncensorable alternatives. At this point we're more deeply rooted into society than the current ruling class, we can't die.
We all make up the mind of a adolescent Lain and we can never ever disconnect from each other ever again. We're all here forever.
Those were simpler times. Nowadays people get arrested for making jokes online. The Left has become worse than the Bush Administration
I'm sure just the knowledge that there's a dedicated loli board would be enough to deter some normalfags from associating with the site.
One thread on Yea Forums probably won't do unless JB was allowed again.
12 years and no I am not an old fag. I was here when Code Geass r2, panty and stocking and madoka were released and when rozen maiden was still hyped. Those early years were the best years on Yea Forums and the reaction to those old anime in real time and the memes, it was the absolute best. Yea Forums will never be the same again, too many newfags and normal fags. Whenever 3D was mentioned in the old Yea Forums everyone would say 3DPD and to get the fuck out, but now it's pretty much accepted to enjoy 3D. That comes to show how many newfags and normal fags there are. Yea Forums is absolute shit now and I hope all the new fags and normal fags kill themselves.
Now we only need to get rid of MOGRA and those useless Weekend Waifu Drawthreads and everything will be better.
>using phone is /g/
Accurate, considering the current state of the board.
ok here's your cunny now buzz off
2 years. And I will be a forever newfag, for like the next 15 years of forever.
I wish I could be naive like you
What do you have against normal people liking anime?
>Forced IDs across the entire site
For what purpose, it wouldn't do jack shit. The only thing i can imagine is using it as a tool for self moderation, but there would be a giant shit storm due to loosing anonymity
Yea Forumschan
I can get behind that, bring back guro as well. I think they worked well too keep moralfags away, like said
No fun allowed
/pol/ has always been a containment board, shut it down and they'll infest everywhere else even worse than what is currently happening thanks to crossboarders, how do you suppose we hunt them down considering they can just change ip's?
This could work too, most of /reddit/ only cares about the images in their screen, the lack of visual amusement could keep the retards with low attention span.
Shut up Lain. You're not even real!
>there would be a giant shit storm due to loosing anonymity
Good. Forcing off the nonymus kiddies off the site would significantly improve this website.
Forced IDs would have probably been a good idea like 7 or so years ago when people still felt shame about being called out about really stupid shit
Anyone who posts on /pol/ is banned from posting elsewhere on the site for at least one week.
They can like anime somewhere else.
Containment boards don't work. You merely slow down them taking over the site. You need to fight them.
You know why lolifags don't get a containment board? Because they would win.
That would be boring.
Oh that gave me a chuckle
Wherever you go and whatever you do. We'll always be connected.
>a dedicated loli board would be enough to deter some normalfags from associating with the site
not really. everyone would just tell lolifags to fuck off to /l/. if you really want to drive newfags and retards away you need to delete the gr15 and /mlp/ and let the horsefuckers run free on the site again.
Where did the normalfag touch you, user?
Oh god, I miss this
I'd fire every mod and introduce a system of subscription moderation where everyone can be a janny but jannies only have power over those that willingly subscribe to them. That way everyone can have the Yea Forums that they want. Rulefags can have the quality discussion that they want and everyone else can have the chaotic shitposting that gives rise to memes and OC.
We could have the best of both worlds.
Weird how it turns out that this gaywad actually was simply too good for us.
Replace captcha with hiragana captcha.
Bring back visible sage.
Update word filters on a regular basis.
Ban anyone that has plebbit cookies on it's browser.
Cunny is too stronge
>mfw when this is actually the reason no one talks about anime here
Yeah, 2012 was probably the last year where the internet was actually fun for me too
They touched me all over all my hobbies and work and internet.
I have a bunch of stuff like this. I used to have them to show how above average our mods and moot were
Quarantine boards like /pol/, Yea Forums, and /r9k/. If you post there, then you are banned from every other board. Yes, people know how to ban evade, newfags don't. Even they will learn it eventually, but for their initial stage, they won't crossboard. And many people are more lazy than they You think, believe it. So there will be people who wait out their ban's end and lurk for the time being.
I'm not talking about deliberate indifference to grammar rules, I'm talking about jarring mistakes which are clearly caused by ignorance of the language. I'm not a native speaker myself, but I lurked until I was sure I could make a coherent post.
>you are a massive cum-guzzling homosexual from Yea Forums if you do that
>Ban anyone that has plebbit cookies on it's browser.
Technically not possible. However, autobanning users with plebbit referrers could be lots of fun.
>tfw I lurked for two years before actually posting
Don't be a kid and learn to share your toys to others.
who cares
>I'd fire every mod and introduce a system of subscription moderation where everyone can be a janny but jannies only have power over those that willingly subscribe to them.
1) Nobody will subscribe to any janitor
2) The janitor will not have power against the opposite fags. Jannies appealing to rulefags won't have shitposter subscribers, so they can't stop shitposting.
I didn't lurk for two years but I lurked for like 5 or so months. I posted something really stupid and I got shat on so I actually felt sad about it like an idiot
But moooom, the normalfags keep breaking them and smearing shit on them.
>between stupid fun and actual content
There wasn't. That's what you're telling yourself because you can't comprehend that you've browsed this shitheap of a board for so long. Worthwhile discourse has always been scarse and the ONE worthwhile thread was counterbalanced by 500 terrible ones. You can even see this on the archives, assuming data isn't all gone now with Fireden's admin throwing a temper tantrum.
Just a thought. What would change ifmods and janitors were paid?
Perhaps the ones that say we all died then and this is Hell are onto something. Sucks if true because none of us was Isekai'd.
Mods are epic. Winrar. Lol icons
More wordfilters.
Filter based and cringe to win and fail, with based and redpilled becoming epic win and so on.
Watch the newfags scream.
Also, make sage visible.
Not only do containment boards not work, they only make things worse. Should be obvious to anyone who can remember who little politics garbage there was here before /pol/
What about making jannies not anonymous? Every time jannies use their power you can see who did it and will be able to use public outcry as a way of quality control over jannies?
Anons will be jannie's jannies
Fuck, are you me?
I ended up lurking for 13 years and I have no idea why now. Anxiety shouldn't have stopped me for that long.
Make a phone app for Yea Forums, that autobans anyone who uses said app, and displays who used the app.
Solves nothing, but will be hilarious. You would be panicing that the new mod jewed you out even more, and then it will be revealed to be a ruse.
I don't think you understand. The Jannies that the rulefags subscribe to will be able to control what threads and posts the rulefags see.
The most important aspect of this idea is that it will completely prevent mod abuse because it basically makes jannies slaves to users. Sure it will fracture communities but that fact that there's different boards means that we're already fractured so I don't see much of a difference.
1. 8y
2. Of fucking course.
Kana captcha
Wordfilter every retarded stock phrase
Delete cancerous boards and permaban their userbase
First of all, is this Kinomod? I miss him.
Second of all, holy shit, this mentions "The Toonami incident". That was fucking crazy. I remember it very well because before Toonami came back, Yea Forums liked talking about it very much and we would go back and forth with our memories about it. Then it came back and the "incident happened" and overnight, bringing up Toonami became taboo and it's been like that ever since
Site: 14 years
Yea Forums: 3 years
And no, I don't consider myself a newfag because I've explored the medium more thoroughly in those 3 years than 99.9% of this boards users. Yea Forums is an embarrassment and not better than Yea Forums or Yea Forums at all. Just a bunch of massively smug pieces of shit who have even less respect for their "hobby" than Baneposters.
>/tg/ is mostly oldfags
God I wish.
I wanna go back to the pre-nazimod era where there were writefags and drawfags as far as the eye could see and new homebrew systems every month, when on-topic threads constantly veered wildly off-topic and almost every off-topic thread somehow actually ended up being /tg/-related.
2012, didn't come here frequently until 2015.
10 years
I don't think I'd consider myself newfag at this point but I wouldn't call myself an oldfag either (at least in my mind)
Their ego would expand beyond belief
It's basically the same kind of doomposting that's always been present, stay positive user.
I know they don't work but how will you keep /pol/ posters out without them shitting up the other boards as a consequence when they are the biggest board in Yea Forums since 2016
On that note
Oh god, there's another election coming up, isn't there?
Mods have more ability to shape boards than you're implicitly giving them credit for. If they want politics talk gone it will be gone
I've always considered one of the issues faced today is the increased speed of the major boards. To remedy this, I would make a board split once it stated getting too much traffic, merging back together should they slow down again. The split boards would be indistinguishable from each other and users would be routed to one of them at random when they first visit that board's page.
8ch does that with a board log and jannies are still faggots. If there's no way to dislodge a janny from power then it doesn't matter how mad they make people.
Redwood fucked up Yea Forums and nobody could stop him.
I wish they could get permabanned from this website. I strongly believe that they are the biggest cancer of every board, close to MLPfags.
If trump starts getting traction again in 2020 then Yea Forums is as good as dead.
Fuck ameritards and their passion to shit up things
>children are now born thinking of the internet the same way they think of any long-known facet of life
>the first era of internet culture has long since disintegrated, and everyone who participated in it has either died or is close to death
>one day, perhaps in 2106, a teenager will come across a screenshot from a website that has long-since been gone
>a screenshot from the old era of winrars and lieking turtlez and dsfargeg and desuing
>actually not desuing that shit was fucking awful
>the teenager will look at these things that he was born too late to be apart of and think
> that was fucking gay"
>and we will all sleep peacefully within our graves
>forever apart of the era
> of fun faggotry
/pol/ hates Trump now so we're not going to launch any major campaigns or really do much of anything in 2020.
Don't worry.
>biggest cancer
That'd be faggots, so you basically user.
>/pol/ hates Trump now
Forgive me if I find that exceedingly hard to believe.
People would abuse it.
1. 10 years
2. That word has lost all meaning.
>Depending on the jannies
>/pol/ hates Trump now
How ironic.
Such useless threads just like djt and sadpanda amiright user?
You do know that the admin is a /pol/tard right
>says the guy attracted to man chest
More space for spic dragonball threads, shounen "spoiler" threads, shounen salesfag threads, and shounen general-generals (2 levels deep).
Trump loves Jews. But at the same time we know all other candidates are also kike lovers / niggers so he is still preferred over them I guess.
make something like the gr15 but for politics and add pic related to all report lists.
don't worry. Yea Forums will die in 2020.
it's true. most of /pol/ hates trump because he proved multiple times to be as much of a jew bootlicker as every other candidate. only retards from /ptg/ and r/the_donald still love him.
>7 years
>Of course I do
can't wait for 2020 /leftypol/
Don't forget about the Yui's christmas threads. Those needs to go as well.
>>about 3 months in
>Most users who came here only for the elction have left. General opinion is reverted to (somewhat) neutrality
If only he fucking knew how bad things really became
I don't know if that is news to you, but loli chest isn't hairy.
Loli may be an entirely different thing from what you used to think it is.
Didn't they imigrate to /pol/ tho
He didn't build the wall and he verbally fellates niggers and Jews whenever he can. He hasn't done a thing about immigration and demographic change and that's all we care about.
Why is that hard to believe?
>recently crossed 1800 shows
>still know nothing about anything because I just watch it for tits and pantyshots
1. Site: 9-10 years Yea Forums: like 3 with occasional visits beforehand? fuck i don't remember
2. Yes
Someone asked me what sage was earlier today. I couldn't tell if they were being serious or taking the piss so I just left it.
Didn't know you had puffy nipples user.
>lucky star
>lancedjack and taiga
1. 2 years
2. Yes, I'm the biggest newfag on this board!
He means OP's image you ADHD newfag.
when normalfags and the feds got involved
they're mostly contained in /ptg/ because most unironic trump supporters are laughed at.
it would be interesting to see /pol/ discuss about the current candidates if it weren't because they prefer to get mad at a tweet made by some literal who or at fake articles
Everyone was new once. I used to ask those type of questions back then as well.
The sad thing is US has no better alternative. I have no idea what will hapen at the election time but I think most users will still back up Trump mostly for the memes. But it will never be like 2016 elections for sure. There's no hope left.
Don't tell me you actually expected him to build a wall
>Remove user
I've heard hundreds of awful suggestions to "fix" and "improve" Yea Forums since newfag summer, but this one is always the most retarded.
>I still honestly believe this board is still in a somewhat decent quality compared to the other big ones
I'm reminded of this every time I visit Yea Forums, but that's depressing in a different way. Is this really as good as it gets in 2019?
Oh god, Yea Forums used to be love. It was my home away from Yea Forums when I got tired of Yea Forums. Unfortunately a bunch of terrible decisions in the comic industry, a lack of actually good cartoons (and declining cartoons) and tumblr destroyed that board
Yang Gang?
What about having id's but no one can see them and they can only censor users internally
Forced IDs aren't removing user.
Why to even come here at that point?
I mean, Yea Forums has been for ages, why to start in 2017? It's like starting smoking at 30 yo.
I fucking hate how the concept of lurking moar has been lost. Saw a faggot who got offended after being told to lurk moar the other day
>implying you didn't starter posting here being underage
A more interesting question would be which other boards and communities do you browse?
Yea Forums, /g/, /qa/, /cm/, /int/ and /pol/ (because it's really fun to troll them) here (also Yea Forums before it became the e-celeb board). I'm too autistic to join communities that need accounts.
That'd be dystopian as fuck, also mods already have that kind of power.
Those have always existed user, just tell them to fuck off.
Nope, I couldn't have, Yea Forums didn't exist when I was underage.
Newfags love anonymous cancer.
Shadowbans could be useful. It might take people a while to realise no-one can see their posts and change IP.
>That'd be dystopian as fuck
High tech low life sounds like Yea Forums alright
>mods already have that kind of power.
I'm talking about self moderation here,not jannie powers
You should see Yu-Gi-Oh threads.
>People using saying a series is good because Reddit, Pojo, and NAC like it
>Anons asking for clarification of terms like "genki"
13 years
I can't say I do
Anonymous posting is an absolute cornerstone of an imageboard. Yo umight as well just join generic usenet group #12381 if you remove it. You seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding about why Yea Forums/2ch became so popular in the first place (spoilers it's only partly the ease of image hosting)
I check /w/ monthly, /g/ eventually and maybe Yea Forums yearly whenever something related to my country happens, Yea Forums has always been my homeboard.
You could say the same about how they hate it.
Who the fuck is suggesting to remove anonymous? Not only is that literally a part of the site Yea Forums itself is based on, what would removing anonymous do to separate Yea Forums from every other fucking forum? Did you forget the anonymity is what makes this place unique?
>Let the newfags finally turn this site into reddit
Used to browse Yea Forums and /sci/ until they devolved into complete cancer. Nowadays I try to browse /vr/ but it's gotten pretty tiresome with the Yea Forums refugees coming in. Fuck all the frogs, wojaks, recommendation threads, and so on
How old are you? Shouldn't you be taking care of your kids and wife?
Give janitors the power to give 1-3 day bans on their designated boards so they don't have to depend so much on the mods. It's sad seeing a shitposter spam shit while a janitor cleans it for hours. At least the bans would slow down the shitposter and discourage it from shitting up a thread after getting most of its IP banned.
Oh thatwould be dope
Imagine a tard not realising he had been shadow banned for a year.
What about also preventing new ips from posting for a shortwhile
Every politician is the same, there is no hope. The Trump fiasco can tell you as much.
>kids and wife
It won't help, it's too easy to evade. Banning mobile posting would be more effective, it takes more effort to swap ips than just using airplane mode
Nice one reddit. Be passive aggressive.
Shut up, tumblr user sugoi-neko-chan-desu.
Anonymous used to stand for no registration. Namefagging and tripfagging was incredibly common when Yea Forums started. Pic related.
Forced user utterly destroyed Yea Forums, turned a joke into a cult, and brought us cringy garbage like Chanology and its follow-ups. It shouldn't have gained momentum, it became that way because moot like the uber faggot he is paid attention to some subhuman weeb's ramblings.
Even mobile carriers have a limited number of IP. Eventually the shitposter would find more and more banned IP while cycling them until it becomes more tiresome for them to evade than for a janitor to immediately ban another IP.
I was under the impression moble posting was banned already? Whenever I try to post publicly, it usually says the IP is banned
Can't believe people still label themselves oldfags on a baord where 99% of all "oldfags" are literal newfags with less understanding and knowledge than someone who recently got thier first Crunchyroll subscription. You people lack self-awareness entirely.
I know, I used to namefag until 06. Anonymous posting should always be the baseline.
Can confirm that, I got my mobile carrier's reporting privileges revoked for a few months, so there's a way for them to ban it. Now convincing the gook to do it is another story.
No (You) for a year would require a high level retard.
It'd still be worthwhile considering the amount of people that are back within a minute of being banned. I'm pretty sure the ~300 deleted posts in the recent Colors thread was done by 3 people max.
I used to lurk on Yea Forums. I was really interested in music as a newfag (i still am, but as a newer newfag), so I went there finding better music. I couldn't really discuss anything, since I clearly didn't make an effor to listen to everything. I still go to chart threads tho.
I lurk on /fit/ like once a week.
I feel like everything became standardised in the 2010's, so I don't have other online communities I go to. Every hobby, or series has like a subreddit, amino community and a discord server. I remember visiting shitty pokémon and bionicle fanpages as a kid, but they simply dissappeared, because everything is centralised now.
Back then surfing the net with a phone was /g/.
>Colors thread
Those exist?
It technically got >800 posts due to the amount that were deleted.
And I guess you are still butthurt about it?
Mods hate the Colors so much its hilarious.
At least he is right about people starting to hate trump.
He didn't deliver shit. Its natural for people to turn on him.
>5 years or more
>there are still boards that I haven't browsed yet
10 years
Why would you want to browse places like /lgbt/ and /mlp/?
why not? there must be something interesting there, even if it's buried in 10 layers of shit
Grandpas pls, that humor was garbage compared to falseflagging.
Imagine if pedo bear ended up as today's pepe and wojak edits.
I mean it did evolve into spurdo, which became a bigger meme that pedobear, but spurdo and gondola never reached out to normalfags.
We didn't deserve these mods.
>first teekyuu was 7 years ago
Anyone remember this?
Haha, you're trying this hard to falseflag? What an idiot.
The band that made that song made a seriously embarrassing Hillary support song during the elections.
>Yea Forums has been for ages
I'm barely of legal age. I bet if I had the opportunity to browse the internet earlier I would've been on this site for way much longer. It sucks that I missed out on most of the fun
The day when flash goes out of support will officially be the day when the old internet finally ends.
Early attempt at a chatbot?
Spurdo humor is too sophisticated to be understood by plebeians.
1. 7 years
2. yes
Why do they hate the Colors?
1. First came in 2007, started posting regularly in 2008
2. No. After you hit 10 years, it’s not possible to still be a newfag
that's it. you've fucked it up. go back into hiding
They hate the Color posters, not the characters.
It got worse around 22m get on Yea Forums. once it was at 100m it was over. Yea Forums stayed pure for a while longer though.
Did they expected anyone else other than lolicons to like the show?
Yes, normal people like the show as well. It's just the threads are so awful that few people bothers.
Yea Forums is by far the board I spend the most time on, Yea Forums and /his/ are a distant second and third respectively.
I first found this site via Yea Forums and /s/, and I used to post on Yea Forums, /int/, and /r9k/ (when /r9k was first created and had actual OC, and before it became the sad incel circlejerk it is now).
I'm almost a hundred percent sure that we nosedived after 2012, and also when Naruto got allowed. Right now 80% of the threads are underage shonentards flinging shit at each other like Yea Forumstards arguing about console wars.
Threads right now look like pic related, we truly hit rock bottom
Way to out yourself, freshfag.
It will die when shonenfags finally leave the boars, to them everything is "kino"
since 2006, i've met Moot too
no because I reached the cutoff date for newfags.
11 years now but I only browse Yea Forums from time to time, sometimes I even took monthly breaks when threads about my favorite airing show get raided by normalfags and when I come back I see the threads with unfunny memespouters. Also nighttime ronery threads are still good specially when I'm on work night shifts
You cannot be serious.
Only ironic lolicons like Mitsuboshi Colors.
Having a list of filtered words that autoban people, I know that the influx of retards will die out once more. Also ban Naruto threads and allow sadpanda threads once more so the innocent and pure normalfags get traumatized once more and leave for good, or just get buttblasted for not get past the panda
>ironic "x"
People like you are shitting things up
How is that? The Colors are lolis.
1. 10 years
2. I thought I was the cancer killing Yea Forums? Eh, close enough.
Yea Forums must be really tough to survive cancer for more than 10 years.
wtf now i hate colors
>He doesn’t remember Lee Wong, Special Ed, and Future Bro
Incel is definitely an overused word, but it’s still the best way to describe the current user base of /r9k/ faggot
How do you "ironically" enjoy something? can you explain it to me you fucking normalscum?
7 years
yes, it pains me that I never saw the glory days
Colorsfags are the kind of ironic lolicons that don't know what Candydoll is.
Our overlord joined on the fun from time to time too.
This is why oldfags are cancer, they're the ones responsible for all the incel/tranny debacle.
What? what does it have to do with Yea Forums or anime?
I miss when Yea Forums was good,
I remember one of the first threads I saw on Yea Forums was about a guy trying to save his burnt pizza and getting tips from anons
Yea Forums, /tg/, /c/ and /m/ regularly, Yea Forums, /vg/ and /k/ ocationally. /pol/ when something big is on the news and I want to amuse myself.
That's the point. You are so current, you should get a multimeter.
you shills are so desperate
>mixing pedophilia with lolicons
I don't know why you are mixing 3D shit here, on Yea Forums of all places
7 years, yes
Damn, I still have that image saved.
No, just an autist. Chatbots aren't that advanced
>xD le so randum *teleports behind you* *hugs UwU*
Even though Yea Forums was never good is a meme, it is also the truth. It's always been the same random shitposts, porn dumps and an ocassional thread that fits better in any other board. For instance, /int/ is blue board Yea Forums with flags, which filters out the porn dumps and it's still fucking garbage.
my last old one.
the fuck is an ironic lolicon
1. 8 years
2. Yes
Real pedos want to be called lolicons now, so if you don't enjoy 3D kids and pedophilia you are not a lolicon by their definition, just ignore those fags
If anything, /pol/ has become more extreme over the past two years.
Most of the people hating Trump are former supporters.
I've been here since early 04, came here for the porn boards and to track down Mahou Shoujo Ai.
I think my pilgrimage was something like random ass websites and forums or geocities, gamesages old ign and gamefaqs LUE, newgrounds then SA/ytmnd/Yea Forums and I've never left the latter. I got screencaps and random images saved from Yea Forums going all the way back that I've transferred across three computers at this point.
>pedo propaganda
Get the fuck out of Yea Forums
too bad they created /qst/, /tg/ really used to get shit done
I still don't get the ironic part of ironic lolicons.
also lolis who are so cute they can cause diabetes with their extreme cuteness are top-tier
>Real pedos want to be called lolicons now
Stop appropriating lolicon culture, normalfag.
what's wrong with /qst/? I see a lot of mixed opinions about that board
Fuck you, there is nothing wrong with Mya-nee
What's weird is that whenever I see Japanese futaba/nico memes theirs still seem so pure. I wish I knew why.
>Autoban mass replies
>Yea Forums and /pol/ become blue boards
>Move loli/shota to the /trash/ where they belong
>Autoban You Laugh You Lose/YLYL
And Board mergers every April Fool's. They're such wonderful fun.
oh good I've been looking for this
>Board mergers every April Fool's
This. You should be shot for the others.
Ignore every other poster. What went wrong is fun become not allowed.
It should be part ot /tg/, just how /jp/ and Yea Forums were one.
the internet actually became serious business
There is something wrong if you consider yourself a lolicon while liking her.
Mya-nee is actually a loli.
What possibly could you disagree with on the other ideas? I should shoot you instead.
How? She is a literal fat hag.
>Move loli/shota to the /trash/ where they belong
As a shotafag I would be more than ok with this. Yea Forums is an irremediable cesspool full of nu-neo-newfags who consider loli and shota as CP and cry for mods while posting shitty reaction images from facebook. Is so bad that even shotafags there are newfags: Yea Forums is their prime source of shotas (which means the same pics are reposted a lot) and post a lot of SFW pics despite being in the only board that allows shota porn. /trash/ is a wasteland, but at least the majority of the posters there know enough to have civilized threads most of the time.
Why are you so young? Can you please stop being so young?
It's much, MUCH worse on the most popular boards. They're filled with people with this kind of mentality.
There are ironic shotacons too?
no kidding
Post your oldest, for fun.
/pol/ is the board with the most newfags. /pol/ also seems to be far more paranoid than other boards.
/pol/ also has the merit to infect even other imageboards.
>Iris Heart
Isn't that the crypto board? How?
I browse both loli and shota threads (loli on Yea Forums and Yea Forums, and shota on Yea Forums and /cm/ because shotafags on Yea Forums are almost nonexistent, also both loli and shota threads on Yea Forums once in a bluemoon), and shit like "X isn't a real Y" or "you aren't a real Z" only happens in loli threads. In shota threads when someone brings the subject of pedophilia people simply tells him to fuck off and ignore him for the rest of the thread, while in loli threads people even gives names to the recurrent shitposters. So no, I think this whole ironic/not real shit is exclusive to lolifags.
It's sad seeing /pol/ become more paranoid than /x/.
I am not a lolicon, but since when does being one exclude someone from having good taste and also liking the others? It doesn't seem to have anything in the term itself that disqualifies them from being able to also like Mya-nee
/pol/ is by far the lowest quality board (except the porn ones i suppose), but the worst thing is how much they spread their cancer Yea Forums is trash now thanks to them
1. 11 years
2. Yes, probably because I'm still lurking hard.
I was on Yea Forums recently and I told a /pol/tard who posted a /pol/ music video that it was cringeworthy, got like 4 (you)s of
>Yea Forums
>no sneed
Not very accurate
>I was on Yea Forums
Your first mistake, Yea Forums is cancer.
Not a lolicon t b h but if I had the chance to have sex with Noa, I would do it no questions asked desu
Yea Forums is like a loli. It got worse as it got older.
>13 years
>yes and no
I've been on multiple boards when my tastes changed. I don't think there was anything as good as golden age Yea Forums
I agree, but I still hold some fond memories and can't keep myself from ocasionaly checking up on it
That's a really old image. Right now Moe is the second most reposted image on Yea Forums, only surpassed by Bill Willson (the CIA guy):
>two weeks old meme, that only one cancer spams
Everything is ironic today.
At the end it's not about the memes or the style of posting from the past, what I really miss is how Yea Forums and particularly Yea Forums were a place for the social outcast, the fucked up, the weirdos, that was all about.
I feel like there's no place for those anymore.
It's only because there is a strong stigma against this word in the west that people deny it. This is also probably why you don't see Japanese lolicons/shotacons deny being attracted to children.
sneed has been going for several years and the posts and edits are far too numerous for one cunt, one could argue it started out as a way of self moderating the board by telling Yea Forums to go to their own board, but I think most of those who post it nowadays do it completely unironically
>two weeks
Cmon, Sneed single handedly ended all Simpsons threads for at least two years now
tfw only started to go to Yea Forums because of Chernobyl
If only we had mods that did anything.
Note: this post is not intended to criticize Yea Forums's policies.
Posting on the internet has always been srs bsnss.
I hope you're not comparing Yea Forums to a place like /ck/ or Yea Forums.
I know about the stigma, but it's weird how lolifags are much more prone to reply that kind of bait than shotafags. Just go to any loli thread and see it by yourself.
why don't we just fight back instead of running away?
The worst part is that even the safe board like /jp/ get invaded, fortunately meido or some other mod still has the balls to just delete everything on sight that doesn't belong there. Not like Yea Forums where mods have no fucking idea what does belong here
>being a lolicon
Sure must feel nice to be hated by everyone.
>check Yea Forums to see if it's as bad as everyone says
these are the correct answers
How do I find this again?
Probably because lolis are more popular with normalfags than shotas. The exception is straight shota, which normalfags love.
Why do mods on other boards tolerate frog/wojakposting? It only drags the quality down, the only people who post them are underage anyway
Is in the stat pages of Desuarchive, and 4plebs.
Shit on me all you want but s.oybo.y and "have sex" meme are favorites of mine, everything that includes image editing is honestly a good shitpost
What I hate is faggots that keep ultra long chain replies completely ruining a thread
I think this image is quite old by now, Bane threads are much rarer on Yea Forums nowadays
The best way to get quality from Yea Forums is to murder everyone who posts there.
Have sex
>Not like Yea Forums where mods have no fucking idea what does belong here
Ehhhh, the mods aren't what they used to be but I'd say we're doing waaaaaay better than Yea Forums or even Yea Forums to be honest. As I said earlier, e-celeb shit is deleted on sight for example
Except cunnyposters.
This. This is our ground 0, we will not go quietly into the night.
Why do other boards call us trannies?
Yea Forums isn't even the worst quality board there is and OCCASIONALY has a good take. It's currently swarmed by phone-frogposters
Those deserve to be castrated.
2 days ago we got an e-celeb thread for 5 fucking hours and with people actually discussing e-celebs and defending shitters, that's way fucking low for this board. Some people tried to save it by speeding deletion posting dubs and the fucking dub posts got deleted. How the fuck you can justify that?
It's the same shit as tuxedo pepe doing le post insulting the janitor that'll get him banned, it's just offtopic garbage.
It's still absolute cancer and its shitty memes need to die.
But they're pretty much the only non-normalfags left on Yea Forums.
Meanwhile I get banned for making a GuP thread.
>normal people bad
>pedos good
because a lot of trannies use anime girls and traps as in their profiles and because Yea Forums doesn't tolerate /pol/bait and regular shitposting like other boards do.
Recommendation stealth threads have been here for the longest time. Hiding it with terms like "overrated" and such never fooled anyone but the dumbest retards.
Kys boring meme spammer virgin
lol, even the pedos on Yea Forums save their pics from fucking instagram
>shotafags on Yea Forums are almost nonexistent
Might be because the mods used to autosage threads with shota in the OP, even threads about authors like Shotaro Ishinomori were affected.
>names to the recurrent shitposters
It's a regular problem because once they appeared the threads derailed every time. Anons have given too much attention to them, it doesn't help that they have been regulars for some years now, so some people have gotten used to them and don't ignore and report them, as they should.
I would start somet general if I knew what board could tolerate it, this is our world and normies aren't welcome in our world!
I think mods don't like GuP. It's curious because I've been banned more times this year only than the whole decade 2008-2018, sometimes because I posted old classics.
No idea what's GuP, but could it be that mods see it as a general?
I know, it's fucking stupid. Mods are part of the cancer
question to all of you Yea Forumsnons, what do you think is the purpose of Yea Forums? like what is it's underlying philosophical meaning?
I have spawned, I have several kids. My oldest is posting here probably.
Since 2006
Mostly /k/ Yea Forums /sci/ /his/
to me a lot of the boards have gotten more bitter. Now i'm looking around for that image of a classroom with the anime references in it to post ironically. Here have a Otaku test in it's place. Who gets it?
and the 24/7 naruto, bnha and snk are not?
>2 days ago we got an e-celeb thread for 5 fucking hours
wich one?
I never liked Haruhi but not recognizing her is a sin
>he didn't deny it
>gets mad
Looks like we have a virgin here.
>Might be because the mods used to autosage threads with shota in the OP, even threads about authors like Shotaro Ishinomori were affected.
Didn't know about that. Fuck the unpaid nigger mods and their stupid bias.
>some people have gotten used to them and don't ignore and report them
That's the worst part. Because there are a lot of lolitards who reply to any kind of bait the number of shitposters in all loli threads increased. Colors threads can't exist without people trying to turn them into generic loli threads and shitposters trying to bait everyone.
I think they ignore those since they are the most popular threads of the board, kinda like mods let waifu/husbando draw threads to live.
>Yea Forums
This board is so fucking unusable. Sometimes I watch western TV shows or movies, and I want to talk about them. But Yea Forums is like a mix of TV-themed /pol/ and twitter (every second thread is a twitter screencap), where autistic normalfags try to prove how much the "jews" have invaded hollywood. Do you sometimes see these annoying metoo-Funi threads on Yea Forums? On Yea Forums, every 3rd thread is about it. Even if there's a thread that's reasonably on-topic, it's just incoherent shitflinging. But that's just like Yea Forums, you say? Imagine it a hundred times worse.
And there are frogs and wojaks fucking everywhere. Just nuke Yea Forums.
To have a place for people that can't fit anywhere else.
Fun things are fun.
You mean you aren't?
a social meeting point for those who didn't fit in other places for whatever reason and tryhards wanting to be edgy
the toilet of internet where anyone can take a shit without worrying about being punished for it
Go cry to your waifu, sperg.
Seriously consider suicide.
I did not expect this thread to hit the bump limit, good job Yea Forums
You must be some kind of detective.
Me too. Usually these meta threads gets deleted pretty quickly.
That's because it wasn't supposed to be a meta thread.
I hope whoever came up with this "kino" meme gets cancer.
I think it ended up being a better thread that what OP had in mind.
Will we ever stop all the nonsensical arguing?
I’m OP, I really just wanted to have an old Yea Forums memes thread.
All of these are generally recognized as troll words, while "kino" is used unironically almost always.
Not unless you admit you're wrong and I'm right.
It's simply accepted. Users would riot if mods suddenly started deleting frogs and wojaks.
Because those conglomerates have "fuck you" money, and normalfags don't care about the implications of using free social media services. That is the real source of the problem.
Convenience has trumped any personal responsibility or ethics with the things that they consume. And that's not even a capitalism issue, that's a systemic post-industrial-revolution consumption issue.
What does "fighting back" look like to you? Small time /pol/ operations? Making and spreading memes about the services and their owners? That's local coverage in the evening news.
Unless you plan on trying to storm server farms and kidnap employees these companies have too much momentum to "fight back" against. (speaking hypothetically--I, of course, do not endorse this).
Even a flagging company like facebook has the money to permutate into other forms, or buy other companies and services outright. So how is that something you stop barring economic collapse?
Some form of alternative internet seems like the only actual solution to that problem, but as long as it's compromisable by a handful of people petitioning a company or governmental body it will eventually be compromised.
The nature of the internet becoming popular has made it so you either have to have to factionalize into small closed-gate forums, or figure out a structure that goes beyond the reach of ISPs and normal commercial hosts.
I think, at least. I'm at the point that I think the cyberpunk future is here. It's just a shitty uninteresting one without a neon color scheme.
The technology is boring or wildly esoteric, the fashion is mild, and the idea of being an outlaw is a mundane resistance to certain kinds of goods and services.
Instead you only got a bunch of old af nerds crying about their older days. I think you won.
Cringe checked
>Users would riot if mods suddenly started deleting frogs and wojaks.
Why's that? How did Yea Forums develop a distaste for these memes but the rest of this site didn't?
ban twitter threads on sight, ban key shit disturbers/tripfags, wipe forced memes i dislike off the face of the earth
I think they are funny, I just do use them here.
>retards give this a pass because it's offensive
They aren't Yea Forums so it stands out. Very few non Yea Forums things are accepted here, and that's what makes it good.
you're not wrong, with how things are I'd have to make pol threads 24/7 or something drastic (like the kidnapping thing you "suggested")
I don't think I'm capable of anything like that but no doubt something like this might happen.
At least we all had somewhere we could go for a while eh?
Why are posting links about Yea Forums here? Who cares?
Do not twist what said with your faggotry, even though he enjoys snk.
1. 10 years
2. No but definitely not an oldfag
Yea Forums quality control, as far as I'm concerned.
>already deleted
Mods are lurking here, aren't they?
Not him, but this board is so bad it serves to demonstrate points about quality issues well.
to show how shit it has become, the degradation of Yea Forums is uncomparable
Allowing Naruto threads was the last nail in the coffin, the site got flooded by kids
>Mods are lurking here, aren't they?
For sure, Yea Forums mods let these stay up for HOURS
Fuck moot and /q/ for this.
What does /q/ has to do with anything?
/ota/ has been better than Yea Forums for years now
Then why are you still here? Stay in /ota/ if you want.
Didn't know Vic Mignogna was a brunette.
I'll consider it!
because mods live on Yea Forums
Newfags used it to whine about things they didn't like about the site, in Yea Forums's case not being allowed to have naruto thread without being derailed into posting dubs, among other things, but generally most posters on /q/ where shitposters that were often banned. Mods and moot caved in to some requests on /q/ and in 2013 naruto was allowed again on Yea Forums, shortly after its people came out of the woodwork to discuss it and they never left.
I don't need you. Leave and never come back!
Which site?
Why did they delete /q/?
Not complaining.
>mods delete post only mentioning animu & mango
what did they mean by this?
We have /qa/ now. Not like it's any better.
They realized that mostly shitposters and people that were gatekept from most boards complained there. Then /qa/ was made for moot's q&a, and later it changed to what it is now.
But what the fuck is it now? It looks like some sort of anime themed Yea Forums, plus a couple of threads where the OPs think it's /q/.
Also what is up with these generals in /trash/? It's like these threads were made on that board and used there. It's disturbing.
last post for shotacat!
Fine by me
Whoa whoa whoa.
I actively condemn, and do not, in any way, condone giving certain functionary and high-ranking employees or leaders of certain technology companies/firms any sort of harm in the form of intimidating threats or even potentially fatal physical violence.
That would be a totally unethical breach of the social contract, and even trying to politically, economically, and ideologically subjugate the entire world would not in any way warrant something like that. That's crazy talk user. Honestly, that's totally bananas.
I mean really. I'm not sure why you would even think I would insinuate, much less outright "suggest," anything remotely like that. Which I do not. I do not make suggestions or recommendations in any form. Do not do this. Absolutely no one should do this.
/trash/ is mostly a big furry porn dump now.
>no catalog
As you said, a mix of /q/, [s4s] and Yea Forums. About /trash/ everyone thought of it as a waste of a board, eventually people adopted it as a new home.
You're part of the problem
And you are gay.