>So what if I do watch moe anime? There's nothing wrong with watching shows about little girls doing kawaii things as an adult male. I bet you're a shounenshitter.
So what if I do watch moe anime...
Levi Bell
Jeremiah Price
They're two sides of the same coin.
Elijah Taylor
Yeah, both are good.
Asher Johnson
Why are you posting ragefaces in 2019?
Jose Hall
A thread died for this. Shame on you.
Jaxon Perry
I wish faggots like you would hurry up and decide to die already.
Hunter Baker
And shounenshitters watch shows for little boys
Matthew Clark
Based af
Carter Ward
There's literally no point in trying to gaslight people here about this when we're the patron saints of Yotsuba and Azumanga Daioh
Lucas Rodriguez
good bait