I'm downloading this at the moment. Is it good?
was alright
Yes, it's top comfy. Made me cry multiple times.
>only watching Kamichu now
Are you new to anime?
It was pretty but kind of boring, never finished it.
Pretty good, could have been better though had it spend more time utilizing the youkai. Nonetheless one of the most well animated televsion shows of the 2000s, though.
Shut the fuck up newfag. Chances are you've seen less than 1000 anime and the ones you've seen are most second and third seasons.
Not as good as older Koji Masunari shows (Kokoro Toshokan, Risky Safety, ROD)
The animation peaks in the first episode - which is admittedly absurd - though, before declining and settling at slightly above average SoL tier by episode four or so. It does improve again in the last few episodes.
>before declining and settling at slightly above average SoL tier
Epic post KusoAnus drone. Maybe get your eyes check or actually pay attention the next time you watch it. Or you know, refrain from posting entirely since you clearly lack the mental fortitude to evaluate animation.
Nah I know a lot about anime.
No it was boring as fuck.
>one of the most well animated televsion shows of the 2000s
Damn now I want to watch it even though TV anime from that time was all animated like shit
>even though TV anime from that time was all animated like shit
Maybe you shouldn't, given how you've just proven to me completely retarded.
I love Matsuri
It is fucking good.
Can you at least wait until you have marathoned the first chapter before asking?
one of my all time favorites
11/10 character designs.
The manga is straight up hentai minus the outright porn.
>straight up hentai minus the outright porn
Hanaharu Naruko
Only did the manga.
And the designs. Everything he makes is full of healthy girls.
Prove that 羽音たらく and 鳴子ハナハル are the same person.
Yurie's absolutely adorable, the way she nibbles at her finger all the time and that blush are just way too cute.
>millennial discover pseudonym
Anyone who likes Kamichu is a good person in my book.
>Not as good as older Koji Masunari shows (Kokoro Toshokan, Risky Safety, ROD)
What the hell is he doing nowadays?
You might as well watch this too after that
Kinda average. The animation quality is pretty high for a seasonal show of its stature, but the stories are uneventful yet not even all that comfy.
Occasional storyboarding.
Very comfy movie, but honestly it kind of lost me in the very final minutes of it. But maybe I just had a very different set of expectations, but very bombastic finality with squid Frieza wasn't what I had in mind, I wish it had been more lowkey. But it was by no means out of place, film literally starts with an action scene.
In hindsight, they look like K-On's moms in the '80's.