Why do redditors think that Giorno is a representation of Jesus Christ
I think they are so desperate to give "depth" to a boring, bland and one dimensional character that they come up with the most retarded things
Why do redditors think that Giorno is a representation of Jesus Christ
I think they are so desperate to give "depth" to a boring, bland and one dimensional character that they come up with the most retarded things
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not as boring as jonathan at least
Jonathan beats Giorno any time
giorno is literally jonathan with the body of michelangelo's david and a stand instead of hamon
It’s not really that complicated, literally just ‘Dio=god so Giorno=son of god/Jesus‘
Giorno is supposed to have the traits of DIO and Jonathan, and fails miserably at that.
Jonathan is just the archetypical good hero. It's simple but it works. The "morally gray hero who has good and noble intentions but uses ruthless methods" was Jotaro. And he was half of a Gary Stu
So you're telling me that the guy who is the son of god is jesus?
Part 5 has the worst Jojo but the best cast
I still like Giorno, I just don't think he can stand alone as a protag
Jesus led a bunch of followers through his teachings and miracles, he did a revolution against the mainstream religious figures, but always abiding to the Roman law. He was betrayed by his own people, one of his followers denied having something to do with him three times, one of his followers sold him for silver coins, a thief was freed instead of him by decision of his own people. He was tempted by the devil to rule all kingdoms if he adored him. He sacrificed himself for all of humanity.
Jesus themes are ultimate love for mankind, sacrifice and compassion, even when the world turned against him. Giorno has none of that. Just a bunch of nitpicks from redditfags like "uuuhh yeah he's the son of Dio and Dio is God in Italian and Diavolo means devil yeah he's Jesus lol" for making a shitty character more interesting than he actually is.
Tldr, literally just how I said, it was a naming thing because Dio means god. No need to make it stupidly over complicated
Jonathan is one of the more lovable Jojos.
How does Yea Forums do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
At least Johnathan tortured frogs and fed berries to his dog and actually emoted. Giorno just stands there and acts all stoic and at most just vibrates
The Jesus symbolism is pretty fucking obvious, you have a problem if Jojo of all thing is too subtle for you
I never liked this pseudodeep bullshit dialogue. It's better in part 6 and 7 when they yell "oh shit" instead of talking about resolve or whatever
>Why do redditors think that Giorno is a representation of Jesus Christ
That's almost all Jojofags
still better than johnny the crippled faggot or gyro fagpellii
I don't think Jojo ever had great writhing, part 5 is my favourite because of the over the top fights and fun characters. I can always just go and reread of the La squarda fight and still be entertained
You do realize that Mista is Jesus in this scenario? Uncultured swine.
How is an amoral antihero supposed to be a representation of Christ.
I'm still surprised that there are faggots who manage to get it wrong even now, like
Why is Giorno the same character as Bruno?
>calls others faggot
I have never ever met anyone thinking that Giorno is deep. What the hell man?
>Giorno 'let's steal some shit from unsuspecting strangers'
>Giorno 'let's kill anyone who stands in my way'
>Giorno 'let me become the boss of the greatest organised crime syndicate in the country'
>is not amoral
Thanks for bringing the thoughts of redditors to my attention OP
>thieves can't have their own morality
yeah you are retarded
if it weren’t for giorno’s cute character design no one would defend him
Jonathan was actually more of a christ figure than Giorno, he even fucking died at the end of his own history without any hate.
DIO - God
Diavolo - Devil
Isn’t that hard nigger
At least Johnathan have character development and a personality
but Dio was a fucking asshole, it literally doesn't make any sense.
Even Bucelatti has more of a christ figure than Giorno.
'Morality' that involves wanton plunder and murder isn't any in the first place.
To be fair, Valentine there was intentionally trying to sound super deep and smart to trick Johnny and shoot him in the back
>it's doesn't count as morality if it doesn't match my own
you're fucking retarded and gay
I never said it made sense or it was good. You could try to make simbolism and still fail, look at Zack Snyder
>DIO has principles
>DIO is moral
Literally you right now.
what's morality does dio have?
I'm pretty sure ruling the world, doesn't count as morality
giorno not being ok with selling drugs and not hurting those he consider good persons counts as morality
So can we agree that he was the best son of Dio?
>7niggers will defend this shit tier part and shit tier villan
kek even diavalo was better than faggot valentine, hell giorno was a better jojo than johnny fagstar the cripple.
versace was better but he's a close second
No, Versace was better, if just for Underworld
Bohemian Rhapsody was the best stand of part 6 though, even if Ungalo was underwhelming
God is an asshole
>Why do redditors think that Giorno is a representation of Jesus Christ
What the hell are they talking about, it's obvious that Gio is all about the Protestant reformation
>MC wants to change this evil organization from Italy that rules Europe, because they betrayed their original ideals, are it turns out that they're secretly controlled by the devil
He wants the whole world to achieve the peace of mind.
It's not only about the goal, but the methods they employ to get there, and Giorno in not that far away from him when it comes to that.
Bruno is the one that came back from the dead and then ascended to the heavens. Maybe Bruno is suppossed to be Jesus and Giorno is St. Peter, the founder of the church after his death.
Part 5 was so fucking awful with this. Giorno just spouts bullshit about "fate" or "destiny" or the "shining path" in every fight and none of that shit ever actually means something or matters. I like all Jojo parts but 5 is far and away the worst one.
Versace was literally part 1 Dio/Diego. Also he did the best panel in all of Jojo
apparently you are too dumb to understand what morality is
giorno is not amoral
They're retarded that's why, it is just a story about achieving your dreams against impossible odds, empathy, sacrifice, and friendship. All things covered by previous Jojo parts in a far better way. In Araki's mind of course the son of "Dio" should fight the devil, but the characters don't actually reflect that in any meaningful way.
In contrast part 6's little ties bear some weight. Pucci believes in Gnosticism which says that the world is fundamentally evil, and that it was created by a malevolent "God". That the key to salvation is to give people knowledge of this in order to accept that the world is evil, as well as to literally "accelerate" the earth's destruction. Pucci talks to this supposed "God" for guidance, he merges with the green baby using a gnostic sounding chant, and his final ability accelerates the universe towards it's end, then gives them absolute knowledge of their future so that they will never bear hardship in his eyes.
Not that part 6 is any good either, it's only good thematically but boring as hell outside of Pucci. Parts 3 and 4 are the best, the only good things about part 5 are Bruno and King Crimson which is probably one of the most intimidating and creative powers I've seen.
Giorno has his own morality, but you can't compare any character with a honor code to Jesus
- College educated
- Disciplined
- Buff
- True gentleman
- Morally ambiguous
- An actual thief that never once mentioned reforming or dismantling all other criminal activities within the crime syndicate he eventually ends up being the leader of.
- A punk that deserves being ORA'd into Kars's orbit
- Isn't even the protagonist of Araki's big mafia crime time Jojo.
>but you can't compare any character with a honor code to Jesus
I didn't
Yes, Versace was good but he had a really shitty stand
>it is just a story about achieving your dreams against impossible odds, empathy, sacrifice, and friendship. All things covered by previous Jojo parts in a far better way
Seriously? Previous parts rarely deal with the MCs dreams. Unless you count Dio achieving his dream of not being a poorfag anymore, or Cars achieving his dream of becoming the ultimate being, or Stroheim achieving his dream of dying before seeing Nazi Germany go to shit. Josuke's dream was making a few extra bucks for summer, he fought the impossible odds of having an alien too retard to understand the concept of a scam, and he had to sacrifice Rohan's house, I guess that kinda applies?
What on earth prompted Araki to go full retard with 5? It's also the most shonenshit of the parts and totally unfitting for the setting. The beginning is such a contrast to what it morphs into later, especially Giorno's character.
I mean the original replies, look at I guess that call him amoral was a mistake, but he has a shitty excuse for a morality. He was raised in Italy and his hero has a gangster, so I guess he came out as good as possible.
Oh shit, didn't realise there was already a thread. Why are western fans harsh towards Part 5, when its flaws aren't unique to the part in any way?
so the world's rose thing that looked like it mindraped people was jonathan's stand, dio's clairvoyance was joseph's stand and the timestop was Star Platinum's stand?
>Why are western fans harsh towards Part 5, when its flaws aren't unique to the part in any way?
name one other part where the mc sputs bullshit about fate etc every fight
The way Giorno's stand got a new power every episode might've been the worst part. It was easier to swallow when that happened with hamon because it was a broad power system but his stand just pulled new bs out each time.
redditors are niggers
Akkor akurva anyádat
>the mc sputs bullshit about fate etc every fight
They start with the fate bullshit pretty late on the arc. Giorno is more about dreams and that shit that I guess was fashionable at the time. At the end, or more exactly, after King Crimson appears, they start to get hard with the fate stuff.
And considering that most of these powers just never appeared again, it's almost obvious that Araki was just changing his mind instead of trying to flesh out a character. Maybe he was just on drugs and that's why Part 5 shits on drugs so much.
If DIO's goal's not moral, neither is Giorno's.
But both are, and neither of them is a moral person themselves.
ok mr Hungarian
They also had plenty of dumb shit
It is standard Jojo themes, the bit that it emphasizes most is how Giorno had to take the difficult path to achieve his dreams which gives them more significance, and how that even though being weak might seem unfortunate it is an opportunity for a more meaningful existence. In order to take this path that you have to accept that you can fail, and you have to sort the guilt of your past so that it doesn't prevent you from taking certain actions when the time comes.
His arc is a shittier version of Pesci, going from a bubbling retard to a standard 200 IQ Jojo antagonist who for some reason knows an obscure science trivia perfectly adapted to his ability he just discovered he had. Jolene not even receiving clothing damage after setting herself on fire for more than a chapter was also really dumb unto itself
ok I'll explain it for retards like you, morality is the distinction of right and wrong
when have we seen dio judge something or someone as morally wrong?
giorno thinks drugs and murdering innocents is wrong
In reality the fight only lasted like two minutes in real time. Jolyne and Rykiel might have been on fire for only fifteen seconds before it was over. All the text just makes it seem longer.
15 seconds is still too long.
>when its flaws aren't unique to the part in any way?
Requiem stands are unique to Part 5
bait za dasuto
at least jonathan had an arc
>shitty "i win" arrow isn't a flaw
We don’t know what the deal with the roses is, the Hermit Purple used by Dio is Jonathan’s stand, and stopping time is the ability of Dio’s stand that Jotaro’s stand also has.
Most of Part 5's flaws are unique to Part 5. No other part has the same rushed pacing and disconnected storyline from the rest of the series.
See but you're just making shit up, what is this difficult path that Giorno had to take? When was he ever properly challenged or conflicted? Everything in this story is just a stream of coincidences and characters just stumble into everything conveniently. How is he weak? He's got the most broken stand that constantly escalates in the bullshit it can pull off. Giorno gets handed everything on a silver platter.
Giorno is less of a character and more of representation of ideals and the resolve to make an effort.
And even taking that into account, the objectively true ranking goes like this
>Josuke > Giorno > Joseph > Jotaro > Jonathan
This. The "difficult path" would have been joining the mafia on his own, raising in the ranks by himself until he finally got close enough to the boss to uncover him and take him out. Instead he just gets invited in to the gang by a guy who just so happens to want to give Giorno his dream, and rides on a wave of Pocoloco-tier good luck as the boss and the magical item that lets him defeat the boss are both dropped into his lap within a week's time.
>shitty "I win" heaven ritual isn't a flaw
>shitty "I win" horseriding technique isn't a flaw
At least Johnny still had to fight when he got Act 4.
At least there was a very long build up with Pucci and it broke the norm by having him kill the good guys
>shitty "I win" heaven ritual isn't a flaw
Imagine thinking that Pucci won.
They think they're clever for figuring out that DIO is Italian for God and Diavolo is Italian for Devil.
Imagine that, things that are actually built up and have to be earned are better than an automatic win item
>the arrow chase wasn't build up
Quite dense, aren't you? This is not morality.
If it were, reversing these statements would have no effect on their assesment.
And thus, people who believe drugs and murdering innocents is right are moral.
This is you, literally the corollary of the statements you've made.
I know it's hard, but you could at least try using your brain for at least five seconds in a single go, user.
>infinite rotation is autowin
Gyro died and Johnny still lost to za warudo
I think it ultimately comes down to it being extremely frustrating because a lot of people who dislike it actually dig the premise/setting and Giorno as a concept but the execution is just a terrible waste of potential.
>This is not morality
that's morality, dumbass, the subjective distinction of what's right and what's wrong
>"I win" horseriding technique
This is one of several reasons why the Diego battle was necessary.
>Villain gets a power up
Kars becoming the Ultimate Life Form
Pucci achieving Made in Heaven
Kira gaining Bites the Dust
>Villain and MC gets a power up
DIO drinking Joseph's blood, Jotaro learning to stop time
Valentine getting Love Train, Johnny getting Act 4
>Nobody gets a power up
Jonathan vs Dio
>MC gets a power up, villain gets nothing
Giorno getting Gold Experience Requiem
>any given villain that believes killing innocents is right is moral
>why won't you understand it, you dumbass
Learn to pronounce
concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.
>Giorno is less of a character and more of representation of ideals and the resolve to make an effort.
That’s a pathetic excuse, and even on that level, Giorno still fails.
Introducing something 3 episodes prior to its use and not even solidifying how it works properly is at best an awful buildup
that would be his sick idea of morality, but it's morality nonetheless, moron
>I can't think for myself, so let me just quote a dictionary without giving it too much thought
So, tell me, user. Is a villain who believes it's right to kill moral?
Everyone is moral, then. Simple. Well done, you did good, user.
Yes. Someone who believes that things can be right or wrong has morals. Their morals might be different from your morals, but they are morals. You're just a retard who thinks that "moral" automatically means "good guy".
Why do 4channelers think that Reddit is a representation of worthy discussion
I think they are so desperate to give "depth" to a boring, bland and one dimensional user base that they come up with the most retarded things
>Not bringing up Jonathan vs Dio Part 1 where the villain gets a powerup while the hero has no powers whatsoever
Jonathan has his massive muscles.
No, I'm affraid the only retards are (you), who in your retardation have invalidated the meaning of the word you've been arguing about.
If any principle can be 'moral', then it loses any meaning as an adjective, as I've pointed out Congratulations, you've both played yourselves.
>the English language is wrong because I said so
Sure, user.
>son of Dio (God) capable of resurrecting the dead literally punishes Diavolo (Devil) to an eternity of torment, aka HELL.
>durrr why do people bring up Jesus Christ
Dio became a vampire and Jonathan get Zeppeli’s hamon
what part of morality being subjective don't you understand exactly?
I was only thinking of the final arcs
>thinking it has anything to do with language
Here, have a (you)
The one where it isn't, if it is to have any meaning at all.
The one you constantly fail to see, to my unceasing amusement.
>son of Dio (Ronnie James Dio) not capable of resurrecting the dead because Bruno was a zombie who still died literally prevents Diavolo (Fra diavolo sauce) from going to hell by trapping him in a death loop.
>the definition of a word has nothing to do with language
What is your world like?
>morals are objective
ok retard
Just about every character in Jojo has some sort of mortal code, including Diavolo.
Correct, esl-kun.
Is he Saint Paul? Is Vanilla Ice Peter?
Jesus wasn't selfish, he was also a good protagonist
>thinks that when a chinese and brit say 'bowl' in their respective languages, they mean different things
>he doesn't know
Have you ever given thought to what morals might even be in your life?
>Have you ever given thought to what morals might even be in your life?
have you, nigger?
Go look it up yourself if you don't believe me. I'm not wrong.
>a bowl is an abstract concept
I have. And came to the inevitable conclusion that subjectivism is intellectualy empty and untenable.
I've even given you a demonstration itt.
The fuck does Jesus's story have to do with the Devil? Symbolism-fags have no idea what they're talking about.
It's not about definitions or languages, but underlying concepts.
>the idea of a 'bowl' without any direct reference is not abstract
so, is cloning morally good or morally bad, jackass?
How do you explain an underlying concept to someone without using words?
other anons already said this but
gyro used the 'i win' horse technique, and lost
johnny used the 'i win' horse technique and still almost lost
the second time johnny used the 'i win' horse technique he gets his shit kicked in by diego and loses completely
You don't, since language is your only means of communication with other people. But ideas aren't the words you use to describe them.
This is literally a sjw 101 thinking, hence their preoccupation with pc language.
Talking is a free action in Jojo, why do people not get this?
I think it's bad, imo the government would start cloning imbeciles like you to exploit
you see? morals are subjective
Part 5’s anime is new and popular so the seething contrarians crawl out of the wordwork because how dare people who aren’t Yea Forums enjoy things.
If you describe an idea using the wrong words, nobody knows what your idea is. Knowing the definition of the words you use is a requirement for communication. You can't use the word "D-O-G" to represent the idea of a cat and get mad when people laugh at you for being a retard.
>the only people who dislkie what I like are contrarians!
If imbeciles were exploited, then there would be no problems for non-imbeciles, would there?
user, just because you're too dense to grasp morals, doesn't mean they're subjective.
>Part 5 is universally liked on Yea Forums for years pre-anime, frequently highly ranked
>anime comes out
>endless shitposting about how supposedly awful it is now
You know you’re right, it isn’t contrarians. It’s retarded animeonlies.
Most modern Jesus stories are like that.
>Part 5 is universally liked on Yea Forums for years pre-anime
Hi, newfag.
Good. Now if you could relate that to the discussion.
Hints: What is a dictionary? What is its purpose? Can it give you what is needed here?
What idea is being discussed?
I was excited about the idea of a bastard JoJo protagonist who was somehow both DIO's and Johnathon's son, taking on aspects of both. Giorno started off promising, the balance between going full evil or awakening to justice was intriguing and his stand healing people would have been cool for battles. Instead he has one of the most OP stands ever and never even uses its most OP ability past Leaky Eye Luca. Instead he has a nonexistent arc. Instead he judges people of being good or evil despite being amoral himself.
Giorno is a shitty character stuck in a great part. Everything around him is better than he is, more entertaining.
The purpose of the dictionary is for you to read it and learn what "moral" means.
>>Part 5 is universally liked on Yea Forums for years pre-anime, frequently highly ranked
Way to out yourself as a newfag. Animeonlies are the only people who rank part 5 high, just look how the attitude towards the part changed after the anime ended
>Part 5 is universally liked on Yea Forums for years pre-anime, frequently highly ranked
It was exactly the opposite, it was ussually fighting for the next to last spot with Part 6
>>>Part 5 is universally liked on Yea Forums for years pre-anime, frequently highly ranked
lol no. People who rank part 6 as the worst part always have part 5 in the middle or higher.
So, no. Dictionary is not a substitute for thinking about concepts yourself, user.
What do you mean "thinking about concepts yourself"? Words have meaning. You don't get to think up your own definitions and then complain that other people don't use your made up words.
There have always been some fans of Part 5.
some =/= one of the higher overall ranked
>oh shit, I lost this internet discussion and someone made a fool out of me, what can I do to save face? I know, I'll just pretend to be a retard who's baiting for (You)s
The worst part is that GE is a genuinely good idea and design, a nice contrast towards previous MC stands which were more punch-oriented and an ironic twist of a thievery dubious character having life-giving powers. It could be put to a ton of creative trickstery use but like a lot of things in 5 it instead just goes off the rails in the worst possible way.
>contantly being proven wrong
>claims to win
>a discussion on mandarin carpet squeezing forum
If it makes you feel better, user.
I'll spell it slowly for you, this time. Dictionaries have basic definitions of words, which are unsuitable for use for even remotely in-depth discussions concerning concepts.
Now, do you require me to reapeat it to you? Draw it?
>words are subjective
>morals are not
based retard
>Dictionaries have basic definitions of words, which are unsuitable for use for even remotely in-depth discussions concerning concepts.
How are you going to have a discussion without words? You cannot discuss the concept of morality if you refuse to accept the definition of what a "moral" is. Nobody can have a proper conversation with you if your words have different meanings from the rest of the world's.
>Draw it?
I would love to see you try.
>words are subjective
Oh, and (you).
I don't know. How are you having discussion without thinking once?
You don't need a dictionary to understand how language works. And you don't need 200 IQ to see why they would be irrelevant, or to follow a discussion.
What 'moral' means has no bearing here.
The subject is the nature of morality, which if answered, would also explain the meaning of 'moral'.
>I would love to see you try.
I could, but I'm getting less and less sure about your ability to comprehend even the most basic messages.
>The subject is the nature of morality, which if answered, would also explain the meaning of 'moral'.
Learn to pronounce
principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
There, done. Now stop making a fool out of yourself.
An answer commensurate to the level of intellectual ability, or so I'd like to say, but I really wouldn't like to undersell the dictionary here.
Did it ever occur to you that a dictionary is not a serious intelelctual resource to be used in a discussion, since it lacks the required depth of the meaning, and it does so by its very nature?
Apparently not.
>There, done. Now stop making a fool out of yourself. I wish I could say the same to you, but alas, next to nothing of value in this world is that easy.
You have a long road before you'll be able to stop being a fool.
>Can raise the dead
>Feed hundreds from a single bread loaf
>Can walk on water with some tricks
>Most miracle liked stand power
>Sacrificed his normal life to ascend
It's not really that hard
You used a word incorrectly. The dictionary is a resource to be used to show what what the words you are saying mean. The discussion can't happen UNTIL you learn what the words mean.
When did Giorno do any of these things?
Part 6 at least had a top tier ending/last act compared to part 5 which was pretty damn great until the last act.
Wrong. I've used it correctly, and shown why dictionary definition is insufficient to understand the concept being discussed.
Try reading again.
rarely ranked high before the anime =/= only ranked high by animeonlies
Probably because he’s very altruistic and GW kinda looks like a christ figure in the second ed.
Not him but 1, 4, and 5 are true. He did sort of raise the dead with bucciarati, his stand literally gives life, and he went from a school kid to a mafia leader.
>Sacrificed his normal life to ascend
This is a joke, right?
>and he went from a school kid to a mafia leader.
He didn’t have to sacrifice anything
>He did sort of raise the dead with bucciarati,
Bruno was still dead though. The whole point of that plotline was that he was a moving corpse. If he was alive, he wouldn't have been able to do what he did during the Green Day and Oasis fight.
>his stand literally gives life,
It's just a power. It's not any more miraculous than other stands
>and he went from a school kid to a mafia leader.
He didn't sacrifice anything and he didn't ascend like Jesus did. This is unrelated to the comparison.
You haven't. Maybe you think you have because you make up your own words in your head, but from the perspective of someone who uses the English definitions, you haven't.
It is just a power but one of the most miraclous looking stand powers.
Yeah Buccarati was still dead but he was given life from the dead .
I mean he is not 100% Jesus but stando interpretion of him
How is it miraculous "looking"? Jesus never turned suitcases into frogs. He never turned anyone into a zombie or became a mob boss either. There is no similarity.
>He didn’t have to sacrifice anything
He could've lived the rest of his life as a normal school kid (He was somewhat popular too). Instead, he joined the gang to become boss, which is inherently dangerous in and of itself. He deliberately did so to make Italy a better place.
>Bruno was still dead though.
Which is why I said sort of.
>It's just a power. It's not any more miraculous than other stands
Nigger it gives life to inanimate objects. You could make almost any object into any animal. Keep in mind we aren't even talking about GER.
>He didn't sacrifice anything
See above.
But he didn't want a life as a normal school kid. He wanted to be a mob boss. He gave up something he didn't want in exchange for something he did want. That's not a sacrifice.
Creating actual life in any form from inanimate objects is pretty miraclous looking compared to say, shooting emeralds.
He wanted to yeah, but he still was a normal kid. Also achieving Requem is a form of sacrifical risk on its own. You sacrifice your normal stand and be reborn in a sense achieving Requem if you are worthy.
I have. Language precedes dictionaries. Moral relates to morality, dictionary definition of morality is wrong in that it lacks depth that would be required here.
It's perfectly understandable from the perspective of someone who uses the English language.
Only autists who need to make up for their intellectual deficiencies by clinging to verbatim definitions instead of using words full range of meaning, get confused.
Giorno is the least altruistic Jojo, although he pretends to be the most altruistic.
But a part of him did miss his normal life. Remember the early part of the Notorious B.I.G. fight, where he reminisces about going back to Naples to eat some food?
>Language precedes dictionaries.
The dictionary definitions are written based on what the language means. If you use a word differently than what the rest of society has decided that it means, you are using it wrong.
Because the mafia doesn't eat food? Is that what you're saying?
>Also achieving Requem is a form of sacrifical risk on its own. You sacrifice your normal stand and be reborn in a sense achieving Requem if you are worthy.
It's not a sacrifice if you don't lose anything.
Wanted food from your hometown isn’t the same as missing your normal life.
Based and Lutherpilled
Was Jonathan a follower of muscular Christianity?
>Muscular Christianity was a philosophical movement that originated in England in the mid-19th century, characterized by a belief in patriotic duty, discipline, self-sacrifice, manliness, and the moral and physical beauty of athleticism.
Redditors hate Christian symbolism though
>Missing the point entirely
I guess I'll spoonfeed you: youtu.be
Wanting food from your hometown is in fact the same as missing your normal life when you've been on a dangerous journey from one place to another in order to defy an entire organization.
No it isn’t.
But he can still get food from his hometown as a mafia boss. He didn't sacrifice his ability to get pizza.
>he dictionary definitions are written based on what the language means
Correct. But you're wrong wrt your point, as can be seen
>If you use a word differently than what the rest of society has decided that it means
Dictionaries usually capture only a part of words' full range of meaning and its conceptual connotations, one that would pertain to it's most basic use since they are preliminary resources.
Unless you understand that words may mean more than their dictionary definitions, you won't progress at all.
you'd have to be retarded not to see the corelation
>No argument
Yeah, AS A MAFIA BOSS. After the journey, of course he has a debatably better life. However, he could have very well died in the process of becoming the boss. My point is that he risked his life the become the mafia boss, and that risk paid off because he ascends to that position.
Your use of the word wasn't something that went beyond the dictionary's definition. It wasn't an expansion of the meaning, or a deeper look. It was just wrong.
You didn’t have a real argument either
A risk isn't a sacrifice.
I didn’t deny that there was a correlation.
Just started part 8, the characters are quite fun so far, I enjoy the callbacks to my faveourite part too. Fun Fun Fun is shit tier tough.
I think you need to get your eyes checked user.
You're not understanding what I'm saying. He risked his life (his normal school life that we've seen glimpses of) FOR the chance of becoming a mafia boss. It's kinda obvious if you've paid attention.
A risk of a sacrifice,
He took the risk of a sacrifice, and he also sacrificed last shred of his chance to live a normal life.
He could have had a normal life like Josuke and Okuyasu after the battle, with GER and arrow, he can't
Prescisely wrong. You can get the meaning I was using by narrowing the dictionary definition.
So that becomes impossible.
You're saying that people who have different moral values from your own don't have moral values. That doesn't make any sense and is incompatible with the definition of morality.
It's like saying that someone whose favorite color is blue doesn't have a favorite color, because your favorite is red.
>I think you need to get your eyes checked user.
I accept your concession. This is your last (you) from me.
But this conversation is about sacrifice. People are claiming that Giorno is supposed to represent Jesus because he sacrificed himself like Jesus did.
Technically, he doesn't have to become the boss after defeating Diavolo. Nobody else is going to come after him, he could go back home and pretend nothing happened if he wanted to.
part 5 is the second best jojo part. Better than part 4 with it's copious amount of fucking around with irrelevent shitty side 'villains', filler tier nonsense after the first encounter with Kira, and way too many pointless characters. Better than part 6 which has some of the blandest and least entertaining side characters in the series and completely retarded stand ideas that make for uninteresting fights. Better than part 3 which drags on far too much for how few truly great or entertaining encounters it does have. And better than the hamon parts because fuck you, Don't @ me.
schuckmeister its time to stop posting
>You're saying that people who have different moral values from your own don't have moral values. That doesn't make any sense and is incompatible with the definition of morality.
0 points. What I believe is irrelevant. What morality is, is.
>It's like saying that someone whose favorite color is blue doesn't have a favorite color, because your favorite is red.
No, it's like saying that someone's favourite colour can't be an apple, or lack of colour
>What morality is, is.
What morality is, is the distinction between right and wrong. Someone who distinguishes things between right and wrong has morality. Their morality can be different from yours.
Giorno isn't literally Jesus in every sense, he's Jesus in the loosest way possible. Aside from being the son of god (DIO in Italian), he always has this ambitious, holier-than-thou air to him. He inspires others to change in some way, and he wields Gold Experience, which gives life to inanimate objects. GER and his boss status give him a god-like power, but he uses that power to try to better society.
He's not Jesus in any sense.
Did you actually read my post or...?
>hiding behind 7fags
You said "he's Jesus in the loosest way possible". He's not.
No, morality is universal and unchangeable. That's actually one of the themes of the series as a whole, so good job, speedreader-kun.
And unsurprisingly, what anyone believes about it has ultimately no relevance to its true nature. Be it me, you, Giorno, or DIO.
So you read one sentence and nothing else. Got it.
If you're already wrong in your first sentence, the rest of the post is irrelevant.
Are you stupid or are you a speedreader/speedwatcher?
>No, morality is universal and unchangeable.
And now we're back to this. Go look at the definition again.
not him but being "Jesus in the loosest way possible" can apply to many jojo characters and doesn't make Giorno unique
True, but it's clear to me that araki at least intended giorno to be more jesus than others.
Can't believe Yea Forums of all parts hates part 5 now, I guess this place really is just a mirror inverted image from reddit
What are you accusing me of speedreading? Your post?
I've hated Part 5 ever since I first read it and nothing will change my mind.
please go to reddit right now and go take a look at what they think about part 5, you fucking imbecile
Or maybe you could start thinking. I don't need to take a second look at adefinition, to know it's wrong.
And before you try sperging out again, it fully applies to english language.
>People dislike the High Voltage arc in SBR
It was literally the perfect closure to Johnny's character.
Bruno is a Gary Stu. At 20 he’s already a respected, charismatic gangster with a strong, versatile stand who is adored by the whole city and his gang. The only people who express dislike for him are villains, and even then they often begrudgingly respect him. Bruno’s only real weakness is his ‘kindness’ as listed in his personality page, which is an unconvincing and totally uninteresting flaw. He shows assholish tendencies at times but they’re mainly directed towards antagonists (who of course deserve it) or small quips like when he makes fun of Abbacchio’s arm, though the latter moments are rare and feel strangely out of place in the same way the Gangster dance does. Either way these traits get downplayed by fans who portray him as a perfect saint and gangster prince who overshadows Giorno. That’s not even mentioning his treatment in the story which involves cheating death and being escorted to heaven by literal angels.
His role in the story is also a mess. He can’t be considered a protagonist as he admits himself that he had been slowly wasting away and was only ‘resurrected’ by Giorno’s intervention. For that same reason he can’t be described as a mentor, especially because he doesn’t really teach Giorno anything significant. He fails to fit the ‘Brojo’/sidekick mould as his relationship with Giorno is not clearly defined and this role is better fulfilled by Mista, who also happens to have the most interactions with the rest of the gang; this reflects badly on Bruno who is meant to be the ‘leader’ that brought the whole group together: the only real thing you’re told is that they have respect for him. The only way Bruno can be a functional character is if he were merged with Giorno or reworked entirely.
You literally admitted that you read one sentence and stopped there despite the fact of me justifying my statement. You have the attention span of a child.
Makes no sense when you read actual scripture or even a basic fucking wikipage about abrahamic religions.
God or Jesus never directly confronts Satan or Lucifer, If we really split hairs over it, you could say the Devil is God's underling that tests the hearts of man.
i felt like D4C was a better ending for 7
So you admit that you think the definition is wrong now. At least we're making some progress.
yea jesus was kind of boring. they need to just stick to their dr.wholock supernatural tumblr posts
You can't justify an incorrect statement. Giorno is not like Jesus.
>reading comprehension level:-15
I know I shouldn't be surprised at this point, but damn...
>"It's incorrect because I say so!"
okay buddy. You do you.
It's incorrect because your statements are untrue.
Have you run out of arguments?
user, by that logic, it'd be impossible to convince you that you're wrong on something if you're convinced that you're not. It's easy to say that I'm wrong but you haven't given any real counterpoints beyond a sentence or two.
Do I have to repeat myself goddamn it
His power is the most miraclous stand power
Can create life from inanimate objects
Can rise the dead to a degree, even if it's very loose
Ascended to a heaven like power.
He preached his ideas and gathered people around him with it.
>His power is the most miraclous stand power
It's not
>Can create life from inanimate objects
Unrelated to Jesus
>Can rise the dead to a degree, even if it's very loose
Unrelated to Jesus
>Ascended to a heaven like power.
Unrelated to Jesus
>He preached his ideas and gathered people around him with it.
He didn't do this
It's like if someone tried to tell you that the earth was flat. You don't need to waste time explaining to them why they are wrong. You just tell them that they are wrong.
Well it's clear that I'm not going to convince you no matter how hard I try, so fuck off.
You fuck off. Giorno is not a Jesus-like character in any way.
Low quality bait,mpeg
There's no need to repeat them.
I've already proven wrong every of the objection raised against me.
If you're out, then I'm afraid it's over.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.
I'll keep telling you that.
You haven't proven wrong any objections or even really acknowledged them. I'm not even sure if you even understand what we're talking about.
Araki uses renaissance paintings as inspiration and for his aesthetics. But it has to real meaning beyond that.
>"Giorno isn't a jesus-like character"
>*covers ears*
Thanks for making this easy for me.
>Heh, if I point out the memes he uses, it'll make me look smart
Seethe harder
Your confusion stems form the lack of understanding.
Maybe I shouldn't expect too much form random anons.
Like I said, nobody can understand you when you don't use words for their proper meaning.
Why does Giorno makes Yea Forumsutists seethe so much?
People don't like to admit that the things they like have flaws.
Regardless of simbolism, giorno it's still just a fucking gary stu and the shittiest jojo character.
Thanks god he's not relevant after this mess of a part.
Thank god none of it was relevant. You can go into Part 6 fully believing that Part 5 never happened and nothing would change.
It's arguable if it's even canon at this point
The real question, user, is how you know what redditors think.
Go into any Jojo thread and wait for people to start praising Part 5.
maybe, but not the same way than Dio.
Dude religious imagery lmao
My name is Girono Giovanna
and my proffered pronouns are
but that was the idea of giorno as a character , the whole plot being jesus against the devil.
Does Araki hate Christianity?
>Part 6 villain is a priest
>Part 7 is pure blasphemy