What if the setting is a stealth alternate reality? With robo's roboarm and shit?
Joshikousei wa mudazukai
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TL note
What did she see?
>thet Robo hairstyle
So fucking cute
>Yamai unable to speak in coherent sentences as her schizophrenia worsens
>Robo says she's a Pisces
>Her birthday is October 24 (which is Libra)
What did she mean by this
Get fucked dwarf shits.
Are we getting this in the anime soon?
Probably next or final? I'd wager it be on the final, with some Waseda related stuff on next week's episode
Will they adapt everything, or may they skip some parts?
Putting a flashback in a final episode would be pretty weird, though.
Which JK would be #1, #2, #3 on the newer poll?
Loli or Yamai will probably be there
Loli prob #1. I hope Wota is #2 and Robo is #3.
It will be disappointing if they don't adapt the entire flashback chapter, especially the part with Yamai or the part with Robo finishing early.
What did Bino mean by this?
>great at science and deeply involved in scientific experimentation
>very pretty, with long dark hair
>all of her plotlines are about people getting obsessed with and stalking her
Robo is a Junji Ito character trapped in a gag manga
Is Majime a lesbian?
Did robo cut her long hair short? Will drop the whole thing right now if so.
it's tied up
Sex with Yamai
She only wore it as a bun in that one omake
Oh thank god. Long hair gets cut so often I've gotten jumpy.
Scat doujins with Baka when?
It must be horrible with all the stench and all
Loli and her cute boyfriend
So what is Robo's end game? So far we know that she wants to:
>cure death
>conquer the human race
she's leaving her humanity behind
Robo is loved by all
Lily will steal her away from Loli.
Seriously though, will she end up with one of them or Robo? Or will the author make her only feel admiration with Robo and she's actually straight?
>inb4 she gets a harem
except the ones who are dead
They can only blame themselves!
Majime will get NTR'd by Takahashi and then Lily will use her bad feelings about it to take advantage of her and add her to her harem
There are people here who would even date a not even lower than avarage looking girl.
holy shit, baka was cute that last episode. I guess now we know why wota keeps her around
>Yamai is gay for Majime
>Majime is gay for Robo
What did Bino mean by this.
Yamai pretending Majime is her boyfriend is anime original so Bino didn't mean anything by it
>Robo is gay for single-celled organisms
...Actually Robo gave me vibes from Professor in GA instead. Without the attraction point.
>Majime blushing like crazy on Parasite!Baka
Fucking slut
why does Loli fall over so much? You think with an ass like that she'd be more stable
I want a flaskback of wasedas and yamai first meeting.
Baka is THAT stacked?
Anime-only, why is Baka being such a decent human being here?
she got infected with a parasite that made her act normal
Gee user, I wonder
Those is from her imagination.
choose your colour
For me, it's Pink. Fat chest and thighs.
I want to blindfold Majo and trick her into thinking she's touching intestines when it's really just cold noodles.
Dark green for me.
Purple pick'd
Why Waseda needs to collect notebooks from everyone?
Fucking baka. She has flatter chest than even loli? And Majime is that big? Damn.
Majo’s a cutie with that haircut.
I've had classes before where the teacher marks your notes to make sure you're paying attention or something dumb like that
Yes? Well it wouldn't surprise me if she ended up with the literary boy due to their shared hobby of stalking Robo as some sort of long game con by both of them to get close to her that resulted in a happy 20+ year marriage with two kids
Is Majime a tomboy?
She looks like a boy, but I don't think she acts like one.
Anime Baka is way cuter than manga Baka. Apart from her VA I can't put my finger on why she looks cuter on a design aspect but they also tone down some of her grosser moments (mustache) so that may help
>two characters in a love triangle ending up together instead of either of them winning the third
the most kino romance plot
Too close.
Guess the train ride will be awkward now.
>Knight of Sidonia's ending
for me it's light blue
Light green comes with violet bonus
>be dating Kohaku
>she tries to convince you to seduce Majo because she's worried that she'll never find a boyfriend
best imouto
Loli is b cup!
The only problem would be when you finally start having threesomes together and Majo and Kohaku gradually start paying more attention to each other than you.
>dating Majo
see pic
>marry Majo
>after you die her and Robo team up to bring you back to life as an abomination against science and god
best girl
I don't know, that's pretty hot unless you end up getting totally cucked
You always end up cucked remember the threesome story
Discussion really died when the show became more popular in Yea Forums.
>user ahn~~Kohaku, wait, what is that?
>I see an eye in the wall.. wait ...is that your sister peeping on us?
>Don't pay attention to it let's continue.
>No, that's disgusting, I am leaving.
>Wait, you will anger her, I beg you.
>He wasn't good for you onee-chan. I must put away things that aren't good for you.
>implying I'd stop
user please, an audience just means I have to ganbere
Are you Wa! Moon! Das! Cry! everyday?
sometimes I am just cry
Given SaiJo's students tends to be pretty dumb, this may be for their best.
If you come inside Wota would she make this face?
No. But if you had came inside other user then yes
Would she make this instead?
I don't know whether she'd squee at any user that comes inside her.
This is somewhat expected, but this demonstrates how dumb Ota is. Score is in percentages.
Did you vote for your fav JK in the latest popularity poll?
None of the girls are smart except Robo and Majime, Baka is just so stupid that even a school for retards can't keep up with her
Discussion always turns into
>muh peepee xd
once a show with girls becomes popular
isn't loli smart too?
Why they parents let her keep all that shit in her room ?
Wota's deep voice!
She's a D!
Anime characters in charge of having parents.
for me it's orange
Is cringe
>42% in chemistry
>Can't do much beyond the periodic table
>two faggots voiced by Matsuoka and Shimazaki
What a pandering
she's trying her best alright
If she tried a little harder she wouldn't being going to school with a rapist
I've always found it weird that 30/100 is a pass when watching school anime.
I want to conquer the world with Robo.
user, please.
so will Baka ever get a boyfriend?
not me
>flatter than Loli
I'm thinkin not
Seems like an interesting woman
Why do I have to be attracted to the lesbian again? this is like the 6th or 7th time!
She is me
imagine loli saying "i want to have sex"
Token lesbians in non-/u/ series tend to be the most attractive intentionally. Yuri is supposed to be a beautiful image, and the viewer has to buy the idea of why girls would go gay for the lesbian because homosexuality is treated as a choice in Japan.
I don't care it's like they're programmed to make me want to do stupid things to persuade them to marry me and make them the mother of my future children,
it's fucking torture. whereas in reality they're more like baka.
Would she say it in English or Japanese
They're going to end the show with the reveal, right?
Pretty safe to assume that it'll end with everyone getting together to rescue Baka from repeating. Repeat may be the episode before instead.
Loli doesn't even know what sex is, you dummygummylamey. though, Loli begging for sex sounds very arousing.
Loli's first time will be with Lily.
It's going to be the next episode, since they revealed the twist at the end of this one. Last episode will be helping Baka study + either the rest of the middle school flashbacks or some anime original stuff
I'm game if you are
she'd say it because she heard it on TV or something and then when you start doing it she'd pretend like she understood everything that was going on and refuse to admit she didn't understand while acting shocked and embarrassed the whole time.
To have sex with Loli, you need to beat Grandma first!
the only person who is allowed to beat Grandma is Grandpa
Or wait until she dies of old age.
Then Loli will move to her parents in Germany.
Which one?
I really feel sorry for robo. She is so talented but she had no friend in an elite school for whatever reason. I am ok with her choosing a not-so-good highschool, but choosing art side over science side just for friends? This is so bad. She will have her future limited because art side is shit.
It doesn't matter. She could have went into an agricultural school and could stil pick whatever MINT subject at university.
Her resume would be so different. Then again she's a Japanese woman so what I am talking about. In the end she would have to quit her job to take care of house chores anyway.
Could always move to Germany
Why would anyone move to such a dangerous place?
>choosing art side over science side
That doesn't mean she can't take science subjects in college admission exams.
Not sure about Japanese universities but most other countries' uni take into account the score you got from the national exam from highschool. If you have no science side subject in the list it is hard for you to get microbiology in university.
>choosing art side over science
>Thinking this is matter to a girl who is raising bacteria as pet.
No school or uni get to choose her.
Robo is a super genius, it doesn't really matter what she chooses since all classes are pretty much just electives for her
I think not being depressed and having friends is so much better for a genius than feeling alone and isolated.
Plus having baka near always give her someone to experiment on.
In East Asia, if the "stream" does not dictate the exam subjects (most of China requires Lib Arts students to take a humanities stack), then what counts is the national exam report card, and in some cases their own exams and interviews.
Or the fact that her name is among the top in the country since middle school. Stop trying to force real life issue into a comedy.
Actually the bigger problem in Majime, not Robo.
Please don't remind Loli about that.
Don't tell me there is 0 eccentric genius in her previous school that can be her friend. It is an elite school which is bound to have some of the brightest students in the area.
I really, really, really like this anime
Mike check these
fuck ota
Mike is dead.
Who the fuck is this mic imposter who killed mike
I want mike back goddamnit
Some people are bad at making newfriends. Robo is probably one of those and since she is not able to make friends alone she reslly treasures baka and wota.
it's the other mike from eastern europe
TL user where art thou? It's been days.
Always bet on red
I don’t get it. Why is this board so obsessed with Yamai?
Only a Loli is Good Enough
just one to four autists samefagging and replying to each other
What's even the point on having a character called Baka when half of the cast is even dumber?
Does anybody else kinda relate to Yamai? How she doesn't really have friends but she has a few people she talks to regularly who she can be herself with. And how “being herself” means being borderline mentally ill. It's actually a more stable existence than a lot of people here seem to think.
She is cute and funny in a different way from loli.
Which means Robo is another autist in the cast.
She's so stupid that she doesn't understand rules, or getting grades above 15%.
>cute and funny
I don't think you get it, bud
>she has a few people she talks to regularly who she can be herself with
Aren't those count as friends?
that's only Waseda pitying her
Waseda would kill Yamai if he believed he could get away with it.
She is cute and she is funny independently, unlike loli who come in a package.
My wife is a devout Christian
If user can really have sex with Yamai, would user do it?
I wouldn't do Waseda like that
I want to see Yamai get a spinoff isekai anime/manga.
Why did they make Wota so sexy.
It's autism hour now, huh?
She’s not
Yeah, I miss TL user.
Yamai spinoff 2020. If we spam it enough it will happen.
Zhe is busy translating other things
I want a busty version of Yamai with bodysuit and all being a space government spy or shit like that but then ended up getting raped by tha villains and all
I wonder if the other manga Bino is making will ever get translated.
Only his dumps that can save this thread quality. Man, fuck those certain posters.
This is not the Yamai spinoff 2020 I wanted
I wonder, Bino.
Bad thing happening to Yamai
He deserves love user
Imma post Wota til tldump user comes back
>Yamai cutting off her clit so she cannot be seduced by her enemies in Atlantia
gde mic
She's so perfect
>Yamai's parents giving her dum dum pills after high school so she is docile enough to keep in the house forever as a maid while they raise their better children
Damn now I really want a doujin of JKMDZK by Takotsuboya.
Unfortunately there ain't many wota fanarts on pixiv.
>Yamai praying to God, thanking Him for her health and happiness
>greasy chuuni
Yeah, I don’t know.
Because she is Bino's self-insert.
But does that mean Bino is a fujo?
Yamai harasaki doujin when
>Yamai arrives at the post office to pick up her albion Type XIIIa Longsword ordered by her online sugar daddy after walking for 45 minutes from her home. She happily shows the postman her school ID. The postman regretfully informs yamai that she needs an ID that displays her home address in order to receive the package. Yamai sheepishly replies with"ok" and ends up thinking terrible things on the walk home. Yamai, might I remind you, has serious mental issues, so what is to most people a minor inconvenience, is to yamai a major disappointment; she takes out her frustration on her pet cat, hanging it upside down from its hind legs, laughing gleefully as the cat struggles to get a hold of something. Finally yamai comes to terms with her minor demise and puts off cutting herself, instead asked her mother to come with her to the post office to receive the magnificent double edged long sword.
In terms of happiness Baka>Lily>>Majo>Robo>Wota>Loli>>Majime>Waseda>Yamai
Is baka smart enough to even be sad
What would you have to do to make her cry
be wota and robo and leave her by herself after school after one of her shenanigans
This is so immersion breaking. She should be watching BL.
The only tears she could shed are tears of anger so:
>Pudding Explosion
>Yakult with Wota
>Majo decides to take a trip to los angeles by herself. Mustering the courage to force herself into social interactions, she uses the language barrier as cover and successfully books herself into a low rate hotel. She visits several war museums, such as the American military museum, USS iowa and USS lane ships, and other attractions around LA. She gets excited not only thinking about the souls of the dead servicemen plaguing the war machines, but also the weekly shootings that occur in the very city she's staying in. Every night she prays to (satan?) for her own well being and to stop the diarrhea coming from shitty Californian food. On her last night In LA, she gets lost and ends up at a gas station outside a highway. She needs to use the washroom and considers either using the aids ridden filthy public gas station washroom or taking a dump somewhere secluded. Her thought process is broken when a gang of basketball americans pull into the gas station. Two black men emerge from the chevrolet camaro, one armed with a century draco pistol the other brandishing an unspecified .38 caliber revolver with half of a nickel finish. They approach majo. Her frail and scared face is dimly illuminated by the gas stations incandescence. One black pipes up "Ay, we robbin you nigguh. Give us all yo money"/ Majo does not understand them, but does process fear in her mind. She could not have ever wished for a situation like this. She may fantasize about death and gore but at this moment the only thing on her mind are her instincts as a female. Just as one nigger raises his handgun, the door to the gas station opens. From the corner of her eye, majo witnesses a ribbed shotgun barrel being held up. Upon further inspection, a boomer in a bass pro shops cap is holding the door open with his large gut. BOOM at that instant majos world had gone black, in a way that she had never experienced before. Nigger 1s head splits open. Majos vision is hazy, her ears ringing. Nigger 2
>takes a quick glance at the now fetal position japanese girl, and makes the decision to run. BOOM. The boomers Remington 1100 fires, extracts and ejects another 12ga cartridge. nigger two narrowly dodges the hail of birdshot and jumps in his homies' car. Additional shots ring out in the night, failing to penetrate the camaros front windshield, and the black men flee the scene. Majo is still in shock when the boomer approaches her. All she can see is the ventilated ape skull laying not 4 feet in front of her. "Hey lil girl, are you alright?" The boomer had trained for a LARP situation like this but would never anticipate majo's response. She slowly turns her head and thanks him in japanese. The boomer jitters in slight discomfort. "Welp, alls well that ends well. HAHAHA." the boomer's sadistic laughter sends shivers down majo's spine. A dreadful feeling reciprocates both ways, and not because of the stench of california. Majo wisely uses her last funds to call a cab, not before snapping a pic of the perforated perpetrator. That night when Majo discarded her blood stained cardigan she let go of more than just a physical part of herself. She realized what kind of world she had been living in her head this whole time. She thought about the kinds of things magic could really do, and how true her faith to the occult was And when her sister laughed off her story as a nice joke, she knew she could never show her the gore she had pictured. Majo would never be the same witch that we know today.
haha what does yamai feet smell like haha guys