>Vrains ends before it can go full I Robot
>Vrains ends before it can go full I Robot
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This is the weirdest finisher for an YGO ever.
It's okay, Pandor already has the Three Laws of Robotics lite.
It's okay, at least we already went full Matrix and Terminator.
i missed lightning bros...
I really REALLY wanted to see him in human shape. Sigh. I'm gonna get super mad if the next series ends up being Super DM, for it will be two series in a row ruined because of fucking nostalgia.
I hope we get to see the Air clones out in the wild, at least before Yusaku defeats Ai.
Don't worry, they're all at peace now.
Why doesn't Yusaku just propose to Ai if Ai is lonely?
Favorite normal monster, Yea Forums?
>That filename
>Not streaming.
Doesn't really feel "endgame" enough. This feels like the mid-season climax
What happened to quickdraw, Yea Forums?
>not still missing him
He gets busy sometimes, I think.
To me it's like the show ended at bohman and most of s3 is epilogue
what are you implying?
do you want streaming?
Didn't you read the summary user, Ai's doing the proposing.
That's really cute, to be honest.
>No Pandor final boss
Rushed as hell series.
I already miss Ryoken/Revolver.
Dead show
>No Dr. Kogami's ghost final boss
For shame.
>No divine ignis final boss
Based taste, user.
Yugi is the face of the franchise, wouldn't be surprising if they brought him back for this anniversary like they did for the others.
Dunamis Valkyria. Maybe one day she'll get a good retrain.
Ishizu hasn't really gotten any retrains or legacy support in general. They'll run out of other DM characters to support sooner or later.
Actually, Mai used Valkyria in the anime while Ishizu used her in video games, so I'm not sure about that. I mean I'd take it, but I don't think it'll work out that way.
Didn't Mai use amazoness + harpies? I could've sworn Ishizu was the one that used Fairies.
Wasn't there a squid Pyro too?
Fuck I got the wrong version
Which avatar is the best for card games?
You posted it, that Ritual was my first original ygo card ever.
The only one that mattered in the end
He is a one-eyed primitive brute carrying shitload of weapons, what's not to like?
I don't understand why he didn't get a new monster instead of this.
Mai had like this weird generic female deck with a lot of Amazoness and Harpies. You're right, but Dunamis Valkyria didn't appear in her anime deck, only Mai's in episode 90. It is really strange.
I forgot nuggets like this chonker. He's glorious.
Obviously not Ai, he became a human.
A complete new weekly DM show seems overkill to me.
Would be better than watching Ghost Hag and Blood Loser job for the nth time.
>Blood Loser
fuck Yusaku I want my very own Ai
I'll teach him good things.
>thinking Kaz would allow such a thing
I had a dream that I was Playmaker dueling Ai.
Which is weird because I barely watch this show and I don't care one way or the other for Playmaker.
What would Ai's proposal be? Ai human merge?
Kaz has no control anymore. This franchise is way past him now.
Who's the hardest Vrains character to draw/animate?
>Actually believing this
He is still a major player in both anime and card game. There's a reason why official tournaments don't have cash prizes.
If you actually think he's had any kind of impact past ZEXAL you're delusional. And the whole cash prize thing for moral reasons is just semantics. It's really up to Konami what they want to do and it's the sensible thing to not have cash prizes because that just invites toxic people to the game which turns away the kind of crowd Konami wants playing.
It would require an abundance of new characters. That's the only deterrent I can think of.
SuperDmfags are the delusional ones.
It's never going to be scanned or translated.
Marraige. So yes.
I just want more Seto Kaiba.
>They pull a Kaibaman and have him beat YGO7's MC
How do you guys find art on twitter?not just vrains but OCG,duel terminal and all that.Any tags or something i should keep in mind?
I use "vrains" and "遊戯王" as hashtags whenever I'm browsing YGO related stuff on Twitter.
oh,it's simple then.I thought nips would use something more advanced.Thanks.
The name in jp usually does the trick, then it's just a matter of following artists who retweet a lot from similar artists, and following those too.
Honestly the monsters are 5x harder than any character. Just look at the character sheets for link slayer/goukis etc.
Just give it some time, the people translating it also have other stuff to do.
fucking emerald eagle and violet chimera.
When will Playmaker ride clock wyvern?
Never because Vrains got canceled
I would say human!Ai because of many things going on with his outfit.
This is smol candina, please say something nice to her
Very friendly and a critical part of the ensemble.
Congratulations for being the 1st Stratos of her era.
Your villain, at his finest.
Ai a cute. It is really sad that what he's doing is suicide by cop and he is well aware of it. This will be by far the saddest ygo end of all times.
Yugioh fan here, didn't keep up with vrains, what the FUCK happened in the ending?
Literally nothing.
Watch it, maggot. The duels are totally worth it.
>sad ending
Based and cyclopspilled.
You could just tell him to fuck off instead of lying like that.
But they are. A lot of the duels are still fun to watch.
>The duels are totally worth it.
They created the most relatable final villain by making him lonely and suicidal.
I had a dream in which Vrains characters were playing Capsule monsters. A man can dream.
>A three episode duel, interspersed with Playmaker dueling two other people for some reason, that ends up being interrupted
>Worth it
>Playmaker dueling two other people for some reason
Bounty Hunters.
>that ends up being interrupted
That was set up.
Seriously, get a trip already.
Yeah, although a part of me wants to say Bohman's a busier looking character than Ai
GX's ending isn't happy.
Finally, someone let me out of my cage
Now time for me is nothing 'cause I'm counting no age
>rock type
I don't know what to make of all these conflicting aspects.
>"The card I declare is Judgment Arrows."
"Sorry, don't have it."
>"What? But, I just saw you add to your hand."
"Nope, it's not mine."
>"It is yours. I am trying to be a good duelist and use Mind Crush to discard it from your hand.
"Discard what from where?"
>Revolver marches over to Lightning and takes the card from his hand.
>"This card is Judgment Arrows, correct?"
>"And this card was in your deck."
>"I saw you add this card from your deck to your hand and if that's the case, this card must be in your hand."
"That makes sense to me."
>"So, discard it."
"But, I don't have it."
I love golden allure queen.
Legit but stupid question: You cannot pull that off irl or you get DQ'd right? Saying "I don't have it" despite just having added "x" card to your hand.
The rulings nowadays mean the following
>If you activate Mind Crush, call a card, they say they don't have it. You have to accept that unless there is sufficient evidence to go against it.
So if your opponent searched the card and you declare it and they still say no, you can call a judge because you KNOW it's in their hand.
The previous ruling meant you could look at their hand to see if they are lying but that added additional value to Mind Crush which the card never stated to have.
The rulings now are under the impression that your opponent isn't trying to cheat. So cards that summon from deck face-down etc. don't need to be verified but you can call a judge if you can prove they are malicious
>linkuriboh still isn't in the cast list
He doesn't get to face Ai?
I understand your opponent revealing its hand was something never stated on the card, but it still feels stupid because just that being the only way to secure your opponent isn't lying.
And we are still wondering if Linguriboh is Linkuriboh reprogrammed or not. If PM doesn't use it, we'll have to assume it's the former.
>still wondering if Linguriboh is Linkuriboh reprogrammed or not
I don't think we've ever wondered that. Different name+link marker placement. It's probably another monster Ai created since he's emo now.
It takes the utility out of other cards like the eye of truth if they allow you to check.
You never forget your first pack.
The other ignis should have been introduced a lot earlier.
My feel is that we'll get AI back as yusaku's partner after he loses, all planned to fuck with the overarching badguy of the chess piece dudes behind sol
How would the WRPG have gone if it was just Tag Duels on one D-Wheel?
>ending where everyone graduates and goes their separate ways with hopes and dreams for the future isn't happy
Are you high?
The sidecars would look ridiculous.
Characters that deserved better than jobvulva or shillburnah, post em.
I can only dream now.
>Ishizu hasn't really gotten any retrains or legacy support in general.
konami fears gravekeepers. they have been doing everything they can to not update the archtype. because they know what will happen the moment they uodate the deck kek
They updated it in 2018 and nothing happened
Ishizu didn't use Gravekeepers until Konami stuck them to her for Duel Links. Her original deck is a vague Fairy/Egypt-themed deck.
didn't knew gravekeepers got retrains that actually made the deck playable by modern standards
she used gravekeepers in all of her tiers in tag force special you duel links memelord.
>chess pieces
They got new cards, which is what "update the archetype" means. Not whatever idea you had in your head but didn't actually type out.
I agree with this
>divine ignis
Oh right... We had this meme back then...
Isnt that literally bohman
Or what his endgame was
Never played 'em, so I'll give you that. However, it still stands that Gravekeepers aren't her original deck, thus if she gets legacy support, it can actually be for her deck.
and his strategy was perfect.
Ai should've asked Yusaku to be his therapist before resorting to suicide mission. He is the wise representative of all the good of mankind, after all
the animators are technically off model if they don't channel enough CLAMP and their sticc legs when drawing Ai
Yaoi hands included?
I heard the voices while reading
Yes. Those are important
Judai was such a downer, and he ran out on everyone to wander the desert. Learning to have fun again doesn't mean the ending was the most happy in hindsight.
It's honestly a wonder they still find anyone at all willing to put up with animating yugioh monsters on weekly anime deadlines. It would be one thing if they never moved but any boss that isnt a cgi model is going to be doing something in motion
There's a lot of room on the track for 4 d wheels
But I guess it would be hard to draw 4 characters and d wheels plus their fields/monsters at the same time if they had to keep doing that consecutively for a period
He didn't run off on anybody. Did you just completely miss the whole point of the season, that everybody was graduating and going their own separate ways in life?
Is that why he didn't even bother to say goodbye to anyone? Seems like he ditched as fast as he could.
Almost the entire season was people figuring out what they want to do with their lives and saying their goodbyes
set up for what?
7/24 are about that, the others are about fighting darkness. Honestly it didn't seem upbeat to me. Not that it should have been after yubel stuff.
not really overpowered.
Anyone here like Satou Mizuki and Hasegawa Issei's drawings/art style?
really emotive.
Is Yusaku a cheater? How does he have a 100% win rate?
>100% win rate
He had a few Draws and flashback had him lose hundreds of times during his kidnapping days.
Well it all starts with rewrites after reaction to arc-v.
Literally too angry to lose.
>How does he have a 100% win rate?
He never has casual duels, they're always with Ai on the line.
That's not it, I think they just scrapped him losing at some point.
Ai would have been an absolute god-tier antagonist if they had given him more time and buildup (and he wasn't spending most of these episodes just watching stuff). The potential was there
I suppose windy world could have been cut out.
Only when they actually look decent like in that shot
VRAINS didn't even get to have a wind deck.
they literally had a character named Windy
Among other things. How many of these can you look at and think
>Boy, I'm glad they decided to do this instead of character work
Sorry, I meant a printed wind deck.
>why are you doing this?
Wrong question, playmaker should have asked if he could have the AI robots he build be hot chicks instead of guys.
It's not a surprising move when everyone and their grandma has been rising the nostalgia train, but that's why I wouldnt like it. I've seen enough of yugi and co. They were good and really likeable, but this is one of the only anime franchises left still doing long running anime originals, I'd like to see just one franchise to not nostalgia tread ALL the time. The card game can print and advertise as much legacy support as it wants.
Stuff like digimon tri was shit
I think yusaku is the first truly asexual MC in yugioh. Mostly because he doesnt love anything in general
The rest is fine I just think windy and soulburner could have been established in another way.
Witness my full nostalgia powers
I fucking hate nostalgia at least give me a Tamers OVA
Can you hear me screaming in the distance
So if Firewall Dragon doesn't appear in the duel against Ai, does that mean Decode is Playmaker's ace?
Scream louder
Nostalgia is kind of dangerous. I mean, it can literally makes one not appreciate or even dislike something new related to that. For example, with RE2 Remake soundtrack. The music is pretty nice, but I couldn't fully enjoy it because I did wanted some similiarities with the original RE2
Also thanks for reminding me how dissapointed I was with Tri. Even without the nostalgia thing, I though there were a lot of lacking elements and plotholes...
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well
>this is what DMfags want
It's not my preferred outcome but I wouldn't lose my head over it. I'd probably enjoy people thinking it would be like the old series and then being disappointed. But, I would rather have an original series that could keep a premise. Also, a tri writer was one of the major writers for vrains, and most of his episodes were alright.
>End with only 120 ep
>Don't even have manga
What went wrong? Can the next Yugioh be better or is it downfall from here?
Do people even care about the manga? No one talks about them
To be fair, in Digimon's case, the Adventure season is the only one that prints money. The last ones have been tremendous failures. Well, there is Tamers, but Konaka is cursed, and he won't work on any anime again.
give me tamers or savers and maybe we will start talking
3 episodes more for pic related.
Personally I'm just exhausted at seeing full force nostalgia cash ins from everything, much of which has been underwhelming as an actual product like the Disney remakes. I didnt even fully watch shows like game of thrones, korra, or voltron but even when they're normal shows somewhere outside of the nostalgia remake sphere they end up disappointing their fans as well by the end.
And it's like damn, what does a fan around here have to do for a satisfying longform viewing experience from a recent piece of media that had some ambition (at least early on) with narrative or characters.
Remakes or nostalgia driven sequels arent necessarily bad all the time (like the newer blade runner movie) but they just dont capture that inherent energy and freshness of something new to me
I got it.
In Arc-V, after Standard, what we see are Solid Vision holograms.
Aoi will hug Akira, but I have no idea what Aoi and Yusaku's possible exchange will be
I think Yoshida's mommy stuff killed any good will
I still remember when apparently one of the korean animators who animated for korra said the only reason anyone in the studio liked her a little bit was because she was hot. Since her personality was being a bimbo brat
Are you really implying that Yoshida ending killed manga hype? If yes then you should really check the new manga because I see it's doing pretty fine meaning that you are wrong
Due to not having that many chapters each besides dm there's often a lot less to the spin off manga compared to the anime series
Separating the manga and anime with the new card game focused one is probably better
I meant on /arc-vrains/, mate.
Not like the manga has ever been particularly discussed here to begin with.
How could they make an anime worse than ArcV and Vrains? What would they have to do?
At this point I'm not so sure anymore. Maybe YGO has already hit rock bottom.
By being the Zi-O of YGO
>Do people even care about the manga?
Eveyone and their mothers know the only worthwhile Yugioh content is the DM Manga and Anime Spin-offs. No one gives a flying fuck about their Manga because the usually end up being incredibly short and rushed. Plus they somehow end up having more shilling because they are 24h Dueling with little to no interactions or proper character development. The only Manga that is remember fondly (kind of) is GX because of Chazz being awesome but then you have people complaining they made Jaden a complete jobber
Well it's not impossible that things simply stay on the decline for the anime side. There are other studios who no longer hold a candle to their past glory days and have done no better than simply hanging on with bad seasonal anime for several years
The recent Tamers Blu Ray came with a drama CD that was basically a pitch by Konaka for a sequel. The set didn't sell nearly as well as either the Adventure or Adventure 02 set, because for as much as they bitch about it, Tamers fans do not put their money where their mouths are the way Adventure fans do.
the issue is that the new people that are entering the entertainment industry are literally too dumb or PC to create something new. and yes there is PC movement even in japan. just look at how toned down shounen have gotten over the years. you can see this is others productions too.
tamers is a full story that already had a beginning, middle and end. there is no point in continuing it. adventure niggers that refuse to see that shitshow ending. the staff behind the new game even admitted that pandering too much to adventure was what fucked up the state of the franchise in the international market alongside ignoring every other market outside japan in terms of new products. it took cyber sleught to sell 1 million copies in the west for bandai to greenlight new shit
And now we have Digimon Survive, a game where Habu specifically cites Adventure as the main inspiration.
Also, tell that to all the Tamers fanboys (including those in this thread) asking for a continuation of Tamers and whining that only Adventure gets new stuff.
You get older and less tolerant of card games? How about this? Pandor opens a box and connects all the worlds of yugioh,
Both the arcV and Vrains eras gave us great looking characters and great duels.
That sounds retarded. Honestly I'm willing to watch anything as long as the characters are good. DM works because even though the premise is stupid the characters are well written and loveable and I am willing to put up with the stupid because Kaiba is compelling.
GX had a light hearted plot and lighthearted characters. I dropped it at the start of S3 because it started getting too serious.
5Ds had an extremely stupid gimmick and stupid characters that felt like rehashes of characters we've already seen.
I will laugh my ass off when nostalgia kicks in and people say Vrains was the "last" good ygo.
a few people on internet don't hold much weight. most of the tamers fanbase just accepted that it ended. since growing and accepting that shit changes was a heavy part of main plotline.
retards who scream for always wanting new seasons/movies of a particular story of a franchise is the reason franchises across the board are being ruined. combine with every new staff team being worse at producing art and we get this era of remakes. Nostalgia should be used only in break the glass scenarios to save a franchise. or special events. otherwise you ended up like mecha genre and sentai. where the fanbases grows older and you are pretty much cornered by a few thousands of nerds who keep buying the same shit while the number decreases over the years and your franchise has no new blood being interested into it which makes it unsustainable
well that just leaves zexal. did you watch that one?
DM is fucking trash you retard. even in japan they only care about 5Ds and the Original manga storyline.
and people only started giving an actual fuck about GX when it started getting more serious. you always makes the same stupid fucking post
It's been over 10 years last time I watched tamers. If I recall correctly, it ended on some sort of a cliff hanger/open ended.
Also for whatever reason that ED2 made me supper depressed.
No. I just lost interest at 5Ds. Either I grew out of the show or the premise was just top ridiculous for me to overcome and give it a chance. I think I watched the first two episodes. Yusei wasn't interesting enough to make the card games on motorcycles less dumb.
I like DM and the first two seasons of GX. I also think the GX dub is hilarious, but I also watch it stoned.
now this explain why they made a new dinosaur sentai so fast
>DM is fucking trash you retard
I know, but I really like Virtual World a lot. Noa is my favorite antagonist and I really felt bad for him. I also think I'm more a fan of just Kaiba than Yugioh as a whole, but I like Chazz for being a good subversion of Kaiba and a shonen rival.
What a retarded post. Where do the see people even come from?
You're in charge of naming the next yugioh series, how do you name it?
>How did VRAINS turned out worse than ARC-V?
But was it really? I wouldn't say VRAINS is worse than ARC-V, at least not yet. I mean, sure, VRAINS has been a rather dull and unexciting ride from beginning to end with a very safe plot and no fun plot twists but at least the writing never became plain retarded right?. From a writer's standpoint, is obvious the better written show was VRAINS but being honest, I don't think is fair to compare them by that alone. ARC-V was a show with genuine potential and fun content for the first half of its run. It had an interesting plot and characters that generated a lot of discussion. Sadly, the plot betrayed itself and became a mess but the second half being shit, really erases all the good stuff ARC-V had? In comparison VRAINS was the complete opposite. Whereas ARC-V had an ambitious plot with lots of potential, VRAINS never took any risks and thus never left an impression. From a viewer standpoint one could say ARC-V was the better show because it tried more things and was more fun but I think what we should really be asking ourselves is, what's more important in the end? The writing or the enjoyment of the viewer?. With that being said, I personally had more fun with ARC-V but I see VRAINS as the better written show of the two.
But to finish this argument I think answering this question should be more than enough to end this debate.
¿Did VRAINS had a whole country and army turned from the worst people imaginable to good guys from one minute to another? No? Then VRAINS was better.
to be fair, gokaiger was peak sentai and had an amazing setup for their introduction. they will never be able to top that. Gokaiger felt like a final season of super sentai. we came full cycle to the point toei is adapting power rangers plotpoints into new sentai material
I miss the leaker
Maybe some characters like Ai, but it's been years and no one likes or cares about shows like eureka 7 AO
>I like this shit because is less shit that the other shit
>also r*ddit space
Fuck off antiyuyafag
>VRAINS is ending with Go, GG, BS, Akira, and the Knights of Hanoi temporarily napping for like the 5th time in the show overall
>Last Aoi duel was her jobbing yet again, losing her brother, and scowling at Ai
>Miyu was a nearly-pointless plot device since the writers couldn't figure out how to believably retcon Aoi as an LI victim over 70 episodes in
>Potentially solid Pandor plot thread totally dropped and forgotten
>LI Ignises all died with Bohman except Ai, whose transformation into debonair bishie was never fully explained
>Android Roboppy was killed off only 10 episodes into existance
>Naoki was a piss-poor comic relief doofus
>Shortest YGO yet but Yusaku will undoubtedly be the first undefeated MC since Yusei
We'll probably get a 4-minute showcase of everybody coming back to life (AGAIN) and living happily ever after at the end of 120, but VRAINS isn't ending on a good note IMO. The kino that was Soulburner vs. Reolver doesn't make up for an extremely rushed final season.
Oh yeah, and "Are you ready?" blows chunks. Worst ED, even worse than "Writing Life". VRAINS was never going to top "Believe in Magic" anyway.
user wasnt saying arc v is better than vrains when both are being grouped together. Read it again
Sacred Seven.
I hardly remember BOY at all.
>Android Roboppy was killed off only 10 episodes into existance
You forgot that he was a cunt and pretty much worth of killing
>watching ed 4 and 6 of arc v again
Still tickles my anger nerve
*breathes in*
I'm not even mad. I'm just waiting for YGO7 at this point. I would kill for them to take the WIXOSS route with the next spin-off and make all duelists girls.
Maybe they should hire a small crew to make comedic web shorts using female yugioh monsters.
Really tickle the pickle of otakus and use the power of yugioh monster waifs to push product
>Miyu was a nearly-pointless plot device since the writers couldn't figure out how to believably retcon Aoi as an LI victim over 70 episodes in
But that's just wrong. Aoi is based off a god who exists in direct contrast to that cult. People just overhyped how important the victims are.
Not that user but in the larger picture a show like vrains is less malicious or duplicitous to potentially interested viewers, compared to how arc v did thingd. If it drains viewership on account of failing to hold interest or turning ppl away early on it still is going to get the appropriate consequences of course
The only good yugioh is the one that is currently airing at any given point in time and space.
There's so many cool things that could've been done if the show had more time
>Ai clones invade Link VRAINS
>Naoki as Brave MAX sees players about to get attacked by an Ai clone
>Steps in to duel it regardless if he can win or not
>Literally anything to do with any of the Lost Incident children. I'm not even a LIfag but having Windy's partner just be dead, Miyu be in the hospital constantly and having Jin's memory wiped while Spectre eats shit instantly feels quite bad.
They could've had something neato
>Windy's partner (he wasn't even named for fucks sake) could've shown up and tried to talk Windy out of his stupid shit
>Miyu could've gotten jealous at Aoi and Aqua's teamwork and act like a child who has had her favourite toy stolen, ultimately ending in her giving up Aqua to Aoi.
>Jin could've used Armatos Legio or something idk
>Spectre couldn't really do shit with Earth considering he was fucking dissected but it could've been nice to have Spectre get revenge somewhat on SOL for that
>Pandor could've been the end boss, self-replicating instead of Ai in order to gather as much information as possible
>Pandor uses Storm Access to generate new Topologics for herself.
>Since she is using multiple clones and all her memories and shit are shared across the clones, any Storm Access carry on through to each clone.
>Have each character duel one of the clones, the ones that job can job as usual and the ones that beat her cause the Storm Accesses
>Playmaker, Revolver, Ai, Soulburner, Aoi and Go actually manage to beat the clones
>Playmaker and Ai vs Pandor Prime
>Pandor drops a LINK-7
>Ai and Playmaker join forces with a LINK-8
>Revolver and Playmaker have their ceremonial duel, PM wins
>Playmaker and Ai have their ceremonial duel going all out without stakes, PM wins
The only YGO that's still universally considered good to this day is DM and most of the time 5D's.
I needed a third Playmaker vs Go duel.
I actually like that vrains didnt redeem irredeemable characters, I also like that kogami and the ignis all actually died and stay dead. Hell this ending is pretty much announcing that ai is gonna die too.
This says nothing about how to make Pandor convincing as a final boss. An enabler somehow for the final boss is believable, but fanfic like this never bothers to do follow through on suspension of disbelief and bridging the gaps between events that seem cool
Let at least revive the humans that got killed in the last part or else I am hunting all roboshit fags
Writing life was a visual clusterfuck
Yusaku was stunted and weird around Aoi but it could have been much funnier if he also came off as a creep more.
>i'm not a lostincidentfag
oh but you are
Fuck off revolverfag, you are literally the most shit user in this thread
Vrains is a cursed piece of animation. Vrains truly was the AI's we made along the way.
who right?
How cursed are Ishige and Takeuchi gonna be in the future?
I think that's just them being cheap and licensing dying bands.
I had the best years of my life during vrains' seasons 1 and 2. I will truly miss those years of my life and vrains itself since things started to seem grim for me.
>There's so many cool things that could've been done if the show had more time
if the show had more time it would still be the same thing with things being thrown out of the window. in fact it would make things worse considering how bda the production of ygo has been since xyz saga in arcv. we are talking 5-6 years of non-stop incompetent staff, user.
Awkward and abrasive yusaku was best yusaku. In s2 and forward one thing about yusaku is that we barely get any idea of what he personally thinks about whatever's going on, besides the surface level "bad guys need to be defeated".
Band maid are pretty successful arent they
Like I know it's not true but this list if disbandments makes it look like the producers simply went around listening to hobby bands in shibuya or wherever and picked whoever would say yes
didn't you see her?
Is it worth continuing GX if i don't really care about any character other than Judai?
This. How do people expect things to magically flip for the better if it wasnt better for the first 100 episodes just because hypothetically there couldve been more time, when the same people behind it are still there.
It's like the poor sods who think that arc v couldve saved itself if it just had more time for the last 2 arcs, even though it's still the same show and staff that wasted away all that time in synchro arc in the first place. Sometimes a certain team of people are just not going to work well delivering a product even if they gave all the time in the world.
Yes, it becomes even more about him in the third season.
I want to to see a summon animation focused on her butt a la Cyberse witch.
Why can't they just do something like that but for literally any card from the card game and not anime?
I'm just saying he just needed the outward appearance of being a creep, but alas takeru is thing.
Grotesque, I never really liked him
I like how they emphasized the wings
>odd eyes
Artist really tried their best to make odd eyes work by hiding his orb belly
>Yoshida is made creative director of the next anime
>New MC wears a skirt
>It's a shota
Yoshida doesnt direct, he's a writer
God I wish
He came up with the basic idea of yusaku, he doesn't do off kilter.
New main characters should be a girl
As soon as girls start playing card games en masse in real life.
I'd say Arc-V is worse because of the impact it had irl. Took away most people's good will because of all the hopes it crushed.
I can get excited for Standard and the like, but then I remember Synchro Hell, Egao and Make a Baby Smile came afterwards.
This one was alright. Went well with the visuals for the beginning of S2 pre-Ignis War.
Still not as bad as having to shoehorn the former sidekick and anthropromorphized Roomba's new looks into the existing ED for the last 18 episodes.
>Synchro Hell
Literaly underrated
Forced reason
>Make a Baby Smile
Good idea but wasn't well implemented
Point taked
So the next anime will have skills won't it?
I really dont see how 2 additional stills in ED5 compare to the visual jigsaw puzzle mess of ED2. Those photobashed bgs are a tragedy
depends if they will shill for duel links and speed duel format or not
Synchro arc is a slog even when trying to marathon it because the stakes are dumb and it doesnt payoff anyway. It's just not worth the 2 minutes of Sergey memes when those clips are on youtube
Considering the popularity of Duel Links, I wouldn't be surprised if Speed Duels became a staple going forward. If they do bring back skills I hope they do more weird shit like a skill that has Convulsion of Nature permanently in effect.
What do you think he was sad about?
For this
It's time to duel" page
>Literaly underrated
It hit a peak with Shun vs Dennis 2 but then it spiraled downwards. Fittingly enough, it's literally the middle point of the show.
>Forced reason
It's what made Yuya's character so annoying post-Standard. Do you really think people complain about that just for trolling and not because it damaged the plot that until then was taken seriously?
>Good idea but wasn't well implemented
More like everything involving Ray, Reira and Z-ARC wasn't well implemented. The former had no foreshadowing, the middle one had psychic abilities out of nowhere to then transition into a woman, and the latter was just BB all over again.
I wonder if things would have gone different if she was this age from the beginning.
Probably less subtext with Akira.
It would have been better.
In such a world I don't know if he would be the same age either.
>This is waiting for Takeru at home
Best ending
she's supposed to be flat but this shot was drawn by noh.
>we barely get any idea of what he personally thinks about whatever's going on
I'd like to think the one time we saw into his thoughts when he fainted are pretty much his perspective all the time: "This is tiring, I just want to go home and sleep".
they showed skills and speed duels=duel links in vrains and it failed horribly the best duels are usually master duels=tcg/ocg they should just go back to shilling only tcg/ocg because duel links doesn't need shilling because it gets supported by the tcg/ocg printing and adding cards to it all the time
>That tummy
I'm not really thinking about whether it should or not but more whether it will or not. Though I'm not really sure your conclusions are correct. I think could apply the same logic from normal monsters to synchros.
then why there wasn't any DM legacy character in Arc-V?
Does Ushio count?
is this the lowest point of duel writing in the history of the franchise?
Arc-V's impact is felt so hard, even the name of someone in the credits that worked on Arc-V got japanese netizens in a tizzy
I don't know what the hell Kamshiro and Hikokubo were smoking when they were writing Arc-V's final duel.
I genuinely hope so. It's not like the anime can be an accurate shill anyway.
>No EMZs and majority of the cards aren't even in Duel Links.
>I'd have to wait till 2021+ to even see anime characters from Vrains and beyond.
If I see something cool happen in the anime, I can't even get it in the game. There's no point.
I'm unironically still disappointed Ai is gonna be our ceremonial duel. I mean, by YGO standards, it makes sense but the execution is so dumb
Digimon is a dying franchise with nostalgia as the only thing that keeps it alive, it's like an agonizing, comatose man in a hospital struggling to live
>tfw bohman got FIVE noh episodes spent on him in s2
Really jingles my jangles
There are physical speed duels now though.
now that we know that Vrains is just going to have 3 episodes left Bohman getting this many episodes pisses me off even more
Any other franchise that's a bigger offender of abusing nostalgia than Digimon?
All according to plan.
>Digimon is a dying franchise
I would have agreed with you like 2 or 3 years ago but we're experiencing a revitalization actually. Largely on video games though.
Bohman is the Roget of Vrains. Too many episodes wasted on shit that ultimately didn't matter or could have been condensed
Anime wise? Dragon ball for the sheer scale.
>Could have Tuned Clear Wing with Tuning Magician instead of ever using the Odd-Eyes Plotgates
>Could have won the Duel on the 2nd turn had let Starving Venom be destroyed
>52 Pick-Up
>Masters the 4 Dragons, but those got destroyed instantly
>New Bosses are cheated out with Spells as oppossed to actual combos and strategies
>OERD jobs yet again
>Payoff for the entire story is a baby laughing
>Said Bosses accomplished nothing
>Unpaired Savant
Yes. It is.
Im sorry but i fail to see the problem here. ARC-V gimmick was Action Duels so it seems obvious to have the last duel focus on it. Whats exactly wrong here?
Worse, since roger didnt have 6 fullscreen duels even if he was also nothing
>I'm unironically still disappointed Ai is gonna be our ceremonial duel
Everyone knows the ceremonial duel was Takeru Vs Ryoken
Also was fun to see Roger lose his shit
It's the most egregious abuse of it just so yuya can have his monster eff go off or something when they didnt really need to write the card to need that. It was a time waster in what should be one of the biggest duels
Bohman's actions at least had some degree of long-lasting consequences, Roget doesn't even get that
Still shouldn't have gotten as many duels as he did though and his deck is so dull
Is it okay to hate Hydrives now?
they are shit no matter who uses them
I hope the producers wrote him and his team an apology letter for making him put so much effort into a character and duel as terrible as battle beast
Ironically Roget was Arc-V's best villian. So unredeemable Yuzu tackled him.
speed duels are like early on duel links format it's slow but bound to get speedy soon enough because yugioh as a game can't be balanced and that's a good thing
I'm sure all he cares about is getting work.
>animators are all braindead robots
No, shut the fuck up
king of the nagas.
Reiji was the only good antagonist in arc v before he became a protag and then moot
Out of all of Vrain's anime-only archetypes, Hydradrive grew less and less likely to ever see print while everything else grew more likely as the show goes on and I don't think I've ever seen such as a thing go on like that.
Hydradrives should be released as a Link-5 Deck. Bohman ditched Property Zero because it was pointless against PM's Deck and its varied Attributes.
I mean assuming he didn't like drawing it is just egregious I would say.
Those artists who manage to reach a higher tier in their field actually tend to be the most smartest and insightful, because you have to be in order to be able to fix your weaknesses and improve your skills at a good pace.
So the best animators they have would probably be the first on the animation team to notice if a character is actually fucking shit rather than only meh or forgettable
All ugly except for the snake/naga ones and perfectron
>New Bosses are cheated out with Spells as oppossed to actual combos and strategies
That's the part that pissed me off the most. What's the point of a Reiji duel if he doesn't do combos?
remember this
Interesting thoughts but kind of vigorous assertions.
>2021+ to even see anime characters from Vrains
You are optimistic. They delayed Zexal world for a stupid Nostalgia world. Vrains isn't happening at all.
They can throw around as many nostalgia worlds as they want in games if it means they'll stay away from ruining the good note DM finished on with DSOD with the anime
Maybe a really early draft had Ai boxed in at some point due to revolver, but pandor intervenes to free him against his orders
>1-monster Deck
>56 Extra Deck monsters
>We didn't even learn what C/C and C/C/C stood for
Wtf was the point of Reira.
A DM Super will LITERALLY never happen. It ended. It would be like continuing Cowboy Bebop or Samurai Champloo.It can't be done no matter how much you try
>That time where Reiji and Reira dueled against each other.
I won't deny I am, but if they added one world per year they'd run out of worlds and catch up to the anime. That's my thought process at least.
And it literally had NOTHING as a consequence, except making Reira seem stupid for supporting a naked woman spirit over his/her own brother.
Now if they only could have done the parts of the allegory that people would have gotten a lot more excited about.
I forgot that even happened dbh
Or why it even did happen
it was so fucking random
This is how they outmatch them.
>only appear in throw away match
Heh, nothing personnel, Queen
That is what happens when you have 7 recaps and Bohman hoarding all the duels
If there was an important match they might not have appeared at all. Just seeing evilswarms and baboons.
>1 good cards outmatches a worlds top
ok there joey
I actually had to look it up on youtube to confirm that it did happen because I dont remember a thing. Now I do remember watching it but i dont really remember the context that justified it. Everything about reira was just ???
Does that factor the 0th law or not
Why is nu-/dng/ so bad and wrong about everything?
I want to believe kaz wouldnt let them do dm super. At least until he dies of old age
Why do you think vrains talks about healing scars from the past
great for a headstrong style.
Well? Did it?
>involve the audience?
too bad the card is bad and no where near as good as the blue-eyes version
There might have been a lot he wanted that didnt happen, now that we know the series composer was much more likely to have been the rebellious rmployee
Probably. Then Revolver can guard the network with her help or something.
Well it definitely involved the anger of the audience
I feel like he wanted Yuya to break the 4th wall with his catchphrase. Maybe some countdown.
I was looking forward to Arc-V's finale because of this interview, and yet..
Duh, that's why he's mysterious.
Vrains may be called boring, dry, bland, but the whole arc v situation just smells like it was complete misery for everyone involved by the last stretch
They really shouldn't try to judge anime, they're really bad at it, they're just gamers.
He should have dueled some other opponents earlier on. Not just learn from playmaker.
I love it!
I wish that episode had had a better animation director.
which MC from other anime do you guys think worked as YGO MC?
Everything about this image feels so cozy. The serafuku, the bike, the old timey houses. No wonder Takeru wants to go home.
I'd want to go home too if I were Takeru
Why are they so boring and lifeless
I'd maybe like to see an "ultimate bluffer" kind of character, a bit like Phoenix from ace attorney. Acts like Sawatari on the outside, but panics on the inside. At the moment no other anime MC is jumping to mind. I dont expect much from a ygo MC though, only hoping the rest of the cast is stronger and the next MC like yusaku soaks up a smaller % of duels.
I've said it before but maybe yugioh should try the danganronpa formula to an extent because of its simplicity. Exaggerated personalities that would be one note on their own but the entertainment comes from interacting a lot with each other.
I actually like vrains' ost when I'm listening to it alone but when I hear it in the show it's like "meh"
To fit the user.
Same here. I've been listening to the OST all day and it's fucking great. But unless it's a standout track like Extra Link, Firewall Dragon, Extra Monster Zone, Punishment etc I generally don't notice it in the show.
Maybe it couldve simply been placed or used better by the sound director or whoever. Or it's a lot more suited to a video game where you could hear them in full
Yeah I think sometimes the voices and sound effects cover up the music a lot, especially in duels. The characters are pretty much talking over the music all the time, and all the comboing means a ton of summoning/effect sfx.
The one and only.
>ms. gotta find out who kill my dad
Satsuki >>>>>
What kind of deck/archetype would they run?
it's been a while since I've played but isn't Red Eyes named Red Eyes B. Dragon, so this card doesn't actually work? Did they finally add black to the monster card name?
They still don't reprint it as Red-Eyes Black Dragon.
My wife Nui was better than both.
>I was looking forward to Arc-V's finale because of this interview
Well Aoi's seiyuu said she'd have her moment soon and well...
she would play sky strikers
>Spreading that shit here
Fuck off
Hydrives were great. It is one of my favorite anime only decks.
idk if it's just my nostalgia but i think 5d's had better animation than zexal/arcv and vrains.
Was that before or after she was dealing with her company issues
Yes it's your nostalgia
Zexal has the most consistent animation, 90% of Zexal looks as good as the best animated 5D's episodes
No chance.
Riding duels don't let you see as much animation as Standing duels. Funny how it sounds.
Nostalgia since 5ds had more janky looking episodes than zexal did, overall. Solely on animation and not considering anything else about the visuals, zexal simply had the most animation talent to work with. It's common knowledge that things started to dip with arc v, likely due to broader industry problems
...why tho
Nostalgia. I'm rewatching Dark Signers and the art and animation are kind of shitty.
You're wrong about zexal but in the larger picture the period of both 5ds - zexal was the peak when it comes to high points for yugioh spin off animation if you ignore pre wrgp.
Team ragnarok was basically filler but how they managed to make that entire duel look so good for a weekly tv anime I'll never know. Zexal also had a few glorious stretches where they lined up their best guys (like noh, yokota, hara, and ebina) all in a row
>filler rivals
>their archetype fucking sucks
>still manage to get the best animation and the best duels
How did they do it?
>on that list only noh is still around consistently
Well they did promote replacements but it's clear they don't get the time they'd like to add polish and flex what they can realpy do to exercise their capabilities
What happened to Hara anyway? He did the character design for Vrains. Is he still doing animation work?
It's a shame, because it doesn't have to be like that. I think a lot of it is just matching the timing of OST to what's happening onscreen. Just look at 5D's.
>Yusei draws, looks at his card, gives a slight smile as his theme starts and he starts combo'ing
>Jack ORE NO TURN's, his theme starts as he WAGA TAMASHI's
>Yusei declares Stardust won't get taken again as he revs up, cut to Zero Reverse flashback as Clear Mind starts
>Z-ONE's theme plays as his monsters attack and he muses that he won, it reaches the turning point as Power Tool Dragon's eye cuts through the smoke
The nordic stars aligned for them
I think it also shows how much individual talent and skill can matter. It's not like noh or the other in house ppl in vrains get any more time than anyone else or has a Harry Potter time turner. They're simply good at their jobs and can draw worth a damn.
He's probably slowed down with age. He's worked on anime since the 80s iirc. I think he's a case of hard work rather than having a lot of natural talent, since it took him until around later DM in the early 2000s to get gud enough to be a regular AD on yugioh.
Oh I pressed submit before adding on that while hara reached the passing mark for AD position in DM he didnt get /GOOD/ until 5d's - zexal. Somewhat of a late bloomer in his career.
Ebina probably had the fastest rise and it seemed like the studio higher ups were really proud of him with how relatively quickly they put responsibilities on him.
When are we getting another Bakura/Vector as villain?
Not them but the small monsters are cute, the boss ones with exception of the one who destroyed the cyberse show power and authority, plus the dice gimmick is always welcomed.
Vrains pretty much was it.
they have Divine-Beast monster
hardly a filler team, only underused
Them being Divine-Beasts and DIVINE Attribute in the Anime doesn't matter if they don't get released as such. Same happened with the Sacred Beasts.
>old guard animators taking a back seat
>new guy that you train up leaves
I hope Gallop gets things together during these six months.
No, that's definitely your nostalgia, especially Zexal, I'm pretty sure that has the highest budget a YGO series had
Windy, but he wasn't that great at it
Yeah, even firm loyalty has its limits. Not sure what they'd do if the newer ADs they promoted decide to leave as well since I doubt they have that many promising young animators to spare. It's a bittersweet thing to be promoted during arcv or vrains when they know they're taking the position in stressed and difficult conditions.
I'm gonna guess noh is willing to stay until he dies or yugioh dies tho
Learn what canceled means.
Why can't they just make high quality YGO series that have something like 64 episodes? Why do they have to be 150 episodes long?
Product cycle.
That's what happens when your show is tied to a card game.
They originally wanted that for 5ds but that's when execs cemented the idea of a firmly 3 year cycle with the tacked on part 2 extension. Pre production and planning concepts for each series takes a lot of energy plus they REALLY want the anime to always be on year round. So 3 years is where they settled for each series of sets and corresponding anime. Whether this is truly optimal and efficient is another thing
I bet the next one will have more brain control.
The anime is just to advertise the card game
the casual side doesn't matter user they mostly care about the hardcore competitive base that buys product and travels to events they make 150+ episodes because the show is basically an add for the card game or duel links they just care about card sales and how the game is doing
I don't play the game outside Duel Links but I heard link summoning was basically a mistake.
links are mistake that brought loops and ftk's back to the game but somehow that didn't stop duelists from keep playing the game
It's a matter of opinion.
I personally love Links and the restrictions it provided to previous Synchro, Xyz and Pendulum spam decks. Firewall was mainly the problem with the format. If Firewall never existed, Links would be based as fuck
It is. Because instead of Konami creating a new, interesting summoning method, in harmony with the former ones, they changed the rules to nerf them and made Links the only viable option in the game.
I don't even know what they will create after Links, but I am really afraid they will break the game once again.
Extra links are the game at its finest.
That was firewall dragon's fault, not links
firewall was part of the problem not the whole problem some other links also contributed to how people didn't like the mechanic like gumblar
Gumblar is a problem but the main reason why people hated it was due to both Firewall AND Gumblar existing in the same format.
Gumblar ripping 4 cards out of your hand would be fine if that was the entire turn but due to Firewall, you could set up an Extra Links with Knightmares that
>was indestructible by battle or card effects
>couldn't be targeted
>ripped 4 cards from your hand
>lowered all your monsters by at LEAST 1000
>forbid you from special summoning
Your only out to this was basically Cyber Dragon into Megafleet, Kaijus or Sphere Mode
With firewall jailed how are things now
gumblar probably will be banned in japan soon now that they finally got dangers!
the game is fine now the format is stale but the upcoming banlist will fix that
Pretty sick.
There are a handful of decks that are good
>Deck revolving around using a single monster with multiple forms that can swap out to them. Entire deck relies on Spells to function and has it's own Pot of Greed/Searcher (Sky Striker)
>Salamangreats, utilizing Reincarnation Link Summoning to stun the opponent with a negate and usually OTK with Violet Chimera
>Thunder Dragons are a Fusion deck that seeks to stop the opponent from searching using their alternative summoning conditions to cheese themselves out. Usually paired with other engines to create nuttier boards
>Guardragons/Dragon Links are a deck that uses the Guardragons. These are LINK-1 and LINK-2 monsters that special summon Dragons from various places as long as you have an empty Zone where two or more Links are pointing to it. They use this to cheese out Dragons from the Extra Deck and loop Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to special summon a bunch and end on like 5 negates
>makes one of the most boring villain, bohman, quality but souless episodes
>makes an old card, the most bad quality AND jobbing
This is the moment where I wanted NAS to either get rid of Yoshida or get bankrupt
Is a good thing AI is charismatic and had been here since the longets of time. Unlike robopy who was a comic relief turned into a despicable shitty attempt at Sora 2.0
He was boring
couldn't even dance 0/10
>makes an old card, the most bad quality AND jobbing
Old cards aren't respected unless they're aces. They also wouldn't have shown up at all if queen was a major villain.
Yusei is my favorite protagonist and it breaks my heard how bad his deck is.
I know you can make it work but it's not the same as before MR4.
>Blackwing in Arc-v
>also Red Demon Dragon
>also Cyber Angels
>also some other ones
VRAINS only thing with nostalgic cards is making them jobs without even making them looks nice. Allure Queen only being there without seeing how she plays was retarded as fuck.
VRAINS is literally the disrespectful grandson that should be disinherited
Except the CHADS Mirror Force and Imperial Order.
It's still not the same.
He was charming
uh huh
I didn't watch arc-v, but I didn't get the impression from most of those who did that those were the best representations of those characters and cards.
Not tier 1 but pretty playable.
>babies arguing about children disrepecting their elders
It's because you don't have a GOD
>jobs to Utopia
Go to bead grandpa
>Asuka and Kotori there 3 times
He didn't start out boring but his transition into Kizunaman was pretty bad
He was annoying but the secondaries totally made up for that. Zexal is the best spin off.
>Yusei will never ride Aki
Not fair bros.
Still my soul.
How come he's the only protagonist to not get a Structure Deck yet?
He doesn't need the structure. He is literally the cheapest OTK deck that can work alone
His deck is already powerful enough, he doesn't need more help.
delet this
is there a version of this without subs?
His vengeful justice is righteous, therefore his dueling always wins. Or something
>Firewall ban hammered for obvious reasons
>eXceed in the dumpster as well because no Firewall
>both absolutely gorgeous monster designs
Feels bad. What a waste
That's besides the point. It's not the same as back when it was MR3.
best I can do
Why is Seto Kaiba so perfect?
Why are the AIs suddenly evil? What did I miss?
they're aren't (kind of)
>What did I miss?
The show, apparently. It's all explained.
Because Ai "doesn't want to be lonely"
Boy, it's almost like VRAINS hemorrhaged viewers and now they're mildly curious about the tidbits they hear about this season.
The thread kept about 100 posters at all times so it is very likely that lots of people jumped in too.
most peole here are waiting for quickdraw to spawn
They can watch the show then, or read episode summaries.
One A.I. was butthurt because of being unable from birth to coexist with humans and his actions spiraled into where we are now.
If that were the case they would get ~50 requests and replies when dumping. People are here to watch the show.
>People are here to watch the show.
not me, im here to shit the place
Speak for yourself, I'm here to talk about the show. Besides, he's definitely busy, otherwise his usual image dumps are thursday to friday.
I don't see how Yusaku is going to get as mad as he is shown in the opening.
Maybe once Darkfluid and Ai's Ultimate Cyberse clash.
>People are here to watch the show.
Scroll up and tell me what you see more of: people talking about VRAINS, or people talking about any other part of the franchise.
>talk about the show
>except when the show is getting bad reviews so it goes from a vrainlet thread to vrainlet discussing the bad parts about every other season, most specific, arc v
Can confirm. I am here to discuss the franchise in general, and I don't really care what happens in Vrains.
We already filled 4 threads since wednesday with vrains discussion. There's only so much you can talk about vrains when we are in the first wpisode of a 3 episodes duel.
People who like Vrains also like YGO in general and want to talk about that too if the topic turns to it, whoda thought.
He's going to watch Arc-V and realize that reports of the rocket's importance were greatly exaggerated
It's always been a thread that talks about the anime as a whole, with /dng/ being the card game's community with like passing interest in the show, and usually just for waifus and husbandos
Probably just for dramatic effect. Shame because I want to see him stand in the rain too.
Too bad the best past of the opening is the only one that didn't turn out to happpen.
You're gonna count the two that died under 200 posts?
>There's only so much you can talk about vrains when we are in the first wpisode of a 3 episodes duel.
It's the damn finale.
I think it is only natural that the thread is turning into a broad ygo anime general rather than a vrains general since it is ending soon and there's no more stuff to speculate about ahead this duel. Later on we will transition into a YGO7 general and when it is ending the thread will become ygo general again and so on.
Yes, though I understand people who don't like him.
That rain shot and the part when he's not wearing his jacket while his tie flies dramatically in the wind are my favourites. I should've known it was too good to be real, though I'm glad it was shown at all.
I wish imhe had actually been good a la Borrel Dragon.
How did VRAINS manage to have both the Protagonist's ace and the Rival's ace great cards in the actual game?
They realised something as slow as Odd-Eyes and something as boring as Doom Armageddon didn't sell.
Firewall was not just good it was straight broken.
I think you mean too good.
If he was "too good" he wouldn't be banned right now.
Since it is Yoshida who is doing this end we are probbably getting something like pic related as the end, right?
Since everyone has been moving on from their past, it would be appropiate for Ai to do so as well. Otherwise it would be pretty sad for him to be the only one to die.
I would like actual Yugioh threads instead of VRAINS threads. Vrains is boring.
I certainly hope so. Pls Yoshida I just want them to be happy.
Are you a total newfag? Go make a nostalgia thread for that, faggot.
No one likes your shitty show
I do