this is my wife, please say something nice about her
5toubun no Hanayome
>non-Takebayashi OP
She looks really soft.
Her actual cover look like shit
I strangled a girl that looked like you once. She was cute too. Honk honk.
Based OP muh frend
>another Itsuki op
This thread is shit
>This thread is shit
Looks a little like my sefre
Lel's discuss the plot
What is chances for every quint?
I'm sorry, but did Nino already lose? Oh, that's right. The manga isn't even over yet. In fact, it's still halfway through it. Does not having the lead right now count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? Nino is still in the bowl right now and she has been the best girl in 5Toubun for how many chapters now? You know what? Nino is one of the best fucking girls in manga, ever. She went from an average tsundere to a contender that even the other quints thinks she is a legitimate threat! Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded posts like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when Nino wins and someone bumps this topic. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these "Ninofags BTFO" topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like her because she's the best. Are you gay or something? Is that it? Are you prejudiced against her because you'd enjoy better a dick in your ass? Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll the fucking best girl, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
I still believe Nino will win.
Bride dress cover rank
Yotsuba (Superb) > Ichika (Great) > Nino (Good) > Miku (OK) > Itsuki (JUST)
Personally, I think Nino's is the best and that Yotsuba's is just okay while Miku's is pretty good.
kuso OP.
I believe that she will win
I believe that she will win
I believe that she will win
Kek. Ninoniggers never fail to make me smile.
Was there another harems with 5 girls equivalent in winning?
Like I've told you guys before, the quints are going to round-robin schedule the fuck outta fuutarou.
user I hate it to break it to you but winner is already determined.
You have to be joking if you think the harem is at all equal
You're right user. Nino is dominating the competition with her massive 56 cm cock.
5Toubun is just a shit version of Kimagure Orange Road/Ranma/Love Hina/Ichigo 100/Nisekoi
>5 girls equivalent
Nino and Ichika have no chance at all
She was born on a Friday.
What was he afraid of
Scans fucking when?
Socks are too fucking tight on that poor nino.
Isn't it great?
that's the best part
Such mass
My brothers.
Even before reading Yuusha ga Shinda thick thighs have always been my favorite part of a character
Your waifu is 2nd best quint.
And Negi now draws fucking twigs.
The last good thighservice we got was the group picture of the quints in the bus after Kyoto. Fuck the faggot.
i miss it bros
How do you gauge chances?
Negi's art just fell apart after 7 goodbyes.
My quint > your quint
bring the thighs back Negi you fucking hack
When was the anime?
it's been potatos and chipmunks, with stick legs for too long
>old miku design
What was negi thinking?
Probably wasn't thinking at all.
you are so cute user
Itsuki > the rest
Potatoes and chipmunks are OK, could pass as SD Quints
Sticks are fucking not
>please fuukun-sama, pick me, I'm begging you!
He wasn't thinking anything at the time, when he started doing so he changed it
Probably nothing until editor told him to make her look like a main character for serialization.
At least fanart has us covered.
Thank fuck Japan catches on fast to good designs.
>No argument
Ichika bonuses
I'm from SEA and I pronounce this series as Lima Toubun. Ask me anything.
Cute as always
That's just actual weight, not chances
A best
Yeah, Itsuki is a fat girl
>introduce best girl late so she has no chance of winning
I fucking hate when they do this
Rude. She's not that heavy.
Ichika wins then.
We all know what's going to happen and it's pic related.
>that feel when Ichika will never give you present for St Valentine Day.
Yotsuba gets nothing!
What's the meaning of the picture?
Nino bonuses
>mikufags are wojack posters
Checks out.
It's trying to draw a parallel between Yotsuba and the bell kisser
Cute fatty
She'll do the pomf with fuutarou.
I don't think I've seen the Volume 2 bonuses in (relatively) high quality before.
4> 3> 8> 2> 5> 9>1>10>6>7
When did she fall in love with the mc? Did I miss a chapter or something I seriously don't remember when they developed a connection.
I want to spoil this cute dork
I want to bully her and then spoil her!
I don't give a fuck
>I want to bully her and then spoil her!
Who doesn't?
Up-right - Itsuki
Up-left - Miku
Down-left - Nino
Down-right - Ichika
Miku bonuses
She has a healthy appetite.
I miss Miku color user...
Kill yourself
Like policewoman and baseball player. Clerk is good too.
Like pirate, noon and arabian ome
Like Football player and Idol
I hope Negi will add her.
Thanks for the blog update
Yotsuba bonuses
Take some Ichika and Nino.
Mix them.
Wait for an hour
Boom! Done!
>I'm gonna reck your shit user
Damn. There is a lot of good pics. Cute!
Also, does 428 mean something special?
4: yo
2: tsu
8: ba
>Also, does 428 mean something special?
How fucking new?
No wonder she's shit
5 for itsuki's victory
Itsuki bonuses
Collection completed
>san kyu
>Thank you
>chapter 100 bonus illustations says "Arigatou"
>Miku's bubble is the only white bubble
What's the meaning of this?
>Not understanding simple references
redditToubun Tourists everybody.
I didn't know Yotsuba has her own game
Happy birthday Cucktsuki!
When birthdays of others quints?
Do you have color pics of Ichika bonuses?
What is wrong?
Come on the fucking slogging through hundreds of chapters of blueballs is better than this??
rate adult quints
I could be wrong, but if I had to hazard a guess it's the fact that you posted a link to an image on imgur rather than just posting the pic itself.
>When birthdays of others quints?
user, they are all born the same day.
Not the bitch, but Imgur compress pictures.
>takebayashi and Ichika
How can others quints even compete?
Ichika is pretty much the same so cute but I don't like her outfit.
I don't like Nino's pigtails but the rest is fine.
Miku is good.
Yotsuba looks retarded.
Itsuki is fine too.
Include me in the screenshot
Different guy but you have to understand that Yea Forums is an imageboard. It's a place where you dump images instead of using image sites newfaggotbro.
4MB is the limit here. All of the pics exceed it.
Itsuki is so cute
Fascinating seeing all these newfaggots first time seeing these bonus that have been posted here in the last 18 months
She looks healthy
Join the gang 4cel
Guess he really didn’t care about her since he forgot her shortly after meeting yotsuba for a day.
Next try on chapter 107 then.
So I just started reading this yesterday and I just finished reading chapter 58. This was a really funny reaction coming from Miku, she was so smug about getting the highest and confess to Fuutaruo then Ichika suddenly beat her by 2 points considering she was also working as an actress. I think Ichika might be my favorite girl from now on.
>I think Ichika might be my favorite girl from now on.
>>Yotsuba looks retarded
>Implying ponytail Yotsuba isn't toptier
Sasuga 3fag.
>I think Ichika might be my favorite girl from now on.
Yotsuba looks more like a bridesmaid, though. Nino has the best dress.
This one is better
her ribbon looks retarded
seethe more ninokeks
Ah, he's sperging out again.
Sounds like you need to learn how to export images.
This, thank God I barely even lurk anymore. Now it's almost only redditards amd discord trannies.
You're just mad because you can't molest it like fuutarou can.
user, retards wanking one another pretending to be oldfags are pathetic but that's just terrible.
Ichika unironically rose to my second favourite spot after the whole "snek" thing.
user, I...
Holy fucking kek.
Sound like it's not my problem.
Fuu-guuun I will always love you
Wow, now I finally understand the guy who made this edit.
I think it's now clearly evident what's responsible for the massive degradation in the threads for the last half year.
Are you seriously surprised that tourists ruin everything?
Not really. I live in a tourism heavy country after all.
>i still have hope...
Say thanks to gookmoot for putting actual redditards/SJW as mods/jannies.
I weel alwayz lub yu
Go back
Yeah but Ichika confirmed that each one had a particular smile in-universe and we got somewhat of a confirmation of that a few chapters after (pic related), this also confirms that Yotsuba's toothy smile is a forced/exaggerated one
>ah. Theory
Go back, mouth breathing retard.
Just wait a few chapters for the tourists favorite to get eliminated. You haven't seen anything yet.
It's incredible how you managed to debunk your theory with your own image.
Nino is the bri-
You know what "in-universe" means, right?, like their hair is the same color but is always depicted as different, they each have a specific "true" smile in-universe even if it doesn't always translate into what we see, Ichika's ans Miku's are just the most different ones from the rest
Rightmost is yotsuba because shes the one who puts her peace signs forwards in her photos.
>they each have a specific "true" smile in-universe even if it doesn't always translate into what we see
>even if it doesn't always translate into what we see
Now you managed to debunk yourself without a picture.
>right in Negi's trap
According to keikaku
Stop, or he'll go back and make another 2000 words post about how it takes all of his energy to argue with Yea Forums.
Yots always use her right hand for the peace sign
see>Ichika's and Miku's are just the most different ones from the rest
how will mikeks ever recover?
I'm mikufag but i believe in Nino win.
>3 flowers
>crossed fingers
>closed smile
It's obvious who she is for everyone who re-reads the manga and looks for hints but for the casual reader it will be a surprise
Please be a troll
What's the fucking purpose of these posts?
I am a Ichikafag actually. Yeah, Yotsuba looks retarded to me. Her outfit is the worse.
Yeah, sure. Do you feel better now?
>falseflagging this badly
Ara, someone has their twintails in a bunch.
>waifufagging this badly
She looks retarded.
>close smile
It's Yotsuba!
Why would I falseflag? Just because I said that Yotsuba's design looked retarded to me, I am a falseflagger? You guys are getting paranoid with that falseflag BS.
Itsuki confirmed not being the bride because she is even more brilliant than the bride.
> You guys
Just him. I hate waifufagging as much as you do.
Fuck off falseflagger.
Try again ninotard
I am not against waifufagging. But telling that I am falseflagging because I said Yotsuba's design was terrible is something else.
>closed smile
Wow! Yotsuba got fat!
Argueing with people you've never met to prove a retarded point
That's rich seeing how ichika is your average dyke design.
I wouldn't say Yotsuba looks retarded but she doesn't look like 21yo girl, she looks somewhere between a janitor and a 40-something stay at home mom
is it nice supporting a character who won from the very first interaction?
Nino thighs?
Eh. Part of waifufagging is lashing out to everyone who insults his waifu. It's embarrassing.
> But telling that I am falseflagging because I said Yotsuba's design was terrible is something else.
3fags got to him. He's a goner.
>Miku having the most bashful smile even as a child
She really does have the personality that best fits the bride.
Itsukifags are mainly people tired of seeing their favorite lose and became maingirl fags. It's kinda like Stockholm syndrome.
Is that Tsubaki-chan on the right?
>its as if they already made this bakery theirs
Foreshadowing for when Miku and Fuutarou open their own cafe together
And yet...
Too bad it's just a few pages, one of my favorite artists
Fatty is so evil, she doesn't deserve to be the bride
Bros i'm crying
>Yotsuba being the cuck she is
If itsuki sat on the other quints would they die?
Can you find any symbolism?
Bitchy Nino >>> Dere Nino.
Ichika got breast reduction surgery
She was so happy back then, no wonder she hates Miku
Miku dropped her headphones since her new accessory will be her wedding ring
>Nino and Miku lost their iconic items
I wanna hug Ichika
I wanna hold her tightly in my arms as we're laying in bed or on something comfy during a cold winter, just warming each others.
>white ribbon
Yotsuba died.
Is it tomorrow already? I'm dying to know who will be the chosen one
I want to hug Eatsuki...
So Fluffy
Do new chapters publish on sunday?
Past+present-orange box+green box=Yotsuba
Future-blue box=Miku
Nino's the best. Yotsuba is the second best despite looking more like a bridesmaid.
Spoilers are in about 36 hours.
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>loli Miku last place -> future Miku first place
>future 1245 look at loli Miku? future Miku looks at another loli quint
>close smile
Guys, it's Ichika
It's really striking how much more than the others Itsuki eats, for comparison, Miku's lunch on ch3 was just a sandwich and a can of soda
>loli Miku last place
How do you know it's Miku?
Just a guess since she's the slowest runner, the others are impossible to tell
She has no physical capability
They were all good back then. Don't you remember the football match with Maradona? Lack of exercise and turning into a history nerd transformed her.
It's just a guess. Could be anyone but if I had to guess I'd say it's Miku.
Curses upon Negi
>shows up out of nowhere
>hasn't seen Fuuts in years
>gets all clingy
Who the fuck does this bitch think she is.
>that shadow
How does it even work? Also, fuck the anime for butchering this scene. And it's getting season 2. Jesus.
This. I feel super old despite 18 months
Has it been that long already?
Worst pair
24 is worst pair
In the plot twist of the century it turns out Fuutarou has a fat feederism fetish and that is why he chooses Eatsuki
You mean 13, relationship full of gomenasai's and guilt
What the fuck possessed Ichika to do the dumb shit she did?
Jealousy, F told her that he saw through Miku's disguise
Itchy vagina
To be fair Ichika got a beef with literally every sister except Itsuki I guess,partly because they rarely talk.
Maybe for that user. 18 months ago was almost to the day when Yea Forums pushed Chapter 28 (The Legend that Binds - Day 2 (4)) to MD.
Eh, beef with Nino only lasted for a few chapter when Nino was looking out for the snekkery, they're normal after that
The original post was about the volume bonuses.
She's the one that changed him and shaped him into the man he is today, Takebayashi is arguably the closest and most influential person on Fuut's life
Yea Forums caught up to LHT a few weeks before that, at that time there were barely 30 IPs in the threads and they lasted for days.
There almost never on screen together, they're not really a pair
Sisters shouldn't do that
Are there people who unironically love Ichika? She is manipulative bitch who betrayed her sister for nothing. Also she promised this sister before that she will support her. Fucking lying bitch. I just hope she will suffer a lot in the end.
And the most laughable part:
>Ichika can win
Pfahahahaaha. You know that impossible. Stop pretending to like her.
Gotta find a way to fill the gaping blackhole in their hearts that Fut left.
Daily reminder that 5 and 3 are the only ones likely to get Fuutarou.
>Yea Forums caught up to LHT a few weeks before that, at that time there were barely 30 IPs in the threads and they lasted for days.
until the anime dropped. also it didn't take weeks, at most a fortnight or less but it caught up fast because dumps were coming.
>they lasted for days.
More like, we didn't have threads unless it's the special day. It's not a party if we have it everyday.
Falseflagging shitter
Thirst and realizing she was on last place
I want to do a sixsome with the quintuplets....
35 are also the only quints that can be the special person from chapter 68
She only known him in elementary school.And he was like 12 at that time,meaning she only teach him for barely 1 year before both of them part way in middle school
>Also she promised this sister before that she will support her.
I can also say that I support someone and still compete with him, or pursue the same endeavor.
Nothing stops her from doing that and it was even Miku who said that she won't wait for anyone because it was first come first serve. They both love Fuu why would Ichika give way?
Was that before or after the lolikano reveal?
But everyday is a party
do it for her
Fuutarou LOVE'd Miku and Nino confessed to him.Meanwhile Ichika offers a cup of coffee in which he declined it.
The top one is before and the bottom one after.
I like Itsuki but I'd rather do it for her
Where's the thigh version of this?
30 hours before Negi btfo your delusions
Dual trouble parallel adventures: MC marries his 4 bitches at final episode
What delusion retard?
Did you even read the manga?
Do you really think that Fuutaro's going to pick a quint next chapter? Because he's not
MC marries his five stepmothers
>there are people unironically thinking Fuutarou is going to give an actual answer to anyone
Laughing at all of you faggots when Negi comes out with some dumb shit like "let's just wait until graduation girls"
Nah isolation arc will come after confession.
>The original post was about the volume bonuses.
I know. I was just making a comment as to what was going on at the time. Besides, the bonuses would've been out sooner seeing as how the volume came out December 15, 2017.
I was there. It's weird thinking about how these threads have changed since back then.
Hamburglar a cute.
This but unironically. Anyone who hates Nino is a fucking stupid nignog that hasn't experienced love.
Even Negi forgot to develop this fucking swine hamplanet
>miku mcsnottyface
lmao "me goody good" "me love everyone and not blame anyone even if i'm a fucking pussy without resolve and can't do shit without encouragement"
>ichika "le serpiente puta"
fuck off you haven't even redeemed yourself lmao you probably sucked your producers dick for that fuck extra role, you should've just impersonated nino
mentally unstable dunning-kruger autist who supports literally anyone for the audience's sympathy lmao newsflash it's not working
Maybe change the manga title to NINO HANAYOME or QUINTISSENTIAL NINO
>They can't see the incoming Hachiman moment where something bad happens and Fuutarou ends up alone momentarily.
>I will always love you
>all this people not recognizing this old meme
Nincels sperging out again I see.
This is their constant state of being.
I remember that one ninofag with the apple filenames.
I will never give up Ichikabros!
Unironically preferable to the filth we have today
As you shouldn't!
Give me 5 reasons why being a Ninofag is bad in the current year.
>40 chapters
>40 chapters
I just realize that those first 2 panels are exactly like when Fuutarou recognized Miku.
>40 chapters
that filename, for one
That samefag
It's not a bad thing user
You're not supposed to mention it.
Truly suffering.
Mediocre examples
user, I...
You Ninofags are insufferable.
Hold it.
Does Eatsuki even weigh THAT much more than the other quints, or is the difference unnoticeable?
Thanks for that community update. Here's one for your troubles.
I've been meaning to ask, how is the anime compared to the manga?
Inferior in every way, shape or form
You're just setting yourself up for failure and dissapointment if you're a ninofag at this point.
Coping with head canon and "parallels" just makes it worse.
So she weights 7kg more than the average weight of the other 4
Probably around 10kg more than the skinniest quint (Miku)
anime got a serious case of balloon tits and ichika looks so bland
Oh well.
Nothing beats a good pair of tsurime
>But muh bracelet!!!
But what if I like balloon tits?
Can anyone name an anime where someone like Nino and Marika wins? Literally none. Why do they refuse affection? Are all MCs masochists? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWhy can't I be an mc on a manga FUCK
Obsessing isn't healthy that's why they lose.
>She's not that heavy.
Senjogahara is pretty upfront with her feelings as well, isn't she?
Doesn't count as she's fine sharing with Hanekawa
Marik was annoyingly obsessed. Nino drugged Fuu before going dere.
So it comes back to that in the end, how textbook bitter.
peak ichika
We won!
Senjougahara fucking stapled RRRgi's mouth, please.
There is absolutely zero chance that Itsuki is the bride, even in the extraordinary chance Fuutarou likes her, she doesn't see him in a romantic light.
Are we seriously forgetting this?
At first only, by the end she was playing games with him instead of just asking araragi to refer to her by name without honorifics, it's pretty much implied that her initial bluntness was a defense mechanism
Exactly, she and Nino have the same chances, none
I want to fuck Fuutarou.
You're a filthy vietnamese, huh?
That only confirms that Itsuki will not reciprocate in the event he actually likes her.
The bride cannot be Itsuki.
If you're really going after visual cues for supposedly identical quints, you should at least use the most obvious panel that support your claim.
I hope we don't take the "all 5 quints fall for the same guy" route. 4/5 is shitty enough
Well yeah, but the point is that she used to be a Nino-like character. I agree that she should develop more if she wants to win
literally the point of the manga
Cute, make a Mengele Nino
Here we go again
Itsuki won't fall for him.
And Nino drugged Fuu why? Because she's a bitch. Hitagi did that so Araragi would back off and fuck off then keep her secret.
Bros, neji is a genius he's had this all planned since the beginning!!
In color it looks like differnt emotion than in white-black.
Well I don't want to defend Nino on that for sure, just saying that what Hitagi did was pretty crazy nonetheless
5fags are wagoners. Either wagonning cuz they lack faith and fear losing or they wagoned since the beginning on first girl trope. Their have no taste like the trash Fatsuki eats. Either devoid of thought or too lazy to think so they wagon the first cookie cutter character fed to them like the brainless cows they are. They are the same fags that play Ryu every time or wagons Naruto while believing they are “””smart””” for doing so.
>muh fragile ego..
You can almost hear the bones grinding.
predictions for 101?
Reading between the lines is just too hard for you.
I think the point was how those panels are Ichika thinking on how everyone's smile looks like
Not even close.
user, the hands...
Lol this fear
Which part of 5toubun no hanayome don't you understand?
>ninofag as terrified as nino herself
Recap chapter!
>Mikufags pissing their pants
Why so serious?
The thing is, Hitagi only acted that way because she had lost her emotions, after regaining them she started to change from blunt and aggressive to blunt and dere, if anything is closer to Miku with her comment on how Fuu melted her heart
Ichika can't be bride because Fuutarou needs cool aunt for his children.
Parallel to ch1-51, there's going to be a panel with all the quints, a mean thought by Fuu and the number 30 will show on the chapter
Is Miku gonna amount to anything but fanservice by the time the manga finishes?
>Cool aunt
>"Dad, crazy aunt Ichika is dressing up like mom again!"
She's the bride
Read slower
Is it possible irl to build relationships when 5 sisters fight for one man and only one of them win?
Don't worry. You'll have the offspin so it won't end.
Yotsuba definitely lives in a society
>people said ninofags the main shitposters in thread
>mikufags are the most hysterical in thread
>muh mikufag boogeyman
every time
Boomer is in jail for undisclosed reasons.
If Negi likes money he'll make a spinoff for Miku just like with Onodera. Although he would need to rewrite half of the story.
Negi can't make the most popular and developed quint lose. Miku has done more than any other quint in the manga. She maturely handled her situation with Ichika and went from a shy girl to a confident girl.
I don't agree with Gahara being anything like Miku, but I agree that Nino needs to fucking change something about her approach
No. No way the 5 would remain at peace plus the disguise bullshit? Someone would have died or at least got hospitalized with how serious people treat such things nowadays
>Muh mikufags are invading muh safespace
Go back to tieba
>If Negi likes money he'll make a spinoff for Miku just like with Onodera.
Uuh what? You're confusing Tsutsui with Negi
But he can, the final step of her development can be, perfectly, dealing with a heartbreak.
>Miku has done more than any other quint in the manga.
What exactly?
I'm actually starting to desire a Nino end just to see how the threads would be like.
Yotsuba will be a cool aunt.
Hah. Nice one.
She's not the bride because she ruined their relationship so badly.
>Mom,aunt Yotsuba is teaching me how to tie a weird knot using the rope again
The kids would get tired of the swings eventually
For one,she actually made Fuutarou move his ass to decide already instead of dragging around the issue
>copying Ninofags
Every time.
>helped Yotsuba from her sad state of having to be in another school
>accepted Ichika's apology for fucking with her and helping Fuu find her to keep her around as well as translating Fuu's words for him
>helped Fuu find Nino when she was acting like a baby
She's helped everyone except for Itsuki but that's only because they don't really interact that much. Fuu knows how much of a big help Miku had been to him since the beginning so he has budding feelings for her.
Who's the bustiest quint?
But what did for Fuu-kun every quint?
There only Ichika did something big for him.
Niku will be endgame.
Doubt there'd be a spinoff for Miku. She wouldn't be able to carry one since she's not enough of a joke character like 45. If there's a spinoff it will be either Yotsuba or Itsuki or else Fuutarou and the bride.
quite positive either miku or itsuki
Lay off the meth
the fat one
Holy shit you're seriously delusional.
Especially that first point. Miku did JACK SHIT for Yotsuba in the past.
She did try to help her study, but got BTFO.
>coping Ninofags
Yotsuba said it was Miku
This must be a falaeflag
She tried to help her, but Yotsuba glossed it over.
We're getting a constant influx of r*ddit mikufags, so it's no surprise.
Does Negi hate Yotsuba because he knows that she's still a dumb bitch deep down?
Please don't ignore.
Let's sum up what every sister did for F.
See delusional mikutard.
You know he's the one writing her, right?
She's whatever he feels like she is.
Miku is seriously a mess, and filler.
Really? When?
I never like shy characters like Miku and it's not interesting to see their development because it always looks like a mess
Japs hate childhood friends/ promise girls, you can't have MC choosing to live in the past or have a character win after 200 chapters of doing nothing just because of something that happened years ago
>muh filler
Can you come up with anything better? How about mentioning how she BTFOd your quint in cooking?
Why do they can't write childhood friend who do everything and fairly win?
Elaborate. It sounds like she's too complex for you. Are you a Ninofag btw?
Is Miku shadowboxing against her sisters again? Weirdo.
You okay there bud?
We know Fuutarou
Why does everyone want to deny Miku's development so badly?
Apart from the hands I still think this looks even more similar. Probably too similar to be of relevance.
Fear and jealousy obviously
There's no denial, it's plain facts.
I think it has something to do with catching up to her sisters position from half the manga ago
To be completely fair, she probably has the same fingers interlocking in that pose too, but we can't see it well because she keeps her hands behind her back
It's been hinted at continuously since chapter one the big twist that should be coming soon. Have you worked out the truth of the world yet?
They can, just not in a harem since she would have way too much advantage over the other girls, maybe it could work if is stated early on that they don't have feelings for each other or think of the other as siblings and their feelings change along the plot but the "I've always loved you" crap just feels cheap
>hurrr let Yotsuba be alone when she literally destroyed herself because of her extremist tendencies
You are literally retarded.Being together doesn't limit one quint to be different.Ichika pursue acting,Itsuki pursue teaching yet neither of them need to be in their edgy phase like Yotsuba.
Yotsubafags > Ichikafags > Itsukifags > Takebayashifags > piss > vomit > shit ninofags=mikufags
Can't wait when both of you will be btfo.
Can we go back to Takebayachadshi shitpost instead of waifufag circlejerking? Those threads were gold
Yotsubafags are the most passive aggressive shitters I've seen on the internet.
Ichikafags are the worst falsefaggots
Too close to spoilers for that, sinking ships are lashing out abd throwing shit at the ones still afloat
None of the quints truly knew about Yotsuba's state of mind back then, blaming any of them for offering a helping hand despite that is retarded, you're a retard.
Itsukifags are the biggest beta man children around.
t.assblasting mikushitters
How can Quintkeks compete again?
There's like no 4fag shitposters.
Ninofags are the worst fanbase on Yea Forums
You made a post about fanbases putting your own in first just saying you passive aggressive cunt
Funny how nobody used to take 4fags seriously until it was revealed Yotsuba is the most relevant quint plotwise. I smell fear. It's coming home.
>I think it has something to do with catching up to her sisters position from half the manga ago
Ain't Yotsuba's character stuck in this position? she hasn't changed much since the beginning.
>nino and miku tards time
See you in spoiler thread. Bye!
>There's like no 4fag shitposters.
But there been more ever since the flashback chapter.
That and people tend to use other quint as shield with muh alliance!!
Even I'm a Mikufag and I find Yotsuba shit. She was nothing more than Miku's slave during the Kyoto arc
Yeah? But Yotsuba obviously has something coming up, Miku's character is about getting equal with her sisters
I still don't take them seriously, come back when your quint grew up from her "I know him the most" delusions
>I think it has something to do with catching up to her sisters position
What position?Nino the eternally "I AM NOT READY"?Itsuki who still struggling with studying?Ichika who just fuck off somewhere else?Yotsuba that still do nothing for herself?
Tell me
>And Nino drugged Fuu why?
Because at that time the safety of her sisters was more important to her that the wellbeing of a literal who tutor she knew nothing about.
Don't talk to me again, subhuman.
>the safety of her sisters
Now THIS is mental gymnastics.
It's funny how mikushitters should shit about other characters just to save their delusions about "ma shy stream girl with best development"
You speedreader are retarded. If you think Yotsuba hasn't done anything then you're reading at mach 10.
More and better developed than your quint for sure
She done nothing for herself
>she BTFOd your quint
>implying I'm a ninofag
>implying miku is a better cook than any other quint
Are you a speed-reader or just a Yea Forumsedditor fishing for (You)s?
>>implying miku is a better cook than any other quint
Not him but she's at least the 2nd best. Might even debate if she's already better than Nino
Maybe you can come up with better argument than MIKU BAD ME NO LIKEY.
Toradora is the greatest love story ever told. Fuck off summerfag.
>other quint development: from human to better human
>miku development: from sun-human to human
Seems 2 and 3 fags are getting more agressive with their copes every thread.
Are they finally starting to subconsciously realise that it's over for their waifus?
>4fags aren't passive aggressive shitters
I don't see people from other schools coming to the festival to taste Nino's takoyaki
ACTUAL ranking
Despairchads > Raihafags > Takedachads > Takebayashichads > "Negi is a hack" > Maruofags= Isanarifags> BBCfags >>>>>>the other irrelevant posters >>>>>>>hopefags
What next?
Muh 145 endgame?
Muh showdown?
What kind of pathetic """""alliance"""""" you will come up with?
I would say Yotauba will end up like Hanekawa plot wise
Only one good post for the whole thread
>Might even debate if she's already better than Nino
Holy fuck user. Learn to cook a sunny side egg before thinking that.
The writing is on the wall. The winner will be either Yotsuba or Itsuki. No amount of head canon and coping can change that fact.
>he said as he is seething that people disagreed with him
Learn English faggot.
perfect description of mikufag
Nino said herself that the pancakes are too difficult to make and that she might fail and that's why she didn't like the idea. Miku handled them perfectly. So yeah I think it's debatable at this point but saying that she's the worst cook is wrong.
Getting a bit aggresive there huh?Someone touch your sore spot?
Yotsuba's main conflicts before the childhood friend flashback happened were
>Her innabitily to turn down other people.
>Not knowing what she really wants.
When did she make any strides to get her feelings across? were those plot points resolved? they don't seem that relevant either now that the Lolikano plot has kicked in.
The only one seething here is you, mikuj.
Why is everyone getting angry over nothing when the winner was decided in volume 1?
in the BUTT!
Since when mikucucks play couch-psychologist card?
Don't you join in too.
No screentime and 100 chapters of nothing squad, please sit down.
The visit a psychiatrist on the regular. They think they're now experienced in arm chair diagnoses.
Why are we all so bitter in these threads?
Go back to school, little user
Wonder what kind of wine Nino likes.
People can't accept when someone praised a quint they dislike
Literally killed her chances.
Tsun to dere, overused and not interesting.
Reflecting on the past is not character development, in fact it’s the fucking opposite.
5 lately is just a mess... I don’t know what Negi is trying to do with her character...
If you actually read the manga, it plainly clear that Miku is the only one who’s actually moving forward in a steady pace.
Cheap champagne since kids can't tell the difference
Shhh you'll trigger them even more
user pls,pointing out the obvious is a child play.
>Nino said herself that the pancakes are too difficult to make and that she might fail and that's why she didn't like the idea
Not the one you're discussing with, but that doesn't mean anything. Besides she simply said she sometimes messes them up. Miku being able to do them right doesn't mean in the slightest that she's a better cook, you can hire a trainee in a pastry shop and train him to be a realiable help in the shop without him actually knowing how to cook. Nino on the other hand has been shown to be able to cook many different things and has always been the one to cook meals for the quint. You can't compare the two.
Itsuki and especially Yotsuba have been way more relevant in the last few chapters than any other quint have been through out the entire manga. Your filler chapters are nothing.
Shoo! Shoo! Back to your discord Yotsubafag
Bro I'm just tired, every fucking thread is "muh cope", "muh seethe", "muh endgame", fucking end it already, can't we just have fun for once? This is why we can't have nice things
I said it's debatable, not that it's a fact. I think Miku isn't on Nino's level yet but she's getting there and the retarded statement was that Miku is the worst cook anyways.
Sometimes I wonder if I should participate more instead of just watching the usual shitflinging.
>Miku is the only
>only one
And after that he said something about reading manga
>Reflecting on the past is not character development, in fact it’s the fucking opposite.
>moving forward
From what? CH1 to 2 Miku is a kuudere, Ch3 to 100 she's a deredere and her only progress whas confessing her love to her sisters after getting carried by the universe.
Hmm I wonder who initiated the whole "give us an answer" subplot, hmmm who was that again? Yotsuba? Nah.
That's nice but also full of cope.
Thats probably Takeda or some old man's baby. Why would Fuutarou want to cuck himself by marrying and taking care of it?
This literally disproves your point.
She fell in love, confessed and constantly tried to furtehr their relationship + she found her dream and is working on it. That's already a lot more than the other quints
No. Miku has been shown to be able to cook only a croissant and some souffle pancakes, saying that "she's getting there" to someone who's already been shown to be a good all rounder cook that managed to impress the pastry shop manager on her first day of work, at the moment, is asinine.
It's impossible when one character have too big fanbase. There are always a lot of aggresive, hysterical and stupid fans.But i believe that Negi will do sometime funny fanservice chapter and we all have fun without all this dirt and shitty disgusting memes.
That image literally proves my point. She didn't manage to do jack shit.
Funposting takes more time and creativity than just shitting up the threads with a ton of toxic waste. People take themselves too seriously.
I'm not even that interested in discussing that with the information we've given. Point was that she's certainly at least the 2nd best cook of the quints.
Not enough evidence to prove it.
I don't want more evidence, just what we need is Ichika being a good cook and everyone having to treat Miku's breakdown again
A bit hypocrite aren't you?
Oh, I have an idea. Let's have a fun day. It's not going to stop the shitposters sure, but at least we can try to have comfy threads.
Fuck off retard don't you see at most a handful of faggot's actually want to talk about this series? Everything else is tiptoeing around eggshells to not trigger the oversensitive selfinsert faggot with a fragile ego, and that's tiring
I know you faggots are going to make another thread, so please use Fuutarou or all the quints for the OP, there's a high percentage it'll be comfy like that
Good luck
Unfortunately the shitposting outshines the funposting these days
At least there is no new thread. Maybe gotoubun thread will die for the good.
One fun thread week should be fine. Just like old times.
What's keeping you here?
*once per week. Shit I'm tired.
I just like discuss my waifu when it happens and sometime there is good discusions without any faggotry
people being wrong on the internet!