Why does she look so smug?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because she's a baka
Cute song, desu
Because she's got a popular stage in smash bros.
Bakas are too stupid to doubt themselves, and so they're filled with unwarranted confidence and smugness
Phos was a baka genki character. Things were better then. Don't eat the fruit of knowledge.
What did Nintendo mean by this?
what do her feet smell like?
Because she's a baka with overconfidence
It's actually the opposite.
I hope they animate this
>he wants to smell an autist's feet
The magical baka reminds me of the bakapire
Kirika is a genius dess
How is Asuka a baka?
How is Shadow Mistressu Yuko a baka?
She wouldn't be so smug if she didn't have big opai.
some of these I just added on request without being familiar with the show or characters, trusting that the people who recommended them knew their shit
Because she's dumb.
Smugness directly correlates to dumbness in most cases.
It's both which is even more sad.
The fang makes her look smug all the time
unlike 90% of the characters there she develops intelligence and a personality, and not even late into the show/manga
It's the dunning-kruger effect where the dumber you are the smugger you get, and you get less smug as you get less dumb, but you regain that smugness when you become an expert.
I want to take advantage of this dumb JK!
She's a dangerous criminal.
>No translated chapter since march
And things are getting damn interesting
Chem is the best girl
Wrong series faggot although you're right
>that look on her face once she gets her hands on the lighter
this is a girl who's burned down at least one orphanage
Truly a terryfing and scary face
I'm drunk noo
pic related
Drunk Sempai is very vulnerable tho
Senpai is gross.
why her vulva so puffy?
She literally drank sauna water.
>i happen to be an expert on this topic
Bottles of Sand.
She has a very sensible vulva
No, ultrasatan. The sake on the water evaporated and Sempai got drunk with the alcohol that was in the air
She inhaled the steam. Inhaling aerosolized alcohol will get you hammered extra quickly.
I want to lick senpai's body after she was in the sauna
Be careful with the fishes
Anchovies are my favorite senpai topping
She must taste like tuna tho
Shamiko is a baka though. How else do you explain her losses to Momo?
is she a virgin lads ?
Of course
Her dumbness scares away any guy who wants to fuck her
>Her dumbness scares away any guy who wants to fuck her
very not true
If Gyaru and her brother weren't there, would he have taken advantage?
He would just help himself very hard.
Do you think that the guy that burned KyoAni had an expression like that?
Who the hell drinks their own bathwater?
If he didn't take advantage during the hypnosis, he will never do it
It probably vaporized and she inhaled that?
He would have taken photos too and after a while, he might have helped her
Sick fucks do
Yeah, after reading the thread it seems that people said that, though I didn't think of a hot spring at first. Also I didn't really think that inhaling vaporized alcohol were useful to get drunk.
Tejina-senpai can actually be Dekiru-senpai from time to time.
As expected of country-grown vegetables.
Is this the 'boyfriend" episode?
Why dos she look like she's horny all the time???
Her body has the need to breed.
Sweet lord
Magic makes her horny
Why did they take down the full version?
Because copyrights issues?
Aggresive sempai will be the death of Assistant.
senpai has autism
she may not notice, but she does!
A completely horny sempai constantly doing sexual tricks will be the death of Assistant kun
how u know she horny bra
Do you remember the hypnosis episode/chapter?
Well actually she's doing these lewd accident/moments on purpose
And funniest too.
I love Madara-san
Is that the precise moment were she felt in love with the assistant?
Why hasn't Assistant-kun given Sempai a nakadashi yet?
When will Sempai make Assistant-kun give her a nakadashi?
I want to fuck her breast pussy.
idk but something about her face here looks unironically demonic, its like i can't tell if it's friend or foe
She kinda liked him before that tho
Well, she's very cute and she means no harm but every time somebody is involved in her magic tricks somebody will end up hurt or humiliated
Perfect body.
>gets cowtits shoved in his face
>responds with mild annoyance
>gets a down-blouse shot of madara's gentle slopes
>immediately starts losing his composure
I like this guy. He gets it.
She was aware of him when the magic club was closed down and offered him a club to stay in personally. At the very least she was interested in him
Is this shooped?
Man of culture
I want to marry Madara
I want to FUCK senpai
My Tejina-senpai folder is big just like my boner for her.
same reason Akkun beats the crap out of the Aho, he's turned off by dumbasses even when they're hot
Oh yeah, I got a real appetite.
how does he contain is urge to rape her butt on the spot?
her magic autism turns him off
Post it all
a cute
I just want to see her accomplish her magician dream.
Literally this. He gets turned off when her magic autism is too high
because she wants to fug and rock thy world!
She manages to do some magic tricks in front of people, and manages to do the magical hat and dove trock in front of Assistant
Amazon sent me the wrong package. I'm gonna send this retard back.
Give it to me
I think you mean "sempai".
>When horny she develops another fang
I didn't realize about that. So she's kinda horny all the time
She has huge natural tits in a country of flat women. She could basically have any man she wants.
Dumb EOP
She’s a genius bro.
country girls make do
This implies you know the pronunciation rules.
>not knowing kana
Why are you even on Yea Forums?
I also like to think it's an indicator of how high her magic autism is
Dummy can't even put on a swimsuit
Perfect size for your hand.
Flat Earthers btfo.
This show is a work of fiction
You're a work of fiction.
Fine too
based in true facts and science!
If the world is flat (it is) and you witness a sunset (you won't), going to higher ground would still allow you to experience the sunset again.
Science is the best.
wife material
Those braids make my dick go doki doki
>the sun goes below the flat earth
In real life the sun would rise on the opposite side of earth.
are you retarded? there is only one sun
Fucking Obasan
Which senpai have bigger areola?
Braids = determination
Tejina for sure
when are we getting more chapters
Take me