>tfw you're the only person who stopped finding OPM funny
>Can't laugh at the same joke for the 200th time
I legitimately can't understand how people still find the series interesting/funny. It's just the same joke over and over.
>tfw you're the only person who stopped finding OPM funny
>Can't laugh at the same joke for the 200th time
I legitimately can't understand how people still find the series interesting/funny. It's just the same joke over and over.
> It's just the same joke over and over.
No shit.
stick to the webcomic
the manga has the art but none of the flare
It might be the pacing. It's trying too hard to do worldbuilding and develop characters yet revolve itself around the same repetitive joke. Any meaning in devoting 10 chapters to a character who gets 1 paneled?
It's cool
Should that be flare or flair?
The greatest lie about OPM is that it had jokes to begin with
you are just to low IQ to enjoy it
stick with shonenshit
What's the difference?
OPM is honorary shonenshit
You don't even know how to spell yet you're concerned with IQ? I bet you don't even know what an IQ is you retard.
i like it but i haven't seen any jokes yet
flare is boom wow
flair is wow wow
>Repetitive joke
>Same joke over and over
What are you even referring to?
It sounds like you stuck with the bloated manga adaption and haven't bothered to read the webcomic.
The only reason I even bothered to read OPM was this cutie. Couldn't care less about the plot, characters and "jokes".
The manga is basic shounen shit at this point
>The manga is basic shounen shit at this point
>the same joke over and over
t. Speedreader.
Aside from the "one punching villains" jokes, many other jokes include the interactions between Saitama and the S class (by far my favourite, above all with Flashy Flash and Tatsumaki), Saitama reaction faces, hot pot/food/Saitama cheapness, discount sales, Saitama's baldness, jokes at various shonen tropes, not to mention to many other jokes made by other characters than Saitama (King, PPP, Sonic...).
Also, while comedy is primary, it's far from being the only thing OPM has to offer: it also has great, well-developed characters, good storytelling and pace and amazing fights.
If you only listen to the punchline of a joke you're not gonna laugh.
It's the set-up that matters.
>Aside from the "one punching villains" jokes, many other jokes include the interactions between Saitama and the S class (by far my favourite, above all with Flashy Flash and Tatsumaki), Saitama reaction faces, hot pot/food/Saitama cheapness, discount sales, Saitama's baldness,
A better way to put this is that a lot of humor relies on the contrasting personalities between Saitama and other characters. Saitama is often apathetic and carefree which clashes with the other heroes who are more serious in demeanor. It's a set up that never gets tired because there are lot of characters with different personalities for Saitama to play off of.
To add to that, ONE likes to follow tense and dramatic scenes with some humorous anticlimax
>"Ok" and "It's a hobby."
>King's Wave Motion Cannon
>Fubuki's "new" psychic technique
>the scene Bang effortlessly handling monsters in the MA arc by himself only to get wrecked a few panels after
>Genosexplaining his interest in joining the Neo-Heroes only to make a complete 180 when Saitama expresses hisdisinterest.
I'm happy I'm smart enough to enjoy opm
and i cant believe people actually took this bait
it's flair, not flare. flare is like a road flare or for something to widen gradually.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand One Punch Man. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Saitama's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterization - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike One Punch Man truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humor in Saitama's existential crisis which itself is a cryptic reference to The Stranger by Albert Camus I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as ONE's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a One Punch Man tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand
Truly, you are a sophisticated individual for disliking something popular.
True, but I still find the webcomic funny
OPM is literally shounenshit
No it isn't and you obviously don't know what that means.
what’s really shocking is that people don’t realize he pulled his punch against Rover.
He wasn’t fighting Rover as a monster, in Saitama’s mind he was disciplining a dog who was being loud at night.
That’s why Rover tanked Saitama’s punch but Orochi exploded into a cloud of guts and dragon heads in one hit
It’s pretty obvious if you read the dialog
OPM is a very easy anime to understand yet many people seem to have trouble with it for some reason
after being in these threads for so long and observing (and sometimes participating in, to my regret) all the braindead powerlevelfaggotry im like 90% sure most of the people are just baiting and the arguments are all just people baiting other people. and then there's like one or two guys in each discussion who is actually serious.
>he doesn't know
>he thinks the joke is Saitama one pinching everything
Confirmed for not reading the webcomic.
The best jokes are usually about King bullshitting everyone, Saitama dissing Sonic/Flash and Genos jobbing.
read the fucking webcomic
It's on hiatus
NPC's are very simple and will laugh at the same joke for the 200th time. They do not have the brainpower to think for themselves. They are told it's funny so it's funny
its one's style for sure. i think people forget his webcomic or his other works, and solely focus on the monster fights from the anime
read mob or ossan
if you ever actually found the one punch "joke" funny you just need to off yourself
Stop dwelling on it and fuck off already.