Whats a anime you loved and why that people shit on you for?

Whats a anime you loved and why that people shit on you for?

I'll go first Future diary. It was an instant favorite of mine as soon as I finished it. I re watched it almost as soon as I finished it and loved it just as much.

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>re-watching cartoons

Full metal panic second raid. I rewatched the scene when Chidori cuts Sousukes hair 20times.

are you asking why people shit on you for it?
the writing is a complete mess, there are plot holes all over the place

On a 1-10 scale how is future diary? Thinking on trying it.
For an anime I get shit for liking, the Veri half of Sao season one. Rest can fuck off

I personally loved it. It's full of small arcs that are all action packed and very entertaining. Most the characters are really well flushed out. Plus the protagonist gets some series development around episode 16.

Can you point out some? I don't really understand what they are maybe i'm just a retard.

Its entertaining, only really worth watching because of Yuno and Minene.

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I thought cause of Yuno and Nine myself.

>being a fad zoomer

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if you like sao you'll probably love it. if you have a hatred of edgy shows, 1/10
why would you risk the uncertainty that you will encounter a show in the 90% of crap when you could rewatch a favorite you know will be the 10% of good?

Minene and nine are the same person

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I can't make heads or tails of your grammar, but I liked Future Diary too.

Regardless of how the rest of the series was, the first episode was phenomenal and the final scene of that episode in specific is probably one of the best scenes in anime in how it perfectly encapsulated the entirety of the story and its themes. The entire future diary concept is merely the gimmick. The actual secret weapon and point of the series is Yuno Gasai, the first genuine (and probably most thorough - Happy Sugar Life being too short) portrayal of the yandere archetype.

As to why this scene is so good: how many scenes are there were a girl promising to protect someone is more terrifying than a group promising to kill him?

I liked the first arc when their trapped in Sao aside from that it's kinda meh. Edgey doesn't bother me though if it's decent or good

You ever think that if 90% of something is crap that maybe you should fuck off and do something different?

Such a shame everyone only remembers Yuno. If Minene was in any other show she'd be way more memorable and we'd have more glorious adult tsunderes like her.

Clannad+Clannad AS. So many people hated it because muh eyes, muh emotional drama and cant get through Clannad.

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Minene reminds me a lot of the girl from black lagoon desu. That was one of the first animes for me back in college.

He's probably one of the only characters I can think of where the dub makes them a million times better

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Kawai Complex
I like cute stuff but my friends call me a fag. Still watch it tho fugg em if they dont like to try things outside of flavor of the month or shonen

Especially in the OVA when he is working at the shop.

I too love future diary. My favorite aspect is how unique the diaries are from each other and have weaknesses that can be exploited. I wish there was more of that....

I thought it was cool how some of them paired so well.

I enjoyed it but the ending sucked though